Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Paulus 14 - New Book Smell
Paulus 14: New Book Smell

I sadly didn't get to meet with my new Century immediately. As a real officer now I was important enough to meet with the person who gave the Legion's orders. The Legate. I'd like to say I remembered the meeting but that would be completely untrue.

The Legate's tent was not with the rest of the officer group like you'd expect but was set up way outside the camp all by itself in the desert. As soon as I crossed half the distance my vision started growing dark at the edges and it became difficult to breathe. Walking turned from simplicity itself to a monumental chore for the first time since I'd broken through and become a cultivator and my weapons suddenly felt too heavy to lift.

The last thing I remembered was forcing myself to gently bat the tent flap since speaking had become impossible a couple hundred meters ago and then I'd found myself at the edge of camp holding a heavy wooden chest and a scroll. The scroll had congratulations on my promotion from the Legate and my new orders and the chest contained a truly obscene amount of storage treasures that held supplies for my Century, and a single hard candy.

It was grape flavoured.

So instead of trying to figure out whatever the hell happened there I followed the orders on the scroll and instead met up with the other Centurions in my cohort, of which there were three.

Now you may be wondering 'hey isn't that way less than the ten centurions needed for every Cohort'? And to that I'd say 'Why yes dear mind reader. It seems as if we are significantly understrength because of the deaths in the last trials. Now get out of my head.'

In any case, meeting the other Centurions turned out to be fairly easy as they had also gotten orders to meet with me. It was just…really, really flipping weird.

When I entered the big plaza where I was supposed to find the rest, the only thing I found was a larger than life bronze statue. It depicted a cultivator in an athletic pose with hands raised and biceps curled, seemingly representing the physical might of the Golden Devils. Sunlight sparkled off the nude form, casting the hills and valleys of trained musculature in stark relief and the reflections lit up the plaza from corner to corner.

Then it winked at me.

"Holy fu-"

"Ho there Centurion." The statue's booming voice cut me off, "I don't recognize you but you have the armour, so you must be the new guy I'm here to meet."

"You can talk!?"

"Of course I can talk! I wouldn't be very effective if I couldn't pass down orders." The woman, because I think it was obvious now that she wasn't a statue as I assumed, swapped poses as she spoke. She moved to one knee, her arms positioned as if she was holding an invisible bow, and stared off into the middle distance as if lining up a shot on a distant opponent. Her hair raised of its own accord to simulate being blown back in the wind before growing as still as the rest of her.

Did I mention she was buck naked? Because she's buck naked.

"Why are you buck naked?"

She grinned at me and waggled her eyebrows. "How could I not be, Centurion? Are you proposing that I hide this perfect form from the world?"

"I- no wait I'm not getting caught up in that. Please don't tell me the other guy is a nudist too."

The towering woman shook her head, the act made comical with all her hair sticking back in its enforced pose. "I'm afraid I've yet to convert Centurion Demios to my wonderful perspective, but if you'd give me a little time I bet we can have you ready to shine. I have some peanut oil in my storage ring."

"Stay away from me." I replied, hands raised in the Legion Pankraton First Stance.

"Helena, please stop trying to corrupt the youth. The clan needs more sane men and women to fill the upper ranks."

Demios, that rat bastard, walked into the courtyard as calm as could be as he spoke. He looked exactly the same as the last time I'd seen him, down to the cocky sneer and the arms folded behind his back. Just like Centurion Helena he wasn't wearing the armour of his station, but unlike her he was actually wearing clothes. There was just one thing I had to ask...

"You're a Centurion?"

He scoffed. "In name if not in responsibility. My primary duties are recruiting for the Legion as a whole but I do bear the power to stand in this class, and my word bears equivalent weight to any formal Centurion."

"Now if we could only get you to dress the part…" Helena mused out loud

"Not a chance." He bit back.

The two stared each other down for a moment in silence before Helena bounced a pec and Demios broke eye contact, turning back to me as his fellow Centurion scoffed.

"In any case," he sighed, "I'm glad to see my recommendation for squad leader paid off. Welcome to the ranks of Centurions, Paulus, this Legion needs all it can get."

"Yes, yes, welcome to our rank young man. In name if not in truth just yet." Helena chuckled.

I frowned. "Is this some kind of hazing thing? I'm getting really tired of getting talked down to."

"Nothing of the sort," Helena assured me, shaking her head, her tone somber. " It is simply that gaining the gear and cultivation of a Centurion are not enough to make you one. I have been using the technique since before you arrived and you still have not noticed."

I blinked slowly and flexed my cultivation base. Ripples coming from Helena and Demios told me they were both Foundation building and a few stages stronger than me but I couldn't sense any active techniques in use. They waited in silence for a moment before Demios stepped forward and raised his palm to face me.

"Pay attention, Paulus." He said, then...something about him changed. The qi coming from him took a distinctly different texture than before but it was still one that I was intensely familiar with. It was actually harder to tell it apart from the background qi than before.

"Some kind of stealth technique?" I mused out loud.

"A Centurion is more than just another combatant." He said, shaking his head in negation, "Their very presence changes the battlefield before they even get into spear range. Look."

I looked at his hand, flicking my gaze through a few nameless enhancement methods before an idea struck me and I looked at myself instead. There. The qi in my body had changed consistency after my breakthrough and the trickle of power from that event was still coming in, but with some effort I could identify multiple layers of power affecting me. Layers of Bronze Qi rippled over my cultivation base, vibrating in sync with a wordless song and causing my own qi to vibrate in harmony. I cycled through a few techniques with no visible change until I got to the Twin Headed Eagle and the Bronze Blood got involved.

The cast off power from my imperfect attempts at calling the Eagle resonated with the layers of Bronze Qi covering me and strengthened them, which in turn strengthened my own manifestation and whatever else was going on at the other end. I cancelled the formation before the loud eagle could make itself known and Demios spoke up, sounding satisfied.

"The Resounding Bronze Choir is one of the only required techniques in this Legion. Once you get to Foundation Building you need to learn how to do it to earn your rank. The effect isn't much with just the three of us here, but if you're moving with a full Century…"

Every Legionnaire would strengthen every other, even with only one user of the technique.

"Why didn't they teach this one in training?" I asked.

"It'd be pointless." Helena answered. The Centurion had adopted another pose while I studied the technique, now looking as if she was deep in thought with an elbow resting on her knee and her chin resting on a clenched fist. Every nook and cranny of her considerable musculature was displayed in stark relief, and the very light was somehow hitting her in a way that made the whole thing more dramatic than it had any right to be.

"Cultivators in the first 9 heavenstages do not possess the qi density to make effective use of this technique." Demios explained. "Even if they can learn how to use it they simply don't have the ability to stretch the aura very far. There are more practical techniques for their weight class if they wish for it."

We spoke for a while longer on the responsibilities of a Centurion and what the clan, and this Legion in particular expected of its Foundation Building experts. It was… enlightening in a way I didn't expect. It was only now that I was really realizing that Nabu had basically been handling everything for our cohort and several others besides and I still wasn't sure what his actual rank was other than 'higher than mine'.

I'd had it easy for a long time and now a lot more responsibility was being dropped square in my lap.

It was time to get informed.

It was time to go to The Library.


It was kinda surreal being in one of the Dawn Fortress's many libraries. I'd actually only ever been inside one once when I was picking out the Reflected Purities Technique for my own use despite how many times I'd approached one with Leto. This one wasn't as grand as the Core Formation Array Engineer library however, it was just a simple general technique palace for Foundation Building Clansmen to round out their techniques if they hadn't been blessed enough to find something good on an adventure.

Still it was about the same as I remembered it. Rows upon rows of scrolls, jade slips, books, and even tablets in sturdy, array bearing shelves that were organized in some esoteric manner that only the inspired or insane truly understood.

I approached the Legionnaire on duty there, his regalia marked him as a Tribune, tribunus militum to be precise. He wore a toga of spun bronze threads over a white cotton tunic and was quietly studying an expensive looking jade slip as I approached. The instant I got within two meters of him his eyes snapped up to meet mine and his pupils flashed a bright blue before he nodded.

"Centurion Paulus. Congratulations on your promotion. This one is tribunus angusticlavius, you may call me Genius." He spoke in clipped, measured tones and stared at me unblinkingly as he spoke.

"Uhhh… I don't think I will?" I ventured.

"As you wish, Centurion. How may I help you today?" He replied, expression unchanging.

"...Right. Tribune, I'm looking for a manual on the Resounding Bronze Choir."

He blinked, finally, and his eyes flashed blue again before he responded. "Ah, of course. The Resounding Bronze Choir is a Foundation Building technique made to support large numbers of combatants. A skilled user at the peak of the realm can support an entire Century with ease while suppressing the use of arts that do not utilize Bronze Qi. An excellent choice for a new Centurion and one that will assist in the creation of a Domain later."

He grasped at the air and a jade slip bearing the name of the technique in tight golden script flew from the depths of the shelves and landed in his hand. His eyes flashed again and he regarded me with a calculating gaze. "Records show that you regularly utilize the Reflected Purities Technique. May I then also suggest the Singing Copper Kettle Technique? It is a dangerous technique but one that is widely regarded as rewarding amongst it's surviving practitioners."

"Wait, surviving?"

He grasped at the air and pulled another two jade slips from the depths of the Library, one bearing the script of 'Singing Copper Kettle' and the other bearing the title 'Silent Steps Resounding'. "This technique will help you utilize the kettle properly as well as truly begin to bring the benefits of physical mastery to bear. The Silent Steps Resounding is only a Qi Condensation technique, but upon mastery you may learn the intermediate technique and begin to reverse the Bronze Blood's reputation of slow bearers."

He slid all three slips into a strange machine on his desk and an illusion of a scroll bearing an excerpt of all three techniques wobbled into focus in the air between us. I had an urge to just get the thing I asked for and get to practice but becoming a Tribune wasn't a simple task. I might as well give his suggestions a look.

The techniques were fairly complex and comprehensive from what I could read. Singing Copper Kettle was a combination of physical cultivation and qi flow exercises that only a genius of medicine could have come up with. It used the organs of the body as alchemical cauldrons to give a cultivator an extreme boost in physical output in exchange for rapidly burning qi. Without a strong body the practitioner would just explode so I could see why he brought up Reflected Purities. The stress that technique had put me through would help me to make proper use of this, maybe even punch up a few levels in the end.

Silent Steps Resounding was a much simpler technique but it was one that I could have used a couple decades ago when I'd first started breaking the earth when I moved. The technique did what it said on the scroll and allowed the user to move silently, but it was essentially a side effect of the technique taking firm hold of the earth beneath the user by flooding it with qi. The user could then consume the technique to launch them forward soundlessly or just guarantee themselves better footing in a fight.

Begrudgingly I had to admit the suggestions were good ones. This guy creeped me the hell out so I wasn't really looking to take any advice from him, but I'd learned a long time ago to not turn down good advice because of who was giving it.

"Fine. I'll take these two as well," I acquiesced, reaching for the slips only to have the Tribune cover them with his hands.

"It will be my pleasure to copy these manuals for you, Centurion, but first there is the matter of your contribution points."

I sighed as it sunk in that the Legion would be bleeding me of points even as a result of a promotion. It must be good to be Old Gold.

Wordcount: 2492

Lotta mini omakes coming in soon. Paulus gets his new loadout and gets familiar with his role in the coming posts and maybe makes a friend or two now that he isn't just driven to secure his position. Details on the techniques coming next, if anyone wants to make use of them they can be my guest.

I don't think I said it in here so, Paulus is joining the The Thousand Song Siege.

@no. @TehChron pinging collabs as required.
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So I noticed something and I haven't seen this being discussed so here goes.

He woke up with a start, gasping. A bell was ringing. He looked around - the room was his own, but strange. The worn-out old bronze spear he kept on the wall, the single memento of the Konstantinos family that had survived the war the drove them into the desert was there, but it was burnished and new, pulsing with power.
A man burst in - Alexios! His heart rose into his chest, and Alexios laughed. The barrel-chested older man was always so easy with everything he did, kindly obscuring the effortlessness of his actions, effortlessly being kind.
These details in the visions feel a little too convenient don't you think? Manuel's Ancestor alongside Alexios' ancestor being involved, the ancestor having the same spear Manuel recognizes on sight. His ancestor being conveniently the one who was there the day Sage Bhrigu killed the Elders of the Sea-Conquering Army.

I do not believe it's controversial to say that the vision is clearly be tailored specifically so that Old Gold could actually understand what is going on and allowing for easier immersion. Time wasted by his mind asking questions is time his mind is wasting not absorbing the critical truth.

But again this is self-evident, so where am I going with this? I think the fact that the Heaven's Shadow had this information at all is telling. Whoever the Survivor of the World Sage's rampage was, they were able to carry this information away and Heaven's Shadow was able to save that information. Yet giving the powers of World Fusion Bhrigu could have easily prevented that.

Now Bhrigu is clearly a decent egg. So he wanted a survivor to carry a light to the future. But I wonder if that's all he did? Look at this.

I apologise, for once you are dead I will not be sufficient alone to turn aside Heaven's wrath from your people."
He genuiely seemed to want to do something to insure that while the Tyranny of the SAC would be stopped, its descendants wouldn't suffer eternally. With the SAC Elders refusing, his ability to help is limited. But his wording is very clear here. "I alone will not suffice", he never gives any indication that he won't give it a try nonethless. In terms of scale, the SAC was huge and everywhere once, but the Golden Devils survived in the Third Sea.

I think its entirely possible that the Old Sage tipped the scales during the destruction to give the Ancestors of the Clan a chance to survive and hide the worst out. I think its entirely possible that he is still alive and aware of the situation. Again look at this

"Young man, I apologise. You are blameless in this, or at least as blameless as one can be. I only ask when you meet with my descendent again, do as I have done. If he must be killed, kill him, but even the vilest man deserves a chance at redemption."
GM telling us to prepare for the Next Trials hard aside. This isnt a recorded message. Its too targetted. It feels to me like a shadow of Bhrigu directly telling the Manuel. Directly consenting that his descendant probably has to die and in a way showing that he thinks that Old Gold is good enough of a person to take his words at heart. Which again tells me that he's been observing the situation and knows what is going on.

I'm not sure what exactly this means for us exactly. Since as a World Sage Old Bhrigu's hands are probably tied by Heaven. However, it seems to me that at the very least, he does approve of the modern Optimatoi's moral character and doesn't want to see us wiped out for crimes the modern Clan had no hands in.
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So I noticed something and I haven't seen this being discussed so here goes.

These details in the visions feel a little too convenient don't you think? Manuel's Ancestor alongside Alexios' ancestor being involved, the ancestor having the same spear Manuel recognizes on sight. His ancestor being conveniently the one who was there the day Sage Bhrigu killed the Elders of the Sea-Conquering Army.

I do not believe it's controversial to say that the vision is clearly be tailored specifically so that Old Gold could actually understand what is going on and allowing for easier immersion. Time wasted by his mind asking questions is time his mind is wasting not absorbing the critical truth.

But again this is self-evident, so where am I going with this? I think the fact that the Heaven's Shadow had this information at all is telling. Whoever the Survivor of the World Sage's rampage was, they were able to carry this information away and Heaven's Shadow was able to save that information. Yet giving the powers of World Fusion Bhrigu could have easily prevented that.

Now Bhrigu is clearly a decent egg. So he wanted a survivor to carry a light to the future. But I wonder if that's all he did? Look at this.

He genuiely seemed to want to do something to insure that while the Tyranny of the SAC would be stopped, its descendants wouldn't suffer eternally. With the SAC Elders refusing, his ability to help is limited. But his wording is very clear here. "I alone will not suffice", he never gives any indication that he won't give it a try nonethless. In terms of scale, the SAC was huge and everywhere once, but the Golden Devils survived in the Third Sea.

I think its entirely possible that the Old Sage tipped the scales during the destruction to give the Ancestors of the Clan a chance to survive and hide the worst out. I think its entirely possible that he is still alive and aware of the situation. Again look at this

GM telling us to prepare for the Next Trials hard aside. This isnt a recorded message. Its too targetted. It feels to me like a shadow of Bhrigu directly telling the Manuel. Directly consenting that his descendant probably has to die and in a way showing that he thinks that Old Gold is good enough of a person to take his words at heart. Which again tells me that he's been observing the situation and knows what is going on.

I'm not sure what exactly this means for us exactly. Since as a World Sage Old Bhrigu's hands are probably tied by Heaven. However, it seems to me that at the very least, he does approve of the modern Optimatoi's moral character and doesn't want to see us wiped out for crimes the modern Clan had no hands in.
I had assumed that message was simulation!Bhigru being so powerful he could read Manuel's mind to learn he was a simulation, but it might also be what you're suggesting. But yeah, from his words he only wanted to defeat the Optimatoi, not wipe them out, and he probably really did protect… them… from…

Wait. A power mirroring Heaven that pushes back against it. World Fusion directly draws power from Heaven. Did Sage Bhigru create the Shadow of Heaven to protect the SCA remnants? After all, when the shadow gained awareness they were already being wiped out very fast, so it didn't exist in a meaningful capacity until their downfall.

If Bhigru saw at least some parts of the future, and created the Shadow to safeguard the descendants of the SCA so that one day they might act outside of Heaven's authority to make the world a better place rather than to subjugate it… shit, that is the kind of insane long-game plan that super high-level immortals like to set in motion, isn't it?
So I noticed something and I haven't seen this being discussed so here goes.

These details in the visions feel a little too convenient don't you think? Manuel's Ancestor alongside Alexios' ancestor being involved, the ancestor having the same spear Manuel recognizes on sight. His ancestor being conveniently the one who was there the day Sage Bhrigu killed the Elders of the Sea-Conquering Army.

I do not believe it's controversial to say that the vision is clearly be tailored specifically so that Old Gold could actually understand what is going on and allowing for easier immersion. Time wasted by his mind asking questions is time his mind is wasting not absorbing the critical truth.

But again this is self-evident, so where am I going with this? I think the fact that the Heaven's Shadow had this information at all is telling. Whoever the Survivor of the World Sage's rampage was, they were able to carry this information away and Heaven's Shadow was able to save that information. Yet giving the powers of World Fusion Bhrigu could have easily prevented that.

Now Bhrigu is clearly a decent egg. So he wanted a survivor to carry a light to the future. But I wonder if that's all he did? Look at this.

He genuiely seemed to want to do something to insure that while the Tyranny of the SAC would be stopped, its descendants wouldn't suffer eternally. With the SAC Elders refusing, his ability to help is limited. But his wording is very clear here. "I alone will not suffice", he never gives any indication that he won't give it a try nonethless. In terms of scale, the SAC was huge and everywhere once, but the Golden Devils survived in the Third Sea.

I think its entirely possible that the Old Sage tipped the scales during the destruction to give the Ancestors of the Clan a chance to survive and hide the worst out. I think its entirely possible that he is still alive and aware of the situation. Again look at this

GM telling us to prepare for the Next Trials hard aside. This isnt a recorded message. Its too targetted. It feels to me like a shadow of Bhrigu directly telling the Manuel. Directly consenting that his descendant probably has to die and in a way showing that he thinks that Old Gold is good enough of a person to take his words at heart. Which again tells me that he's been observing the situation and knows what is going on.

I'm not sure what exactly this means for us exactly. Since as a World Sage Old Bhrigu's hands are probably tied by Heaven. However, it seems to me that at the very least, he does approve of the modern Optimatoi's moral character and doesn't want to see us wiped out for crimes the modern Clan had no hands in.
An interesting idea.

I would like to raise another several points up to consideration. Something that Manuel and Sage Bhrigu said, that tickled my memory.

"Lady Kourmonos stood in the Threefold Revival Stage in the Third Sea in ancient times. She faced a challenge to the Sea-Conquering Army's Hegemony of the Third Sea, against her stood six opponents of equal power. She writes that if she were willing to compromise on a single point, then peace could be made. The Clan could be acknowledged as lords of much of the Nine Seas, and it would cost them merely a bending of the neck on one thing. I am not aware of the point itself, yet she wrote thusly: What I am asked is intolerable. I have tolerated much evil in that I cannot root it out today, or that I must make sacrifices of good things that we might gain others. However, this evil will persist eternally, and I am asked to accept it as right. I will brook no compromise in this, though it kills me. No pact with unrepentant evil."

"I am Sage Bhrigu. Long have I wanted to meet the noble Law Creation Elders of the Sea-Conquering Army."

"Law Creation is the path of defiance. To see the world as it is and refuse it, to create your own Law in preparation for the stages beyond. To constantly strive for more power in every possible form. After all, without the Law one cannot begin Construction, and without Construction one cannot touch on the truth of life and death and Revive. I am aware of the path beyond the Law, but I chose not to take it."
The first quote is from the Elder's Answer - from when Manuel was talking to Altar Lord. The latter two are from the Truth of the Two Paths.

I take the following things from this:

1. Original Path to Cultivation seems to follow the stages, from lowest to highest, in the following order. Of note, every stage seems to be named for what the cultivator has managed to achieve already, as opposed to striving towards.

Qi Condensation
Foundation Establishment
Core Formation
Nascent Soul
Soul Severing
??? (from 0 to ??? other stages)
Law Creation

Note, that Revival is far higher than Law Creation.

2. We know that there are differently named steps of every Stage. Like, the highest grade of Core Formation, is Great Circle Core Formation.

It is my assumption that in Threefold Revival, Threefold refers to the specific step of power.

3. We were told that there are Seven Heavenly Stars that greatly ease the Path of Cultivation. We were also informed that Sea-Conquering Army has killed six out of seven Star Sages in the era of Sage Bhrigu. I find it reasonable to assume that to the victors went the spoils, and for a time SCA had access to the Stars for their own use. This will be relevant later.

4. We have seen the Law Creation Elders, Alexandrios and company, be referred to as Elders. I will now remind you that currently Core Formation are considered Elders -and there are less than a hundred of them among the Golden Devils.

I assume that Law Creation at the time of Sage Bhrigu was most likely the highest, and less likely the second highest, of realistically achievable stages of Cultivation. Keep in mind that this was the era when SCA has just about counquered the Nine Seas. This ought to be the zenith of their might, right?

5. Now consider Lady Coumonos and her abnormally high stage of Cultivation, especially since it's all but said in that interlude of hers that after her refusal and death the remnants of SCA were driven into the corner of the Third Sea. She is from the era of decline and yet, she is powerful. And she stood up to six as mighty as herself.

There are Seven Heavenly Stars. I assume that Lady Koumonos was the last Golden Devil to wield the Heavenly Stars... And the ones opposing her were the other wielders of the Stars.

I know not if they were World Fusion or not... But if they were it would give us the estimate of how powerful those are - and that is two (I think) stages' worth of power over Law Creation, the alternative Path of the nominally same stage. Crazy, right?

P.S. The Old Bhrigu, Young Bhrigu interlude has indicated that Soul Severing cultivators are already capable of travelling to other Seas. Which makes the logistics of Lady Koumonos and her opponents all being Heavenly Star wielders, despite originating from different Seas, possible - even if we discount that Iron Pillar they are using to enact Trials in modern era.
An interesting idea.

I would like to raise another several points up to consideration. Something that Manuel and Sage Bhrigu said, that tickled my memory.

The first quote is from the Elder's Answer - from when Manuel was talking to Altar Lord. The latter two are from the Truth of the Two Paths.

I take the following things from this:

1. Original Path to Cultivation seems to follow the stages, from lowest to highest, in the following order. Of note, every stage seems to be named for what the cultivator has managed to achieve already, as opposed to striving towards.

Qi Condensation
Foundation Establishment
Core Formation
Nascent Soul
Soul Severing
??? (from 0 to ??? other stages)
Law Creation

Note, that Revival is far higher than Law Creation.

2. We know that there are differently named steps of every Stage. Like, the highest grade of Core Formation, is Great Circle Core Formation.

It is my assumption that in Threefold Revival, Threefold refers to the specific step of power.

3. We were told that there are Seven Heavenly Stars that greatly ease the Path of Cultivation. We were also informed that Sea-Conquering Army has killed six out of seven Star Sages in the era of Sage Bhrigu. I find it reasonable to assume that to the victors went the spoils, and for a time SCA had access to the Stars for their own use. This will be relevant later.

4. We have seen the Law Creation Elders, Alexandrios and company, be referred to as Elders. I will now remind you that currently Core Formation are considered Elders -and there are less than a hundred of them among the Golden Devils.

I assume that Law Creation at the time of Sage Bhrigu was most likely the highest, and less likely the second highest, of realistically achievable stages of Cultivation. Keep in mind that this was the era when SCA has just about counquered the Nine Seas. This ought to be the zenith of their might, right?

5. Now consider Lady Coumonos and her abnormally high stage of Cultivation, especially since it's all but said in that interlude of hers that after her refusal and death the remnants of SCA were driven into the corner of the Third Sea. She is from the era of decline and yet, she is powerful. And she stood up to six as mighty as herself.

There are Seven Heavenly Stars. I assume that Lady Koumonos was the last Golden Devil to wield the Heavenly Stars... And the ones opposing her were the other wielders of the Stars.

I know not if they were World Fusion or not... But if they were it would give us the estimate of how powerful those are - and that is two (I think) stages' worth of power over Law Creation, the alternative Path of the nominally same stage. Crazy, right?

P.S. The Old Bhrigu, Young Bhrigu interlude has indicated that Soul Severing cultivators are already capable of travelling to other Seas. Which makes the logistics of Lady Koumonos and her opponents all being Heavenly Star wielders, despite originating from different Seas, possible - even if we discount that Iron Pillar they are using to enact Trials in modern era.
The Heavenly Stars, according to occipital, actually make the bearer much weaker against attacks of Heavenly origin such as tribulation lightning. If a Golden Devil used one then the curses placed on them would be much more powerful than normal, probably enough to make it not worth it.

Law Creation and World Fusion, as far as we are aware, are the same number of realms above mortality. World Fusion is an alternate version of Law Creation that is much stronger but cannot climb any higher. That's my reading on the update and the dominant reading getting passed around on discord, at least.
The Heavenly Stars, according to occipital, actually make the bearer much weaker against attacks of Heavenly origin such as tribulation lightning. If a Golden Devil used one then the curses placed on them would be much more powerful than normal, probably enough to make it not worth it.

Law Creation and World Fusion, as far as we are aware, are the same number of realms above mortality. World Fusion is an alternate version of Law Creation that is much stronger but cannot climb any higher. That's my reading on the update and the dominant reading getting passed around on discord, at least.
To be fair, Occi also said that the SCA were terrifyingly affective at subverting heavenly treasures in a discussion of heavenly treasures that allow unique cultivation paths ala Kurma.
Wait. A power mirroring Heaven that pushes back against it. World Fusion directly draws power from Heaven. Did Sage Bhigru create the Shadow of Heaven to protect the SCA remnants? After all, when the shadow gained awareness they were already being wiped out very fast, so it didn't exist in a meaningful capacity until their downfall.

If Bhigru saw at least some parts of the future, and created the Shadow to safeguard the descendants of the SCA so that one day they might act outside of Heaven's authority to make the world a better place rather than to subjugate it… shit, that is the kind of insane long-game plan that super high-level immortals like to set in motion, isn't it?
I also considered that as a possibility. But I am not sure he would have gone that far not matter how good of a dude he was/is. However my skeptism only extends to any notion that Bhrigu directly created the Shadow. I think it is entirely possible that he nudged things along just enough so that something like the Shadow would have a chance to come into existence.

Not so much handing the Clan freebies, but instead creating the possibility of our survival if we can seize it. Which feels more fitting for him.
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I do not believe it's controversial to say that the vision is clearly be tailored specifically so that Old Gold could actually understand what is going on and allowing for easier immersion. Time wasted by his mind asking questions is time his mind is wasting not absorbing the critical truth.

But again this is self-evident, so where am I going with this? I think the fact that the Heaven's Shadow had this information at all is telling. Whoever the Survivor of the World Sage's rampage was, they were able to carry this information away and Heaven's Shadow was able to save that information. Yet giving the powers of World Fusion Bhrigu could have easily prevented that.

Now Bhrigu is clearly a decent egg. So he wanted a survivor to carry a light to the future. But I wonder if that's all he did? Look at this.
It might not have been a survivor necessarily -- Myia and Callista could have been connected to the web of Heaven's Shadow themselves, being proper Administrators or Users rather than lucking into it with a compatible Dao like Manuel did (or perhaps it's not luck; perhaps it defaults to connecting to anybody who is considered a leader of the Golden Devils and is at least Nascent Soul. Maybe Alexios was connected too, and the Archegetes before him. They just weren't able to do as much with it perhaps.), and so Heaven's Shadow simply recorded the battle as it happened.
There's also the bit earlier in the vision where they talk about how the SCA sent a force to restore order in the Third Sea which got cut off from the rest of the SCA. And even a Law Creation Elder couldn't break through past the Dao Protector of the sea after it got empowered in a new way. So if that is accurate, it's entirely possible that the Third Sea Golden Devils are descended from a fragment of the SCA that separated from the greater whole before they became as dark as they are in the vision. With maybe some survivors managing to escape into the Third Sea though I find that unlikely in any real numbers.
4. We have seen the Law Creation Elders, Alexandrios and company, be referred to as Elders. I will now remind you that currently Core Formation are considered Elders -and there are less than a hundred of them among the Golden Devils.

I assume that Law Creation at the time of Sage Bhrigu was most likely the highest, and less likely the second highest, of realistically achievable stages of Cultivation. Keep in mind that this was the era when SCA has just about counquered the Nine Seas. This ought to be the zenith of their might, right?
This is not the zenith of the SCA, this is after Machine of Heaven focused a great deal of curses on them, and the conquered populations began to get the backing of Heaven to rebel. This is the decline from the Zenith. When the peak powerhouses couldn't beat up a sea monster.
Maria 39: Price and Balance (Part 2
Price and Balance (Part 2)
Maria Turn 11 Third Omake

Thousand Song was a blot on the horizon. At this distance, Maria had to furrow her brow to make out the details; hazy spires and tall pagodas, high walls, barred gates… beyond that, nothing. A smudge. The armies surrounding it were easier to make out, but she knew what she'd see, there. The truth was, Blood Path looked like Blood Path, whatever the sect. The variability was, in it's own way, uniform.
She grit her teeth, and strangled the sigh that had built up in her chest. This was ridiculous. She was in her fucking nineties, for fuck's sake, and all but seventeen years of that in the Legions. This wasn't the first time she'd had to take an order she didn't like. Why was this one sticking in her craw so badly? Be better, she scolded herself. You're a captain. Act like it.

The best thing to do, she decided, was distract herself. The latest tactical dispatch was still crammed into one of her pockets. Honestly, she should have read it already, but there'd been too much to do all day trying to manage what was left of the squad. Nikolas was technically on loan to the Array master's corps – a trained soldier with working Array knowledge was helpful on a mission like this, where an extra body with a chisel and a brain could shave valuable seconds off an installation and mean the difference between success or failure – but that hadn't exempted her from the usual joys of paperwork and squad evaluations. If anything it just made them worse; she'd been chasing down some charming arsehole who'd been supervising Nikolas all day just to get him to sign off half a dozen sheets she was almost positive no-one would ever read. Selene and Georgy weren't much better. The former was being eyed up by that nameless collection of elders with unexplained but potent connections to the Parakoimomenos, and now every few hours, Maria would find her junior swept off into private tents for briefings she wasn't allowed to know about. The latter had somehow stumbled into a dozen arguments as soon as he'd showed up, supposedly about his brother. Maria hadn't the heart to ask which; Abel's particularly strong opinions had grown a crop of loud detractors pretty much everywhere, but Zeno… well. Those few enemies he had seemed to hold their opinions *strongly.* All three of them somehow managed to make their troubles Maria's problem; Selene's absences had to be explained carefully, Georgy's charming new play mates needed their feathers unruffled, and Nikolas meant every damn report needed cross-signing by gods alone knew who.

When had this happened? When had she become the bureaucrat-den mom for these people? She felt her temper rising again, and her eye flicking back to the sieged city in the distance. Damn it. No. No, she would be calm. She would be a good example. Maria took a deep breath, held it, let it out, and turned her attention back to the dispatch scroll. It was crumpled and worn, but legible enough. She read.

"…While the assaults so far have been as one would expect for such a siege as this, our response thus far has been cause for celebration. Of particular note is the recent repulsion of Demonic Altar shock troops by Lieutenant Draconis Kalokagathos – our latest addition to the ranks of foundation establishment. Kalokagathos's timely intervention ensured that our forces were not required to split their focus between the larger assault from the North, or instead attempt to extirpate the enemy after they had had a chance to infiltrate the wider city populace. It is commendable in one so new to foundation establishment…"

She felt her jaw creak with the pressure of her grinding teeth. Jealousy. Gods. How small-minded was that? She liked Draconis, and he'd won that affection fairly, with hard work and support. She'd been cheering on his ascension less than a month ago. She had to let this… foolishness… go.
Another deep breath. And another. And another. Let go of the crumpled report, now torn a little from her almost-clenched fists. Calm. Calm.

There was a cough behind her. She turned. Selene, her hair pulled back in a neat bun, arms crossed, gaze lowered – the usual combination of deference and hesitancy. Someone needed to remind that kid how lethal she was, or at least teach her to strut a little more; Gods knew Maria had tried. Still. No time to take it out on a poor girl who's only crime was proximity. The captain made herself smile.
"Caught me out again, Selene."
"Yes, captain."
"Gonna have to put a bell on you."
Selene smiled a little. It was an old joke between them.
"Pretty silver one, please."
"I'll see what I can scrounge. What's got you coming bothering me so quiet and subtle?"

Her junior's face fell at the question. That told her the answer before a word was said.
"…Ah shit," said Maria.
"Sorry, captain."
Selene nodded.
"The training ground, this time. She said it was sparring practice, but…"
The captain gave a frustrated growl.
"Should have kept that bitch locked up in my head," she muttered. "Saved me a world of fucking stress. Alright. This official?"
Selene gave a very careful little shrug.
"In the face of multiple chains of command," she said, each word calculated for maximum arse-covering should this blow up in everyone's face, "I decided to inform you first, as my captain, both due to your immediate seniority, and your personal experience with the issue in question."
Maria snorted bitterly.
"Fine way of putting it. Alright," she said, standing up. "I'll handle it."

The nature of the mission in One-Boat, One-River was a little outside the ordinary for the Golden Devils. Normally, clan doctrine was to dig in, fortify, and defend. It was a solid strategy, but it didn't work here; the enemy was disorganized and fluid, striking and retreating at random. Worse, the evacuation of local mortals was more important. They couldn't focus their forces too much – not with so many easy targets to ferry back and forth. Instead, they'd focused on mobility. The camps were clusters of tents thrown up quickly, defended with what fortifications could be thrown together in short order. Everything would be disassembled again in short order when they moved on. As a result, things tended to be a little… slapdash. Training grounds in particular. Nine times out of ten it was just a rectangle, sketched out roughly in whatever free space they could find. This time they'd barely even managed that, given the dozen or so extra tents they'd picked up for the refugees.

And yet somehow, Lyssa had managed to wreck it. It'd be impressive if Maria didn't have to deal with the fucking fallout. The ground, once stamped flat by diligent legionnaires, was pocked and scarred by impact craters and scorch marks. The thin lines scraped into the dirt as borders were gone in their entirety, but it seemed her sister had decided to replace them with glass, fresh forged by the look of it. She could imagine how that happened – there was enough sand around that one good blast would cook it. The why, especially after the ludicrous damage on display in front of her, was a little harder to grasp.
The rest of the trainees had fled already. Selene would have informed the rest of the camp's command, by now. That would come back to bite her, she was sure of it. Maria fought down her temper again, pinched the brow of her nose, and advanced.

In the centre of the chaos was her sister-self. Lyssa seemed calm, from a distance, slowly working her way through a few of the more technical katas of the bull dance. Maria wasn't fooled. The movements were considered and slow, certainly, but whatever wrathful lunacy had prompted all this hadn't abated. Lyssa hadd just crushed it down tightly, letting the pressure build up for the next explosion.
Well, that was not going to happen if Maria had anything to say about it. She stalked across the wreckage until she was less than a foot away.
"There a reason for all this?" she asked, voice full of leashed irritation. Her sister snorted and turned away. "No? Just figured it'd been awhile since we looked like idiots, then?"
Lyssa's kata was getting bigger, more aggressive. Her jaw was taking on that hard line, too; the stubborn one.
"Fuck's sake. Come on, let's go."
"Haven't finished," said her sister. There was a low rumble in her voice, barely perceptible; like the tremors before an earthquake.
"Well, the training ground is. Come on."
"Imperator's balls, Lyssa, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Lyssa turned and fixed Maria with a hard stare. Her lips quirked into a contemptuous sneer.
"You ask. Like you don't know. Like it isn't the same thing wrong with you."
It shouldn't have set her off. She knew that. The sisters made jibes like that to one another every day. Sometimes it was practically affectionate.
It shouldn't have set her off. It did.

The punch took Lyssa full in the face, and sent her staggering backwards. There was a brief moment of stillness as they registered what had happened, and then Lyssa was on her, surging forwards with all the power and force of an avalanche as she rained down a shower of violent strikes.
Maria's arms came up. She'd come to live out of her bull sleeves since the Trials, and she thanked the Gods for that; it made parrying notably easier. Damn it. Damn it, how had-
Another punch rattled against her right vambrace, barely avoided. There was no time for thoughts. Focus. Her temper was still roiling underneath her thoughts. It'd be far too easy to give into it, and then the whole thing would only get worse. As it was, she'd be explaining this to the Centurion before the day was out. What she had to do now was keep it from escalating. She couldn't tire Lyssa out, not at the tenth heavenstage, but she could bore her enough to let this go.
They went at it like that for a while; Lyssa striking, roaring, spitting flames, and Maria ducking, blocking, weaving out of her way. She could feel her sister's frustration building up through their link with each refusal to engage. She'd been hoping for a fight. A real one. This was just… infuriating. The worst kind of time wasting. At last, she skidded to a stop behind Maria, turned, and howled in incoherent fury.
Maria glared at her.
"You finished now?"
"FUCK you," snarled Lyssa.
"That a yes?" There was an angry silence. Maria gave a frustrated snarl. "Gods, Lyssa. This is fucking ridiculous."
"Is it," muttered her sister.
"Yes! It's a mission. Not a holiday. We go where we're needed."
"Out here. Miles away from the fight. Like children."
"Like *Legionnaires*, you idiot. But since you brought up children, how long have you been a spoiled brat?"

Lyssa froze. Maria pressed on, heedless. She was tired of having to explain this.
"You don't get what you want. So you throw a tantrum. Because you deserve better, right? You're the Red. You saved the Thousand. You want a real fight where you can feel special-"
And then her sister laughed. Maria halted, a little shocked. She'd expected anger, denial, possibly even a little shame. What she was getting was… contempt.
"That's what you think this is about?" Lyssa said, around mirthless chuckles. "Really? Gods. You don't know a damn thing about yourself, do you?"
"I know-"
"I shouldn't be surprised, though. That's what I'm for, isn't it? All the stuff you don't like, you push it down into me."
"Shut up, would you? For once in your fucking…"

Lyssa turned away, and raked a hand through the tight short fuzz of her hair. She laughed again, cold and bitter.
"It's not about being special, you dumb fuck. It's about being weak."
Maria felt… something. Something hard, and still, and sharp; discovering a razorblade lodged in her guts that had been there for years. It was the abominable sense of recognition.
"Draconis has passed us by," said Lyssa. The anger had drained out of her. She just sounded defeated, now. "Gaius, too. And I don't care that he was always going to, it doesn't fucking matter. We're a fighter. A good one. But the single pillar means we're here, scrabbling around in Qi Condensation when we could be Foundation Establishment by now. Easily, too."
"That's the cost," said Maria, finding her voice again. "Time is the cost-"
"But who's fucking paying it?! What kind of difference are we making out here, hah? Instead of being in the city, where a hand-to-hand specialist wouldn't just be useful, they'd be a godsend."
"…Rina Callista proves-"
"We already fucking have Rina Callista. And this fucking SHIT we're doing, trying to be her, it means we're not doing our damn job. We are costing the clan. And more than that. Out here? Two cities. A handful of mortals. Inside Thousand Song? Millions. Literal millions of lives. Everyone that dies because they are understaffed in there is on us, because we could have saved it. We are WEAK, Maria. Because we want to be special."

The silence rang with horrible clarity. Lyssa's body seemed to crumple, a little. Maria felt herself echo it. After a moment, her sister-self trudged away.
She wanted to call her back. She wanted to say something.
But what was there to say?

Paging doctors @no. , @ReaderOfFate and @Kaboomatic , doctors no., ReaderOfFate and Kaboomatic for a threadmark please...
Simon Euaerizo 4: Lipita Delphi & Simon Euaerizo - A Letter from Home(collab link)
@Sol Zagato please post a link to your most recent collab with insane-not-crazy so that you can get your bonus from it.
Edited into my good seed background post.

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

Run your own Xianxia faction! Offend old monsters! Raise good seeds! Face heavenly tribulations! And remember, always support your Young Masters, no matter who they offend.

I'd like a life-saving treasure.
GM telling us to prepare for the Next Trials hard aside. This isnt a recorded message. Its too targetted. It feels to me like a shadow of Bhrigu directly telling the Manuel. Directly consenting that his descendant probably has to die and in a way showing that he thinks that Old Gold is good enough of a person to take his words at heart. Which again tells me that he's been observing the situation and knows what is going on.
Nah it's just Jovi smashing space time one last time and him peeking at us through the crack in reality. He didn't know anything up until that point then used his cultivator mumbo jumbo to look through our memories and get caught up with our situation.
Wait. A power mirroring Heaven that pushes back against it. World Fusion directly draws power from Heaven. Did Sage Bhigru create the Shadow of Heaven to protect the SCA remnants? After all, when the shadow gained awareness they were already being wiped out very fast, so it didn't exist in a meaningful capacity until their downfall.
It was actually the SCA that brought in the Shadow into this turtle world when they first arrived had we gotten The Beginning instead of the Two Path's and it was very strong way back then before it started fraying. It's actually quite likely the Shadow was an important key in order for their mission to succeed.
I assume that Law Creation at the time of Sage Bhrigu was most likely the highest, and less likely the second highest, of realistically achievable stages of Cultivation. Keep in mind that this was the era when SCA has just about counquered the Nine Seas. This ought to be the zenith of their might, right?
It was confirmed by Occi on discord this is during a large decline for the SCA as there are no Revival stages they had at this point period. It's telling that Jovi is a strategic asset when he's only in Law creation. The curses have just been killing them relentlessly and at such a high intensity at that too.
The world itself was trying to purge them like an infection after this World Fusion path was brought in by someone other than Heaven.
It's entirely possible that the Third Sea Golden Devils are descended from a fragment of the SCA that separated from the greater whole before they became as dark as they are in the vision.
We've known this since the beginning of the quest, but no all our ancestors were bastards in the SCA no exception. That's why we're still cursed after all, Heaven remembers.
I believe the canonical answer to the Sea Conquering Army's morality is...

"Not nearly as decent as the contemporary Golden Devils, but not nearly as bad as everyone else claims them to be"

"They had a specific objective to accomplish coming here, and brought the tools and expertise to make it happen"

Notably, by this snippet here, the top brass of the Sea Conquering Army was already long dead, and this might just be the stranded juniors who are freaking the fuck out and lashing out after the universe started suddenly turning into a hellplane.

It's just that the Golden Devils are arguably one of the most reasonable factions on the map. Because humility is often born from a place of supreme weakness--and we picked the answers that boiled down to "We doubled down on our pride and refusal to succumb to barbaric behavior when the chips were down, and at this point the propaganda has become the truth"
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Paulus 15 - Singing Copper Kettle
Paulus 15: Singing Copper Kettle

"This is a very dangerous technique, Centurion."

I still had some time before I had to, or could, greet my Century formally. Nabu had pulled a lot of strings to get them all there to meet me once I showed up post breakthrough but that actually meant a few things were left hanging with nobody to watch them. Rather than risk anything screwing up just for the sake of my welcome party I'd let them off to deal with their own matters and scheduled the full meetup in a few weeks.

That left me with plenty of time to start looking into my new techniques and while Silent Steps Resounding seemed straightforward enough, the other two were finicky enough that I needed help to deal with them. For Singing Copper Kettle, that meant someone who knew medicine or alchemy, preferably both. And for me that meant Titus.

The medico of my old squad easily agreed to meet with me to go over the finer points. Technically I couldn't share the technique with him but if he was acting as my medico he'd have to know what I cultivated and so he got to look at the manual.

"Your mastery of medicine and alchemy are insufficient to use this perfectly safely." The deadpan doctor continued, "The manual claims that a Foundation Building Expert's level of qi control is sufficient to forcibly utilize it, however I must stress that there will be a significant drop in efficiency if you cannot precisely control the reactions."

"I meet the toughness requirement, don't I?" I countered.

He nodded reluctantly, still staring into the middle distance as he communed with the jade slip to observe the technique.

"That you do, Centurion. If the new information on the 10th heavenstage is to be believed your body should remain intact even in the case of catastrophic technique failure, but I must again stress that 'intact' does not mean 'in perfect health'. In the worst case you could be consigned to bedrest for decades."

I hesitated a bit at that. Titus wasn't the type to exaggerate and he knew exactly what kind of resources I had available to me now. If he was saying I'd be in bed for decades he very likely included other healing methods in that timeframe. The possibility of blowing myself up or whatever was almost enough to get me to drop the technique, but the benefits it outlined...well I wanted those real bad. Reflected Purities isn't enough for me at this level, it barely saw me through the fights with those Jingshen Scions.

I need an edge.

"Still doing it." I confirmed.

Titus sighed and pulled a number of needles from a satchel at his waist with some of the finest qi control I'd ever seen. The needles launched forwards and pierced precise points on my body before the man himself took a few measured steps forward and rested his hand on the crown of my head.

"Very well Centurion. I will monitor your progress until you complete the first layer of attainment, as requested."

"Thanks again Titus."

"Think nothing of it, Centurion. Now, we will begin with the Lungs."

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply but steadily, filling my lungs to their physical capacity and then forcing a bit more in there with qi control. Titus continued speaking as I worked, explaining some of the finer points of what we were doing and directing the next steps. We both knew what the manual said at this point, but this was why I brought him in.

"The Lungs are a Yin Organ and excel at filtering the Metal Element from the qi around you. Do not hold this breath, release it slowly as you pass the filtered energy to your kidneys." A small pulse of qi flowed through the needles into the organs, just enough to help direct me to them without disrupting my technique.

The qi flowed smoothly and easily at this point, following the body's natural processes. I barely had to do anything but make sure the overabundance of qi I was feeding into the system was not dispersed and wasted.
"The Kidneys are also a Yin Organ and as such require a delicate touch. The filtered Metal Element will gather and multiply the Water Element in your kidneys. Do not directly interact with this organ without expert knowledge. You must create a qi bridge encasing it to pass the transformed energy to your Liver. Follow and bridge these meridians, their closest point lies close to the groin. I don't believe I need to emphasize what a mistake here will do to you."

Sweat began pouring down my brow but I followed the path of vibrating needles through my meridian system and transferred the concentrated water element from my kidneys over to my Liver. I immediately felt a change in my body and my energies almost beginning to cycle on their own, but it felt strange, incomplete.

"This is where things become difficult. Breathe, Centurion, you must continue to fuel the effect with metal energy from the Lungs or your kidneys will wither. Small breaths, you cannot afford to overwhelm the system. We must move quickly now."

A long series of needles vibrated across my torso, repeating after a moment as Titus began to pulse his qi regularly.

"The Liver is also a Yin organ and governs the Wood Element in the body. Due to the nature of our physiques most clansmen tend to have some problems with the Liver but the benefits of a more robust body mitigate or counter them somewha-"

"Hey Titus." I broke in, feeling the qi pooling in my liver beginning to grow out of control. "How about we save the extra credit for later. What do I do with this energy?"

"Of course, Centurion," Titus replied, sounding mildly embarrassed. I couldn't spare a look at him to confirm as I was beginning to feel my liver pulse now and I was pretty sure that was impossible. Pretty sure.

"This next step is where most of the danger lies and is the most complicated part of the technique. Qi naturally flows now to the liver and the technique will take conscious effort to halt at this stage. You must split the energies into three even flows and drive them here, here, and here along these meridians. Bridge them at these locations. But be warned-"

The Wood Element qi jumped at my command as I directed them down the paths Titus indicated, bullied into immediate compliance by the natural Bronze qi circulating in my blood, The indicated paths led to specific locations in and around my heart and I'd meant to be careful with it but the rush of qi connected almost immediately without complaint, even doing so a split instant before I asked.

The effect was immediately obvious as my heartbeat grew strong enough to rock my chest and my body temperature spiked to the point where my sweat began steaming off of me.

"- the Heart and its protector are also Yin Organs that govern the Fire Element in the body, but the third stream connects to a Yang flow line and the influx of subordinate yin energies will fuel the flame element in your body to uncomfortable heights."

"Yea, pretty sure I'm feeling that!" I bit out. I sucked down a breath-


My body temperature spiked again to a painful degree and a visible heat haze formed over my skin as qi rushed around my body like a charging scorpion bear. I reflexively drew on the Reflected Purities to dull the pain.

"I said small breaths, Captain!" Titus cried, "And the Reflected matter, we are already over the allotment of metal energy. Captain you must complete the technique or the system will rampage out of control. It must be done now!"

A series of needles I could barely feel vibrated across my torso and lower back. The thumping of my heart made it difficult to tell exactly what the proper route was but I prepared to follow them anyway from my memory of the manual.

"The three flows must be reunited here in the Stomach. It is a Yang Earth Element Organ and will serve as a way to dump the energies of the technique should the worst happen. Quickly now Captain, time runs short."

The rampaging qi struggled in my spiritual grip as if it knew I was attempting to ground it. I couldn't dedicate any more focus to it, my control over the containment on my kidneys was already slipping and if I messed up there I could cause myself some real damage.

Fine, screw it, lets see if this technique can beat my body. I released my hold on the majority of my organs and instead poured energy into the Reflected Purities. The contained qi instantly rampaged out of control but instead of weak flesh it met a body made of Bronze. Titus' needles were forcibly pushed out of my body and the sound of internal impacts began echoing through my chest. I only had one shot at this.

I marshaled every last bit of my attention not focused on creating the qi bridges to grasping the rampaging Fire Element qi around my thumping heart. The flame was already destroying the protection of the Reflected Purities at an accelerated rate as if it had found its natural prey, but in the face of my full attention the relatively small amount of qi cycling through the technique was no match. I forcibly bridged the route to my stomach and the organ in question roiled as Earth Element began to multiply, feeding on the Fire Element from my Heart.

Titus shouted something and I remembered the last step of the manual. Something about the lungs. There was no more time to think about it so I just shoved it in and hoped for the best as I tried to re-establish the protections around my organs.
Steam erupted from my body and my next exhale came out like a keening whistle instead of something sounding like it came from a human. I sucked in another breath and the Earth Element fed back into the system, multiplying the Metal Element in my lungs as it was filtered back into my kidneys. I exhaled and steam poured out my mouth, nostrils, and I'm pretty sure some came from my ears as I was abruptly forced to stand.

Titus was shouting something at me and pointing outside but I couldn't hear it over the steady thumping of my heart and the rumble of energy in my stomach. I sucked in another breath and the effect multiplied again. I began vibrating in place as strength filled my body that had nowhere to go. Titus was shouting and pointing, my body was crying out for something. Eventually I got the idea.

I ran.


Kalliope looked at her new tent in happiness. Her promotion to Optio had come as soon as her lessons with Strategos Merida had completed and she had just finished setting up her things for her new position.

She would be on loan to another Legion for the first few years, at least until the position opened up back in her own, but a promotion was a promotion. The only real downside is that she would be seeing Justi less, but they had already agreed to coordinate their leave and 'self improvement' time to be together. As long as her new Centurion was decent then this would be an ideal posting. Kalliope hoped that…

She looked up at the sound of a distant inhuman whistling. A spirit beast, here? Most of those left in the camp were administrators and tacticians, not warriors. She cursed and grabbed her spear before rushing out. Whoever had allowed one to slip through would get a beating from her personally for ruining her arrival day. She listened again for the keening whistle and paused as the rapid thumping of feet on sand drew...closer?

She barely managed to throw herself out of the way as a - somewhat familiar - man completely made of bronze charged past her towards the wilderness, steam pouring from his metallic body in such copious amounts as to almost shroud him entirely from sight. Within seconds he was out of the camp and charging up - no THROUGH - a nearby sand dune, blasting sand into the air without slowing his advance one step.

Kalliope watched him go for a moment until he was out of sight and then looked back on her wind rumpled tent mournfully. Perhaps Strategos Merida would be willing to send her somewhere else.


Word Count: 2112

New technique! New stories to tell around the campfire about insane Centurions or very strange spirit beasts.

I went a bit more in depth on technique function here than I normally do so I hope that doesn't end up boring. The Foundation Establishment techniques are a bit more complicated and learning how to use them will be just as important to Paulus' growth as actually using them this time so I figured I had to give them some scenes. This technique, the Singing Copper Kettle, is an enhancement technique with some very uhh, visible effects. It's absolute crap for stealthy operations but when you just need to give a lot of somethings a lot of punches at once you'll find no better option for those physically inclined, or medical/alchemy professionals with enough knowledge to properly control it.

If you want an example of the 'inhuman whistling' just hit ye old google and look up 'steam whistle'. Any and all of those are true at the same time.

@no. @TehChron
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It was actually the SCA that brought in the Shadow into this turtle world when they first arrived had we gotten The Beginning instead of the Two Path's and it was very strong way back then before it started fraying. It's actually quite likely the Shadow was an important key in order for their mission to succeed.
Was it ever actually said that they deliberately brought the Shadow? And if they did, it doesn't seem like it was ever exactly in a position of strength. The blurb from The Beginning specifically said that at the moment of its birth, it could feel the SCA being wiped out.

It was confirmed by Occi on discord this is during a large decline for the SCA as there are no Revival stages they had at this point period. It's telling that Jovi is a strategic asset when he's only in Law creation. The curses have just been killing them relentlessly and at such a high intensity at that too.
The world itself was trying to purge them like an infection after this World Fusion path was brought in by someone other than Heaven.
World Fusion seems explicitly to have been invented by Heaven as a countermeasure though. Bhigru essentially said as much.
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So... we know that as of the time when Law Creation was as high as we got (and all of those, it seems were legacy) one of the things that was happening was that the divine lightning was killing basically everyone. That was what the Spite towers were about - they essentially prevented that murderous tribulation lightning. So the SCA did something, and then the heavens started murdering them with tribulation lightning, and eventually they managed to figure out how to set up those spite towers that both prevented said lightning and empowered them. The "slow march of spite towers" technique was actually working, and they'd stabilized at Law Creation (with a policy of actively, deliberately, and repeatedly breaking the world so that Heaven would be too busy fixing reality to interfere too badly... and genocide in order to prevent Heaven from having tools to use) when the heavens came up with World Fusion (and possibly also the Heavenly Stars) in order to prevent them from completing that plan.
Aliki Floros 14 - Trauma Care
Aliki Floros
Trauma Care
Everything Qian Chao had once thought she knew about healing was wrong, apparently.

Oh sure, she could brew up some fine healing elixirs given time and materials, she could monitor and treat the injured, ill, and poisoned. She was even a fairly solid hand at using pulse reading to determine more subtle injuries!

But all it took was one weirdo doing insane things to cast her life's work into doubt.

"Well, the way I see it." Lady Floros was saying, that gigantic plume that was her hair ruffling in the motion. "Someone being hurt is someone's vitality being damaged. You get however much when you're born, you get a bit more as you cultivate, and that's that--when you run out you just go poof" She gestured in all directions there, enunciating that last... onomatopoeia with a pop to her lips. "Someone getting hurt is like... Say your vitality is water, and everyone's body is a barrel for instance. Someone gets hurt? Their vitality spills out--and even if they patch the hole, it still takes a good while and some pills to make good on what you lost in the spillage."

She glances back into the infirmary, dozens of wounded disciples committed to bed rest--the light reflecting off of hairline thin strands of hair connecting them to the healer. "I mean, I could just study herbalism and all that, I could just study how certain parts of a spirit beast can be repurposed in elixirs and pills. I could come up with formulas that can stimulate the body's ability to replenish lost vitality. But that's super expensive, super picky, and I'd have to get into all kinds of horrible business and icky stuff to make good on it."

Qian Chao stared off into the mess of wounded, their injuries drawn closed--needle and thread apparently with bits of the slightly older lady's hair. Supposedly they could be absorbed harmlessly after the wound closed naturally, and they served as a great binding agent in the meantime. "It still kind of bothers me though." She admits--they had had close enough association in the past several months to allow for candid talk. "It feels like Blood Path, you know? And those are all outside and would eat everyone in here if they had a chance."

Lady Floros snorted dismissively at that. "Well, yeah, that's because they're crazy people." She turns her attention to the walls--formation characters flickering into being as attacks scattered across the defenses, only to be responded to in kind. "It's like..." She bites her bottom lip in thought, a trace of fang briefly being visible. "It's like they don't know what it means to be hungry, you know?"

Qian Chao turned to Aliki then, confusion on her face. "Uh, the fact they eat everything that moves kind of says the opposite you know?"

Aliki shakes her head. "Nuh-uh" She says, almost childishly. "That's exactly why I say they don't know what it means to be hungry." She crosses her arms and swirls back around to Qian Chao. "The big thing when you're hungry is that you're always trying to find out where your next meal is going to come, and you have to plan everything out, bit by bit by bit. You have to ration it out, stretching what little you get so that you may be hungry but you're at least not starving." For all that her voice was a languid, soft tone--she spoke with no small amount of authority. "I mean, yeah, they look like they're hungry in the sense they keep eating everything. But they're not Hungry hungry, you know? Because they eat everything they can. You get it?"

"Not quite..." Qian Chao frowned and tried to mull the idea over. "It seems either way, they're still eating people?"

"Well, yes, but it's not because they Need to, but because they Want to." Aliki places her hands on her hips and leans forward a bit. "I know I'd certainly like a bottomless supply of spirit stones and good spirit beast meat! I'd get as much as I can if I could! Does that mean I'm hungry for them?"

Qian Chao's expression went dull for a moment as she recalled several little events that had occurred over her time working in the Devil's Clinic--tossing spirit stones in her mouth and chewing on them like candies. Draining the life and flesh and blood from captured spirit beasts in the space of moments, shriveling them up into desiccated husks.

"So... The fact they get something out of it taints their motivations?" Qian Chao came out of her reverie with the explanation--eliciting a big grin and a clap from Lady Floros. "Exactly! You eat because you have to, because the alternative is going hungry! But the Blood Path out there eats because they Want to, because it makes them more powerful and lets them live longer! So yeah, they don't know what it means to be hungry because if they did, they wouldn't be bashing down our doors just because there was something they could eat in here! Just spending all your time eating because you can but you're not hungry is super bad, because when do you stop?"

"They don't, right?" Qian Chao sighed, strength leaving her shoulders as she slumped. "They just keep coming until they burn out or they're stopped by someone."

"And that's exactly what my job to do is here!" Lady Floros nodded eagerly. "To make sure that they fail, because guys like that means I have to keep explaining myself all the time!" Her face returns to its usual pout as she straightens up, cracking her back. "But, it's all well and good I suppose, a bit of exposition never hurt anyone, and it gives us something to..."

Her nose twitches, and she glances up into the air. "Oh, that's not going to be good."

"What's not going to be..." Qian Chao asks, following Lady Floros' gaze. Another bombardment? Those had been getting rebuffed all day, nothing to worry about, was it?

The shell of power crashed into the city barrier--and this time did not immediately shatter. Instead, it began to grind--array characters flashing to life and fighting back.

"Mmm, yeah, they're definitely going to get in." Lady Floros frowned. "I really did want to avoid getting any exercise."

"Uh... What do you mean?" Qian Chao backed up a step or two. "We'll be fine, right? There's lots of experts who can deal with any problems, right?"

"We're sitting on a place with plenty of injured people who can't put up much of a fight." Lady Floros observed, testing her bandages with a frown and checking her ability to move her arms properly. She winced. "Which means that when you have a bunch of greedy thugs who want a free lunch..."

"... Oh no..." Qian Chao paled and shrunk back. "We... We should run away, right? We're healers, we have no business being on the front lines!"

"Ah ah ah..." Lady Floros raised one finger and wiggled it about. "We're the healers, we are the final line of defense. Sure, we're not supposed to be fighting in the front lines--but that's a long way from saying we should either lie down and die or leave our charges at their mercy..."

The shell in the air flashed, and detonated--a transient hole opened in the barrier as Demonic Cultivators poured out--a shell that carries a sally force inside apparently? Many began using secret magics to slow their descent--and exactly according to Lady Floros' prediction, many seemed to be coming towards the clinic. Not the majority--and their cultivation wasn't very high--but there was at least one foundation establishment attacker coming down and...

"W... What are we supposed to do then?!" Qian Chao asked--and Lady Floros raised one of her arms--the undamaged one apparently--and flexed her hands. "Well, you should probably consider learning a martial art, or a technique that can suppress attackers--Lady Bardos for instance is way scarier than anyone who would dare come into her territory!" Qian Chao had no idea who that was! "But... Well, I guess it can't be helped this time--I'll clean up this little mess on your behalf."

Her lips stretched wide, baring teeth--ivory, fanged things that took on a much darker tone when fully exposed to the air.

The demonic cultivators landed, a Foundation Establishment cultist wearing the robes of a Demonic Altar expert leading them--he sneered at the two women standing against him. "Hah, is this all that stands against me? Women and children?" He scoffed, a lewd grin growing on his face. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object to a little dessert after we're done, heh heh heh..." He snaps his fingers and gestures at the clinic. "Get in and take them!"

There's a rustling of... Something.

Nothing happens. Qian Chao desperately glanced from side to side, uncertain as to what was going on--but the Demonic Altar disciples were simply... Frozen?

No! She had seen this before! The tiny strands of reflective light off of the air.

"Mmm, here's the thing." Aliki Floros said, stepping forward. The Demonic Altar Disciples twitching, paralyzed in the invisible strands of hair. "Vitality is Vitality, where it comes from and where it goes doesn't really matter in the end--and while a lot of people kind of have the misconception that healing arts can't be used to do harm... Nothing could be further from the truth!"

The expert leading the group took a step back. "What are you doing?" He gathered up his Qi--wary of what he may have stepped into. Lady Floros twisted one finger in the air, wrapping up a strand of hair bit by bit--showing the dull red gleam within it. "Using my unique constitution as a filter, I have the ability to neutralize all identifying traits within any vitality I absorb. Spirit Beasts are usually the best as their vitality is stronger to begin with, and I can get the most done using them as a source. Compare to that? What people have to offer really isn't that great." She wrinkles her nose then in distaste, focusing the entirety of her attention on the leader. "The only real upside is how many people there are--but even that's just kinda lazy."

"Y.. Wha?" The Expert stumbles for a moment--but shakes his confusion off after a moment and draws out a spear. "I... How dare you?!" His Qi surges, and he charges! Qian Chao screams and crouches down, hands over her head--was this going to be the end?

There's a wet squelching noise a moment later.

"There's just no point to it, all you're doing is taking you know?" Aliki's voice continued, barely over a whisper--her foe gurgled, a wooden-handled scalpel buried into his throat. "That's not a path that leads anywhere but people going hungry, and I won't have that, you see?"

Qian Chao stared at the rapidly withering man. His blood sucked into the handle of the scalpel. "So go, die, because I've said that the people here get to live. When you decided to turn your teeth on the people behind me, that was the moment your life was forfeit."

He slumped to the ground, a desiccated husk. Lady Floros nodded at that, spun the scalpel in her hand as it slid back into her sleeve--and turned her attention on the frozen Disciples. "So..." She asked, raising her voice so Qian Chao could hear it. "I dunno what the protocol here is--should I finish these guys off or take them prisoner or something?"

Qian Chao looked up at her, at the frozen disciples, and gulped loudly. "I... Don't think Qi Condensation is going to know anything useful? Especially ones attacking our base like this?"

"Ah, well, can't blame me for trying." Aliki sighed, and snapped her fingers--each erupted into a spray of blood, falling to the ground in droves. "So! That takes care of that!" She smiled, turning back to Qian Chao with a clap of her hands. "We'll just wait for the people on the wall to take care of things while we get the patients ready to move, in case the defense line runs into trouble!"

"You just... They just..." Qian Chao blinked from the spotless healer before her, to the pile of dead Demonic Cultivators, and back again. "H... How?"

"Well..." Lady Floros mused, one hand on her cheek. "A lot of people say that poison is just medicine with a couple extra steps" She explains. "I figure healing is just killing with a few extra steps--it's really kind of been working out for me!"

... Aliki Floros was a madwoman apparently.
So... we know that as of the time when Law Creation was as high as we got (and all of those, it seems were legacy) one of the things that was happening was that the divine lightning was killing basically everyone. That was what the Spite towers were about - they essentially prevented that murderous tribulation lightning. So the SCA did something, and then the heavens started murdering them with tribulation lightning, and eventually they managed to figure out how to set up those spite towers that both prevented said lightning and empowered them. The "slow march of spite towers" technique was actually working, and they'd stabilized at Law Creation (with a policy of actively, deliberately, and repeatedly breaking the world so that Heaven would be too busy fixing reality to interfere too badly... and genocide in order to prevent Heaven from having tools to use) when the heavens came up with World Fusion (and possibly also the Heavenly Stars) in order to prevent them from completing that plan.
Pretty much, yeah. It was basically an arms race where one side came up with a plan, then the other formulated a counter-plan. Even the ground invasion itself was the Plan B to prevent the turtle from wiping them out itself after they were defeated in the initial space war.

The past few million years have sucked for everybody. It sucked for the Turtle, who endured all that pain at the hands of the invaders and recently lost one of its children. It sucked for the Sea Conquering Army, who were defeated, mostly wiped out, and cursed to all hell. It sucked for the natives, who were terrorized by the Sea Conquering Army and then endured the consequences of Heaven's drastic measures. No one won here.
Lipita Delphi 12: Lipita Delphi & Achille Adephos - At the Feet of the Master
TURN 11, OMAKE 12 [Lipita]
Lipita Delphi 12: Lipita Delphi & Achille Adephos - At the Feet of the Master

Achille Adephos was a genius with arrays. He knew it, the Mechanikos Corps knew it, and the Adephos family made damn well sure that every one their wealth and influence had access to knew it as well. The problem with genius, unfortunately, was that it left those graced with its blessing rarely able to relate to lesser advantaged persons. That and a distinct lack of social graces probably explained why Senior Mechanikos Adephos was flaying poor Ten Jin alive with his caustic wit.

Lipita Delphi kept a blank expression in place even as she stood at attention with the others watching sliently at the unsparing dressing down being delivered. She winced internally in sympathy for poor Ten Jin who looked almost tearful at his mistake being criticized. No one among the junior cultivators gathered in the Array Engineer Corps workshop had been spared the sharp of ire of their task leader for an error in the week that they'd been working together.

"...are you suicidal or just oafishly clumsy? The array sigils you carved are misaligned with the central energy transfer matrix which would result in a cascading failure through the sub-arrays for the evocation effect. Do you want to find yourself dead center in a firestorm cracking your bones after charring your flesh to ash because that's exactly what it seems you were working towards?" Achille Adephos glared coldly at the quivering Qi Condensation buffoon whose handiwork he was inspecting. "How on earth you earned your ergeilio, I can only imagine."

For all the harshness of its delivery, Lipita was in agreement with Achille's assessment of the situation. Even now, standing around the incomplete Array-Plate she would have sworn that the inscriptions etched onto the metal were adequate if not perfect. Only following the direction of Senior Adephos' critique and straining her senses had revealed several minutely misplaced runes that altogether would have produced the deadly backlash described once the Heaven's Furnace Entrapment Array was activated at full strength over time.

It was simply incredible how the Senior Mechanikos had taken just a brief glance at the Array-Plate while supervising the various workstations and caught the error. It bore out every hope Lipita had harbored when she'd accepted this task from the Contribution Board. Senior Mechanikos often recruited sufficiently interested and talented juniors to do the grunt-work for large projects, offering consideration in the form of hands on experience in advanced Array-work and close attention during the project to supplement a pittance of contribution points. Lipita hadn't committed fully to the path of the Mechanikos so she had declined formal enrollment into the Array-Engineer Corps after her induction into the legions. Access to the Delphi family archives and Array experts meant she hadn't stalled in the field but there was something to be said for the strength of the centralized institution for Array-work in a faction renowned for their aptitude for the specialty.

Turning away from the grateful Ten Jin, Achille Adephos, scrutinized his gathered subordinates. What he saw didn't seem to impress as his expression remained cold. "There is no tolerance for error or laziness in my workshop. You do it right or you don't do it at all. If you can't manage to keep your hands steady and your attention focused to follow instruction, leave now and give up Array-craft before you kill someone with your ineptitude. The door's open, any takers?"

No one moved to leave. Lipita was quietly impressed with her colleagues. Working under such a strict perfectionist as Senior Adephos was incredibly strenuous but it seemed that those with her were of stern conviction, even the most recent victim.

"Alright, let's get back to work. I'll be keeping a close eye on you all." Striding away from the workstation, Achille Adephos headed to the central work table where he was working on the more complex arrays to be integrated later. The juniors scattered in his wake back to their personal stations, freshly committed to not making any mistake deserving of chastisement.

At his work table, Achille paused a moment to check the progress of the work done in his absence by the drones of his Array Scribing Anthive. The intricate lattice of dense inscriptions sung to his senses, perfectly rendered in miniature on the stele of Yang Fire enriched obsidian sourced from the mount of the Watchful Father from the Hong Xuan Clan's lands. The ants from the Anthive were perfectly responsive to his will, as deft in his control as his own hands. The intent he had imbued in the central anchor for the slaughter array lay heavily upon the area, the promise of searing heat and swift death leashed to his will expressed upon the world. Oh yes, this Heaven's Furnace Entrapment would be a masterpiece but merely one more stepping stone in his advance to greatness.

Lipita paused briefly in inscribing an energy containment array with a metal stylus onto a plaque of Red Jadesteel, rolling her shoulders to work out a crick in her neck. The workshop around her hummed with focused energy from her colleagues hard at work, and ahead of her, the Senior Mechanikos appeared an expert orchestral conductor at work on a stele. A flash of envy run through her as she watched him masterfully wield an Array Scribing Anthive. She put the thought out of mind as she reminded herself that such resources were the fruit of success. The Yuan Secret Realm loomed ahead of her and great opportunities awaited her if she could survive the attendant dangers. Dallying about dreaming of unearned riches would not serve her there, best get to work.


The day's assignments were done by late afternoon, thankfully without another incident among the juniors. Putting aside their finished work, the commissioned workers gathered around the central workstation eagerly. The reward for their hours of labour was instruction from the accomplished expert himself and for those with the passion for Array-craft the promise of increased knowledge straightened aching limbs and steadied weary eyes.

Achille Adephos pointed to one of the more promising juniors among the batch. "Miss Lipita, would you care to review for us all the goal of this project?"

Lipita smoothly replied without missing a beat. "The aim of this group is to create a modified Heaven's Furnace Entrapment array. This is traditionally a static defensive setup used in entrenched emplacements to provide a prepared killbox for attackers who successfully breach fortifications. It consists of two effects, the entrapment activation and the successive slaughter process which both draw on the local leylines. The standard entrapment uses a Yang Earth aspected effect to manipulate terrain to create a foot ensnaring trap. Other configurations use Yang Lightning to paralyse and restrain targets for the primary effect to initialise. Once targets within the area of effect have been immobilised, a conflagration of Yang Fire and Wind is evoked in the form of a firestorm that scours the defined space of life. Our goal is to reproduce this array in a portable form using a central focus and subsidiary formation flags with plates."

"Adept summary, Miss Delphi." Senior Adephos nodded in appreciation. Looking to the stele, he pointed at the central inscriptions. "The Heaven's Furnace Entrapment is a well-regarded defensive array because drawing on the leylines of the land even in the sparse qi of the Organ Meat Desert, its power is enough to seriously harm and even kill Formation Establishment cultivators to say nothing of what it does to those weaker. A properly empowered version with auspicious siting can even take out Core Formation though that is limited to areas where strong Yang energies can be sourced such as from volcanoes."

Turning away from the table, he glanced over the group. "I have been able to reduce the power draw of the array by scaling down the area of effect, without reducing the average potency within that reduced area. Thus the array is now moveable and useful for rapid deployment. A quick fixation will allow for standard effect against weak mid-Formation Establishment and below while an extended set up will bring out the full strength. Ten Jin, what are the limitations of the portable set-up?"

Put on the spot, Ten Jin stammered out his reply. "Eh… the arrays, ehh… burn out quickly with use. The subsidiary nodes can't sustain the energy flow more than a couple of activations, sir."

"It seems that you do know something about proper Arrray-craft. Keep it up and maybe I won't be hearing news of your sudden unfortunate demise from foolhardiness." Achille commented, drawing a brief laugh from the crowd around a blushing Ten Jin. "Knowing the issue, we can reinforce the energy transfer connections. How? Well…"

As Senior Adephos accepted the response and begun explaining the details of the adaptations that had been put in place to mitigate the issue, Lipita listened with rapt attention. Her meridians scorched with activity as she roused the Memory Palace technique to full activity capturing every moment. She was tired after the day's labour but here was the wealth she sought and she didn't intend to miss a single iota of it.

AN: (1570 words) @Alectai @no. @ReaderOfFate Please threadmark. Collaboration with @ninjastar.
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The past few million years have sucked for everybody. It sucked for the Turtle, who endured all that pain at the hands of the invaders and recently lost one of its children. It sucked for the Sea Conquering Army, who were defeated, mostly wiped out, and cursed to all hell. It sucked for the natives, who were terrorized by the Sea Conquering Army and then endured the consequences of Heaven's drastic measures. No one won here.
You assume that the Turtle and the Heavens are the same. I'm... not convinced that's true. I'm not saying absolutely that it's false, but I'm not certain that it's true, either.

I also notice a thing.

The Time Shatter Sect is a thing. Their art descends pretty blatantly from one of those two Law Creation Elders. Divine Tunists are a thing. Considering the Time Shatter as context, their art descends pretty blatantly from the other Law Creation Elder. Looking at the Blood Path, and the Soup Path, and the Single Pillar path, it seems pretty obvious that Soup Chef was at least Law Creation. It also looks like the Sea Guardians got put into place before the scene we just watched, but not all that long before. The SCA went in, the guardians showed up, and suddenly the people in the Third Sea were cut off. I'm guessing that the SCA wouldn't have sent a major expeditionary force into a dead sea, and a guardian wouldn't have been added to a dead sea (though we can get a bit more info on that if someone tracks down the update where one of our Good Seeds encountered the guy). So that suggests that the murder of the Turtle Child would have been after our people had dominion over the Third Sea. Given what his developments actually achieved, and the implied goals he must have had, it seems highly likely to me that Soup Chef was one of ours.

Incidentally, I love how much richer the history of this world has been made by our clan's place in it.
Soup Chef did his thing a relatively short time ago though, World Fusion was already the only standard in his age.

Yet he apparently far surpassed that.
Soup Chef did his thing a relatively short time ago though, World Fusion was already the only standard in his age.

Yet he apparently far surpassed that.

Even more than that, I'm pretty sure he surpassed that before he ate the Turtle Child. The sea wouldn't have been deprived, so World Fusion equivalents would have been possible. It is possible to cultivate up as high as World Fusion/Law Creation in a non-murdered Sea, and (by this theory) he would have had to in order to create the Blood Path. For example, there was that one guy who tried to use the Trials to go non-Orthodox, and then murder enough of us to cultivate up past the danger zone where he'd be instantly murdered when he returned. So... perhaps it wasn't that he was one of ours. By that point, we were probably pretty deeply bound into the idea of not being unrepentant evil. Instead... it looks like he might have used us as cover. When the Devils are the Obvious Thing To Kill, then this random non-orthodox soup chef can grow a bit better without being instantly hunted down.

It also suggests that we really don't need the Blood Path in the way that the Demonic Altar guy would like to convince himself that we do, since Heaven's Wrath (while quite unpleasant) wasn't utterly wiping us out even before him, and it's been diminishing this entire time.

...and it's interesting that Time Shatter was the other group that had a Single Pillar cultivator. Shame about that "was".
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