Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Shell Barrier...

If you want to help other people, instead of healing light cuts and bruises.... why not just prevent damage?
[X] Shell Barrier

I am for the shield, if only because it's much more versatile and useful in many more situations than Petty Cure. We want to be as variable an opponent as possible rather than depend on one-trick-pony spells.
[X] Petty Cure

Coil is, as mentioned, strong on the attack, weak on the defense.
And Tattletale...well it was really a matter of time. He was too damned paranoid for anything else.
[X] Shell Barrier

Not sure Divide Energy will open up any other option and Petty Heal isn't very useful. Cuts and bruises won't majorly affect anything.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Jul 19, 2018 at 8:25 PM, finished with 16259 posts and 14 votes.
[x] Petty Cure

It's kinda weaksauce, sure, but having even a minor healing spell could be useful. Shell Barrier sounds good but we're primarily a mobile artillery platform and getting pinned could be really bad news even with a heavy defense spell.
[x] Petty Cure

It's kinda weaksauce, sure, but having even a minor healing spell could be useful. Shell Barrier sounds good but we're primarily a mobile artillery platform and getting pinned could be really bad news even with a heavy defense spell.
It not very useful.

It for minor injuries while needing one minute to work.
Not sure Divide Energy will open up any other option and Petty Heal isn't very useful. Cuts and bruises won't majorly affect anything.
Every option is deeper than one, barring the ones who didn't start yet.

Oh beside Solar Wrath, but that has Ragnarök.
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Every option is deeper than one, barring the ones who didn't start yet.
Nevermind, misunderstood how it was payed out. I was looking at it like a tree when it was actually just several paths. I get it now.

[X] Divide Energy
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Jul 19, 2018 at 9:55 PM, finished with 16268 posts and 17 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Jul 20, 2018 at 9:21 AM, finished with 54 posts and 24 votes.
[X] Shell Barrier

I'm just wondering why Coil seemed to...underestimate Taylor so much.

Like, he knows what she's able to do. Or at least, he should know, considering his position and the info he has access to.

He just seemed ridiculously overconfident that he couldn't be caught when Calamity's already shown that if she wants to, she will catch whoever she's after.
Poor Tattletale..... I really really really hope Taylor and Lisa have learned something from all this about not taking a persons words the worst way possible without at least confirming a bit before explosion xD I don't want to say "learn to lose" when being bullied or threatened.... but that was a serious failure to both their interests. At least Coil is prooobably too cautious to have grabbed a confirmed Ziz-bomb and tucked it in his lair, so she got to avoid that....

I wonder if Cailleach (via her Drug Tinker, and experience) could offer any halp dealing with an addict? Ooorr..... I imagine IAE and its parameter updates could suitably manhandle something like most addictions. Shame I can't really see a way for her to keep her amazing power though, even if she probably does have moments of wanting to lose it (its impact on making friends/feeling attraction).

Gawd it was nice seeing Coil panic as his options slowly dwindled away.... I think Silently Watches has been wanting to write it for a looong while, but really.... would it have been half so delicious if we'd just ambushed him back in Brockton without the slow chase of having Dragon-overwatch and the rest? I guess two teleporters with Wide-Area-Search and two uber-hackers makes it hard to hide in a city... Coil definitely didn't seem to expect them to be half so effective at tracking him down.

A point to consider, for all decision making.... There were two full arc-names (Set-up and First Impact) before the Simurgh showed up. There were two and a short-time arc (Immigration and Maskless, plus Escapades) before Behemoth attacked Ukraine. Now theres been two and a short-time arc (Civil War and Heatwave, plus Heatstroke) since then.....

Leviathan may well be incoming? (Only counterpoint, besides predictability, is that it'd put two special arcs back-to-back without a breather of more common concerns or voting actions.... buuut Interludes cover the first part. And it does feel like it's probably been enough in-world time, though I didn't go through to check directly (figuring two arcs would be, by how voting is for a week or so usually).

So!! With that in mind.... I feel like
[X] Shell Barrier
is prooobably desireable. We are waaay too high ranked as a blaster (and without the messy "please don't attend" aspect of dynakinetic) to not join in the direct fight this time, unlike Simurgh (and honestly our impact on S&R was pretty dissapointing in that. A bare handful of civilians, rather than retrieving injured capes on the field?). And while we have a much better capability to retrieve injured capes now (two sturdy teleporters who can grab groups, plus possibly using Recursion to snatch them up if somehow needed), we also have Tim and Dragon partway to making those teleport pads and maaaybe (he didn't come along after all) we'll luck out and have them ready for at least some useage rather than have to wait another two arcs. (Even if they're most important for Simurgh fight, as an alternative to countdown-bomb).

If anyones got evidence against Endbringer arc being scary-close enough to plan around, I could be persuaded to Divide Energy because shiny mystery box.... buuuuut I really really really want us to grab Mistelteinn at the first opportunity. We aren't great at anti-Breaker right now, but I'm hoping the nature of a petrification effect will let it tag one either while dispersed or impact the whole if we hit a part (say, Cadejo types). If a gas can affect his intangible self... well if not I don't see how we'd ever handle them xD. Bind Mine maybe.... but really we have a LOT LOT of direct Dakka and few if any options for more Exotic affects.


@Silently Watches , I know you'd said once or twice before that you wouldn't give us a spell that was completely useless (and I can only assume you wouldn't be averse to retconning the early inclusion of Petty Cure when you overhauled the whole spell system that had you include it in the earlier more random one... not like its been mentioned on-screen) .... so maybe with your expertise you could give some examples of theoretical situations or injuries where we'd find a big use for it?

Just reading the description, I think a lot of us have trouble seeing it.... not sure if "cuts but not major injuries" for example would've let us even stabilize Vista after she lost her arm, or Snow White when she got hit by the laser.... that is, help prevent bleedout even if they're still fully out of the fight for a long while.

EDIT: Because search is your friend (and soothes the savage QM)

Well, first, a first-aid kit doesn't actually heal anything. It holds you together until either you heal on your own or you get to someplace with actual medical care.

Second… Examples, hmm. Let's say Taylor gets into a bare-knuckle brawl after school for some stupid teenager reason or another. She is not the victor. So long as she hasn't been so badly beaten that she has a concussion or internal injuries or something serious like that, Petty Cure (preferably at Master level rather than the Novice you have right now) would let her be back to the state she was in that morning when she first got to school so Danny Kurt and Lacey wouldn't realize she had been in a fight at all.

Depends on what kind of knife wound we're talking about. If they're shallow slashes, Petty Cure would work. If they're deep stabs, not so much.

It has more to do with depth followed by degree of injury than anything else. Petty Cure is for undoing superficial damage, stuff that would heal on its own with minimal intervention and relatively minimal time.

Also relevant, Calamity Witch has 28 "Unique Spells" and Petty Cure is confirmed to have another skill hiding underneath it
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Always hated Coil because he was the worst kind of criminal. The only way he could be worse was if he was a child molester and between him and Mr. Pitter I'm not too sure about that.

No loyal to anyone but himself. This was a fitting end, sorry Coil you rolled snake eyes.
I can't wait for this bastard to be Birdcaged. See if splitting time lines will get you a extra slice of bread in there.

He has to have screwed plenty of people over in there as Calvert and Coil. They are going to love him in there.
One thing I could see is Petty Cure is actually a extremely accurate and finesse application of micro telekinetic force to stimulate the body to heal itself, and direct the body to heal faster in areas specified.
if it worked like that though, there'd be no difference between light wounds and major and I'd expect there'd be at Least one step between that and TK.

...Personally I'd have three branches, Plane of Force, Strong TK and Finnesse TK, a couple of other branches after those.
Out of Curiosity...why is it branched from Telekinesis of all things?

Seems a little strange to me that a healing spell is part of the Telekinesis line, but okay.

Petty Cure is, unfortunately, a spell I had already created and revealed back in… Arc 1? 2? Early on, back when I was giving you three spells picked randomly to choose among when it was time to learn a a spell. That was just fine when we were still working with a skill pool, but when I started organizing the spells into trees, I realized it didn't go with anything else. If I hadn't shown it before, I would have chunked it, but instead it got stuck between the two spells that actually do fit into the telekinesis branch.

I think I've mentioned before that this particular branch is weird. Now you know why.

On having gone back and read that quote, I'm a bit surprised the QM doesn't seem to want to retcon its inclusion.... not even sure we had any training points in it at the time that was posted (even assuming it'd be too much trouble to reassign those, or offer the ones who earned them to do so).