Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

This is all assuming the Apache / Grey Eagles and MALD-J's have already been hard at work drawing eyes and fire for a while, and have had a chance to blow gaping holes in sensor / AA network.
I was thinking we could send the Pathfinder with the Silent Sappers first, to set up a perimeter and begin preliminary work, and then we send the whole group Jumphawks with the Ground Dragons, a couple other AKPs, and an Apache and pair of Grey Eagles. That cuts in on the number of units we'll have destroying the network, but considering the speeds involved, they're the best option for a strong escort. We could also send in a Strike Eagle or two instead, but they'll have to fly diagonally a lot in order to stay close to the Jumphawk squadron.

...Considering the Comms jamming within Charleston's territory we should make sure to include colored flares in everyone's loadouts, just in case Liberty's Toll can't keep up or get jammed for a while. Maybe we could research a dedicated E-warfare unit similar to the Oracle and have them assigned to it?
I like the idea of an E-warfare command & control vehicle, something that can do the command map & moniter what we've threw wrenches into (and where some need thrown).

Give freindlies an idea where safest corridoors exist as well as areas to avoid.
Add colored smokes as well, sometimes thick forested areas make flares 'problematic' smoke penetrates the canopy just fine.
I just can't into coventional ground tactics. I've been wracking my head trying to think of a good stratagem that makes use of what we have at our disposal and so far I've got nothing other than an attempt at Blitzkrieg and using the Jamphawks to carry everyone to the edge of their Sensor/AA network.

And we're forgetting the most important detail: how we're getting our troops out of the lion's mouth. I can't imagine the Deacon's forces will simply let us skedaddle after we give them a bloody nose and steal a Jaeger out of their own lands.
Initially @Highwind , I think the best stratagem (highest odds of success w/t minimal casualties) is to dispatch singular jumphawks to drop troops close enough to reasonably engage and to take out standalone targets. (4 infantry units as passengers - using fast rope disembark, & 1 supporting vehicle on cargo pallet - tank, mortar, hawkeye, ALSV's, strykers, etc.) --- 5 units should have numeric superiority compared to small outposts left in the field.

Larger, more entrenched outposts dispatch !2! jumphawks, (8 infantry units as passengers, MLRS on one cargo pallet, SPLL on second pallet)
--- This is a helluva lot of fire power, and with the SPLL the MLRS can wipe multiple grid squares as standard doctrine.

Targets in preferred order: Sensor nodes (not limited to just radar), > entrenched SAM sites, > small camps of raiders/infantry or areas that they resupply from.

I personally would send air support in the form of one of the uncommitted helos (SuperCobras, Killer Shrikes, Blackhawk) assigned to support 1 or 2 (but if needing spread thinner you could go upto 3-4) jumphawk groups in relative proximity. Serving as both close air support (mostly thru guns) and AA thru the missile payloads.

As the targets are cleared, secure a LZ for troops/vehicles to re-embark and then leapfrog to next relevant target.

The most endangered of targets should be held to late in the Bracer rescue stage, actually bloodying Charleston.

Jumpmaster/Loadmaster of the "Stage Left" survives; after some time convalescing the unit can be reintroduced by this man's knowledge alone. You only need to build him a new combat Chinook.

(OOC) Frankly this seems entirely reasonable to me, in the context of our narrative both the pilot and the gunners aboard proved to be shit and should be easily replaceable. It is this man that knows how to use the insertion/extraction equipment that makes the unit Elite.

Short Term (this engagement alone) - Reassign the Jumpmaster of the Stage Left to a Jumphawk, for the advantage of using their perk.

(Perk: All aboard - by using a combined technology of Fulton surface-to-air recovery system (STARS) and Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE) a platoon may be extracted without the helicopter stopping to grab them, it requires the helo once it has hooked the dragline to do a near vertical assent ) and can in extremis by performed under fire with the Chinook providing suppressive fire from its 2 door guns and the ramp gun.)

In this case the chinook is actually the unarmed sister ship aka Jumphawk so no suppressive fire from this ship anyhow... but snatch and grab rescue of 4 infantry and ?maybe? a cargo pallet as well? (would need a judgement call by @Smithsguild ) Is jumpmaster healed enough? can he do what I hope he can?
(would need a judgement call by @Smithsguild ) Is jumpmaster healed enough? can he do what I hope he can?

He's a resilient old buzzard (in his mid-30's) and Yes, if you can transfer him and his grasping hook equipment to an empty Jumphawk he can still work his magic.

In fact, on a set of dice rolls he may transfer himself & his equipment between a ship he's just loaded to another empty compatible ship in midair, it's a extremely hazardous maneuver zip-lining over (Jumphawk/Chinook) with 2x overhead propellers (requires a die roll for each copter) to maintain a safe angle to effect transfer.

Edit: I just noticed you were asking about cargo pallets in that question. No, pallets are stabilized on four corners and the grasp weight of four cables is more than he can man handle with his grasping hook, it -could- be made into one of those research anything opportunities... ;)
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Regular jumphawks can ATTEMPT to use STARS & SPIE technology requiring dice roll for success but only 'Stage Left' can guarantee performing it safely every time (ELITE PERK).

STARS & SPIE are inherently hazardous to human cargo (think Gwen Stacy moment from Spiderman 😱). Whiplash, spinal compression, and impacts occur caused by trying to snatch people on the ground into the air 'safely'.

Speaking from personal experience rappelling from a chopper, a real danger is sudden (& unexpected) altitude changes can cause you to run short on rope or drop to ground ( +/- 15 to 20 feet at the wrong time is a blood chilling experience).
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@Smithsguild I think you are overstating the dangers re: STARS & SPIE, yes there has been !1! documented death which ground the STARS program to a halt for a number years. There is the possibility the actual number is higher (as the use of such programs is mostly from within the covert ops and intelligence communities) and their version of an op could be sanitized from the reality.

I do believe that Jumphawks could be used for quick extraction of infantry forces with reasonable risk, the vehicles could then form a column for a fighting retreat with heavy air support to a more secure area for standard cargo pallet extraction via Jumphawk.

I would like some feedback from fellow council members on the jumphawks spreading our attacks to multiple small targets hitting them with overwhelming force, and then rinse and repeat until we've broken their AA/sensors enough to do a big finale at the walls (timed to coincide with Bracer's actual airlift). Followed by Jumphawk snatch and grab of infantry, vehicles forming a defensive column and retreating from Charleston with air cover.
@BadKatt85 , your summation is fair. I didn't mean to imply that the STARS & SPIE techs were deathtraps, but they are risky (roughly equivalent of WW2 parachute drops) and when shit goes wrong, it's usually *horribly* wrong.
Last week was draining/hectic at work, weekend distracted me, and I got some bad news yesterday that made me near-useless. I'll try to give thoughts later but my brain is not 100% in game mode right now.
In order to move things along, organize the last few pages of discussion into a single post and hopefully stir more discussion, here's everything of the plan I've come up with so far.

This isn't in any way final.

There's still a lot to consider, I might have forgotten to include or consider some things due to the sheer size and complexity of the operation, and I haven't incorporated BadKatt's idea for the ground troops yet:
Initially @Highwind , I think the best stratagem (highest odds of success w/t minimal casualties) is to dispatch singular jumphawks to drop troops close enough to reasonably engage and to take out standalone targets. (4 infantry units as passengers - using fast rope disembark, & 1 supporting vehicle on cargo pallet - tank, mortar, hawkeye, ALSV's, strykers, etc.) --- 5 units should have numeric superiority compared to small outposts left in the field.

Larger, more entrenched outposts dispatch !2! jumphawks, (8 infantry units as passengers, MLRS on one cargo pallet, SPLL on second pallet)
--- This is a helluva lot of fire power, and with the SPLL the MLRS can wipe multiple grid squares as standard doctrine.

Targets in preferred order: Sensor nodes (not limited to just radar), > entrenched SAM sites, > small camps of raiders/infantry or areas that they resupply from.

I personally would send air support in the form of one of the uncommitted helos (SuperCobras, Killer Shrikes, Blackhawk) assigned to support 1 or 2 (but if needing spread thinner you could go upto 3-4) jumphawk groups in relative proximity. Serving as both close air support (mostly thru guns) and AA thru the missile payloads.

As the targets are cleared, secure a LZ for troops/vehicles to re-embark and then leapfrog to next relevant target.

The most endangered of targets should be held to late in the Bracer rescue stage, actually bloodying Charleston.

Short Term (this engagement alone) - Reassign the Jumpmaster of the Stage Left to a Jumphawk, for the advantage of using their perk.

In this case the chinook is actually the unarmed sister ship aka Jumphawk so no suppressive fire from this ship anyhow... but snatch and grab rescue of 4 infantry and ?maybe? a cargo pallet as well? (would need a judgement call by @Smithsguild ) Is jumpmaster healed enough? can he do what I hope he can?
The plan currently assumes a total fog of war with regards to the position of enemy targets outside of Charleston's walls.

I also haven't figured out what other infantry units will join the Rescue Bracer part of the Op, and there's still the Naval side of things as well as the operation to rescue the child soldiers which I haven't even touched yet. Those also need to be integrated into the larger plan so everyone acts on the same timetable for maximum effect.

I'll integrate BadKatt's suggestions if and when we have a list of targets (Raider camps, Sensor nodes, SAM sites, supply depots, etc.) that makes spreading out our forces a viable option.

And speaking of that...
@Smithsguild does Liberty have a list of potential targets for us? They did promise to deliver us a map of Charleston's sensor network among other Intel.

Summary of objectives: Recovering Bracer Phoenix from his hiding spot in the Argos USA cement plant, destroy as much of Charleston's sensor network and military units as possible, break Charleston's wall either symbolically or to create a path for civilians to flee.

The Offensive:
  • Units: All ground and air units, excepting those that wil be a part of the Rescue portion.
  • Objectives: Destroy Charleston's sensor network, cause a diversion for the Rescue team; Secondary objective is to knock down a portion of Charleston's wall; Tertiary objective is the destruction of as many of Charleston's military assets as possible before the retreat.
  • Strategy:
    • Units will fly to near the edge of Charleston's sensor/AA envelope on Jumphawks. Then, the ground units will unload and advance on-foot towards Charleston, with Air support from the helicopters save the Apaches.
    • Apaches and Grey Eagles will fly in front of the column to destroy the sensors. The first pair of MALD-Js will be launched to jam enemy sensors as the ground units disembark and the pre-pregrammed waypoints are to be set for a loiter around the area for the expected duration of the disembarking process and then to move along the planned flight path of the Grey Eagles/Strike Eagles.
    • Once unloaded, all forces are to advance and destroy Charleston's Sensor and Comms equipment on the path to the city's walls, with the Grey Eagles prioritizing radio-emitting targets and the rest of the forces hitting whatever is deemed a viable target.
    • Once Charleston's forces respond, the target priorities change: Ground Forces will prioritize enemy Armor and Infantry; CAS helicopters will prioritize airborne enemies and enemy Armor or Mark 0s; Strike Eagles will prioritize enemy aircraft and Mark 0s; Grey Eagles and Apaches will prioritize destroying Sensors and defending themselves against airborne enemies.
    • MALD-Js are to be used as the Grey Eagles advance into more Sensor-dense areas. Use them in pairs to increase coverage.
    • Once the Offensive column reaches Charleston's Wall, the Strike Eagles are to demolish as much of it as possible and drop cluster bombs set for maximum dispersal on the dragon's reeth and assorted ground barriers. The idea is to open a path for anyone who wishes to escape.
    • Afterwards, efforts are to be focused on ensuring the enemy can't cut off our retreat.
  • Additional notes: All units that can make use of them, are to carry colored flares or smoke grenades to signal to each other in case of comms jamming.
  • At least some of our units should keep an eye on the rear to kill anyone trying to flank us and cut off our retreat route.

The Rescue:
  • Units: Elite Engineer units (Ground Dragons, Silent Sappers); Elite Pathfinder Crew (Outriders); One Jumphawk squadron; Two Strike Eagles; One Apache and pair of Grey Eagle UAVs.
  • Objectives: Succesfully extract Bracer Phoenix and its Rangers.
  • Strategy:
    • The Rescue unit will follow the Offensive air column but stop before entering Charleston's sensor range.
    • As soon as the Offensive begins destroying the enemy sensors, the Rescue group's Pathfinder (carrying the Silent Sappers) will fly Nap of Earth towards Bracer's location, avoiding as many sensors as possible.
    • Once they arrive, the Silent Sappers are to unload from the Pathfinder and begin assessing the area, and are to either set up temporary defenses such as IEDs or start removing the rubble hiding Bracer. The Sappers are encouraged to follow their best judgement in regards to how they proceed.
    • Once Charleston's forces engage with the Offensive, the rest of the Rescue team is to rush to the Sappers' position, with the Strike Eagles at the front to intercept enemies and the Apache and UAVs closer to defend the Jumphawks.
    • MALD-Js are to be used and their waypoints set to follow the Jumphawks at roughly the same speed even if they have to loop around.
  • Additional notes:
    • Still need to figure out what other ground units will join this group.

  • Once Bracer is on the Jumphawks and viable objectives are completed, all units are to begin their retreat. All units in the Offensive group are to cover one another's retreat until the ground units can be loaded in the Jumphawks. From there, it's a fighting retreat until they reach Protectorate territory.
  • Infantry may be recovered mid-battle through STARS & SPIE.

Notes and reminders:
  • Apaches, Grey Eagles, Strike Eagles, are all capable of GLTD target painting.
  • Still need to integrate the Navy and the Sentinels of Faith infiltration and extraction into the overall strategy. They can operate as their own groups and achieve completely different objectives, but everyone should be coordinated for maximum effect.
  • MALD-Js have a maximum flight time of one hour and a maximum range of 500 miles. Their waypoints can be used to set them to loiter over an area while jamming, or to follow a pre-programmed flight path. There's an even more advanced variant that incorporates a datalink, allowing for their flight paths to be adjusted on the fly.
@Smithsguild does Liberty have a list of potential targets for us? They did promise to deliver us a map of Charleston's sensor network among other Intel.

They did. I as QM did not... :) ( :facepalm: I did not think I would be called on for individual mapped targets and so have failed to provide any) Such a list of targets will be treated as an off camera bonus to how effective your opening assault will be.

Your advanced intel from Liberty has given you solid actionable target locations on perhaps about 25% of all military targets in Charleston's sphere of influence that is outside their walls, with @BadKatt85 's first pirate broadcast those numbers jumped to 33% from actual rebel forces forwarding additional intel through their contacts with Liberty's guerilla forces.

Known targets are split about 40% sensor nodes, 40% SAM sites & AA artillery batteries, and the remaining 20% being raider staging areas with stockpiled munitions, food & billeting. Raider Staging areas are responsible for a good bit of the Deacon's turn to turn income in Resources (comparable to the resources per turn the Oil rig gains for you...)
My thoughts on how I had intended to run the battle.

Opening round - engage known (33%) target locations edge of Charleston sphere working inward

As forces are engaging known targets ships with Advanced sensor package will forward data to the Spooky II (the closest thing in your air fleet to an AWACS for purposes of command and control) Spooky will earmark former unknowns as to what their true nature is and assign new fire missions to available airstrike units (Strike Eagles, Longbows, and Grey Eagles) unengaged jumphawks w/t infantry & vehicles will be directed to appropriate ground targets (under the protection of SuperCobras, Killershrikes, & Blackhawk).

Sensor rolls will be conducted from strike eagles, longbows, grey eagles with corroboration provided by Spooky and the Pathfinder whose more advanced sensors will color operational intel. (You will be functional but nowhere as effective as if you possessed actual AWACs style coordination in theater).
The reason I said my thoughts on it (the battle) was they are not cast in stone. I would like to hear if this solution seems viable to the readership, or shall I begin a raging marathon of preparations for google maps, snippet tool, and ms paint?
My thoughts on how I had intended to run the battle.

Opening round - engage known (33%) target locations edge of Charleston sphere working inward

As forces are engaging known targets ships with Advanced sensor package will forward data to the Spooky II (the closest thing in your air fleet to an AWACS for purposes of command and control) Spooky will earmark former unknowns as to what their true nature is and assign new fire missions to available airstrike units (Strike Eagles, Longbows, and Grey Eagles) unengaged jumphawks w/t infantry & vehicles will be directed to appropriate ground targets (under the protection of SuperCobras, Killershrikes, & Blackhawk).

Sensor rolls will be conducted from strike eagles, longbows, grey eagles with corroboration provided by Spooky and the Pathfinder whose more advanced sensors will color operational intel. (You will be functional but nowhere as effective as if you possessed actual AWACs style coordination in theater).
That progression and general plan sounds reasonable. I know I haven't been super-engaged the last couple of weeks, but looking at this summary, I can't find any glaring issues with the plan. Doing the best we can with what we have, etc.

I'm guessing somewhere in the midst of that mess there we have the drop of me and my squad into the city?
As always, I intend to keep my Quest casual friendly. You have been & continue to be one of my prime contributors, as long as you show interest we'll make reasonable accommodations. Life sometimes demands more attention than internet giant robots... I get it and have no problem with it. :)

I'm guessing somewhere in the midst of that mess there we have the drop of me and my squad into the city?

About the time Bracer is ready to be moved, our other forces will light up the wall and its defenses. The Sentinels and yourself will be dropped from the C-5 Super Galaxy at maximum flight ceiling in a High Altitude Extreme Low Opening drop, chutes only stay attached long enough to arrest your freefall, then you'll use thrusters the bare minimum to achieve a superhero landing counting on powered armor servos to take up the slack.

The Super Galaxy will also be dropping kinetic warheads (read as concrete filled 55 gal. drums) and other 55 gal drums (FAE) equipped with chutes to allow staggered rates of decent acting as chaff (Starship trooper style) to disguise your decent on sensors... to their eyes your squad appear as just another set of potential warheads.

It is hoped that an assault on the walls will help draw eyes away, allow you to save some innocents, mark some targets of opportunity & GTFO.
@Highwind , you've never responded if my abstracted approach would be satisfactory? it's slightly over a week now since the thread has had ANY activity.
@Highwind , you've never responded if my abstracted approach would be satisfactory? it's slightly over a week now since the thread has had ANY activity.
I've been sick and mostly out of action for the past week. The abstracted approach is more than satisfactory and I'll be trying to finish the plan in the next couple days.

Basically, we follow Katt's suggestion for the ground troops and the plan I've outlined for the air force assets and rescue group.

For this operation, our standing military will separate into three groups, each with a different mission. These are the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) group, the Offensive group and the Rescue Group.

Each group has their own set of mission objectives and orders, but the following applies to everyone:
  • All units that can make use of colored smoke or flares are to be equipped with them, to use for battlefield communication in case of radio jamming. These include colors for marking targets, requesting backup, signaling a retreat, etc.
The SEAD Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Destroy as much of Charleston's Sensor and Air Defense network as possible.
  2. Open a hole in the Wall for civilians and Spec Ops to escape.
  3. Destroy targets of opportunity.
- Unit Composition: Three Apaches, Six Grey Eagles, four F-15E Strike Eagles.

- Aircraft Loadouts:
Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  3. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Other 3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  2. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  • The SEAD group will advance towards Charleston with the Offensive Group's column. Once the units approach the edge of Charleston's Sensor network, the first MALD-J will be released, with waypoints set to make it orbit the area for the approximate time it will take for the ground troops to disembark before following the next set of waypoints towards Charleston territory.
  • Once the ground troops disembark, the SEAD team will begin targetting enemy Radio sources and AA sites on their way towards Charleston's wall.
  • MALD-Js are to be used as deemed necessary to prevent casualties for the SEAD Group.
The Offensive Group
- Objectives:
  1. Seek and destroy Charleston assets outside the walls.
  2. Destroy targets of opportunity.
  3. Destroy, disable or distract as many of Charleston's military forces as possible.
- Unit Composition: All of our Ground and Air troops not part of another Group.

- Strategy:
  1. All ground units will board Jumphawks and fly in a column towards Charleston.
  2. Upon approaching the edge of Charleston's sensor envelope, all units will disembark from the Jumphawks and separate into strike groups to hit the targets on Liberty's Hit List.
  3. Strike groups must contain at least one aerial unit to provide CAS and their precise number and composition will depend on how strong the opposition is expected to be.
  4. Target priority is: Sensor nodes > Raider camps > Anti-air and defensive emplacements.
  5. Infantry units that are no longer combat-capable, for whatever reason, are to disengage and send request extraction from the nearest Jumphawk via colored flare or smoke. Jumphawks are authorized to use STARS to retrieve units still under threat.
The Rescue Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Rescue Bracer Phoenix and his Rangers from their hiding spot in the Argus USA cement plant.
- Unit Composition:
Elite Engineer units (Ground Dragons, Silent Sappers); Elite Pathfinder Crew (Outriders); One Jumphawk squadron; Two Strike Eagles; One Apache and pair of Grey Eagle UAVs.

- Aircraft Loadouts:

Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
First Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Second Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints):
  1. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
  2. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  1. The Rescue Group will move with the rest of the column until near Charleston's Sensor envelope. Once there, the Pathfinder, carrying the Silent Sappers will fly NOE towards the Bracer's position while the other units stay behind.
  2. Once they arrive at Bracer's position, the Sappers will begin preliminary work to remove Braacer from the rubble and fortify the position however they can until the others arrive.
  3. Once enough time has passed for the Offensive Group to draw Charleston's attention, the rest of the Rescue Group will make a beeline to join the Pathfinders and the Silent Sappers. The Strike Eagles will intercept any threat approaching the group while the Apache and Grey Eagles will provide closer support. MALD-Js are to be used as necessary, but try to save the other one for the return trip.
  4. Once everyone is on Bracer's position, the Strike Eagles are to use their BLU-91/Bs to create a minefield to further defend the area and everyone is guard the Sappers and Dragons as they extract Bracer from the rubble.
  5. Once Bracer is loaded onto the Jumphawks, Everyone is to make a beeline back to Savannah.
The pIan is pretty much complete. If I forgot or overlooked anything, do remind me and I'll edit it in.
Also, there's some BBcode fuckery going on with the formatting.

For this operation, our standing military will separate into three groups, each with a different mission. These are the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) group, the Offensive group and the Rescue Group.

Each group has their own set of mission objectives and orders, but the following applies to everyone:
  • All units that can make use of colored smoke or flares are to be equipped with them, to use for battlefield communication in case of radio jamming. These include colors for marking targets, requesting backup, signaling a retreat, etc.
The SEAD Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Destroy as much of Charleston's Sensor and Air Defense network as possible.
  2. Open a hole in the Wall for civilians and Spec Ops to escape.
  3. Destroy targets of opportunity.
- Unit Composition: Three Apaches, Six Grey Eagles, four F-15E Strike Eagles.

- Aircraft Loadouts:
Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  3. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Other 3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  2. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  • The SEAD group will advance towards Charleston with the Offensive Group's column. Once the units approach the edge of Charleston's Sensor network, the first MALD-J will be released, with waypoints set to make it orbit the area for the approximate time it will take for the ground troops to disembark before following the next set of waypoints towards Charleston territory.
  • Once the ground troops disembark, the SEAD team will begin targetting enemy Radio sources and AA sites on their way towards Charleston's wall.
  • MALD-Js are to be used as deemed necessary to prevent casualties for the SEAD Group.
The Offensive Group
- Objectives:
  1. Seek and destroy Charleston assets outside the walls.
  2. Destroy targets of opportunity.
  3. Destroy, disable or distract as many of Charleston's military forces as possible.
- Unit Composition: All of our Ground and Air troops not part of another Group.

- Strategy:
  1. All ground units will board Jumphawks and fly in a column towards Charleston.
  2. Upon approaching the edge of Charleston's sensor envelope, all units will disembark from the Jumphawks and separate into strike groups to hit the targets on Liberty's Hit List.
  3. Strike groups must contain at least one aerial unit to provide CAS and their precise number and composition will depend on how strong the opposition is expected to be.
  4. Target priority is: Sensor nodes > Raider camps > Anti-air and defensive emplacements.
  5. Infantry units that are no longer combat-capable, for whatever reason, are to disengage and send request extraction from the nearest Jumphawk via colored flare or smoke. Jumphawks are authorized to use STARS to retrieve units still under threat.
The Rescue Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Rescue Bracer Phoenix and his Rangers from their hiding spot in the Argus USA cement plant.
- Unit Composition:
Elite Engineer units (Ground Dragons, Silent Sappers); Elite Pathfinder Crew (Outriders); One Jumphawk squadron; Two Strike Eagles; One Apache and pair of Grey Eagle UAVs.

- Aircraft Loadouts:

Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
First Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Second Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints):
  1. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
  2. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  1. The Rescue Group will move with the rest of the column until near Charleston's Sensor envelope. Once there, the Pathfinder, carrying the Silent Sappers will fly NOE towards the Bracer's position while the other units stay behind.
  2. Once they arrive at Bracer's position, the Sappers will begin preliminary work to remove Braacer from the rubble and fortify the position however they can until the others arrive.
  3. Once enough time has passed for the Offensive Group to draw Charleston's attention, the rest of the Rescue Group will make a beeline to join the Pathfinders and the Silent Sappers. The Strike Eagles will intercept any threat approaching the group while the Apache and Grey Eagles will provide closer support. MALD-Js are to be used as necessary, but try to save the other one for the return trip.
  4. Once everyone is on Bracer's position, the Strike Eagles are to use their BLU-91/Bs to create a minefield to further defend the area and everyone is guard the Sappers and Dragons as they extract Bracer from the rubble.
  5. Once Bracer is loaded onto the Jumphawks, Everyone is to make a beeline back to Savannah.
The pIan is pretty much complete. If I forgot or overlooked anything, do remind me and I'll edit it in.
Also, there's some BBcode fuckery going on with the formatting.
Got anything you think it would be good for us to hit with a cruise missile? Or should we just hit the docks and hope we get lucky?
Got anything you think it would be good for us to hit with a cruise missile? Or should we just hit the docks and hope we get lucky?
The docks and the rest of the are already a deathtrap for ships that don't know the right route thanks to artificial sandbars and shipwrecks. We might as well make it a deathtrap for all kinds of ships.

Edit: to elaborate, we can shoot to dislodge or further destroy the shipwrecks and to mess with the sandbars so navigating becomes as dangerous for them as it is to us. Disrupting their naval operations in the short term is a valuable objective in and of itself, and also buys us time to hit the port infrastructure.
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The docks and the rest of the are already a deathtrap for ships that don't know the right route thanks to artificial sandbars and shipwrecks. We might as well make it a deathtrap for all kinds of ships.

Edit: to elaborate, we can shoot to dislodge or further destroy the shipwrecks and to mess with the sandbars so navigating becomes as dangerous for them as it is to us. Disrupting their naval operations in the short term is a valuable objective in and of itself, and also buys us time to hit the port infrastructure.
Fair enough. Was mostly wondering if there was anywhere on the land side of things where a few missiles would be appreciated.
Fair enough. Was mostly wondering if there was anywhere on the land side of things where a few missiles would be appreciated.
I assume our starting point is too far from the shore for the Navy to make a difference. Mostly due to the location of the highways. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears!
Just wanted to remind everyone of the end ruling on effective range of your Tomahawks under current conditions (seeing as how my failure to accurately do my bookkeeping is a continuous headache. Tomahawks update on the Staurolite (in Superheavy's). Tomahawks are relevant in pretty much the entirety of the theater - You must simple allow for flight time.

BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles (890 km/h = 37 mv turn) Nap of the earth flight (30-50m AGL) for use with the SSGN submarine

Range: with current technology in these atmospheric conditions, limited to about 300 km under perfect conditions. (Provided jet propulsion problem solved). Edit 3/21/2020: It was! ;)

Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 50 R (350 R per MAC Tube / or a total SSGN [154 Tomahawks] rearm takes 7,700 R)
Must choose HE or Combined Effects Bomb payload per MAC tube.

Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

Edit: Yes, these are grossly expensive but an over the horizon, local spotter friendly, standoff weapon that can deliver burst damage should be. After all it was never meant to be SNS Staurolite vs the World.
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