Well, the radical Athenians claim it's an oligarchy. In practice I'm not really so sure. The Athenians also use slaves for their civil service rather than citizens and preserve legal class distinctions, so it's not as if one democracy is obviously more radical than the other.

Lithokratia explicitly strips all of those positions away and gives power to a citizen assembly. Not sure how much more anti-oligarchic you can get.

It's a fairly significant departure from our timeline. Kerkyra wasn't part of the Athenian tributary network OTL but it is here, and Athenai has also impressed the other Ionian islands into the league. It has a much larger Adriatic presence and focus and kept Pylos here, where it did not OTL, in part because of the impasse between Athenai and Sparta but also because Pylos can help protect Eretrian grain shipments to Athenai.
I forget, which threadmark did Kerkyra become part of the Athenian tributary network?
I figured that it might be interesting to see how the relation between the votes and factions have developed, so I've stripped every vote since the start of this iteration of Magna Graecia from its associated update and placed them in tabs below along with an indication of what faction appears to be supporting the action... at least, at the time. I have a little key here.

[D] - Demos Drakonia
[A] - Demos Antipatria
[E] - Demos Exoria
[X?] - Seems to lean to whatever 'X' is from the context
[C - x] - Leans to whatever 'x' subfaction of a Demos
[] - I can't discern a lean

So, for instance, the Demos Drakonia choice for Proboulos is explicitly the Demos Drakonia choice, so that would show up with a [D].

The [x?] can range from as solidly as me seeing the proboulos of a particular faction arguing for it without any apparent hesitation from their demos (example, [A?] for Obander railing on about how we ought to reject the Epidamnians besides the corresponding vote) to items that are more of my conjecture.

For instance, for the initial enemies and allies vote I put Exoria as leaning to making enemies with Taras and befriend Carthage. While there's nothing explicitly saying any of this, it is apparent that seeking to take over local barbaroi as they intended to do would set us on a collision course with Taras. Furthermore, the expensive land military reform of Exoria would have naturally been best suited for campaigns and clashes against an immediate neighbor rather than the overseas powers of Syrakousai (best handled by being a well-respected power that has been promoting the Sikeliote League against them and devising a long chain of reliable local allies to credibly project power down there) or Korinth (best kept locked out of the Adriatic by a tough navy and alliance with an even tougher one hostile to them)... plus, embracing the positive aspects of the barbaroi as the Exorians do seems to inherently irk the Tarentines. Carthage seems like a more natural friend of theirs than any other faction since many of the Exorian faction at least originally were exiles in Carthage where they could develop some connections, they apparently have the easiest time dealing with barbaroi outside of non-trade contexts anyway, and there is the whole thing how Carthage would have wrecked the Tarentines who as stated above seem to be the most natural enemies of the Exorians, providing a nice synergy. Plus, the Exorians seem least likely to care about the opinions of the other western Greeks since they're not focused on being highly respected among them like the Antipatrids nor in making lots of money off of trade with them like Demos Drakonia; heck, poor relations with the neighbors seems if anything like an opportunity for a group focused on land that exalts in strength, courage and the development of heroes.

Obviously this can get a bit weird in places depending on what we voted in under whose reign. The most obvious example of this is in the initial vote where we set Demos Drakonia to be rulers for decades; rather than seeking an alliance with our single strongest trade partner and the first class naval power, thereby securing the the safest chance to bully a hostile Korinthos for their lunch money in the Adriatic, they ended up with the somewhat odd and difficult passion for trying to build local coalitions and alliances against Syrakousai while simultaneously letting great relations with strategic powers like Metapontion wither on the vine to pursue their Adriatic dreams. So while I put down the options like befriending Thurii & the Sikeliote League as Antipatrid-leaning since their interest was explicitly in the need for alliance with Greeks in Magna Graecia and encouraging the Sikeliote League while that was not originally the case for the Drakonids, in practice the choice became Drakonid-leaning since that's what we had Demos Drakonia implementing for a few decades.

Some of the remaining [] options may have some sort of a lean but I'm really not well-suited to figure them out, such as the initial ones on Metic reform. I imagine that the Antipatrids didn't want a failure so they would be for enough reforms to at least clear that but as to what specific options they or other factions would want, I have no clue.

With all that out of the way:

[D] Demos Drakonia

..Demos Drakonia, formed out of the followers, family and friends of the elder Drako, son of Eugenius. Drako had always advocated a more commercial naval city, and this emphasis became greater upon the marriage of his sister to Eusebios, hero of the Battle of the Fifty Masts. The Demos Drakonia transformed Eretria into a trading city, waging naval war over the Illyrians and achieving trading dominance in northern Italy against both them and the northern Etruscans. Not all was well, of course, as some have complained that the city's growing wealth has created new inequities between the rich and poor. The most notable achievements of the Drakonians were...
...the new Illyrian trading network, anchored to the colony of Ankon and trading posts in the Etruscan city of Adria, the Liburnian townof Iadar, and the Illyrian town of Rhyzon near Lissos. [Begin the game with an additional 3 staple trade routes, 1 new luxury trade route, 45% tariff efficiency, and a small outpost at Ankon, modern Ancona].
...the innovations in trireme construction, creating the Eretrian trireme, a ship that could be built faster and at cheaper cost with a smaller crew complement without losing too much of its combat ability [Start with 3,300 sailors and 22 triremes as well as a crew complement of only 150 per trireme rather than 170, allowing you to crew more triremes with less men along with a stronger naval tradition and more experienced rowers].

[A] Demos Antipatria

...Demos Antipatria, formed out of the followers and comrades of the deceased Antipater the Elder. Although once associated with the aristocracy, the Antipatrids changed their position following his death and transformed into an advocate for the people, and especially, for the necessity of immigration from Hellas and the need for alliance with fellow Greeks in Magna Graecia. During their long dominance, the Antipatrids presided over an extraordinary migration of thousands of Hellenes to Eretria, enlarging the state and making it ever wealthier. Antipatrid Eretria has become well-known and respected among all the Western Greeks, but in turn, her strategy has drawn her into conflicts abroad, and her policy of immigration has made the metics an even larger majority. Their greatest achievements were...
...Populating Eretria by leveraging the city's contacts abroad to encourage ever more metics to come and serve in the city, reforming the metic assembly to be stronger as a consequence and selling off public lands to encourage citizens to settle in the countryside [Freeman population starts at 25,000, Citizen ratio decreases to 40%, Metics have stronger political representation]
...Strengthening the city's ties abroad, allowing to gain more respect and prestige in both Hellas and the west. The Antipatrids forged careful alliances and coalitions against their enemies that prevented one power from getting too strong, and encouraged the continuation of the Sikeliote League. [City will begin far more respected among its neighbors, reducing diplomatic incidents and encouraging enemies to negotiate before going to war. Start with an alliance with Metapontion, a city to the west of Taras].

[E] Demos Exoria

...Demos Exoria, formed by the Kleos Exoria who had been fellow exiles with Herodion the Mercenary in Carthage. The Demos Exoria exalted strength and courage above all, and in power they wished to ensure that Eretria would be a place where heroes could live. Not only did they prosecute war against their barbaroi neighbors and finally and decisively crush the Dauni Confederacy, but they also conducted a series of military reforms that, while expensive, would ensure that the city's hoplites, cavalry, and psilloi, would be better prepared for the wars ahead. At home, they pursued a moderate policy, preferring mostly to deal with negotiations with the Barbaroi and ensuring that they remained loyal and subjugated. Their greatest achievements were...
...the subjugation of the Dauni, costing thousands of Barbaroi lives, killing their king, and putting an end to their confederacy. The capital at Auscula was sacked, and although it has been a generation, the Dauni still resent the action. However, now divided into cities once more, they are no longer in as much of a position to protest, weakened and fractious as they are. [Start with the Dauni tribe subjugated, paying tribute and contributing levies to Eretria, with a larger barbaroi mass both more lucrative and more difficult to manage].
...the Herodian reforms, which increased the amount of public expense shouldered by the polis in order to pay its citizens during long campaigns, as well as military reforms that improved the effectiveness of their permanent units, the Hieros Ekdromoi and Kleos Exoria. [Start with improved land levies and a 20% rise in the cost of all army upkeep].

[E?] ...The City of Carthage. Proud Carthage, the colossus of the west that ruled from the Libyan desert to the Pillars of Herakles. Though Carthage could sometimes be an inconstant or preoccupied ally, when it intervened to save Eretria from an attack planned by Taras, it did so in a grand and terrible fashion. Carthage remembered the service of the mercenary Herodion, and remembered him by the title, "Best Among Greeks", though this was no great honor as the Carthaginians thought little indeed of the Greeks. However, of course, to have such great friends brings danger, for to ally with Phoenicians was seen as cowardly and outrageous among some of the western Greeks, and those who were not friends of Eretria became her enemies.

[D?]...Athenai. One might have wondered what it was that brought Athenai and Eretrian together. Was it a mutual guilt over the failure of the former to save the latter, who promptly fled, when Darius the Mede came with his terrible ships? This common history bound the cities together, but it was Eretrian support to Athens during their first great conflict with Sparta, and their shipments of grain to the city, that truly ingratiated Athens to the Eretrians. Now no longer seeing Eretria simply as a potential ally for its incessant wars with Sparta but as an affectionate friend, the city may look less with covetous eyes at rich Epulia. In turn, however, this alliance and friendship has also created the potential for much risk, as Eretria could now be pulled into the Peloponnesian war...

[A?] ...Thurii & the Sikeliote League. Thurii was a new state, founded by Athenians only fifteen years prior, yet like Eretria it had propelled itself to the pinnacle of power in its region. Thanks to negotiations and diplomacy between the two Italian powers, and the addition of the Sikeliote League composed of a number of free Sicilian cities, an Ionian alliance has formed in Italy. The alliance was also forged on bounds of mutual respect; the Sikeliotes remembered Herodion's battle against the Carthaginians and the Eretrians were aligned against Thurii's enemy, Taras. Though not necessarily as powerful as Carthage or Athens, this alliance still holds much strength, more reliability, and allowed Eretria to avoid the threat of being pulled into major conflicts, except for those conducted solely on Italian soil...

[E?] Taras. There is an old Italic story from the northwest of the twins who, once so similar in manner and close in friendship, turn on one another in jealousy, until a fratricide ensues. Animosity between Eretria and Taras had not been guaranteed by history, but by the active decisions of each country. Though they were too close in power, strength, and distance to ever be friends, the burning hatred the two feel for one another was borne from a dispute that emerged from the war against Daxtus' confederacy, and the Tarentines suspecting that the Eretrians were plotting with Daxtus to turn against them after they had seized the city of Gnatia, now Egnatia. In response, the city of Taras ejected Eretria's citizens, and has quietly built a hegemony opposing the city in central Magna Graecia.

[A?] Syrakousai. There are many reasons for Syrakousai and Eretria to despise each other. From the exploits of Herodion, who rode with Carthage against this great Sicilian city, to the harboring of Ionian refugees from Syrakousai by Eretria after the refugees were expelled from their cities, the two regional hegemons have become implacable enemies. Syrakousai, though a democracy, seeks to restore its empire in Sicily by making war against its neighbors; Eretria has, time and again, prevented that by funding its enemies and promoting the formation of new coalitions against it. Now, with new leaders in Syrakousai and a stronger diplomatic focus in the city, it aims to turn Sicily against Carthage and the Sikeliote League in order to finally break its power, and perhaps, to cross over into Italy and take revenge...

[D?] Korinthos. Once one of the greatest cities in Greece, Korinthos has suffered from political instability and economic decline. Still a trading center, the city has become eclipsed by Sparta on land and Athenai at sea, making it into a second tier of Hellene power. Frustrated at the loss of its former colony of Kerkyra and the danger this poses to its Adriatic empire, Korinthos has been further infuriated by the very presence of Eretria. In the past, Eretria went so far as to subordinate a small mixed colony of Akhaians and Korinthians, Aufidenos, to the Epulian League, preventing Korinthos from gaining a foothold in the region. Now, with its war against Kerkyra and its seizure of the Illyrian colony of Epidamnos, Korinthos has gone so far as to cause a major war in Greece for the sake of its ambition.

Demos Drakonia

Current Goals at Home

Military Policy: With a larger navy the city will be able to better project its power in multiple directions, and even small improvements can aid in this endeavor. Expand the city's number of Triremes to 25 and train the crews to row them [+450 Rowers, -450 Land Manpower, +3 Triremes, 10.2 extra talents a turn, -9 talents to build the Triremes].

Commercial Policy: It is fast becoming outrageous that an Eretrian merchant departs the city in the third month of the year and arrives in Athenai in the first month of the festival year, third month of the State year, and the fifth month of the agricultural sidereal calendar, unable to know when he had departed and when he had arrived. Found a new Office of the Days and Months to keep track of the calendars of every major polis and Carthage. The Office of the Days and Months will be staffed by city mathematicians under the authority of the Agoranomoi to establish better standards for time and translations into different calendars [-2 talents per turn public salaries, +3% trade efficiency and other potential advantages].

Great Work: The city is running up against the limits of what the small Harbor of the Fifty Masts is able to handle in terms of trade volume, but Byssos Harbor is not sheltered enough to provide protection for as many ships as it could. Extend Byssos Harbour to provide a grand new commercial port for ships, more capacity for marinas and warehouses along the shore, and making the harbor more defensible from a sea attack. [-550 talent cost over 5 years, when finished, +2 Trade Routes, +10 trade route capacity]
Current Goals Abroad

Naval Mission: Wage war on Liburnian and Illyrian Pirates with a squadron of five triremes, take prisoners, and gain loot from raiding their coves and towns in order to cut their pirate activities down to a fraction of what it once was and bring terror to their families [Run a squadron of five triremes for one year and 52 talents in an attempt to purge the Adriatic of piracy for a ten year period with the potential for up to 30 talents in direct loot and slaves from the endeavor].

Xenoparakletor Mission: Dispatch the Xenoparakletor on a trading mission to the head of the Adriatic to convince the Enetoi to open up the Amber Road to Eretrian trade and gain a monopoly on amber exports to the rest of the Mediterranean [Mission success dependent on Xenoparakletor. If successful, Eretria will be then be able to construct a trading colony in the Venetian lagoon and a new luxury trade route].

Espionage Mission: Deploy emissaries to the Sikeliote League to receive special intelligence on the current situation in Syrakousai and whether the city is currently planning to attack the Sikeliote League; also use the opportunity to gauge the instability of the league cities [-10 talents for the mission, guaranteed success to gather information about Syrakousai and its current strength, allies, and plans].

Demos Antipatria

Current Goals at Home

Demographic Policy: Pursue an immigration drive in the rest of Hellas by dispatching emissaries to smaller Greek cities and seeking colonists willing to come to Eretria as metics while using the opportunity to gauge the mood in Greece on the impending war [-10 talents, increase in city's population growth in next census dependent on how well mission succeeds, will lower citizen ratio dependent on mission success, potential espionage information].

Metic Policy: The Metics are going restless as their assembly has not been called to present their grievances for almost seven years. Call the Metic Prytanis to present the assembled grievances of the Metics in order to review them and reform the current status of the Metics in the city [City will gain options to reform the current Metic situation and resolve tension that exists there, calming the Metics for some time].

Great Work: Completely reconstruct the Hill of the Marriage in order to raise the height of the hill in relation to the rest of the city, repair and refurbish its temples, and beautify the temple complex, along with expanding the Arkadion and Temple of the Divine Marriage. This will also make the hill a more defensible position [-480 talent cost to build over five years, will unite the city and greatly please many citizens, will raise the cultural influence of Eretria in the region].

Current Goals Abroad

Xenoparakletor Mission: Dispatch the Xenoparakletor on a special mission to Metapontion in order to try to flip the city's allegiances from neutral to a defensive alliance against the potential danger posed by Taras to Eretria. [Mission success dependent on Xenoparakletor, if mission successful, gain a new defensive alliance with the Metapontines and their friendship].

Military Mission: The Brutii, a new Lucanian tribe that has emerged in the toe of Italia, have been raiding and attacking their Hellene neighbors for some time now. They are too populous and widespread to be dislodged, but a punitive expedition with Eretrian and Thuriian arms will build goodwill with the other Italiotes and reduce their raids for several years [51.3 talent upkeep to support an army of of approximately 3,000 in Italy for a four month raiding campaign with up to 15 talents in potential loot, a reduction in Brutii raiding and the goodwill of the Italiote cities of Krotone and Thurii].

Diplomatic Mission: With the potential for war in Sicily within the next few years, it is necessary to once again build a coalition capable of withstanding the force of the Sicilian titan. Dispatch emissaries with gold to the cities of Selinous, Himera, and Rhegion to build a new coalition against the southern Sicilian states and maintain the fortunate peace [-15 talents, If mission successful, temporary coalition against Syrakousai aggression to prevent it from waging war].

Demos Exoria

Current Goals at Home

Land Policy: In recent years citizens have been falling into debt and losing their lands to larger landholders, pushing them into paupery. Leverage some of the public land the city owns and grant it to poorer citizens so that they may become smallholders capable of affording a basic Hoplite panoply [Raise the hoplite ratio as part of the total levy to 43%, lose 4 talents a turn in revenue, resolve frustration in the city over the lack of land for citizens].

Commercial Policy: For far too long the city has ignored the economic benefits that the Barbaroi could bring to the city with their herds of cattle. Create the Office of Barbarian Commerce under the command of the Proboulos in order to manage the Barbaroi as an economic unit, negotiating deals with chiefs to drive their herds towards the city in the spring and summer [-3 talent per turn cost for office salaries, +1 overland staple trade route after four years, better economic relations with the Barbaroi].

Great Work: Create the city's first sewer system and secure a water supply by building underwater tunnels from the nearby Murgia plateau leading into the city, with pressurized running water and cisterns in the city to reduce the spread of miasmas [-500 talents, takes 5 turns to build, will raise living standards, happiness, and cleanliness in the city and secure the city's water supply during a siege].

Current Goals Abroad

Tributary Mission: Tour the Epulian and Barbaroi tributary lands in order to review both the amount of tribute each pays, the Oscan frontier, and their current political and demographic situations [Depending on success, could raise the tribute provided by the Barbaroi and Epulians, the levies of the Peuketii, and uncover any potential dangers or plots against Eretria].

Xenoparakletor Mission: Secure a defensive alliance with the Messapii in order to ward off a potential threat from Taras and to began preparations to slowly subsume the Messapii into the Eretrian sphere by gauging which cities would prefer more permanent arrangements [Dispatch Xenoparakletor to the Messapii cities. Depending on mission success, could gain a defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy and even special agreements with some cities to become tributaries if the confederacy collapses].

Espionage Mission: Dispatch spies recruited from among loyal Illyrian metics in Eretria to the smaller Dauni cities to probe for areas of weakness in the Dauni confederacy, especially in Herdonia and Salapia in the hope of gathering information and either provoking a rebellion against King Ausculos' rule or creating the pretext for warfare [If mission successful, will have the opportunity to undermine the Dauni or at the least gain a casus belli against them, as well as gaining useful information].

[D] Proboulos: Isokrates Hypatos (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 2, Lawfulness 3, Friendliness 6, Courage 2, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 3

Prominent young merchant in the Eretrian carrying trade. A man of much friendliness and moderate magnificence, he provides fair portions of his wealth to the city. He is not known for his courage or glory as either a captain or a businessman, but may yet grow into a man of much renown and esteem.

[A] Proboulos: Kyros Gennadios (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 2, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 4, Courage 2, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

Son of Eretrian sea captains from Kymai who were granted citizenship in the early days of the city. Known for being one of few Antipatrids who are merchants, with an export of Byssos cloth, he is also a man of great magnificence, though some of his donations have been gaudy. moderate in lawfulness and friendly, he will surely seek to prove his worth in courage and glory as an orator and leader of men.

[E] Proboulos: Theron Archippos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 4, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 3, Courage 3, Magnificence 1, Wisdom 3

Descendant of Illyrian slaves granted citizenship by the city on landing, Theron Archippos is a cavalryman who served his time fighting the Dauni in cattle raids and gained some glory in that, but he is most known for his reputation for fairness and justice among his Peuketii serfs, dispensing both reward and discipline as was proper and good. Not known for his generosity for the city, victory in elections may improve that reputation.

[D] Xenoparakletor: Athenagoras Symmachos (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 6, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 2, Courage 3, Magnificence 7, Wisdom 3

Leader of the Demos Drakonia and member of the Drakonid family, called the "Golden Ram", a man of extraordinary magnificence who bestows his fantastic wealth to the city whenever possible, known for volunteering as a young man as a rower and once admiral of the city. Also known for his blunt speaking and propensity for strong statements, his practical and forthright way of speaking and thinking, and his moderate lawfulness and friendliness.

[A] Xenoparakletor: Obander Eupraxis (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 7, Friendliness 2, Courage 3, Magnificence 2, Wisdom 6

Leader of the Demos Antipatria and member of a branch of the Antipatrid Family, called the "Black Bull," a man of great lawfulness and wisdom who is known for his oratory on the nature of justice and the necessity of fairness. A modest smallholder, he has provided more words than wealth for the city but earned glory as a naval captain against Illyrian pirates. Known to give long and meandering speeches that sometimes provide great insight and other times bore.

[E] Xenoparakletor: Mnemnon Keylonos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 2, Lawfulness 3, Friendliness 6, Courage 7, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 3

Leader of the Demos Exoria, called the "Young Stallion", for his youth compared to the other leaders. Lacking in the glory that the others have accrued due to limited opportunities as a cavalryman, Mnemnon is known for both the boldness of his ideas and statements and the friendly manner in which he comports himself. A frontiersman, he has devoted decent portions of his wealth to the city and is known to speak practically and in terms of strength and power.

[D?/E?] [Epidamnians] Eretria Eskhata should host them. They are the representatives of liberty, and do not wish to cause trouble besides. They have conducted themselves honorably, and present advantage to Eretria without creating a route to war.

[A?] [Epidamnians] Eretria Eskhata should send them away. Every step we take away from neutrality is a step we take to conflict. No matter the cost and no matter how simple it seems to be, we must not get involved under any circumstances in the squabbles of Hellas.

[E?] [Immigration] Manpower. What the city needs above all is people, to work its fields and fight its wars. The emissaries of the city ought to look for healthy, hale, and strong men who would be willing to come to Eretria to work as tenant labourers for merchants and farmers. These men shall girdle the city and be the legs that carry it forward [If successful, higher number of low-skill immigrants with higher overall immigration].

[D?] [Immigration] Talent. The city cannot waste its time searching for the barest and most boorish men. If the city is to become one of glory and renown among all Hellenes, then it must attract those who are made of finer stuff; artisans, professionals, intellectuals and playwrights who can make Eretria a true hub of culture [If successful, lower number of high-skill immigrants with the chance to eventually produce another luxury trade route].

[A?] [Immigration] Loyalty. What good are fieldhands who plot against you, or artists who sing one song among citizens and another among metics? If the city is to grow, it needs those who are loyal and grateful. Look among the refugees of war, or those from old Euboaea, and those who embrace Eretria's vision and government [If successful, random assortment of immigrants grateful to the city with random effects].

Major Reform: Should the city allow Metics to elect a Prytanis among themselves who will be able to speak at the assembly on their behalf, rather than relying on a citizen?

[] [Prytanis] Allow them to elect a Prytanis among themselves.
[] [Prytanis] The Prytanis will remain a chosen citizen.

Major Reform: Should the city allow Metics to present their grievances in a regular fashion, once every eight years?

[] [Standardization] Allow a standard presentation of grievances every eight years, counting from 346 OL.
[] [Standardization] The assembly should be called and grievances accepted only when the assembly decides.

Minor Reform: Should the city allow the same rights in marriage to the Metic father as to the citizen father?

[] [Marriage] Reform the laws so the Metic Father has the same rights in the marriage of his daughter.
[] [Marriage] To place the Metic father at the same level as his citizen counterpart as unacceptable.

Minor Reform: Should the city allow the occasional bestowal of citizenship in cases of heroism?

[] [Citizenship] If the city should bound citizenship grants by strict rules, then Metic heroes should be given it.
[] [Citizenship] Metic heroes should be celebrated by having their burdens and restrictions lifted, not a reward of citizenship.

Minor Reform: Should the city allow Metics to appear on juries where their peers are being prosecuted?

[] [Juries] Allow Metics to appear on the city's juries if the situation involves their peers as defendent.
[] [Juries] Citizens are just as good a judge as metics, and there is no need to involve them.

[D?] [Insurance] Accept full responsibility for the insurance of merchants against the loss of their ships [-4 public upkeep per turn].
[A?] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn].
[C - Kyros Gennadios of Antipatria] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].

[] [Tribute] Talents. Better to receive coin and kind from the Peuketii in order to help fund the city's ventures [Peuketii tribute increases to 13.1 talents per turn].
[] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].

[] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[] [Collection] Dispatch inspectors to them. Better for our agents to be among them in order to catch any sign of suspicion or plotting than to hope the barbaroi will always keep us in good stead [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].

[D?] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
[A?] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].

[] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[] [Alliance] Better to conclude secret treaties with some cities without raising the specter of war with Taras.

[A?] [Diplomacy] Metapontion. The Metapontines are cordial with Eretria but have no love for the idea of us being victorious in war with Taras. We must move to keep them neutral, and if possible, to allow Thuriian infantry through their lands to assist us against Taras [-20 talents for bribes, Mnemnon will attempt to negotiate with Metapontion].
[E?] [Diplomacy] The Dauni. We cannot allow the Dauni to create a two-front war. Our spies have revealed opposition to a war with Eretria among the Herdonians and Salapians. We must bribe and convince them to push the rest of the Dauni Confederacy into opposing a war with Eretria even it looks momentarily advantageous [-20 talents for bribes, Mnemnon will attempt to convince the Dauni to stay at peace].

[A?/E?] [Land] Distribute the public lands [-10 Talents start-up cost for hoplites, permanently lose 9 talents per turn in public revenue, +351 Hoplites, Hoplite Ratio to 45%].
[D?] [Land] We cannot afford to lose so much revenue [Maintain Hoplite Ratio at 40%, lose no public revenue].

[D?/A?] [League] Accept the Pylonos' Reform Proposal [New League Strategos elected by the cities, power to preside over annual meetings, new League Games every four years, common weights and measures, veto reformed to super-majority of delegates from cities].
[E?] [League] Go under the table to prevent the veto reform from passing [-10 talents in bribes, All League Reforms pass except for veto reform, League divided].
[E?] [League] Reject the reforms and bribe the delegates from Ankon to prevent the use of a veto [-15 talents, Eretrian war against Taras is now veto-proof, League in disarray].

Strategy: The Storm of Iron
Supporters: Demos Antipatria, Demos Exoria
Goal: Confront Taras in pitched battle and end the war quickly.
Specifics: March on Taras with the army while the navy is dispatched around the Sallentine Peninsula. Defeat the Tarentine Army on the field of battle and then burn its olive groves. If Taras will not surrender, besiege the city from land and blockade it from sea. This plan does not rely on support from the Messapii. The goal is to defeat Taras quickly in a way where they'll be weakened and more willing to make peace.
Eretrian Forces: 400 Sacred Ekdromoi 2,000 Hoplites, 300 Cavalry, 50 Kleos Exoria, 750 Psilloi, 10 Triremes
Allied Forces: 500 League Hoplites, 1,400 Allied Skirmishers, 300 Allied Cavalry
Cost: 142.8 (Naval Upkeep), 103.8 (Army Upkeep), 35.9 Talents (1/5 of Army maintained in Siege), 10 Talents (Building a Siege Wall) = 292.5 Talents

Strategy: The Serpent's Vice
Supporters: Demos Drakonia
Goal: Humiliate Taras and isolate it diplomatically.
Specifics: Dispatch a massive number of light troops into Messapia and work with the Messapii to overwhelm the Tarentine cavalry and skirmisher screens, forcing their army to either end up without supplies or retreat back into the city. Deploy the navy with Ekdromoi and raid both Hydrus and Kalliopolis, embarrassing Taras as it is unable to defend its allies. Attack Taras' harbor and burn its ships, using Eretria's overwhelming naval superiority. Only then, march on the city, avoiding a pitched battle, and besiege it. The goal is to isolate Taras and bottle its forces in the city without receiving heavy Eretrian casualties.
Eretrian Forces: 300 Sacred Ekdromoi, 1,500 Hoplites, 350 Cavalry, 50 Kleos Exoria, 800 Psilloi, 15 Triremes
Allied Forces: 300 League Hoplites, 1,700 Allied Skirmishers, 400 Allied Cavalry
Cost: 176.8 (Naval Upkeep), 95.1 (Army Upkeep), 51.1 Talents (Cost of Maintaining 1/3 of the army in a siege), 10 talents (Building a Siege Wall) = 333 Talents

Who shall Eretria appoint as the chief strategos for the city in the war against Taras?

[E] [Strategos] Xanthos Irenaeos (Demos Exoria, The Storm of Iron)
Glory 4, Lawfulness 1, Friendliness 7, Courage 5, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 4

Known for his friendliness which he uses to lead men to battle, as well as his courage. A man of moderate glory who won recognition as an Ekdromos defeating Illyrians in battle as well as Messapii as a young man. Known for being freewheeling in his tactics, genial and inspiring in battle, and innovative in his tactics.

Supports The Storm of Iron plan.

[A] [Strategos] Theron Zosimos (Demos Antipatria, The Storm of Iron)
Glory 6, Lawfulness 3, Friendliness 1, Courage 8, Magnificence 2, Wisdom 5

Known for his glory and his courage gained in charging at Messapii cavalry as a young rider, saving a unit of poor men who had been trapped. Among the most courageous men in the city, he is known for his rash and exhilirating bravery that leads men to praise him as the best of all the Eretrians in combat.

Supports The Storm of Iron plan.

[D] [Strategos] Epiktetos Linos (Demos Drakonia, The Serpent's Vice)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 4, Courage 2, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

A man of much moderation, known in the past for his leadership against pirates in the Adriatic. Wealthy and kind, he has devoted much of his life to assisting the Eretrian poor rather than building great works. He is known for his preference for avoiding battle in favor of more methodical and careful tactics, but this has sometimes earned him the title of craven among men who do not know him and his careful plans.

Supports The Serpent's Vice plan.

[A?/E?] Accept the peace.
[D?] Refuse the peace and continue the siege.

Demos Drakonia

Current Goals at Home
Mercantile Policy: Given both Illyrian raiding and the necessity of Eretria's merchant marine to its prosperity, revenues, and success, the time has come to create a formal Register of the Merchant Fleet, which will force Eretrian merchants to register with and catalog their movements to the city's agoranomoi. The Register will also provide for formal Eretrian colors of blue and gold for the city's ships to bear while at sea, with a guarantee to merchants that the city will protect their ships and their lives [+3 extra public upkeep per year, +5% tariff efficiency (+7.7 talents of trade revenue)].

Colonial Policy: Eretria's poor and landless, its metics and its beggars, all call out for opportunity. But the city has already given away its public lands, and Metics cannot own land besides. But abroad, in the colony of Ankon and the other colonies of the Epulian League, a new life could await. Epiktetos Linos proposes that for a period after a colony's founding there will be yearly lotteries for freemen and citizens to win citizenship in the colony, after which they will depart and settle there. The purpose of this decree is not only to relieve the pressure of the poor, the metic, and the landless, but to expand the power of Eretria and the Epulian League by transforming the colonies into strong and contributing members of the Epulian League [Slight population growth decrease for Eretria and core Epulian League members, large population growth increase for Adriatic colonies such as Ankon for first twenty-five years, relieving of some land pressure in Eretria].

Immigration Policy: What Eretria needs above all are talented and skilled professionals, merchants, tradesmen and craftsmen to enrich the city's trade and culture and economy. This above all should be the priority of future metic immigration; only the truly worthy and capable should be brought to Eretria, plucked from across the Aegean and with an eye towards the literate, the intellectual, and the technically skilled [-15 talents, 4-5% population growth by next census, mostly high-skilled labour].

Great Work Addition (Temple of Prometheus): It is time that Eretria honor the great Prometheus, known across Hellas as giver of arts, civilization, and fire, the constructor of human society. Prometheus' punishment was his sacrifice for humanity; both his transgression and his punishment were righteous act, borne out of the contradictions of the divinity of Zeus. To construct a temple to Prometheus is to celebrate the creation of fire and the emergence of civilization [Additional year added to Hill of the Divine Marriage construction, cost increased to 660 talents, 117 talents a turn for four turns including 349 OL, Note that building a Temple of Prometheus will NOT give you a steam engine].

Current Goals Abroad

Military Mission: The time has come for more than a simple pirate-hunting expedition. For years Illyrian pirates have stalked the southern islands of the Liburni and threatened Eretrian trade eastwards. It is time for Eretria to seize these islands with a full expedition and establish a colony on the island of Issa, ending the threat of piracy in the Adriatic conclusively through the establishment of a new colony in the region for merchants to call home while building allies for Eretria among the Illyrians [3 Month campaign led by strategos Xanthos Irenaeos, 500 Ekdromoi, 18 Triremes, 72 talents naval upkeep for campaign, if successful, new land for colony on Eastern Adriatic Island of Issa].

Xenoparakletor Mission: Dispatch the Xenoparakletor on a trading mission to the head of the Adriatic to convince the Enetoi to open up the Amber Road to Eretrian trade and gain a monopoly on amber exports to the rest of the Mediterranean. Through this we can new allies, but also a new trading network, with an ultimate goal of establishing a new lagoon-bound colony in the swampy marshes of the northern Adriatic from which we may receive the trade of cold Europa [Mission success dependent on Xenoparakletor. If successful, Eretria will be then be able to construct a trading colony in the Venetian lagoon and a new luxury trade route].

Diplomatic Mission: The polis of Kerkyra, once a proud democracy in the Ionian Sea, has been overtaken by oligarchs aligned with Korinthos. If Eretria is to maintain its advantage and control of the Adriatic sea this cannot stand. With the Athenians supporting the democratic faction and also encroaching on the Ionian Sea, Eretria must sway the democrats over to its side and restore them to power in order to ensure that the Ionian sea does not become either a Korinthian or Athenian lake [Diplomatic emissaries dispatched to sway Kerkyran Democrats. If successful, military mission will embark to Kerkyra to help them regain power as an Eretrian-aligned power neutral in the war between Athenai and Korinthos].

Demos Antipatria

Current Goals at Home

Religious Policy: For decades the Pythagoreans have been among the most well-known of the religious groups in Italia, with members in every city from Rhegion to Taras, and their center in the city of Metapontion. With the akousamtikoi defeated by the mathematekoi, who favor a more useful approach to their belief and are famed for their technical skill in mathematics through Italia, it would be wise for Eretria to dispatch emissaries to Metapontion and speak with members who would be willing to establish a philosophical center in the city of Eretria Eskhata. It would be valuable not only to the city's merchants and aristocrats but among all those willing to learn and study in Eretria [-25 talents, mission dispatched to invite Pythagoreans to Eretria Eskhata].

Military Policy: The war with Taras has revealed the inadaquecies of Eretria Eskhata's hoplites. However, no amount of simple training or festival practices can prepare a young man who has never faced a war with the reality of battle. Instead, what must be done is a reform to the organization and structure of our hoplite phalanx, so that we may achieve a greater degree of coordination and flexibility between parts, and ensure that the great array of shields and spears is kept stable. We must discover a way to do this that does not compromise Eretria Eskhata by relying on unreliable mercenaries or destroy her finances by funding dangerous standing armies [Opens up options for reform of military organization].

Immigration Policy: What Eretria needs above all are those Metics who will be loyal to her and her ideals. If the city is to accept immigrants, they must be those willing to abide by Eretria's customs and traditions, those of similar cultural and philosophical inclinations, those who would be grateful to be a part of the glory that is Eretria. [-15 talents, 4-7.5% population growth by next census, random assortment of immigrants from different economic strata].

Great Work Addition (Temple of the Divine Marriage): When Eretria Eskhata began, it began with a marriage, the marriage of Apollon and Athena. To beautify their temple, to raise it above all the others and to make it something truly notable in Italy, something that the citizens of the city can be proud of and look on with reverence, would be the greatest sacrifice that the city can provide the Gods who have given them so much. To exalt the Divine Union, to celebrate the Divine Union, should be the city's priority above all in religion, so that it may be celebrated not only in Eretria but across all Epulia [Additional year added to Hill of the Divine Marriage construction, cost increased to 660 talents, 117 talents a turn for four turns including 349 OL].

Current Goals Abroad

Diplomatic Mission: The situation in Sicily is reaching a boiling point. With a Sicilian Congress to be held in Gela in only three years time Eretria Eskhata must move to ensure that its interests and those of its allies are well-represented. To that end, a large sum of gold and emissaries will be dispatched through southwest Italia and Sicily in order to build a coalition against the interests of Syrakousai and their allies in the region and prevent them from using the conference as a jumping-off point to force concessions from the Sikeliotes. It is also a way for us to ensure that our allies see our continued support of their own interests and ambitions in the region to prevent Eretria Eskhata from being too militarily isolated.

Diplomatic Mission: Metapontion and the Italiote cities were able to force Eretria to concede its war goals and accept a peace brokered by them. Let us accept this peace, and let this disgrace never happen again, for in the future Eretria Eskhata will always ensure that the Italiotes are on our side and will have no reason to fear us. To this end, dispatch emissaries through Italia to create new proxenoi in all the major powers, from Rhegion to Metapontion, and guarantee specific laws and rights of these emissaries, including the right of residence and the right to advocate for Eretria Eskhata abroad. These proxenoi will be provided stipends by the city in order to keep them in their positions [4 extra public upkeep per turn, if mission successful, direct line of communication established between Eretria and the Italian cities of Lokri, Rhegion, Thurii, Krotone, and Metapontion].

Xenoparakletor Mission: Some may complain about the lack of support for the Messapii in the plan of the Demos Antipatria, but this is for far more important reasons, for we seek to reconcile Taras and Eretria once and for all through the mechanism of the city of Lykai, the last independent city in the Sallentine peninsula. To be sure, the Tarentine wound is still raw, but if we wish to prevent it from festering and take advantage of the peace party's renewed support, then we must move quickly and prevent a festering sore to open in our relations to transform us into permanent rivals. Let us use the city of Lykai, last independent city of the Sallentine and a symbol of Kerkyra's treachery, as an example of our reconciliation as we negotiate with Taras for its conquest. [-10 talents, Xenoparakletor will be dispatched to Taras, if successful will be able to reconcile the two cities].

Demos Exoria

Current Goals at Home

Commercial Policy: For far too long the city has ignored the economic benefits that the Barbaroi could bring to the city with their herds of cattle. Create the Office of Barbarian Commerce under the command of the Proboulos in order to manage the Barbaroi as an economic unit, negotiating deals with chiefs to drive their herds towards the city in the spring and summer. With the addition of the Messapii as vassals they can also be economically integrated into Eretria's trade [-3 talent per turn cost for office upkeep, +2 overland staple trade route, +13.5 talents in trade per turn, better economic relations with the Barbaroi].

Religious Policy: Eretria's festival calendar has been confused due to the differing origins of many of its festivals, causing a situation in which festivals meant to start in mid-summer are now starting far later than they should. The confusion that this has garnered is growing to disrupt the city's festivals, and place further confusion on which festivals are endorsed by the people. The time has come for a comprehensive reform of the city's calendar in order to end all of the confusion, merge the competing calendrical systems together, and pull in folk festivals such as the Running of the Weasels that have been celebrated for decades but have received no official support [-10 talents, -2 talent upkeep per turn to reform festivals, better festival schedules will improve happiness in the city, +2% tariff efficiency].
Immigration Policy: In barbarian Italy the true strength of any city is numbers. New metics can become new tenants, new laborers, new colonists in future endeavors, new spears and new shields for the city. The city of Eretria needs labor, for its fields and for its docks, and it needs to rise above, to grow beyond its neighbors and its enemies. But it is only through immigration and the promotion of tenant labor that Eretria can achieve this potential [-15 talents, 7.5-10% population growth by next census, mostly lower class and menial laborers from around Hellas].

Great Work Addition (Temple of Artemis): Before the Eretrians came to Epulia, among the most popular of our Gods was Artemis Amarysia, who protected the people in times of strife and stayed a stable guarantor of the end of tyranny and the survival of the demos. Her love of music, her affinity with the Barbaroi, her protection of the demos against the hostile forces of those who would destroy or slaughter us, are all reasons to celebrate the huntress [Additional year added to Hill of the Divine Marriage construction, cost increased to 660 talents, 117 talents a turn for four turns including 349 OL].

Current Goals Abroad

Military Mission: For decades the Dauni have sat on the border of the Epulian League and menaced our allies with raids and skirmishes. Their kings have plotted against us, warred with us, and allied against us many times. Now, the time has come to pay back the debt they have bestowed upon us by destroying them once and for all. The xenoparakletor will rally the cities of Herdonia, Salapia, and whatever other cities would be willing, and back them in a rebellion that seeks to overthrow King Ausculos and end the Dauni as a threat. Whether that will be through annexing the rest of the cities or simply replacing their leadership with something more amenable to Eretria remains to be seen, but the Dauni must be made to never again threaten the city of Eretria Eskhata [War against the Dauni with attendant strategos options].

Tributary Mission: The allies of Eretria fought well during the war with Taras, but they were slow to mobilize and sometimes disorganized. It is time to create a common command structure and organization of their levies so that we can call on set amounts of their men in war, rather than counting out the number of allies that we need with each war and giving them much grief in assembling the men to do so. In doing so we will tie them closer to us and make them more effective in battle [Opens up options to reform the militaries of the allies and make them more effective].

Xenoparakletor Mission: The question of the Messapii cannot wait. Too much is still to be settled, and where the other Demes would seek to let the issue lie for some time and let the wounds heal, better to tend to them ourselves. The Messapii must be pulled up from their place of devastation and become strong once more, so that their strength can become our strength, their numbers can become our numbers, and their cities will become part of our dominion in truth as well as in theory. The xenoparakletor will be dispatched on a tour of the Messapii cities to gain their respect and bring them into the Eretrian fold [If successful, access to about half of the possible Messapii levy and tribute, which will recover to its full potential over time].

[D] Proboulos: Epiktetos Linos (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 4, Courage 2, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

A man of much moderation, known in the past for his leadership against pirates in the Adriatic. Wealthy and kind, he has devoted much of his life to assisting the Eretrian poor rather than building great works. He is known for his preference for avoiding battle in favor of more methodical and careful tactics, but what was once assumed for cowardice has become heroism after his success in the Tarentine War.

[A] Proboulos: Kyros Gennadios (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 3, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 4, Courage 2, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

Son of Eretrian sea captains from Kymai who were granted citizenship in the early days of the city. Known for being one of few Antipatrids who are merchants, with an export of Byssos cloth, he is also a man of great magnificence, though some of his donations have been gaudy. Known for his upright reputation, fine oration, and good management of the city's finances during his previous term as proboulos.

[E] Proboulos: Theron Archippos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 2, Courage 4, Magnificence 3, Wisdom 3

Descendents of Illyrian slaves granted citizenship by the city on landing, Theron Archippos is a cavalryman who was inducted as a member of the Kleos Exoria following his fine service in the Tarentine War. Grown rougher in his older age, Theron has proven his worth and service to the city on the battlefield and now seeks to gain the privilege of standing atop the painted rock of office.

[D] Xenoparakletor: Athenagoras Symmachos (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 6, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 3, Courage 3, Magnificence 7, Wisdom 3

Leader of the Demos Drakonia and member of the Drakonid family, called the "Golden Ram", a man of extraordinary magnificence who bestows his fantastic wealth to the city whenever possible, served as both a volunteer rower and an admiral, then a public defender in the city's juries. Known for his direct manner of speaking and propensity for strong statements, his practical and forthright way of speaking and thinking, and his moderate lawfulness and friendliness, Symmachos has become a man who inspires much respect among his peers.

[A] Xenoparakletor: Obander Eupraxis (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 6, Lawfulness 7, Friendliness 2, Courage 3, Magnificence 2, Wisdom 6

Leader of the Demos Antipatria and member of a branch of the Antipatrid Family, called the "Black Bull," a man of great lawfulness and wisdom who is known for his oratory on the nature of justice and the necessity of fairness. A modest smallholder, he has provided more words than wealth for the city but earned glory as a naval captain and a hoplite at the Battle of Taras despite his advanced age. As he has become older his image as a pure and virtuous Hellene has grown, with his glory rising.

[E] Xenoparakletor: Mnemnon Keylonos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 3, Friendliness 5, Courage 7, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 2

Leader of the Demos Exoria, called the "Young Stallion", for his excellence despite his youth. Serving as the city's past Xenoparakletor, the once modestly known cavalryman has become the city's premier advocate for its barbaroi allies, and has great rapport among them. A frontiersman, he is of a rougher cut than most, and is known for his devotion to Artemis and his love of physical pursuits such as wrestling. As he has become older, however, he has also become more practical and less friendly, learning when it is best to couch your words and withold the truth.

[D?/E?] [Cattle] Grant Artahias authority over the annual cattle drive [+1% tariff efficiency].
[A?] [Cattle] Better to keep the drive decentralized [-1% tariff efficiency].

[] [Italy] Krotone. Once the hegemon of the western Italiotes, Krotone's star has fallen significantly. However, they still constitute a significant force and have strong relations with the minor cities of the region. If they were to be swayed into alliance and friendship, the main challenge remaining would be to reconcile them with the ambitious Thuriians [-10 talents, Xenoparakletor will seek out alliance with Krotone].
[D?] [Italy] Rhegion. The gateway to the Tyrrhenian Sea, Rhegion occupies the critical juncture of the Straits of Messina. Gaining their allegiance would secure Eretria's trade routes to the Etruscans, but cause difficulties with the Sikeliote League, who while their nominal allies envy Rhegion's control of the strait [-10 talents, Xenoparakletor will seek out alliance with Rhegion].
[] [Italy] Lokri Epixephyrii. Although an ally of Syrakousai and Sparta, Lokri has begun to drift apart from her former friends in recent years due to the changing alliances and diplomatic situation in Italia, including the rise of Taras and the Peloponnesian War depriving them of aid. If we could gain an ally, Syrakousai would lose its only friend in Italy, though we would anger Rhegion and Krotone [-10 talents, Xenoparakletor will seek out an alliance with Lokri].

[D] [Mission] Illyrian Expedition: The time has come for more than a simple pirate-hunting expedition. For years Illyrian pirates have stalked the southern islands of the Liburni and threatened Eretrian trade eastwards. It is time for Eretria to seize these islands with a full expedition and establish a colony on the island of Issa, ending the threat of piracy in the Adriatic conclusively through the establishment of a new colony in the region for merchants to call home while building allies for Eretria among the Illyrians to ensure victory [3 Month campaign led by elected strategos, 500 Ekdromoi, 18 Triremes, 72 talents naval upkeep for campaign, if successful, new land for colony on Eastern Adriatic Island of Issa].

[D] [Mission] Trading Expedition: Dispatch the Xenoparakletor on a trading mission to the head of the Adriatic to convince the Enetoi to open up the Amber Road to Eretrian trade and gain a monopoly on amber exports to the rest of the Mediterranean. Through this we can new allies, but also a new trading network, with an ultimate goal of establishing a new lagoon-bound colony in the swampy marshes of the northern Adriatic from which we may receive the trade of cold Europa [Mission success dependent on Xenoparakletor. If successful, Eretria will be then be able to construct a trading colony in the Venetian lagoon and a new luxury trade route].

[D] [Mission] Intervention in Kerkyra: The polis of Kerkyra, once a proud democracy in the Ionian Sea, has been overtaken by oligarchs aligned with Korinthos. If Eretria is to maintain its advantage and control of the Adriatic sea this cannot stand. With the Athenians supporting the democratic faction and also encroaching on the Ionian Sea, Eretria must sway the democrats over to its side and restore them to power in order to ensure that the Ionian sea does not become either a Korinthian or Athenian lake [Diplomatic emissaries dispatched to sway Kerkyran Democrats. If successful, military mission will embark to Kerkyra to help them regain power as an Eretrian-aligned power neutral in the war between Athenai and Korinthos].

[E] [Mission] War Against the Dauni: For decades the Dauni have sat on the border of the Epulian League and menaced our allies with raids and skirmishes. Their kings have plotted against us, warred with us, and allied against us many times. Now, the time has come to pay back the debt they have bestowed upon us by destroying them once and for all. The xenoparakletor will rally the cities of Herdonia, Salapia, and whatever other cities would be willing, and back them in a rebellion that seeks to overthrow King Ausculos and end the Dauni as a threat. Whether that will be through annexing the rest of the cities or simply replacing their leadership with something more amenable to Eretria remains to be seen, but the Dauni must be made to never again threaten the city of Eretria Eskhata [War against the Dauni with attendant strategos options].

[E] [Mission] Allied Reforms: The allies of Eretria fought well during the war with Taras, but they were slow to mobilize and sometimes disorganized. It is time to create a common command structure and organization of their levies so that we can call on set amounts of their men in war, rather than counting out the number of allies that we need with each war and giving them much grief in assembling the men to do so. In doing so we will tie them closer to us and make them more effective in battle [Opens up options to reform the militaries of the allies and make them more effective].

[E] [Mission] Messapii Expedition: The question of the Messapii cannot wait. Too much is still to be settled among them and their internal problems resolved. The Messapii must be pulled up from their place of devastation and become strong once more, so that their strength can become our strength, their numbers can become our numbers, and their cities will become part of our dominion in truth as well as in theory. The xenoparakletor will be dispatched on a tour of the Messapii cities to gain their respect and bring them into the Eretrian fold [If successful, access to about half of the possible Messapii levy and tribute, which will recover to its full potential over time].

[D?/A?] [Taras] Accept the Tarentine terms.
[] [Taras] Reject their terms.

[A?/E?] [Spring] The Return of Persephone. Favored by many married women, the return of Persephone is a re-enaction of the drama of Persephone's departure from Hades. Having been married happily to Hades for six months of the year, for in this interpretation she is not kidnapped but seduced away from her domineering mother, the young Persephone must say goodbye to her beloved husband and lord of the underworld. Persephone is presented here as a traditional woman, but also an icon of femininity, beloved by many women in Eretria for giving them someone to look up to. Embued in mystery and icons of the dead, the Return of Persephone is a festival that celebrates the transition from winter to spring and from death to life, the birth of new children, and draws heavily from the Eleusinian mysteries near Athenai, that famed mystery cult.

[D?] [Spring] The Courting of Ploutos. A more humorous and commercially oriented women's festival, the courting of Ploutos tells the story of Ploutos' attempts to flee from the bounds of marriage and love in favor of commerce. Celebrated in Eretria as the source of the city's trade wealth, Ploutos is surprisingly popular among widows and wealthy women because of this particular tale's affirmation of the importance of women to wealth. After fleeing from every potential mate, Aphrodite grows incredibly frustrated and crafts Nomisnia, a demigoddess who is good at creating wealth as Ploutos; the two immediately become competitors, further frustrating her. Finally, at last, Hermes intervenes, and convinces the two that they would have double the wealth if they were married, and at last the two accept, finding love in mutual success at business. The festival is celebrated through a dramatic re-enactment, dances between lovers, and a literal shower of drachmas given to the poorest women of the city.

[A?/E?] [Winter] The Ascendency of Zeus Olympios. A monumental festival that celebrates the military victory of Zeus Olympios of the titans and the end of the titanomachia, the war against them. The ascendency has become increasingly popular in Eretria due to the influence of her olympic contestants who have been so shaken by the recently completed statue of Zeus at Olympia that have returned to their faith more vigorous than ever. The true supreme God of the Hellenes, Zeus deserves to be celebrated with vym and vigor in a military and civic parade. During the Ascendency, there is a battle among those representing the titans and olympians, with brawling and wooden swords, and a competition involving a ball which represents control of the heavens between two teams.

[D?] [Winter] The Conquest of the Sea. A grand festival involving mock sea battles and swimming contests which celebrates Poseidon's subjugation of all the creatures of the sea. Poseidon is a popular god across Italia and Sicilia, in sharp contrast to his sometimes muted worship among Ionians on the Mainland. The Conquest of the Sea, conducted in the chilly mid-winter, promises to bring fantastic seafood to the mouths of hungry Eretrians and celebrate the city's naval and commercial traditions as well as thank the Gods for the first voyage that Eretria ever undertook. The greatest part of the festival is the battle between rowers in painted boats representing the dolphins allied to Poseidon and the krakens who oppose him, who conduct a mock ram battle with their boats, trying to tip each other over in the harbor of the fifty masts.

[D?/E?] [Honors] Pass the motion proposing the reward of a Wreath of Apollon and inscribing on the Painted Relief of Athene as the highest rewards that can be given to a citizen, to be decided by a 60% vote in the assembly for the wreath and an 80% vote for the Painted Stone.
[A?] [Honors] The city has no masters except the Gods, none to worship except those in the heavens. To elevate men to such a degree threatens the rise of tyrants.

[E?] [Selection] Restrict selection for the colonies to lotteries for landless citizens and Metics [-1 talent upkeep per turn, slower but more controlled colonial growth].
[D?] [Selection] Open it up to any citizen or Metic willing to make the trip to the colonies and fund their voyage [-2 talent upkeep per turn, faster and uncontrolled colonial growth].

[] [Colonization] Keep founding new colonies centrally controlled [Better diplomatic relations with local powers, less chance of citizen-led colonization].
[] [Colonization] Allow any citizen organize a colonial expedition with Assembly approval [Worse relations with local powers, more chance of citizen-led colonies].

[] [League] Create a separate ring of the Epulian League with naval and trade obligations [New district of Epulian League with stronger Eretrian control].
[] [League] Better to maintain a single league with a single synedrion [maintain single district of Epulian League, happier new colonies but stronger league].

[] [Athenai] Advise them to send the Athenians away. We cannot afford Syrakousai rallying the Sicilians against Athenai, and by extension us, to force out all non-Sicilian powers from intervention in Sicily.
[] [Athenai] Work with the Athenians to sway the conference. We must avoid angering the Athenians, and their added influence and talents could counteract the controversy caused by their presence.

[D?] [Diplomacy] Selinous. Selinous has been a traditionally neutral member of the Sicilian Heptarchy due to its trading interests in the west, concern about the Elymians, and its geographical distance from the major regions of Sicilian conflict. We must try and sway them away from their weak support of Syrakousai towards their traditional neutrality [Success influenced by Xenoparakletor and other Sicilian choices].
[A?] [Diplomacy] Gela. Gela is the symbolic and ceremonial center of Sicily and Sikeliote identity. In the past decades it has generally switched between being neutral and supporting Syrakousai. We must convince them that a balance of power is better for Sicily and Sikeliotes than one power uniting all of the rest [Success influenced by Xenoparakletor and other Sicilian choices].

[] [Peacekeeping] It is time to bring all Sicily to Heel! The Sicilian natives have long controlled the interior of Sicily and been steadily pushed back. Perhaps it is time for them to be finally subjugated, to prevent the Carthaginians from supporting them and Sicilians from playing them against one another [Will delay conflict for at least a decade, Sicilians will embark on campaign against the Sicels].
[] [Peacekeeping] It is time to chase Carthage from the Island! Carthage, with the claims of its mysterious gold and its wide-ranging trade empire, is the greatest threat to Sicily. Better to strike now when Carthage is distracted, and more cynically, to spend a generation's lives against another power [Will delay conflict for at least a decade, Sicilians will come into conflict with the Carthaginians].
[] [Peacekeeping] A Sicily for Sicilians is a Peaceful Sicily! What is needed is a revolution in diplomacy and an improvement in communication. Let the cities exchange diplomats, conclude sacred truces, and create a common league to keep the peace among them so that no one city should be powerful [Could delay war in Sicily indefinitely, Sicilians will pursue closer cooperation].

Strategy: The Wooden Wall

Supporters: Demos Antipatria, Demos Drakonia
Goal: Establish firm control of the archipelago around Issa and defeat any Liburnian response.
1. Cross the Adriatic and land on Issa and the Southern Liburnian Islands, seizing control and establishing a harbor and a fort as a base of operations in the regions should the campaign need to cross into next year.
2. Force the Liburnians to attack by utilizing allies to press them on land and sea, taking local communities hostage, and raiding their coast with squads of three triremes. Make it so that the fort at Issa is a critical threat to their continued safety.
3. When the Liburni attack, defeat them in a naval battle and sue for peace, seizing the southern Islands.
4. If the Liburni do not attack, depart from Issa and land along the islands near the capital, raiding and reaving until they are forced into a naval battle for the sake of their pride and their crops with the harvest approaching. Allies would be utilized to raid on the mainland or other islands.
5. If even this is not enough to force the Liburni to sue for peace, use the established fort at Issa as a base of operations for the winter and establish a colony there, then use this well-developed infrastructure to run smaller raiding expeditions next year while keeping a hand open for a general peace.
Eretrian Forces: 18 Triremes, 500 Hieros Ekdromoi, 200 Psilloi.
Allied Forces: Dependent on decisions.
Campaign Length: 5 Months.
Cost: 90 talents (Naval Upkeep), 5.1 talents (Army Upkeep), 15 talents (Island Forts) = 110.1 talents.

Strategy: The Iron Ram

Supporters: Demos Exoria
Goal: Plunge deep into the islands of the northern Adriatic and destroy Liburnian seapower once and for all.
1. Cross the Adriatic.
2. Destroy pirate forces and villages among the Southern Liburni, targeting major villages and relying on veterans of past expeditions for information. This area is well-known to Eretria and should be an easy target.
3. Begin a general raiding expedition that climbs up from Issa and the southern Liburnian islands all the way to the capital of Iadar and beyond, targeting settlements, burning ports, destroying navies in their harbors, until the Liburnians concede defeat. Plunge deep even into the islands where many pirates have their coves and havens.
4. Allies would support this general offensive from the sea or on land.
5. In order to avoid being caught and ambushed Triremes will divide into groups of three or four for smaller raids and gather up again for larger ones, spreading terror throughout the islands and breaking Liburnian seapower which is reliant on their fishermen and their pentekontors.
6. Sue for peace with the Liburni,seizing the southern Islands and establishing the colony of Issa as an anchor in the region and an operating post for future operations.
Eretrian Forces: 18 Triremes, 500 Hieros Ekdromoi, 300 Hoplites, 200 Psilloi.
Allied Forces: Dependent on decisions.
Campaign Length: 3 months.
Cost: 54 talents (Naval Upkeep), 7.7 talents (Army Upkeep) = 61.7 talents.

[] [Allies] The Northern Etruscans. Wealthy and powerful, an alliance made with the northern Etruscans will draw Eretria into their politics, with its advantages and disadvantages. The northern Etruscans can commit a small force of triremes and pay for part of the Eretrian expedition, considering their fight against piracy a service [If successful, better relations with Northern Etruscans, +40 talents, 5 allied triremes].
[] [Allies] The Enetoi & Histri. Merchants and fishermen, the Enetoi and Histri have a naval tradition just as the Iapodes and Liburni do, but prefer trading to piracy. The Enetoi were past friends to Eretria, and working with them will surely gain their favor as well as their light but numerous navies [If successful, better relations with the Enetoi and Histri, +200 allied warriors, +40 allied pentekontors].
[] [Allies] The Dalmatae. Mighty warriors, the Dalmatae are the greatest land power on the Illyrian side of the Adriatic coast. Gaining their alliance in this war may ease future tension with colonization, and will encourage them support your invasion by sea by one of their own over land [If successful, better relations with the Dalmatae, +800 allied warriors].

[E?] [Strategos] Xanthos Irenaeos (Demos Exoria, The Iron Ram)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 1, Friendliness 7, Courage 5, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 4

Known for his friendliness which he uses to lead men to battle, as well as his courage. A man of glory who won recognition as an Ekdromos defeating Illyrians in battle as well as Messapii as a young man. Known for being freewheeling in his tactics, genial and inspiring in battle, and innovative in his tactics. The naval commander during the war against Taras with impressive victories against the

[D?/A?] [Strategos] Epiktetos Linos (Demos Drakonia, The Wooden Wall)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 4, Courage 2, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

A man of much moderation, known in the past for his leadership against pirates in the Adriatic. Wealthy and kind, he has devoted much of his life to assisting the Eretrian poor rather than building great works. He is known for his preference for avoiding battle in favor of more methodical and careful tactics, but what was once assumed for cowardice has become heroism after his success in the Tarentine War.

[] [Colony] Issa. The outer island of the Adriatic Dodecanese has fewer Liburnians settled on it and is an excellent transit point for Eretrians crossing the Adriatic [-40 talents of grain and construction costs, 600 colonists found Issa, -100 pop from Eretria, 400 colonists found Pharos, -50 pop from Eretria].
[] [Colony] Pharos. The excellent natural harbor at Pharos would make it a fine place for a central Adriatic port, even if it has a larger indigenous population. [-40 talents of grain and construction costs, 600 colonists found Pharos, -100 pop from Eretria, 400 colonists found Issa, -50 pop from Eretria].

[E?] [Lykai] Settle them in Eretria [+800 Metics in Eretria, citizen ratio falls accordingly].
[A?] [Lykai] Spread them out through the Epulian League and colonies [+100 settlers in each Epulian city including Ankon and the colony chosen to be the primary colony for Eretria in the Adriatic Dodecanese].
[D?] [Lykai] Settle them in the new Illyrian colonies [+600 settlers in primary Illyrian colony, +200 in second Illyrian colony].

[] [Kymai] We must save the city! [Begins the Kymai Rescue Quest Chain. -1 foreign mission for each Demos in the next election. Demes will put aside any complicated or military expeditions until the next election cycle].
[] [Kymai] We cannot risk such an expedition [-10 talents per turn until city falls or the siege is relieved by another power, Eretria will provide grain shipments to the city and ferry refugees wherever they wish. Chance of picking up some of Kymai's citizens at random].

Demos Drakonia

Current Goals at Home

Mercantile Policy: Given past Illyrian raiding and the necessity of Eretria's merchant marine to its prosperity, revenues, and success, the time has come to create a formal Register of the Merchant Fleet, which will force Eretrian merchants to register with and catalog their movements to the city's agoranomoi. The Register will also provide for formal Eretrian colors of blue and gold for the city's ships to bear while at sea, with a guarantee to merchants that the city will protect their ships and their lives [+2 extra public upkeep per year, +5% tariff efficiency (+9.3 talents of trade revenue)].

Naval Policy: For many years Eretria's small but powerful fleet has served it well. Now, however, with its new Adriatic colonies and its growing clout, Eretria must construct a new fleet to protect itself and its colonies, and provide more employment for the city's poor and landless working as rowers in the Triremes. Eretria has long been an Adriatic trading power, but for it to be a naval power, it must furnish a fleet capable of protecting its new hegemony. [Fleet Construction will take 3 years, +2700 Rowers, -2700 Psilloi, +18 Crewed Triremes, +20 Reserve Triremes, -37 Talents, +63.2 Naval Upkeep per turn].

Immigration Policy: What Eretria needs above all are talented and skilled professionals, merchants, tradesmen and craftsmen to enrich the city's trade and culture and economy. This above all should be the priority of future metic immigration; only the truly worthy and capable should be brought to Eretria, plucked from across the Aegean and with an eye towards the literate, the intellectual, and the technically skilled [-15 talents, 3-4% Metic population growth by next census, chance of producing one new famed artwork or trade route at end of four years].

Great Work: The city is running up against the limits of what the small Harbor of the Fifty Masts is able to handle in terms of trade volume, but Byssos Harbor is not sheltered enough to provide protection for as many ships as it could. Extend Byssos Harbour to provide a grand new commercial port for ships, more capacity for marinas and warehouses along the shore, and making the harbor more defensible from a sea attack. [-550 talent cost over 5 years, when finished, +2 Adriatic Staple Trade Routes, +20 trade route capacity].

Current Goals Abroad

Diplomatic Mission: The Enetoi were Eretria's staunch allies in the war against the Liburni. We must know capitalize on this to gain a monopoly over the export of amber to the wider Mediterranean. Through this we can strengthen ties and open the way for a future colony in the marshy lagoons off the coast of their lands, strengthening an Eretrian presence in the northern Adriatic [If successful, Eretria will be then be able to construct a trading colony in the Venetian lagoon and a new monopoly trade route worth 25 talents, colony can serve as future site of Kymaian settlers].

Xenoparakletor Mission: The colony of Ankon is now rapidly growing beyond the small plot of land provided by the Picentes. Although the town of Numana and its hinterland lies to the south, the northwest of Picenum is sparsely populated. In order to avoid conflict with the Picentes and ensure a foundation for new Eretrian colonies along that stretch of coast, the xenoparakletor will be dispatched to negotiate a purchase of land for both Ankon and future colonies [-40 talents, Mission success dependent on Xenoparakletor, if successful Ankon's territory will expand and land will be opened up for further colonies in Picenum].

Demos Antipatria

Current Goals at Home

Religious Policy: For decades the Pythagoreans have been among the most well-known of the religious groups in Italia, with members in every city from Rhegion to Taras, and their center in the city of Metapontion. With the dogmatic akousamtikoi defeated by the mathematekoi, who favor a more applicable approach to their belief and are famed for their technical skill in mathematics through Italia, it would be wise for Eretria to dispatch emissaries to Metapontion and speak with members who would be willing to establish a philosophical center in the city of Eretria Eskhata. It would be valuable not only to the city's merchants and aristocrats but among all those willing to learn and study in Eretria [-25 talents, mission dispatched to invite Pythagoreans to Eretria Eskhata].

Military Policy: The war with Taras has revealed the inadaquecies of Eretria Eskhata's hoplites. However, no amount of simple training or festival practices can prepare a young man who has never faced a war with the reality of battle. Instead, what must be done is a reform to the organization and structure of our hoplite phalanx, so that we may achieve a greater degree of coordination and flexibility between parts, and ensure that the great array of shields and spears is kept stable. We must discover a way to do this that does not compromise Eretria Eskhata by relying on unreliable mercenaries or destroy her finances by funding dangerous standing armies [Opens up options for reform of military organization of levy forces].

Immigration Policy: What Eretria needs above all are those Metics who have a cultural affinity to the city. If the city is to accept immigrants, they must be those already aware of Eretria's customs and traditions, those of similar cultural and philosophical inclinations, and those who would be grateful to be a part of the glory that is Eretria. [-15 talents, 4-5% Metic population growth by next census, random assortment of culturally similar immigrants drawn from Euboaea and Khalkidike].

Great Work: For too long, Eretria Eskhata has neglected the facilities to celebrate that most famed and ancient activity of the Hellenes: Athletics. The construction of a new Epulian stadium, to host not only the Epulian Games and the festival games of Apollon & Artemis, but also to accrue significant prestige across the entire Greek World, is long overdue. The stadium will ensure that a new generation of Eretrian athletes are raised, whether metic or citizen, to excel in all measures of fitness [-520 Talents over 5 years, significant boost in cultural prestige when finished, higher chance of finishing first at the Olympic Games and the potential to attract contestants in athletic games from across Italia].

Current Goals Abroad

Xenoparakletor Mission: Until now, we have been reliant on the hearsay of merchants and word of mouth to learn about the war in Hellas. With the Athenians taking Kerkyra and dispatching the irreverent Alkibiades to Sicily, who left the island in such a dramatic fashion, that must change. Even with its setbacks, plagues, and long war with the Spartans Athenai remains pre-eminent at sea and we must establish a permanent embassy and good relations with the city. For a long time, Athenai and Eretria Eskhata have moved in differing directions and drifted apart. Now, without committing to an alliance, we must ensure, at the least, that Athenai will not drift in a direction likely to endanger our city [-30 talents, mission dependent on Xenoparakletor, if mission successful more detailed political news from Athenai, stronger relations].

Diplomatic Mission: The colonies of Epidauros and Melaina Kerkyra were once the foremost outposts of the Kerkyrans in the middle Adriatic. Now, with the city much reduced and under Athenian rule, we must ensure that these colonies fall into our sphere and not return back to Kerkyra, or gods forbid, the Athenians. With that in mind, emissaries will be dispatched to the two small coastal communities to convince them of the value and protection guaranteed by joining Eretria Eskhata. There is a harbor to the northwest of Epidauros, further, that is not very well-populated by the Daorsi, concentrated as they are away from the coast and in their interior river valleys. It could become the location of a new and profitable trading colony anchoring Eretria in the central Adriatic [-20 talents, if mission successful, Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros will join Epulian League, opens site for potential trading colony at location of Dubrovnik and future site of Kymaian settlers].

Demos Exoria

Current Goals at Home

Religious Policy: Since the first days of Eretria, we worked hard to ensure the prosperity of our lands and the produce of our fields, and the land has repaid us tenfold, yielding wine, olive oil, and wheat in vast measure. The time has come for us to return the favor to the land and to the Gods by hosting a festival before the harvest in the early fall. Unlike other festivals, this one should be hosted outside the city at the site of the Battle of Bare Road near the ruins of Bitonti, and gather the entire countryside together. Odes would be made to Demeter, Persephone would be given a grand sacrifice as her away gift for the long winter, and the barbaroi would provide gifts of beef and cheese in exchange for olive oil and wine whilst dancers swayed in divine ecstacy before sacred trees fed with goat's blood [+2 talent per turn upkeep, massive new autumn festival celebrating Demeter & Persephone in an agricultural fair and extensive rural ceremonies, raised rural happiness].

Military Policy: The wars with Taras and the Liburni have shown the extraordinary ability of our elite units, the Hieros Ekdromoi and Kleos Exoria. As the world grows ever more dangerous and Eretria ever larger, however, the city must expand these forces so that they are not left behind, and can better recover from the deaths of their members. We must significantly increase the number of Ekdromoi and Kleos Exoria so that the city is able to use these forces more effectively on both land and sea [+250 Ekdromoi, -250 Hoplites, +25 Kleos Exoria, -25 Cavalry, +22 army upkeep].

Immigration Policy: In barbarian Italy the true strength of any city is numbers. New metics can become new tenants, new laborers, new colonists in future endeavors, new spears and new shields for the city. The city of Eretria needs labor, for its fields and for its docks, and it needs to rise above, to grow beyond its neighbors and its enemies. But it is only through immigration and the promotion of tenant labor that Eretria can achieve this potential [-15 talents, 5-6% metic population growth by next census, mostly refugees, landless paupers, and menial laborers from Krete, Akhaia, and Hellene warzones].

Great Work: Create the city's first sewer system and secure a water supply by building underwater tunnels from the nearby Murgia plateau leading into the city, with pressurized running water and cisterns in the city to reduce the spread of miasmas [-500 talents, takes 5 turns to build, will raise living standards, happiness, and cleanliness in the city and secure the city's water supply during a siege].

Current Goals Abroad

Diplomatic Mission: Although the Histri and Eretria started off on poor footing, it is time to resolve these differences and reconcile the two in the aftermath of the war with the Liburni. We will obtain a translator who will be able to communicate with the Histri and dispatch envoys on an expedition to Nesactium. The goal of the mission will be to resolve prior differences, leverage the recent victory against the Liburni while it lies fresh in their memory, and important to Eretrian prestige and honor, retrieve an apology from the people of Tergeste for their attack on the Eretrians. In the process we may hope to secure a trading post in a fine harbor to the southwest of Nesactium for our merchants [-25 talents, if mission successful Histri will be reconciled and could become allies, opens up potential for trading post at location of Pola & can serve as future site of Kymaian settlers].

Xenoparakletor Mission: Although King Artahias reigns in Neriton, the Messapii are not yet integrated vassals of Eretria, and indeed owe only theoretical allegiance to the city. If we are to transform a temporary subject into a permanent ally then we must build the institutional and diplomatic grounding for it. The Xenoparakletor will tour the Messapii lands and gain support for a more permanent and fair arrangement, all the while tying the resolution of conflicts and the settling of disputes to Eretria. In this way we can curtail Artahias' ambitions without enraging him, and even grant him greater central authority that he may wield on our behalf [-20 talents, If successful, gain access to 25% of the entire Messapii freemen levy as well as regular tribute].

[D] Proboulos: Epiktetos Linos (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 7, Lawfulness 6, Friendliness 5, Courage 3, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 2

Hero of Taras, victor in the Adriatic. The rising star of Eretria and publisher of the famed Linean Dialogue does not seek the high office of Xenoparakletor but argues instead that he should remain humble and modest and build the city first. Wealthy and kind, he is revered as a fine general and has devoted much of his life to assisting the Eretrian poor rather than dedicating public statues or great works. Now he seeks the office of proboulos so that he may provide for the people in peace as well as war.

[A] Proboulos: Kyros Gennadios (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 4, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 4, Courage 3, Magnificence 6, Wisdom 3

The once Proboulos Kyros Gennadios, who presided over the first phase of the Hill of the Divine Marriage and the negotiation over the Metics, as well as a successful immigration drive that was copied by his rivals. Known as a moderate man in all ways, he was humbled by his defeat by Theron Archippos in the previous election, and entered the ranks of the ekdromoi, fighting hard in Liburnia for the sake of Eretria. He seeks now to reclaim his place as proboulos and show the city he can do ever better.

[E] Proboulos: Theron Archippos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 6, Lawfulness 7, Friendliness 3, Courage 4, Magnificence 3, Wisdom 3

Theron Archippos is the greatest reformer of religion in an age, transforming religious observance in Eretria and elevating it through the completion of the Hill of the Divine Marriage. Eminently respected, he has calmed some of his rougher tendencies and grown ever more concerned about the necessity for religious and a law-abiding society, as well as the necessity of a strong professional force. He seeks to repeat his astonishing victory over Kyros Gennadios once more.

[D] Xenoparakletor: Korydon Morys Drakonid (Demos Drakonia)
Glory 3, Lawfulness 2, Friendliness 7, Courage 3, Magnificence 2, Wisdom 1

Lieutenant of the Demos Drakonia, responsible for pushing through the Linean Colonial Laws, "The Iron Oarsman" rose from almost nothing, with his parents beggars in the city's port. It was his extraordinary ability at oratory, despite his questionable literacy when he was younger, that transformed him into a public figure. A rower in past Liburnian expeditions was a captain by the war with Taras, first speaker of the popular tribunal, and a victorious naval captain in the most recent Liburnian campaign. Patronized and then adopted by the Drakonids, he has received an extensive education in foreign languages and is known for his ability to charm and electrify both citizens and foreigners, and exudes a buoyant demeanor, as opposed to some more austere figures.

[A] Xenoparakletor: Obander Eupraxis (Demos Antipatria)
Glory 7, Lawfulness 7, Friendliness 2, Courage 4, Magnificence 3, Wisdom 7

Leader of the Demos Antipatria and member of a branch of the Antipatrid Family, called the "Black Bull," a man of great lawfulness and wisdom who is known for his oratory on the nature of justice and the necessity of fairness. A modest smallholder, he has provided more words than wealth for the city but earned glory as a naval captain and a hoplite at the Battle of Taras despite his advanced age. As he has become older his image as a pure and virtuous Hellene has grown, with his glory rising. After his victories in Sicily, Obander Eupraxis has announced this shall be his last term standing as xenoparakletor as he grows old and weary, and wishes to retire once more to his country estate.

[E] Xenoparakletor: Mnemnon Keylonos (Demos Exoria)
Glory 5, Lawfulness 4, Friendliness 4, Courage 7, Magnificence 4, Wisdom 2

Leader of the Demos Exoria, called the "Young Stallion", for his excellence in his youth. Serving as the city's past Xenoparakletor, the once modestly known cavalryman has become the city's premier advocate for its barbaroi allies, and has great rapport among them. A frontiersman, he is of a rougher cut than most, and is known for his devotion to Artemis and his love of physical pursuits such as wrestling. As he has become older, however, he has also become more practical and less friendly, learning when it is best to couch your words, and events among the Histri have frustrated his hope of making allies among some barbarboi, as he nurses a healing arrow wound in his shoulder.

[A?] The Harbor of the Daorsi. Placing the Kymaians near the town of Epidauros in the central Adriatic would help secure the routes to Hellas from that section of the sea and strengthen the Eretrian presence in a region that it has so far had less influence in, potentially opening up new trade routes to the middle balkans [-20 talents per turn in grain shipments until Kymai is evacuated, Xenoparakletor will negotiate with the Daorsi].
[E?] The Harbor of the Histri. Placing the Kymaians in the northern Adriatic near the Histri meeting place of Nesactium would not only allow for stronger trade between them and the city, but open up the fertile Histrian hinterland and create a powerful colony to check the Liburni in the North Adriatic [-20 talents per turn in grain shipments until Kymai is evacuated, Xenoparakletor will attempt to calm and negotiate with the Histri].
[D?] The Island of the Enetoi. Placing the Kymaians in the island of the Enetoi will surely be a significiant shift for them, but it will create a colony only accessible by sea to secure new trade with both the Enetoi and the Etruscans, in an area with fewer hostile tribes and neighbors [-20 talents per turn in grain shipments until Kymai is evacuated, Xenoparakletor will attempt to negotiate a grant of land from the Enetoi].

[D?] [Metics] It is time now for a Prytanis to be selected from among the Metics to address the assembly [Metics will choose their own representatives to present before the city].
[A?] [Metics] Allow Metics to purchase property within the walls of Eretria and reduce their taxation [10% reduction in Metic taxation, -14 talents a turn].
[E?] [Metics] The city will intervene in the Metic debt crisis and pay their debts [-90 talents].
[] [Metics] We cannot accept any of these demands! [Metics will consider assembly a failure].

[] [Rhegion] Encourage Rhegion to make war against the city of Lokri Epixephyrii [Raises tension with Krotone].
[] [Rhegion] Redirect their ambitions toward the islands of Lipara and the Lucanian coast [Raises tension with Thurii].
[] [Rhegion] Help them work out a settlement with the Sikeliote League in Sicily [Raises tension with Taras].

[] [Kymai] The settlement will have the same citizenship laws as the rest of the Epulian League's new colonies. [-500 potential freemen, weaker cohesion, more rapid population growth after settlement].
[] [Kymai] The settlement may have its own laws [+200 potential freemen, stronger cohesion, less rapid population growth after settlement].

[D?] [Mission] Amber Trade Mission. The Enetoi were Eretria's staunch allies in the war against the Liburni. We must know capitalize on this to gain a monopoly over the export of amber to the wider Mediterranean. Through this we can strengthen ties and open the way for a future colony in the marshy lagoons off the coast of their lands, strengthening an Eretrian presence in the northern Adriatic [If successful, Eretria will be then be able to construct a trading colony in the Venetian lagoon and a new monopoly trade route worth 25 talents].

[A?] [Mission] Picente Diplomatic Mission.The colony of Ankon is now rapidly growing beyond the small plot of land provided by the Picentes. Although the town of Numana and its hinterland lies to the south, the northwest of Picenum is sparsely populated. In order to avoid conflict with the Picentes and ensure a foundation for new Eretrian colonies along that stretch of coast, the xenoparakletor will be dispatched to negotiate a purchase of land for both Ankon and future colonies [-40 talents, if successful Ankon's territory will expand and land will be opened up for further colonies in Picenum].

[] [Mission] Histri Diplomatic Mission. Although the Histri and Eretria started off on poor footing, it is time to resolve these differences and reconcile the two in the aftermath of the war with the Liburni. We will obtain a translator who will be able to communicate with the Histri and dispatch envoys on an expedition to Nesactium. The goal of the mission will be to resolve prior differences, leverage the recent victory against the Liburni while it lies fresh in their memory, and important to Eretrian prestige and honor, retrieve an apology from the people of Tergeste for their attack on the Eretrians. In the process we may hope to secure a trading post in a fine harbor to the southwest of Nesactium for our merchants [-25 talents, if mission successful Histri will be reconciled and could become allies, opens up potential for trading post at location of Pola].

[E?] [Mission] Messapii Tributary Mission. Although King Artahias reigns in Neriton, the Messapii are not yet integrated vassals of Eretria, and indeed owe only theoretical allegiance to the city. If we are to transform a temporary subject into a permanent ally then we must build the institutional and diplomatic grounding for it. The Xenoparakletor will tour the Messapii lands and gain support for a more permanent and fair arrangement, all the while tying the resolution of conflicts and the settling of disputes to Eretria. In this way we can curtail Artahias' ambitions without enraging him, and even grant him greater central authority that he may wield on our behalf [-20 talents, If successful, gain access to 25% of the entire Messapii freemen levy as well as 10.3 talents in regular tribute].

[] [Motion] Leander's Amendment. The Xenoparakletor will have two deputies explicitly subordinate to them drawn from the two losing candidates.
[] [Motion] Phokion's Amendment. The Xenoparakletor will have one deputy chosen at their leisure and approved by the Popular Tribunal.
[] [Motion] Status Quo. The Xenoparakletor will choose whoever they wish to accompany them on foreign missions.

[] [Missions] Focused diplomacy prioritizing a clear direction and coherent strategy over flexibility [3 missions from winning Demos per term].
[] [Missions] Flexible diplomacy prioritizing breadth and the ability to address multiple issues over focus. [2 missions from winning Demos, then ability to choose 1 more from the losing slates per term].

[A?] [Oligarchs] We cannot allow the oligarchy's supporters to make the journey [Oligarchic supporters will depart to Sikeliote League].
[D?] [Oligarchs] Kymai must be made anew and bury old hatreds [+400 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, city may have more wealth and political conflict in early years].

[] [Prophecy] A Tree of Stone, growing in a newly planted grove upon the ashes of ancient monuments [-250 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, -70 talents, Sibyl will go to Eretria Eskhata, Eretria Eskhata will gain an oracle and cultural influence].
[] [Prophecy] A Sapling of Wood, growing in a primordial forest looming over waves lashing the crags of a rocky coast [+1000 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, Sibyl will go Nea Kymai, Nea Kymai will become a new center of the Divine Marriage].

[] [Oaths] Make Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros swear oaths to the Divine Marriage [Cities will be unhappy but Epulian League oath will be preserved].
[] [Oaths] Allow them to swear oaths to Zeus Olympios instead [Cities will be happy but Epulian League Oath will be muddled].

[] [Lands] Grant additional lands to Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros [Both cities will be granted new lands by Eretria and grow in population, both will be very happy].
[] [Lands] We will keep the land to allot to Kymai and other new colonies [+250 more Kymaians will move to Nea Kymai, Epidauros and Melaina Kerkyra will remain stagnant but the land will be open for other new colonies].

I'm updating my .txt as this goes on, feel free to contest me if the lean I've given appears off-base or if there seems to be an error in there. I like having some summary points on hand to check and see where factional policy has tended to gravitate, especially as we're adding more entries and it becomes less trivial to go through the updates to find particular votes.
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This, basically. Any anarchist worth its salt with recognize the interesting parts of the democratic system, like the sovereign direct democratic assembly, frown a bit at the executive with its large power especially on missions abroad but shrug it as a necessity with the time... Then go apeshit about private property, class, castes and slavery.
I'm not saying anarchists would say "Eretria is the ideal society." Literally no one said that.

I'm saying "anarchists would find the idea of 'lithocracy' interesting as a precedent for the very rare idea of a society explicitly eliminating its powerful executive government in times of crisis. Instead of the 'customary' attitude that you need strong centralized leadership in a crisis, the Eretrians are doing the opposite and arguing that that's precisely when you do NOT need elected representative executives running the government for you.

Because this is actually something very unusual in human history, and being able to point to it is going to shape the way future societies conceptualize the role of democracy.
I think it's important to emphasize that the concept of the people and the public as conceptualized in the ancient Mediterranean was a political ideology that emerged in that context and then disappeared; insofar as it emerged again in the renaissance it was garbled, and the modern democratic structure grew out of the noble parliament, not the popular assembly. It's a completely different conception of political affairs.
I think it's important to emphasize that the concept of the people and the public as conceptualized in the ancient Mediterranean was a political ideology that emerged in that context and then disappeared; insofar as it emerged again in the renaissance it was garbled, and the modern democratic structure grew out of the noble parliament, not the popular assembly. It's a completely different conception of political affairs.

That makes sense, but Simon is talking of anarchists, who didn't really emerge from the liberal democracy that evolved out of noble parliaments and estates general. So they're making some sense too.

I could definitely see a movement calling itself anarcho-lithocratian. We love our hyphenated ideology names. :V
OK, some Romans waifud Sparta, but only for a while. Athens though? Even now in the modern age it's everyone's waifus.

The Victorian British also considered Sparta best waifu. That's where they got the idea for the public school system that to this day ensures that the children of the British ruling class are properly traumatized.

I mean, on a purely OOC basis I am a proud Atticophile and have probably spend too much time back on AH.com arguing with what I see as a tendency many have to witewash Sparta, to at least some extent. As a result, I am personally more then cool with the tought of Athens winning at the end.

The Spartaboos not only like whitewashing Sparta, but also buying into Spartan propaganda (which is easy to do since Spartan propaganda is widely taught and Spartan history as known by the public tends to start at Thermopylae and end at the Peloponesian Wars - Sparta during the Archaic period and post-Peloponesian wars is quite different). That said, we can say much the same about the popular conception of Athens.

I think there are good reasons why Athens was a great center of philosophy and remained a great city into Roman times, but ultimately, both were variations on the same Greek culture and the same slave-based Mediterranean economy. In other words, I don't want Eretria to be strongly influenced (let alone dominated) by either. Sparta would likely make for a more unpleasant but weaker hegemon, while Athens would make for a strong but more acceptable hegemon.

(Though if Athens did win the Peloponesian wars, maybe they'll get busy in a war with Persia, leaving us free to do as we with in Magna Grecia...)

Let's remember Athens kinda like us so far. We're useful to them. We cooperated with them to contain Syrakousai and we ship them grain. As long as we don't try to expand on their turf and they have other directions to expand in, I don't think we should be too worried. And even if they beat Sparta decisively, maintaining that hegemony will keep them busy full time. Look at how many rebellions they get even with just the weaker Delian league.
Let's remember Athens kinda like us so far.
Given their well, reputation, that might not be a good thing.

I mean, we're probably old enough to be safe, but.....

I think there are good reasons why Athens was a great center of philosophy and remained a great city into Roman times, but ultimately, both were variations on the same Greek culture and the same slave-based Mediterranean economy. In other words, I don't want Eretria to be strongly influenced (let alone dominated) by either. Sparta would likely make for a more unpleasant but weaker hegemon, while Athens would make for a strong but more acceptable hegemon.
Indeed. Let us be the great balancing act between the two. That way, future historians can have mixed feelings about us, rather then just one way or another.
while Athens would make for a strong but more acceptable hegemon.
this might be good for us as it might forces the other Italiote cities to join together to resist Athens influence and with the Sicilian cities having band together for a war and possible join a League together in the future will make them nervous
Alright, here is my attempt at trying to guess which Demos might have been on which side of which votes on some of the ones Kipeci has left empty

A small asside first: on the top of my head I would say the description of Carthage as a potential ally has the creation of an alliance essentially been something of a hail mary pass. It had Taras being seemingly victorious so Eretria simply decided to try its luck with Carthage to see if some assistance could be garnered and, probably to its own surprise, they answered with a massive intervention to save the city geopolitical position. As a result that alliance would have essentially happened without necessarely being sponsored by a Demos.

If I had to attribute a choice of allie to the Exorians I would go with Thurii and the Sikeliote League, mainly as a bullwark against Syrakousai. I would agree that the Drakonids probably pushed for Athens but, as Syrakousai was showing sign of ressurgence, the Antipatrids and the Exorians would have gotten together and managed to outvote them on that particular issue, one of their rare significant defeats in the time of their dominance. Or at least that's how I would make sense of it IC.

On Epidamnos we got Symachos and Obander on record so the ? are superfluous. Memnon is a bit more dicey but the fact he defended them when Obander accused them of wanting to manipulate Eretria would strongly indicate the Exorians where in favour of letting them in.

Regarding Peuketii affairs (turn 3) I would say the Exoria would have been in favour of focusing on levies (due to the importance they give to the Eretrian army) and sending inspectors (as they seek to depen ties with them). The Antipatrids are likely to have supported the opposite, wanting to keep as clear a separation between Eretria and the Barbaroii due to their traditionalism and limiting the city military dependence on them. The Drakonids would be a bit more tricky but I would say they would have supported going for levies, as making the Peuketii provide even more skirmishers help set the stage to turn more pilsoii into rowers. Not sure for the other proposal tough.

When it comes to the alliance with the Messapii the Exoria would obviously be in favour. After all, it was Memnon policy, and I can't see the Antipatrids being too enthusiastic about a war to prevent Taras from subjugating the Messapii. The Drakonids could go either way but, at the end of the day I feel that an occasion to secure Eretria southern flank would appeal to them as it would, as they would saw it, allow the city to turn to the Adriatic with less pressing worries on the mainlands.

As for the peace Linos was stating to have been in favour.

Its a bit more shaky but, as to which polis in Italy we should ally with (turn 6) I would bet both the Antipatrids and the Exorians where probably in favour of Krotone. It fit the traditionalism of the formers and the emphasis the latters put on land power.

In Sicily (turn 8) word of god told us Obander wanted to send the athenians away while Linos and Memnon wanted to work with them. On the focus to be given to the congress I would say the Sicilian League fit pretty well with Obander outlook on things and advocating for expension to the interior with the Exorians.

For our choice of allies on the Liburnian expedition I would say the Dalmatae fit well with the Exorians, wanting to build new ties with other barbaroii and adding a land component to the war and all that. The Drakonids would probably have gone with the Enetoi, as the expedition was probably conceived as the culmination of the smaller anti-piracy campaigns of the past and would therefore naturally be drawn to an ally having proven itself usefull in the past. Plus, their conception of the campaign was probably purely naval (no Dalmatae) and they where confident enough in their own triremes to not feel the need for reinforcements in that regard (so no Etruscans) leaving the Enetoi as a good source of Pentakoters to diminish the numerical advantage of the Liburni. The Antipatrids are more fusy but if I had to guess I would say they would go with the Etruscans as getting more triremes for the campaign seem more aligned to their traditionalist military outlook.

On Kimai I would say both the Drakonids (a nice, new, big colony) and the Antipatrids (greek solidarity) where for it. I could see some Exorians being annoyed at loosing a good opportunity to get Memnon back in office with a mandate to fight the Dauni but the resonance of Kimai situation with Eretria own history is simply too great for any demos to try to oppose it so they probably got on board as well.

Regarding the Linean Laws I would imagine the Drakonids would stand with their leader while the Exorians would figure those settlers who wouldn't go to Nea Kimai where likely to end up elsewhere in the colonies too, and therefore leading to support granting an exception to Kimai with their focus on brute numbers in mind. Obander was stated by voice of god to support the exception as well, so the Antipatrids probably followed.

On where Rhegion energies should be directed (turn 10) I would say the Antipatrids probably support playing mediator with the Sikelian League, as it fit Obander idealism.

In the last turn I would argue the Antipatrids and the Exorians where in favour of getting the Oracle to Eretria, as the cultural influence coming with it would be usefull in conducting foreign policies with the Italian and Sicilian greeks or the Italian hinterlands, respectively, while the Drakonids naturally wanted to spread the diffusion of Epulian culture on the other side of the Adriatic.
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Let's remember Athens kinda like us so far. We're useful to them

For sure. And I think that's worth something. Just not very much. Athens and Sparta both don't make the best friends in this period.

That's not to say that we should stop treating Athens as a friend. From what I've read of the old threads and events in more "modern" times, Athens has been a fair friend to Eretria so far. I think it was wise of the players to set aside their distaste for Athens when Athens tried to forge links and Sparta ignored Eretria in the initial forays of re-founded Eretria in pan-Hellenic politics. But I don't trust Athens very far. I don't expect our friendship with them would be worth very much if the Athenians perceived their interests in a way that ran counter to Eretria's interests. Which is a big reason why I was such a keen backer of Obander this election cycle.

For sure. And I think that's worth something. Just not very much. Athens and Sparta both don't make the best friends in this period.

That's not to say that we should stop treating Athens as a friend. From what I've read of the old threads and events in more "modern" times, Athens has been a fair friend to Eretria so far. I think it was wise of the players to set aside their distaste for Athens when Athens tried to forge links and Sparta ignored Eretria in the initial forays of re-founded Eretria in pan-Hellenic politics. But I don't trust Athens very far. I don't expect our friendship with them would be worth very much if the Athenians perceived their interests in a way that ran counter to Eretria's interests. Which is a big reason why I was such a keen backer of Obander this election cycle.

I think that it's likely that, unless there's a demagogue specifically agitating against us, our friendship with Athens means that any conflicting interests would be marked as a lower priority to address than they otherwise would be for a conflict of any particular intensity.
I think that it's likely that, unless there's a demagogue specifically agitating against us, our friendship with Athens means that any conflicting interests would be marked as a lower priority to address than they otherwise would be for a conflict of any particular intensity.

Simply speaking the moment Athens is free in mainland the last thing they will want is Italia getting a hegemon or uniting into the Leauge.

From that point onwards friendship is pretty much impossible.
For sure. And I think that's worth something. Just not very much. Athens and Sparta both don't make the best friends in this period.

That's not to say that we should stop treating Athens as a friend. From what I've read of the old threads and events in more "modern" times, Athens has been a fair friend to Eretria so far. I think it was wise of the players to set aside their distaste for Athens when Athens tried to forge links and Sparta ignored Eretria in the initial forays of re-founded Eretria in pan-Hellenic politics. But I don't trust Athens very far. I don't expect our friendship with them would be worth very much if the Athenians perceived their interests in a way that ran counter to Eretria's interests. Which is a big reason why I was such a keen backer of Obander this election cycle.


I mean... They don't make good friends if you're weak. And close to them. But Italiote cities who aligned with one or the others haven't suffered much from their patron to my knowledge? We're literally feeding Athens, anyway, so a war with us would probably put them in a pickle.

We should definitely take the time to make the diplomatic bases official and get a permanent contact with them so that we know if t hey start changing position on us though. I'm definitely not against that.
Normally I would never be that guy, but with the QM himself having stated that it was the update to the site who delayed the usual release schedule I feel that, this around at least, asking the question wouldn't be out of bound.

@Cetashwayo How is the timetable looking like for the next update?
Normally I would never be that guy, but with the QM himself having stated that it was the update to the site who delayed the usual release schedule I feel that, this around at least, asking the question wouldn't be out of bound.

@Cetashwayo How is the timetable looking like for the next update?

I'd like to do it this weekend. The site change kind of threw me for a loop and then I had a busy week so I just decided to lay over for another week. I was also dithering on whether or not to do a major plot point and only made my decision yesterday night when I had time to think.
Alright, here is my attempt at trying to guess which Demos might have been on which side of which votes on some of the ones Kipeci has left empty

A small asside first: on the top of my head I would say the description of Carthage as a potential ally has the creation of an alliance essentially been something of a hail mary pass. It had Taras being seemingly victorious so Eretria simply decided to try its luck with Carthage to see if some assistance could be garnered and, probably to its own surprise, they answered with a massive intervention to save the city geopolitical position. As a result that alliance would have essentially happened without necessarely being sponsored by a Demos.

If I had to attribute a choice of allie to the Exorians I would go with Thurii and the Sikeliote League, mainly as a bullwark against Syrakousai. I would agree that the Drakonids probably pushed for Athens but, as Syrakousai was showing sign of ressurgence, the Antipatrids and the Exorians would have gotten together and managed to outvote them on that particular issue, one of their rare significant defeats in the time of their dominance. Or at least that's how I would make sense of it IC.

On Epidamnos we got Symachos and Obander on record so the ? are superfluous. Memnon is a bit more dicey but the fact he defended them when Obander accused them of wanting to manipulate Eretria would strongly indicate the Exorians where in favour of letting them in.

Regarding Peuketii affairs (turn 3) I would say the Exoria would have been in favour of focusing on levies (due to the importance they give to the Eretrian army) and sending inspectors (as they seek to depen ties with them). The Antipatrids are likely to have supported the opposite, wanting to keep as clear a separation between Eretria and the Barbaroii due to their traditionalism and limiting the city military dependence on them. The Drakonids would be a bit more tricky but I would say they would have supported going for levies, as making the Peuketii provide even more skirmishers help set the stage to turn more pilsoii into rowers. Not sure for the other proposal tough.

When it comes to the alliance with the Messapii the Exoria would obviously be in favour. After all, it was Memnon policy, and I can't see the Antipatrids being too enthusiastic about a war to prevent Taras from subjugating the Messapii. The Drakonids could go either way but, at the end of the day I feel that an occasion to secure Eretria southern flank would appeal to them as it would, as they would saw it, allow the city to turn to the Adriatic with less pressing worries on the mainlands.

As for the peace Linos was stating to have been in favour.

Its a bit more shaky but, as to which polis in Italy we should ally with (turn 6) I would bet both the Antipatrids and the Exorians where probably in favour of Krotone. It fit the traditionalism of the formers and the emphasis the latters put on land power.

In Sicily (turn 8) word of god told us Obander wanted to send the athenians away while Linos and Memnon wanted to work with them. On the focus to be given to the congress I would say the Sicilian League fit pretty well with Obander outlook on things and advocating for expension to the interior with the Exorians.

For our choice of allies on the Liburnian expedition I would say the Dalmatae fit well with the Exorians, wanting to build new ties with other barbaroii and adding a land component to the war and all that. The Drakonids would probably have gone with the Enetoi, as the expedition was probably conceived as the culmination of the smaller anti-piracy campaigns of the past and would therefore naturally be drawn to an ally having proven itself usefull in the past. Plus, their conception of the campaign was probably purely naval (no Dalmatae) and they where confident enough in their own triremes to not feel the need for reinforcements in that regard (so no Etruscans) leaving the Enetoi as a good source of Pentakoters to diminish the numerical advantage of the Liburni. The Antipatrids are more fusy but if I had to guess I would say they would go with the Etruscans as getting more triremes for the campaign seem more aligned to their traditionalist military outlook.

On Kimai I would say both the Drakonids (a nice, new, big colony) and the Antipatrids (greek solidarity) where for it. I could see some Exorians being annoyed at loosing a good opportunity to get Memnon back in office with a mandate to fight the Dauni but the resonance of Kimai situation with Eretria own history is simply too great for any demos to try to oppose it so they probably got on board as well.

Regarding the Linean Laws I would imagine the Drakonids would stand with their leader while the Exorians would figure those settlers who wouldn't go to Nea Kimai where likely to end up elsewhere in the colonies too, and therefore leading to support granting an exception to Kimai with their focus on brute numbers in mind. Obander was stated by voice of god to support the exception as well, so the Antipatrids probably followed.

On where Rhegion energies should be directed (turn 10) I would say the Antipatrids probably support playing mediator with the Sikelian League, as it fit Obander idealism.

In the last turn I would argue the Antipatrids and the Exorians where in favour of getting the Oracle to Eretria, as the cultural influence coming with it would be usefull in conducting foreign policies with the Italian and Sicilian greeks or the Italian hinterlands, respectively, while the Drakonids naturally wanted to spread the diffusion of Epulian culture on the other side of the Adriatic.
Unfortunately I hit something of a snag with respect to real life so I can only comment with the detail I'd like on your first note, but it's been bugging me so here goes.

While the alliance with Carthage would certainly be a chance thing, I do think that that chance is highest with Exoria. Their preference is to spend most all of their foreign policy on the local barbaroi to be on top of their sentiments, build ties to them and seek to bring in others under the Eretrian umbrella; it would make sense that they would favor that instead of spending all sorts of time going out down the coast to check up on the new cities being founded, support their interests and fund the coalitions needed to make the Sikeliote League possible. I can absolutely see them getting a laser focus on the local situation with invading the Dauni and all of that, greatly irritating Taras to the point where it's wanting to jump in, inspiring Carthage to act. After all, a more 'barbarian' Eretria has tended to make the western Greeks unsettled (see what the Metapontians were thinking about us prior to the war with Taras and imagine if we'd gone moreso in that direction) and simultaneously signals a leadership more open to speaking with barbaroi over things such as alliances; these leaders also either were once based in or have family who were exiles in Carthage, providing them a great chance of Carthaginian contacts no one other faction would have. If Carthage has the opportunity and contacts to leadership to play the local Greeks off of each other I can absolutely see it taking that.

Plus it ties into all sorts of other stuff. Exoria has a powerful local army but the navy's kind of bad? Guess who has the most massive one around if Akragas or whatever starts making trouble. A powerful and developed army and heroes but some money troubles from them? Hey, guess which empire is loaded and quite frequently hires mercenaries to help in its wars? Western Greeks getting mad about all that cavorting with barbaroi? Have a powerful friend on the opposite side from you to open up a two front war. I mean, it is the case that Carthage can wind up distracted or something and might not rush in if there are bigger fires to put out elsewhere, but the point of the military reform was to make it so that Eretria could handle most problems on its own and they also support a longer campaign time as well as the sewers as siege defense which would both serve to put time moreso on the side of Eretria and allow Carthage time to get its affairs in order were we to face some existential crisis. Thurii & the Sikeliote League have their own reliability problems as we've found; to start off the combo of us all appeared quite intimidating so long as we weren't actually at war, but when we did then it kind of fell apart. Because we didn't go with the Antipatrids, we weren't in alliance with Metapontion, which meant that we couldn't get military access after we ended up spooking them; there went much of the utility of Thurii. The Sikeliote League for its part got immediately bogged down in skirmishes with Syrakousai after that city capitalized on us being in a distracting conflict. We ended up fighting Taras mostly alone except for our tributaries and league; our alliance wasn't really equipped to help us greatly versus Taras. Perhaps we'd have fared better if we had had more tributaries, an upgraded army, and Taras dealing with the lingering effects of having been wrecked by Carthage. In the ideal sort of Thurii & Sikeliote League alliance situation (with Metapontion and the Antipatrids), war with Taras would probably have been less likely over it because we'd have greater prestige and it was stated that powers would be more willing to engage in diplomacy before going to war, Eretria would have been a larger city anyway, and the inclusion of Metapontion and better relations with the other Italiote cities to prevent their banding up dramatically shift the balance of power away from what Taras ended up having in our run.

There's more that's bugging me here (for instance your comment on Antipatrid military traditionalism when they're one of the major proponents right now of launching into reform) but I'll have to get to it later.

Edit: Also I don't think Exoria Eretria with an enemy in Taras would be all that concerned about Syrakousai. The city is pretty far away without the seething hatred to animate them to strike Eretria anyway, they'd have to lay siege for a ridiculously long and expensive time despite that distance if the Exoria sewer idea went through even if they were to fight through a diverse & reformed army including more tributary unit diversity. Even so, Carthage has an answer for that situation in the form of its hold on the west of the island, and at least with the starting spread of Greeks it was very possible for Carthage to effectively throw its weight around on Sicily.
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Update is being written but I'm going to have to delay it again. My cat is pretty sick right now and so my time is focused dealing with that.