Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

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Shouldn't the blood elves know dreanor is still a thing or did kael just say hanging out got idea for cure brb cause I swear the blood elves that went with kael showed up in their home even before the dark portal reopened
Yes, they somehow traveled on their own, without the DP, to bring Mu'uru with Rommath, and maintained contact during the questline about the Blood Elves joining the Horde. And there were blood elf NPCs back in Vanilla WoW. Maybe they learned those short duration purple shimmering portals from Illidan, he teleported all over the place in TFT.
The regional circles are a great idea, and I don't mind the elemental sub-circles as an early equivalent to ministries (though I am a little skeptical how much interest there'd be for some of them from our own population). Discussions on honor with our peers and elders to begin codifying it are also fairly important to me, as well as leveraging more personal fealty from the next generation of Blademasters in return for lands and status. I'd want to wait to see how these beginning measures play out before pushing for more change, though perhaps a little bit of "return to tradition" and encouragement of the tribal structure wouldn't be remiss, if only because it'd be a shame for their cultural heritage to die out.
Until Cataclysm arrived and Garrosh was praised for rebuilding Durothar, because apparently Thrall was just fine with the old state of repairs until the elementals physically destroyed whole buildings.
Wait, isn't literally the first time you see Thrall in The Founding of Durator when he's commanding repairs on a building that got damaged by the razorwinds?
I'm not really clear what you're talking about here? Westwind's mission isn't contingent on anything in particular?
I understand that helping Westwind or Abbendis helps out the Scarlets though the latter will directly keep that warfront secure.

What I'm trying to understand is as Westwind is an admiral so he comes with a navy. Would said navy then be free to reinforce Abbendis?
Wait, isn't literally the first time you see Thrall in The Founding of Durator when he's commanding repairs on a building that got damaged by the razorwinds?
wasn't even cataclysn oh yeah raganros showed up in orgrimar (like I don't think orgrimar was that damaged before it got burned down) and thrall went to find out and as such he left his postion as warcheif to take place as a sharman (cause of the whole you know hour of twlight thing being a bit more important cause end of the world) so he left garrosh in charge as warcheif so of course he did the repairs its his job garrosh sucks but I think even he can do that much
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though I am a little skeptical how much interest there'd be for some of them from our own population
Even if a lot of people aren't necessarily interested in constitutional reform, there's plenty who are interested in the status of a legislator where they can sit in the same room as a Warchief Etc
I understand that helping Westwind or Abbendis helps out the Scarlets though the latter will directly keep that warfront secure.

What I'm trying to understand is as Westwind is an admiral so he comes with a navy. Would said navy then be free to reinforce Abbendis?
As far as grok is aware, westwind is worried about a load of demons popping up in Baradin Bay in the crusade's back line, interrupting imports to southshore and strangling the northern armies. He's got some ships there but most of them are helping the kul tirans interdict the vrykul landings in the north.

Groks not necesssarily aware of the decision making of the higher ranks of the crusade, but potentially dathrohan could be deciding not to move till he can properly assure his supply lines, build up sufficient force, and then make one big attack that throws the scourge out of lordaeron.

So while it doesn't necessarily meet the qualifications of 'getting more ships', it does provide greater security generally which will allow dathrohan to use other forces.
Even if a lot of people aren't necessarily interested in constitutional reform, there's plenty who are interested in the status of a legislator where they can sit in the same room as a Warchief Etc

As far as grok is aware, westwind is worried about a load of demons popping up in Baradin Bay in the crusade's back line, interrupting imports to southshore and strangling the northern armies. He's got some ships there but most of them are helping the kul tirans interdict the vrykul landings in the north.

Groks not necesssarily aware of the decision making of the higher ranks of the crusade, but potentially dathrohan could be deciding not to move till he can properly assure his supply lines, build up sufficient force, and then make one big attack that throws the scourge out of lordaeron.

So while it doesn't necessarily meet the qualifications of 'getting more ships', it does provide greater security generally which will allow dathrohan to use other forces.
I'm deliberating whether it's better to do both Scarlet missions or do the demon one so as to synergise the shaman council with getting more blademasters and oreseekers.

While getting helping Abbendis would definitely help in the main front it can be argued that keeping the demons contained would also help the scarlets while making sure the supply lines are secured. Grok taking care of the Vrykul itself helped Kul Tiras supply lines to the Scarlets secure.
[X] Plan Diplomacy and Fighting
-[X] Freedom and Captivity
-[X] New Blademasters
-[X] The Kosh'arg festival (Reforms: Establish a Circle of Elders to be annoying and traditional and advise on matters, thus giving you gravitas; establish a Circle of Blademasters, that can act as envoys to other lands and can be temporarily empowered to speak with your authority when you are not in a location; establish a Circle of Shamans, that will have a representative from each Shamanic tradition (fire, water, earth etc.) and two for Fel Warlocks; establish a Circle of Captains, army officers that are officially allowed to command troop detachments and speak in the discussions during a campaign, although the ultimate decision still lies with you; finally, establish a Circle of Representatives, where we can have an envoy from every people (including the Orcish clans) or piece of land we rule over, e.g. one for Alterac's capital, one for Silverpine Forest, one for the Eastern mountains etc.; humans are included in the last Circle, like any others e.g. the displaced Trolls)
-[X] Badlands mission
-[X] Mercenary action: help Admiral Westwind against the Scourge

I don't know how to fit a "return to tradition and tribes" that VagrantHero mentioned - edit: wait, the Circle of Representatives will also contain one for each Orc clan^^

And if I had to rank them in importance, I'd say Representatives=Elders > Blademasters=Magic > Captains

We are missing a Ministry of Economics, but we can't have everything
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Hmm, what is our primary objective in the Badlands Mission? Like, I know what the action text itself says, but would our primary goals going there be, and do we believe we have the necessary forces and resources to achieve them, or would it be better to wait and address other issues first?

Also, what are our thoughts on the Breakers and/or the New Clan? If we're doing a big set of institutional formation, it seems important to address those as well.
With the clarification that Freedom and Captivity applies to not just the Violet Hold in Dalaran but also Tol Barad in Kul Tiras, as well as the confirmation that by having Grok'mash Lead the Breakers, we can more effectively initiate New Blademasters through the binding of Elementals via Dark Shamanism, I am feeling pretty good about the following plan proposal. This will really increase our magical and martial combat power, and with any luck we can capture quite a few demons as well to use in further conflicts. Rewarding those who've followed us for years at this point would also be a worthy thing on its own even despite the pragmatic benefits. And of course fighting the Scourge is what brought us here, so we should do what we can to reverse their second wind.

[X] Plan: Incendiary Bonds
-[X] Kosh'harg (The Primary Element here will be founding of the Alterac Circle of Elders, with sub circles roughly corresponding to governmental ministries regarding agriculture, industry, commerce, foreign relations, and military matters, with Shaman, Blademasters, and other individuals of import such as Clan Chiefs comprising these Circles as appropriate, and responsible for advising the community and receiving/presenting petitions. This may be expanded to additional Circles representing regions beyond Alterac such as the Silverpine. The Secondary Element will be the inauguration of a new generation of Blademasters from among the Aspirants and the advancement of Grok'mash's take on Dark Shamanism, with reciprocal obligations offered in a similar style to human Knighthood that may be opted into for those willing to swear more personal fealty to the Warchief in return for being his trusted representatives and fiefholders. Tertiary Elements will be to begin discussions on the codification of honor as well as to consider measures to preserve tribal identities, especially for the smaller clans, so as to prevent a shameful end of their cultural heritage.)
-[X] Lead the Breakers
-[X] New Blademasters
-[X] Freedom and Captivity
-[X] Free Mercenary Action: Assist the Scarlet Crusade in blunting the Scourge counteroffensive in Lordaeron

And for Social Action, perhaps a scene of the newly inaugurated Warchief Grok'mash hosting a discussion on Honor in the Circle of Elders.
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I also would not mind doing a reveal of our use of the light, which would eventually of course reach everyone else, but I would like the opportunity for either Grok to begin uh training some Blademasters or Proto-Blademasters who are interested in the tenants. Or turning the problem over to a circle. Somehow get a move on it at the Festival.
Edit: as to not double post
[X] Plan: Incendiary Bonds
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[X] Plan: Incendiary Bonds

I wonder if maybe making sure we have our ducks in order internally with the Blademasters, New Clan, etc. before calling the Kosh'harg might be better, but I can equally see the arguments that doing them on the same turn has better synergy.
Okay, I am bad with plan votes. I need a side by side comparison of Diplomacy and Fighting and Incendiary Bonds.
Common actions: Freedom and Captivity, New Blademasters, The Kosh'arg festival (different reforms, though)
Differences: Badlands mission / Lead the Breakers, Assist the Scarlet Crusade by helping Admiral Westwind / Directly Assist Scarlet Crusade counter-offensive

Kosh'arg comparison.

Netos' ideas:
Circle of Elders (politburo advisors, add authority of wisdom to the authority of strength)... no real administrative power, though?
Circle of Blademasters (our diplomatic/administrative body, MFA/MIA)
Circle of Shamans (magical affairs admin)
Circle of Captains (military affairs admin)
Circle of Representatives (deputees)

There is bound to be an intersection between the Blademasters, Captains and Representatives (which include Clan heads). What do we do about it? Do we allow one person to sit in several circles?

VagrantHero's ideas:
The circles roughly correspond to the ministries above, but there are a few differences. I don't really get what you mean by 'sub circles' when talking about the Circle of Elders. Do Circle of Elders stand above it, or is their job to filter down reports from other subcircles and present them to us? How different is it from what Netos is proposing?

Can't tell whether the part about tribal identities and smaller clans is beneficial or detrimental to our goals. We are trying to build an entiry that stands above any singular clan. We even took action to integrate the New Clan (which failed utterly) before waving away any attempts at intervening further into cultural life. I am hesitant to touch things I have only a vague idea about.

What do we want from 'the advancement of Grok'mash's take on Dark Shamanism'? I can see how it benefits from the synergy with "Lead the Breakers", but what is the goal of that reform besides the immediate increase in the number of Blademasters? I suppose it could also serve as a pre-requisite to the economy action next turn...
-[X] The Kosh'arg festival (Reforms: Establish a Circle of Elders to be annoying and traditional and advise on matters, thus giving you gravitas; establish a Circle of Blademasters, that can act as envoys to other lands and can be temporarily empowered to speak with your authority when you are not in a location; establish a Circle of Shamans, that will have a representative from each Shamanic tradition (fire, water, earth etc.) and two for Fel Warlocks; establish a Circle of Captains, army officers that are officially allowed to command troop detachments and speak in the discussions during a campaign, although the ultimate decision still lies with you; finally, establish a Circle of Representatives, where we can have an envoy from every people (including the Orcish clans) or piece of land we rule over, e.g. one for Alterac's capital, one for Silverpine Forest, one for the Eastern mountains etc.; humans are included in the last Circle, like any others e.g. the displaced Trolls)
-[X] Kosh'harg (The Primary Element here will be founding of the Alterac Circle of Elders, with sub circles roughly corresponding to governmental ministries regarding agriculture, industry, commerce, foreign relations, and military matters, with Shaman, Blademasters, and other individuals of import such as Clan Chiefs comprising these Circles as appropriate, and responsible for advising the community and receiving/presenting petitions. This may be expanded to additional Circles representing regions beyond Alterac such as the Silverpine. The Secondary Element will be the inauguration of a new generation of Blademasters from among the Aspirants and the advancement of Grok'mash's take on Dark Shamanism, with reciprocal obligations offered in a similar style to human Knighthood that may be opted into for those willing to swear more personal fealty to the Warchief in return for being his trusted representatives and fiefholders. Tertiary Elements will be to begin discussions on the codification of honor as well as to consider measures to preserve tribal identities, especially for the smaller clans, so as to prevent a shameful end of their cultural heritage.)
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Solution: Why do we need grumpy Elders anyway
Those AvaTaR the Last Airbender silly-frilly elemental ministries are even worse
Orc Communism for the win
Grok'mash as the Dear Leader over a Popular Republic
Too bad it would become a dysfunctional dictatorship. But that wouldn't really change anything in the Horde, so, traditions are safe :tongue:
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might be a stupid question but for the festival are the non orc groups in our horde invited to this festival (ie the ogres and raventusk tribe they are still part of it and sworn to it ) like is it gonna be a orc only thing (and then I feel their would need to be one to build our non orcish members closer)
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Does that mean you'll start counting votes from this page onward?
From post 5534 yes

Hmm, what is our primary objective in the Badlands Mission? Like, I know what the action text itself says, but would our primary goals going there be, and do we believe we have the necessary forces and resources to achieve them, or would it be better to wait and address other issues first?
Go get the Orcs from Kargath, the dragons from their prison, maybe the ogres hanging about too. Attack the Dark Irons to continue helping Ironforge. Also maybe take a look in Uldaman.
Kosh'arg comparison.
So I'll step in here. I don't require you to establish the specifics of constitutional reform. I want directions from you, Grok and his attendants will establish the specifics through the narration. Some of this stuff might go wrong, that's part of state building. The Soviets decided they'd vote for officers at one point and that didn't go well.

In terms of directions, it appears to be clear that everyone is in favour of institution building, state building, including more safeguards in the orcish constitution and diminisng the possibility of a Garrosh etc. There's also the stuff about using Blademasters in a more cofied role as Grok's agents and to dispense his will. There are areas of debate, eg to what extent to feudalise the orcs, but there are clear parts where there's agreement. For example:
The circles roughly correspond to the ministries above, but there are a few differences. I don't really get what you mean by 'sub circles' when talking about the Circle of Elders. Do Circle of Elders stand above it, or is their job to filter down reports from other subcircles and present them to us? How different is it from what Netos is proposing?
You all do not need to be considering the specific organisational structure of the circles. I've laid how how I see it in a previous post, if there's broad consensus that that's acceptable, that's cool. Recall as well that this is Grok's story, not the story of the Orcs generally.

So, for anyone voting for the Kosharg action, is this broadly acceptable:

Warchief on top, absolute authority over the military and anything relating to it, broad powers and authority over the Horde as a whole, delegating some of that authority to:
The Great Circle (of Elders) of honoured elders, shaman, chiefs etc, sitting at the top level acting as a upper chamber, supervising:
Circle of Fire, warriors, warfare, honour, military planning
Circle of Air, diplomatic relations, internal representation from constituent communities such as human areas and orc clans
Circle of Spirits, shaman, magical research, magical infrastructure, magical traditions
Circle of Earth, construction, industry, economics
Circle of Water, Law/administration of the clan system, justice, cultural efforts.

This is the federal system to the clan's local one. You've got the Warchief as the miltiary executive and then a bicameral legislature. Various constitutional elements to ensure the 'ancient rights and customs' of the clans are respected. Assemblies to concentrate on relevant issues, various voting and speaking privileges restricted to particular people, eg anyone can address an assembly but you need a sponsor. Larger, older clans have more voting rights, chiefs and shaman have more voting rights than others etc perhaps, or are just given rights to speak first before others, same for blademasters etc.

All these points I can represent in the narrative. People would note that smaller clans don't have as much representation, but you'd also get situations like in the US where single states have proportionally more representation than their population would allow. In theory Gol'dir's word weighs as much as Tagorr the Dread, despite the later having 10x more people in his 'constituency'. That would be a matter of debate.

This is the first vote for a step toward national reform. This is an important moment. I'm quite happy to write out stuff about Grok beginning to start differnet constitutional assemblies or forms of represntation, but I don't think its useful to get so much into the detail of how it all works currently.
might be a stupid question but for the festival are the non orc groups in our horde invited to this festival (ie the ogres and raventusk tribe they are still part of it and sworn to it ) like is it gonna be a orc only thing (and then I feel their would need to be one to build our non orcish members closer)
Yea they'll come along, more as observers than anything though. You'd have Bishop Karlus and Lord Crowley there too both being very confused as to what's going on.
I completely missed the post on the previous page, duh. :|
I don't think its useful to get so much into the detail of how it all works currently.
That's fair, I'd rather not get bogged down by detail. Some of it probably will be very different in practice from how we imagine it.

I don't actually have a preference between the two plans. I tend to prefer mercenary stuff, but the Breakers action speaks to me, and I've been waiting for the moment we could graduate our aspirants. I'll keep the votes in balance, then.

[x] Plan Diplomacy and Fighting
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Go get the Orcs from Kargath, the dragons from their prison, maybe the ogres hanging about too. Attack the Dark Irons to continue helping Ironforge. Also maybe take a look in Uldaman.
Yeah, I know that. I'm more asking the other Questers here which among those is liable to be our primary focus. I don't know much about this area of World of Warcraft, or have a good understanding of our ability to project force and exert influence as to achieve those possible goals.
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I would say our ability to project power in the badlands is limited as it's right outside rend backdoor I think and the orcs at new kargath are there to kill rend (on thralls orders) so most likely really bored waiting fir a chance
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I'd like to wait on the Badlands Mission until we can also do the Sable Negotiations as well, since they don't have to know we would try to rescue their 2 imprisoned flight members anyway. And I do think we could use the additional preparation of our elites and magical arm before we try our hand again at messing with Rend. I remember we got badly bloodied previously. As for what I want out of the Breakers and Blademasters actions, part of it is for the martial applications, but part of it would also be in service of the infrastructural/economic ends, as I wrote here. Yeah we don't necessarily need to do it now, but the only thing that even really competes with the amount of progress this would make towards increasing our power would be further collaboration between the Dragonmaw and the Black Dragonflight.
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