Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Anyways. With this part of the social with the Adepts finished I'm thinking we should put a couple more social slots in with them to see about getting them into a team with Taylor.

1 device mage and 2 partial mages plus Taylor will significantly improve the overall strength.

Plus. However the new guardian beast turns out it'll also be pretty formidable imo. And at least with Mac we'll be able to give him a new cape identity.

Wait. Does Dragon still have access to her networks? I wonder if she can see about getting together a group of trustworthy people together, law enforcement or whatnot who we can try to recruit once we've scanned them for linker cores.
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It's been long enough (and there's a large enough divide) that I'm going to call it here. RANDOMLY GENERATED wins.

*cracks knuckles* Now let's do those dice rolls…

Okaaaaay then. That'll work.

I need some name ideas! A woman's name as well as a cape name for a SUUUUPER powerful Brute. One that won't give Legend and the rest of the Triumvirate Siberian flashbacks.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Oct 16, 2018 at 8:24 AM, finished with 67 posts and 25 votes.
Silently Watches threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: part 1 Total: 8
1 1 3 3 4 4
Silently Watches threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: part 2 Total: 1
1 1
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Male or female? That doesn't impact all names, but it does influence it somewhat.

Currently, I'm liking Doom, as in the Norse fate responsible for unavoidable destiny.

Edit: adding in Ryo Ohki for the cabbit in Tenchi, a super cute animal that turns into an incredibly powerful space ship.
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Kitty cat. Kitty cat tank specifically.
I can only think of Vesta from Game Theory.

...Okay, that's not entirely true. As for cape names, simplicity is not a bad idea. Puma, Panther(a), Tigress...and those won't help with the Siberian stuff.

Jörmungandr, because when Thor visited the giants and had a man-off with them, the snake was disguised as a cat that Thor couldn't lift?
She's supposed to be Standstill's partner, isn't she?
Stalemate? Gridlock? Deadlock? Throw whatever you want on her, you won't pass further.

And, of course, Cheshire.
While we don't have a list of the parahuman names in Worm, we should consider that some of the most obvious names are taken. Obvious choices, such as Bast, are hard to justify nobody beating us to.

Indifferent: She seems to just ignore whatever you are doing while somehow always being between you and Standstill.
Steadfast: As a variant of Standstill's name, it could work, but is most likely taken
Panthera: partly as an homage to the toughest Thundercat, Panthro
Panty: It would be a funny name for a panther or black cat
Katmanda or Catherine/Cathy, for a bad pun

I'll keep thinking, but those are the ones that seem viable of the names I can call up right now.
Well, Standstill's either American or American-influenced, so maybe Alice for the name, as an oblique reference to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. As for Cape names, Cath Palug works pretty well, as it meshes with Maclaubin's name, as does Cat Sith, and Nemea works for a more general cat-based name.