Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

While I wouldn't fly all the time, that would be one of the fun perks of being a mage, reason enough to study magic all on its own, even before you look at all of the other spells available. I wouldn't lean towards combat, personally, going for the support and/or engineer templates, being able to fly would be just plain fun.
Oh, personally I would totally be a support type. But honestly give me flight, telekinesis, and the ability to create a familiar/Guardian Beast, and I'd be perfectly happy. :D
Oh, personally I would totally be a support type. But honestly give me flight, telekinesis, and the ability to create a familiar/Guardian Beast, and I'd be perfectly happy. :D
...For me those are also high in priority. Though only slightly less high are teleportation, stealth, a binding spell, and (if the world warrants that) a Buster/Breaker for when I really, truly, honestly need to make it clear I want something gone.

Preferrably by popping up in the neighborhood with a teleport under stealth, covertly charging my spell, unloading it at the target, and teleporting away.
Ok, I managed to catch up to the last page of this thread. It took few days to do it, but it was a fun read. I join this party pretty late, but hey, it's better late then never as they say ;).

And oh boy, I'm so GRATEFUL that we avoided whole Sophia / Taylor drama (ugh, seriously, I'm getting tired of it) and that Undersiders aren't main part of the plot because they are overused. And on Sophia - it's a shame she isn't punished, but as long as she isn't involved in plotline, I'm GOOD. And at first I was worried that plotline moved from Brockton Bay so quickly, but in the end it was exactly the perfect move, as you provided us with some pretty fun worldbuilding. So good job :D.

A second effect that would be highly useful and get some goodwill for Shipwright would be temporary barrier jackets and/or flight modules running on stored mana. Being able to give a temporary brute rating to people would be wonderful. Or terrible, depending on who gets their hands on these items. The problem with making the heroes stronger is a gm's responsibility to ensure the antagonists need to be strong enough to keep encounters exciting. CW is already well on her way to being in a high enough weight class that these items wouldn't help her at all, and Vista already has some shielding effect, so this would be a largely cosmetic effect game-wise.

Dragon in a way applied Dragon's Tooth project to power up non-brute people, but personally we may dedicate some action(s) towards this idea a bit more. We NEED more allies (and they don't need to be mages, like with Vista we can create parahuman fighters or power armor them), so we may ask Dragon (and use Perfect Storm) so search internet data base and gather information on some people, which could become really good allies, while maximize the chance to pick trustworthy ones. For example Vietnam War veterans which are crippled and have nothing better to do. With Tim and Dragon to assist them making them duty ready and make them join Taylor's team would be nice. Other Privateers (those that are left that is) may also work and this is something worth to consider, but I suspect this part of plotline is pretty much over.

We have 3 Power Armors that we don't use. Picking up 3 people ASAP so they can patrol with us would already improve our fighting abilities. Ex-police officers tired of corrupted superiors, some even normal crippled permanently people at hospitals that we may give a second chance and they would be so grateful that we would automatically secure their loyalty. 3-4 people and Lacey would be enough for now. We don't need more for now. This is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT because Taylor IC complains on small amount of parahuman level fighters in Philladelphia. She can't be everywhere after all. So potential social action would be something like this (even if controversial):

[]-Ask Perfect Storm (and possibly Dragon, but she may be against) to make detailed data search on people in area near Philladelphia (may also include Boston, Chicago, etc.) and analyze information you have on them. If they pass your 'quality' check, contact them and mention your interest in them by also allowing them to possibly associate and join your team.

Also we kind of need to think of a team name if we go for this scenario.

Research local Rogues. I would really like to see people using their powers outside of the context of combat. Teleporters capable of carrying significant materials with them, as Taylor can, can likely largely dictate their rates for carrying stuff instantly from A to B. Insert villain style laugh if this gives SW Ideas. Parian from Brockton Bay and her fashion could make an easy non-combat story. A cape who can sculpt flesh could be a plastic surgeon. Thinkers seem more likely to be employed(or self employed) without ever having a costume or seeing combat than jumping into the whole hero/villain schtick. Even destructive powers could be useful in demolition and construction, depending on the level of control and task needed. One setting I read had a character called the Traveler who could walk between parallel worlds at will. He could not, however, ever be certain he was returning to the exact same universe, so he carried books and movies on a computer so he could sell things like complete works of a Mark Twain born on November 30, 1935 instead of November 30, 1835 . He was n't interested in money beyond enough supplies for his travels, and computerized materials meant he always had stuff that had stood the test of time on another Earth. Visiting some of the other worlds in Taylor's cluster could enrich the setting similarly.

I also wouldn't mind checking out Rogues in Philladelphia, see their stories. Even if their powers aren't good, they may be mages or we may simply equip them or grant them VIsta-like upgrades to make them more combate viable. And if not, creating independent cape group/organization in Philladelphia wouldn't hurt anyway just to have someone to represent them and make their voice heard. It could possibly be an interesting plotline.

Especially if there is 1-2 Tinkers, so picking them up to cooperate with Tim and Dragon may gain us an additional ally and potential resource to use.

Also on Rogues - would Perfect Storm (or Tim/Dragon) be able to create devices which for example analyze the skills (let's say skills of surgeon, soldier, etc.) and apply them directly into someone's brain, while also possibly modify biologically bodies to grant perfect muscle memory to do so? This way we may also provide a very unique service where we apply skills Teacher style (without Master part obviously and not power based) to some chosen people and turn them into modern versions of Da Vinci with several specialties which they mastered. Badass Normals creation pretty much. More surgeons, etc. would be pretty great to have. Also this way we get possibly most skilled users of Power Armor we may get.

Her being in fashion school is definitely canon, as I've read that in the past few days, working my way through Worm. I'm not 100% sure about the shop, but I think I recall it being mentioned. I'm just not sure whether it was mentioned as something she planned on doing later, a shop not belonging to her that she was working with, or even just a shop she was supporting via animated mascots. Parahuman displays have got to be a big draw for the lucky few stores which can get them.

While this is true that she at one point decided to enter fashion school, her shop is 100% fanon. What she does is organize 'doll shows' where she create spectacles with dolls/puppets in a way.

I agree that Taylor doesn't necessarily need to join the Protectorate, or the wards if she let them know how old she is. Talking to somebody with Alexandria's level of experience, working beside her on occasion, can only help Taylor. Unlike canon Skitter, Calamity Witch is seen as a pure hero who chooses not to join a group. If Shipwright is registered as a member of the Privateers, then all they need is another member or two(Danny could be one of those if he gets fully healed) to become a respected new group. The Protectorate seems to have a low opinion of entirely independent heroes, possibly because it's really easy to slip from hero to villain. If nothing else, Shipwright still has a couple of suits he made that he took back* to get somebody to fill out the roster.

I'm also not against getting close to Alexandria, but it doesn't need that she must join Protectorate/PRT (for now at least) and act more as a neutral observer (Taylor that is), because for example we have arguments (like Coil) that joining them is something that we don't like. Make Alexandria WORK for us joining. If she really wants us badly, give her a chance and present us with options, but for it to happen we do indeed need to be closer. I know that Alexandria has... personality which is hard to sympathize with, but we should also give benefit of doubt to author as she also made pretty clear that this Alexandria is willing to go to her very old and more idealistic self. Things here are so different then in canon that this should be possible and to do this, we need to get closer to her even if many of us don't like the idea.

But there is also an idea to use some social action(s) towards Dragon and do things which would speed up Dragon's Tooth Project to shake the balance in Villain / Hero world. Right now Taylor is in position where she wants to do more, but villains outnumber heroes heavily. If we speed up creations of power armors or we get into project where we create mages which works for Protectorate / Us / Guild, whatever. then we may shake this balance. Once we do, we may AT LAST start going more aggresively against villains (right now politics stop us in Philladelphia for example where teamping up is neccesary sometimes for example) and give second chance for villains which deserve it like Laura.

Dragon and Tim cooperating on a project could produce something really fun, such as a sentient son and/or** daughter in the form of a robot, now that Dragon no longer has some of the restrictions that were built into her code such as not being able to work on complex ai.

Hmmm... it could be fun to have a sidekick created by Dragon/Tim if she agrees to join Taylor's team. With her permission of course. Another thing if we consider going for Dragon social.
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Presuming I recalled correctly that we have the power armor Tim made for some Privateers, that he took back when he didn't like the direction they were going, finding a few allies to use them would be a really easy way to add some firepower to the team. With them being mana based, they would require Tim/Dragon's effort to maintain them the same as most Tinker-tech, so even if we offered these suits to some Protectorate members*, we could ask for them to aid us at times in exchange for the use of the suits. PRT troopers could also make use of these suits, but would take more work to get caught up to the scale of parahuman combat from their existing training on being mortals fighting against demigods.

Scanning PRT members for linker cores could become a good option now that we can prove that we can give powers to somebody who has a linker core in the same way we did for Maclibuin, though I doubt we'd get much for the team out of it. I consider this a good option for world building, but a bad option for building up our forces. Offerring the power removal option of a template to case 53's and people with limited control over their powers could get us some loyal allies, but we'd also likely pick up some enemies in the way of people who get their hopes up and then find they don't have the linker core necessary to get rid of their powers.

The main thing isn't adding firepower so much as adding people, preferably friends. We've reached the highest friendship rating with Vista, so we shouldn't be wasting socializing points on her, and just assume some interaction is happening in the background, off camera so to speak. We need friends. We need more downtime options. I understand the urge to focus skill points and the like until we've maxed out the category, but now that we have, let's look for something interesting to do with them.

For example, we could take Vista and Cailleach with us to explore nearby alternate Earths,. Moving four people** is definitely within Taylor's power. Vista might not be ok with revealing her civilian ID, though, and traveling in costume could cause issues even beyond trying to convince a hero and villain to tolerate each other. That said, Cailleach doesn't seem to be much of a villain, focusing on defending her people for now. Bringing her and Vista closer, not to mention Taylor and her***, could help keep her from sliding down the slippery slope of gang membership. Most gangs start to protect family and friends from criminals, after all, and slowly get corrupted by taking on more and more questionable to outright illegal actions to strengthen themselves.

*They were made for adults, so only the oldest of Wards would be able to use them.
**As there's no way Samantha wouldn't be joining us.
***Cailleach's civilian name isn't coming to mind and I didn't feel like looking it up.
so even if we offered these suits to some Protectorate members*, we could ask for them to aid us at times in exchange for the use of the suits. PRT troopers could also make use of these suits, but would take more work to get caught up to the scale of parahuman combat from their existing training on being mortals fighting against demigods.
The Protectorate won't freely use Tinekrtech without extensively investigating and testing it first for safety purposes.

We've reached the highest friendship rating with Vista, so we shouldn't be wasting socializing points on her, and just assume some interaction is happening in the background, off camera so to speak
That is an assumption that is dangerous to make. Remember when we skipped out a couple times of socializing with Vista it turned out to be that we didn't talk to her at all.
The Protectorate won't freely use Tinekrtech without extensively investigating and testing it first for safety purposes.

Extensive testing, yes, but with Dragon vouching for and helping to test it, it wouldn't necessarily take all that long. Putting the gear in their hands to test would mean that it would be a minimal investment of game points that would just take several weeks to take effect before we had somebody we could call for favors. It should help enormously that our Taylor and her current allies enjoy hero status with little worry that they're going to become villains. Disavowing the Privateers after they went rogue should help on that front. If we had the canon issues with the Protectorate and PRT, we'd have to invest quite a lot of effort into convincing them to take the risk of even testing the tech.

That is an assumption that is dangerous to make. Remember when we skipped out a couple times of socializing with Vista it turned out to be that we didn't talk to her at all.

That is a problem, true, which is why I'm more interested in bringing her into other actions instead of spending off time socialization points on her. I like having scenes that don't revolve around hero time, I just think it would be better to bring up more people who have a low friendship rating than focusing on maxed out options.

One option we might want to pursue for socializing is Dragon.. We haven't spent much time with her or Tim, and they're both characters who deserve a bit more screen time.
Presuming I recalled correctly that we have the power armor Tim made for some Privateers, that he took back when he didn't like the direction they were going, finding a few allies to use them would be a really easy way to add some firepower to the team. With them being mana based, they would require Tim/Dragon's effort to maintain them the same as most Tinker-tech, so even if we offered these suits to some Protectorate members*, we could ask for them to aid us at times in exchange for the use of the suits. PRT troopers could also make use of these suits, but would take more work to get caught up to the scale of parahuman combat from their existing training on being mortals fighting against demigods.

3 Power Armours. And I still say we should keep them for our potential recruits. Maybe Privateers leftovers, which aren't murder happy? Or mentioned by me some active recruitment? But I think best method would be to pick up some invalids and bring them back to being active or people which are personally saved by Calamity Witch so they not only will be grateful, but also end up as potential friend options. Because it's 100% true that Taylor NEEDS more allies/friends and they don't need to have powers, as with Tim and Dragon turning normal people into fighters being able to compete on parahuman level isn't a problem. It may be done with proper equipment or cybernetic upgrade like in case of Vista. But yeah, we need to get social actions where Taylor is FORCED to go out and social. It may be for example 'official meeting with fans' or something. I would suggest Kayleigh as potential 'recruit', but Laura... makes this complicated.

Also on Tim creations (and now Dragon as well) - It's more reliable MagiTech Clarktech, not very clunky and unreliable Tinkertech, which needs more maintence then other standard technologies. Plus like with Vista it's completely possible to add special self-repair feature like miniature nanomachines in Vista's arm. And even without it this, repairing those armors will IMO require less time to check and repair then tinkertech.

Scanning PRT members for linker cores could become a good option now that we can prove that we can give powers to somebody who has a linker core in the same way we did for Maclibuin, though I doubt we'd get much for the team out of it. I consider this a good option for world building, but a bad option for building up our forces. Offerring the power removal option of a template to case 53's and people with limited control over their powers could get us some loyal allies, but we'd also likely pick up some enemies in the way of people who get their hopes up and then find they don't have the linker core necessary to get rid of their powers.

Heck, we can do the same thing we do for Vista and directly upgrade some people which work for PRT for a CRAPLOAD of MONEY. Also good thing about this is that we may become TOO IMPORTANT to simply be forced into Protectorate in fear of being alienated if we want to insist staying independent (so far I'm not impressed with them, but as I said - we may give a chance?). To be fair I think we are already in this position, but hey, making it 'stick' even more won't hurt IMO.

Also one of social actions I may also suggest is to make Dragon & Tim to contact Toybox. All we need is to purchase or offer our services for Toybox and pick up some of their Tinkertech to analyze and reprogramm (Dragon can already do it, Tim may also be able with purchase). Cranial technology should be the thing that we need to fix Danny. Maybe this suggestion is something that you may consider to vote in the future guys?

The main thing isn't adding firepower so much as adding people, preferably friends. We've reached the highest friendship rating with Vista, so we shouldn't be wasting socializing points on her, and just assume some interaction is happening in the background, off camera so to speak. We need friends. We need more downtime options. I understand the urge to focus skill points and the like until we've maxed out the category, but now that we have, let's look for something interesting to do with them.

It was mentioned before, but we may simply invite Vista in our other socials we do with our people. Like for example invite Vista to our Tim or Lacey social. I also want to post reminder to turn Lacey into a mage. Support healer should be nice to already secure, which should be ANOTHER reason to make sure we are too valuable for PRT / Protectorate to force us.

Extensive testing, yes, but with Dragon vouching for and helping to test it, it wouldn't necessarily take all that long. Putting the gear in their hands to test would mean that it would be a minimal investment of game points that would just take several weeks to take effect before we had somebody we could call for favors. It should help enormously that our Taylor and her current allies enjoy hero status with little worry that they're going to become villains. Disavowing the Privateers after they went rogue should help on that front. If we had the canon issues with the Protectorate and PRT, we'd have to invest quite a lot of effort into convincing them to take the risk of even testing the tech.

I COMPLETELY support Tim & Dragon social to speed up whole Dragon's Tooth Project. It's REALLY worth it. Also ask Dragon to recommend us if needed some people to join our potential team. They may be 100% normal, like ex-PRT agents or something, it doesn't matter that much here.
Also on Tim creations (and now Dragon as well) - It's more reliable MagiTech Clarktech, not very clunky and unreliable Tinkertech, which needs more maintence then other standard technologies. Plus like with Vista it's completely possible to add special self-repair feature like miniature nanomachines in Vista's arm. And even without it this, repairing those armors will IMO require less time to check and repair then tinkertech.

In the original story, it is the fact that tinker tech is above the tech level of the planet that means that only a tinker can repair and maintain it. Tim's tinker-tech may be far more reliable thanks to a deeper understanding of the forces involved than tinkers tend to get, and the fact that he's using schematics that have been fully developed and tested on worlds far above Earth Bet's tech level, but the one factor that would make it impossible for anybody other than Tim and/or Dragon to do the maintenance was brought up long ago in this story, when Dragon couldn't understand the tech at all. The source inventions, going back to these world's respective industrial revolutions, are so different that the technology derived from them are so radically different that even which materials make for good wires are completely contradictory. Without the aid of a template and device, any Earth Bet engineer would actually be less suited to learning magi-tech than somebody who had only just started college. There's just so much they'd have to unlearn in preparation before they could master it.

Even if Dragon decides to convert her factories into producing mass produced magi-tech, it would be a good decade before enough people understood how magi-tech works well enough to maintain and design high end machinery.

@Obliviated fan yes, I did enjoy the fact that this was on page 666 on Halloween. :)

I've settled on the name for Standstill's Guardian Beast. You'll get to see it when the Standstill interlude (eventually) comes out.

Now, I have another question for everybody. The vote for the joint patrol with Chevalier involved talking to him about Vista and why she is getting so upset with the restrictions the Protectorate put on her and all the other Wards. There are a couple of ways I could go about that, but one thing that keeps popping into my brain is for Taylor to reveal that she's actually 16, not the college student Miss Militia initially assumed. That has the chance to really change how the Protectorate sees her, though, so I need some input.

Do you guys want Taylor to reveal her true age?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[X] Yes

I do think it's about time we cleared up that misconception. Although this might really exacerbate the Vista/Protectorate thing.
Hmm. Clearing up misconceptions is nice, but I suspect that if we do the PRT/Protectorate might start going more hardball on trying to pressgang us into the Wards or something. Not sure what to say about this choice.
I won't lie, part of the reason Taylor's gotten so much leeway with the PRT/Protectorate is because they think she's a legal adult. Finding out she's a minor WILL affect their attitude, though how much and exactly in what direction I won't know until I start writing it. That said, it is the number one most effective way of explaining Vista's frustration with what she sees as a double standard when it comes to power and experience. She gets treated like a stubborn child, but Taylor is only a few years older and is treated as a full equal.
[X] Yes

If we dont tell the PRT and they find out by themselves, things are more likely to go wrong.

We are already established as successfully independent, so I dont think the PRT has anything that can really ruin our day right now.
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I won't lie, part of the reason Taylor's gotten so much leeway with the PRT/Protectorate is because they think she's a legal adult. Finding out she's a minor WILL affect their attitude, though how much and exactly in what direction I won't know until I start writing it. That said, it is the number one most effective way of explaining Vista's frustration with what she sees as a double standard when it comes to power and experience. She gets treated like a stubborn child, but Taylor is only a few years older and is treated as a full equal.
While it's certainly the most effective way of explaining the problem I doubt it would actually be that effective in solving the problem. Telling Chevalier "Vista is pissed because you (mistakenly) treat me like an adult and her a child." will simply result in him, and by extension the PRT/Protectorate, changing how Calamity Witch is treated not Vista. It gives him an easy out of an otherwise difficult, nearly impossible really, problem.
[X] No
We will have more influence on the PRT if they consider us an adult.
Telling our age is a good show of trust, but I don't feel like Chevalier deserves it (I still remember how you just randomly decided to not inform Taylor of an important meeting. Not cool, Chevalier!).
[X] Yes

I'm under the assumption here that Taylor will stand her ground on being treated as she was before, since she has been making competent, adult decisions since she came on the scene.
I'm under the assumption here that Taylor will stand her ground on being treated as she was before, since she has been making competent, adult decisions since she came on the scene.
I really doubt that what Taylor wants will come into how she's treated. The problem with Vista is that ultimate she is a minor and thus the PRT/Protectorate have to fulfill certain legal obligations with the way she is treated. Now while they wouldn't be under the same legal obligations with regards to Calamity Witch, since she is not a part of their organization, they would still be required to change how they treat her due to the legal and political ramifications of dealing with minors.

I mean we could always hope that the PRT/Protectorate would break the law in our favor but hoping for a law enforcement agency to be violating the law in your favor is rarely a wise choice. Besides I think we can all agree that the PRT/Protectorate needs less corruption not more.
[X] No
I agree with UberJJK that revealing our true age doesn't really have much of an advantage compared to how we would be treated as a minor rather than a collage student.
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