Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

God, fucking, damnit Calvert. You piece of shit scarecrow motherfcuker. Oh no, can't go roomie with your bro in Boston, noooo, gotta go to Philly! I bet we could've avoided his bullshit if we kept shit super stable. Ah well. Anywho,

[X] I vote Thailand. Some of the mountains I've seen pictures are drop dead gorgeous. Picnic!
I like these choices
[X] Paris
[X] Grand Canyon
[X] Sydney Opera House
Of course, if one wants to go there willingly I'd call their sanity into question.
Hey! I resemble that remark...

Don't remember Rouge? Picking up the Asura form would be totally worth it. Though I'd probably mix it with something else.

Given it's essentially infinite magic power I wonder how that'd react with the worms magic or Nanoha's clarke tech.

It's a pity there's 0% chance of convincing SW to take this quest in that direction.
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"—vert," he is saying as the thin man in uniform moves back into position in front of the column of dressed up agents. "In addition to reinforcements from the Chicago PRT office, several heroes have also volunteered to stay here until this influx of criminals is over. Protectorate heroes Anomaly and Assault are here from Chicago, along with their Wards, Tecton and Clockblocker. From Boston, we are also hosting Glory Girl and… Mouse Protector."
If he hoped to keep his disappointment hidden, he has failed horribly. The well-known and only occasionally beloved heroine hops in front of the lectern nonetheless.


I am entirely unsurprised that he's here now, potentially stronger than ever. Having your city of operation quarantined is a hell of a reason to consolidate one's resources.
Lemme see if I can cobble together the complete picture here.

After the quarantine, Calvert moved to Boston begin his plans anew. He likley wormed his way to higher influence by stepping over New Wave, specifically getting Glory Girl's excursions with Amy outed. I would suspect he's made Amy his new deadman switch/foe to array the city against. Meanwhile, Accord's almost certainly tightened his grip over the villain scene once the Teeth dissolved, with the only other major presence being the loner Blaso. He's likley been recruited. Calvert also found the love-struck Theo and Cricket while they were on the run, and 'assisted' the former in getting into heroing. The latter is either dead or a hidden reserve.

Now the only loose ends are whether or not Calvert picked up the Undersiders again, and whether or not the Calvert/Accord bromance will hold.


Lemme see if I can cobble together the complete picture here.

After the quarantine, Calvert moved to Boston begin his plans anew. He likley wormed his way to higher influence by stepping over New Wave, specifically getting Glory Girl's excursions with Amy outed. I would suspect he's made Amy his new deadman switch/foe to array the city against. Meanwhile, Accord's almost certainly tightened his grip over the villain scene once the Teeth dissolved, with the only other major presence being the loner Blaso. He's likley been recruited. Calvert also found the love-struck Theo and Cricket while they were on the run, and 'assisted' the former in getting into heroing. The latter is either dead or a hidden reserve.

Now the only loose ends are whether or not Calvert picked up the Undersiders again, and whether or not the Calvert/Accord bromance will hold.

You got a funny rating from Silently. Something of what you said is horribly wrong.
I'm not going to tell you if you're all really far off or really close or both at the same time. Just know that I'm laughing on my side of the screen.
Why was Glory Girl on probation again? It has been a while so I can't recall.
She did her usual thing, but this time someone recorded it:
"Glory Girl and Panacea were both arrested over a month ago. Somebody recorded Glory Girl beating a mugger almost to death and then calling Panacea to undo all the damage. That would have been bad enough, but then she threatened the guy to try to keep it quiet. It was all over PHO; how did you possibly miss it?!"