Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Is there any reason not to let Vista keep the older arm too? If nothing else it gives her a spare that she doesn't need to contact us to access.

I also still just don't care about the Privateers plotline near as much as the other two.
Is there any reason not to let Vista keep the older arm too? If nothing else it gives her a spare that she doesn't need to contact us to access.
Taylor was just putting it in the case to have somewhere to store it. Vista was the one who suggested using it as the framework for an upgrade.

Building her a spare or two is certainly an option, though.
I also still just don't care about the Privateers plotline near as much as the other two.
And that's fine. Vote for the other two when I open the vote. I just didn't want people to get the (false) impression that any of these plotlines could be put off without consequence.
It is probably strange for a fifteen-year-old girl to want to spend time with a thirteen-year-old

Entirely bewildered by this, I have to say. Thats easily in same-school range, or will be next year at worst (is she really a middle schooler?) , and I wouldn't think I was terribly unique in a lot of my lunchtime-hangout friends at least (and I'm hardly a paragon of socializing) being younger than me. Or even simpler, mixed-age classes? (My school wasn't exaclty progressive, but there was some level of choice to your schedule and ability to take advanced classes, so for example I had a freshman friend taking advanced Physics while I was sophmore or so, and then I put off basic English/Lit way longer than usual so I was a senior in a class of freshmen).

A couple of hours to tour your home country's greatest geological marvel, and by the time the sun is going down you're getting bored.

Instinctive irrational vertigo I get, but afterwards....I do hope the /hours/ there included some actual flying around in the canyon xD Or whats the point? (I went there as a kid, but was too young to much appreciate and not sure I remember.... much like going to Las Vegas that same trip >_> silly grandparents taking a ten year old...). Would've been interesting hearing a little more of what space-warper girl thought of such an awe inspiring display of visible negative space and all. Maybe try jumping the canyon on a rented bicycle? xD

«Why Mistress desires to spend her own money? Other funds available.»
You flick your hand when it's almost your turn, and a holographic screen shaped like a black credit card appears in your hand. You give your Device a quick glance for its cheek and swipe it through the machine. Sure enough, the bored-looking boy at the desk hands you a couple of tickets, the true nature of your credit card going unnoticed.
«Access of known bank account of villain Coil successful. Transfer in progress.»

I confess that I giggled and squeed <3 Perfect Storm confirmed for BestBuddy here. And a not so subtle reminder, considering the timing, of how easy SW said it would've been back in Brockton Bay to track down Coil? >_> <_< Maybe we should be keeping an eye on the Privateers phones, see if any of them are trying to reach Danny's contacts with teh lazor gunz. What better time to slip in new assets than a power-vacuum where you're in charge of a lot of the response to the wave of others rushing in, yeah?

But really, just sneakily doing this to a target he knows we wouldn't mind, and that innocent "why not halp Mistress" ... such love <3 <3

Paris. Unfortunately, it's still dark when you arrive

A bit curious (I suppose it was just natural progression of Vista's rush planning) why they put this so late, rather than say opera house last (for a performance?). Or less time at the Canyon.....but I mean, City Of Lights should be pretty legit at night anyway? :p Aside from how New-Yorky or not it may be.

Along the way Missy stops to coo at the raccoon lying curled up in the middle of a dog bed with her eyes closed. You, on the other hand, give Samantha a second look; when did she buy herself a dog bed, and since when does she sleep there instead of nestling up on top of your pillow?

"Are you interested in a combat arm?"

"…Yeah. A little. More than a little."

Heeheee, we are corrupting our friend so good. Transhumanist future is now.

Considering she did not choose to lose her original biological left arm

"She Never Asked For This..."
But, ya know, in hindsight and with that suspiciously specific phrasing? Might be a little tempted about the right arm or maybe Lungs? :p (I mean, right after swimming the barrier reef, who isn't going to be thinking of how useful Gills sound... no matter that they're only slightly less practical for humans than real-physics wings. Thats what superscience is for)

Shipwright offered to explain the details, but Armsmaster really didn't seem interested. I guess he thought the whole thing was a waste of time or something.

Dragon-chan, what do you see in this lame boy? Does he at least optimize violin recitals for best patterns for you or something?

Seriously though.... I have to wonder either why he is still on this committee if thats how he behaves, or why there even is such a committee (Either he's clearly crap at the job and would make Edison blush, or tinkertech is so pointless to try explaining to each other that theres no reason to have this)

"I had issues with her that weren't her fault. Not really, and I don't think she ever knew I didn't like her.

Probably my lack of Worm knowledge showing that I have no idea what she means here. Some recognition of the Master effect? Disliked the apparent (true or not) closeness of extended New Wave family compared to her own?

Let the dawwws flow through you. Once you've taken insulin for your new-found diabetes

Yaaassss <3 <3 <3 I literally couldn't even for a few minutes after this. Seal-clapping glee <3 I need MOAR

Close Encounters should.keep, at least for a little longer now. Maybe spend the social on School friends, find a party to crash or something maybe?
All three main quests have internal countdowns. Close Encounters' may be the least visible, but it's still there.

Welp.... glad someone brought that up early >_> As I would've said much the same. Not strictly surprising, but I do wonder what the timer is here... I suppose its back to that issue of "without persuading them, why should they stick around to halp instead of just leaving first chance?" IAE is either tamed or trapped behind a barrier on low-tech world, and if Taylor's ignoring them after their falling out she must be uninterested in recruitment.

Or, ya know, Simurgh will find and smash them before they can call in matter-energy bombardments or something.

There will be a bonus, mandatory social event week after next dealing with school contacts.

<3 <3 Yaaaaaaaaaay. Wish we'd had the Kayleigh/Laura social before this, but yaaaay. Doubt I have much chance persuading anyone at this rate -_- Maybe if we see Cailleach more in Gangland and Kayleigh shows up in the mandatory, there'll be hope after... *such sad*

Let's be honest, this wouldn't keep popping up unless something interesting was going to happen.

Theres been an equivalent option in basically every relevant Arc, I think? Sometimes it's unlocked hidden new story-chains (probably too late for that >_>) , sometimes just random bonus stuff. Think we found the Beasts on one, and had our troubles with Cadejo in another? So interesting yes, pressing not necessarily.

If nothing else, we need to make sure he's going to be okay regardless of what happens with the Privateers. We can also hand off the arm for upgrading, and get Tim's opinion on possible Long Live the King resolutions, should we decide that's a thing worth trying for.

A good point, in that we do need to make some efforts to tie TIm to us before things go too pear shaped. The opportunities he's having with Dragon (for SCIENCE!) and Vista (for feel-good projects) are hopefully helping with that, but hmm....


Looking at the list, I was going to say Gangland and Looking for Trouble, originally. Privateers I'm largely content to let explode as long as they don't take us with them, but not sure how we can properly distance ourselves from them other than the obvious "Captain is gone and they went nuts, I stopped associating with them didn't you notice" , other than voting that intent for a King option and letting Silently handle it?

Buuut the mention that Close Encounters equally has a timer on it is quite worrying >_> Obviously. As that ones both mysterious and one of those big-scale problems that've kept us from regular hero patrols so much already. With its opacity , I'd like to /think/ that we can stall a week on more pressing stuff and get back to it, but that sort of attention-splitting lost us Purity as our Fate. Theres a good argument that we really should just run Close Encounters and Gangland to completion before touching anything else, with our mixed track record for trying to chase three or more threads at once. (Sorry SW, is it any wonder we never picked Exploring or Training? Social is a lovely solution to character-rounding and ally-gathering though, seems to be working great so far)

Gangland just seems obvious that we can't really afford to /not/ do it.... @Silently Watches can you clarify what we'd do differently with a Gangland vote compared to a Looking for Trouble patrol? One's got a fight we'll know in advance , but wouldn't Taylor ICly be looking for gangers in the other anyway? Also if we want to look into the Coil connection, is that via Gangland or Trouble or King (because I suspect Martinez will make or receive overtures and want to watch him) or what? Just having PS monitor their phones I mean, and we wouldn't take any action on it until/unless something came up.

For social things..... greedily I require Moar Vista Cutes, but budding friendship or not we can maybe assume (I hope?) that now theres no longer the tension of lost battles or whatev that they'll chat on PHO about movies or something casual in between concrete scenes, the same as with Kayleigh. And her bathing suit issue potentially means she'd be averse to too much cling (Taylor's not used to having friends again, we're sorry!) as much as it was just "hey I'm no mooch stop spoiling me I feel bad" on top of the tour tickets.

I also think we obviously need to go finish Dragon and converting her to Unison device, since we screwed up the timing of that twice-over (didn't get it ready before the Dragonslayer raid, to the extent we could start without Ascalon in hand, and didn't have Tim actually finish the damned thing barring whatever kindness SW said they'd do with it). Buuut hey..... Dragon+Tim social to do the Conversion, but invite Vista with an opportunity to meet the famous hero we've already name-dropped? (and maybe let her show off her fancy arm and blow some raspberries at Arm-smaster in the process....was he offended Vista didn't come to him for an Arm? O_O) . Or would that trio-social be too awkward with Dragon not wanting random hero to learn her secrets and see such a personal moment?

Perfect Storm deserves some social time after this, not that Taylor knows it :p And we've put that off for too long, seeing as the sub-vote got dropped or ignored if I remember from the Close Encounter vote. (we tried to get greedy)

If we can actually cram anything else in, I'd love to spend time with Circus! Buut, hey, maybe an idea there.....

*Gangland - Invite Circus to go hunting with us again? (She can keep the best loot for her assistance, mention the teleport belt we almost snagged? :p ) If not for Taylor's lack of IC knowledge, i'd say this could be an approach on Coil also, by trying to get an in with her for a future indy team. Shes officially a rogue/mercenary and not Villain, right?
*Close Encounters - May or may not want to invite Dragon to meet them, since she's already spoken with the Admiral and has that whole first-contact plan. Third Party could mediate any lingering ill feelings while being better to persuade them to help? (And bonus points if she's a Unison Device before this!!)
*Social: Perfect Storm - A thing we need to get done, maybe check in on whether theres any updates with mystery girl that contacts us every arc or so, but mainly just infodump on Galean/Belkan history and seeing how its doing after meeting the TSAB.
*Social: Dragon+Tim+Vista - how much will SW allow in this? Have Tim and Dragon meet up to deal with the unison device thing, Vista comes over to talk about her arm upgrades and maybe get a chance to meet famous hero, and oh hey while we're revealing magic to her via Unison talk how about we FINALLY SCAN VISTA please gods? (I mean...if the girl likes cyberarms, how will she do anything but die hugging us when we simultaneously show off AI's and muse-implants/Synthesis-Ending xD )

Most conveinent timing for us would be Social (Either) -> Social (Either) -> Close Encounters -> Gangland .... even if we scan Vista AND she's suitable for magic I doubt we'd introduce her to aliens juuust yet, but hey I'm not the author maybe blitzkreig is best befriending.
I already know I'm going for Close Encounters and Looking for Trouble.
As for Social, has everyone just forgotten that we haven't talked with Perfect Storm at all. We've put that off for way to long.
Probably my lack of Worm knowledge showing that I have no idea what she means here. Some recognition of the Master effect? Disliked the apparent (true or not) closeness of extended New Wave family compared to her own?
Missy had a crush on Vicky's boyfrend(Gallant/Dean).
Gallant also knew, but was an utter gentlemen in letting her down gently and quietly. He really loved Vicky. Which Missy didn't take well, hence her emphasis of 'it's my fault'.
The periods where Glory Girl's emotional volatility would win out and she'd 'dump' Gallant before reconciling a week or two down the line didn't help.

And @Racoras, that's not the only love triangle going on in canon.
But really, just sneakily doing this to a target he knows we wouldn't mind, and that innocent "why not halp Mistress" ... such love <3 <3
A bit curious (I suppose it was just natural progression of Vista's rush planning) why they put this so late, rather than say opera house last (for a performance?). Or less time at the Canyon.....but I mean, City Of Lights should be pretty legit at night anyway? :p Aside from how New-Yorky or not it may be.
If you look at the order of the locations, the girls were running west to stay ahead of the sun going down. I used the world clock to see what time it would be where, and both Rome and Paris are in the same time zone, so it was still early morning when they wrapped up their swim.
Instinctive irrational vertigo I get, but afterwards....I do hope the /hours/ there included some actual flying around in the canyon xD Or whats the point? (I went there as a kid, but was too young to much appreciate and not sure I remember.... much like going to Las Vegas that same trip >_> silly grandparents taking a ten year old...). Would've been interesting hearing a little more of what space-warper girl thought of such an awe inspiring display of visible negative space and all. Maybe try jumping the canyon on a rented bicycle? xD
If you look back at one of the later chapters of Arc 7, back when Vista finally met Shipwright about building her an arm, I gave you a hint. She has a fear of heights.
Probably my lack of Worm knowledge showing that I have no idea what she means here. Some recognition of the Master effect? Disliked the apparent (true or not) closeness of extended New Wave family compared to her own?
She had a crush on Gallant, whom Glory Girl was dating—

Oh. Double :ninja:.
Gangland just seems obvious that we can't really afford to /not/ do it.... @Silently Watches can you clarify what we'd do differently with a Gangland vote compared to a Looking for Trouble patrol? One's got a fight we'll know in advance , but wouldn't Taylor ICly be looking for gangers in the other anyway? Also if we want to look into the Coil connection, is that via Gangland or Trouble or King (because I suspect Martinez will make or receive overtures and want to watch him) or what? Just having PS monitor their phones I mean, and we wouldn't take any action on it until/unless something came up.
TtG-3 has a very specific fight with a very specific revelation. Looking for Trouble (probably :evil:) has a fight, but it wouldn't be this one.

Also, what Coil connection? You have no evidence that Coil is around.
And her bathing suit issue potentially means she'd be averse to too much cling (Taylor's not used to having friends again, we're sorry!) as much as it was just "hey I'm no mooch stop spoiling me I feel bad" on top of the tour tickets.
Vista's reaction was a combination of pride (I have my own money) and worry (She's in college already! What if she bought me something I'd be too embarrassed to wear?).

As a reminder because it's been a while since her interlude (6.v, if you were curious), Vista definitely didn't have a dastardly plan to convince Calamity Witch and Samantha into joining the Protectorate because she doesn't have any friends among the Wards.
Buuut hey..... Dragon+Tim social to do the Conversion, but invite Vista with an opportunity to meet the famous hero we've already name-dropped? (and maybe let her show off her fancy arm and blow some raspberries at Arm-smaster in the process....was he offended Vista didn't come to him for an Arm? O_O) . Or would that trio-social be too awkward with Dragon not wanting random hero to learn her secrets and see such a personal moment?
That would be a little too personal for Dragon. But… Hmm. Let me think on it.
*Gangland - Invite Circus to go hunting with us again? (She can keep the best loot for her assistance, mention the teleport belt we almost snagged? :p ) If not for Taylor's lack of IC knowledge, i'd say this could be an approach on Coil also, by trying to get an in with her for a future indy team. Shes officially a rogue/mercenary and not Villain, right?
Inviting Circus… could be doable? I guess? S/He doesn't work for Coil anymore, though.
"As for me? Don't like Boston, and this place was close enough not to be too long a trip. Just waited to make sure my old boss wasn't around. He paid well, but he was an asshole. Always had stuff for me to do. I wanna be able to do what I want when I want.
*Close Encounters - May or may not want to invite Dragon to meet them, since she's already spoken with the Admiral and has that whole first-contact plan. Third Party could mediate any lingering ill feelings while being better to persuade them to help? (And bonus points if she's a Unison Device before this!!)
Hmm. Computer!Dragon, no, she wouldn't be able to show. UD!Dragon… I'd allow it. You'd need to spend a social slot actually doing the conversion, though.
*Social: Perfect Storm - A thing we need to get done, maybe check in on whether theres any updates with mystery girl that contacts us every arc or so, but mainly just infodump on Galean/Belkan history and seeing how its doing after meeting the TSAB.
I would want a subvote detailing what aspect of history you want to learn about. Otherwise you're asking, "Teach me ancient history. No, not one specific culture or period, ALL of it".
*Social: Dragon+Tim+Vista - how much will SW allow in this? Have Tim and Dragon meet up to deal with the unison device thing, Vista comes over to talk about her arm upgrades and maybe get a chance to meet famous hero, and oh hey while we're revealing magic to her via Unison talk how about we FINALLY SCAN VISTA please gods? (I mean...if the girl likes cyberarms, how will she do anything but die hugging us when we simultaneously show off AI's and muse-implants/Synthesis-Ending xD )
Oooh! I have an idea for how this could work. Taylor and Vista would walk in on Tim and Dragon talking about their conversion plans, and Dragon could stick around while the arm design takes place. Dragon just wouldn't want to talk about true nature in front of Vista, that's all.
And @Racoras, that's not the only love triangle going on in canon.
It's not? Who's the other one?

Also, I'm disappointed in you @Always Late. I would have thought you of all people would make a comment about what I put in Vista's character sheet. :p
It's not? Who's the other one?
The one that replaces Vista with Amy.
Also, I'm disappointed in you @Always Late. I would have thought you of all people would make a comment about what I put in Vista's character sheet. :p
Good to know. Will remember not to pay it until the other side is reached.
Funhouse – Vista warps sp

ace by altering the relative distances between set points. She normally uses this ability to improve her apparent speed or trap enemies in an ever-lengthening hallway, though she can also use it to widen small gaps enough for her to slip through locked doors or windows.
Funhouse mirror. An apt descriptor.
  • Play-Doh – With increased concentration, she can distort the matter within her affected space, allowing her to bring down buildings or build fortifications from (almost) nothing.
  • Bag of Holding – Her power can be used to increase the internal dimensions within an enclosed space, though this effect will only last a brief time without her consciously maintaining it.
... Ok, those I do not remember. Anti/instant fortification and expanding internal storage is appropriately BS for her though.
Ooooh, Vista has a sheet now! Offical Achievement: Friend Get ?

Also, what Coil connection? You have no evidence that Coil is around.

Taylor doesn't, no (I do wonder what Circus might think about Calvert, but unlike the obvious Tattletale I doubt Circus would've known secrets like that) , but its naturally hard to separate out player paranoia when it comes to picking "which encounter might happen to trip over an important thing" .

For Taylor-specific reasoning, like PS tapping phones? Thats just a matter of the laser-gun connection. "Tims a cape and arguably compromised to my side, even if he didn't fight Cadejo, the nutjobs like Martinez may want to find an alternate supplier of equalizers...I should keep an eye on them, before they pull any more stunts like that false-flag during a Truce". Of course, I do now wonder what they thought of Danny using /mob/ connections (wasn't it? not just his wife's former-henching connections?) but unclear if they know Mr Laser-Giver was mob or even villain (rather than just merc). And at least he isn't in their city, unlike Winter Hill.

Inviting Circus… could be doable? I guess? S/He doesn't work for Coil anymore, though.

Nice to have (reminder of) solid confirmation ^_^ Still seems like a chance to capitalize on the fruits of that Truce by trying to drag her into the fold. We started a rep with converting Purity, I have hopes for Cailleach through Gangland (not suggesting her for this simply because we don't know what event will be... I guess we could call her when we get the alert from PRT but not the same as say "Hey I tripped over a base they set up, wanna 2-man a Raid Boss?" ...but you said to leave that sorta thing to you).

Need to re-read and see if we're waiting to hear from Epoch/Maclibuin/Standstill, or if they're waiting on us. I got the impression they wanted some time to consider before advancing Adept subplot.
Added Vista character sheet.

Let the dawwws flow through you. Once you've taken insulin for your new-found diabetes, it's time to discuss next week's activities. Pick two main activities…
its a pity the sidevote "scan for core" didn't pass. At absolute minimum we coulda given her a fuzzy friend. It'd have gone well with the feels filler chapter.
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... Ok, those I do not remember. Anti/instant fortification and expanding internal storage is appropriately BS for her though.
Both of these are from canon. She brought down a building by pinching it in the middle (Echidna fight maybe?) and brought an expanded bag full of supplies for the people in Parian's territory.

Also, still not what I was talking about. :D I don't know why I'm so pleased with myself about that pun, but I am.
Ooooh, Vista has a sheet now! Offical Achievement: Friend Get ?
Yeah, you've spent enough time with her that she has her own character sheet.
Need to re-read and see if we're waiting to hear from Epoch/Maclibuin/Standstill, or if they're waiting on us. I got the impression they wanted some time to consider before advancing Adept subplot.
They're waiting on you.
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As to votes.... Close Encounters of the Third Kind Part 2 and Long Live the King, honestly. These are more pressing IMO than Tickets to Gangland

Social.......... Vista Core scan and the dealing with the Adepts. Probably just 13th hour for now. I'd say something about Tim, the Privateers and the Enforcers, but I'm not sure if that'd be redundant as I want primary actions for their shit.
If you want a particular scene, ASK FOR IT. Don't beat around the bush saying "Oh, but we have to set it up beforehand…". That's a good way to waste your very limited time, and wasting time like this was how everybody lost their chance at taking down Coil back in Arc 2.
Welllll..... if you insist...

[]- Take Vista up on talking to tim about the new arm, Social action with the pair of them and ask Vista about Scanning her for a Linker core. If she has one, explain what it means to be a mage, offer her a Pet and leave the option of getting a device later open ended.
Seriously though.... I have to wonder either why he is still on this committee if thats how he behaves, or why there even is such a committee (Either he's clearly crap at the job and would make Edison blush, or tinkertech is so pointless to try explaining to each other that theres no reason to have this)
Forgot to explain this earlier. The d100 roll I did after the last action vote? That was for how Armsy would respond to Tim's magitech. 1-30, this is dangerously stupid, it can't physically work, Vista take the arm off now. 31-60, okay it's another newbie Tinker, whatever. 61-90, hey this Tinker has some good ideas, I'll keep an eye on him. 91-100, Dragon gets jealous because Armsmaster wants to spend his time making sweet innovation with Tim instead of her.

The roll was 54 IIRC.
... Fuck you. Fuck. You. Fuck you, fuck your shitty sense of humor, fuck puns in general, and fuck Yang for putting this idea in your head in the first place!:V
:D :lol :rofl:
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Forgot to explain this earlier. The d100 roll I did after the last action vote? That was for how Armsy would respond to Tim's magitech. 1-30, this is dangerously stupid, it can't physically work, Vista take the arm off now. 31-60, okay it's another newbie Tinker, whatever. 61-90, hey this Tinker has some good ideas, I'll keep an eye on him. 91-100, Dragon gets jealous because Armsmaster wants to spend his time making sweet innovation with Tim instead of her.

The roll was 54 IIRC.
....You were right. That was as boring an outcome as could have happened.
... Fuck you. Fuck. You. Fuck you, fuck your shitty sense of humor, fuck puns in general, and fuck Yang for putting this idea in your head in the first place!:V

I am sad. No comment to my realization that Arm-master was jealous that Vista went to some newbie tinker instead of him for her replacement? :V

91-100, Dragon gets jealous because Armsmaster wants to spend his time making sweet innovation with Tim instead of her.

Awww.... dice are cruel. This would've been kinda amazing xD