I don't see how either of those serve to remove the effects of Valerie's ethos on Lilly's family? I don't think we can just will the effects away like that at our current power levels.
It's concordance, It's Cleaver of Fortune. We want a future where Lilly manages to get her family through it even without Hybrid Syphon's support. Right? So using our future changing powers to ensure the best possible outcome is a good idea.
They're supporting powers.
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If anyone is still interested in my insights this is the sum total of mistakes we have made with Valerie:

We did not determine the nature of her abilities accurately.

We have seen it when she first appeared - we thought her power was mind control, mind domination, but instead it was more like removal of ability to do anything but what she commands you to do.

And this is the exact same mis-interpretation we have made with how she asserts her power over the world.

We were told to close our eyes and destroy our ears. We thought, or at least I thought, that her power was manifested thusly:

You can hear her, so she can affect you. You can see her, so she can affect you.

But instead it turned out to be:

She talks to you, therefore you are affected. She looks at you, therefore you are affected.

Well, those are mistakes mostly on the direct understanding of the ability; they wouldn't have affected the results.
The thing we could have handled better was based on us discovering that Valerie could use her power through her eyes and take the right countermeasures against that.
And maybe having our opening move being us expelling the entity inside of her. It could have helped Evie.
[] [CaT] Those who do evil, forfeit their right to autonomy. Against adversaries, it would simply be another weapon in my hand.

We do NOT have enough of a margin of superiority to have the luxury of holding back against enemies out of concern about mind control. We can dial it back later on, at least against most things, when we have enough of a power advantage that threats like Waters are no longer relevant.
If anyone is still interested in my insights this is the sum total of mistakes we have made with Valerie:

We did not determine the nature of her abilities accurately.

We have seen it when she first appeared - we thought her power was mind control, mind domination, but instead it was more like removal of ability to do anything but what she commands you to do.

And this is the exact same mis-interpretation we have made with how she asserts her power over the world.

We were told to close our eyes and destroy our ears. We thought, or at least I thought, that her power was manifested thusly:

You can hear her, so she can affect you. You can see her, so she can affect you.

But instead it turned out to be:

She talks to you, therefore you are affected. She looks at you, therefore you are affected.
Since it's not clear to me how determining the nature of her abilities more accurately would have made us better able to counter them... meh?

Don't get me wrong, being correct about a factual thing is always better than being incorrect. But what kind of precautions could we have taken against "being looked at and talked to," in the time available and without the element of surprise, that we didn't take?

Well, those are mistakes mostly on the direct understanding of the ability; they wouldn't have affected the results.
The thing we could have handled better was based on us discovering that Valerie could use her power through her eyes and take the right countermeasures against that.
And maybe having our opening move being us expelling the entity inside of her. It could have helped Evie.
I mean. Instead our opening move was to physically damage Valerie, which admittedly didn't stop her... but it seems like if she hadn't been damaged then she might have had an easier time responding to our further actions? We might have helped Evie, but we might also have made things even worse for ourselves.
It's concordance, It's Cleaver of Fortune. We want a future where Lilly manages to get her family through it even without Hybrid Syphon's support. Right? So using our future changing powers to ensure the best possible outcome is a good idea.
They're supporting powers.
yeah, but I'm pretty sure the way Concordance is supposed to work is that it gives us the ability to find the right person to help remove the compulsion, not just magic it away. [Cleaver of Fate] only empowers us to use our other abilities, it's not a directly applicable power like Pithe or Essence powers are.
[ ] [CaT] For the greater good, all is permissible. I would use it liberally and freely.

There are a lot of problems she's going to face, a lot of problems she's facing already, and I doubt there will ever be a situation that gives her the luxury of time. I think Lilly should be using Shine, my gentle heart freely. She's going to be in charge of a lot of people and she genuinely wants what's best for them.
The burden of leaders.
yeah, but I'm pretty sure the way Concordance is supposed to work is that it gives us the ability to find the right person to help remove the compulsion, not just magic it away. [Cleaver of Fate] only empowers us to use our other abilities, it's not a directly applicable power like Pithe or Essence powers are.
If we're going to use relations to manually use Hybrid Syphon on our family, Ply the Line would help us apply it right, correct our path of using it the right way. Make sure the future where we nail it is the one we get, the future where we successfully use Hybrid Syphon.
But then, using relations to circumvent Eevie... is that even possible, since the power is from Eevie how can we use the power while Eevie, the power, sleeps?
How Lilly would usually solve it is have Hybrid Syphon applied to her family via Relations, and then Eevie controls what the syphon does and what it eats. Right?
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We already knew she need not speak out loud to affect people, though. She did affect herself nonverbally.

This doesn't mean that she was able to use her power through her eyes, though.
No, the hints were mostly these: in the past, someone who tried to implore suddenly wasn't able to talk without any word from Valerie's part, and, in the update before this, we knew we would have been allowed to reply if we could think, even when she didn't say anything about that.
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I wonder whose heart is the shining one in Shine, My Gentle Heart. I mean it's probably Lilly's but she did just eat a heart of the goddess as a part of gaining that ethos so...
But then, using relations to circumvent Eevie... is that even possible, since the power is from Eevie how can we use the power while Eevie, the power, sleeps?
How Lilly would usually solve it is have Hybrid Syphon applied to her family via Relations, and then Eevie controls what the syphon does and what it eats. Right?
yes, usually Evie would be in control of the siphon, between our new ability to see Flow effects and the minor relations link I think we have good odds of having either Petal guiding it or doing it ourselves, while minimising the effort from Evie.
yes, usually Evie would be in control of the siphon, between our new ability to see Flow effects and the minor relations link I think we have good odds of having either Petal guiding it or doing it ourselves, while minimising the effort from Evie.
The odds will be even better if we push concordance down {Ply the Line} to ensure the best possible outcome for them, the future where they can recover with no long-term consequences. That makes sense, right?
Lilly is going to use relations, flow, syphon, the tower. Heal them, while Ply the Line works in the background to correct Lilly towards performing optimally.
The tower, that's something that lets Lilly see souls, partially at least. And Valerie's effects were Oath, soul ones.

Also notice, Valerie did a polite curtsey thing to mom. Mom's a blooming, was Valarie one too?
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The odds will be even better if we push concordance down {Ply the Line} to ensure the best possible outcome for them, the future where they can recover with no long-term consequences. That makes sense, right?
Lilly is going to use relations, flow, syphon, the tower. Heal them, while Ply the Line works in the background to correct Lilly towards performing optimally.
The tower, that's something that lets Lilly see souls, partially at least. And Valerie's effects were Oath, soul ones.

We are probably dry on that at the moment, so we should wait for the concord to recharge before doing anything with it.
Also, I think what you are proposing would work only if we had a high fracture ethos, which we have not.
We are probably dry on that at the moment, so we should wait for the concord to recharge before doing anything with it.
Also, I think what you are proposing would work only if we had a high fracture ethos, which we have not.
This is what the [Cleaver of Fortune] is meant for. It affects the future and the present, {Ply the Line} reels the present towards the future we want as a metaphor. Making the unlikely a reality. And the future we'd want is the one where Lilly correctly uses {Hybrid Syphon}.

A high fracture Ethos would make it so that the family was in a different place, or that they were never hit by her power in the first place. High fracture is overwriting reality, what has happened and stuff like that.
High Fracture Concordance Wielders are a timebomb waiting to happen, they can cause frankly impossible things to occur and link events together that have no business influencing one another. The only saving grace that prevents them from being unstoppable is that they find it difficult to control the exact outworking of their changes and can be prone to backfires if pushed too far.
Low fracture is getting the right result in the present. As in solving situations at hand as favorably as possible.
Low Fracture Concordance Wielders often speak of seeing multiple clear pathways or of 'nudging events' in their favour. The scope of the changes they can make are radically less severe than High Fracture, but what makes them so troublesome is that these changes are almost always exactly what is needed to achieve their goal. They have less to work with, but are experts at applying that leverage.
Lilly has a lot of power, as in a lot of leverage. All {Ply the Line} needs to do is guide Lilly to use her powers, said leverage; domain, syphon, relations; in ways that hold the highest chances of sucsess.
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This is what the [Cleaver of Fortune] is meant for. It affects the future and the present, {Ply the Line} reels the present towards the future we want as a metaphor. Making the unlikely a reality. And the future we'd want is the one where Lilly correctly uses {Hybrid Syphon}.

If that is the case, then we should still focus on training {Hybrid Syphon} directly instead of training something that may give us a boost in training it.
If that is the case, then we should still focus on training {Hybrid Syphon} directly instead of training something that may give us a boost in training it.
You couldn't train Hybrid Syphon while Eevie is indisposed, could you?
I'm mainly replying to this thought, not sure if it'd work. If telling Eevie to go to sleep would the power even be usable?
[ ] [WaL] Use a Minor Relations link to borrow use of {Hybrid Siphon} while Evie otherwise rests
In 2.4 using a Minor Relations slot to connect Evie and Petal let them interact with each other, see if we can use that to have Petal assist Evie in recovery while borrowing the use of the {Hybrid Siphon}, thus minimising the strain on Evie herself.
But if deciding to go with this, I'd imagine using {Ply the Line} as a guide for applying it, flow, domain, syphon, relations. Whatever it takes to heal.

Today Lilly woke up with the Tower and Bedrock, and goes to sleep with Shine, My Gentle Heart. Now she thinks she needs to depart ASAP. But I think Lilly's being a bit hasty here. She could do all the things that need to be done. No? Surely worst of the storm has passed.
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You couldn't train Hybrid Syphon while Eevie is indisposed, could you?
I'm mainly replying to this thought, not sure if it'd work. If telling Eevie to go to sleep would the power even be usable?

But if deciding to go with this, I'd imagine using {Ply the Line} as a guide for applying it, flow, domain, syphon, relations. Whatever it takes to heal.

{Ply the Line} won't change the results of our action, though. If we can't do it, then that power won't help us in any way.
{Ply the Line} won't change the results of our action, though. If we can't do it, then that power won't help us in any way.
But if we can, then it ensures the best possible outcome. And the [Cleaver of Fortune] has this to note.
It will work towards what I am trying to do. Even if no future currently exists where I could succeed, as the [Cleaver of Fortune] that does not necessarily mean I won't.
So even if no future exists where we use the Syphon right, the Cleaver could potentially make one for Lilly.
Today Lilly woke up with the Tower and Bedrock, and goes to sleep with Shine, My Gentle Heart. Now she thinks she needs to depart ASAP. But I think Lilly's being a bit hasty here. She could do all the things that need to be done. No? Surely worst of the storm has passed.
As I've mentioned in my AC proposal, I think we should at the very least make sure our family gets moving. Due to {Slipstream} Lilly can freely travel between the Prime Tree, Captain Martin and her family (and anyone else we can establish an Essence link with like Kaymie), so Lilly can easily go back and forth between her traveling family and Martin's dungeon suppression run for example.
Re: Valerie

Let me quote something from our plan of action:
-[X] Enter full Domain Perception mode, the Ladder warned you before and you ignored it, not twice--invoke {Sample Space} to guide your approach--at your full speed, that should be considerably less than even a second at this distance, gag her and cover her eyes to the best of your ability--don't be afraid to knock out some teeth or bloody her if need be, you can't afford to be gentle and you can fix it later. Once her voice is bound and her eyes aren't looking at anything you care for, follow {The Ladder}'s earlier instructions--extrude your Domain into her Heart and sever the occupying Entity.
I bolded that we took her sight into account, just not enough for it to matter.

We might have, might have, been able to avoid Micah's temporary demise by choosing to gouge her eyes out - but even then we would have been greatly tripped by a single simple fact we never knew beforehand - Valerie's clings to life harder than a cockroach and can literally regenerate from beheading let alone a minor ocular mutilation.

On a side note, we can try and lie to Martin that Valerie's dead by showing him the head we tore off of her. I wouldn't recommend that though.
Great update.
This could have gone better, but it also could have gone a lot worse, the idea with subverting the order into "Stop me" worked beautifully.
This said, Evie's situation is very concerning, I really hope she will be able to recover.

@Slyvena no Author's Notes or Significant Rolls spoilers this time around?
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Effervescent Animus] Lvl 2: 5999/6000 (+7591) (-5431)
Hot damn. 7k xp. 5431 xp overflow.
Could Lilly use the tower to scoop it up? Redistribute it? Redirect it to her family? Somehow use it to heal Eevie? Use it to upgrade Primordial Chassis to E - upgrade needs a total of 6000.
Hot damn. 7k xp. 5431 xp overflow.
Could Lilly use the tower to scoop it up? Redistribute it? Redirect it to her family? Somehow use it to heal Eevie? Use it to upgrade Primordial Chassis to E - upgrade needs a total of 6000.

I feel like using it for Evie is best tbh. She came in clutch and deserves that exp. Plus, she is such an exp hog as it is. We should be able to get 2 Evie levels from this once she is recovered. Her powers are incredible and getting these will be a major boost in power for us.
I wonder, is it possible to connect Lilly's health and Eevie's health via relations. In the sense that Lilly takes some of that damage to herself and heals her that way.
Major or minor link?
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