[ ] Grab Vista and protect her with your Barrier Jacket.
-[ ] Throw up Strong Shield and tank it.
Psychic Smasher 3.4
As soon as you see that green bubble, you know you do not want to get hit by it. Even if it isn't inflicting any damage at all to the buildings it passes, that doesn't mean that it will have the same courtesy towards flesh. Watching the dragon-shaped plane that was previously hovering in the sky plummet into a skyscraper only reinforces that decision.
You are about to leap off the building and fly away when you notice that Vista is still staring at the blast. Whereas your fear is pushing you to run away as fast as you can, hers must have paralyzed her. She snaps out of it and starts turning around, but you can see that she won't have time to get out of ground zero before it reaches her. She vanishes from the nearby rooftop to one on the other side of the road.
You are already there. "Grab on!" Wrapping your left arm around her, you position your body between her and the blast. Your Barrier Jacket makes you immune to fire and radiation; Perfect Storm told you that during your virtual training session. Hopefully that will give you some protection against whatever this is. And if doesn't work? "Strong Shield!"
The orange triangle appears in front of you, but it by itself won't be enough. Focusing on the code in the back of your mind, you push. A second shield appears in front of the first, and then a third, a fourth. The fifth is slower, and your head is starting to hurt from holding these spells up at the same time. The sixth fades into view. You're at your limit.
The blast arrives.
You have seen your shield break before, when Rune pushed against it with her boulder. You saw the cracks develop as even your strength wore out. But there is none of that when green meets orange. The far shield doesn't break so much as it falls apart into motes of light. So does the next, and the one after that. You scream in defiance as each barrier is swept away like so much dust. The verdant wave washes over you, and you stagger and fall, your strength abandoning you. Vista is likewise affected, dropping onto the rooftop a moment before you do the same.
The lethargy lasts only for a moment. Pushing yourself to your knees, you frown when you feel the bits of gravel digging into your palms. That's… strange. You lift one up and stare wide-eyed at your hand when you see the tiny indentations where rock pressed into skin.
Your Barrier Jacket has protected you from bullets and grenades. For it to fail to stop nothing more than gravel? Something is dreadfully wrong.
"Storm? What's going on?"
There is no response. You look down at your staff in your hand in horror. The blood-red orb in the middle of the staff's head has gone dark, like a Christmas light with a burned-out filament. A chill grips your heart, and then a whine from behind you makes you turn around to see Samantha curled up on the ground in her pet form. She blurs into her more human shape. "Ugh. That was awful. Should have left when we could."
The staff trembles. The gem is still dark, but a spot of red flashes in the middle. It blinks again, then a third time, each time coming closer on the heels of the previous flash. Finally, it lights back up fully, the red glow highlighting the fine cracks that cover the surface like spiderwebs. «Rebooting. Hardened mode engaged.»
You sigh and sit up, pulling your Device close to your chest. It's okay. You're weak, Samantha's hurt, Perfect Storm's hurt, but you're all still alive. "What happened?" you ask.
«Uncertain. Interface functions disrupted. Code segments corrupted. Current hypothesis: anti-telepathic pulse with secondary anti-magilink effects.»
An anti-telepathic pulse? How the hell would the Simurgh even build a machine capable of doing something like that? The anti-magi-whatever you'll get an explanation for later.
"What the crap?" Vista demands. You watch her stare around in confused panic. "I can't feel anything. I can't pull anything. It's all just gone."
"What's gone?"
"My powers. My powers are gone."
Ear-rattling thunks distract you from that revelation and refocus your attention on the Endbringer still floating in the middle of your town. She is actually leaning to one side, and her movements lack the preternatural grace she is known for. Her weapon must have messed her up, too. Good. It isn't enough to stop her, though. The strange device disassembles itself into five pieces, and she rearranges them: three form a rough triangle while the other two stack on top of each other and fit onto the middle of the triangle. The shapes shift slightly, becoming more cohesive and streamlined.
Pushing the left button on your wristband, you ask, "Is anyone still able to fight out there?" A few seconds pass, and there is no answer. Examining the screen, you grimace at the blank screen. A dead wristband means no communications. No tracker. No SOS beacon.
«Revised hypothesis: electro-psychic pulse. Parahumans primary targets. Parahuman magic telepathy-based. Anti-magilink effects incidental.»
A ball of purple light gathers at the end of the cannon-looking thing. The Simurgh reaches up and twists something on the gadget. The ball bursts into hundreds of sparks, the effect not totally dissimilar to Wide Area Search, and those sparks streak away. One approaches you only to swerve downwards and into a nearby apartment that you hadn't reached before getting stuck under the fallen building.
You don't have to wait long to see the effect. One window shatters, and an oddly proportioned woman in a ragged shirt flies out. She grows when she hits the ground, her clothes stretching and ripping apart around arms and legs the size of tree trunks. Hair falls to the ground. The woman-turned-creature staggers around drunkenly, gigantic bald head holding equally gigantic eyes that stare around as though her entire world has just been turned upside-down. Her lost, mournful whine breaks your heart.
The demonic angel disassembles her machine and rearranges it once more. This time the pieces get stacked up in a column, and then they stretch and thin out into a staff or a baton. The Simurgh flips something on the side with a twitch of her fingers. A bright blue light shines from the top end.
Vista screams and falls to the ground clutching her head, as does the transformed woman. Only one of them immediately gets back up, though, and her eyes are now filled with a feral hatred. Vista is slower climbing to her feet, and her face shows you just how painful the Scream must have become. Even if she had her powers, she wouldn't be much help in this state.
"Storm, Sam? Can we still fight?"
"I think so, but transforming feels weird. I don't know if I can teleport, either."
«I assist spellcasting for both Mistress and Samantha. Interface damaged. Less assistance available. Spells more difficult.»
"Can we fix you or something?" you ask worriedly. "Anything?"
You've spent the last four weeks relying on your magic supercomputer to do all the heavy lifting. You can't do the calculations yourself, you know that, but this situation is showing the weakness of that dependence. You make a mental note to learn how to cast at least one Flare Shooter all on your own. Flight, too, just to be on the safe side.
«Self-repair process active. Estimated time to completion: three hours.»
Three hours. Okay, that's workable. Just three hours that you and Samantha are fighting at half power. While possibly hundreds of people have been turned into rabid monsters. And, if Vista is any example, while you two are effectively the only capes in town.
Some days, your life really sucks.
The monstrous woman looks up at the broken window, and this time, her rumble isn't quite so sympathetic. Digging claws the size of steak knives into the brick wall, she starts climbing upwards.
All spells are decreased one skill level until Perfect Storm repairs itself. Which is honestly not as bad as things could have been. Gah, this arc is dark. Can we stop soon?
What are you going to do now?
[ ] Attack the monster – It isn't this woman's fault that the Simurgh did this to her, but it's clear what she's going to do. You know if she could talk to you, she'd beg you to keep her from hurting her children.
[ ] Be a diversion – You don't know how well you can fight right now, but you should still be able to fly. Draw her away from the area while Samantha gets Vista and the kids to safety.
[ ] Return to headquarters – There's no telling how many monsters there are, and if all capes are powerless, that's a recipe for disaster. You need to protect your dad, even if it means leaving others behind.
[ ] Attack the Simurgh – That staff is the reason this woman is acting like she is. If you can destroy the Simurgh's staff, maybe she'll stop. All it takes is fighting an Endbringer solo.
I've had a chance to think more about the skill learning situation, and now it's time for a vote. I have three halfway-decent ideas so far, one of which was inspired by a suggestion by Always Late. Vote for which one you want, or propose another that you think is better. (Full disclosure: I can and will veto any proposal that I think would be too difficult or time-consuming to implement and maintain.)
Skill tree. I will arrange your skills into trees with multiple branches, and you choose which branch to progress down each time you have an opportunity to learn a spell. You will see the next available spell on each branch so you know what you're voting for. Each spell has at least one prerequisite. Slow progression to the powerful spells, but you get a lot of control over how your character develops.
Skill lottery. We continue as we've been doing. I randomly draw a spell from each spell pool, and you pick which of the three you want. Only a few spells have prerequisites. Medium progression to the powerful spells, but your development is at the will of the dice.
Skill shop. Instead of giving you spells outright, I will give you spell points that you can save, spend, and reclaim by consensus. All spells are on display, as are their prices. No prerequisites whatsoever. Fast progression to the powerful spells and complete customization, but getting everyone on board with a single plan might be difficult.