Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Maria 38: Price and Balance (Part 1)
Price and Balance (Part 1)
Maria Turn 11 Second Omake

202 E.K.

The sunlight punches through the window, right onto Lyssa's face. It hurts. No, actually, that's not true. Hurt, she'd dealt with before. Suffering, too. Even agony. But none of it – not a gods-damned thing – compared to this. Her mouth was a dry riverbed, baking in the heat until it cracked. Her head pulsed with awful, vivid shivers. Her flesh seemed to dance between freezing shivers and awful, vomitous heat.

It seemed fair to say that she didn't like being hungover. At all.
The voice was far too loud. Lyssa growled in miserable agony.
"Yeah, no. Get up."
A hand descended, caught hold of the front of her shirt, and dragged her upright. She struggled feebly, but it was no good. Someone had decided she was getting on her feet. Eventually, she gave up struggling, and open her eye.
Maria was shooting her an amused look as she set Lyssa standing.
"Scarlet Lyssa," she said, "Saviour of the Thousand, the Red Place herself."
"Don't," growled Lyssa. Her sister-self went on regardless.
"Hero of the age, and walker of the Loneliest Path, laid low by Ghostspice and Orange wine."
Lyssa gave her a feeble little snarl. Maria laughed. She couldn't really help herself – it was honestly just too easy.

The Legion had gotten its marching orders last week. They were splitting – the Scorpion Road would need defenders again, the Flood Dragons could use reinforcement as they built themselves up, Jingshen needed watching, Hong Xuan wanted paying, Song had fallen *yet* again… too much work, and too few hands. So everyone was heading everywhere, now, and usually not with the people they'd started with. Even their squad had taken the hit. Maria's Dawnies (although no-one could call them that now, blooded and deadly as they were) would be sent out to every corner that sheltered under the Bronze Aegis.

It wasn't surprising, really. This kind of thing happened all the time. Besides, they'd been short-handed as is since Draconis. They should have seen it coming. But gods, Imperator and unholy heaven, that didn't make it sting any less. Still, they'd dealt with it with considerable aplomb. The Legion's headquarters was never short of bars, and they'd hit all of them. No tears, in the end. Just laughter and promises to survive so they could get back to the work when all this was done.
And now, here they were, in the unfamiliar confines of their apartment in Legion headquarters. Nice spot, in truth. Spacious. But Maria had spent most of her life moving around as the orders required. They'd spent less than four months in this place overall. It wasn't home in anything but the most technical of senses. Neither of them had said it, but they were getting restless.
Well. No need to wait now. The work, at last, had come to them.

Maria ran a critical eye over her Sister-Self. The hangover was already fading thanks to the soothing influence of their cultivation base, but it was dragging its heels a little. She clicked her tongue, went to her store cupboards, and came back with a plate of grilled scorpion.
"Here. Eat that," she said. "Quickly, as well, or we'll be late."
Lyssa gave another half-hearted little growl before tucking in. Her appetite was coming back already; the plate was clean in under a minute.
"Don't know why you're bothering asking," she growled. Maria shrugged. The link between them was an odd thing, given to fluctuations and weirdness. Sometimes, they were one woman in two bodies. Others, like now, she felt flickers from her sister, and not much else. It probably signified something, but she had neither the wisdom or temperament to figure out what.
"Come on," she said. "Let's go."

The Wise Brother was one of those tea houses that cropped up everywhere; expensive enough to keep the beggars and peddlers out, cheap enough not to empty a legionnaire's wallet whenever they wanted a drink. It wasn't particularly memorable otherwise. If Draconis was honest, despite the dozen or so times he'd come here, he couldn't even remember the owner's name.
Still. It didn't matter. You didn't come to a place like this for the place itself. You came because it made a nice backdrop for the friends you'd meet there. The conversations. The reminiscing. It might not have been entirely appropriate to his rank, but he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Not normally, at least. Today, though, he was sitting alone for ten minutes, and the world was starting to look better and better.
Draconis made himself sip his tea, and tried not to lose his temper. This was to be expected, he told himself. Last night would have been extensive. That would of course slow everything down. They would-

"Hey! Hey, that's-"
"-Both of them, Gods, I never-"
"-Really a full thousand?"
"A full thousand, every one!"
"The Red and White!"
"The Red and White themselves!"

Draconis felt the tension go out of his shoulders, and allowed himself a thin smile. As always, patience went rewarded. He looked up from his booth on the second floor. There in the doorway, surrounded by gabbing mortals and legionnaires, were Maria and Lyssa. Grinning. Shaking hands. Fame suited them, he had to admit – or at the very least this kind of fame did, where people fell over themselves to be in their presence. It seemed to dim the grumpiness some.
After a moment, Maria looked up and caught his eye. She grinned at him, and raised a hand in greeting. The surrounding entourage turned to follow her gaze, before falling back into their babble. They'd be wondering who he was. He'd end up in one of those ridiculous newspapers before the day was out, he was sure of it; supposedly they had gossip pages, now. Still. For the captain, he'd tolerate it.

The twins pushed through the crowd, and tramped up the stairs to the second floor. Quieter up here, and more refined. He stayed standing until they'd closed with him.
"Captain," he said, bowing.
The twins shot him identical grins.
"Elder," they chorused, laughing.
Draconis smiled at that.
"A temporary grace, I'm sure. Please, let's sit. I bought tea."

They piled into the booth again, and he poured out the cups. There was a moment of silence as they drank. Then…
"What is this?"
"It's perfect, 'Conis."
"A green tea blend with ginger," he said. "Good for hangovers."
They shared a glance.
"You know her too well," said Maria, smirking.
"Oh yes, and you such a saint," groused Lyssa.
He smiled.
"A good sergeant anticipates his captain's needs."
They grinned at him.
"Not a sergeant any more, though."
"Not even a captain! Tell us, 'lieutenant', how goes life for those honourable masters of foundation establishment?"
Draconis smiled again.
"Intriguing," he said. "I'll be honest, I am… enjoying the prestige."
"I bet. Family must be veeeery proud!"

The conversation went on like that for a while. It was the first chance he'd had to really speak with Maria since… Well. Since the trials. There'd been too much madness in between. Honestly, there'd been too much madness before, too – her trip to Qiguai, her return, Lyssa, the caravan… there'd barely been a moment to stop and take stock.
And now here they were, separated by a table and a great realm. And who knew how long it'd be before they closed that gap? He felt it keenly, now, even if they didn't. It had kept him from the party last night, and it had taken him out of the squad. It was the cost of cultivation, he knew that, but…
No. This was stupid. He shouldn't let himself get so… bogged down in his own thoughts. Draconis turned his attention back to the conversation.

"It's fucking pathetic," Lyssa said. "The Floods held the line as well as anyone else, and the Sabers turn and run?"
"What else do you expect?" asked Maria. "They did the same to the Jin back in the day. The Palace cuts and runs all the damn time."
"I must agree with Maria," said Draconis. "There's not point getting upset over our enemies behaving as they always do." He ignored the sharp flicker of sadness as he spoke. Liming was a long time ago, now, and he wasn't willing to open that old wound again. The captain shot him a glance that, for her, edged on sympathetic. He didn't respond. "And besides. They're Righteous. We never could rely on them."
"Point." Lyssa finished her tea. "Still pathetic, though. I'll say now, too – I'm fucking looking forward to a *real* war."
Maria winced.
"Don't let Ajax hear you say that."
"Ah, let him whine. Come on. You know I'm right. The trials is all bullshit, one way or another. You're fighting to shatter a token every time, and they're always too strong as is; it's win-lose and that's all. No depth."
Draconis considered that.
"You're hoping to go back to Song, then?"
Maria shrugged. Lyssa nodded.
"Real war," said the red sister, smirking. "A siege, too. Chance to really hone our edge."
"You say that like you enjoyed Three Frogs," said Maria.
"I did."

Draconis furrowed his brow. The siege? Surely-
The Red and the White. Walkers of the Lonely Path. They might not have thought it through. Should he say anything?
…No. No, that wouldn't help. He wasn't Letha. It'd come out wrong. They'd find out soon enough.

"Do you ever regret it?"
The words were out of his mouth before he'd even realized he was thinking them. The twins turned and shot him a confused look.
"Regret what?" asked Maria.
He should stop. He knew that. He didn't.
"Your path. Going for the Single Pillar. If you had chosen the orthodox path, you could be… I don't know. Ahead of me, certainly."
They seemed to ponder that for a minute.
"No," said Lyssa, eventually.
"We've had our share of battles to fight on the way," said Maria.
"Good ones."
"Hush. It's just… we can do it. Clan benefits from having Single Pillars. So why not?"
It was a sensible position, he knew that, but they'd missed his point. Surely-

But no. No. He'd pushed far enough. Too far, most likely.
"Admirable," he said instead. The tea pot was empty. He raised a hand for another.
"No," said Maria. She shot him a smile, apologetic and excited in equal measure, bound up tight in discipline. "Nothing personal, 'Conis, but ah… well. Time to get our walking papers."
Lyssa, next to her, flashed a savage little grin.
"Well," he said. "It was good to see you both."
"And you," said Maria.
"Don't be a stranger now," said Lyssa, as they left. "Or I'll have to come back!"

He waved them off, and smiled, and tried not to think what they'd find.

@Alectai @no. @ReaderOfFate , may I have a threadmark please?
I honestly think Kleisthenes being good at punching enemy Nascent Souls in the face will be more useful to us than trying to get cute.

Even if she's good for her level, Kleisthenes remains only an Early Nascent Soul.

I'm much more worried about the CONSQUENCES of us expanding than the difficulty of it. The clan was much more powerful and had much more powerful elders in the past and it didn't save us from decline.

I'd much rather have a diplomatic elder to deal with the fallout of a conflict with Jingshen or to help get help from other factions for a campaign against the Abyssal Devil Bees than having a stronger early nascent soul.

With Manuel's dao obscuring us from the Heavens and a diplomatic elder building relations and an intelligence network, I think we'll be much more suited to prosper in the long run.

Also, the Good Seeds are the hope of the clan and a diplomatic elder might do wonders in helping them secure opportunities aboard.
Even if she's good for her level, Kleisthenes remains only an Early Nascent Soul.
So are a lot of the Nascent faces we'd be punching.

I'm much more worried about the CONSQUENCES of us expanding than the difficulty of it. The clan was much more powerful and had much more powerful elders in the past and it didn't save us from decline.

I'd much rather have a diplomatic elder to deal with the fallout of a conflict with Jingshen or to help get help from other factions for a campaign against the Abyssal Devil Bees than having a stronger early nascent soul.
The problem I see with this approach is that it falls apart if, for example, the Abyssal Devil Bees just roflstomp us by brute force in Nascent Souls. I'm pretty sure either of Old Cannibal's two Early Nascents has the combination of experience and ruthlessness to take down Casia, and Old Cannibal has the potential to take down us if we're not somehow advantaged, and that leaves the third Nascent Soul to create an opening for one of them.

Our first Nascent Soul already has an intrigue bonus. I'm not sure doubling down to collect an intrigue bonus and a diplomacy bonus is a better combination than intrigue and combat.

Plus, of course, the part where I think Kleisthenes is more reliable and will work better in concert with Manuel.
@veekie please post a link to your collab with insane-not-crazy so that we can give you a turn bonus and assign you to the bandit mission.
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So, I've been arguing perspective, to try to reduce the numebr of specious arguments out there. I'm now going to present the arguments for the position I actually hold.

We should go with Kleisthenes.
- Casia is weak in combat, and her strengths are things that we don't actually need a lot of help in. Also, her dao offers her no additional defenses against a Jiao Acceptance attack. Both of the others have something in their dao that they can leverage to fight that stuff off. Casia doesn't. Now, Manuel can certainly help with such things, but in the coming war against the Jingshen, it's a weakness. He's going to have to cover for her against Jiao and also he's going to have to cover for her against physical threat.

- Xie makes us stronger in our existing area of strength. It's not a bad area of strength to have, but it's not like we're exposed there. More to the point, raising her to Nascent would do meaningful damage to our culture, as the nepotism set in hard. Now, if she was making it to Nascent Soul on her own (and she might) then it would be worth it... but that's not what this is. On the other hand, it could be. She's explicitly noted for her aptitude at cultivation. She could make it on her own.

- Kleisthenes gets the most beatstick, and the fastest culltivation in Nascent Soul, and the most direct loyalty to the clan, and the benefits for Manuel's emotional wellbeing. Beyond that, she's fully integrated her art, and there's the general implication that her (non-Nascent) cultivation talent is poor, and she's now completed the special cultivation technique that she was using to advance at reasonable speeds. This might or might not be a thing, but if it is a thing, it sure is pertinent... and the ability to Do The Combat Thing in a way that doesn't require carefully husbanded secret techniques is... useful.

@occipitallobe - is this a thing? Does Manuel have reason to believe that Kleisthenes would have a particularly hard time of trying to make Nascent, as compared to the other two Great Circle CF elders?


Oh, and I've just realized what Heaven's Shadow is. It is the New Dao of Heaven. It's the more just Dao that the Heaven-Defying Demon Sect tried to forge in place of turtle-world's diseased Dao of Consumption. That's why it was anchored to human cultivators. "The heavens do not dictate justice, it comes from the hearts of men." It grows stronger as we make the world a more just place... and the fact that it can influence heaven, and some of the bits around Rina's breakthrough suggest that they were not entirely unsuccessful in that first attempt.

Sorry if I'm late to the party on this one.
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So are a lot of the Nascent faces we'd be punching.

The problem I see with this approach is that it falls apart if, for example, the Abyssal Devil Bees just roflstomp us by brute force in Nascent Souls. I'm pretty sure either of Old Cannibal's two Early Nascents has the combination of experience and ruthlessness to take down Casia, and Old Cannibal has the potential to take down us if we're not somehow advantaged, and that leaves the third Nascent Soul to create an opening for one of them.

Our first Nascent Soul already has an intrigue bonus. I'm not sure doubling down to collect an intrigue bonus and a diplomacy bonus is a better combination than intrigue and combat.

Plus, of course, the part where I think Kleisthenes is more reliable and will work better in concert with Manuel.

What I said is :

"I'd much rather have a diplomatic elder to deal with the fallout of a conflict with Jingshen or to help get help from other factions for a campaign against the Abyssal Devil Bees than having a stronger early nascent soul."

Don't forget that we choose to give the time to the Abyssal Bees to eat their fill last turn. If they get one or two more mid-nascent souls, it's not having a early nascent soul that fights better that is gonna help much. On the other hand, coordinating action with the righteous powers is gonna benefit a lot from a deft diplomatic hand especially with Casia and Manuel working in concert.

Waiting for the bees to attack us is a recipe for disaster .

Same thing with Jingshen, if we try to take land from them in Lady Yao's name, having a clever negociator would help a ton in selling our version of events rather than Jingshen's. I'd much rather try and ensure that no other faction interferes rather than have one of our early nascent soul be more combat efficient. Plus, unless we want to go to the knife (we don't), Casia might help us get a better negociated settlement.

Casia would help relations with our vassals (possible integration for more land and cultivatiors?, geting more help for less in time of conflict, etc.), with the righteous powers (get more credit for our help, preventing coallition, minimising fallout of Jingshen and Saber Sect interference, coordinating against the Bees and other Blood path powers, etc), with our allies (binding Lady Yao even closer) and with our enemies (normalisation of relations with the Saber Sect, negociation of post-war treaties with Jingshen, etc.).
All of those things you just listed are tomorrow problems that a regularly ascended Nascent Soul Casia can deal with.

Theres no rush on that. We just need to acquire enough income to accomplish her breakthrough the normal way, I think.
All of those things you just listed are tomorrow problems that a regularly ascended Nascent Soul Casia can deal with.

Theres no rush on that. We just need to acquire enough income to accomplish her breakthrough the normal way, I think.
How sure are you that she is relatively close to breakthrough, and where do you find that certainty?

Also, she'd still have to survive the tribulation.
So, I've been arguing perspective, to try to reduce the numebr of specious arguments out there. I'm now going to present the arguments for the position I actually hold.

We should go with Kleisthenes.
- Casia is weak in combat, and her strengths are things that we don't actually need a lot of help in. Also, her dao offers her no additional defenses against a Jiao Acceptance attack. Both of the others have something in their dao that they can leverage to fight that stuff off. Casia doesn't. Now, Manuel can certainly help with such things, but in the coming war against the Jingshen, it's a weakness. He's going to have to cover for her against Jiao and also he's going to have to cover for her against physical threat.

- Xie makes us stronger in our existing area of strength. It's not a bad area of strength to have, but it's not like we're exposed there. More to the point, raising her to Nascent would do meaningful damage to our culture, as the nepotism set in hard. Now, if she was making it to Nascent Soul on her own (and she might) then it would be worth it... but that's not what this is. On the other hand, it could be. She's explicitly noted for her aptitude at cultivation. She could make it on her own.

- Kleisthenes gets the most beatstick, and the fastest culltivation in Nascent Soul, and the most direct loyalty to the clan, and the benefits for Manuel's emotional wellbeing. Beyond that, she's fully integrated her art, and there's the general implication that her (non-Nascent) cultivation talent is poor, and she's now completed the special cultivation technique that she was using to advance at reasonable speeds. This might or might not be a thing, but if it is a thing, it sure is pertinent... and the ability to Do The Combat Thing in a way that doesn't require carefully husbanded secret techniques is... useful.

@occipitallobe - is this a thing? Does Manuel have reason to believe that Kleisthenes would have a particularly hard time of trying to make Nascent, as compared to the other two Great Circle CF elders?


Oh, and I've just realized what Heaven's Shadow is. It is the New Dao of Heaven. It's the more just Dao that the Heaven-Defying Demon Sect tried to forge in place of turtle-world's diseased Dao of Consumption. That's why it was anchored to human cultivators. "The heavens do not dictate justice, it comes from the hearts of men." It grows stronger as we make the world a more just place... and the fact that it can influence heaven, and some of the bits around Rina's breakthrough suggest that they were not entirely unsuccessful in that first attempt.

Sorry if I'm late to the party on this one.
The turtle world doesn't have a Dao of Consumption, that's Soup Chef's lingering influence on reality. Remember, his power was around the same level as that of the planet-beast itself.

And the Sea-Conquering Army didn't come here to make the world a better place. We're not sure what it was for but that whole justice thing is propaganda that's been passed down. Now, many characters genuinely do believe in that nowadays, but if the SCA did create the Shadow, then it doesn't have anything to do with justice. Plus, it's not like the Devils are literally the only good people in the world.
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All of those things you just listed are tomorrow problems that a regularly ascended Nascent Soul Casia can deal with.

Theres no rush on that. We just need to acquire enough income to accomplish her breakthrough the normal way, I think.

She'll still only get what 10 % to 25 % chance of succeeding in ascending? It's far from a sure shot, even with the best of ressources, there is a reason why Jingshen haven't succeeded yet despite trying to raise a nascent soul for more than a century (unless I'm mistaken on how long they've been trying).

I'd rather have Casia ascend for sure than risk it. We'll get OP Nascent Soul(s) eventually when Good Seeds ascend Casia is our best bet to survive and prosper until then.

Never mind that we can only afford 1 mid and 1 early nascent soul (I don't even know how we'll continue to support Lady Yao in the short term). Even if we take land from Jingshen, we'll probably have to hand those over to the FDG in order to placate the righteous path and those land will be used to support Lady Yao regardless.
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She'll still only get what 10 % to 25 % chance of succeeding in ascending? It's far from a sure shot, even with the best of ressources, there is a reason why Jingshen haven't succeeded yet despite trying to raise a nascent soul for more than a century (unless I'm mistaken on how long they've been trying).

Never mind that we can only afford 1 mid and 1 early nascent soul (I don't even know how we'll continue to support Lady Yao for now). Even if we take land from Jingshen, we'll probably have to hand those over to the FDG in order to placate the righteous path and those land will be used to support Lady Yao regardless.
…Lady Yao was explicitly not ready yet, that's why her chance was so low. She was forced to immediately ascend or the Flood Dragons would dissolve. Casia's chance of success will continue to improve as she prepares more and more.

Anyway, she's still closer than anyone else, and thus we get the least benefit by insta-raising her.
…Lady Yao was explicitly not ready yet, that's why her chance was so low. She was forced to immediately ascend or the Flood Dragons would dissolve. Casia's chance of success will continue to improve as she prepares more and more.

Anyway, she's still closer than anyone else, and thus we get the least benefit by insta-raising her.

We still can't afford the upkeep of a third nascent soul anyway.

And I'd be surprised if Casia was so amazing a cultivator that she can get over 25 % odds of succeding but if you have any thing that might point in that direction I'd be glad to hear it. But frankly, even if the odds are higher I'd rather just be a 100% sure that Casia ascend. A diplo nascent soul would just be that useful and losing her to a tribulation would be a disaster, IMO.

"Theres no rush on that" is pretty self explanatory, you would think

But I guess not

It's not just about the rush, it's also about the fact the she might die trying in which case we lose our master diplomat AND that we can't afford three nascent souls.
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We still can't afford the upkeep of a third nascent soul anyway.
I keep saying theres no rush on needing the benefits she provides that you outlined for a reason.

By the time that urgency comes into play we'll have already completed our campaign against the Jingshen and through one way or another likely have increased our income enough to make that a non-issue, I would think.
We still can't afford the upkeep of a third nascent soul anyway.

And I'd be surprised if Casia was so amazing a cultivator that she can get over 25 % odds of succeding but if you have any thing that might point in that direction I'd be glad to hear it. But frankly, even if the odds are higher I'd rather just be a 100% sure that Casia ascend. A diplo nascent soul would just be that useful and losing her to a tribulation would be a disaster, IMO.
On the flipside, do you have any evidence that she will max out at a 25% chance?

And you know what would be even better than a diplomacy buff? Actually being decent at combat. Sometimes somebody tries to stab you, and when that time comes you have to be good at stabbing them back.
It's not just about the rush, it's also about the fact the she might die trying in which case we lose our master diplomat AND that we can't afford three nascent souls
I mean, at that point you're trying to argue who we can less afford to risk dying in tribulation

And risking letting Kleisthenes die in an attempt to reach Nascent soul leaves a far fouler taste in my mouth than risking Casia or Xiyue.
I keep saying theres no rush on needing the benefits she provides that you outlined for a reason.

By the time that urgency comes into play we'll have already completed our campaign against the Jingshen and through one way or another likely have increased our income enough to make that a non-issue, I would think.

Even if we do conquer Jingshen's land, the most realist plan would involve conquering the land for the Flood Dragons, we won't be the ones getting the income, it'll support Lady Yao.

I mean, at that point you're trying to argue who we can less afford to risk dying in tribulation

And risking letting Kleisthenes die in an attempt to reach Nascent soul leaves a far fouler taste in my mouth than risking Casia or Xiyue.

I'd argue she's less important to the Clan than Casia, yes.
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Even if we do conquer Jingshen's land, the most realist plan would involve conquering the land for the Flood Dragons, we won't be the ones getting the income, it'll support Lady Yao.
The Flood Dragons don't hold land. The aren't a sect, they're a crime syndicate. The one who needs all that land is us, so that we can control the spirit stone industry, raise prices to keep the NDA war going for several more turns, and build up a huge influx of wealth to fix that technique palace.
The turtle world doesn't have a Dao of Consumption, that's Soup Chef's lingering influence on reality. Remember, his power was around the same level as that of the planet-beast itself.

And the Sea-Conquering Army didn't come here to make the world a better place. We're not sure what it was for but that whole justice thing is propaganda that's been passed down. Now, many characters genuinely do believe in that nowadays, but if the SCA did create the Shadow, then it doesn't have anything to do with justice. Plus, it's not like the Devils are literally the only good people in the world.
The only way to progress in cultivation is to consume. I'm not just talking about Soup Chef. The only way to progress is to absorb greater and greater resources in some form, and it has been thus since before the Turtle Child was struck down.

The Sea-Conquering Army came here to conquer, and spread civilization. They probably saw it as makign the world a better place, though the folks they conquered might not have agreed. Then then tried to change the Dao of Heaven, and were cursed for that. The change in the Dao of Heaven... I think we have reasonably strong reason to believe that it was an attempt to make the world less horrible and more just, given how horrible and unjust the world is.

I never stated, nor attempted to imply, that we were the only good people.


One thing to remember is that we may have considerable difficulty expanding our territory to the point where three Nascent Souls are supportable.
The Jingshen lands apparently have enough to support 2 pretty easily, and are working on a third. We are currently prepping to beat them down pretty hard.
Lipita Delphi 11: Lipita Delphi & Simon Euaerizo - A Letter from Home
TURN 11, OMAKE 11 [Lipita]
Lipita Delphi 11: Lipita Delphi & Simon Euaerizo - A Letter from Home

Long, late evening shadows fell over the courtyard. Lipita Delphi's day was done, consumed by various labors. Crafting talismans at the workshop, helping adjust Victor's body cultivation routine, practicing her walking cultivation and more. The Blood of Bronze was an incredible boon for strength and recovery but sometimes mind and spirit were wearied where the body stood ready. The thought of taking to her bed entranced Lipita as she closed up her workshop, setting the alarm and sealing wards at the entrance. A quick approaching aura drew Lipita's attention in the nearly deserted courtyard. A quick whispered prayer that this would be someone else's matter went unanswered as a runner approached her.

"I have a letter for Lipita Delphi, workshop A-C1, Crafter's Court." The young man said tersely.

"That would be me." Lipita replied, mildly surprised. She wasn't expecting any letters and she wondered who the sender could be.

Lipita first signed for the letter and then impressed her will upon a jade slip for the courier, confirming the delivery and imprinting her qi signature onto the record. The courier handed over a small package and then took off with a light step.

The letter was a simple affair, a sheaf of papers and a jade slip wax sealed with a familiar array. A flick of sharpened qi and a drop of blood against the seal unlocked the letter. The familiar spidery script of her mother Augusta sprawled across the sheet. Homesickness bit deep into Lipita's chest as she read her mother's words, hearing her voice in her mind's eye as she devoured the missive. Philomena Delphi had an odd preference for paper even with the availability of jade slip recordings. Philomena's tales of her family's life back in Apoikia Hekatonkheires in the Blighted Lands brought a faint smile to Lipita's lips. The settlement of the new lands was moving along and everyone had all the work they could bear. Eustacia, her older sister, was convalescing. She'd had a nasty encounter with aggressive Spirit Beasts on an excursion to harvest some particularly valuable Spirit Herbs. A reference near the bottom of the letter caught Lipita's attention.

…I know that we cannot dissuade you from journeying to the Yuan Secret Realm to seek your fortune. You are now your own woman on your own path to advancement but my heart still cherishes my precious child who amazed and worried with her brilliance and still does same even now. Your letters have informed us that you are undertaking instruction from Gaius Antonius in preparation of your venture. I have been persuaded by Centurion Xie Chen and my own research that he is a competent cultivator but the danger of a Secret Realm is enough to overcome even competent. An old acquaintance of your mater and mine, Simon Euaerizo, is currently serving within the Dawn Fortress and has indicated his willingness to assist in your training especially in the face of experts ignoring honor and striking at juniors in the depths of a Secret Realm. He is an astute close combatant and saved our lives in the early years of the settlement of the conquered Battle Blood Cannibal Sect lands, standing together with us against a crippled Core Formation Blood Path elder called Mad Dragon. Seek him out at the address below and let him temper your skills to calm your worried mother…

Done, Lipita carefully refolded it and secured the jade slip that would be from her mater Augusta who much preferred the convenience of the recording instrument. She'd reread the letter at home, delighting in the reminiscence of home it brought. Simon Euaerizo, eh? There was no thing like too much preparation when risking your life in a Secret Realm and besides, she'd like to learn more about this battle against the Blood Path cannibals.


Getting beaten down into the ground was becoming a worryingly familiar experience for Lipita. Spitting out the dirt that had gotten into her mouth, she got up off the ground and reset her stance. Guard up, she circled slowly around the still figure in the middle of the training field looking for an opening. Watching her movements coldly, Simon Euaerizo was quickly becoming a figure of hatred in Lipita's thoughts. She let slip the reins on the Memory Palace, straining to find some defect in his guard that would let her get in one touch to complete this farce of a training exercise.

Her mind flashed back to early in the morning when she'd tracked down the address her mother had provided and fortunately found her target at his residence. He'd taken one look at her and identified her before she'd made her introductions. "You are Augusta and Philomena's child."

"Good morning to the honored senior." She'd bowed briefly. "I am Lipita Delphi as you surmised, daughter of Philomena and Augusta Delphi. My mothers informed me about your stay in the Dawn Fortress and…" Voice trailing off, she stared at the back of the man she'd come to meet.

Without pausing in his stride, he called out to her behind him. "Why are you dallying, girl? I thought you wanted to train to survive a Secret Realm?"

Hurrying after him, they'd headed unerringly for this practice field where an unconventional training session had begun. Standing at ease on the hard-packed earth, Simon Euaerizo had challenged Lipita. "Come at me with everything you've got. No consumables. Techniques and arrays are permitted. A solid strike to my torso or head are your victory conditions."

Lipita was a bit whiplashed by the speedy progression of events so she hesitated for several moments at the instruction. Simon cocked an eyebrow at her unresponsiveness and smiled, a memory that sent shivers down her spine now. "Ah, perhaps I made it seem too easy."

Reaching down to a pack she'd somehow missed in her haste, he pulled out a weighty censer dangling from a thick length of chain. "I was pleasantly surprised to find out that a Poison-Nullifying Incense Burner makes a pretty good flail. Now perhaps I'm enough of a threat for you to heed my instruction or do I need to go further?"

Snapping to attention, Lipita leapt into action, striking first with the Mind Seizing Binding to lock down the older cultivator and allow her to get in close past the chain weapon. Lipita had just gotten within reach when the threads of qi she'd used to implement the Binding snapped forcefully. A dull gong sang in the morning air as the vessel of the censer struck her head-on. Stars spun in her vision and she paid for her distraction with a series of heavy blows that dropped her to her knees.

"Initiative is vital, but deeper contemplation of the dynamics at play would serve you." Simon commented idly, swinging the censer in smooth arcs that rustled the wind about him.

Glaring at him, Lipita rose and considered her options then decided to try for feint and then attack. Again and again the censer cracked against her body, smashing aside her attacks. Trying to hold ground was equally futile as Simon advanced when he thought she'd been on defense for too long, battering away her futile guard and felling her repeatedly.

Harsh breaths caught at the pain her side as she reviewed her options. The Golden Devils were well renowned for the strength and resiliency of their Blood of Bronze and Lipita was no meager scion of the bloodline even as a Delphi. All the same, the stark divide between them in the realms of cultivation was an inescapable gulf that no cunning or exploit of Lipita's could overcome. Nonetheless, she grit her teeth and struck at Simon. Each time she fell, she rose again, her will pushing against bodily weakness trying for just one more chance to hit that smug insufferable bastard. Her vision tunneled and her focus narrowed as bruised body and exhausted mind strove for just one more breath, one more strike.

Lipita didn't notice she'd fainted until she found herself on her back, a leather canteen at her lips dribbling sweet precious water into her parched mouth. "Hey, take it easy, that was quite a workout." Simon said softly, squatting beside.

Lipita desperately gulped down the life-giving liquid, too exhausted to wonder at the change from the brutal sadist crushing her without remorse and this strange tender attendant.

"I don't suppose your mothers told you how we met, did they?" Looking at her face and noticing her lack of response, Simon continued. " No, then, I think you'll like this story."

Leaving the canteen in her hands now that she'd recovered some strength, Simon sat down on the ground and began narrating. "It was just after we broke the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect and split the territory with Jingshen. The Apoikia were being founded in the new lands and cultivators were needed to settle the claims. Who better to send to former Cannibal lands than an old slave who'd escaped there as a ten year old."

Lipita looked up at that and Simon caught her eye with a bitter grin. "Yeah, you didn't figure that I used to be a mortal living under the Cannibals. Anyway my past was considered useful for the settlement project so I was prioritized for the settlement mission. I met a couple of interesting women at the settlement outpost, married with a knack for artifice, your mothers. We spent a couple of months ranging from there to survey, securing the structures left behind, getting rid of the leftover masters that had been left behind when the Cannibals were defeated. One day we went out on what we thought was a routine run. Clearing ruins that had signs of Cannibals hiding out. Turns out someone had gotten to those Cannibals before us and that someone was Mad Dragon."

A strange look came upon Simon's face and a wistful tone crept into his voice at that name. Lipita didn't know what it meant, and filed it away for later consideration.

Simon continued on, "Mad Dragon was a Core Formation cultivator crippled when the cannibals fell. He'd not had much luck recovering since. That was the only reason we weren't instantly overwhelmed and taken to be consumed. Crippled or not he was still someone who'd broken in the third great realm, too much for us in a stand up fight. We fought and ran for fates' knows how many days and nights. I think I left enough blood out on those sands to make them a relation.... I practically lived on Blood Replenishing Pills your mother shoved down my throat. Mad Dragon tried to run us down, wearing us out with exhaustion, crippling our healing."

At this point Simon looked down at Lipita as pride filled gis voice. "We didn't give up, your mothers or I. We took the heat, the fatigue, the qi strain, everything that came at us and we endured. When we were down to nothing, but he was drawn down too, we lured that bastard into an ambush. Let me say that your mothers make a mean combination when defending prepared ground together."

Standing up Simon dusted off his pants. "You're weak now, no avoiding it. If a senior expert attacks you, odds are you won't be able to block them or strike them down. Run if you can, but never give up. If you have to face unanswerable might, look for every opportunity, every chance to fight. You aren't dead until your thread is snipped."

Bending down, he stretched out his arm. "Ready, to give it another go? This time I'll be showing you where you have the slightest opportunities against Foundation Establishment."

Considering his extended arm, Lipita asked, "What about Core Formation? What do you have for that?"

Simon chuckled. "Core Formation kills me and you without Heaven's own luck or a whole lot of preparation. Let's see what we have to spend for that preparation and we can pray to the Imperator for luck."

Taking his hand, Lipita rose to her feet and stretched out her sore body. It looked like she had a thing for brutal seniors who preferred to hammer weakness out of her along with sweat and blood.

AN: (2100 words) @Alectai @no. @ReaderOfFate Please threadmark. This was done with @Sol Zagato for their first turn omake
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The Flood Dragons don't hold land. The aren't a sect, they're a crime syndicate. The one who needs all that land is us, so that we can control the spirit stone industry, raise prices to keep the NDA war going for several more turns, and build up a huge influx of wealth to fix that technique palace.

Even bandits can get land, look up the region map there is a bandit faction, the Broken Arrow Bandits.

And taking the land ourselves seems like a recipe for destroying our relations with the SPS. They were the ones who negociated the agreement, it would be a slap in the face. Even more so since Jingshen GAVE them the Oasis in order to have them as a stabilizing factor in the region.

I'd much rather wage war in the name of the FDG and thus keep the conflict nominaly between two righteous powers.

On the flipside, do you have any evidence that she will max out at a 25% chance?

And you know what would be even better than a diplomacy buff? Actually being decent at combat. Sometimes somebody tries to stab you, and when that time comes you have to be good at stabbing them back.

I mean, how high do you think the % of chances can go for Casia 50 %, 75 %? Unless I misunderstood, ascending to Nascent Soul is always risky. I thought 25 % was generous considering how long Jingshen have been trying without success.
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The turtle world doesn't have a Dao of Consumption, that's Soup Chef's lingering influence on reality. Remember, his power was around the same level as that of the planet-beast itself.
Rina's insight was something a little different than that, as I recall. Namely that all paths to cultivation power (including Blood Path but also the more orthodox ones) involve consuming something. The world may not have a Dao of Consumption, but Consumption does seem to be, in some sense, tied into the fundamental nature of this reality.
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