Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) This is one of the best compliment I've received to date concerning my various Ug-nasties. I scour the internet trying to find appropriate imagery to spark the goose flesh and then struggle to put proper prose to add in motion and life. If I can even momentarily erase the fourth wall and draw you in to a world where such terrors walk I feel my efforts have been validated.

Back to bed with me, just wanted you to know the praise tickled an old man. :D
Well, I dunno if this counts, but you made me lose sleep researching Atlach-Nacha (bacause spider monsters, spider Great Old One, it made sense in my head), which made me go on a wiki-walk that ended with me trying to fit Conan the Barbarian's Hyborean age into the setting and cursing the fact no bookstores in my city have Robert E. Howard's books. I haven't seen a collection of Conan's tales for sale outside online bookstores in years.
Well, I dunno if this counts, but you made me lose sleep researching Atlach-Nacha (bacause spider monsters, spider Great Old One, it made sense in my head), which made me go on a wiki-walk that ended with me trying to fit Conan the Barbarian's Hyborean age into the setting and cursing the fact no bookstores in my city have Robert E. Howard's books. I haven't seen a collection of Conan's tales for sale outside online bookstores in years.

(OOC) Comments like this -DO- count, it shows me that you found the content engaging enough to assign yourself internet research homework. ;)

And whose not to say, Widowers and Widows aren't servitors of Atlach-Nacha? We have seen the presence of the Dreamlands in campaign, and the spiders of Leng are native to the Dreamlands... (food for more paranoia). :V:V:V
Someone please roll 1d10+1(+1 for Mammoth's Rng stat) for the Nemo Scattergun at short range using a 3 round burst. 5+ to hit.

The 3 Elite AKP's will fast rope and move to the remaining cardinal points to surround the widow and her retinue.

Roll detection of stealthed for each AKP unit & Mammoth, as there ARE lurkers nearby...

1d10 (3x) for AKP's
1d10 ( +1 mammoth dex bonus) for Mammoth to warn AKP's of SSC dangers
(OOC) Everytime I feel I'm doing better with Quest maintenance, I trip over another failure on my part. Case in point:

2nd contact is a ship the USCG "Sea Dragon" Marine Protector class cutters (an 87 ft long cutter) out of Naval Submarine Base King's Bay.

They bear good news although the Trident nuclear attack subs were withdrawn, the base is still in good shape and contains tons of infrastructure as well as 1 semi-functional submarine the "USS Georgia". (The Georgia was damaged by a Cat-1 and narrowly escaped).

(Stats will be assigned for the ships shortly, The Sea Dragon makes an excellent surface ship frigate template).

For justification purposes I'm going to play it as the 'Sea Dragon' was a radio only contact, they then opened throttle for King's Bay to inform the 'Georgia' and effect repairs. Before they could return to Savannah service the Mist occurred.

Hammering out stats, will post them ASAP.
'Sea Dragon'
(Marine Protector Class) Small Cutter

Marine Protector class cutters are 87 feet (27 m) long. Their maximum speed is 25 knots (46 KPH). All the cutters carry a water-jet propelled fast pursuit boat. The boats can be launched or retrieved without bringing the mothership to a complete halt.

M-2 (.50 cal machine gun) - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 10/20/30, hits 5+ (each may only fire 180 to side it is mounted Port or starboard, IE from bow to stern)

But for the Sea Dragon a third machine gun was added, mounted on a pedestal, in the middle of the foredeck. This third machine gun is equipped with advanced optics, is gyrostabilized, and its gunner uses remote controls from the command deck - making it much more accurate, at long range, when fired from a heaving deck, at night, or in a fog.

Modified M-2 (.50 cal machine gun) - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 15/25/35, Hits on 4+ (270 degree field of fire, including port, bow, & starboard)

Stern of the ship features a launch/landing bay for a Short Range Prosecutor high speed launch that may be deployed/retrieved while the mothership is under way.

The Short Range Prosecutor is a rigid-hull inflatable, powered by water-jets, for intercepting and boarding suspect vessels. It mounts radar and special shock-reducing seats, and can travel at 30 knots (55 KPH).

It is armed with a bow mounted M240 machine gun hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 5/15/25, Hits on 5+ (270 degree field of fire, including port, bow, & starboard).

(OOC) this is a low end cutter that would easily be modified by removing the Prosecutor and its bay and re-purposing it to add 2 tribarrel torpedo launchers (port/starboard) it would make a fine small end naval vessel and is the smallest/cheapest K-scale effective naval vessel possible.
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Someone please roll 1d10+1(+1 for Mammoth's Rng stat) for the Nemo Scattergun at short range using a 3 round burst. 5+ to hit.

Rolling this.
Edit: Crap, a miss. Hope this at least fries some lurkers in the shadows - ;)

Edit: SV is loading really slowly for me, for some reason. And it's only SV.

You are not the only one experiencing this.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Nemo at +2 Total: 2
2 2
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(OOC) SSGN 'Georgia' is a beast! with a potential payload of 154 tomahawk cruise missiles on tap as well as 4 much larger torpedo tubes than on your PT boats (much bigger torpedo means bigger payload) I'm going to have to make the cruise missiles carry a flaw (expensive) to limit the volleys of Ass-kickery to tolerable levels. 22 MAC tubes with 7 tomahawks each is jaw dropping levels of fire power.

Edit: Tomahawks will be useable on a 1 missile per conventional/ SSC target basis as ?Hvy SSC/K-scale Scratch? Guaranteed death to anything not unusually durable / possessing structure.

For K-scale levels of damage it will require a full MAC tube (all 7 missiles) good news at this level of punch they will rate as BURST, easily the most lethal of damage types.

The larger single torpedoes will equate to the salvo damage of the P.T. boats tri-tube firing all 3 tubes and yet retain single target capability per tube.

SSGN's are versatile and can be outfitted to host upto 7 SEAL units (56 men), and carry a Dry Combat submersible (mini-sub) an upgrade from the Advanced SEAL Delivery System submersible.

I'll need further time to deliver these stats, just posting to self validate I -am- working on it.

Edit: This monstrosity is beyond the pale of a conventional unit, it will be a Naval Super-heavy which helps explains its surviving a brush with a Cat-1.
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@Fyrstorm The 'Fortunate Son's' possess a helpful perk; would you care to invoke it?

'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.
I want to also point out every Council Member has their own personal re-roll token (my 2019 new year gift) except for Badkatt (who spent her's) and Highwind who hadn't begun play at that time. They may be used for your rolls or gifted as Badkatt did.
BadKatt has given 1 yes vote, to invoke fortunate sons perk.

Combat consensus is 1st two agreeing votes yes or no takes effect.
If no consensus on perk is reached by 6pm EST, we will treat as a winning no vote. After 6 pm EST re-roll for Fyrs roll also become invalid as I can just process things as they stand.
I'd be fine using the unit's special ability. I'll save my own reroll for something more critical.
Combat consensus achieved!

Someone Re-roll the Fortunate son's (we'll assume they're the worst roll of the 3).
Trying for re-roll... Fate be kind.

Edit: they were truly fortunate...
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Fortunate Son's fortune? Total: 7
7 7
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Mammoth tries out his first live fire with the Nemo Scattergun, the techs need to calibrate the sighting system because his shot comes in high.

It impacts just the far side of the sighted unit, scores of bowling ball sized copper plated sub-munitions scatter and where they land the piezoelectric crystals slam into the gold mesh interior, the improved PZT crystalline material (generated from lead, zirconium and titanium) carries the charge to the surface and arcs away everywhere. The balls roll and bounce & with each impact a new charge is generated albeit weaker than the ones before.

Actinic sparks flash like random strobes, generating both chaos and ozone. The Fortunate Son's feel the hairs of their bodies stand on end from the static; if the weapon had fired a mere 100 m farther out it would have impacted at their feet.

Lurkers on the ground hiding under cars and in darkened corners now dance to the electric hum, crisping and popping, a single widower even catches flame (4 died in the maelstrom,
15 of 19 grey widowers remain).

Mammoth sensors locate 2 more lurking Widowers and the titan does all he can to make the AKP's aware playing his spots over them, one lurking above suspended from a structural gargoyle on one of the older historical buildings, another was hidden in a storm drain hunkered flat. (target number 5, roll modded to 7 = 2 lurkers exposed)

The Fortunate Sons spot another 2 creeping on the rear of 'Roy's Raiders' position, moving slowly and seeking advantage before launching an ambush.

Close proximity prevents use of Recoilless Barrage versus any of these 'exposed' lurkers.

(OOC) please discuss how the 3 AKP's would like to divide their attacks.

?? Target Widow and her (6) retainers??, circle back to back and overwatch vs the unseen threats that remain??, detail individual SSC attacks versus exposed lurkers?? mix and match?? Write in and amaze me :D

Edit: for Clarity opposing forces consist of 19 lurker Widowers, +6 Widower attendants, + 1 Widow
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Can Roy's Raiders use their XM-25's airburst? Otherwise, have them fire their AKs. The rest can use their .50 MGs or AKs to clear the horde a bit.

Edit: @Smithsguild did you add the +1 from the Raiders' perk to their spot check?
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Can Roy's Raiders use their XM-25's airburst? Otherwise, have them fire their AKs.

They may; I've always played it conversation was free (including radio chatter), so the Fortunate Can use a simple : " Roy, two on your six" to warn of the ambush, thereby foiling it. It would also eliminate risks of friendly fire trying to break the ambush.

The rest can use their .50 MGs or AKs to clear the horde a bit.

Edit: @Smithsguild did you add the +1 from the Raiders' perk to their spot check?

I did not... There was no way of knowing which Elite rolled what... I -assumed- Fortunate Son's had worst roll as that gave the most bang for their perk.
I guess I could apply the same "most benefit logic" and allow Roy to detect one more lurker. I <3 my players and try to accommodate.

This next I say without rancor, as the blame falls squarely on me. As QM it is my job to make my expectations clear, in this I am failing.

The purpose of Elites and establishing unit identity/unique perks/exploding dice/enhanced survival odds for each is to set ALL ELITES apart from the generic conventionals.

As such to receive any future benefits of Elite Status all I ask is that players actually break their rolls down by Unit (NAME), if Elites are lumped together for purposes of mass rolling they lose their 'identity' and are functionally once again, no more than faceless members of the conventional herd.

While I am clearing up ambiguities, Infantry units (particularly the AKP's) generally have 2 modes of engagement.

As a unit: to deal effective K-Scale damage (generally risks cluster damage to everything in the target unit)

As (10 usually) individual soldiers for purpose of Small Scale Engagements. These 10 distinct soldiers can be given separate objectives; 5 engage 'blah' targets & 5 circle up on overwatch guarding the front, flanks, and rear. Operationally all members must remain in the same 100 m x 100 m unit, but this should be sufficient to engage in flanking, using cover, pincer attacks, etc...
As (10 usually) individual soldiers for purpose of Small Scale Engagements. These 10 distinct soldiers can be given separate objectives; 5 engage 'blah' targets & 5 circle up on overwatch guarding the front, flanks, and rear. Operationally all members must remain in the same 100 m x 100 m unit, but this should be sufficient to engage in flanking, using cover, pincer attacks, etc...

Ooooh! that opens up squad fire team tactics using just a platoon? /squee!!!

I would like to have at least one unit engage the Widow and her retinue using suppressive fire, 5 soldiers of 'Burn Unit' use flamethrowers to suppress & 5 remaining guard both flanks and rear using their AK's.

'Roy's Raider's' 3 soldiers (nuke them from orbit) launch air burst grenades at 2 ambushers (it's the only way to be sure ;)) , 4 engage lurkers spotted, 3 guard flanks /rear on overwatch.

'Fortunate Son's' 5 soldiers engage lurkers spotted & 5 on overwatch on all compass points - back to back circled up. Us the Hvy MG waldo.

How does that sound to everyone?
A total of 5 of the remaining (15 of 19 Lurkers) are visible and valid targets. ( Meaning there are 10 hidden lurkers, successfully hidden, taking unknown actions)

1 Widow + 6 widowers are in plain sight.