Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I'll put in for Medium arm. I want that Hard Light Projector. Unless we can put it on the light arm as the only upgrade the combat arm has? Depending on how versatile the projections are that could be alot of things in one small package. It's Brandish whole power after all. Even at discount it'd probably be powerful.
Or are you saying that you could do either social or patrol with Vista while you can only do social with Kayleigh?

Exactly this, that even if its taken as a Given that they are equally interesting characters for legitimate not-cheap socializing, theres the fact that we can interact with Vista in Non-Social /also/ , in a sense 'doubling' the time we can have the character on screen (and not be a distraction or burden or whatever).

A Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands

Something about how that quote sounds, rather than Fate/Zero Lancer's use of it, makes me think more like Herculus-Berserker with a sort of deathless "hold the door"/"never surrender" motif. And also makes me think of Cailleach and the way she stepped up to go into the sewers and then rescue her friend Solaire.
Of course, there's balancing the cost for all these against how many people SW thinks should be on our team. Individually voting for the actions of ten-plus Allies NPCs would be a nightmare.
Which is why we should totally go with My Plan! Then we can have hundreds to pick from at our leisure and the only time investment would be on Tim. And the rogue fuzzy weapons factory.
So the grades of arm
-Light - Likes her body as it is, but has some concerns about her relevance.
-Medium - Uncertain about self, but decided to err on the side of dakka. The PRT would take note and not be very pleased, but the public image isn't TOO impacted.
-Heavy - The Flesh Is Weak. The PRT is annoyed.

As for the Linker Core thing, its 100% player fault. We refused to scan her over some incredibly spiteful votes, repeatedly, so by now the arguments are swollen and inflated with hyperbole expectations. We could have gotten it over with long long ago.
So I'd say here this is ENTIRELY on us.
Going off of Silently's explanation of the view points, personally heavy sounds grim and likely to lead to something akin to 40k's Servitors or Dreadnoughts. Right now I'm leaning toward med and hoping for an end state similar to that of the Numbers, human aesthetic but with the power of science.
Sooo... What do you guys think of-

Heavy arm surgery for the light arm?

Keeps transhumanist options open in the future, while easing PR into the idea of MechaVista. Because she isn't an idiot, and knows she's the PRT's PR princess.

Because when the flesh fails, Vista will not falter. For hers are hands of steel to match her iron will.
Sooo... What do you guys think of-

Heavy arm surgery for the light arm?

Keeps transhumanist options open in the future, while easing PR into the idea of MechaVista. Because she isn't an idiot, and knows she's the PRT's PR princess.

Because when the flesh fails, Vista will not falter. For hers are hands of steel to match her iron will.
I'd say that's probably best left to anime, but then, this is a crossover with an anime. Maybe we could have tim build Mecha-godzilla to fight Leviathan. He's up next, right?
I'll put in for Medium arm. I want that Hard Light Projector. Unless we can put it on the light arm as the only upgrade the combat arm has? Depending on how versatile the projections are that could be alot of things in one small package. It's Brandish whole power after all. Even at discount it'd probably be powerful.
You can put hardlight weapons in light, medium, OR heavy arms. I explicitly said that in the update.

Each projector only has one shape. If you want to give Vista a lightsaber and an energy shield, that's two different projectors, and both of them count against her weapon total (which is 4 for light/medium and 3 plus superstrength for heavy).
Random question, but can we make a thing that would help Vista with any calculations she might need to do for her power? Maybe make a special helmet with an indirect man-machine interface that would read her thoughts, crunch the needed numbers and feed the results onto a HUD.

At least I'd imagine that to bend space how she does she'd have to do some actual mental maths.
"If you're seriously offering to make me a magical girl, the answer is always going to be yes."

You sure?
Then let me introduce you to the most reliable supplier of magical powers since time immemorial.

Side effects include psychosis, severe deppresion, suicidal tendencies and transformation into inhuman monstrosity, but, really, you're parahuman from Earth-Bet, it should be business as usual for you.

EDIT: This makes me very skeptical and wary about how you're going to handle Unison Dragon
I'm, for one, terrified and in the same time finding hilarious a possiblity for Dragon to roll nat 100 for synchronisation with one of the Enforcers.

I'm sticking with medium arm.
Possible weaponry:
1) stun gun for dealing with not-Brutes;
2) laser cannon to deal with heavy armored enemies;
3) hardlight shield;
4) melee weapon, hardlight sword, most probably.

Interesting, how PRT will react.
It's one thing to give a Ward a prosthetic arm, it's other to give her an arsenal.
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My plan is.

[] Heavy combat arm.
-[] With Laser cannon.
-[] Use more build slots to do addtional upgrades.
--[] Implant Telepathic radio.
--[] Implant covert Thrusters on torso for basic flight.

That would be four build slots I think (Three items, one surgery)
And it gives Vista flight, telepathy and a ranged attack.
(Edit; too many build slots)

Maybe include Subdermal Voltaic Lattice if possible, since it doesn't add to power usage.
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Random question, but can we make a thing that would help Vista with any calculations she might need to do for her power? Maybe make a special helmet with an indirect man-machine interface that would read her thoughts, crunch the needed numbers and feed the results onto a HUD.
I've had a couple of thoughts on how you could do this. If you want to go further down the transhumanism route, you could implant a telepathic radio/connection and it interface with a replacement or supplemental lens in her eye. Or you could give her an eyepiece (maybe something like this).
At least I'd imagine that to bend space how she does she'd have to do some actual mental maths.
From canon, it sounds like it's an instinctive measuring method. Not something she's consciously focusing on.
What kind of melee weapon are you thinking of? If it's something built into the arm itself, it would have to be a projection or something small enough to fold up and fit in the volume of her hand.
That would be four build slots I think (Three items, one surgery)
And it gives Vista flight, telepathy and a ranged attack.

Maybe include Subdermal Voltaic Lattice if possible, since it doesn't add to power usage.
You only want one weapon in her arm?

Tim only has THREE build slots this week, not four, because he has to finish Dragon's Unison Device.

FINALLY somebody thinks about the armor upgrades. Both of those are FREE since they are built into the armor plates and don't use mana. You just have to vote for them.
Honestly, with her space warping powers, you could give her a beam sword and just have her warp space to shank people. If the situation is too dangerous to try that, then she should really have artillery support or be running already anyway.

So, range and melee with one weapon slot.

EDIT: The point being she can directly warp the energy blade itself without risking damage to systems by warping the arm or taking too much risk squeezing space to close in. Sword is suddenly fifty feet long for a split second because reasons.
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Can we spend additional build slots to give her power armor matching the style of her new arm?
And if the PRT objects she can always join our team.
Honestly, with her space warping powers, you could give her a beam sword and just have her warp space to shank people. If the situation is too dangerous to try that, then she should really have artillery support or be running already anyway.

So, range and melee with one weapon slot.

EDIT: The point being she can directly warp the energy blade itself without risking damage to systems by warping the arm or taking too much risk squeezing space to close in. Sword is suddenly fifty feet long for a split second because reasons.
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You only want one weapon in her arm?

I'm not as focused on the arm itself, but felt getting Vista flight was more important short term.

Can we put off building/upgrading the arm whilst still doing the surgical prep/enhancement work?

Like so;
[] Heavy combat arm.
-[] Surgery only.
-[] Use more build slots to do addtional upgrades.
--[] Implant Telepathic radio.
--[] Implant covert Thrusters on torso for basic flight.

So using one surgery timeslot, and two build slots.

Or do we have to do the arm?

If so then;
[] Heavy combat arm.
-[] With Laser cannon, Energy shield, Subdermal Voltaic Lattice, and hardlight energy sword/blade.
-[] Use additional build slot.
--[] Build Telepathic radio.
---[] Implant Telepathic radio during arm surgery.
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Random question, but can we make a thing that would help Vista with any calculations she might need to do for her power? Maybe make a special helmet with an indirect man-machine interface that would read her thoughts, crunch the needed numbers and feed the results onto a HUD.

At least I'd imagine that to bend space how she does she'd have to do some actual mental maths.
Her power doesn't require any math on the HUMAN side. The shard does everything.

I'm thinking Medium with:
-Beam Shield
-Beam Longsword for opponents getting too close or too difficult to warp away. Hardlight Blade can shut down to escape grip if grabbed by a stronger opponent or otherwise pinned.
-Closest-Thing-To-A-Flamethrower Blaster for crowd control
-Closest-Thing-To-A-Railgun Rifle for sniping
-All the armor. Why would we not?

As far as I'm aware, all hardlight weapons are fully nonlethal capable, right?
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Can we spend additional build slots to give her power armor matching the style of her new arm?
And if the PRT objects she can always join our team.
*snrk* :evil: :lol

Oh, you could. You could. I even know where Tim could scrounge up the material to build it.
Can we put off building/upgrading the arm whilst still doing the surgical prep/enhancement work?
Absolutely. Tim isn't building the arm right this second. This vote right here is just Vista picking one of the concept sketches.
As far as I'm aware, all hardlight weapons are fully nonlethal capable, right?
Sure, just blunt the edges.
This vote right here is just Vista picking one of the concept sketches.

I'm just imagining some weird Sci-fi/Cyberpunk artwork getting mixed in with the concept sketches now...

Concept Art

'That looks kinda cool' mumbled a distracted Vista as she looked over some of the concept outlines Shipwright had dumped in front of her, his attention back on whatever he was working on before with Dragon.

He passed back another bundle of sketches without really looking, and she had to use her powers slightly to reach them before they tumbled to the floor.

'Hey....' Her quiet complaint dying as she saw these new designs, the linework was more stylised, some obviously computer generated images showed a silvery bodysuit on a generic female model. The limbs themselves where simplistic, hollow skeletal and very mechanical looking.

That didn't really appeal to her, she was somewhat attached to her remaining limbs. Ha. The other wards always got so quiet when she made jokes like that.

Her gaze drifted back to the images before her, that same generic figure, same silvery bodysuit, but everything else was different, gone where the crude, fragile looking limbs and in their place where massive, bulking and dangerous looking limbs.

It almost looked like a mech, or some sort of robot suit, but the torso was too small for a full bodied person to fit inside, the arms almost as big as the body locked within.

It tickled something deep inside her, the idea of becoming something so massive, no one would mess with her then, no one would hold her back because she was 'Too young' if she had something like that.

"Ahhh, Vista..."

Taylor was looking over her shoulder, looking somewhat embarresed..

"This one.. I want this one"

She told her friend as firmly as she dared, a hopeful smile on her face.

"ahh, but.."

"No, I wont let you talk me out of it, I want this, I need this!"

She herd her voice echo slightly off the walls of the workshop, Shipwright and Dragon turned their attention back to her, making her face heat rapidly.. 'oops, must be polite, he's doing you a favour'

"Sorry.. but I saw a design I liked.. like really like... realy really liked...and..."

She turned the Sketches around so they could see what she'd picked out. Their faces pulling strange expressions, Shipwright's cheeks puffed up, his face going bright red...

"Ahhh... Vista...."

"No, I know what I want, I know it's a big job, but... please..."

"But... That's not one of my designs... it's artwork from a game...."

He pointed to one corner, a small logo visible on the page.

'X-Com; Enemy Within'
