A little sad the best quest on SV is over. Still, may you find great success in your future endeavors Ceta.
Strangely enough the first thing that came to my mind when I read Cet reflexions was an essay Tolkien wrote...

In On Fairy Stories he defend the right to escape and the stories allowing us to do so. On some level it was a defense against the consensus toward realism that existed in the litterary world at the time, and the attacks levied on his writings because of it, but on another it was a commentary on fiction as a whole.

After all, even a good life has its worries and pains and having a way, wheter through the consumption/production of fiction or by another, to be relieved of them for a little while can definitely be a healthy and important part of a good life. Hell, for one who has troubles dealing with such worries and simply relax it can be a good way to allow yourself to do so.

''Part'' is the key word here, however, as when it cease to be simply a part of your life and englobe more and more of it, when the break cease to be simply a break and when one become more and more reluctant to come back from your escapism it cease to be healthy. It cease to help and began to hinder, it cease to become a solution to the issues one might have with stress and worries and might become part of the problem, in one way.

There is no, in my knowledge at least, clear and universal line not to cross, it is all up to self awareness and the time established truism that moderation is among the greatest virtues.

Whatever that means vary from one person to another and I suppose here I would have to echo @Admiral Skippy and say that if they're is one thing to take from it is to remember that, just as we enjoy ourselves, we always need to keep an eye open to not cross that line ourselves. I sincerely hope everyone has already been, or if not will soon be able, to find the right balance in that regard.

@Cetashwayo Thank you for QMing this quest, it was quite a ride even if I came a bit late to it. Good luck for everything ahead of you for this year and beyond, I am saddened to hear you where facing some demons of your own while I was enjoying your work but I am happy that things seem to be getting better for you. You have a clear talent for writing and I sincerely hope you can find a way to use it that would provide you with as much happiness then the enjoyment I got out of this quest.

To everyone with whom I agreed, debated, discussed or even just read during this quest I hope you found my takes interesting/enjoyable to read, or at least not too irritating ;)

See you arounds folks!
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I had followed all incarnations of this quest before finally deciding to participate in this one. It was a lot of fun, educational and reknindled my interest in the ancient mediterranian world.

For that I am thankful.

I hope that you will find fulfillment, happiness and success in all your future endeavours, in your personal life and professionally. Blessings and success in all matters.
I'll miss this, but if it could only exist as an unhealthy coping mechanism, rather than a healthy artistic endeavor, then the quest is better off dead.
@Cetashwayo I've enjoyed the journey from the very beginning. It's been inspiring to read through this quest since it's inception to the end, especially as someone who wants to get their feet wet in writing alternative history quests and timelines. I've definitely learned a lot along the way, so thank you. I wish you the best of luck in your personal and professional life.