Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Could the Dockers register as bounty hunters? most gang capes have outstanding warrants, as long as they do whatever course is needed and don't carry illegal stuff (where anyone could see) they can 'hire' the 2 man group Privateer to help out. That way it's 2 distinct legal organisations working together, not one that breaks the rules...

Oh, all this relies on bounty hunters being legal in Brockton bay, if Silently says no, well that's fair enough.
Honestly, I hadn't considered that. I don't see why it couldn't work, though.
SW will let us revote on the GB choice for random/non random after the after battle report due to misconceptions flying around. (People assumed there would be a small power boost and that the non random options could ever catch up. They can't.)
Honestly, I hadn't considered that. I don't see why it couldn't work, though.
Depending on what state Brockton Bay is in there are different requirements.
Massachusetts has no requirements other than registering with the department of public safety. Connecticut no felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions of a serious nature, 20 hours of training in a criminal justice subject, a special firearms permit and four letters of character reference. Rhode Island requires at least 5 years' experience as an investigator or as a police officer with a police department or investigative agency or a degree in criminal justice from an accredited college or employment by a private detective as an investigator for at least 5 years or equivalent training and/or experience.
Could the Dockers register as bounty hunters? most gang capes have outstanding warrants, as long as they do whatever course is needed and don't carry illegal stuff (where anyone could see) they can 'hire' the 2 man group Privateer to help out. That way it's 2 distinct legal organisations working together, not one that breaks the rules...

Oh, all this relies on bounty hunters being legal in Brockton bay, if Silently says no, well that's fair enough.
Honestly, I hadn't considered that. I don't see why it couldn't work, though.

Wasn't there a mercenary group operating openly in BB? Faultline's Crew?

Tolerated by the Protectorate/PRT so long as they didn't kill.
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IRL, or in Worm-verse?

Because due of Parahumans, laws like this more likely to change.
IRL. My problem with saying "Oh, Earth Bet is totally different; I'm sure they have different laws!" is that you can use that as an excuse for saying anything whatsoever, regardless of how little sense it makes. Not only that, you then have to work out how that change would affect everything else.
With Parahumans, I can see the Govt coming down harder on private militias.
The PRT, for understandable reasons, wouldn't want a bunch of people banding together to face off against villains. Considering just how powerful those villains can be, keeping a law like this would probably prevent a lot of suicide-by-capes.
The issue I have with Worm is that...militias would WORK against most capes. How many capes do you think can take a round from a hunting rifle? Guns are the great equalizer but for some reason being able to throw fire out of your hands makes them irrelevant? THIS IS MURICA!
The issue I have with Worm is that...militias would WORK against most capes. How many capes do you think can take a round from a hunting rifle? Guns are the great equalizer but for some reason being able to throw fire out of your hands makes them irrelevant? THIS IS MURICA!
The issue the PRT takes with militias is that, pretend that a militia is assaulting the Merchants. Everything if going fairly well, and then Squealer comes barrelling down the road in a tank-type vehicle. Most of the militia is going to die unless they have anti-armour munitions. Most street level militias are not going to have access to heavy weaponry.
Knowing which end of a gun is which won't save you from anyone remotely trained in any form of tactics. Or anyone really experienced in urban warfare. Y'know, like most gang capes tend to be?

Of the capes in Brockton Bay alone, anyone in this thread could name a dozen that can easily counter some untrained band of shmucks that bought into the Gun Myth. 'Murica my tuckus.
The issue the PRT takes with militias is that, pretend that a militia is assaulting the Merchants. Everything if going fairly well, and then Squealer comes barrelling down the road in a tank-type vehicle. Most of the militia is going to die unless they have anti-armour munitions. Most street level militias are not going to have access to heavy weaponry.

And this is Squealer, mind. In a world where even the stupidest of drug addicts can wipe out an entire militia, you'll want to be careful with obvious attacks.

Now, snipers, on the other hand...
The issue the PRT takes with militias is that, pretend that a militia is assaulting the Merchants. Everything if going fairly well, and then Squealer comes barrelling down the road in a tank-type vehicle. Most of the militia is going to die unless they have anti-armour munitions. Most street level militias are not going to have access to heavy weaponry.

That's very true, which is why street-level militias ARE a terrible idea, but a properly supported civilian one, supplemented by capes? (Basically the PRT + Protectorate, but a level down) would totally work for mitigation purposes.
Not to mention that aggressive militias could drive some fairly sensible villains like the undersiders, where Grue or Tattletale are decent conversion prospects and at least the other two are now toeing the line; villains like this get shot at? they might respond in kind. Now you end up needing to birdcage more and more capes, maybe even needing a new 'cage if the population goes too high, can't pack in high power capes too densely after all...
IRL. My problem with saying "Oh, Earth Bet is totally different; I'm sure they have different laws!" is that you can use that as an excuse for saying anything whatsoever, regardless of how little sense it makes. Not only that, you then have to work out how that change would affect everything else.
Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 40 | Page 2405

It's all well and fine, but I'd still like a quote of that WoG you mentioned.
AAR: Set Up!
After-Action Report for Arc 1: Set Up!

Overall, you guys did extremely well! Let's look at it step by step.

Finding the jewel
  • You became a mage! Seriously, there were no good or bad options when choosing your class, though I was hoping through that entire first vote that Calamity Witch would be chosen just because I personally wanted to run it.
Starting your career
  • I've already mentioned this one, but because you chose to return home immediately after finding Perfect Storm, you didn't piss off the gangs or further alienate Danny, both of which together would have caused the Privateers to be far more vicious than they are and would have led to you killing Danny after the next Endbringer fight.
  • Had you chosen to try out your powers right then, you would have gone to the Boat Graveyard and encountered Skidmark and Trainwreck. Depending on which choices you made after that, there was a chance that you could have fired a Rust Shooter through Trainwreck's chest, destroying his life-support system and killing him. You also would have been presented with a choice to kill Skidmark outright. Not the best way to start off your career as a hero, but not the worst.
  • That distinction goes to immediately running off to fight crime. You would have found one of the Empire's dog-fighting rings, but unfortunately, Hookwolf was around at the time. From there, you could have run away, which would have left you injured and in need of healing. Glory Girl would have spotted your strategic withdrawal and carried you to Panacea. Or you could have – incredibly foolishly – decided to stand your ground. That would have killed you, period, full-stop. Of course, death isn't permanent for you in this quest, but you really, really don't want to find out what happens afterwards. Trust me on this one.
  • Had you gone to the PRT that night, you would have run into Vista and Shadow Stalker out on patrol, and from there you would have followed along and found Skidmark and Trainwreck. Vista would have just liked you, but Shadow Stalker? You two would have gotten along like a house on fire. From there, there would have been the choice to join the Protectorate, and from there the Wards once they found out you're only 15.
Waiting for Danny to return
  • You explored your powers safely in the simulation, which earned you bonuses for both Flare Shooter and Aerial Combat. And you got the first hint that something's a little off about Perfect Storm.
  • Had you gone out to try your powers out in the real world, you would have been distracted by either a crime in progress or attracted heroic attention.
  • Visiting the PRT would have introduced you to Assault, who is one of my favorite Brockton Bay heroes. No Armsmaster encounter for you!
Joining a team
  • You chose the Privateers, which gives you greater latitude in how you deal with the villains. It also means that the PRT never corrects their assumption that you're 18.
  • Had you chosen to join the Wards, you would have more powered allies than you do currently. On the other hand, this way you avoided having to explain to Brockton Bay's PR division and then Glenn Chambers himself that no, you're not changing the design of your Barrier Jacket no matter what the focus groups say about imagining you cackling madly over a boiling cauldron. You would have been grounded (possibly quite literally) for refusing to cooperate.
  • You didn't go it alone. There were no benefits to choosing to stay totally independent rather than joining the Privateers or the Wards.
Running errands after school
  • By checking up on the Privateers, you got a sneak peak at what Danny's costume looks like. You didn't stick around, though, so you missed the opportunity to fight alongside them from the beginning.
  • You made a good impression on Miss Militia. That will only help you in the future.
  • Had you gone out to fight crime on your own, you would have been fatigued when you fought Squealer. That probably would have caused you to be injured more than just some bruising, and the Privateers would have jumped in to help you rather than staying out of the line of fire.
  • Since you didn't go to the library to look up New Hampshire's laws about GEDs and homeschooling, you didn't run into Lisa. That would have been interesting.
Fighting Squealer
  • You made a new friend! Admittedly, you broke her, and Squealer isn't the kind of person your dad wants you hanging out with, anyway.
  • Velocity learned not to judge a mage by her Barrier Jacket. Going with the Privateers on the raid also would have gone well since you would have called it in immediately after beating Squealer, so he would have known from the beginning that you were a hero.
  • Because you were so far away from the scene of the Privateers fight when Squealer's train broke through the building hiding it, three men were severely injured and one killed who otherwise would have lived had you chosen just one action for 1.6 instead of two.
  • You mastered Flare Shooter and Aerial Combat. Now you can pepper villains with fireballs on the move!
  • With Strong Shield and Homing Bullet, you have all the basic powers of a Nanoha-an magical girl.
  • You chose to wait to get a Guardian Beast, so you missed out on the most powerful options but will definitely get the one you want. Scratch that…
I'd like to thank all of you for playing this quest with me. Not just because it's nice to see people enjoying what I write (though I do like that!), but also because I am normally a much more deliberate writer. This is forcing me to think on my feet much more, and while it's pushing me out of my comfort zone a little, I believe that will be a good thing.

Since I made extensive changes to how the Guardian Beasts' powers work at the last minute and there were some misconceptions about how they were supposed to work the first time, I'm repeating that vote and giving you guys a chance to change your minds. Neither of these options is any better or worse than the other, but they have different pros and cons.

[ ] Random generation – I will roll dice for your Guardian Beast, and you will create it in chapter 2.2. You get no say in any of its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it substantially more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[ ] Design – When you decide to create your Guardian Beast, I will hold a series of votes to determine species, age, personality, and class. It will never be as strong as a randomly generated Guardian Beast, but you will get exactly what you ask for.

This poll will close in 24 HOURS. Cast your votes quickly.
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[X] Random generation – I will roll dice for your Guardian Beast, and you will create it in chapter 2.2. You get no say in any of its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it substantially more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Random generation – I will roll dice for your Guardian Beast, and you will create it in chapter 2.2. You get no say in any of its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it substantially more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Random generation – I will roll dice for your Guardian Beast, and you will create it in chapter 2.2. You get no say in any of its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it substantially more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.