Midnight Factions 6
Omake: Midnight Factions 6

Time: 5:49 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"I lay down to rise no more, content that my people would be well without me, yet I told them with my dying words that if they or our lands had need of me I would return. My people are gone now. Now all I have is revenge and anger. The scale does not matter to me. War changes little regardless of era or technology. Whether in the void between stars or the depths of planets it matters not. I seek my revenge upon this cruel galaxy that has taken everything I worked for. The Dragon whispers to me. Offering all that I need and more in exchange for loyal service. I judge it an acceptable deal."

The Ossiarch Alliance: Many are the worlds that mankind treads upon. The great scattering and isolation of the Age of Strife having broken ties and degraded civilization. Even now this issue persists on many worlds even in the Imperium. Feral worlds where tribes and primitive kingdoms reign. Some only barely working with steel let alone the advances of other worlds. More existing even beyond our own realm. Of course they are not beneath the notice of dark powers.

One of the existing factions that makes up the Undead menace. This one is a bit of an anomaly. The higher ranks of the Undead are largely made up of those who sought immortality. Those who were seduced by the powers of darkness. Or simply drawn in due to being weak of character. This is not the case here.

The Alliance is made up of those who are long dead. Ancient monarchs of primitive worlds from across the galaxy. Dead heroes who no longer recognize the world around them. Those who died many years ago at minimum. Their flesh having long rotted away. Leaving only their bones bedecked in funeral attire befitting their culture. Silently resting in their tombs until darkness came to call.

These Undead are fixated on two things largely. The reclaiming of what they consider theirs first and foremost. Wights are fixated on the past. Even if they do not discard the dark powers the Dragons forces provide. They seek to rebuild the kingdoms they once ruled. To bring back the days of their glory. Something the Dragon is happy to provide.

The second being that of vengeance. It does not matter who it is against. They desire the end of those who ruined the world as they knew it. Ranging from orks who infested their world to Imperial forces that had destroyed them for heresy or simply converted the planet. They rise up as beacons of dark hate and power to fight. To avenge those who had served under them before.

Do not be mistaken these forces are highly dangerous. They are more than capable of using the advanced devices of the Undead. When they don't dark magic is what drives them to victory. Many worlds have been lost to these silent skeletal legions.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions

Time: 5:57 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"However you look at it, the Skeleton is a perfect symbol of both Death and Undeath; that part which endures after the rotting of the body and the departure of the soul. Fitting then, that these are among our most unsettling and numerous soldiers. What Human can hope to resist Death? The answer to that being no one. Even the proud Emperor himself is, but a skeleton himself."

The Ossiarch Legions: The horror of the Undead comes in many forms. The heretical powers of the dragon worshippers are unfortunately far reaching. They do not simply make use of any near by corpse for their plans. They also make use of any existing graveyards and other resting places for their plans. Using their dark magics to call forth the long dead from their slumber to terrorize the living. A problem that is becoming more far reaching as the winds of death blow across the galaxy.

The Ossiarch are vast legions and hosts of Undead skeletal warriors who are the remnants of the times long past. Either being forgotten in the forests of feral worlds or buried in elaborate tombs. Some even found to emerge from the depths of the Underhives on younger worlds. Now risen by powerful necromancy and bound to the will of undead monarchs. Many of these disturbing legions are led by powerful, sapient skeletal monarchs known as Wight kings, or Queens. All of them all too often looking to reclaim what was theirs long ago.

Ossiarch armies are a sharp contrast to the ravening hordes of Undead often found on more primitive worlds. Those that the Dragons forces have not yet reached in full force. Being driven instead by cultists or rogue psykers that had visions of the dark god. Many forms marching and fighting in disciplined ranks of infantry with proud cavalry formations to supplement them. Ancient weapons and armor weathered by time yet still holding strong. All of it bolstered and driven forward by the implacable will of their masters. These monarchs have already conquered death. What challenge can mere mortals hope to pose in comparison?

The darkness of Undeath as previously mentioned continues to spread. Even where the Dragon has not reached it can be found. The dead in various forms rising from beyond to harass the living. Typically on worlds where the veil is thin. Alternatively where great slaughters or other events of death left an imprint of sorts. A great battle where many souls died. A vast tomb that houses ancient armies. An execution ground where many have met their end. Often these places are sites of rites of witchcraft born of primitive belief albeit not aligned with any dark power. The how does not matter so much as the result.

All too often primitive worlds find themselves over run. Legions of pale bone suddenly rising to conquer old territory and then some. Marching to a soundless drum beat. All too eager to expand their numbers with the old and the new.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 2
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 2

Time: 6:07 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Ossiarch Skeleton: The most basic unit of the skeletal legions. Those that make up the common ranks of both soldier and worker for their masters. Those who swore their allegiance to their master to death and beyond. Where the dark powers of necromancy reach such oaths are enforced well. Now they rise again on many worlds at their masters command. Eager to aid in the reclamation of what was once theirs.

Largely mindless save for some imprints of memory. Training for battle or at least some impression created by dark magic for one. Others linger on subjects such as construction or crafting weapons. More still the locations of certain places assuming they still exist. This does not make them any less dangerous of course. They boast discipline that few forces can match. Fearlessly marching to complete their objectives. Even performing simple tactics such as flanking or ambush maneuvers on their own. As well as being far stronger than a being of pure bone should be.

During wartime the Skeletons form the core of most Ossiarch legions. Only certain specialized forces of the same having few of them. Armed with corroded weapons and faded banners, they advance in tireless lockstep with the sound of clattering bones. Even the sight of grinning skeletons is a weapon as the enemy morale falters as they realise their own mortality. Their old armor faded and clinging to their bones yet still strong.

This is not always the case of course. The leaders of the Legions might be mad by conventional standards, but they are not fools. Especially those who have borne witness to the full forces of the Dragon. They are quick to extract new weapons from their new allies upon joining the proper ranks. Skeletal minions quickly becoming wrapped in solid armor to better endure hits. While new hextech weapons clutched in bony hands spew death.

Those who fall to them often join their ranks. Flesh rotting away rapidly to expose pristine bone. Joining the dark forces until they themselves are truly destroyed for good. A fate far too many have experienced.

Across many worlds these monsters rise up against the living. Tendrils and winds of Undeath reaching through the Immaterium. Finding their ways to these ancient tombs and reaching those interred within. Now vast legions of these bone horrors rise to serve their old masters. All eventually coming into the service of the Dragon in turn.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Greater Daemons of Dracul 14
Omake: Greater Daemons of Dracul 14

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 6:14 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Lycoan the Beast: It is easy to forget one thing about Vampires. For all their trappings of nobility and glamour. For all their beauty and charm. They are each a monster in their own right. Within each of them sits a terrible monster. The dark god has expanded on this idea with one of his new creations.

A new greater daemon of Dracul had been sighted. The following is the information I have been able to gather on it. Once again there is no guarantee this information is the full extent of it or even fully accurate.

Lycoan is a wolf-like shapeshifter. It often takes the form of monstrous wolves with glowing multiple eyes in various places, large fanged mouths, and even limbs forming all over his body. In most of his forms, he appears to exist out of a black liquid. This fluid seeming to constantly churn and shift regardless of shape or movement. It's texture and form being reminiscent of tar. This fluid nature makes the monster agile and flexible. Seeming to flow along the environment as much as run on legs too thin to support his large size. It also allows him to contort and shift in impossible ways. Limbs twisting around in place and bending like tentacles even when not using that shape. Sometimes holes to allow attacks to pass through harmlessly form. When wearing armor in battle he seems to become more stable and solid. Seeming to become far more durable if with a loss of flexibility and speed. Not really a hindrance for the monster though. This often takes the form of a massive bipedal hybrid between man and wolf.

Lycoan uses his shapeshifting to great effect. Most of his forms are shaded in black and red. This is not always the case however and he exploits it ruthlessly. He takes on many faces to wreak havoc. Reducing and gaining size as needed. Sometimes taking the form of Astartes or a guardsmen to access secure areas. When not using more subtle sabotage he resorts to mass destruction. Reverting to his true titan sized form to destroy and devour all around him. Wiping out entire command structures at a time.

In battle he reverts to his true size. Battling it out with any titans he meets and destroying battle lines. The former being met with speed and agility. His countless claws and teeth tearing apart any armor. The latter is met with a churning mass of limbs and jaws. Spindly fingers and snake like tongues lashing out from the mass. Shredding, crushing, or pulling victims into waiting mouths to be devoured.

This creature is a nightmare to face. It would not surprise me if it was a replica of the daemon known as the Changeling. Alternatively it could serve as a taunt and lure for the Space Wolves and their successor chapters. One that unfortunately seems to be working. The beast seems to relish hunting and killing the descendants of Russ.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Greater Daemons of Dracul 15
Omake: Greater Daemons of Dracul 15

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 6:21 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Olera the Mourning Bride: Many are the woes that consume the galaxy. The constant strife that covers contested worlds. The poverty and despair of those who dwell on the Hive worlds. The apathy and lethargy of the nobility. The world weariness of the men and women of our forces. None more so however are as consuming as the power of grief. All in this millennium know someone who has been lost in one way or another. All have felt the weight of sorrow and pain in their hearts. Naturally the dark powers would seek to prey on this feeling.

A new greater daemon of Dracul had been sighted. The following is the information I have been able to gather on it. Once again there is no guarantee this information is the full extent of it or even fully accurate.

Olera is a strange creature. Like all of the higher daemons that her master favors she is handcrafted. Designed from the ground up in a way to fill an intended role. One that she fills well bringing many lost souls to her lord. She is crafted to prey on the sorrow that all men feel and exploit it. Twist it into something terrible and leave them easy prey.

She is a giant of a human woman. Spectral in form floating just above the ground. Her pale form covered in a long show white dress that fades into wispy tails. A silvery corset wrapped around her waist. Upon her face a veil falls covering her features. A pair of pale gold horns curving up from her head. A pair of tendrils falling to the sides with black flowers upon them along her dress. In one hand similar flowers make a bleak bouquet. In the other a tattered silver mourning bell. From beneath her veil fall tears of silver and constant cries of sorrow.

Her greatest power is that of her aura. It drives even the strongest of mortal men to the depths of despair. Bawling their eyes and lungs out while clawing away at their own flesh in misery. Reaching for many kilometers around she breaks battle lines without firing a shot. Her flowers litter an endless supply of petals that cut through the strongest armor with just a brush. Her bell rings and summons forth spirits of the dead to act for her. All too often those who have taken their own lives because of her.

Around her dance her attendants. Spirits caught in the throes of despair. Dancing in slumping moves and shedding their own tears with mouths agape to form endless wailing cries of sorrow. Mourning all that they had lost and their own fates while crying of the hopelessness of it all. When they come close they tear into victims with claws and blades as cold as the grave itself. Looking to add to their numbers.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 3
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 3

Time: 6:28 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Ossiarch Grave Guard: Many worlds hold warrior traditions. Venerating those who excelled in the art of war. Whether in the halls of dueling or those on the battlefield killing in person. Each becoming a subject of veneration in their own way. On primitive worlds these individuals would be given great funerals and resting places. Often bedecked in their trophies and raiment of war. Being buried alongside the master they served in life. Now under the dark power of the Dragon they rise to do battle once again.

The Grave guard are the Undead who make up these individuals. Each of them a veteran of war who either lived to die of old age or fell in battle. Ancient heroes and champions that now come forth to fight anew. Having arisen from their graves with a partial flicker of the original soul trapped within. Time doing nothing to diminish their chosen craft and certain quirks carrying over as well. Even holding some remnants of their old personality. Being even more lethal in Undeath than they were in life.

Although their bodies have decayed, leaving only bones and tattered raiment, a Grave Guard is held together by powerful dark magic. One that permeates them down to the level of their twisted soul. Granting them great power and allowing them do things they never could before. All of the Ossiarch are far stronger than they have any right to be. The average skeleton being able to over power most humans on average. The Grave Guard however can match blades with unarmored Astartes in terms of physical power.

Even going so far as to manifest certain exotic effects. Armor being far stronger than it should be after the passage of time. Weapons being much the same. Even being able to instill far greater power behind their blows than should be possible. In some cases bidding the fallen to rise again.

It also serves to bind them to their masters while allowing them to command their lessers in battle. Leading charges and other maneuvers of the bone legions with decades of experience. Their past deeds and experiences remaining firm in their minds even as other facets disappear. They are powerful warriors and skilled commanders. Along with targeting those they view as being problematic to their campaign.

Like all Ossiarch they too are upgraded with hextech when their masters join the Dragon proper.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 4
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 4

Time: 6:35 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Ossiarch Knights: Not to be confused with the venerable titans of the same name. Nor the noble houses who train to pilot said titans. These are the cavalry and some of the most dangerous forces of the Ossiarch legions. Once venerated as nobility and other wealthy figures of their nations. Having a mount like this often being a sign of prestige on many primitive worlds. Now those same mounts serve them in death as they did in life.

Do not let their choice of mount and such deceive you. These forces are still extremely dangerous. Their steeds universally boast of some unnatural abilities. Well, beyond their Undead state of being. These fleshless mounts can carry their hosts through walls and across terrain without hindrance. Being incorporeal as much as they are material. Their state allowing none of the frailties of life. Their charges often being far faster than should be possible. All the while being empowered by dark magic to become unstoppable in momentum.

Mounted atop tireless skeletal steeds, Ossiarch Knights form the shock regiments of the Legions. The sheer momentum of their charges and the bone-splintering force of their impact buckle defenses of all kinds. Even proper Imperial defenses often being insufficient to withstand more than one or two charges. The dark magic making it all possible. All the while long heirloom lances skewer enemies and even punching through steel plate.

Knights as former landed nobles and feudal scions with the wealth necessary to maintain a suitable war-steed had the honour of riding at the head of their liege's armies, and many Wight Lords still grant their Black Knights the right to launch the first charge of battle. They like the Grave Guard also retain more of a sense of self. Their skills being just as sharp as they were in life. Even becoming even more dangerous as they need no longer worry about the restraints of life.

They possess a sense of strategy like their peers. Being capable of conducting more complex maneuvers as needed. Though they rarely deviate far from their established doctrine. This unfortunately does little to hinder them. They can also command their lesser fellows in battle.

Like all Ossiarch they too are upgraded with hextech when their masters join the Dragon proper.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 5
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 5

Time: 6:43 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Ossiarch Priest: All worlds have their own thoughts and cultures. Even those under Imperial rule for millennia will have some kind of cultural quirks. Some due to sheer isolation or the impossibility of establishing the preferred norm. Death worlds frequently falling into the latter group. So it should be unsurprising for primitive worlds to develop their own beliefs. Not always to Chaos mind you. Instead praying to imagined spirits, deities, or other such things such as an after life. It is all heresy of course as the Emperor is the one true god of man. Unfortunately old beliefs do not die easily. Especially when the Undead are involved.

The Ossiarch Priests are believers of ancient dogma. Or at least they used to be. On primitive worlds often taking the role of spiritual advisors or pillars of community. Others were some idea of priests or monks. Often these figures were buried alongside the rulers they served under in life. Going with them into the beyond to provide their services. Now they rise to spread a new gospel.

They are perhaps besides their masters the Ossiarch to retain the most sense of self. Speaking eloquently and with true emotion as disturbing as it is. Offering feedback and advice to their Undead lords. Dressed in the attire of their ideology. Often taking the form of elaborate headdresses and flowing robes now tattered with time. Staffs also being a common occurrence. Bony fingers and eyeless sockets now perusing through ancient tomes.

They act as psyker units among the legions. Crying out prayers and chants to the Dragon all the while. Bringing forth dark magic to slaughter all those before them. Dealing death in horrific ways to the enemy while calling the fallen to rise again. Often seeking out other resting places to call forth new warriors to fight. Their abilities being surpassed only by their masters.

Their level of fanaticism rivals that of the Sororitas. They universally venerate the dark god fiercely. Having been quick to abandon their old faith in favor of it. Whether this is due to some glimpse of it as they returned or some quirk of their revival is unclear. Their masters seem unconcerned about it so long as they continue to serve.

Like all Ossiarch they too are upgraded with hextech when their masters join the Dragon proper.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 6
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 6

Time: 6:49 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Wight Lords: The leaders of the ancient Ossiarch legions. Among the most powerful types of the Undead. At least outside of those so heavily enhanced by dark magic and retaining intelligence. They are the skeletal masters of the Ossiarch nations and vast armies of ancient undead. They are beings of ancient pride and bear a smoldering sense of scorn for the living. Needless to say they are immensely dangerous.

They are champions, tyrants and rulers whose lust for slaughter and conquest did not stop after death. Now they rise again all too often to get another taste of both. Leading their armies forward across entire continents and worlds at a time. Being dangerous even before coming into the proper service of the Dragon. Many primitive worlds have been overrun by these ancient monarchs.

The nature of their resurrection is largely the same across the board. The winds of death reaching out across the galaxy being the source. This dark power collects in places such as tombs and graveyards. Being drawn to those who caused great death or simply great impact during their lives in particular. The more impactful in the past the faster and greater the accumulation. This power gathers over time and slowly starts to take effect. Beyond that the Dragon or more powerful necromancers reach out to cause it.

The trigger for their resurrection is far more varied. Barring outside intervention it waits until either the dark power builds enough or something else happens. The former is what usually happens especially on worlds where the veil is thin. In that case they rise on their own. Calling upon their old servants to do the same. Alternatively it is because their resting place is disturbed by others. Often their life force is consumed to accelerate the resurrection. For others their descendants slash subjects idolize them and wish to see them return. Or simply a massive upswing in psychic activity.

These Undead rulers are not to be underestimated. Each is a master of their craft. While they have lost their sense of morality, their hunger for conquest and war has not abated and their tactical acumen remains as sharp as ever. They command total obedience from their risen subjects. Dark magic swirling around them restoring their subjects faster than they can be broken when present. Along with calling forth new ones to serve. Other black magics being quick to manifest for them. Their physical power often outmatches fully armored Astartes. Being able to crush most creatures with their bare hands.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 7
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 7

Time: 6:57 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Ossiarch Architect: Art comes in many forms across the galaxy. The greatest of course is that which venerates the God Emperor. Still the art of creation goes far beyond the application of paint to various surfaces. One of the most significant and lasting works of course being that of architecture. One need look no further than the Hives that decorate many worlds across the Imperium. Unfortunately time wears away at these works hence the decaying state of many of the megastructures of our worlds. The cold grip of time and entropy wearing away at them. It is no surprise that those builders rage against the end of their work.

The Architects of the Ossiarch are representatives of this. Architects were the builders of ancient kingdoms on many worlds. They were not common labourers, but architects of extraordinary skill whose ambitions far outpaced what could be achieved in a mortal lifespan. In death, the Necrotects have lost none of their frenetic drive. They are filled with a compulsive need to pull down the inferior, vulgar cities of their enemies and supplant them with vast monuments of their own design. To tear down all that seeks to supplant their legacy.

In life they were sought after for their services by the masters they bow to now. Those who wanted them to create great works for them. Ranging from fine palaces to great monuments to grand tombs to vast citadels. Often when the Architect died they were interred with the master they served. An act of recognition for their services. Now they labor to not only restore their old works, but to create ever greater ones. They have eternity to hone their skills after all.

Architects are universally relentless taskmasters. Like the masters they serve they retain their minds and skills in their new state. Lashing out with word and whip at any perceived slacking. Often they even go to find those who worked under them in life. Relentlessly driving forward those under their command. Their bones thrumming with anger at the decay and destruction of their past work. That anger infusing their troops with vigor and ferocity. Making them that much more dangerous.

Architects rarely range out to fight. Instead settling in a chosen area to begin their work anew. Either by restoring old ones or creating something new. All the while new thoughts and ideas guide their actions. Symbols and arrangements coming to mind to follow and use. They create the crypts the legions return to upon death. Eventually expanding to become full cities of dark magic and Undeath. The mark of the Dragon at work.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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