Concerning the league tribute, would it be a possibility to move away from just filling our coffers to guaranteeing we spend it on something of public interest? It would be pretty easy to justify spending it on our army and navy to the league anyway, and it would probably reassure them. Meanwhile we just shift the freed money to our internal projects.
Concerning the league tribute, would it be a possibility to move away from just filling our coffers to guaranteeing we spend it on something of public interest? It would be pretty easy to justify spending it on our army and navy to the league anyway, and it would probably reassure them. Meanwhile we just shift the freed money to our internal projects.
Money is fungible. I don't think it would mean anything to anyone if we promised to spend the League money on, say, training and equipment for the ekdromoi as opposed to spending it on a dredge for the harbor expansion. Because we'd just take the money from some other source freed up by not needing to spend that money on the ekdromoi, and buy the same dredge.
Money is fungible. I don't think it would mean anything to anyone if we promised to spend the League money on, say, training and equipment for the ekdromoi as opposed to spending it on a dredge for the harbor expansion. Because we'd just take the money from some other source freed up by not needing to spend that money on the ekdromoi, and buy the same dredge.

Until money dry up for something and it ends up being relevant. I agree it's mostly symbolic until we need to cut something.
To be honest our passive naval upkeep will soon be 139.5 Talents. That means League tribute (soon to be ~20 Talents) doesn't even cover 15% of the passive upkeep that the force, which secures their trade routes against piracy, incurs. Add to that all the costs of actively using the fleet and I really don't see where they have much reason to complain.
If they find the tribute so egregious, we can always open up a separate account in which we pay trade security measures from League tribute. I doubt we would lose a single Talent.
[X] [Motion] Leander's Amendment. The Xenoparakletor will have two deputies explicitly subordinate to them drawn from the two losing candidates
[X] [Missions] Flexible diplomacy prioritizing breadth and the ability to address multiple issues over focus. [2 missions from winning Demos, then ability to choose 1 more from the losing slates per term].
[X] [Oligarchs] Kymai must be made anew and bury old hatreds [+400 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, city may have more wealth and political conflict in early years]
[X] [Prophecy] A Tree of Stone, growing in a newly planted grove upon the ashes of ancient monuments [-250 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, -70 talents, Sibyl will go to Eretria Eskhata, Eretria Eskhata will gain an oracle and cultural influence
[X] [Oaths] Make Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros swear oaths to the Divine Marriage [Cities will be unhappy but Epulian League oath will be preserved].
[X] [Lands] Grant additional lands to Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros [Both cities will be granted new lands by Eretria and grow in population, both will be very happy].
[X] [Motion] Leander's Amendment. The Xenoparakletor will have two deputies explicitly subordinate to them drawn from the two losing candidates
[X] [Missions] Flexible diplomacy prioritizing breadth and the ability to address multiple issues over focus. [2 missions from winning Demos, then ability to choose 1 more from the losing slates per term].
[X] [Oligarchs] Kymai must be made anew and bury old hatreds [+400 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, city may have more wealth and political conflict in early years]
[X] [Prophecy] A Tree of Stone, growing in a newly planted grove upon the ashes of ancient monuments [-250 Kymaians go to Nea Kymai, -70 talents, Sibyl will go to Eretria Eskhata, Eretria Eskhata will gain an oracle and cultural influence
[X] [Oaths] Make Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros swear oaths to the Divine Marriage [Cities will be unhappy but Epulian League oath will be preserved].
[X] [Lands] Grant additional lands to Melaina Kerkyra and Epidauros [Both cities will be granted new lands by Eretria and grow in population, both will be very happy].
You are so late to the party.
Reproducing the look of the old system exactly might have been more trouble than it was worth, without specific feedback on which bits of a new set of settings actually bothers people.

I mean, mostly it's just generic annoyance at all of the tiny differences. A lot of the changes are probably honestly for the better - the emoji menu is now usable in practice on mobile, for instance - but it's still... off-putting. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but until then, I reserve the right to be vaguely pissed about it :V
I mean, mostly it's just generic annoyance at all of the tiny differences. A lot of the changes are probably honestly for the better - the emoji menu is now usable in practice on mobile, for instance - but it's still... off-putting. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but until then, I reserve the right to be vaguely pissed about it :V

Honestly, I could get behind functional improvements to the forum, but big aesthetic changes are a bit of a shocker.
I'm mostly annoyed at the lack of a "page" button at the top of a page and having to open a menu to check unread watched threads.

But this is off-topic.
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The formatting change is entirely required and I remember being quite excited about it as staff, but it is also annoying :V The update may be delayed a couple of days as a combination of me getting used to the new style and the issue with sliders.
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Hey, @Cetashwayo, now that threadmarking across threads is a thing now, are there any plans to implement it for all the Magna Graecia threads?

Probably not. There's wide divisions in quality between the different quests as well as wide spans of time between them, so it doesn't make as much sense to string it all together, especially as the 2nd and 3rd threads have a break between them longer than the original timespan covered by the first two.
Athenai had already sent emissaries in the previous year to the Messapii and apparently given them about 10 talents in silver. Could Eretria trust loyalty bought with its own coin?
Just noticed this bit that I'd never seen before in the update where we decided on whether or not to seek a defensive alliance with the Messapii. I wonder if this was out of an Athenian attempt to shore them up against the Spartan-aligned Tarentines? Certainly something to watch for if it happens again and appears that Athens is attempting to cultivate native allies in our sector.
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Just noticed this bit that I'd never seen before in the update where we decided on whether or not to seek a defensive alliance with the Messapii. I wonder if this was out of an Athenian attempt to shore them up against the Spartan-aligned Tarentines? Certainly something to watch for if it happens again and appears that Athens is attempting to cultivate native allies in our sector.

Good catch with that one. Although I can't comment on Athenian motives here, in our timeline the Tarentines and Syrakousai both provided considerable support to the Spartans, probably mainly through financial and military aid. It was a major motivator for the Athenian decision to both attack Syrakousai and pay the Messapii to attack Taras, along with the logic of securing Sicily's vast reserves of wheat and timber which Athenai needed.
I'll be quite glad to finally have those proxenoi in place to have just a hint more insight on what all shenanigans they're getting up to, assuming that we don't have a terrible luck of the draw and wind up accidentally insulting them instead or something. I feel like a lot of our wars tend to stem from one side or the other wondering what another power is trying to do, guessing the intentions to be the worst possible and then reacting to that worst case. Which, in fairness, there aren't really many mechanisms for them to discern what our intentions are and vice versa; we're practically (sometimes actually) casting chicken bones here.
Alright, i'm sorry but i dont know where to ask, but how do you search for the New Quests threads? I'm having a hard time using the filters and so on...
Alright, i'm sorry but i dont know where to ask, but how do you search for the New Quests threads? I'm having a hard time using the filters and so on...

Go to Filters and set 'Sort by' to 'First message' and it will show the threads in order of which one is the newest created.
On the subject of Athens I find it deliciously irronic that, for all the bad blood of our first years toward them, in many regards we have essentially became pocket-Athenai.

We have both pionnered new, and more democratic, form of governments, our meteoric rise in the west pretty much followed along Athens own meteoric rise in Hellas, we both have foreign policies on the adventurous side of things, we both played a key role in the great conflicts that have defined what the Western Greeks and Hellas have become geopolitically (the Great Sicilian War for us and the Persian Wars for Athens) and we have both builded maritime leagues in the seas where most of our commerce occur while also developing rather good navies.

Even more ironic is the fact that the man who had once started his political career as the leader of the Oligarchic opposition, and quite possibly played with the idea of toppling Eretria's government at some point, has given its name to, and has his familly lead, the Demos who seek the go the furtherest in the ''Athenai-The Furthest'' direction. To the point where Symachos scheme for Kerkyra did have rather strong vibe of being the Eretrian equivalent of the Sicilian Expedition.
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