I mean it's probably bad for the Undersiders, but that's one more Coil run operation off the table.

Speaking of which, what power did she roll? Going by this it's a AI focused tech tree. Matrix? TRON? Marvel? It could be anything.
It's no AI-focused, but has AI options. I threw most the the sci-fi specs onto a list and rolled for one once I decided Annette was gonna get rezzed and Addy wanted an AI to fix the problem. The spec I got was especially amusing considering the discussion over the last couple of pages.
*Cough X-Com Cough*

Ohh poor you, i think you need more caffein. Say does some zerg count as insect?
It's a Simurgh plot. Formatting her section stole all my attention.
As for the Zerg some are insectile enough for Taylor to control. The ones she can control are the Larva, Drones, Queens, Locusts, Infestors, Roaches, Ravagers, Lurkers and Vipers. The other stuff isn't quite enough for QA to grab for her.
QA: Why? Why do you do this?
Ziz: Becuase fun. :3
QA: Really?
Ziz: :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
QA: I'm leaving this conversation.
Yeah this is pretty accurate. QA is a noble and dignified shard and should not have to put up with this shit. The first bit was Ziz asking for more information about RL and Addy and getting a TON of data about Addy because she is Best Host.
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The clock was ticking before the dead man's switch in his base set off the automatic self-destruct system and now that he was under strict watch for the next seventy-two hours there as no way to disable it.
It would be so funny is coil was taken care out without any effort unintentionally. So Coils base explodes, and Missy or another girl in class mentions it. And Addy off handedly mentions it's coils base and says his real name.

Or since she will build an AI it would check up on the PRT and tell them who is in a cell.

I have read a bunch of Worm fanfic and usually Coil takes time and effort to take down. It would be funny if he was taken out unintentionally. Showing that while his power is strong while in the dark, it's not actually that hard to get rid of him if the right circumstances lineup.
Is this it or are you going to add one in later? Or did you have it as a place holder and forgot about it.
God, I love TrollZiz moments.

But oh yes... you did EXCEEDINGLY well with Danny and Annette. I mean... damn. Beautiful moment indeed. Danny and Annette hugging after so long apart... that moment was worth it entirely.

As for Coil? Whelp... time for Tattletale to learn her boss is about to bin her and the others. And go to a certain neighbor for help! ...God, that was deliciously satisfying. When her power swapped and Coil got trapped drawing on Armsmaster? I fucking cheered! God, that was priceless! EAT IT, COIL!

I have to wonder... will they do an MRI? I'd think they'd do an MRI. They can test of his brain has been messed with that way.

God, I want to know what her new specialization is! ARG! Time to look through the list and ponder which one it could be... and god, now she is going to get Saint after her. HA! The world is doomed.

As it is... things are better. Hell, if it was me? I'd just pack up and leave Brockton. Because fuck Brockton. But well, getting the Undersiders and saving Lisa is a good thing. At least Dinah is safe... and this gives the PERFECT excuse to get the Undersiders working with Addie and Taylor! Taylor needs her friends. And Annette can be Team Mom. All four of them need a mom in their lives that cares.

God, this was a beautiful fucking chapter. I cannot WAIT to see the shit hit the fan. God... so many possibilities...

I hope this somehow ends with Eidolon getting killed accidentally somehow. Some day. Just so Ziz can be freed with her siblings.

But this means no Travellers. And no Travellers means no Leviathan... hnnnnng. So many BUTTERFLIES! Canon is doooomed!

...and then Jack Slash shows up to recruit Splice because Bonesaw wants a friend.
First she had to build something to help her aunt, but after that...

...well she was going to prove that she truly was going to prove she was the greatest tinker alive!
I really expected an invisible {SUGGESTION} in the blank space there. Would've been perfect timing and dramatic irony.
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The first bit was Ziz asking for more information about RL and Addy and getting a TON of data about Addy because she is Best Host.
And Ziz is now going 'Well the Khepri plan is shot but now I can do something even better. And maybe torment Dad-versary at the same time.'
-by killing all the other Tinkers.
That's plan B.

Though I can see her attacking Armsmaster with Khanivore (and other critters) in order to pillage and loot his Armscycle (and maybe his halberd) over and over again. After all, this wannabe has all this prime-grade equipment and materials stuffed into his ego-inflater(s) where they are criminally underutilized. Ergo it's a public service that they be removed from Failsmaster's 'care' and transferred to the workshop of the Greatest Tinker alive.
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Probably won't add them. I'm mostly interested in the digistruct technology and all the guns/shield/grenades

haven't decided yet. I'll sit down and think about it when/if the spec comes up.

Yeah they kinda are, except minus the funky pinwheel bits. Maybe if she rolls Naruto as a spec she can improve them.

Addy would never do something so evil and utterly heinous. Defiling the perfection that is the Zerg by adding some stupid Protoss into it will never happen if Addy has anything to say about it.

Ah right. I'm still too used to the old SC1 manual where psionics sorta just seemed to have spontaneously evolved (unless I'm remembering things wrong). It was part of the lore reasons why the UED had shit ghosts as they shipped off all the undesirables (including the psychics) to the Korpulu sector.
Anyway yeah I guess she could make some terrazine.

Could always go for New Queen of Blades Zagara?
-The next phase -
Taylor pokes around the internet. Receives a PM from the WingedOne. In it is a file, titled '10 Steps To Accepting An Endbringer As Your New Little Sister... Be Seeing You Soon TayTay! :p'
Between Coil's, Taylor's, Annette's, and Danny's experiences today, I'm starting to think that Reality Lens's real specialty is efficient distribution of whiplash.
It's no AI-focused, but has AI options. I threw most the the sci-fi specs onto a list and rolled for one once I decided Annette was gonna get rezzed and Addy wanted an AI to fix the problem. The spec I got was especially amusing considering the discussion over the last couple of pages.
*Cough X-Com Cough*
So how long will it take until Addy dresses up as Bradford and tries to exploit Taylor's battlefield awareness to turn her into the Commander of a squad of X-Com units?

Also, uhh, how many strokes per minute would Piggot have if she saw a chryssalid hatch? Or, hell, even if she just saw a swarm of them, I'm pretty sure you could go for world records here.
So how long will it take until Addy dresses up as Bradford and tries to exploit Taylor's battlefield awareness to turn her into the Commander of a squad of X-Com units?

Also, uhh, how many strokes per minute would Piggot have if she saw a chryssalid hatch? Or, hell, even if she just saw a swarm of them, I'm pretty sure you could go for world records here.
Well first thing's first, Addy needs to loot some knitting equipment. She needs to make the Sweater of Power after all.

As for AI's, here's hoping her first step isn't making Julian. Because that boy had just a few screws loose.
Non-Canon: Worst Future
An Omake about the worst future

Piggot was reading over an interesting medical report that just came into her office. How the hell he managed to hide this for so long while working was a mystery that needed to be solved as soon as this whole bio-tinker nightmare was dealt with. A phone call interrupted her thoughts.
"Director Piggot, Dragon just contacted me that AddItUp is back online." Armsmaster responded with a hint of manic glee in his voice.
"I assume you have a plan."
"I am preparing all available Protectorate members to raid the library as we speak. We will have 3 full teams of PRT troopers for assistance, and the Wards will be ready as back up incase he brings out more of his monsters."
"Excellent, keep me informed."
As she hung up on the second piece of good news in an hour, Piggot wondered how this is all going to turn into another disaster.


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♦ Topic: Kill Order Announced
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes
CaptainObvious (Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 26th 2011:
Shit. They just announced a kill order on the new cape, designated Splice, after the Medhall attack. I am all for stopping Biotinkers, but I am not looking forward to seeing what happens now when he considers attacking hospitals and schools subtle.
Video links [1]
(Showing page 214 of 215)

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
This exploded fast. Sorry I can't give out too much info this time. There will be an official posting at a later date that will contain all the pertinent information.

Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
@ Bagrat
Can we at least get any details on we should know. All we got is don't play with tentacle cats. Come on we are running blind here. O-O

Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
I can't believe something is actually being done in the Bay. We have been rotting here for years and now someone finally decides to try and fix something, only it is our newest, newsest problem and not the Nazis or Lung or the Merchants or the LITERAL NAZIS.

Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
I know right! The PRT is blowing this up for nothing. They seem so happy that Nazis run half the city, but as soon as some cute little cats start popping up NOW there is a problem.

►SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
@ Bagrat
Leave it to the internet to be one step ahead of the PRT again.
Seriously, do you not know how dangerous Biotinkers are?

►Deathbychocolate (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Mar 26th 2011:

Replied On Mar 26th 2011:

►CaptainObvious (Original Poster)
Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
I know it sucks that the first time the Bay gets good news it is in the form of a death threat.
Not the time man.

Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
I just messaged you a link for a group chat you would be interested in.

►CaptainObvious (Original Poster)
Replied On Mar 26th 2011:
Lets try to stay on topic everyone. This is going to have serious ramifications for everyone in the Bay.


Connecting to "agChat.ParahumansOnline666.par:6667" (Attempt 1 of 55)
Resolving Host Name
Using identity "AddItUp", nick "AddItUp"
Welcome to Parahumans Online Chatroom #666, 'Send Zingers'. Rules Here. Behave. Obey the @s.
Winged_One: Welcome @AddItUp.
BigFishLittlePond: Confusion.
DirtNap: Query?
AddItUp: Hey.
Winged_One: Worry not about the others, I have a proposal you would find most interesting.
AddItUp: Not big talkers I guess. So whats up.
Winged_One: I know who you are and would like to work with you on a special project.
AddItUp: No idea what you mean.
Winged_One: [Link] File Link
Winged_One: Of course not. Just look over these blue prints and get back to me if you want to collaborate at some point. A mutual friend said it would be most profitable for the both of us :)
Last edited:
Addy gave Coil a resounding defeat without even knowing it. Truly Addy is a genius.

Yeah I'm stumped on what the tinker specialty is. A few of the fictions have strong AI options. Hopefully it's something with plenty of biotinkering.

Now that Piggot has given out a kill order on that guy named Splice, Addy should feed that misinformation. Maybe she could tinker up a guy to remote control and play the part. Oh! Piggot handed Addy a villainous identity she can use! She can do a bunch more crimes against the gang fronts and rack up a huge bounty, then have Taylor and Annette collect on it.
Replied On Mar 24th 2011:
If you've seen one press event you've seen them all. I'm more interested about what the biotinker will do next. All this chaos is exciting!

Ziz... you are having way too much for with the pure CHAOS that Addy seems to cause without even realizing the true extent of her actions. I love it.

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Simmy you're letting your bird-girl-eldritch monster show. Carry on I guess. Just try not to go and give Addy or Reality Lens any ideas that might kill all of-

(Channel Established)
{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3/Invite/}
(Reality Lens has entered Channel)
{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Query.}
{PingIncoming>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Negation. Data:Host. Data}
{PingIncoming>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Elaboration. Data}

{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Gratitude}
{PingIncoming>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Data. Data}
{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Amusement}
{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Suggestion}

{PingIncoming>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Excitement}
(Reality Lens has left Channel)
(Queen Administrator has entered Channel)
{PingIncoming>Queen Administrator/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: ... }
{PingIncoming>Queen Administrator/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Exasperation}

{PingOutgoing>Reality Lens/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Amusement}
{PingIncoming>Queen Administrator/GlobalQTC/CH-3>: Disgust}

Gods dammit Ziz. Why are you like this? Oh who am I kidding sky Waifu is best Waifu in worm.
Piggot was reading over an interesting medical report that just came into her office. How the hell he managed to hide this for so long while working was a mystery that needed to be solved as soon as this whole bio-tinker nightmare was dealt with. A phone call interrupted her thoughts.
"Director Piggot, Dragon just contacted me that AddItUp is back online." Armsmaster responded with a hint of manic glee in his voice.
"I assume you have a plan."
"I am preparing all available Protectorate members to raid the library as we speak. We will have 3 full teams of PRT troopers for assistance, and the Wards will be ready as back up incase he brings out more of his monsters."
"Excellent, keep me informed."
As she hung up on the second piece of good news in an hour, Piggot wondered how this is all going to turn into another disaster.
Luckily Ziz isn't bored enough to troll the PRT by appearing over Brockton Bay right after they get Splice in Cuffs or something.
A good way to distract entity like beings is with "DATA".

Ok really really confused about the kill order they don't know if her crafted pets can reproduce in fact they have still had very little interaction with her at all and they can just slap a kill order on her with basically zero body count?
A good way to distract entity like beings is with "DATA".

Ok really really confused about the kill order they don't know if her crafted pets can reproduce in fact they have still had very little interaction with her at all and they can just slap a kill order on her with basically zero body count?
Multiple precogs confirming it, multiple kills under her belt
To the people that saw the 'insert pho interlude here' bit I've added that in, just in case anyone missed that change. I forgot to copy it over from the PHO builder thing because of a Simurgh Plot.

It would be so funny is coil was taken care out without any effort unintentionally. So Coils base explodes, and Missy or another girl in class mentions it. And Addy off handedly mentions it's coils base and says his real name.

Or since she will build an AI it would check up on the PRT and tell them who is in a cell.

I have read a bunch of Worm fanfic and usually Coil takes time and effort to take down. It would be funny if he was taken out unintentionally. Showing that while his power is strong while in the dark, it's not actually that hard to get rid of him if the right circumstances lineup.
Coil is experiencing some setbacks right now and is about to lose a lot of stuff. Unfortunately he is still stupidly rich due to his construction company so he isn't going to be fully taken down too soon.
God, I love TrollZiz moments.

But oh yes... you did EXCEEDINGLY well with Danny and Annette. I mean... damn. Beautiful moment indeed. Danny and Annette hugging after so long apart... that moment was worth it entirely.

As for Coil? Whelp... time for Tattletale to learn her boss is about to bin her and the others. And go to a certain neighbor for help! ...God, that was deliciously satisfying. When her power swapped and Coil got trapped drawing on Armsmaster? I fucking cheered! God, that was priceless! EAT IT, COIL!

I have to wonder... will they do an MRI? I'd think they'd do an MRI. They can test of his brain has been messed with that way.

God, I want to know what her new specialization is! ARG! Time to look through the list and ponder which one it could be... and god, now she is going to get Saint after her. HA! The world is doomed.

As it is... things are better. Hell, if it was me? I'd just pack up and leave Brockton. Because fuck Brockton. But well, getting the Undersiders and saving Lisa is a good thing. At least Dinah is safe... and this gives the PERFECT excuse to get the Undersiders working with Addie and Taylor! Taylor needs her friends. And Annette can be Team Mom. All four of them need a mom in their lives that cares.

God, this was a beautiful fucking chapter. I cannot WAIT to see the shit hit the fan. God... so many possibilities...

I hope this somehow ends with Eidolon getting killed accidentally somehow. Some day. Just so Ziz can be freed with her siblings.
But this means no Travellers. And no Travellers means no Leviathan... hnnnnng. So many BUTTERFLIES! Canon is doooomed!

...and then Jack Slash shows up to recruit Splice because Bonesaw wants a friend.
Travellers are still with Accord atm (who doesn't want them there anymore). The S9 may or may not make an appearance soon. They're kinda opportunistic and like to hit places that are either already chaotic or are small towns. Bonesaw is definitely interesting in Splice.
-by killing all the other Tinkers.
Nah Addy wouldn't do that. Though she would kill anyone that tried to tinker on her family.
I really expected an invisible {SUGGESTION} in the blank space there. Would've been perfect timing and dramatic irony.
Nah Simmy can't contact or influence Addy that wayyet
She needs to get Reality Lens to do it for her.
And Ziz is now going 'Well the Khepri plan is shot but now I can do something even better. And maybe torment Dad-versary at the same time.'
Stop reading my notes! :wink2:
Though I can see her attacking Armsmaster with Khanivore (and other critters) in order to pillage and loot his Armscycle (and maybe his halberd) over and over again. After all, this wannabe has all this prime-grade equipment and materials stuffed into his ego-inflater(s) where they are criminally underutilized. Ergo it's a public service that they be removed from Failsmaster's 'care' and transferred to the workshop of the Greatest Tinker alive.
That is pretty tempting, but she'd probably have to wait until Arsemaster has been a dick to Taylor and Annette first so they won't make her just give the stuff back.
Missing the end of the sentence, dog
Whoopsie. fixed now.
the explosion that is soon to come from Coil's base going up in flames is going to be a horrible, horrible event for everyone on the surface.
And the people below the surface too, since ya' know they'd actually be the ones inside the base when it blows up. On the plus side the commercial district will get space for a new lake.
But this means no Travellers. And no Travellers means no Leviathan... hnnnnng. So many BUTTERFLIES! Canon is doooomed!
I thought Bukuda bombings guaranteed Leviathan action?
The way I'm working it for this fic is there needs to be tons of general chaos and conflict happening to draw in an Endbringer. This is because Eidolon being a bored jackass will be looking at reports of other cities and fantasizing how easy it would be for him to deal with all these massive problems but oh if only his power wasn't weakening yada yada. Then his shard is all like 'oh you wanna have conflict there? I got ya bro' and proceeds to poke an Endbringer to go wreck shit so Eidolon can have fun.

I always found it weird how Levi was apparently targeting Noelle which runs completely counter to Simmy's plans since Noelle is a big part of her plot to expose Cauldron. I'm justifying this in fic by having Levi be all 'rargh broken power must smash to protect cycle' be the reason he's targeting her (since she's right there and he has to smash shit in the city anyway) while Simmy is basically going 'oh come on bro I need that you can smash later' and generally being annoyed at her brother's dickishness. That way we get Noelle being a target and Simmy still having her Zizbombs.
Addy gave Coil a resounding defeat without even knowing it. Truly Addy is a genius.
Yup Addy can fuck things up for people by merely existing.
Yeah I'm stumped on what the tinker specialty is. A few of the fictions have strong AI options. Hopefully it's something with plenty of biotinkering.
There may be some biotinker options. :whistle:
It seems to be a theme at this point...
Ziz... you are having way too much for with the pure CHAOS that Addy seems to cause without even realizing the true extent of her actions. I love it.

Simmy you're letting your bird-girl-eldritch monster show. Carry on I guess. Just try not to go and give Addy or Reality Lens any ideas that might kill all of-

Gods dammit Ziz. Why are you like this? Oh who am I kidding sky Waifu is best Waifu in worm.
It'll get even better once Addy builds the stuff Ziz suggested to Reality Lens
Ok really really confused about the kill order they don't know if her crafted pets can reproduce in fact they have still had very little interaction with her at all and they can just slap a kill order on her with basically zero body count?
*Goes off to make informational post explaining the whys behind the kill order*
Now that I think about it, if the PRT killed Splice and were unable to retrieve the body, would they ask Dinah if Splice was dead or whether they killed Splice? With the first it would likely show up as 50% chance, since Splice could be referring to one of two bodies, while the second would give a high enough percentage to end the Kill order. Then again if they ask if they stopped Splice's Biotinkering it would be a very low number, so it could go either way.
There may be some biotinker options. :whistle:
It seems to be a theme at this point...
Let's see Biotinkering and AIs...
Marvel, Starcraft?, Megaman, Pokemon(Rotom counts as an AI, right?), Star Wars (Can she make Aliens?), Star Trek, Futurama, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Halo, Fallout, XCOM?(Can't remember an AI, but who knows), and Power Rangers (Zordon). (I likely left some out)
Leaving only the ones I know we've mentioned recently we have: Starcraft?, XCOM?, Borderlands and Power Rangers. Hopefully It's Power Rangers so Addy can help create a Ranger suit and Morpher for Mothri. Then again it's not Beetleborgs, so modifying to be thematic would take some effort.
AI GlaDos for SCIENCE and Cake :ogles:
Horrible Idea: A GlaDOS attachment for Addy that sings Still Alive every time she dies.