Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

The local forces marshaled to defend the eastern coast line perform above and beyond with only the rare exception.

8 artillery fire salvos of HE-I and 6 strike truly, the cool mist is replaced forcibly, the hiss of white phosphorous turning water to steam making the ocean near impact points froth and roil cooking all nearby. 1 shot narrowly misses and the last simply fails to arm and splashes in the midst of the enemy on target but ineffectual. (33 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)


Savannah's fledgling Navy does better than statistical average, but it does little to placate Admiral Nixeu. He swears his forces should produce 'better than average' results and if they fall short it's time to review protocols & procedures, performance reviews, or call an Admiral's Mast and demote a boat Captain if he won't hold his crews to the new standards.

P.T. Boat #1 produces 3 solid hits, the remaining torpedo fails to arm, was it operator error or equipment failure? As it disappears into the Mist so does any chance of pin pointing the true cause. (30 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

P.T. Boat #2 produces only 1 solid hit, and 3 clean misses. In this case there is little doubt it is on the crew, did the helmsman fail to hold a true course or did three Torpedoman's mate need called on the carpet for poor performance? (29 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

P.T. Boat #3 produces 3 solid hits, the remaining torpedo is a simple miss. No faulty equipment, no malfeasance, just shit luck... (26 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

P.T. Boat #4 produces 2 solid hits, a simple miss, and a malfunction... the motor engages but stutters, sputters and fails luckily safety measures in place register the travel distance as adequate and detonates the warhead, no need to leave a friendly dud torpedo floating hidden in the waves to act as an indiscriminate mine. (24 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)


Now it is time for the Cobras to show what 2.75 inch thermite rocket pods can do...

2 of them fire on target and strike solidly. (22 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

The last copter suffers a misfire but luckily all safety systems engage - Both pods lock down, rocket pods will require either service by a resupply platoon -OR- await down time servicing. Luckily it can continue the battle reliant on the dual miniguns in it's nose nacelle.

The 'Smooth Operator's' refuse to let their juniors show up an Elite. Thermite rockets lance out a textbook example of a proper rocketry run.

(21 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)


6 AKP's unload their recoilless salvos, 4 land as hoped, and the 2 misses fall only yards short of their targets. (17 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)


The last second notice from Loccent proves sufficient to mount a credible anti-air defense, All four Avengers are able to acquire the inbound HALO cocoon as it plummets at terminal velocity towards the heart of Savannah.

3 of 4 incendiary 'stingers' slam into the speeding threat, their damage does not penetrate the silken bubble. However, they do ignite the surface burning away 3 of 4 silken blankets held tightly against the surface. Deceleration chutes become ash, only the final chute deploys only slightly slowing a cocoon larger than U.P.S. largest delivery van.

It falls with it's impact point hidden from all forces by intervening buildings. The impact tremor is felt city wide. A cacophony not unlike a dozen high tension wires snapping in unison is heard a heart beat after impact.

Between city defenses, and the high quality shelters you invested in the K-scale damage of the impact is absorbed without a single civilian casualty.

A blood chilling noise is heard, an insectile chitter like a grey widower using a bullhorn but an octave shriller. The sheer volume rattles windows blocks from the impact point.


(OOC) It is Choice time Councillors. Mammoth was making his path to the western edge of the DP, he is equally as far away from the impact point as your reserve conventional forces. Choose a response force both are 4 units away, no obvious firing lines due to the residences and businesses of Savannah.

Edited: to correct math errors
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Savannah's fledgling Navy does better than statistical average, but it does little to placate Admiral Nixeu. He swears his forces should produce 'better than average' results and if they fall short it's time to review protocols & procedures, performance reviews, or call an Admiral's Mast and demote a boat Captain if he won't hold his crews to the new standards.
I was at least partially joking, geez. I still associate crit fails with "someone was incompetent" more than "just didn't hit". Maybe my GMs just enjoyed our suffering too much, but crit fails on explosives would usually not be a dud for my GMs. More likely to explode in the launcher or jam the gun.
I was at least partially joking, geez. I still associate crit fails with "someone was incompetent" more than "just didn't hit". Maybe my GMs just enjoyed our suffering too much, but crit fails on explosives would usually not be a dud for my GMs. More likely to explode in the launcher or jam the gun.

Not meaning anything other than you hold your new navy to a higher standard, (In my personal experience in the USMCR our X.O. was a stickler who aimed for the impossible, and was alright 'settling' for exceptional results, our unit consistently pushed the bar for minimal performance up across our Air wing and drug other units up Corp wide chasing our example). IMHO nothing wrong with that approach I was merely projecting him upon you based on your commentary.

You have raised your Manufacturing levels up to meet my minimum standards to avoid the lions share of 'casual' terminal crit-failures. I still refer to O-S misfire table as a broad strokes guideline.
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I will gladly dial it back if that style of command is too severe for you Nix, casual comments are all I have to use as a basis. Badkatt & KnightsDisciple have produced Omakes and IG cues for me to play from so I have a 'feel' for their command styles. I'm lacking that and improvised for you, if it caused offense I apologize in all sincerity.
I will gladly dial it back if that style of command is too severe for you Nix, casual comments are all I have to use as a basis. Badkatt & KnightsDisciple have produced Omakes and IG cues for me to play from so I have a 'feel' for their command styles. I'm lacking that and improvised for you, if it caused offense I apologize in all sincerity.
Ah, don't worry about it. I'm not exactly fond of being an overly demanding hard-ass, is all. That's the job of the captains. I prefer leaving the details of running their ships to them. That's their job. Mine is the overall strategic and logistical running of the Navy. Delagation doesn't come naturally to me, which is why I would make an effort to be hands-off in scenarios like this. Generally speaking, unless they really screwed the pooch, the head of a Navy shouldn't be coming down on individual captains, IMO. Coming to my attention should be as rare as it is an indicator of a genuine f*ck up. Captains should be doing roughly the same thing, just on a smaller scale, IMO.

Now, XOs should indeed be as you described. Captains and admirals, though, should trust their subordinates to do their jobs, unless they demonstrate they can't. The captain should be the specter whose attention is the threat the XO uses to motivate the crew. XOs should be focused on working the crews, captains should be spending their time figuring out how to execute their flag officer's orders, and flag officers should be paying attention to the overall fight.

Edit: And the head of the entire Navy should be busy managing the Big Picture, and planning for the future.
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Accurate characterization is important granted, However I'm more than a bit freaked by :
A blood chilling noise is heard, an insectile chitter like a grey widower using a bullhorn but an octave shriller. The sheer volume rattles windows blocks from the impact point.

We've met the Widowers and they are skin crawling... I'm wondering is it time to meet a Widow?
And I get justifiably nervous whenever giant arachnids are in my vicinity. What's the biggest can of bug spray we have available?
Wait, I forgot this is America for a moment. Where's the nearest flamethrower and/or shotgun?
"Gun locker's over there. Grab my sawed-off while you're there, will you? It's labeled. If you want flamethrowers, the armory is a bit away. Wouldn't suggest it, though. You're likely to set the tents or one of us on fire."
Mammoth -is- toting the Nemo automatic shotgun firing layden ball subdual ammo that can be piled on to become lethal electrical...

Ghostriders Motorcycle militia & 'Burn Unit' Jacketed AKP's are two Elites featuring flamethrowers... (stationed with reserve conv forces, burn unit is on board jump hawk with both the other jacketed akp's)
P.T. Boat #3 produces 3 solid hits, the remaining torpedo is a simple miss. No faulty equipment, no malfeasance, just shit luck... (26 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

P.T. Boat #4 produces 2 solid hits, a simple miss, and a malfunction... the motor engages but stutters, sputters and fails luckily safety measures in place register the travel distance as adequate and detonates the warhead, no need to leave a friendly dud torpedo floating hidden in the waves to act as an indiscriminate mine. (27 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)


Now it is time for the Cobras to show what 2.75 inch thermite rocket pods can do...

2 of them fire on target and strike solidly. (25 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)

The last copter suffers a misfire but luckily all safety systems engage - Both pods lock down, rocket pods will require either service by a resupply platoon -OR- await down time servicing. Luckily it can continue the battle reliant on the dual miniguns in it's nose nacelle.

The 'Smooth Operator's' refuse to let their juniors show up an Elite. Thermite rockets lance out a textbook example of a proper rocketry run.

(26 of 45 Deep Ones units Remain)
Uh...mate, you might want to check that math. 26-2=24, not 27, last I checked. And 25-1 isn't 26.
Uh...mate, you might want to check that math. 26-2=24, not 27, last I checked. And 25-1 isn't 26.

Good catch, will review and correct. Don't know how I flubbed.

Edit: Added when I meant subtract, is now fixed and down to 17 surviving Deep One units.
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I wouldn't think it would be undue overkill to send the 3 jacketed AKP's via Jump Hawk to support Mammoth at impact point.

Next turn we need some mileage out of the rest of our reserve forces, need to shuffle them to be useful.
"Gun locker's over there. Grab my sawed-off while you're there, will you? It's labeled. If you want flamethrowers, the armory is a bit away. Wouldn't suggest it, though. You're likely to set the tents or one of us on fire."
The gun locker was, as expected, very well-stocked, and unexpectedly messy. There were shotguns aplenty, of course, as well as pistols of every make, some revolvers, a pair of FN P90s and even a blunderbuss stashed in the back. I found Nixeu's sawn-off in an instant. The sticky note that promised various painful and likely fatal punishments to whomever took it without permission was a dead give away.

However, I hesitated when choosing my own firearm, mostly due to the sheer variety of models and ammo. That is, I hesitated until I saw a shotgun that was hidden behind one of the P90s. Carefully, I picked it up and examined it. Two barrels, a walnut stock, and a cobalt steel barrel. I carefully opened the breech, and after making sure it opened smoothly and that there were no shells in it, I tested the trigger and found I needed to apply next to no pressure to pull it.

I knew a sign when I saw one.

My choice made for me, I picked up a box of shot and one of slugs, and made my way back to the command room.


Edit: now with better grammar.
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(OOC) It is Choice time Councillors. Mammoth was making his path to the western edge of the DP, he is equally as far away from the impact point as your reserve conventional forces. Choose a response force both are 4 units away, no obvious firing lines due to the residences and businesses of Savannah.

Badkatt has begun on this, I'm sure she will appreciate some feedback. And I require some consensus...

I wouldn't think it would be undue overkill to send the 3 jacketed AKP's via Jump Hawk to support Mammoth at impact point.
I wouldn't think it would be undue overkill to send the 3 jacketed AKP's via Jump Hawk to support Mammoth at impact point.

Next turn we need some mileage out of the rest of our reserve forces, need to shuffle them to be useful.
I think that's one of the better uses for the Jacketed AKPs, yeah. Of all of our non-airborne Conventionals, I feel like they can keep up with Mammoth the best.
Refining it further let Mammoth take the lead as he can better weather any hits, once he has drawn attention Elite jacketed AKP's fast rope in and move to flank.
Elite Sheet updated. (mostly... weapons updated. Need to polish description of combat jackets defensive features and incorporate it there as well).

Edit: now done correctly.

(OOC) No idea why performing timely basic updating has the appeal of a root canal to me :facepalm::oops:
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