Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Party Hardy! – You could use a break from heroing, at least for one night. Go to the party Kayleigh told you about.
[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 – In case you missed it, Dragon is more than a little doubtful about your claims of using alien magic, even with the video of you finding part of the ship. She wants proof? Fine. Get the stupid MRI andprove to her that you're no simple parahuman. You are a mage.
but how many more parts are there to each quest?
IIRC, Both Dragon's Horde and Picking up the Pieces have four parts.
Remember, the QM's said he'll allow part 3 of both quests to be combined into the same 'slot', since they're just conversations. So the next two votes would be Part 3 of both quests and something else, and then part 4 of both Dragon's Horde and Picking up the Pieces. Voila, two quest lines done as efficiently as possible.
So long as we aren't suddenly forced to leave the city, the quests should be there for some time.
To be fair though, we seem to be sitting atop a long dug-in, long plotting Echidna.
[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3
[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2
Since those two can be combined, here's the last.
[X] Party Hardy!
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[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2
[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3
[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2
[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3

Dont want to accidentally forget to actually finish these quests before the arc ends this time.
[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3
[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2
Anyone voting for PutP3 ATM, if both PutP3 and ADH3 fall in the same week, they can take up one time slot.
[x] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 – In case you missed it, Dragon is more than a little doubtful about your claims of using alien magic, even with the video of you finding part of the ship. She wants proof? Fine. Get the stupid MRI and prove to her that you're no simple parahuman. You are a mage.
You have one more event to pick.
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[x] Party Hardy! – You could use a break from heroing, at least for one night. Go to the party Kayleigh told you about.
[x] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 – In case you missed it, Dragon is more than a little doubtful about your claims of using alien magic, even with the video of you finding part of the ship. She wants proof? Fine. Get the stupid MRI and prove to her that you're no simple parahuman. You are amage.
[X] Party Hardy! (Party! Whooooooo!)

[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 (I just want to see Dragon's face when she's forced to admit she was wrong and magic DOES exist.)

(And look at how I'm not making any sort of comment about feeding The Chart at the party, because I am a GOOD PERSON. *crosses fingers* *hopes*)

EDIT: Because I can't count or read or something? Look, it's early.
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[X] Party Hardy! (Party! Whooooooo!)

[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3 (It's important to pick up after yourself. Saving the environment starts with YOU!)
[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 (I just want to see the look on Dragon's face as she's forced to apologize and admit that magic is real.)

(And look at how I'm not making any sort of comment about feeding The Chart at the party, because I am a GOOD PERSON. *crosses fingers* *hopes*)
Vote's only for two options.

If you voted for Picking Up the Pieces, Part 3, you might want to go back and look at the subvote requests. I thought the first was obvious considering it is in the vote itself, but it looks like all of you missed it, so now it's very explicit. The second one I might have just forgotten to include. :oops:

Regardless, it's fixed now. And just so you know, the "who" is not a percentage-based vote. It's straight simple majority. That means if Picking Up the Pieces 3 wins and only one person votes on who to talk to, that's who you're talking to, no matter how bad a choice it might be.
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If you voted for Picking Up the Pieces, Part 3, you might want to go back and look at the subvote requests. I thought the first was obvious considering it is in the vote itself, but it looks like all of you missed it, so now it's very explicit. The second one I might have just forgotten to include. :oops:

Regardless, it's fixed now. And just so you know, the "who" is not a percentage-based vote. It's straight simple majority. That means if Picking Up the Pieces 3 wins and only one person votes on who to talk to, that's who you're talking to, no matter how bad a choice it might be.

Ah. I see why ADH and PutP can be merged into one for the third part now.
[X] Picking up the Pieces, Part 3 – So that was a thing. Unfortunately for you and them both, dealing with angry and upset space wizards is way outside your areas of expertise. You need to talk about this with someone, but who? And how are you going to prove that you aren't crazy?
-[X] Who do you talk to? Danny, he's been screwed over by politicians from time to time, but he wants to be in the know, and has had to negotiate in the past. In order to convince him show him the same things you did to Dragon; the radio, the footage of the ship, and Perfect Storm's testimony.

[X] A Dragon's Hoard, Part 2 – In case you missed it, Dragon is more than a little doubtful about your claims of using alien magic, even with the video of you finding part of the ship. She wants proof? Fine. Get the stupid MRI and prove to her that you're no simple parahuman. You are a mage.
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