…Well, no, I suppose that isn't technically true.
- Empire – Kaiser, Fenja, Hookwolf, Cricket, Stormtiger, Victor, Othala, Rune, a bunch of non-powered skinheads. Kaiser, at least, is a high-probability Ziz-bomb.
- Purity – Purity, Night, Fog, Crusader, along with several families with kids and elderly.
- ABB – Lung, Oni Lee, various thugs, and a small number of civilians. Currently squaring off against the Teeth and the Fallen simultaneously.
- Independents – The Undersiders, Parian, Uber, Barker and Biter, a couple of unknown parahumans, the largest number of families.
- Security – No villains, but a soft target for anyone with the bright idea to cause trouble.
These are your possible targets, but you and Samantha don't have to go after the same group. You can split up if you so desire.
1. Empire - Big group of pretty powerful capes, but we can fly, so only Stormtiger and Rune can actually reach us... Othala can grant someone invulnerability, Kaiser can create bunker, Hookwolf can kill us, if we are not careful.
Heroes are fighting them.
Enemies could be isolated in Recursion Field. Except maybe Cricket and Victor.
2. Purity - flying artillery like us, and much more experienced, Crusader's ghost can fly too and can be annoyingly intangible.
Heroes are fighting them.
Enemies could be isolated in Recursion Field.
They go in opposite direction from Philly.
3. ABB - Butcher and Oni Lee are teleporters, they would be really annoying. We are probably immune to Valefor. We have stun setting to safely shoot them.
Heroes are fighting them, including Alexandria and Legend.
Enemies could be isolated in Recursion Field.
Worst case scenario: Lung not passed out from our first blast and in his rampage accidentally killed Butcher. Hilarity ensues.
4. Independents – easiest target. Probably no fliers and Blasters. Just shoot them from maximum distance and let others sort uncoscious bodies. Well, unless Grue's darkness disperse our blast. But is it Taylor's style to just shoot not-so-bad people?
Heroes may or may not fight them.
Enemies could be isolated in Recursion Field, but what if Bitch will end in the field and her dogs are not?
5. Security - ??? You mean secure base of operation, where Danny will be stationed?
May or may not be almost defenceless.
So, I think ABB should have first priority, Empire is close second.
We can try to send Sam against ABB/Empire, catch up with Independents, shoot them from max distance, teleport to Sam and attack ABB/Empire, but why bother?