Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Sweet. I think the Deep Ones, and possibly Charleston's Navy, are going to be in for a Bad Time, once we can afford some of those. Probably going to be really nice for boarding actions and the like.
Boarding? Sure, if you absolutely want to capture the ship.

...Remind me to add researching better passive Sonars and other close-proximity underwater sensors for our ships. I just had a few seriously scary ideas I want to proof ourselves against before openly proposing them.
Mods out to a 17 !!!

Aquatic Power Armor:

Changes from basic version:

✔ A much larger air capacity, at least doubled
✔ MHD-based propulsion systems including Triton-like wrist and ankle thrusters
✔ Cav-X ammunition for any guns

Designed to utilize same material as Triton's armor, however advanced armor orders were outside the purview of prototyping process

✔ Engraved Elder Signs
✔ Ability to hook into special cradles attached to certain ships to replenish electricity and oxygen. (atm only the SNS - 'Staurolite' is compatible)
✔ Micro-torpedos based off Triton's chest missile/torpedoes - in a Y-rack configuration* for a debugged version of Hammertech's Ex-wife replacing non-streamlined waldos
(Fluff: These torpedoes utilize the solid fuel thruster to generate a supercavitating effect underwater; land bound they make mediocre missiles.)
Think micro torpedo version of the not bolters. Raufoss Mk 211 (Cav-X) Two stage missile - delivery then firing the Raufoss at point blank range.

* each Launcher on Y - rack has 270 degree field of fire one facing left the other right , being shoulder mounted, the 90 degrees uncovered are occupied by the Marine pilots head.

Cool if possible (Elite Perks?):
-Electrolysis-based oxygen replenishment system?
-Cavitation system for speed boost

Possible Elite Perks:
-Sentinels of Faith (going to want at least one)
-Electricity gun
-Cavitation gun
-Superheating weapon that boils water in an area
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Boarding? Sure, if you absolutely want to capture the ship.

...Remind me to add researching better passive Sonars and other close-proximity underwater sensors for our ships. I just had a few seriously scary ideas I want to proof ourselves against before openly proposing them.
I think I can guess a few of them. And yeah, those are fairly useful overall.
Mods out to a 17 !!!

Aquatic Power Armor:

Changes from basic version:

✔ A much larger air capacity, at least doubled
✔ MHD-based propulsion systems including Triton-like wrist and ankle thrusters
✔ Cav-X ammunition for any guns

Designed to utilize same material as Triton's armor, however advanced armor orders were outside the purview of prototyping process

✔ Engraved Elder Signs
✔ Ability to hook into special cradles attached to certain ships to replenish electricity and oxygen. (atm only the SNS - 'Staurolite' is compatible)
✔ Micro-torpedos based off Triton's chest missile/torpedoes - in a Y-rack configuration* for a debugged version of Hammertech's Ex-wife replacing non-streamlined waldos
(Fluff: These torpedoes utilize the solid fuel thruster to generate a supercavitating effect underwater; land bound they make mediocre missiles.)
Think micro torpedo version of the not bolters. Raufoss Mk 211 (Cav-X) Two stage missile - delivery then firing the Raufoss at point blank range.

* each Launcher on Y - rack has 270 degree field of fire one facing left the other right , being shoulder mounted, the 90 degrees uncovered are occupied by the Marine pilots head.

Cool if possible (Elite Perks?):
-Electrolysis-based oxygen replenishment system?
-Cavitation system for speed boost

Possible Elite Perks:
-Sentinels of Faith (going to want at least one)
-Electricity gun
-Cavitation gun
-Superheating weapon that boils water in an area
Looks good to me. Looking forward to actually fielding some.
You -DO- have enough 'prototypes' sans the deepwater carbyne armor to actually field one marine unit for the upcoming Charleston strike.

( Enough to get your feet wet as it were... /insert dad joke groan here )
Right. In that case, it might be best to have the Staurolite haul them to the battle, and deploy them for anti-Deep One action as needed. Or to board a ship, that might also be helpful. We'll see how things play out. I'm thinking Semper Fi probably would be the best for the job, though I suppose that depends on what other Elite perks the remaining Marines get...
Hmmm... Might be worth to give them a... What the heck is that minisub thing that divers use to propel them... In future rounds of research.
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Hmmm... Might be worth to give them a... What the heck is that minisub thing that divers use to propel them... In future rounds of research.

SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) ?

Although helpful to SEAL teams and other such 'normal' SOCOM teams acting in an aquatic environment the Powered Armor (Aquatic) features Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion - layman's terms you use a magnetic bottle to push sea water to provide thrust. And with the addition of both wrist and ankle vernier thrusters, gain a surprising level of maneuverability in addition to speedy (equal or better to the SDV, I need to go research mode) and near silent movement.
SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) ?

Although helpful to SEAL teams and other such 'normal' SOCOM teams acting in an aquatic environment the Powered Armor (Aquatic) features Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion - layman's terms you use a magnetic bottle to push sea water to provide thrust. And with the addition of both wrist and ankle vernier thrusters, gain a surprising level of maneuverability in addition to speedy (equal or better to the SDV, I need to go research mode) and near silent movement.

Yeah, the idea would be less combat usage, and more general movement bonuses for insertion... unless we stuffed a drone brain in there and used it as autonomous fire support units while the Power Armored troopers did their nasty business upon well-deserving cultists.
Ah, an actual transport to boost aquatic powered armors range and speed to the fight.

Tacit Ronin has his supersonic rocket tobogan, ground effect vehicle.

Best bet for something like that would be something like a hydro foil using MHD, water is amazingly good at slowing stuff down, the less water the watercraft encounters the faster it can go... ground effects could work as well if it hovers high enough that surge and swell dont swamp it.
SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) ?

Although helpful to SEAL teams and other such 'normal' SOCOM teams acting in an aquatic environment the Powered Armor (Aquatic) features Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion - layman's terms you use a magnetic bottle to push sea water to provide thrust. And with the addition of both wrist and ankle vernier thrusters, gain a surprising level of maneuverability in addition to speedy (equal or better to the SDV, I need to go research mode) and near silent movement.
Hence why the Breccia-class is mostly there to conserve power and air, and recharge the armor. More a carrier than an insertion vessel, really.
Yeah, the idea would be less combat usage, and more general movement bonuses for insertion... unless we stuffed a drone brain in there and used it as autonomous fire support units while the Power Armored troopers did their nasty business upon well-deserving cultists.
The odds are fairly good the submarine in question is less stealthy and equally fast, if not slower, though. The odds are fairly good that going any faster is also going to involve significantly less stealth, too.
Hence why the Breccia-class is mostly there to conserve power and air, and recharge the armor. More a carrier than an insertion vessel, really.

Fair enough. I guess it would apply better in a setting where energy was an actual factor.

I also regret not thinking of Battletech's Battle Armors sooner. Reading about the missile arrangement reminded me of the Demon series. =/
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Water moving by magnetism should be quieter than most fish. :V
Yep. But the obvious route to speed improvement, since Triton's MHD drive is pretty much beyond cutting edge and I don't see us improving on it much, is cavitation. Which is really f*cking loud.
@Nixeu , usually I agree with you. However this time I think you have missed my point.

MHD in this instance has TONS of room to impove. Using same reactor & MHD unit as Triton running below water, and unlike Triton who has a ton of surface area (drag) below the waterline, you build a vehicle that when underway glides above the waterline ; aka a hydrofoil.

Without the drag the ship should exceed Tritons speed, also the reactor is only feeding the MHD drives, whereas Triton has his every humaniform muscle (x # of deisels per strand) & innumerable other systems singualar to Jaegers, the delivery ship will not.

Take the excess power and feed it to create larger / stronger / faster magnetic bubbles to go even faster.
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@BadKatt85 , there are times when yourinsights fill me with both pride and loathing.

Scientifically you are right (pride) less drag equals more speed, taking advantage of a "Beyond cutting edge" technology when the QM let 'that genie out of the bottle' into a no reason to disallow argument for use (loathing); Brava!

Take the excess power and feed it to create larger / stronger / faster magnetic bubbles to go even faster.

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@Nixeu , usually I agree with you. However this time I think you have missed my point.

MHD in this instance has TONS of room to impove. Using same reactor & MHD unit as Triton running below water, and unlike Triton who has a ton of surface area (drag) below the waterline, you build a vehicle that when underway glides above the waterline ; aka a hydrofoil.

Without the drag the ship should exceed Tritons speed, also the reactor is only feeding the MHD drives, whereas Triton has his every humaniform muscle (x # of deisels per strand) & innumerable other systems singualar to Jaegers, the delivery ship will not.

Take the excess power and feed it to create larger / stronger / faster magnetic bubbles to go even faster.
In that case, I just have one question. Why are you prioritizing speed-of-insertion over visual stealth in an insertion vessel? That sounds like a really nice boat for, say, rapidly establishing a beachhead, or maybe rapid deployment in case of sudden Deep One attacks...but not really very good for supporting general special operations. It's not really a replacement for the Breccia-class, or even the conventional SDV. It's an entirely different sort of ship, with entirely different strengths, that fails to cover the main purpose of most special operations insertion vessels: get them there fast, without being noticed. Ya seem to have forgotten the second part.

Like, as a way of rapidly establishing a beachhead, it's an excellent idea. But I'm confused as to why you think a fairly big hydrofoil (which it would need to be, to support a squad in power armor) is at all stealthy. They're very visible to Mark 1 Eyeball. And a high-performance hydrofoil tends to also be a fairly fragile maintenance hog that is easily thrown catastrophically off-course by floating sea debris. Lower speed hydrofoils are more robust, but they have to sacrifice speed for reliability.

Then there's the slight issue with the whole "why don't we try more power?" approach: you're limited by your materials and physics. Run too much power through the electromagnets, and you have to deal with Joule heating and electrolysis problems. More power doesn't necessarily make an MHD drive better. Better electromagnets are far more helpful than increasing current density. That's why I figure we're probably operating right at the absolute cutting edge of current understanding. And why I don't expect to be able to milk much more speed out of the drives themselves. Reducing water resistance is indeed a way to increase the speed we'd get out of them. Running more electricity through the magnets isn't.
@Nixeu , you raise many valid points I had failed to consider, a few scientific (out of my depth) but more often than not common sense aspects I failed to consider (fragility of hydrofoils), it is a different style of ship entirely between my proposed one and the Breccia so much so the apples and oranges factor is hard in play.

My analogy with Tacit's rocket toboggan was more on the nose than I like to admit (it's not really a stealth vehicle either, blame my obsession with everything go faster). When speed is the goal my design 'might' fit the bill; but yours is the better rounded overall support.

I bow to you humbly, point made Admiral, point made.

Edit: now maybe I could sell you on MHD hydrocraft snub fighters using the surplus power for lasers? ;)
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Something that came to my mind when considering Stealth×Speed. We know the dander in the atmosphere messes with the electromagnetic spectrum, so most common long-range sensors such as Radars and even Lidar have their effective range severely reduced. Additionally, most guidance systems suffer a significant loss of accuracy over long distances due to the same electromagnetic interference, and unshielded electronics are similarly affected*.

Does the same reduction in effective range apply underwater? Do Sonars have their range/resolution reduced, and do the guidance systems of, say, torpedos suffer the same interference?

*The fact unshielded electronics are affected means everyone is back in the era of briefcase laptops and brick-sized cellphones with a physical keyboard. And the climate is somewhat colder too, isn't it? That'll have an effect on the fashion.
I have to carefully consider the aesthetics of this universe. I'm leaning towards a mix of regular modern clothing that's slowly mixing with, and later outright being replaced by, sturdier Film Noir+Great Depression styled clothes. Trenchcoats, waistcoats and pocket watches, bowler hats the works. It meshes well with the Pulp magazine style from Lovecraft's era.
Does the same reduction in effective range apply underwater? Do Sonars have their range/resolution reduced, and do the guidance systems of, say, torpedos suffer the same interference?

The dander has had a minimal effect to date, a lot more volume to the oceans, particulates tend to sink and clump on the ocean floors, currents tend to move chains of clumped particulate around & drop most of it into the deepest depths (marianas & puerto rican trenches have significant background from particulates as well as breach radiation).
As to climate change it is a mixed bag, the increased cloud cover caused by continual global Cat-5 kaiju induced superstorms is offset to a certain degree by greenhouse effects trapping heat, so far it has been a net-zero equation but no one has done longer term projections as to long term climate effect and which direction it'll finally settle.

Your wardrobe choices are spot on due to Gulf coast like rainfall (60" to 70") become more globally standard. Hardening technologies have improved even in civilian gear where such gear can still be obtained at all. (Savannah Protectorate, Atlanta, a few more that aren't on camera yet.) The rest of the world are rediscovering the joys of rock and stick percussion (A slight exaggeration, but without manufacturing capabilities working shit breaks and no one is building and supplying replacements.)
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Again fashion is a factor for 'civilized' areas, not dying of exposure is more important to the majority of those living on the raggedy edge.
I.E. 90+% of the world. It's easy to forget your sphere of influence is that rare exception...

Layering of unlaundered clothing, less bathing, and general overall hygiene tend to suffer when staying ahead of the four horsemen (Famine, pestilence, war, & death) is your primary goal.