This should hopefully be the worst of the biotinkering for a while since I've already rolled what her next spec is going to be. There might be more later, but for now a couple critters and the bioshock stuff is it.
How many days with this specialization are left? I half hope she can move in a more safe specialization in time.
That said, reactions to the chapter:
The first part of PHO and victoria was amusing, even if the PHO part lacked any real information or progression (unless you are going to shoot Weld with spoons)
The second part was interesting, and i liked that.
Obviously Piggot knowing the danger of biotinkers mad and/or lacking forethought reacts accordingly, specially as the creature attacked letally and has a presumed trump power.
I am a bit less certain about the kill order, but in a way it makes sense in-universe, even if i suppose the Chief director is going to wait until they have a bit more info about the biotinker, maybe through the think-tank.
About tattletale, the only element that i felt a bit off was the part about the young
girl in the deduction.
For the young part i understand completely, but the girl part makes no sense.
She has simply not enough data to restrict the field so much.
The aesthetically pleasing aspect can be both herself or an alteration of her tastes because of her power, but it has no correlation with the physical gender of the tinker .
Also, connected to that, there should be no way even for armsmaster to be sure that the creature
is female (unless she left some sort of genetic traces?)