Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Explore the Dragonslayers' (maybe?) base.
-[X] Do a scan to see who the mage is among them as well as seeing if there is still any working piece of equipment on them you need to remove to make sure they don't have a way to escape.
@Silently Watches it didn't change the result of the vote, since we both voted for the option that won anyway, but looking at your tally a couple of posts above the latest update, it didn't seem to mention my name or that of @Stone Mason. Is that because our votes (like this one) included other commentary, or something else? (I'm not sure how SV's tally system works).
Commentary shouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure why it didn't count it.
Would we be able to split the load? Send Sam to the base while we deal with the PRT skeleton crew? Or go to the base and leave Sam to hand the dragonslayers over to the PRT skeleton crew? It's not like we need to explain why we cratered the building, we own the building. Or at least as far as I understand.

Also, why are we apprehending 3 of them instead of 4? Where's the last guy?
Or go to the base and leave Sam to hand the dragonslayers over to the PRT skeleton crew?
Sam's already staying behind no matter what-
Talking with them will probably take a good hour or more," Samantha says once the cop is out of earshot. "I can handle it and keep an eye on these three if you want to check out those coordinates Storm found."

"Are you sure?" You can't help but remember the worried expressions the PRT troopers had when you went to talk to Chevalier, nor the threat ratings he rattled off. Talking to the PRT personally is likely the the best way to keep them from thinking you're a loose cannon with a penchant for starting fires. Or, well, maybe as much of a loose cannon, you think with another look at what remains of the warehouse.

Also, why are we apprehending 3 of them instead of 4? Where's the last guy?
There's only three of them.
There was a reason I described the contents of the warehouse last chapter. I'm kind of glad no one thought about fire magic + flammable contents = burning building. :D

Can't speak for the others, but I was having too much fun playing ruthless shoulder devil to bother considering such wonderful details like possible flammables and/or explosives and the possible collateral damage they represent. And admittedly, I... probably wouldn't have said anything even if I had considered said details. Mostly because of said collateral damage being in close proximity to the Dragonslayers. After all, it's not like anything important would've been lost!

Except for Dragon's stolen suits.
[X] Explore the Dragonslayers' (maybe?) base
Commentary shouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure why it didn't count it.

Hmm. Odd. Maybe we didn't format our votes correctly, or it counted our votes but just didn't mention our names? (Does it have a cap on the number of names it lists under a vote?)

Either way, it didn't really matter for that vote. I'll just keep an eye out when the next update rolls around, and see if my name pops up in that tally!
[X] Explore the Dragonslayers' (maybe?) base

Yay, things worked with minimal damage!

And I don't see a problem with the PRT being mad at us for doing things. As long as we don't kill anyone unprovoked, we shouldn't see any backlash from this besides maybe a scolding from the higher ups that we're close to.

Manageable. Also,

"Up to you. I really think you should be home when Danny returns from the fight, though. I know, I know," she adds when you glare at her, "but no matter how unhappy you are with him right now, he's still your dad. You two need to make up."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Endbringer fights normally last about an hour, sometimes less, and you spent twenty minutes waiting for the Dragonslayers to show. If debriefing with the PRT takes as long as Samantha expects, you won't have enough time to check out the Dragonslayers' base before she forces you to talk to your father. Which, with your luck, will devolve into another shouting match about how you shouldn't be luring villains into town to capture them.

Yay. This afternoon is going to be fun.

Good news Taylor! Soon enough you most likely won't have to deal with that pesky conversation!

...Poor Danny...
Do a scan to see who the mage is among them as well as seeing if there is still any working piece of equipment on them you need to remove to make sure they don't have a way to escape.
I'll go ahead and tell you. It was Mags, the ex-cop. She was guaranteed to have a C-rank Linker Core, mostly so the Dragonslayers could have a mage (and thereby piss Taylor off).
[x] Explore the (maybe) base

The dragonslayers have been repeatedly one upping not only a premier tinker but an AI with no (known) tinker support and only stolen tinker tech/convential gear. This is... improbable. Whatever ace they had hopefully it's stashed at their base. We can patch up relations later but if this mystery tool/weapon is lost then it'll probably be gone for good.

Out of universe: We need Richters tool kit. Preferably without the PRT knowing.
[X] Explore the Dragonslayers' (maybe?) base
-[X] Disable comms so that they can't call for rescue if they wake too soon.
-[X] Remove the Dragon Slayers from their power armor, and have them padded down and cuffed. Give a statement through Perfect storm as we travel to their base.
-[X] Disable comms so that they can't call for rescue if they wake too soon.
-[X] Remove the Dragon Slayers from their power armor, and have them padded down and cuffed. Give a statement through Perfect storm as we travel to their base.
Suits are busted, and so's their coms. No having it both ways by giving a statement remotely either. If you want to give a statement to the cape-cops, you have to stay with Samantha.
When we bring what Saint was doing to Alexandria, we won't have to worry about small things like public relations or collateral damage.

Exactly my thinking with this vote, the more we have to show for our little EB-skipping mission, the better chance they cheerfully ignore any of the consequences. Along with hoooping noone got clear indication that we did this from 3 miles away? >_> I mean not sure how high we were, and Taylor did say it didn't cause as much of a lightshow in the daytime (kind've sad really, IMAGINE this at night) , but man was that a fast response time...

Personal memo: Three cartridges may be a tad...excessive.

No no, you learned the wrong lesson here. We needed MOAR DAKKA from MOAR CARTRIDGES. I was hoping that rather than just blast a hole in the ceiling and slag their armor, we'd so thoroughly flatten the building and dust their armor that we'd just find a trio of under-dressed villains laying in a pile of debris. Which would've had a potential bonus of "no fires caught because we destroyed the flammables before it had a chance" .... or we would've had a grain-silo explosion >_> . Non-Lethal-Mode really is just killing us players in this quest, with all its caveats and unnoticed details.

Slightly related, we're seeing now and should remember a major limitation of our mana-conversion Immunity here. Doesn't do too much good to be immune to fire, if we aren't immune to the zero-oxygen environment after our fire has eaten all the breathable air. Wonder if Tim could eventually find us some sort of option for the problem, that'd be compatible with our barrier jacket. I'm not chemist enough to be sure whether the problem of "recycle your own held breath" is purely about splitting off the unwanted Carbon, or if the total Oxygen is decreased as well with some of it getting processed through the body.

[X] Explore the Dragonslayers' (maybe?) base.

A bit curious about "orders to leave for Sam / do before we leave" votes , like the now unnecessary scanning for a Linker Core, or Lancelot's vote to pull them out of the slag and secure them. Buuut hoping that's not needful, since PRT is right here already. And it treads a teensy bit on "still be here guarding against stuff, while also pillaging elsewhere".