Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Summation so far on the Coordination Front.

Charleston insurgency & Liberty's Guerrilla's. 49 (modded by Liberty's !*8*! Elite commando units)

Air Forces. 60 ( !*4*! Elites ) Outriders, Mighty Merlin's, Smooth Operators, & the surviving grizzled vet from Stage Left

Naval Forces. (assigned @Dadarian 's roll here as it was unspecified) 3 (Staurolite & SNS Black Marlin Elite status helps mod this roll A LOT)

Ground Forces. 33 (!*But with Freakin 19 Elites*!)

Sentinels of Faith. 55 ( Paladins, Champions, and Angels rolled high enough to have time to kill; they choose to help the Seamen get squared away.

We are still a coordination d100 roll short for the Spooky II. Then an inbound write up.
One roll for of a single 1d100 for Naval unit coordination

Edit: Or not I guess. Great. Lovely.

Edit 2: Guess I'll roll for the Spooky.
Nixeu threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: 5 d10s Total: 27
4 4 3 3 4 4 10 10 6 6
Nixeu threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: AWACS Ghost Total: 51
51 51
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I guess only my 5 d10s are left.

Edit: Wow, that's unfortunate. I had heard that rolling abunch of dice all at once risked them getting the same result due to how the RNG works, and I guess that's what happened. Or my luck just sucks.
Highwind threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Reasons Total: 17
3 3 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
Highwind threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Test, rapid fire Total: 44
5 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 7 7
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Operational Readiness Status -

Charleston Insurgency are primed, strung tight, and itching to strike back... The biggest problem the Liberty Guerrillas are having are reigning the Insurgents in until Liberty's Toll Radio E-warfare specialists give the call to arms. The Insurgents have been risking much priming other survivors of the predation of Charleston's Raiders supplying them our gifted M-16's and (nearly) Idiot proof demo charges of Liberty's construction pre-rigged with an analog wind up timer.

Tons of oppressed people (with no real military experience) leaped at the opportunity until even that sizeable stockpile was absorbed, the ones turned away without the arsenal they had hoped for shrug resigned they may be under armed but the fire for freedom burns brightly. Liberty citizenry come through in a clutch and donate (some of) their personal firearms and ammo, when all is said and done it is a large U-haul's worth of hodge podge firearms. Even with this unexpected boon, the insurgency report there are -STILL- more volunteers than firearms.


The airfields scurry with purpose much like a recently disturbed ant hill, ground crews double and triple check fuel, munitions, avionics and control systems. Helo's and planes are in pristine condition, the ground crews glow almost as the freshly washed craft. There is some good natured rivalry between the vets of our long held helo aircorps and the newer, shiny and yet unproven additions of jet fighters and drones. Hell, even the ground crews of the Jumphawks assert their value despite the chuckles of both, old and new fighter craft crews.

Crew chief of the Jumphawks stares hard down those that laughed, he makes an impassioned tirade:

"The ground forces get there safely because of us and I'll lay my paycheck against yours that we tote the biggest Goddamn guns in the air fleet - Let me remind you, we tote the Jaegers boys.

I'll stack all your friggin ordnance of both the old and the new air fleet in one pile and you have your choice of either Mammoth or Triton's sheer destructive potential compared to it to and we'll see who's big dog in the yard... any takers boys? I thought not, so put your junk back in your pants and get back to work... extra duty to anyone caught dick waving again."


The Naval forces are equally busy, things 'seem' to be going well. That is until the Chief Engineer of the SNS Staurolite calls things to a grinding halt.

Everyone else is puzzled, he shakes his head.

"Somethings wrong with the diesel you're pumping into the Patrol Torpedo boats, don't ask me to explain... It'll only sound stupid.

Fine. It doesn't smell diesel-ly enough... Can we check it's quality please?"

A quick analysis is done. The fuel is tainted, someone - Somehow - has mixed in seawater to the dockside storage tanks an obvious act of sabotage.

Luckily the ship based processing station can salvage the fuel with enough time, but with time in short supply with the looming invasion and now pristine fuel must be brought in, the fuel tanks of the affected ships drained and rinsed of the salt residues before refueling it has turned into a fustercluck, luckily the crew chief of the SNS Black Marlin has took the initiative and learned her ship inside and out, they know the quickest and easiest way to purge and sterilize their fuel tanks and can explain it simply enough the other crews can follow along step by step.

The Sentinels of Faith step up in their powered armor and offer to -literally- do the heavy lifting - snatching out filled fuel tanks and man handling them dockside for the drain and clean process. Against all odds the navy will be ready to launch on time.


The ground forces find their fuel had been sabotaged as well, but under the watchful eyes of the 'Mother Hens' and with the help of the scores of Elite crews at your disposal the act that should have devastated our readiness, merely slows the progress a tick.


Spooky II is nervously going over the right procedures to smoothly coordinate all these dissimilar elements to achieve a smooth integration matching launches to projected arrival times with travel times. It is the final element to push them from a conventional craft to an Elite.

Elite Perk: " Almost an AWACs " Spooky II can support and coordinate an Air / Ground / & Naval operation; not quite as well as an ACTUAL AWAC's however when so engaged it cannot participate in Fire missions.


Spooky II needs a name and a distinctive paint job (appearance) with proper Consensus support.


Preps done after the naming/ appearance are settled we'll get bloody.
Name: (AWACS) Rattlebones
Paintjob: Bleached bone white.
Insignia: A skeleton looking through an old-timey rangefinder.

I'm not very creative, sue me. :V
All sections report - GO!

With the best timetable the ELITE 'Rattlebones' can project, the SEAD air component launch after the much slower naval unit are already well on their way as per Admiral @Nixeu 's orders the smaller patrol torpedo hold in a sheltered cove just outside Charleston's sensor bubble, Whitecap Triton in the blue water just outside the cove; as the SNS Staurolite creeps ever closer to Charleston in full -silent running- stealth mode.

The ground forces fidget loaded inside the heavy load modified Chinook 'Jumphawks' or sitting on their cargo pallets awaiting the stomach churning lift, hoist, and sway of inertia as being carried on a dangling pallet beneath a fast moving copter is not exactly a 'smooth ride'. Up they go; and with the pace set today even seasoned vets stomach roll (a little).

It is nothing new and speedy deployment has helped more than once to kept Savannah safe from both Mist denizens and the worst kaiju the Precursors have cooked in their cloning vats.

As forces reach the Go Hot
demarcation, Liberty's Toll chime in over the airwaves:

"Brothers and Sisters of Charleston, Today is the day... The hour is now, those who were
briefed know the score. Those who are tired of waiting please throw as many wrenches into Charleston's warmachine as you are able. Anywhere you can cause disruption is fine, do whatever keeps you the safest but still ruins their day. Some of you want to really make them bleed?

Here's a prime targets of choice, There is an exposed and lightly defended supply caravan feeding Charleston's siege efforts and bringing their wounded home to recuperate, the outbound cargo trucks are carrying food, ammo, and weapons to resupply their entrenched troops to the Northwest, I wonder Brothers and sisters what mischief can you bring to the Deacon and his Esoteric Order of Dagon armed with their own guns.

I'm not one to advocate the slaughter of wounded men, Hold them hostage to stand trial for their crimes. More than a few will be shackled and forced to serve by explosive collars, these are men such as we were. Men without choice, our lives disposable at the whim of evil men; for ourselves captivity by Savannah was preferable to service to tyrants.

For now we sign off and may the next time you hear our voices you do so as FREE men and women. Let FREEDOM ring!!!

Across Charleston's sphere of Influence CHAOS runs amok. Charleston's established insurgents and Liberty's Elite Guerrilla forces hit sensor nodes and anti-air defenses HARD, it is not without sacrifice 2 of Liberty's Elite units are lost to a man taking out their objective at the cost of their own lives. The Unit names are unknown at this time because of the fog of war confusion.

Over the weeks to come it is determined that Casualties are slightly heavier in the conventional insurgents (nearly 30%) , and according to the sketchy reports the unaffiliated 'common man' rebels that rose only due to the broadcast of Liberty suffer nearly 70% casualties.

These lives are being lost as you begin to break into Charleston's sphere, the damage they provide for you is staggering as early battle damage assessment is done, of the projected 33% of Sensor and SAM sites you were handed intel on, nearly 20% are smoking craters and their intended strikes have to be redirected deeper into the bubble, another 20% of as yet undocumented targets outside the walls are flaming ruin as well.

40% Charleston fixed assets outside the city, but still within the sphere of influence are destroyed, a devastating blow struck by the common man.

This does NOT include subtle acts of sabotage that are performed under the watchful eyes of Charleston's forces, they are detailed below -

House of Pain & Penance - through liberal use of public torture and terror, negative morale modifiers for people trapped inside the city proper are treated as positive modifiers for purposes of production.

Destroyed in a fire, doors on the building were wedged shut and all the Deacons skilled and specially trained torturers died in the fire.

For the moment Negative Morale modifiers to production are treated as such, at least until actions and resources are expended to rebuild it he has the know how and has enjoyed this city augment for FAR too long.

House of Revelations - an indoctrination center, ran by a recent convert, a former military psi-ops doctor with five degrees (Medical, Sociology, Psychiatry, Psychology, & Pharmacology) to vastly increase the base level of zealotry in the common militia & citizenry.

Temporarily off line as Doctor Olav Minsk recovers from a nearly successful car bombing (Charge of homemade explosive was underpowered, merely wounding the good doctor).


(OOC) this is what a popular revolt looks like, I am exhausted. Your forces are up next and will get to do their stuff as soon as I've recharged the Muse.
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Over the weeks to come it is determined that Casualties are slightly heavier in the conventional insurgents (nearly 30%) , and according to the sketchy reports the unaffiliated 'common man' rebels that rose only due to the broadcast of Liberty suffer nearly 70% casualties.
Ouch. Not really unexpected that the less well-trained and well-equipped rebels would take heavy casualties, but still not great for morale.
These lives are being lost as you begin to break into Charleston's sphere, the damage they provide for you is staggering as early battle damage assessment is done, of the projected 33% of Sensor and SAM sites you were handed intel on, nearly 20% are smoking craters and their intended strikes have to be redirected deeper into the bubble, another 20% of as yet undocumented targets outside the walls are flaming ruin as well.

40% Charleston fixed assets outside the city, but still within the sphere of influence are destroyed, a devastating blow struck by the common man.
Definitely helps make the losses more tolerable, though I still wish they were lower.
House of Pain & Penance - through liberal use of public torture and terror, negative morale modifiers for people trapped inside the city proper are treated as positive modifiers for purposes of production.

Destroyed in a fire, doors on the building were wedged shut and all the Deacons skilled and specially trained torturers died in the fire.

For the moment Negative Morale modifiers to production are treated as such, at least until actions and resources are expended to rebuild it he has the know how and has enjoyed this city augment for FAR too long.
Now that's a heavy blow. Even if they build a replacement ASAP, the penalties are going to seriously bite into their R for at least one turn, making rebuilding literally anything else they lose difficult, if not impossible. I suspect that loss has essentially paralyzed their construction capability for at least one turn, unless they've been saving up for a rainy day. Which I doubt. They have far too many expensive projects ongoing, including a war with another of their neighbors.
Ouch. Not really unexpected that the less well-trained and well-equipped rebels would take heavy casualties, but still not great for morale.

Definitely helps make the losses more tolerable, though I still wish they were lower.

Now that's a heavy blow. Even if they build a replacement ASAP, the penalties are going to seriously bite into their R for at least one turn, making rebuilding literally anything else they lose difficult, if not impossible. I suspect that loss has essentially paralyzed their construction capability for at least one turn, unless they've been saving up for a rainy day. Which I doubt. They have far too many expensive projects ongoing, including a war with another of their neighbors.

Now factor in heavy losses of his raiders a staple source of his Resources
Over the weeks to come it is determined that Casualties are slightly heavier in the conventional insurgents (nearly 30%) , and according to the sketchy reports the unaffiliated 'common man' rebels that rose only due to the broadcast of Liberty suffer nearly 70% casualties.
I gather from those casualties that the unaffiliated insurgents needed a much higher roll than "literally just below average" to survive without the advantage of Liberty's elites. Jesus Christ. May they rest in peace.

40% Charleston fixed assets outside the city, but still within the sphere of influence are destroyed, a devastating blow struck by the common man.
They handed us one hell on an opening hand. We just have to ensure their sacrifice wasn't in vain. We'll knock a way out for the people trapped in that hellhole, for sure.

This does NOT include subtle acts of sabotage that are performed under the watchful eyes of Charleston's forces, they are detailed below -

House of Pain & Penance - through liberal use of public torture and terror, negative morale modifiers for people trapped inside the city proper are treated as positive modifiers for purposes of production.

Destroyed in a fire, doors on the building were wedged shut and all the Deacons skilled and specially trained torturers died in the fire.
Good riddance doesn't begin to cover it. May the ashes of that wretched place be scattered to the eight winds and it's existence never restored.

House of Revelations - an indoctrination center, ran by a recent convert, a former military psi-ops doctor with five degrees (Medical, Sociology, Psychiatry, Psychology, & Pharmacology) to vastly increase the base level of zealotry in the common militia & citizenry.

Temporarily off line as Doctor Olav Minsk recovers from a nearly successful car bombing (Charge of homemade explosive was underpowered, merely wounding the good doctor).

Men like him are like cockroaches. Ugly, unsightly, disgusting, and they always manage to crawl away unless you're very fast or have a can of good bug spray on hand. It's a pity this can was a bit underpowered.
A quick OOC favor if I may ask it, bear with me through the Charleston battle as this abstraction is a new form where dice rolls is being resolved off camera allowing me to spin the narrative a bit more seamlessly. When the rescues are resolved then give me the feedback whether this form is preferable or do you actually prefer rolling at time in story lend you more immersion.
Oh, I notice we have a little shit running around, probably that asshole that got deus ex fishwife or one of his friends.

Right now we have our hands full in Charleston, so i dunno if we have enough infernal affairs to either set up something to drive away or catch any saboteur. 'Hostis humani generis', and all that.
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PS no one really seemed to note the active sabotage of your fuel stores.
Oh, no, I noticed, and if we ever catch the saboteur, they're getting keelhauled. And I do mean that literally. Especially if they're a member of the Navy. I may codify that into naval doctrine as the punishment for deliberate sabotage, after a trial of course. I'm not usually a fan of capital punishment, especially overly cruel forms of execution. But we're dealing with cultists. Giving second chances isn't really an option, and making an example out of them may help keep others from falling into that trap.
The SEAD group will advance towards Charleston with the Offensive Group's column. Once the units approach the edge of Charleston's Sensor network, the first MALD-J will be released, with waypoints set to make it orbit the area for the approximate time it will take for the ground troops to disembark before following the next set of waypoints towards Charleston territory.

Applying a dice roll of -8- for success of the initial Mald-J launch roll @BadKatt85

The initial Mald-J was chosen to appear in a role Charleston was sure to recognize (in both fear and loathing) with the slow progress loitering inside their sensor bubble... it was wearing the persona of a Spooky II gunship. And with the unexplained devastation of so very many assets missing check ins it is assumed that the gunship was operating at the pinnacle of its flight envelope, reigning hellfire from on high and using E-warfare spoofing to avoid being blasted immediately by the various Anti-Air SAM, Artillery, and Gun sites.

The ruse is amazingly successful. Charleston launches a massive response in conventional craft both known ( Reaper Drones carrying
AIM-92 Stingers) and an unknown radar return that only was listed in the 'Rattlebones' radar recognition archives, something seen in the 1940s-1950s during World War 2 - a slight variant on the P-38 Lightning - The experimental prototype XP-58 Chain Lightning Tail gunner variant an innovative reimagining of the WW2 workhorse, the P-38 Lightning, redone with the best tech 2025 can throw into a rotary propeller driven engine.

Applying a dice roll of -8- roll @HolyDragoon for success of Jumphawk penetration to deliver Ground elements

Jumphawks flying nap of the earth, brush their cargo pallets on the canopies of the tallest of trees and make ground disembarkment points for the ground forces still undetected. The rapid appearance of those forces deep into the sensor bubble far beyond where ground forces should be leaves initial targets flat footed and unprepared.

Applying a dice roll of -6- by @Dadarian for initial ground strikes against unaware targets of opportunity

Savannah ground forces lay waste to everything targeted either in their opening salvos or as Charleston scrambles to repel an unexpected attack; their lack of combat safe at home shows the true cost of sloth and false security... not a single return shot is managed.

Once their targets are confirmed KIA, the Jumphawks are sent back in to reload the ground forces and again hopskotch forward providing rapid

Charleston assets destroyed leap to 65% before they are aware they are at War!

(OOC) @KnightDisciple I just noticed the 5x rolls of d10 you were supposed to make are d100 rolls :jackiechan::facepalm: please roll the correct dice for me, skipping over you in the meanwhile and on to @Nixeu in your stead.

Applying a dice roll of -4- by Nixeu for SEAD penetration going unnoticed -

Luck alone sometimes carries the day, but today is not THAT day. Charleston radar finally realizes there isn't a single gunship aloft but an entire fleet of aircraft violating their airspace. The sizeable air contingent now divert the majority of their assets to meet yours, only 2 reapers are left in pursuit of the Spooky II signature (MALD-J #1).

Applying a dice roll of -3- by Highwind applied to the launch of 2 more Mald-Js to further strip away the inbound fighter craft

Seeing the inbound 'furball' of fighter craft Spooky II (Rattlebones) authorizes the launch of 2 more MALD-J this time wearing the aspect of fast moving F-15E Strike Eagles burning straight for Charleston proper. Other than further distorting the radar returns and muddying Charleston's ability to get accurate radar readings on fleet composition and location details, they are largely ignored. Charleston believes we have overplayed our hand and ignore the MALD's approach, after all 'NO ONE' flies jet aircraft! they puke their engines within minutes!


Calling a break in the Narrative here while I await @KnightDisciple 's 5x rolls of
Hostis humani generis

Btw a beautiful phrase, and legally a sound doctrine that defines Charleston forces to a tea.

Hostis humani generis
(Latin for "enemy of mankind") is a legal term of art that originates in admiralty law. Before the adoption of public international law, pirates and slavers were already held to be beyond legal protection and so could be dealt with by any nation, even one that had not been directly attacked.
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@Justhere you are also welcome to roll x5 1d10 for me if you like... no pressure participate as the quest inspires you... glad we're still worth stalking ;)
As Spooky II (Rattlebones ) correlates targeting data 6 of the AGM-122 Sidearms are sent downrange with a call of "Fox-2" to excellent effect, 5/6 destroy their targets, the other a SAM site is apparently on point and have engaged their Phalanx CIWS and took out the sidearm. It appears that word of the attack has spurred defensive measures to go live and retaliation is being prepared.


Applying a dice roll of -5- by KnightDisciple to Spooky II 'Rattlebones' detection roll

Inside the Elite 'Rattlebones' a detection warning flares brightly, the sensor chief calls out on the channels being held open by Liberty's Toll:

"SEAD Group be advised we have beyond visual range missile launches from the inbound fighter craft, identification pending. Oh Shit SEAD! inbound are AIM-260 (JATM) and are bleeding edge! Manned craft are to burn onboard countermeasures in one MIKE (minute), take the drones NOE and brush the foliage, this is going to be dicey!"
The Rescue Group:
- Objectives:
  1. Rescue Bracer Phoenix and his Rangers from their hiding spot in the Argus USA cement plant.
- Unit Composition:
Elite Engineer units (Ground Dragons, Silent Sappers); Elite Pathfinder Crew (Outriders); One Jumphawk squadron; Two Strike Eagles; One Apache and pair of Grey Eagle UAVs.

Applying a dice roll of -1- by BadKatt for going unnoticed

A small fighter detachment peel off to investigate possible radar contacts , these craft are suspicious in they are in a location of no known strategic value. Savannah has bled Charleston too many times with the unknown, investigation is a priority.

This post requires a pause, to allow any token use in response. 24 hour reroll deadline 12:30 pm EST tomorrow.

Transport helos are safely on the ground, and ground forces are disembarked. This includes the AA contingent @BadKatt85 requested (Avenger and Manpad), Elite combat engineers are moving on Bracers rubble pile.
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