Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

As to this, I -do- try to factor in such intangibles behind the curtain as tanks having limited elevation and DO NOT make good anti-air platforms, I try to nudge things as seamlessly as I can to fit the rules, but time to time I -do- throw in some generic QM modifiers occasionally to better mirror reality.

Example: Cruise Missiles have ranges of 1,000+ km, these would break the system until I add range relevant attrition rates (particulates and No real long range GPS equivalency) and I am even considering adding a R cost if needed to keep them from dominating the game. It's a very fine line balancing real world military tech of awesome destructive force and shoehorn it in to remain cinematically appropriate to Giant robot dominate genre.

We can see how strongly they shine, with the understanding that I -may- need to adjust things further by breaking out the NERF hammer.
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I guess we can use those Tomahawks to hit the wall and really make sure we open that hole.
Is there still an incomplete/relatively more vulnerable section, or did they finish building it?
Just popping in to say it's awesome this quest is still ongoing. I could never put in the dedication @Smithsguild has done keeping something running this long.

Mad props
Just popping in to say it's awesome this quest is still ongoing. I could never put in the dedication @Smithsguild has done keeping something running this long.

Mad props

Ty @Dadarian , We miss your contributions. The Quest is in slow motion mode ATM but when I opened it up I dedicated myself that I'd run it until everyone drifted away, but as long as readers cared to post I'd try to entertain.
For anyone waiting for the plan for the operation, it is done and in the previous page. Comments and criticism are welcome, as always, but we're mostly ready to go aside from deciding what we'll do with the Navy.

My current best idea is to have them sit around 200 miles from the city and have the Staurolite fire a couple Tomahawks at the wall.
For anyone waiting for the plan for the operation, it is done and in the previous page. Comments and criticism are welcome, as always, but we're mostly ready to go aside from deciding what we'll do with the Navy.

My current best idea is to have them sit around 200 miles from the city and have the Staurolite fire a couple Tomahawks at the wall.
I'm guessing you mean "do beyond the planned ambush". If not, I direct your attention to this:

Who: The Navy, Whitecap Triton, and the Semper Fi Marines in Aquatic Power Armor, attached to the Staurolite. Possibly some air support, if any can be spared from other efforts.

Where: Near the coastline between Savannah and Charleston

Transportation details: Convoy of ship will make their way up the coastline, looking for an optimal point for an ambush while scouting for enemy Deep One Outposts. The SNS Staurolite and Whitecap Triton will take point for the convoy, carefully using their sensors to scout the route out. Ambush will take place at a location of Op Lead's choosing, but any of the beaches, bays or inlets in the area could make good points to use. Don't enter their protected waters if you can help it, except with the Staurolite in quiet mode.

Mission Details:
Op is in support of ground-based retrieval of Bracer Phoenix and pilots, to divert attention from retrieval. Navy, Marines, and Triton are to make their way up the coast, carefully. Find a good point to set up an ambush, leave the PT boats, Sea Dragon, Triton, any air support, and possibly the Marines there, then have the Staurolite sneak in closer, and hit them with a missile strike. Target will either be provided by ground forces, at a timing of their choice, or be aimed at the coords of the former Naval Shipyard. After that, based on enemy forces drawn out of their defenses, either flee back to Savannah waters in a hit-and-run chase, or lure them in with the Staurolite, then launch an ambush with other forces.

Primary Objective: Draw out, distract, and destroy any and all units of the Charleston Navy and other forces attracted, while conserving allied forces.
-Note to Op Lead: Don't get yourselves killed. If the matchup looks like it's too overwhelming, break it off and just play tag with them. Coming back alive is far more valuable to us right now than sinking their ships at the cost of our own. This is more a probe and diversion than a serious assault. If you can pull them all the way back into our waters, our own defenses may take care of them, or at least tip the scales enough to deal with them.
Secondary Objectives: Capture ships of interest, possibly using Marines to do so, if viable. Such ships include any former museum ships, aircraft carriers, and anything nuclear powered.
-Note to Op Lead: Again, don't take unnecessary risks. If you can manage to isolate individual ships and board them successfully, or get them to surrender intact, do so. If you need to sink a historical ship, do so without hesitation. Those ships are not more valuable than ours. We can potentially retrieve and refurbish whatever remains if we sink it, especially if we sink it in specific ways, like via calculated shots from below.
Tertiary Objectives: Provide fire support for ground-based operations, gain knowledge of enemy forces, eliminate Deep One outposts.
-Note to Op Lead: If the ground-pounders or flyboys ask for missile support, you're authorized to provide it, assuming it doesn't unnecessarily endanger your own forces. If the Staurolite is currently hiding from the enemy Navy, and not in a position to fire, don't risk it.

As previously stated, this is something of a probe, an attempt to pull their navy out from the defenses they've established and get an idea of what they've got. It may very well be more than you can easily handle, given their infrastructure. But we need to know, at the very least, what they're willing to send our way if we poke the hornet's nest. If we can weaken them in the process, that's a major bonus.

As for the fish people, if you think Triton and Semper Fi can handle things quietly enough to not tip off Charleston ahead of time, or you need to do so to achieve other objectives, destroy any you encounter. If they outnumber you by enough, and you can get by them quietly, then record the location and pass them. You can handle them with more force once you go loud, or on the way back. Or leave them for later. It's up to you.
LOL, Alrighty then I thought those both were discussions & brainstorming sessions - I had been awaiting something in the line of an -actual- X up to be voted on plan. Kinda like the rest of the Campaign... ROFL :facepalm: ;)

[X] Ground/Air plan by @Highwind , Naval Portion by @Nixeu Needs a 4 vote consensus, I will then review said discussions and apply them as if they were a plan.

Pinging Everyone to let them know we have forward momentum again. As always if you've moved past caring about the Quest all it takes is a simple request to leave you the hell alone and you will not be bothered in the future. :V:V:V

@HolyDragoon , @KnightDisciple , @Dadarian , @Fyrstorm , @BadKatt85, @Justhere

The reason you in specific were pinged was your participation in the last 15 pages or so and SV alert system is less than reliable.
[X] Ground/Air plan by @Highwind , Naval Portion by @Nixeu

I mean, technically I haven't voted. Unless you wanted four other people to vote, lol.
I thought working and quest participation were demanding on my schedule. Try being a single mom of 2 special need kids trying to work from home (because Covid-19) and keeping my children doing their online homework done because the schools are closed (because Covid-19).

They need to institute that the local liquor stores qualify as necessary services...

As always @Highwind & @Nixeu have my greatest confidence.

[X] Ground/Air plan by @Highwind , Naval Portion by @Nixeu
Today is mask / glove up and do the marathon circuit to find our groceries day, I'm hoping to find it all asap but am dubious. Georgia is notorious for panic buying if people -mention- snow; today being the 1st day of Shelter in place here I hold little hope in people being reasonable.

Quest combat startup post will probably be tomorrow or next day (It has a lot of moving parts, this isn't simple monster of the week battle but the first sorty of a war!) please continue to show patience and forgiveness.
They need to institute that the local liquor stores qualify as necessary services...
Considering high-proof spirits like Vodka can be used in place of alcohol in a pinch, and that a strong drink can be used as a painkiller since drunkenness numbs you a bit, I think one can make a definite case that they should be included among the essential services.

Today is mask / glove up and do the marathon circuit to find our groceries day, I'm hoping to find it all asap but am dubious. Georgia is notorious for panic buying if people -mention- snow; today being the 1st day of Shelter in place here I hold little hope in people being reasonable.

Quest combat startup post will probably be tomorrow or next day (It has a lot of moving parts, this isn't simple monster of the week battle but the first sorty of a war!) please continue to show patience and forgiveness.

I'm lucky that panic buying to that level isn't something that people do where I live. On the other hand, social distancing and quarantining isn't something people here do either. Everyone was still throwing parties and going to the neighborhood bar to drink together, treating the quarantine like as if it were Carnaval up until there was a confirmed case in the next town over.

The perks and problems of living in a small town, I guess.
We can buy 12 MALDs or 8 MALD-Js (with one regular MALD to spare), or any combination that fits within our 437 R budget. MALD-Js offer a significant advantage over regular MALDs in the form of jamming. We could outfit four Grey Eagles with a pair of MALD-Js each (because the GEs need to have the weight of their hardpoints balanced to take off) and the other two hardpoints get the ATA loadout. The other Grey Eagles and Apaches get a mix of Sidearm missiles to hunt Radars/SAMs and Stingers to deal with flying enemies.

Okay, I am taking the initiative you bought *8* MALD-J's (your Resource budget is 37 R remaining) as the posted is slanted in favor of that decision. (I knew it read like a discussion NOT a straight up plan :sour:) Plans are composed of definitive statements: We do X, not we can do this or the other thing.
If it requires QM deciding for you it's not a functional plan.

Qm feels vindicated - Quest powers up! :V:V:V

Quest write-up soonish.
Okay, I am taking the initiative you bought *8* MALD-J's (your Resource budget is 37 R remaining) as the posted is slanted in favor of that decision. (I knew it read like a discussion NOT a straight up plan :sour:) Plans are composed of definitive statements: We do X, not we can do this or the other thing.
If it requires QM deciding for you it's not a functional plan.

Qm feels vindicated - Quest powers up! :V:V:V

Quest write-up soonish.
I swear to God I included a loadout list for the SEAD and Rescue aircraft that included a total of 8 MALD-Js.


For this operation, our standing military will separate into three groups, each with a different mission. These are the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) group, the Offensive group and the Rescue Group.

Each group has their own set of mission objectives and orders, but the following applies to everyone:
  • All units that can make use of colored smoke or flares are to be equipped with them, to use for battlefield communication in case of radio jamming. These include colors for marking targets, requesting backup, signaling a retreat, etc.
The SEAD Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Destroy as much of Charleston's Sensor and Air Defense network as possible.
  2. Open a hole in the Wall for civilians and Spec Ops to escape.
  3. Destroy targets of opportunity.
- Unit Composition: Three Apaches, Six Grey Eagles, four F-15E Strike Eagles.

- Aircraft Loadouts:
Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  3. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Other 3 Grey Eagles (4 Hardpoints):
  1. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. AGM-122 Sidearm (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  2. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  • The SEAD group will advance towards Charleston with the Offensive Group's column. Once the units approach the edge of Charleston's Sensor network, the first MALD-J will be released, with waypoints set to make it orbit the area for the approximate time it will take for the ground troops to disembark before following the next set of waypoints towards Charleston territory.
  • Once the ground troops disembark, the SEAD team will begin targetting enemy Radio sources and AA sites on their way towards Charleston's wall.
  • MALD-Js are to be used as deemed necessary to prevent casualties for the SEAD Group.
The Offensive Group
- Objectives:
  1. Seek and destroy Charleston assets outside the walls.
  2. Destroy targets of opportunity.
  3. Destroy, disable or distract as many of Charleston's military forces as possible.
- Unit Composition: All of our Ground and Air troops not part of another Group.

- Strategy:
  1. All ground units will board Jumphawks and fly in a column towards Charleston.
  2. Upon approaching the edge of Charleston's sensor envelope, all units will disembark from the Jumphawks and separate into strike groups to hit the targets on Liberty's Hit List.
  3. Strike groups must contain at least one aerial unit to provide CAS and their precise number and composition will depend on how strong the opposition is expected to be.
  4. Target priority is: Sensor nodes > Raider camps > Anti-air and defensive emplacements.
  5. Infantry units that are no longer combat-capable, for whatever reason, are to disengage and send request extraction from the nearest Jumphawk via colored flare or smoke. Jumphawks are authorized to use STARS to retrieve units still under threat.
The Rescue Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Rescue Bracer Phoenix and his Rangers from their hiding spot in the Argus USA cement plant.
- Unit Composition:
Elite Engineer units (Ground Dragons, Silent Sappers); Elite Pathfinder Crew (Outriders); One Jumphawk squadron; Two Strike Eagles; One Apache and pair of Grey Eagle UAVs.

- Aircraft Loadouts:

Apache (4 hardpoints):
  1. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. Thermite Rockets (7 shots)
First Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints)
  1. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
  2. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  3. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  4. ADM-160C MALD-J (1 shot)
Second Grey Eagle (4 Hardpoints):
  1. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
  2. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  3. AIM-92 Stinger (4 shots)
  4. Hellfire Missiles (4 shots)
F-15E Strike Eagle (6 Hardpoints):
  1. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
  2. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  3. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  4. CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
  5. AGM-65 Maverick Missile
  6. BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine)
- Strategy:
  1. The Rescue Group will move with the rest of the column until near Charleston's Sensor envelope. Once there, the Pathfinder, carrying the Silent Sappers will fly NOE towards the Bracer's position while the other units stay behind.
  2. Once they arrive at Bracer's position, the Sappers will begin preliminary work to remove Braacer from the rubble and fortify the position however they can until the others arrive.
  3. Once enough time has passed for the Offensive Group to draw Charleston's attention, the rest of the Rescue Group will make a beeline to join the Pathfinders and the Silent Sappers. The Strike Eagles will intercept any threat approaching the group while the Apache and Grey Eagles will provide closer support. MALD-Js are to be used as necessary, but try to save the other one for the return trip.
  4. Once everyone is on Bracer's position, the Strike Eagles are to use their BLU-91/Bs to create a minefield to further defend the area and everyone is guard the Sappers and Dragons as they extract Bracer from the rubble.
  5. Once Bracer is loaded onto the Jumphawks, Everyone is to make a beeline back to Savannah.
The pIan is pretty much complete. If I forgot or overlooked anything, do remind me and I'll edit it in.
Also, there's some BBcode fuckery going on with the formatting.
I did! Seems like I just forgot to make the order to build them explicit, while you looked at the version that was meant to be for discussion.
The Battle Begins!

(High rolls are better for you)

First Off I will need a single 1d100 rolled for how coordinated the overall campaign begins. These encompass Liberty Guerillas and the Charleston insurgents.

One roll for of a single 1d100 for Air unit coordination

One roll for of a single 1d100 for Ground unit coordination

One roll for of a single 1d100 for Naval unit coordination

Then I need another single 1d100 rolled for how efficient Spooky II is at playing AWACs a role thrust upon it and for which it was never designed.

These will be reviewed and modified off camera, with consideration of elites involved.

-Yes, Elites are a notch above and can help carry the performance of lesser Soldiers/Seamen/Airmen-

Then I want EACH Councilor to then Roll 5 rolls of 1d10 in a single post, I then will proceed to apply said rolls 1 from first poster Applied AS NEEDED, then the first roll from the second poster, yada-yada until I reach the last counselor then I will use 2nd roll from poster 1... and so on.
It's happening!

Taking Liberty & friends.

my 5 rolls.
BadKatt85 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: independent people Total: 49
49 49
BadKatt85 threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: my five Total: 24
8 8 1 1 10 10 4 4 1 1
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Oh and a special 1d100 coordination roll for the Sentinels of Faith if you'd be so kind @KnightDisciple in addition to your 5 rolls and any of the other d100s you'd care to roll on.
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Fly in the sky!

Edit:sodding cell phone, ignore the second d100.
HolyDragoon threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Air coord Total: 60
60 60
HolyDragoon threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: And five d10 Total: 49
49 49
HolyDragoon threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: And five d10 Total: 25
8 8 9 9 1 1 2 2 5 5
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Here we go,

Sorry about the extra die, my mistake.
Dadarian threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: 10-sided Total: 33
6 6 5 5 10 10 2 2 5 5 5 5
Dadarian threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 10-sided Total: 3
3 3
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Oh and a special 1d100 coordination roll for the Sentinels of Faith if you'd be so kind @KnightDisciple in addition to your 5 rolls and any of the other d100s you'd care to roll on.
Looks like Guerilla and Air are covered. I'll do Navy, Sentinels, and my 5d100.

KnightDisciple threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Ground Coordination Total: 33
33 33
KnightDisciple threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sentinels Coordination Total: 55
55 55
KnightDisciple threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Councilor 5d100 Total: 259
52 52 15 15 76 76 76 76 40 40