Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[ ] Cute names aren't easy (Brainstorming Plan Discussion)

Border Guards - Now that enemy action is confirmed (Jamming/Bridge explosions) heightened awareness 360 degrees, Mist enemies do not follow roads like conventionals . Wojtek should shoot flares and move randomly reduce possibility of counter battery fire or becoming an easy target for a drone strike, Machine gun on constant overwatch. Avenger eyes to the skies, Mist 'should' hamper the Reapers to near inoperability, but be on overwatch for any targets of opportunity.


Savannah - Patrol boats use torps until launchers run dry, then back to port for resupply. Hedgehog & Machine Guns (on overwatch) give us options if we find something lurking in range.

Artillery, Cobra's, and AKP's in range of aquatic invaders take their shots. Others on the rest of DP on overwatch to repel threats 360 with eyes to skies.

Whitecap reinforce eastern ocean front, Mammoth move towards Western DP. Engage targets of opportunity.

Jumphawks continue prop wash Tsunami, but shift towards conv rally point, prepared for quick connect to snatch and grab convs to wherever needed.

Conventionals are in overwatch, scanning for targets of opportunity.


Macon - Same doctrine as last turn, being aware that the threat can come any direction including dropping from overhead.


All outpost armed forces, guard shelters 360 situational awareness w/t eyes to skies.


Basically a re-hash of last turn, with exception that Woj were at risk of counter battery fire (hence the new shoot & scoot). Mammoth deployed to west made sense with unknown burrowers coming from that direction. (It had 'nothing' to do with meta knowledge from comms blacked out Macon that Gas Bag Sammael was inbound ;))

Did I miss anything? Any new insights? Peep the plan, and help me shoulder the blame by signing off. A few people needed before I graduate it to Plan with my name attached.:V:V:V

Can't really see anything missed no. You have my vote
Along the northern border Charleston begins a push southward in earnest.

Where once Wojtek had been sitting, an incoming salvo of 105mm artillery rounds churn the earth to orange mud.

Lemon Isle is ineffectually raked with cannon fire from Shell Point out of sheer frustration, as the encroaching tank column is now forced to take the long circuitous route rather than the two bridges directly in line with Savannah. The trapped AKP's are in no real danger as the majority of shells fall wide, the few near misses are ineffectual due to the trenches protection.

The 3 northernmost Highway guard AKP unit's are saved from certain death by exposure to Mustard Gas thanks to their personal protective gear, the offending bombs were parachuted in and the release was silent and unobserved in the the Mist.

Your Avenger anti-aircraft unit catches a glimpse of the offending Reaper drone delivery system and has an opportunity to slap it from the skies.(Apparently it had been flying on instruments and used IR to spot clustered heat signatures for bomb placements)
Roll 1d10 +2 , hit on 4+.


At the Oil Rig, the first wave of lurkers advance (5 units of Deep One Heavy Infantry) Combat Spaced to avoid clustering threats, they are at depth as they approach the 1 km line. Surface weapons will be ineffectual (Artillery, Missiles, Machine guns) only the hedgehog or torpedoes can threaten them effectively.

Roll 4x 1d10, hit on 5+ for single torp from each tri-barrel tube

Roll 1d10, hit on 5+ for hedgehog


We'll handle these before moving to other theaters.
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The Avenger despite a lack of onboard radar, easily acquires the Reaper with passive IR the small explosive charge strikes an exhaust and all it takes is a single piece of shrapnel wedging into the fragile drones innards causing it to rip itself to shreds.


In defense of the oil rig the lone Patrol Torpedo boat is an engine of indiscriminate destruction, as three of it's four torpedoes and the Hedgehog eliminate all but a single unit of Deep One Heavy Infantry. The lone torpedo that misses swims on seaward to be lost to sight in the Mist, the arming mechanism having failed to engage.


(OOC) I will set up more hopefully tomorrow morning. Your having an exceptional run ATM. RL beckons and Mrs. Smithsguild & I are spending some time together :)
Fort Pulaski remains a horror show, the viscera of the fallen AKP's pooling upon the ramparts and the five grey widowers shuffling side to side looking for the smallest opening to renew their attacks.

Their close proximity upon the fortifications robbing the infantry of their most potent attack as the blast and shock waves of a barrage would surely result in friendly fire casualties. They will have to rely solely upon AK-47 fire, luckily their heavy caliber and rate of fire push them to the heavy end of the SSC spectrum, enough to penetrate the defensive carapace with a single successful strike.

Only the half strength unit (5/10) and 1 additional AKP unit (10/10) have clear lines of fire with their AK's to the Widowers inside the Fort.

(OOC) This provides you 15x rolls of 1d10, hit 5+ to eliminate the 5 targets. Any unused rolls will be assumed to go on overwatch for any other unexpected threats.

Roll up to 15x 1d10 as needed to eliminate widowers. (Leftovers go on overwatch)

This leaves 3 AKP's and 5 Artillery to deal with remaining seaside threats (10/10 Deep One infantry, 5/5 Deep One Heavy infantry)

3x 1d10+1, hit 5+

5x 1d10+1, hit 5+
...No, I counted. Those were 15 rolls, on the dot.

Yes but we only needed enough rolls to kill the five widows. The other rolls could have been held for overwatch.

EDIT: Rolling for Artillery to hit the Heavies.

Well one of them's dead at least.
Cmd. Frost threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Artillery Total: 15
3 3 2 2 7 7 1 1 2 2
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The artillery are not used to seeing the death and gore of combat firsthand & in close quarters, the smells of blood, urine and feces of the recently departed soldiers , while the chatter of AK's taking the Grey Widowers apart is shocking close. (5/5 Grey Widowers Dead)

Their previous experience versus the last Mist incursion and against 'Mister Crab's' before that were at the relative safety of -at range- combat. Shells exploding providing them with kilometers of a safety buffer, this time the dead's blood makes the walls walkways hazardous.

Most of the artillery flinch, concentration broken, the realization mortality is not just for some theoretical 'other guy' but a man you laughed with over a hand of poker, or when comparing photos on the brag board, hell he may have covered duty for you and helped you through a rough patch. These aren't the faceless dead but the corpses of men you know.

Only one artillery crew keeps it all together and sends a platoon of Deep One heavies a gift of hot death screaming in from above, White phosphor eats holes in living coral breastplates and bio-organic weaponry alike, tentacles writhe as whatever passes for a shell tries to climb out the barrel and plunge below the waterline seeking relief.

The AKP's are thorough bred infantry; veteran and blooded, they're conditioned from Bootcamp onward that if the gore doesn't belong to you, you'll probably make the next poker game. Their Gustav's cough out a barrage, the recoilless projectiles slam into 2 more heavies and leaves little but cauterized chunks. (2/5 Deep one Heavies remain, 10/10 Deep one infantry remain)
Sorry all, my RL duties as Grandpa, Father, and Husband have been more demanding than usual. I am hoping that my free time opens up shortly. Your patience as always is appreciated.
(OOC) As a quick recap, I'm listing the individual theaters of operation & remaining hostiles (both inbound/out of range and any currently in conflict) this is to put all the info shared in one handy spot for both your reference and my own. (initially it'll be a bit choppy, If you spot an inaccuracy, please point it out ASAP)

Theaters where your turn has currently been resolved -

Northern Border Guards - (Facing unknown #'s of Artillery and Tanks) The one Reaper Drone Spotted was successfully eliminated.
Due to successful destruction of Bridges, opposing forces are now forced to take a lengthy detour and come by inland highway route.

Oil Rig - (Unknown # aquatic lurkers) The inbound wave consisting of 4 of 5 Deep One heavies were successfully destroyed. 1 Remains.

Fort Pulaski - Grey Widowers inside the Fort were eliminated; 2 Deep One Heavy units & 10 Deep One infantry still threaten to swarm the battlements
(4 individual AKP soldiers are on overwatch)


Awaiting resolution:

Savannah -

39/45 Deep Ones remain in Savannah's coastal waters.
(unknown # of Sturgis & Widowers in our airspace, between their smaller profiles and the fact nap of earth approach compounded with ground clutter , radar is struggling)

Additional Inbound @ 28.6 km - 2 Extremely large, Morale influencing, Cat-Zero Deep One Elders, 300+ Deep ones speeding in at 1.2 km/turn, 6 Gudis & 6 Sheldon struggling to keep pace.


Ossabaw Island fast moving, inbound flyers identity is discovered!

LOCCENTS remote feeds from local traffic cameras capture a totally unexpected sight, the wasp-like Vespiform API's, creatures of the Breach (encountered first by the Little Bird under the overpass on your way from Atlanta to Savannah) are engaging and destroying both Sturgis and Grey Widowers with a singular hatred, not as food or to insert larva producing eggs, but killing and moving on as fast as possible to the next target.


Although one would have thought the Dairy at Pembroke would have been an optimal target, the as yet unseen subterranean burrowers ignore all the milling cattle, and speed on bypassing Pembroke with only some churned earth and ongoing seismic readings proof they ever passed this way.

(OOC) Feel free to discuss as I plot and plan out Savannah.