Aliki Floros 8 - A Pleasant Ride With the Caravan
Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
Ah, caravans! What better way to travel the sands then with plenty of friends, food, an comfy cushions that you could make a small fort out of and just sleep the days away, content and napping, clear of all dangers, threats, and much in the way of hard work.
Yes, Aliki was confident that joining the mission to escort a bunch of Array carving tools was an excellent way to pass the time, and get warmed up again after... Gosh, was it six years missing since her disappearance in Qiguai?
That's a long time!
It was good though that the Qiguai Clan accepted the use of an escape Life Saving Treasure to be fair game, as long as no treasures were brought out with her. She even managed to get her needle set back from the guys who pawned it off for loot!
Admittedly, while they were nice tools they were still relatively weak so there wasn't a huge market for them, so she wasn't banned on coming back in if she later made it to Foundation Establishment and got an eye out in that direction too--so that was nice of them.
She kicked her feet, knocking some cushions away as she peered up at the sky ahead. So she was back on the active duty rolls! Which meant that she was once again supplied with decent food and challenging work! Her skills as a healer even surged from the lessons taught by the Spooky Voice in what had turned out to be the Blood Mask of all things. Her skills were actually getting to be somewhat in demand! She even knew enough that she could patch up an expert in Foundation Establishment long enough to get them to someone higher ranked! All that fiddly stuff about chromowhatsits and legacy helixes turned out to come in handy when it came to exotic injuries too! Just figure out how those were disrupted, carefully apply Mister Spoon to chomp-chomp the gross and damaged bits, then stimulate regeneration to move things along all lickety-split-like!
After all, if there weren't any records in the broken up area to mess things up, the body could just draw from records in the undamaged part, and then rebuild them with certain potent medicines and more advanced treatments. Less capable experts just had to carve out what they could and then the spiritual echo of the damage just comes back unless you could brute force it with even more expensive medicines. It was a nasty, expensive cycle and having the tools to beat it was just swell!
She also noticed some people looking at her funny every so often when she was out and about--she did keep the outfit that the Voice handed her--she mentioned it was designed to not be damaged when her Divine Abilities were employed, and it did fall in the line of being acceptable attire since she could just pin her badge of rank somewhere on the collar and call it a day, but she was getting a lot more attention now!
She couldn't quite tell if it was bad or good--was it that "Baser Instincts of Man" thing the Voice commented on? But she saw some girls staring too and that's clearly not right... Still! She got invited to a lot more parties since, so she'd call it an absolute win regardless! There were always better lunches and meals found in those places too--better than just the jerky she lived on normally!
Which wasn't to say her little vacation on this little caravan was completely without excitement--there was still a war going on after all, and beating up supply people and taking their things was apparently fair game in a war! A bunch of other groups had excitement fending off Blood Cannibal Raiders here and there, and it was probably going to happen that more would show up here.
She did wonder how they'd taste... Did the fact they were doing some funny thing with just shoving people whole down their jaws and melting them down make them tastier? More nutritious? It seemed kind of pointless and also a waste to her--while sure, you weren't leaving anything to waste there... Bones were too tough and non-nutritious to digest! Sure you might get a bit of flavor out of the marrow but that still left you with a few pounds of useless dead matter that you had to deal with! The energy it would cost burning those away would use up much of the surplus you acquired by more efficient consumption of the body.
Aliki wrinkled her nose at the thought. No wonder the Voice went off on a rant when she brought that up, and then even explained why it was dumb. Better to simply extract the value from the target, and discard that which would be too inefficient to digest. Even if this causes a minor loss in overall blood-essence absorption, not needing to break down the bones still left you ahead of the matter. Then she started going off on a tangent about the early days of the Great Master's Followers and the paradigms they practiced and her eyes just kind of crossed and she checked out until the Voice was done complaining.
It was a good few years for her, but that didn't mean it was entirely without issues.
She yawned, settling herself back on her cushions and flopping down in a fluttering of silks, hair, and jingly tools. There was just so much that she needed to learn still, and only so much time to do it--she was starting to understand now why so many of the Clan's big talents were always in just such a big rush, this was a Great Age of... Something--heroism maybe? Evolution? Something with an 'E' in it she was certain, where talented experts were as common as the clouds!
Which was a funny saying for a people who spent most of their time in an arid desert--but apparently it was a more accurate phrase once you got over the Hardshell Mountains and were in the comfier regions beyond it. Comfier, but also a lot more dangerous because then you had a lot more people and the Blood Path tended to get out of hand as someone found some legacy or whatever and went mad with power on the sight of it.
Peasants one and all.
She giggled to herself, maybe the Voice was rubbing off on her--she was probably evil when alive, but now she's just a silly ghost yelling at clouds. It was a little funny, but even now, Aliki saw a few of its insults and rants slip in with her reverie--and on occasion even her discussions with other Cultivators. She could see the reasoning behind the disdain though--even if she still asked about the why
*what else can one call a creature that--at the first sign of power--immolates itself, greedily seeking immediate power and gratification? The Master's Art is a holy sacrament, the subordination of one life to another, the claiming of its destiny and potential. to employ this on the weak is to become as the weak yourself. to employ it on the strong, the foe who can stand against you--that is nobility, that is to be mighty.*
It was a good philosophy, even if it was coming out of the echoes of an ancient monster, she'd probably sneak little bits and pieces of it from time to time, right?
Her nose twitched, and she immediately sat back up... A scent... Coppery, saline...
She hurled herself out of the wagon just in time for the corrosive ball of blood to land on it, melting it to a black sludge on the ground and getting all splashy all over the place even as it threw up dust and sand everywhere.
Aliki frowned at this, brushing herself off. This was an attack then?
This would be a great opportunity to practice some of the things the Voice talked about!
Seven Devil Blade smirked as he watched the attack land home--prepared through the consumption of a small village in an area thought secure by the wretched demons of the West. It wasn't much to write home about, an attack to look like a higher leveled Expert was striking in one place, while they slipped in to get the business of sabotaging this shipment in advance. The Great Elder did promise significant benefits for participants in this assault after all!
While not as many peak experts could be spared as he might have liked--not with the great campaigns at Three Frog City, that one Devil fortress with their strange names, and the main front where the brunt of the Sect's strength sought to crush a great tithe of the Devils in open battle--this was a group selected for talent and speed among all other things.
Speed that his detachment was making good use of, storming past the initial caravan guards--barely Cultivators at the third and fourth Heavenstages--and rapidly began to approach the hardened core of the caravan. With their best experts distacted, the rest should be clear sailing.
A quiet noise, almost as though a woman coughed drew him up short--his blade lashed out in the direction of the noise--no witnesses would be permitted until the deed was done.
"Are you quite finished?"
He looked to his comrades, gesturing them to advance as he turned to face the foe--and missed a beat.
Hair black as the deepest night, skin as pale as finely wrought jade, displayed through a nigh scandalous robe. She was unarmed, save for a few pouches she wasn't even reaching for.
And yet her eyes--her eyes! Glowing a sanguine shade, brighter than any blood he had ever seen, even here in the confusion of the attack.
She chuckled, his own movement arrested. "I would think so--did you really believe that this place was left undefended?" She tilted her head and grinned. "No, to your sorrow, this caravan is protected"
He could sense her Cultivation, the uttermost peak of the Ninth Heavenstage--matching his own. She would be a fine sacrifice for his breakthrough. His reaping blade rose, and he licked his lips in anticipation.
"Not well enough--you are fair indeed woman!" He gathered his courage and his will--always greater than those of his peers, and settled into a battle stance. "But I have not before lost to any within my realm! My Crimson Bloodletter Technique makes me peerless within this great realm!"
Her grin never faded--if anything, it merely grew more pronounced as her lips parted, baring her pristine teeth. "Well, if that's what makes you happy--but peasants don't become kings just with one little toy."
One hand raised, and black and crimson things burst from it, writhing and twisting in the shadows as they tightened around her hand. Five bronze-tipped razors emerged from the tips--claws like he had never before seen.
"Besides" She added, even as he began to gather his Qi to retreat. "Mine's bigger, don't you think?"
He kicked back, to lead this beast in a running battle.
But her speed! Her strength! She closed the distance, that terrifying reaper of souls always just an inch away! He used every trick, every foot technique, and when he could finally flee no more, he finally deployed it.
The blood accumulated through years of slaughter formed at the back of his blade--and he spun around on his heel, slamming his weapon against her claws. It shuddered, cracked--but it held. Long enough for him tilt his blade--and discharge his second attack in the opening.
Then he shuddered, as the second claw buried into his guts.
"Nice try, incidentally" The angel whispered into his ear, leaning in close enough to feel her breath. "This was good practice, I'll make sure to put your legacy to good use. Promise."
Then he knew nothing more, his soul and flesh rendered to fuel for the Sleeping Princess.
"Mmmm" Aliki mused happily as the skeleton that had once been her foe crumbled to the ground. "That was pretty yummy!" She nodded, and assessed the state of the caravan before her. "I hope everyone else is doing okay there too though..."
She trailed off for a moment, as a thought percolated across the back of her mind.
"Oh! Right! I can help with the recovery too!" She grins, and takes off back into the scrum, now that the scary bladesman was down, she could start seeing about stabilizing the wounded, and maybe grabbing a few more Cannibals on the way.
After all, wasting food was a sin
Yes, Aliki was confident that joining the mission to escort a bunch of Array carving tools was an excellent way to pass the time, and get warmed up again after... Gosh, was it six years missing since her disappearance in Qiguai?
That's a long time!
It was good though that the Qiguai Clan accepted the use of an escape Life Saving Treasure to be fair game, as long as no treasures were brought out with her. She even managed to get her needle set back from the guys who pawned it off for loot!
Admittedly, while they were nice tools they were still relatively weak so there wasn't a huge market for them, so she wasn't banned on coming back in if she later made it to Foundation Establishment and got an eye out in that direction too--so that was nice of them.
She kicked her feet, knocking some cushions away as she peered up at the sky ahead. So she was back on the active duty rolls! Which meant that she was once again supplied with decent food and challenging work! Her skills as a healer even surged from the lessons taught by the Spooky Voice in what had turned out to be the Blood Mask of all things. Her skills were actually getting to be somewhat in demand! She even knew enough that she could patch up an expert in Foundation Establishment long enough to get them to someone higher ranked! All that fiddly stuff about chromowhatsits and legacy helixes turned out to come in handy when it came to exotic injuries too! Just figure out how those were disrupted, carefully apply Mister Spoon to chomp-chomp the gross and damaged bits, then stimulate regeneration to move things along all lickety-split-like!
After all, if there weren't any records in the broken up area to mess things up, the body could just draw from records in the undamaged part, and then rebuild them with certain potent medicines and more advanced treatments. Less capable experts just had to carve out what they could and then the spiritual echo of the damage just comes back unless you could brute force it with even more expensive medicines. It was a nasty, expensive cycle and having the tools to beat it was just swell!
She also noticed some people looking at her funny every so often when she was out and about--she did keep the outfit that the Voice handed her--she mentioned it was designed to not be damaged when her Divine Abilities were employed, and it did fall in the line of being acceptable attire since she could just pin her badge of rank somewhere on the collar and call it a day, but she was getting a lot more attention now!
She couldn't quite tell if it was bad or good--was it that "Baser Instincts of Man" thing the Voice commented on? But she saw some girls staring too and that's clearly not right... Still! She got invited to a lot more parties since, so she'd call it an absolute win regardless! There were always better lunches and meals found in those places too--better than just the jerky she lived on normally!
Which wasn't to say her little vacation on this little caravan was completely without excitement--there was still a war going on after all, and beating up supply people and taking their things was apparently fair game in a war! A bunch of other groups had excitement fending off Blood Cannibal Raiders here and there, and it was probably going to happen that more would show up here.
She did wonder how they'd taste... Did the fact they were doing some funny thing with just shoving people whole down their jaws and melting them down make them tastier? More nutritious? It seemed kind of pointless and also a waste to her--while sure, you weren't leaving anything to waste there... Bones were too tough and non-nutritious to digest! Sure you might get a bit of flavor out of the marrow but that still left you with a few pounds of useless dead matter that you had to deal with! The energy it would cost burning those away would use up much of the surplus you acquired by more efficient consumption of the body.
Aliki wrinkled her nose at the thought. No wonder the Voice went off on a rant when she brought that up, and then even explained why it was dumb. Better to simply extract the value from the target, and discard that which would be too inefficient to digest. Even if this causes a minor loss in overall blood-essence absorption, not needing to break down the bones still left you ahead of the matter. Then she started going off on a tangent about the early days of the Great Master's Followers and the paradigms they practiced and her eyes just kind of crossed and she checked out until the Voice was done complaining.
It was a good few years for her, but that didn't mean it was entirely without issues.
She yawned, settling herself back on her cushions and flopping down in a fluttering of silks, hair, and jingly tools. There was just so much that she needed to learn still, and only so much time to do it--she was starting to understand now why so many of the Clan's big talents were always in just such a big rush, this was a Great Age of... Something--heroism maybe? Evolution? Something with an 'E' in it she was certain, where talented experts were as common as the clouds!
Which was a funny saying for a people who spent most of their time in an arid desert--but apparently it was a more accurate phrase once you got over the Hardshell Mountains and were in the comfier regions beyond it. Comfier, but also a lot more dangerous because then you had a lot more people and the Blood Path tended to get out of hand as someone found some legacy or whatever and went mad with power on the sight of it.
Peasants one and all.
She giggled to herself, maybe the Voice was rubbing off on her--she was probably evil when alive, but now she's just a silly ghost yelling at clouds. It was a little funny, but even now, Aliki saw a few of its insults and rants slip in with her reverie--and on occasion even her discussions with other Cultivators. She could see the reasoning behind the disdain though--even if she still asked about the why
*what else can one call a creature that--at the first sign of power--immolates itself, greedily seeking immediate power and gratification? The Master's Art is a holy sacrament, the subordination of one life to another, the claiming of its destiny and potential. to employ this on the weak is to become as the weak yourself. to employ it on the strong, the foe who can stand against you--that is nobility, that is to be mighty.*
It was a good philosophy, even if it was coming out of the echoes of an ancient monster, she'd probably sneak little bits and pieces of it from time to time, right?
Her nose twitched, and she immediately sat back up... A scent... Coppery, saline...
She hurled herself out of the wagon just in time for the corrosive ball of blood to land on it, melting it to a black sludge on the ground and getting all splashy all over the place even as it threw up dust and sand everywhere.
Aliki frowned at this, brushing herself off. This was an attack then?
This would be a great opportunity to practice some of the things the Voice talked about!
Seven Devil Blade smirked as he watched the attack land home--prepared through the consumption of a small village in an area thought secure by the wretched demons of the West. It wasn't much to write home about, an attack to look like a higher leveled Expert was striking in one place, while they slipped in to get the business of sabotaging this shipment in advance. The Great Elder did promise significant benefits for participants in this assault after all!
While not as many peak experts could be spared as he might have liked--not with the great campaigns at Three Frog City, that one Devil fortress with their strange names, and the main front where the brunt of the Sect's strength sought to crush a great tithe of the Devils in open battle--this was a group selected for talent and speed among all other things.
Speed that his detachment was making good use of, storming past the initial caravan guards--barely Cultivators at the third and fourth Heavenstages--and rapidly began to approach the hardened core of the caravan. With their best experts distacted, the rest should be clear sailing.
A quiet noise, almost as though a woman coughed drew him up short--his blade lashed out in the direction of the noise--no witnesses would be permitted until the deed was done.
"Are you quite finished?"
He looked to his comrades, gesturing them to advance as he turned to face the foe--and missed a beat.
Hair black as the deepest night, skin as pale as finely wrought jade, displayed through a nigh scandalous robe. She was unarmed, save for a few pouches she wasn't even reaching for.
And yet her eyes--her eyes! Glowing a sanguine shade, brighter than any blood he had ever seen, even here in the confusion of the attack.
She chuckled, his own movement arrested. "I would think so--did you really believe that this place was left undefended?" She tilted her head and grinned. "No, to your sorrow, this caravan is protected"
He could sense her Cultivation, the uttermost peak of the Ninth Heavenstage--matching his own. She would be a fine sacrifice for his breakthrough. His reaping blade rose, and he licked his lips in anticipation.
"Not well enough--you are fair indeed woman!" He gathered his courage and his will--always greater than those of his peers, and settled into a battle stance. "But I have not before lost to any within my realm! My Crimson Bloodletter Technique makes me peerless within this great realm!"
Her grin never faded--if anything, it merely grew more pronounced as her lips parted, baring her pristine teeth. "Well, if that's what makes you happy--but peasants don't become kings just with one little toy."
One hand raised, and black and crimson things burst from it, writhing and twisting in the shadows as they tightened around her hand. Five bronze-tipped razors emerged from the tips--claws like he had never before seen.
"Besides" She added, even as he began to gather his Qi to retreat. "Mine's bigger, don't you think?"
He kicked back, to lead this beast in a running battle.
But her speed! Her strength! She closed the distance, that terrifying reaper of souls always just an inch away! He used every trick, every foot technique, and when he could finally flee no more, he finally deployed it.
The blood accumulated through years of slaughter formed at the back of his blade--and he spun around on his heel, slamming his weapon against her claws. It shuddered, cracked--but it held. Long enough for him tilt his blade--and discharge his second attack in the opening.
Then he shuddered, as the second claw buried into his guts.
"Nice try, incidentally" The angel whispered into his ear, leaning in close enough to feel her breath. "This was good practice, I'll make sure to put your legacy to good use. Promise."
Then he knew nothing more, his soul and flesh rendered to fuel for the Sleeping Princess.
"Mmmm" Aliki mused happily as the skeleton that had once been her foe crumbled to the ground. "That was pretty yummy!" She nodded, and assessed the state of the caravan before her. "I hope everyone else is doing okay there too though..."
She trailed off for a moment, as a thought percolated across the back of her mind.
"Oh! Right! I can help with the recovery too!" She grins, and takes off back into the scrum, now that the scary bladesman was down, she could start seeing about stabilizing the wounded, and maybe grabbing a few more Cannibals on the way.
After all, wasting food was a sin
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