Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

And I get justifiably nervous whenever giant arachnids are in my vicinity. What's the biggest can of bug spray we have available?
Wait, I forgot this is America for a moment. Where's the nearest flamethrower and/or shotgun?

"Gun locker's over there. Grab my sawed-off while you're there, will you? It's labeled. If you want flamethrowers, the armory is a bit away. Wouldn't suggest it, though. You're likely to set the tents or one of us on fire."

"I had the techs install compartments in the table when we got back, each one has a .45. Switch to open them is under the Jager minis next to your name plate. Also the bathroom has a pair of false walls hiding AR's and body armor, the broken terminal behind Kat has an escape hatch leading to the ground floor under it. The Space Invader and Galaga cabinets by the coffee machine have a pair of M240's and... let's call it a lot of ammunition and the closet has a pair of Jackets and a Carl Gustav."

"If anything tries to get in or stop us from getting out, we are well prepared."

The gun locker was, as expected, very well-stocked, and unexpectedly messy. There were shotguns aplenty, of course, as well as pistols of every make, some revolvers, a pair of FN P90s and even a blunderbuss stashed in the back. I found Nixeu's sawn-off in an instant. The sticky note that promised various painful and likely fatal punishments to whomever took it without permission was a dead give away..

"When did you guys have that put in?"
(ooc) one of my favorite all-time movie one-liners. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

"The only person who could miss with this gun is the sucker with the bread to buy it."

Councillors seem to have hidden some R in the line item budget for 'security purchases' :V:V:V
And I get justifiably nervous whenever giant arachnids are in my vicinity. What's the biggest can of bug spray we have available?
Wait, I forgot this is America for a moment. Where's the nearest flamethrower and/or shotgun?

"Gun locker's over there. Grab my sawed-off while you're there, will you? It's labeled. If you want flamethrowers, the armory is a bit away. Wouldn't suggest it, though. You're likely to set the tents or one of us on fire."

The gun locker was, as expected, very well-stocked, and unexpectedly messy. There were shotguns aplenty, of course, as well as pistols of every make, some revolvers, a pair of FN P90s and even a blunderbuss stashed in the back. I found Nixeu's sawn-off in an instant. The sticky note that promised various painful and likely fatal punishments to whomever took it without permission was a dead give away.

However, I hesitated when choosing my own firearm, mostly due to the sheer variety of models and ammo. That is, I hesitated until I saw a shotgun that was hidden behind one of the P90s. Carefully, I picked it up and examined it. Two barrels, a walnut stock, and a cobalt steel barrel. I carefully opened the breech, and after making sure it opened smoothly and that there were no shells in it, I tested the trigger and found I needed to apply next to no pressure to pull it.

I knew a sign when I saw one.

My choice made for me, I picked up a box of shot and one of slugs, and made my way back to the command room.


Edit: now with better grammar.

"I had the techs install compartments in the table when we got back, each one has a .45. Switch to open them is under the Jager minis next to your name plate. Also the bathroom has a pair of false walls hiding AR's and body armor, the broken terminal behind Kat has an escape hatch leading to the ground floor under it. The Space Invader and Galaga cabinets by the coffee machine have a pair of M240's and... let's call it a lot of ammunition and the closet has a pair of Jackets and a Carl Gustav."

"If anything tries to get in or stop us from getting out, we are well prepared."

"When did you guys have that put in?"

"I have no idea, but I'm not complaining. God bless America."

(ooc) one of my favorite all-time movie one-liners. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

"The only person who could miss with this gun is the sucker with the bread to buy it."

Councillors seem to have hidden some R in the line item budget for 'security purchases' :V:V:V
*Councillor Knight walks in wearing an up-armored Combat Jacket festooned with Knights Hospitaller crosses and colors, with additional Celtic Crosses and three-pointed Celtic Knots scattered about. It is armed with a minigun, a quad-shotgun, and a flamethrower. After a few awkward moments, Knight looks around and lifts his visor.*

"What? I like being prepared!"
"Also, I freaking hate spiders."
*Councillor Knight walks in wearing an up-armored Combat Jacket festooned with Knights Hospitaller crosses and colors, with additional Celtic Crosses and three-pointed Celtic Knots scattered about. It is armed with a minigun, a quad-shotgun, and a flamethrower. After a few awkward moments, Knight looks around and lifts his visor.*

"What? I like being prepared!"
"Also, I freaking hate spiders."
Councillor Knight wearing his personal Combat Jacket prototype, The Year of Our Lord 2026, colorized.
Councillor Knight wearing his personal Combat Jacket prototype, The Year of Our Lord 2026, colorized.

The cape is what really makes it accurate (had to click the white bar on the left side to actually load the picture).

...Honestly that's at least sort of what I envision for the "inner armor" for the Jackets; basically a set of armor you can wear independent of the Jacket, to keep you more safe from stuff.
(OOC) I can't resist peeking for the unknown to me, tripped over this thanks to @KnightDisciple piquing my interest.

Personally that looks like about a 40mm Quad wristbreaker, hydraulic assisted combat jacket it -might- be viable if only because of 'rule of cool'.

(OOC) I am guilty of falling prey to all the interesting cross chatter ;), you guys just grab my attention and I forget the game won't move without my "Effort".

3 players are more than adequate for combat consensus. :oops: :facepalm:


Mammoth Apostate steps carefully moving towards the impact point. If the danger were not so real and immediate, the comical care of the metallic titan carefully placing each footstep to avoid crushing vehicles or bumping buildings could be likened to an adult crossing a child's room strewn with toys.

It takes little time to close the distance and get a view to the impact point. The cocoon lies bisected, still flames leap skyward licking the silk. The flickering light reveals an arachnid unlike anything yet seen or imagined, the abdomen is the size of a cargo van. It's pale dead white skin drinks the light. You have met the 'Albino Widow'.

Around her feet skitter a retinue of a half dozen 'Grey Widower's' the smallest of these massive specimens weighing nearly 300#, and are dwarfed when the Widow looms above them.

What transpires next is unexpected, and reveals more about the physiology of the widow than a sane mind cares to observe. The tip of one leg strikes suddenly skewering a Widower male casually like a kabob, the thorax flexes downward and the head raises to be easily viewed as she pops the wriggling morsel into her mouth. Her ovipositor lashes casually below. From the shadows farther out a slightly smaller male, timidly approaches bowing head to ground and its 2 forelegs waving skyward in placation, to take the place of the recent kibble.

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Mammoth is 2 units out and may act first, the Jumphawk shadowing him awaiting him to grab aggro before deploying your Elite Jacketed AKP's.
Mammoth should unload with the 'Nemo' Layden Scattergun, using enough juice (3 round burst) to fry the SSC Widower's and possibly capture the Widow.
Pasting Nemo for ease of reference:

'Nemo' Scattergun 600 Resources
Ranged Weapon (Scatter)
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
AP: 2
Damage Type: Electric/Impact
Damage Bonus: 3
Range: 5/10/15
Ammunition: 15 round drum
Selective fire: single shot, 3 round burst, 5 round burst.
A single round targeting a patch of ground could generate a non-lethal stun to all man scale targets (SSC) sharing that terrain, whereas a 3 round burst would generally be enough to overwhelm Cat-Zeros (or become lethal to SSC combatants), a full 5 round burst is required to achieve K-Scale effective voltage (becomes Lethal to Cat-Zeros).
Foot note: capture is for short term medical vivisection, nothing related to the 'Alien's' franchise is allowed to live out the day.
snip arachnid horror
And now I feel 100% justified in getting that shotgun.
Mammoth should unload with the 'Nemo' Layden Scattergun, using enough juice (3 round burst) to fry the SSC Widower's and possibly capture the Widow.
Pasting Nemo for ease of reference:

'Nemo' Scattergun 600 Resources
Ranged Weapon (Scatter)
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
AP: 2
Damage Type: Electric/Impact
Damage Bonus: 3
Range: 5/10/15
Ammunition: 15 round drum
Selective fire: single shot, 3 round burst, 5 round burst.
A single round targeting a patch of ground could generate a non-lethal stun to all man scale targets (SSC) sharing that terrain, whereas a 3 round burst would generally be enough to overwhelm Cat-Zeros (or become lethal to SSC combatants), a full 5 round burst is required to achieve K-Scale effective voltage (becomes Lethal to Cat-Zeros).
I agree with this plan, and would like to propose developing a Jaeger-scale flamethrower in the future.
"I had the techs install compartments in the table when we got back, each one has a .45. Switch to open them is under the Jager minis next to your name plate. Also the bathroom has a pair of false walls hiding AR's and body armor, the broken terminal behind Kat has an escape hatch leading to the ground floor under it. The Space Invader and Galaga cabinets by the coffee machine have a pair of M240's and... let's call it a lot of ammunition and the closet has a pair of Jackets and a Carl Gustav."

"If anything tries to get in or stop us from getting out, we are well prepared."
"Geez, Frost, ya think we got enough hidden firearms? Please tell me you at least stowed them with the safeties on?"
"When did you guys have that put in?"
"Last week. Some of us come from backgrounds where gun safety is respected, and firearms should be put away in appropriate places, not hidden in desks where slamming on the damn thing too hard could set it off, thank you very much."
*Councillor Knight walks in wearing an up-armored Combat Jacket festooned with Knights Hospitaller crosses and colors, with additional Celtic Crosses and three-pointed Celtic Knots scattered about. It is armed with a minigun, a quad-shotgun, and a flamethrower. After a few awkward moments, Knight looks around and lifts his visor.*

"What? I like being prepared!"
"Also, I freaking hate spiders."
"I do hope you are aware that the chairs in here probably can't support you in that suit."
(OOC) I am guilty of falling prey to all the interesting cross chatter ;), you guys just grab my attention and I forget the game won't move without my "Effort".

3 players are more than adequate for combat consensus. :oops: :facepalm:


Mammoth Apostate steps carefully moving towards the impact point. If the danger were not so real and immediate, the comical care of the metallic titan carefully placing each footstep to avoid crushing vehicles or bumping buildings could be likened to an adult crossing a child's room strewn with toys.

It takes little time to close the distance and get a view to the impact point. The cocoon lies bisected, still flames leap skyward licking the silk. The flickering light reveals an arachnid unlike anything yet seen or imagined, the abdomen is the size of a cargo van. It's pale dead white skin drinks the light. You have met the 'Albino Widow'.

Around her feet skitter a retinue of a half dozen 'Grey Widower's' the smallest of these massive specimens weighing nearly 300#, and are dwarfed when the Widow looms above them.

What transpires next is unexpected, and reveals more about the physiology of the widow than a sane mind cares to observe. The tip of one leg strikes suddenly skewering a Widower male casually like a kabob, the thorax flexes downward and the head raises to be easily viewed as she pops the wriggling morsel into her mouth. Her ovipositor lashes casually below. From the shadows farther out a slightly smaller male, timidly approaches bowing head to ground and its 2 forelegs waving skyward in placation, to take the place of the recent kibble.

"...Well, I'm not sleeping tonight."
"...Well, I'm not sleeping tonight."

(OOC) This is one of the best compliment I've received to date concerning my various Ug-nasties. I scour the internet trying to find appropriate imagery to spark the goose flesh and then struggle to put proper prose to add in motion and life. If I can even momentarily erase the fourth wall and draw you in to a world where such terrors walk I feel my efforts have been validated.

Back to bed with me, just wanted you to know the praise tickled an old man. :D
"Geez, Frost, ya think we got enough hidden firearms? Please tell me you at least stowed them with the safeties on?"

Not right now, the auto turrets haven't even been installed yet for instance. And yes I left the safeties on, just cause I'm Air Force doesn't mean I have no idea what gun safety is.

"Last week. Some of us come from backgrounds where gun safety is respected, and firearms should be put away in appropriate places, not hidden in desks where slamming on the damn thing too hard could set it off, thank you very much." realize that in order for one of these to go off by hitting the table, said hit would have to break the table, which is made of metal.

"I do hope you are aware that the chairs in here probably can't support you in that suit."

Yeah, pretty sure he can fit in the escape hatch though.

"...Well, I'm not sleeping tonight."

Then you can help with the paperwork.
Not right now, the auto turrets haven't even been installed yet for instance. And yes I left the safeties on, just cause I'm Air Force doesn't mean I have no idea what gun safety is.
"Auto-turrets I can get behind. And I did have to make sure. Especially since leaving them unloaded would miss the point." realize that in order for one of these to go off by hitting the table, said hit would have to break the table, which is made of metal.
"My point is, having guns stowed in random locations is at least something of a risk for accidental discharge, particularly for the unaware. Also, power armor."
Then you can help with the paperwork.
"Dibs on the science requisitions! I love reading their attempts to justify why they need whatever bizarre sh*t they're asking for, beyond the normal lab equipment. Last time I did those, someone was asking for lawn gnomes."