To prove that she's a badass and not an adorable magical girl, Addy needs to show off more of her amazing dress spheres. Like Gunner/Dark Knight/Psychic or one of the Ultimate Dress spheres.
Addy still wants to make Dark Knight, Songstress, Floral Fallal and Machina Maw and still has a couple days left on the this tech tree, so there is a chance of it happening.
it's...OMG. OMG! Oh My God OH MY GOD! An army of Addys! Does this mean that when they switch they can all choose a single fiction to capitalize and take everything? Allowing of course for Time and Resources? Or different fictions like say one goes back to Bioshock while the others do other things?
I love this chappy!
It'd be one spec, regardless of the number of additional bodies she has.
Ok... with the clone Addy can now use the Royal We and be accurate lol
Writing that bit from Addy's POV was interesting. On the bright side Addy figured out how to use her psionics to
Mind Merge
So, I dont like this coming out on April 1st too much shenanigans on this day
Yeah I couldn't resist the temptation to troll people. Luckily for everyone now that April fool's day is done I can confirm the chapter is canon.
XCOM aliens take the streets while Skaven wretch dominates the sewers.
And aquatic monsters darken the water of the Bay. That's also likely.
You know, even I am getting a headache with how much Addy's making her own problems, by choice or by coincidence, it's all the same.
Sounds like you need some of Lisa's potions
Anyway some of the upcoming consequences have been building for a while like a jenga tower, and like a jenga tower will be falling down sooner or later.
I did not see the whole Addy clone situation coming. I had been wondering how she was going to get Aeon creation down since the tattlesnakes were going to finish gestating a while after the change over to a new specialty.
Incidentally, being able to clone herself like that means that she is going to not only have much more in the way of tinkering time but she is also going to have a much better time of it when she doesn't need to do brain surgery on herself...
She isn't likely to make more clones of herself in future. Partly because she only did it to get an Aeon but mostly because cloning herself is going to be a groundable offence once Tattletale tattles on her to her family.
I sense that Lisa is going to be developing something of a drinking problem...
I'ts only a problem if she runs out.
Now question should be why would Addy stop making more clones of herself? Think about all Tinkering they could get done!
She could even name it something like, I dont know an MisakaAddy Network. And adding so many psychics could lead to interesing effects on their power. A birth of ToAru Angel like being?
Clones would probably only be for special occasions, like if she ever needs stuff that requires sacrifices and has no volunteers. I might do a non-canon omake with a horde of Addys but for canon there isn't really much need. Part of the fun with writing the tinker of fiction thing is the time limit and trying to cram everything you can into it, and clones kinda break that hard.
Wonder how this plan will crash and burn. Will Codi/Lisa combo figure this out before they even meet? Will Ziz warn Addy at such time her reaction will resultin most amusing ending? Or will they actualy manage to launch their attack but a combination of effects will cause attack force to get slaughtered?
The next interlude should provide some more light on the situation.
Which btw if shards can view other reality's like this how the fuck are they still worried about entropy. Still good explanation as to why she has her power besides just ROB did it.
They can't view other realities, or at least most entities can't. Standard operating procedure for the entities is doing a cursory scan of the target, bubbling off the sandbox they want to
play experiment in and ignoring everything outside. Reality Lens was unique to Abaddon, being made to keep track of the nasty shit possibly going on outside. Scion/Eden didn't (and still don't) have their own equivalent shard.
Why did you make Addy a shard based tinker? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the tinker of fiction being a shardless power?
It's more fun and gives me interesting writing options. Plus Reality Lens is Best Shard.
@Unders if Addy rolls Mass Effect at any point, how small can she make a QEC? Could she, say, modify her or Danny's Critter implants for lagless, instant, point to point communication? No enemy interference!
The point to point bit is admittedly a minor nuisance, but then you just put one side of every paired connection together as a hub.
Or, different idea, since a QEC hub can be destroyed, and also avoiding further invasive surgery: leave the implants as-is, but have an external receiver for the implant's signals on an omni-tool, which also has a QEC if possible. Edit the implants Critter side to have both inputs, so you can swap between QEC or the original signals as-needed. One to prevent control interference and give superior connection, the other as a backup if the QEC hub is broken.
... this is, of course, all assuming she can make a QEC small enough to matter, since the only canon examples we have of them seem to be major installations in space ships or, like, telecommunications hubs on the ground.
think this is more to do with the difficulty and expense in producing the Entangled Particles making QECs rare and valuable (so, typically used for big/important stuff), rather than the size of the technology required. Mass Effect: Andromeda supports this, with each of the Pathfinders' implants having a
QEC connection to their Ark's SAM node. So, basically, the default Mass Effect tech tree should (at least, if it includes Andromeda) give her a small enough QEC by default.
A QEC would be interesting for upgrading her implants communication abilities. Sadly I haven't played Andromeda so it's not quite on the list for the moment (if/when I roll Mass Effect I might watch a lets play or something too see if there's anything I really want from it).
I was originally going to have her use X-Com psionic based hyperwave tech for improving the implants (shunting the communications into hyperspace/subspace/whateverspace similar to how Codi does her electronic travel thing), but then the whole 10 day timeskip happened and Addy didn't have enough time to implement it, but eventually she'll be able to swap back to X-Com so that still remains an option for improving transmission security. If I roll ME i'll definitely look into the QEC stuff.
He looks like Piggot will have another incident to blame on Splice.
And this time it definitely is Splice's fault and Piggot is justified in being upset.
I think that she should give herself some nice non-Endbringer related powers. Perhaps a forcefield/bubble, inside which she can speed up or slow down the passage of time? Some sort of geokinesis/earthbending? Or, even, a way to copy other capes' powers?
The powers she grants are mostly limited by the tech trees she has, so she can't actually do time affecting bubbles, power copying or geokinesis/earthbending. Not until she gets an appropriate tech tree.
That said, it is kinda amusing how she's turning into a this semi-Trump power granter. I was totally expecting more genetic horrors and stuff way back when. Hell I remember back when she had Fallout how much I wanted her to have an army of robots. Addy's anti-thinker effect affects even me.
Can addie revive her critters and as a result skip the whole growing stage when building her army through abusing the whole petrified/revived cheat? Cause if she can do that then she can just turn ADAM straight into critters in an instant! (Almost an instant)
Technically yes, though she's not really likely to think of it or program them into the vita-chamber. She'll be avoiding adding her x-com minions to it since they're all genetic clones of eachother and so the vita-chamber won't rez any of them until the last one dies (and then it'd probably only rez the last one). In her mind the vita-chamber isn't a cloning machine and she doesn't really think of it as such. Despite cheesing the rules to have it clone herself, that was more of a 'if I do this thing I can make an Aeon' line of thought rather than a 'i can clone myself to do stuff' sort of thought.
I kind of hoping they end up secrets of nimh rats. It would be cool to see them send an expedition when Anddy stops flousing ADAM down the drain and later learn that they use it for power or something that needs it.
So far I'm thinking roughly dog-sized (and proper dog-sized, not those little handbag rats) rodents that are a mix between nimh rats and skaven. Of course it's all subject to change depending on what my muse wants.
Could get anything from Mirelurks to deep ones really.
There's lots of options. So far i'm leaning towards mutated crustaceans. Or starfish. A human sized starfish crawling out the bay to hunt people could be fun. That and possibly sea slugs in the bay being mutated enough to produce ADAM as well just to keep the whole mess self sustaining. That could be interesting.
Will addie s brain damage come to light? Cause that is a very big explanation point as to why she's the way she is, alongside the fact that apart of her brain is being simulated on her shard...
Well it'd take people looking at her brain to actually notice something is wrong, and even then it's not like there's a cabal of doctors going about inflicting spontaneous MRI scans on the populous. Panacea would notice with a casual touch of course. Then again brain scans or Panacea would also notice the tinkertech implants and foreign neural matter there too.
It might have been a Simurgh plot to kill him considering his suspected specialty was wavelengths, which could eventually allow him to recreate some of Scions most versatile and deadly powers like Stilling.
It would've been interesting if Hero lived and Alexandria died. Just imagine how different the world would be.
Also, since this fic is based on fanon almost as much as canon Hero's specialty is indeed Wavelength Manipulation. Not that it matters since he's very dead at the moment.
I'd go for one of the Magus sisters rather than Shiva. Unassisted Flight is the dream, plus it fits the theme of Mothri! The best deception right there is that Mothri's bug clone could scream out a "power word", then seem to dissolve into an overpowered Breaker state/Changer form.
"I'm sorry, I must have misheard that. It sounded like you said, 'The teen girl with a Master rating of "biblical plague" can merge her swarm into an empowered being that could rival an Endbringer!'"
Emily could see that she was breathing heavily as she stared into Armsmaster's mirrored visor. This was understandable considering her voice had risen in volume with each word until she had been screaming the last third of her statement.
"That is not the phrasing I used, Director, but it is an accurate summation of the facts."
There won't be any Aeons exactly like the ones in game (with the possible exception of Sin if Addy ever does make it). It has to do with how the fayth and aeons work (or at least how I think they work based on the lore):
Basically the soul gets put in the special statue (fayth) where it dreams, with it's dreams making the Aeon. In order to get a summon exactly like one from the game the fayth would need to want to dream that specifically as it's from. Since only Addy knows about FFX/X2 for now she'd be the only one able to make a fayth that could make an in-game aeon (thus she could make Sin if she wanted by specifically having that fayth want it).
Since the majority of the upcoming aeons are going to be made with vipers/tattlesnakes most going to be rather serpentine since that's the sort of form a dreaming snake monster would be most comfortable with. They'll all have a theme though (fire/ice/physical/etc) which I'll probably roll randomly since I doubt i'd be giving much character development to throwaway minions to the point that people can look at a particular snek and go 'ooh that one will probably be the fire one'.