Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Additional Inbound @ 28.6 km - 2 Extremely large, Morale influencing, Cat-Zero Deep One Elders, 300+ Deep ones speeding in at 1.2 km/turn, 6 Gudis & 6 Sheldon struggling to keep pace.
Hm... if we kill these two, the Deep Ones should rout from panic and the influence of the Elder Signs. We'll need to intecept them well before them and the rest of the reinforcements can arrive, but judging by the distance and their speed we still have a while before that happens, enough time to maneuver our forces to intercept.

Ossabaw Island fast moving, inbound flyers identity is discovered!
LOCCENTS remote feeds from local traffic cameras capture a totally unexpected sight, the wasp-like Vespiform API's, creatures of the Breach (encountered first by the Little Bird under the overpass on your way from Atlanta to Savannah) are engaging and destroying both Sturgis and Grey Widowers with a singular hatred, not as food or to insert larva producing eggs, but killing and moving on as fast as possible to the next target.
That's... unexpected. But welcome. We should let them kill the Sturgis and Widowers, and target them if they get too close. And we have some IC clue that the Kaiju hate the eldritch creatures, enough to assume direct control of APIs to hunt them down.
Cool, movement again. :)

if we kill these two, the Deep Ones should rout from panic and the influence of the Elder Signs.

That's one read of what was going on...

I'm personally chalking it up to more a hesitancy among the ranks of basic infantry that the vanilla (unempowered) Elder signs are like the Third Reich rolling up and encountering keep off the lawn signs in German.

Enough knowledge to show we're not entirely unaware of Mist creature lore, make them wonder if the had enough time to print these 'What else' might we have on tap?!?

Respected Elder's bringing up the rear, bolster the unease allowing them to push past the uncertainty, back into action.

Momentum is important with armed forces. Historically if a force stalls, it takes a lot of effort to begin their forward movement again... Tanks reinforcing stalled infantry, reinforcements arriving, etc.
Cool, movement again. :)

That's one read of what was going on...

I'm personally chalking it up to more a hesitancy among the ranks of basic infantry that the vanilla (unempowered) Elder signs are like the Third Reich rolling up and encountering keep off the lawn signs in German.

Enough knowledge to show we're not entirely unaware of Mist creature lore, make them wonder if the had enough time to print these 'What else' might we have on tap?!?

Respected Elder's bringing up the rear, bolster the unease allowing them to push past the uncertainty, back into action.

Momentum is important with armed forces. Historically if a force stalls, it takes a lot of effort to begin their forward movement again... Tanks reinforcing stalled infantry, reinforcements arriving, etc.
Unless my memory is playing tricks on me again, in the conversation between Councillor Knight and Nyarly the latter said the Elder Signs were made by the Elder Things during their war against the Great Old Ones, and that it has no power over Outer Gods such as him. I took that to mean they are more than just a symbol of allegiance, and the odd effects they have on Dagonite cultists makes it more likely they do more than just send a magical "get off my lawn" sign.

One, if I remember right, was revolting to the cultists, while another made them drowsy. This implies each Elder Sign variation has different effects on those aligned with the GOOs, with one of them potentially being a tool for sealing and pacifying them, while the other is meant to ward them off from where it is inscribed.

Moreover, our currency isn't even magically charged like the one Sign Mr. Cartwright made, and neither were the signs we used when testing them on our cultist prisioners, so whatever effect they do have is probably much smaller due to the fact we're using just the symbols without any charge. Granted, symbols have a magical power all of their own (and incidentally, that reminds me I have to take the dust off my copy of Man and His Symbols and read through it again,) but whatever effect they have is lesser than the magically-charged ones and must be based mostly on their sheer number within our cities. Add in the fact the Deep Ones' morale was apparently falling further the closer they got to the city and I feel it's safe to say the Deep Ones are affected negatively by the number of Elder Signs in the city, and from a larger distance compared to the cultists. The arrival of their elders and the reinforcements bolstered their morale and made them start advancing again despite the Elder Signs' influence, so if we can kill those elders and some reinforcements the Deep Ones are probably going to rout.

Granted, that's all speculation based on everything I can remember from when the Elder Sign came up in the quest, and we still need to do a lot of testing that would be very hard and/or unsafe to perform in the middle of an attack, but it's at the very least speculation based on known facts. Or at least the facts I remember right now. I'd happily discard the entirety of what I just wrote and start again from scratch if it turns out I'm misremembering things.

tl;dr: We still have to make more tests, but I have quite a few reasons to believe the Elder Signs, as printed on our currency, do more to the Deep Ones than broadcast that we know about all the supernatural stuff.
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Highwind provided excellent arguments worthy of reading ^check them out above^

I bow to your well reasoned arguments, I was operating more on theory than actual fact.

Having it presented in the light you did has opened my mind to the possibility I was underselling the potential power of the 'vanilla' Elder Signs that we seeded.

I will offer further 'proof' to support your argument; Councillor Knight wrote his Sentinels of Faith omake and Smiths responded:

Kudo's Knight I think this is a favored omake to date...

Gained a "symbol of true faith", with a sufficient outlay of resources & research the troop type 'Sentinels of Faith' may be trained...

As your omake indicated, magic and it's research was to be your pet project I want to underscore Smiths also slipped these nuggets regarding 'Magic'

You are Councillor Knight, but I also name you 'Beast-Baiter' for rare is the being that insults Cthulhu's Eldest son and retains enough 'self' afterwards to again speak.

< "I will explain in more detail and yet try to keep it simple. Names, especially 'True Names' are powerful; as powerful in some ways as 'True Faith'.

If you insist on -that- identity for me you grant me access to my full power and I must wear the aspect that fits...

edit : Apparently magic is quite complex, True Faith, True Names, and Symbols of power whether Elder signs or others could hold/focus power.
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To a certain point (which will require additional research to get any details) you both are right.

Vanilla magical Signs possess power. AND the Deep Ones finding those signs had a profound non-magical 'Oh shit, their on to us!' psychological effect they've not experienced since the South sea islanders seeded their islands in the early 1900's.

Once traction was lost the basic Deep One grunt, weren't in hurry to push their luck. The unknown is terrifying, and the Deep Ones racially have a bigger sampling of how scary the unknown CAN be than human racial memory allows us to understand.
I bow to your well reasoned arguments, I was operating more on theory than actual fact.

Having it presented in the light you did has opened my mind to the possibility I was underselling the potential power of the 'vanilla' Elder Signs that we seeded.

I will offer further 'proof' to support your argument; Councillor Knight wrote his Sentinels of Faith omake and Smiths responded:

As your omake indicated, magic and it's research was to be your pet project I want to underscore Smiths also slipped these nuggets regarding 'Magic'
I'll make sure to bookmark the posts to find those quotes more easily.

edit : Apparently magic is quite complex, True Faith, True Names, and Symbols of power whether Elder signs or others could hold/focus power.
Magic, throughout human history, has always been quirky at best. For example, it was once believed that palindromes could stop the devil from tampering with things, because the repeating letters confused him, and the Sator Square was attributed such magical powers as protecting cattle from witchcraft and extinguishing fire without water. A more modern example would be how some Chaos Magicians perform rituals over teleconference.

And then we have all those methods of divination, that use everything from runes to the flight of birds, summoning and binding entities to your service, magical words (from specific words having magical power, like Abracadabra, to the belief that all words have some magical power,) and so on and so forth, each with their own logic behind them that isn't always intuitive to someone who doesn't share their beliefs or knows their mystic knowledge.

It's weird and complex, but if it weren't weird and complex then it wouldn't be Magic.
On Savannah's Eastern Coastal defensive perimeter the closest Deep One skirmishers (39/45) close from 2 km to 0.8 km from the berm in a grotesque broken pattern combining swim and frog like muscular surges leaping from the water to shame a dolphin.

These are not attempting to form up in Platoons and die on the beaches en mass, no this is a frenzy of rabid beasts intoxicated on the the idea of blood and thicker things.

The honored Elders are coming! It is time to impress with sheer carnage and kill counts... the timid corpses shall be piled against the walls as a ladder for the Elders feet and worse than devils entreated to devour the Hindmost!

General rolling courtesy : (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

4 Patrol Torpedo Boats, Each may fire 4 singular torpedoes for a total of 16 rolls of 1d10 , 5+ hits

8 Artillery, 8 rolls of 1d10+1, 5+ hits

1 Pathfinder will be combat ready NEXT turn, the wounded door gunner's prognoses is good.

3 Cobras
3x 1d10 for Thermite Rocket Pod: K-scale . Hits on 4+ (2 salvos remain)

1 Elite 'Smooth Operators'
1d10 Thermite Rocket Pod: K-scale . Hits on 3+ due to elite bonus. (2 salvos remain)

6 AKP's,
1d10+1, 5+ hits (2 salvos remain after which resupply or use Hvy SSC AK-47)


I also need a random 1d10+2 awareness roll for LOCCENT tech, it may allow you to deal with another undetected mystery threat.
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An unidentified Cat-Zero presence ballooned in at heights to rival an upper atmospheric weather balloon (over 30 miles up just outside sensor range); it now plummets towards the heart of Savannah encased in a cocoon of carbyne enhanced silk, the Mist equivalent of a HALO jump.

A heartbeat of inattention, or indecision would have allowed no time for response but LOCCENT's exceptional performance allows a response using the Avenger Anti-air units to fire a salvo.

Roll 1d4 for number of Avengers that have clear sight lines (no opportunity to re-position, it is a fire where you sit opportunity).

When you find the number that can possibly respond, please roll appropriate number of 1d10 +2 to hit, 4+ to hit.
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Been over an hour I'll try # of Avenger rolls.

Edit#1 Yes!!!

I'm passing the rolls now!
BadKatt85 threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Number of Avengers? Total: 4
4 4
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One more minor correction @Highwind .

Cartwright is a Miss, not a Mr.

(As a female gamer I empathize with the gender confusion more than most.)
Got it, I'll keep it in mind for when I inevitably use her in a omake.

The name and nickname were ambiguous enough I couldn't be sure of her gender, and the Personalities document uses gender-neutral pronouns, and "when in doubt, use male pronouns" was the standard practice in my native language until very recently, thus my confusing her gender.
4 Patrol Torpedo Boats, Each may fire 4 singular torpedoes for a total of 16 rolls of 1d10 , 5+ hits
Taking at least 4 of these, being the Navy guy and all that.

Edit: Three hits and misfire isn't too bad. But someone is still probably getting demoted.
Nixeu threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire the Torpedos! ( Total: 25
9 9 7 7 1 1 8 8
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Misfire (Demotion Imminant) Total: 8
8 8
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I'll claim the 4 Avenger Rolls versus the nasty falling for Savannah. 1d10+2, hit on 4+.

Edit: 3 solid hits and a high roll misfire, not too shabby.
BadKatt85 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Stealth visitors, go home! Total: 22
9 9 1 1 6 6 6 6
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: misfire dice Total: 9
9 9
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These rolls remain; once all are in I'll perform the write up.
1 Patrol Torpedo Boat, 4 rolls of 1d10 , 5+ hits

3 Cobras
3x 1d10 for Thermite Rocket Pod: K-scale . Hits on 4+ (2 salvos remain)

1 Elite 'Smooth Operators'
1d10 Thermite Rocket Pod: K-scale . Hits on 3+ due to elite bonus. (2 salvos remain)

6 AKP's,
6 rolls of 1d10+1, 5+ hits (2 salvos remain after which resupply or use Hvy SSC AK-47)
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Elite Cobra & 2 AKP's taken.

Edit: Cobra and 1 akp hit
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: smooth operators elite Total: 6
6 6
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP's Total: 10
6 6 4 4
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4 AKP's remain; I'll provide the partial write up, then you can use your jaegers...
I guess I'll roll for the last four AKPs.

Edit: I believe that's three hits or so?
Fyrstorm threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: AKPs Total: 25
6 6 8 8 7 7 4 4