Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Simon Euaerizo - Good Seed Background
Simon Euaerizo

Good seed for turn after trials @occipitallobe

Simon was born Qirong, son of Berserk Slayer, a core-forming Battle Blood Cannibal. Qirong's father was a captive Xin Kingdom cultivator who happened to have the bronze bloodline. Berserk Slayer ate his soul (and everything else) before Qirong's birth.

Qirong's childhood was about what you'd expect in a vicious family of man-eating nobility. Before age 10 he killed a sister and a brother, not to mention the toll he took on other families. This was while toadying for his older, cultivating siblings for mere survival. As he survived and grew, he gained more of his mother's attention and approval, but wasn't initiated into cultivation yet.

Then one night his mother stumbled home greviously wounded, and his world crashed down. Showing more affection than he ever remembered, she told him about his bloodline, and convinced him to save his own life, leave north and never return.

Soon after the Trials ended, a very quiet boy walked into the Shining Mountains. With obvious Bronze blood, he was quickly adopted by an upstanding legion family, the Euaerizo, looking to make up for their recent losses. His keen intelligence, initiative, and aptitude at cultivation made them proud. He's opened up to his new friends and family, but feigned amnesia about most of his past. He left much behind in the deep desert.

Turn 12: He's almost surpassed his adoptive grandsire, and developed an obsession with Formations, in direct reaction to his Cannibal origins.


Overall Concept: Adopted kid trying to shake off being raised to be a psychopathic killer. Digesting new concepts like "siblings will not murder you in your sleep if you let your guard down". Driven by an animal fear of rejection, he tries to both act tough and please everyone, and succeeds at both. He's now the star of his adoptive family of very minor cultivators.


Current Status: 1st Heavenstage, still with family.

Starting Perk: Heightened situational awareness. Even when he tunes out to focus, Simon keeps track of everything. Due to his upbringing, he subconsciously analyzes the world for threats and potential solutions to those threats. In combat, this sensory awareness becomes unreal. Also a very light sleeper. (Effectively: combat bonus)

Dao: The Dao of Bronze. In this path formations are held to be the key to enlightenment. "Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater clan are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."

Current Objective: Make his (dead) birth mother proud. Create new and experience new formations.

Completed Omake:
#1: Everything Belongs to the Strong
#2: Night Flight
#3: For one to live, another must die
#4: (Turn 11): Lipita Delphi #1 collab
#5: (Turn 12): The Greater Self, Lipita Delphi collab#2
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Simon Euaerizo 1 - Everything Belongs to the Strong
Everything Belongs to the Strong
Simon Euaerizo omake #1​

Far-off thunder cracked. Though the evening air was humid, it was likely the rain would miss the fortified family compound. The deep desert storms were intense, but usually small and scattered.

In a comfortable room with adobe walls and open doorways, a one eyed man played lute, accompanying the dancing of a scarified young woman. Her only clothing, long silk streamers at her wrists and ankles, trailed her movements elegantly. A voice comparable to the growl of a lion ant or a rockslide issued from a young man seated on a rug in front of the lute player. Both his eyes were put out. He sang of the glory of battle, bitter betrayal, and the transcendant emptiness of vengance. Another woman held a small sealed cask of ice shavings, waiting motionless as a statue in a corner of the room. Finally, another blinded man stood under an archway waving a large fan.

Qirong paid none of these any mind. His siblings were either out hunting cattle with Mother or at Sect. As far as he was concerned, he'd been alone in the house for a days. Slim and muscular, the ten year old boy sat cross-legged on an ornate rug, copying diagrams from an array scroll by lamp-light. The house-thralls, more than food but less than pets, had long ago gone beyond terror to an engrained sense of duty. They made the house lively and comfortable, and would attend to any fancy Qirong might have.

Three chimes rang. Mistress returning. The revelry stopped. Qirong put down his pen and stretched his hands. Only mother? And so early... A door somewhere distant smashed open, and an awful wail arose, then cut off just as quickly. Was that Yu Jin? Mother must be out of sorts to eat a guard.

A second wail sounded, like a soul being dragged to hell. As soon as it finished, his mother bellowed, "Fall in," loud enough to shake the furniture. "Assemble in the courtyard, all of you." The dancer ran, the other lady put down her cask and ran too. The one-eyed lute player led the blind singer on, and the fan-holding man was already gone. Qirong left his work there and hurried to the courtyard.

The breeze in the courtyard smelled like warm mud, the sky burned red with the setting sun's light. It was already crowded, with more arriving. Hither came Mother, hulking, stumbling and dripping blood. An unfortunate cook screamed as Mother exsanguinated and soul-drained her, the dessicated corpse droppping to the floor in seconds. Instantly, the slaves arranged themselves in rows and columns, standing at attention. Next to die were a pair of children, for running too close to Mother on their way to join the others. Qirong was under a covered walkway on the opposite side of the courtyard from Mother, and got his first good look at her...

This was bad. There were many deep wounds crudely bandaged, still bleeding. A metal patch was freshly nailed onto her skull. Even so injured, she was still an imposing figure, thick-thewed and sinewy. She gave a hard look at the assembled thralls. All loyal slaves, broken, trained and tested. Much more valuable than wild cattle. But when a man starves, he'll find his dog may nourish him too. Seeming to finish a count, Mother raised a hand, and fully two-thirds were slain as the others had been, their screams a chorus, blood arcing through the air in elegant fountains. Fifty lives at a stroke. Mother was bleeding less now, breathing easier, her wounds more knit. She stood straighter. Not quite straight, but taller than anyone else here.

She marched boldly among the remainder. Some were shaking, some sobbing, a few had pissed themselves. She grabbed the blind singer's ass with one hand, and bent, kissing him. They made love, clothed, for a full minute while all the rest stood mute. "Feng" said she, "Mad Dragon will not let you live." At this, she smiled, kissed him again, and devoured him until he was practically a skeleton. She chewed and swallowed a choice bit of his flesh before speaking again.

"Mad Dragon comes. He will defeat me, then he will inherit. Everything belongs to the strong." The naked dancer bolted, and Mother... let her go? Qirong could see Mother contemplating killing everyone else.

"Remain here for Mad Dragon or take your chances running," she announced. "You're no longer mine. Qirong, armory."

Qirong barely noticed what the slaves were doing any more. "Yes Mother." She hadn't even looked at him. They walked together in silence, past stout gates and layers of defenses, deeper into the fortress. The armory was a square room 30 feet on a side, many curious tools and weapons racked there. A faint smell of mud penetrated even here.

"It was just Mad Dragon," Mother said. His oldest brother alone, overthrowing her? "The bronze were ready for us. He must have told them we were coming. He hid and watched while they slaughtered us. That did for Spleen Eater and Corpse Lilly. And the hirelings."

"My other brothers. Back Stripes and Deep Vein?"

"He got them later. He hunted us when we escaped the bronze. Mad Dragon has friends we've never met before. I think he'll let his siblings at Sect be."

"But not me."

"Not you. He'll get creative if he catches you." She sat on a bench and took off her ruined armor bit by bit. "I wanted to see you take your name. I wanted to initiate you into the rites."

"I thought that you wanted me dead."

"I never wanted you dead specifically. You lived, Xi died, and you were tempered! You learned! The worthier of you won, and was stronger for it. I don't even want Mad Dragon dead. You're both strong boys, strong enough to take anything you set your minds to. Proud of both of you." Her armor off, from the waist up Mother only wore bandages. She drew him into a bone-bending hug. "I'll give Mad Dragon a good fight. If he fucks up I'll kill him and make his skin into a shirt. But he won't fuck up. Good boy, Mad Dragon. As long as he lives, I think my story lives. Does that make me soft?"

"What about as long as I live?" he asked when she let him go. Her blood was all over him now.

"There's no place for you in the deep desert now. Forget us. Forget me. Forget our wicked ways, forget our Dao. Forget your family and the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect. Live without our thrills and intoxications. The bronze will take you in."

That shocked him out of his mood. "The bronze? You mean take me in irons and forge my bones into spears."

"Your blood isn't metal, it's bronze, like your father's. I took a Xin Kingdom man to make you, but his blood was bronze too. With that blood, the bronze will treat you like one of their own... if you behave yourself. Just keep your eyes open and your mouth shut."

She took a token from the wall and pressed it into his hands. "Here," she said, "with this amulet, it doesn't matter if you can't cultivate yet. A wingworm will obey your every thought for a day. Maybe less."

She traced a pattern on the floor, then opened up a trap door that was invisible before. "This tunnel will take you to the worm pits. Wear the gear before you get in there. Go North, stop for nothing. Ditch the wingworm before you reach the bronze."

"Goodbye then, Mother. I will honor your requests. When I die you'll know I've done you proud."

"There's no more time. I loved you child, now get going."

Qirong closed the trap door over his head and descended a long ladder. His eyes were wet, and he didn't understand why.

Word count: roughly 1300
Cool thing: lifesaving treasure (the amulet)

Looks like you posted this twice my guy
Nope, deleted the first one first- I hadn't tagged occipital in that one.
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Simon Euaerizo 2 - Night Flight
Night Flight
Simon Euaerizo #2, turn 6 omake.​

Qirong felt his way along the dark tunnel. It was cylindrically shaped, the sides smooth, fused rock. No protrusions or lights. He was certain no mortal labor had been used in its construction. Mother's sole work, most likely.

He didn't have the time to measure the distance or feel for vibrations. Mother had told him to hurry if he was to escape. Everything with her was a test, even when she was saving his life it was likely no different. If he wasn't keen, he'd fail. Hurrying could mean that he had to leave before Mad Dragon arrived. Or it could mean the window for his escape was while she had Mad Dragon distracted, no sooner and no later. She hated hesitation though, so whichever the case, he made two assumptions. He had to go as fast as possible, and the tunnel was a perfect cylinder along its entire length.

He ran. How fast was he going? How far were the worm pits from the armory? After a few minutes, he felt the air flow over his body abruptly change, and in the next split second he slowed, changing what would have been a knockout collision with the end into a merely bone-jarring one. It wasn't a turn, rather, a dead-end.

He felt around. One depression shaped like the amulet his mother gave him for controlling the wing-worm. Obvious how that worked, but what else hadn't she told him? There were full-body leathers hanging from the side wall, including a mask and goggles. They smelled like wingworm. He took one set, struggling to fit in the oversized coverings in the dark.

When he was done, he put his ear to the door and fingertips to the walls. Hesitation was deadly, but he hesitated anyways; he felt no vibrations. Was it too early? The stone had to be thick if not even the thunder came through. No, wait, there was something finally. Very distant, maybe, coming through the door equally as strong as the walls. Too strong for thunder?

As soon as he placed the amulet in the hole, the door crashed forward violently, and late evening light poured in. The foot-thick door was on the sandy floor of one of the labyrinthine side corridors of the worm pits. Stormy skies were visible above at least fifty feet of vertical rock walls. He picked up the amulet and hurried to the wider main pit to the left. Wingworms swarmed here. They were free to leave, but food, shelter and good smells were here. They were huge, adults like blocky six-eyed flies, three yards tall and ten long. Most hunkered down, frightened by the distant noises of storm and battle.

Qirong did not pick and choose. Avoiding stamping on the underfoot grubs, he ran for the nearest adult. When he was ten feet away, it turned violently fast to face him, twitching its mouthparts. He felt no mental connection. He wanted up. It extended a leg. He got his feet on the leg, and the wingworm practically threw him onto its back.

He grabbed onto convenient nubs on top of the wingworm as soon as he noticed them. He wanted to fly, so a dusty storm of wind cam from the bug's beating wings. They cleared their dust-cloud and shot out of the pit into the evening sky. Qirong willed them back closer to the ground as soon as he had his bearings again. Rocky hills gave way to open dunes. Flashes of detonation behind them lit up the scenery for fractions of seconds before disappearing, then re-appearing again and again, casting razor-sharp shadows. Mother had probably led Mad Dragon to the south, judging by the delay between flash and report.

Whenever Qirong stopped thinking about it, the wingworm would climb away again. Qirong only relented in this battle when the darkness became too thick to for him judge the ground. He navigated by the last light from the Sun, until he could bless the stars for being out and tell the way by them instead. They were fortunate they were past the storm clouds now.

He didn't know much about his destination. He'd never been to the occupied lands. Hopefully paper learning and hearsay was enough not to get shot down flying across the Bronze border. Before Old Cannibal and Child Corpse Gulper destroyed the place, they'd traded cattle up there. But of course, everyone did. Drinking Blade's fief had exported dyes, and Cheek Flayer had sold spicy grubs and prized armorsmith slaves. All gone, the ashes in the hands of the Bronze in some scheme of Old Cannibal's. For now.

Bronze defenses were a nightmare. That's why mother had always hunted in their vassal empires instead. With the truce on there would be more room for error, but still... Hostile cultivators were attacked by the spear array. Members of hunting parties, mortal and transcendent alike, were kill-on-sight for Bronze warbands. What they never let the slaves know is that the Bronze would give refuge to escapees, even to the most degraded cattle. Despite the futility of attempting the journey through the wasteland, the idea could take root and lead to a lot of dead mortals out there, instead of on the fief where they were useful. Was any part of this lore a lie? He didn't know.

He wasn't a cultivator, so the spear array part was solved. The Bronze didn't eat humans, so no worries about being cattle if they captured him. Threading the path between looking like a hostile, being enslaved at his destination if he looked too pitiful, getting captured by Battle Blood Cannibal hunters, and actually perishing in the wastelands though... and that assumed he wouldn't miss the landmarks at night and blunder over still mounted, looking to all the world like an invader. To him, that path looked like landing the bug a few miles short and leaving the worm-gear. Once the Bronze apprehended him, he would act like one of the child slaves that had been favored too much; making glassy-eyed stares, fearful of touch, and keeping dead quiet. That was the only excuse he could think of for his excellent physical condition. He didn't think they'd like the truth.

Right now, there were no landmarks he recognized. In the northeast, Crimson Nectar's manor had barely avoided the devastation. The arrays there should glow at night in unique patterns he should recognize. To the west of that, Laugher's Gash was a system of canyons that should be unmissable even by starlight, the new border just north from there. If he ended up west of Laugher's Gash, he was more lost than he thought. He had no idea how close he was, but based on the stars he assumed he'd hit one of the two tonight.

He realized then that the explosions had ended within a few minutes of his escape. Mother, clan name Berserk Slayer, was most likely dead then. He no longer hailed from Berserk Slayer's fief. It was Mad Dragon's now. Sleep nearly claimed him as he mulled over being an orphan. Unclear thoughts passed by like the dunes, uncounted. Then a brave thought struck him. Mother had had many children, but most failed. Ten years a survivor! He was a prince who had earned his nobility in this world, a living son of Berserk Slayer! He'd made it through trails more harrowing than this. That thought shook Qirong awake again, as he and the wingworm flew on through the night.

@occipitallobe @Alectai @BungieONI please index this omake for turn 6.
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Simon Euaerizo 3 - For One to Live, Another Must Die
For One to Live, Another Must Die
Simon Euaerizo #3, Turn 7 Omake​

The worm and Qirong flew over dead lands. Not merely desert, this was an expanse that had been killed, and relatively recently. Deep desert was empty of Qi, water, or any signs of life. At its worst even the air would get difficult to breathe. This place was deep desert now, but had been ordinary desert before. Shrubs and spines had grown over even the devastation of Child-Corpse-Eater's futile last stand, even encouraged where the chaotic landscape trapped the air by chance. Now the skeletons of the plants testified to what had been, some even white like bone. Here and there, there were signs of water erosion from storms and seasonal streambeds filling with drifting silt.

Qirong kept his eyes peeled for the murder instrument. The law of the Organ Meat Desert was inscribed in the heavens themselves, obvious to even unthinking monsters. For one to live, another must die. Here wind with traces of Qi and moisture was being manipulated, stretched upward and thinned, only to be drawn back down and concentrated elsewhere. That elsewhere was where the Bronze settlers were living, where they drew life from the world. Like in the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect, murdered land was a sign of new civilization nearby.

As they progressed, he could not see the Qi concentration array itself, but the signs were apparent. Here, an unnaturally flat stretch of ground. There, a series of cold iron spikes. Now that he was in the outer infrastructure it was time to walk. A defense array could decide that a mounted mortal was a Battle Blood Cannibal scout and kill him in a heartbeat. In a war-cut ravine half-filled with sand and debrits, he landed the wingworm and jumped off. The beast stared at him with unmoving compound eyes, then went aloft, winging for the south. For freedom and its kin. Qirong walked north.

The actual settlements and ranches would be past where he could reach today. But the orderly, predictable Bronze would have regular patrols here, and failing that, fixed fortifications and alarm arrays. He planned on being caught before sunset. After that he had no idea what to expect.

It wasn't as if he didn't know anything about the Bronze, but he was sure most of what he'd been taught or heard was wrong in some way or another. Most of his information was hearsay and rumor. If forced to describe them, he would say they were bronze-haired, of course. That was their name. Some more gold, some more red. Otherwise; goblin-nosed, red-skinned, round-eyed, yellow-blooded, servile, forsaken by Heaven. Alien. Vigilant. Idiotic.

The last four were probably perjorative, because the Bronze were his people's greatest foe. They blocked the path to the green lands. They raised and shepherded empires-worth of mortals only to leave them unharvested, out of reach. He understood that harvesting just wasn't what they did, but from what he knew, other sects and clans at least had the sense to ignore their mortals if they weren't eating them.

The law of the Organ Meat Desert, no, the logic of the world, argued against the Bronze. Any sustenance must be seized, any resource taken, every advantage pressed. Otherwise would be insanity, inviting death. Yet the Bronze were not dead. He'd had the best of educations, but clearly something was missing. The Bronze were alive for a reason, not just because they were stubborn or treated their own princes like slaves. Cultivation was meant to free people, break their bonds, bring them victory. As his mother asked, he would turn his back on the sweet liberties due the Transcendant. The Dao of the Bronze would have to suffice, to satisfy him enough to accept the chains.

How presumptuous, that he would come to the Bronze with nothing and be made a cultivator. Achieve that first, then worry.

Hours later, in a wide, boulder-jumbled valley, the hairs on his arms stood up as he crossed array lines. He didn't know this pattern, couldn't have scribed it himself, but he could get the gist. Lethal to Heavenstage, harmful to Foundation-Builders, with a parallel pattern tied in for raising the alarm against stronger cultivators. Completely inactive against mortals, maybe. What really bothered him is that he couldn't even see the lockpass. Another treat for later.

He heard someone speaking a foreign language, a woman or child. An ordinary mortal wouldn't have heard it, but Qirong's senses were exceptional. The giant boulders made locating the voice difficult, but it was to the left of his path somewhere. Then suddenly, there it was in the open, a solitary shrouded figure, gleaming armor underneath a hooded cape, ten yards away. The lean figure had a long spear and and oval shield on its back. It held a bone-and-silver canteen in its free hand.

Qirong swallowed hard. He'd deliberately stayed thirsty today, and had poured out his own water sack hours ago. He'd also rolled on the ground and walked through a few bushes. He didn't have to pretend how bad he wanted that water. It should help sell the act.

"Hey kid, long journey, eh?" she asked in the desert dialect. The woman held out the canteen and sloshed it a little. "It's okay, we have plenty." He rushed her, took the vessel and drank greedily. The canteen was a treasure, the bone from humans or great beasts. It kept the water cold, but maybe had other properties too.

"Were any others with you? Anyone that couldn't keep up or got separated?" The woman looked normal. Her attire had a drab functionality that confirmed his expectations of the Bronze. Battle Blood Cannibal cultivators wore their trophies proudly, to proclaim their strength. The only ostentatious thing on the Bronze woman was the canteen. He couldn't see her hair, but her skin was a normal tan, and her nose was only a little proud. That was one 'fact' down.

Qirong shook his head. "Just me" he croaked out. "My master was dying. I would have been put with the cattle or, or worse. She gave me a sooth-singer so I could fly away. Is it safe here? There's enough to eat and drink?"

"Mortal child walker is lone escape. Healthy, no abnormalities. Turnover on estate, will brief further," she spoke into her helmet. "I'm Petra. What's your name?"

"Lao," he lied. One of his deceased siblings.

"It's safe here Lao. We have plenty." She glared at him a little. "Don't use that word for people here."

"What word?"

"Cattle. Say people." She had no further guidance on the matter.

Not everything I wanted to get in, but I'd done this much already. I think I'll move forward to his current story next, and get back to more of his backstory later- I really want to get his whole backstory in eventually.

@occipitallobe @Alectai @BungieONI please index this omake for turn 7. Thanks!

Edit: Reward requested is lifesaving treasure.
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Simon Euaerizo 4: Lipita Delphi & Simon Euaerizo - A Letter from Home(collab link)
@Sol Zagato please post a link to your most recent collab with insane-not-crazy so that you can get your bonus from it.
Edited into my good seed background post.

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

Run your own Xianxia faction! Offend old monsters! Raise good seeds! Face heavenly tribulations! And remember, always support your Young Masters, no matter who they offend.

I'd like a life-saving treasure.
Simon Euaerizo 5: Simon Euaerizo & Lipita Delphi - The Greater Self
The Greater Self
Simon Euaerizo & Lipita Delphi, Turn 12, Omake 5
(Lipita Delphi #24)​

Simon Euaerizo, called Qirong by dead men, waited for his prey in a concealed trench hidden in the hills above the Opal Way.

The Opal Way was one of the lesser roads near the Scorpion Road, connecting towns north of Waycastle Thrake and Seven Heavens Trade City. By the standards of the Optamatoi, anywhere near Seven Heavens Trade City was cosmopolitan. Even in the wilderness, such as here in the foothills of the Colossus Steps, if you did meet someone by chance, you were as apt to encounter a foreigner as a Bronze.

Foreigners thought this the desert. Sure it was, by their standards. To Simon, it was a fat land, a stranger to hardships. Barrel cacti thronged even in the open flats, and permanent streams carved out gullies where thickets of sycamore and thorn gum trees grew. A patient person could farm here without condenser arrays, just using crude irrigation ditches. Experienced traders and even some of his Bronze companions imagined they knew the real desert. They couldn't even conceive of the barrier wastes in the former Cannibal lands, plains of rock and dust so devoid of qi the air couldn't be breathed.

The latest caravan passed out of sight where the road turned miles to the west, no sign of the targets yet. This was his third day here, he and his companions were prepared to wait days more for the quarry. In his storage ring he had several letters from Lipita Delphi. He'd read them several times this trip. He'd started correspondence with her after mentoring her for a few years. Her latest was that she'd returned from a successful expedition to the Yuan Secret Realm. However, her encounters there with Righteous Path practitioners vexed her. Sufficiently that she asked a bald question.

If they are the Righteous Path, then what is righteousness?

Different answers lurked there. What was righteousness to the Righteous path and what was righteousness really? He was particularly biased on the second question, so he had to answer carefully.

The Righteous called the Bronze Demonic, Unrighteous, because they were heretics. This is because they used heretical means: divination, poison, curses, corpse desecration. But these tools for survival, what did using them in particular matter? What was more righteous about cutting a man's throat than poisoning him? Why did a dead man's flesh and bone have to be buried or burned? For the crime of using the tools at hand to survive, the Golden Devils were feared and hated in equal measure. No, this way of classifying actions made no sense to Simon. The point, the usefulness, had to be the dividing line itself. Some were inside the tent and respected, others outside and reviled. That was that.

There was unrighteous, and there was unrighteous, however. Former archegetes Alexios said "The Heavens do not dictate justice. It comes from the hearts of men." But some hearts should be ignored if you had any sense. In his youth, as a fine young Cannibal, his heart was certainly different.

Even as a mortal Cannibal princeling, other mortals had been pets, tools or food to him. Babies were delicious, right up there with pickled ginseng grubworm and annihilator root soup. The memory didn't disturb him over much, he hadn't known any better at the time. Having people of all ages at the mercy of his every whim had stimulated his confidence in some ways. Once he'd had a man's torso carved open just to watch his organs working, then had him healed because 'he's been a good sport'.

A hell of a thing to live in fear. That's what it really was to be a Battle Blood Cannibal. Constant fear of every living thing you couldn't control, punctuated by the joy of domination, every other positive emotion stamped out. The Cannibals embraced the self of body, following individualistic Dao. It took him years to lose the fear after leaving the Cannibals.

To Bronze settlers in the Shining Mountains, like the Euaerizoi that adopted him, children were like gold. Their family small, their patriarch Justin a foundation-builder mere centuries old. They mistook the cause of his fear for something else, and he let them do it. They loved him anyways. The Bronze faced facts, of course. His cultivation ability made him immensely valuable to the family and they didn't hide it. But even his adoptive siblings with no talent were loved and grew up to live full lives. Every mortal was their own person, and killing was considered wrong most of the time. Such lavish infrastructure was provided for entirely mortal families, yet they never harvested them. They didn't eat them ever, even when they died of natural causes.

What will, what discipline, to let such power go! And for what? It puzzled him for years. When he first saw the Hoplite formation used, he finally understood, and his fear left him. Mercy and justice towards the mortals was practice. The Cannibals could never know anything larger than the self of body, their entire way of life made it impossible. The Bronze embraced the greater self, the group self, in their everyday lives, so they could become the Hoplite with ease. And it wasn't just for practice. At every level, their people only had to worry about threats from outside, didn't have to resort to oaths to heaven or domination to make everything work.

Their sacrifice was tangible, the benefits harder to see, but enormous. The fruits of righteousness. Was not this harmony and peace of mind a wondrous path?

That was his Dao of Bronze, and why he was biased on the question. He could just bluntly tell her that righteousness was expanding her sense of self to include the least of us, but that was pointless. He was tempted to just tell her to make her family proud, her mothers were sensible examples. But he remembered his first family. He could become the evilest beast in the Realm, and his birth mother would have cheered all the harder. No, he'd take a different way...

A sudden commotion to the east brought his attention back to the Opal Way. A caravan of about thirty people was being attacked by less than a quarter their number. The assault was fast, the seven attackers rushing in on foot from across Simon's position, tearing through the travelers with ease. The caravan was a mix of mortals and weak cultivators, none more than 5th​ Heavenstage. Against what appeared to be three Foundation Establishment raiders and four attacks none below the 6th​ Heavenstage, they put up as much fight as wet paper. Simon refrained from intervention. To act to save these few would condemn others for no good reward. They were here to strike at the root, not trim the branches. Watching the travelers die was uncomfortable yet necessary.

The raiders quickly picked over the spoils of their attack, moving quickly to avoid interruption. They didn't linger much, taking a few choice goods that drew their eye but focusing on the bodies, loading them onto the mounts of the unfortunate caravan. Simon marked one of the Experts who used earth manipulation to conceal the detritus of the assault, burying what could not be carried. They'd been tracking the group for a while, but picking out their trail had been difficult. The terrain alteration he'd suspected was now confirmed. Soon enough the raiders were on their way heading north east away from the Scorpion Road into the deeper Desert with quiet shadows in tow. Manuel Raoulaina flashed Simon a high sign and a savage grin, but they all maintained telepathic silence as they'd agreed beforehand.

A couple of hours later the prey slowed in rough territory at the foot of the mountains. The path they'd taken skirted several natural dangers, mostly the territories of Spirit Beasts but also a few of the more esoteric dangers of the Organ Meat Desert like Thirsting Sand and Mirage Haunts. In the end they'd ended up in a cunningly concealed encampment based out of a cave in the hills. The group Simon was trailing had met up at the hideout with several others totaling twenty-two in all, five Foundation Establishment experts and the remainder Qi Condensation. The three Experts he'd trailed seemed inferior to one foundation-building resident in the camp whose strength flared like a comparative beacon. Given how things went with Blood Path practitioners, he had to be their leader.

Their nature was easy to discern given Simon's familiarity with blood path practices. The bodies transported so far and the subtle stench that lingered briefly where they'd passed gave it away, well, that and the human haunch on a spit in the camp. The sentinels standing guard who greeted the arriving group had no notice of the stealthy observers who'd circled around to approach from the sides. Settling down in concealment on a hill to the east, Simon waited for the sun to set.

The raiders were fairly undisciplined. They were cunning enough not to hunt where they slept, and keep several obstacles between their camp and the most traveled areas nearby, but their security at home was poor. They only had three guards posted and all were among the weaker cultivators in the camp. One particular incompetent kept looking back towards the fires of the camp when he couldn't have been sufficiently beyond mortal limits to not have his night vision affected. It seemed the briefing he'd received from the 353rd​ Legion was correct.

Something had come down from Turtlebone Mountain and caused enough of a disruption in its advance towards Waycastle Thrake that the cordon around the Blood Mask had been broken. In the weeks afterward, raids nearby had increased and everything pointed to a Blood Path presence. Most likely caused by something escaping the inheritance artifact. Scouts and headhunters had been assigned missions to clear out the infestation so here Simon's group was to purge a nest. It said something about the danger of leaving the Blood Path unchecked that teams of veteran legionaries with specialist skills, like Simon, had arrived so quickly.

Technically, his team of five had even numbers in foundation-building cultivators, but the enemy leader was tougher than any of them, and there were enough Qi condensation hangers-on to count for something. There was no room for sloppiness.


Shen Du scratched at his arm, bored and unhappy to be on guard duty. He'd missed out on the excitement of the raid and he was hungry, having gotten boss Gan mad last week. Saliva gathered in his mouth as he thought about the haul the hunting party had brought back. Was it too much to ask for an arm to nibble on? He could probably reach 4th​ Heavenstage if he got just a little portion to eat. He'd joined up with Gan because the promise of becoming a cultivator and a powerful one fast had been better than dying as lowly gang thug in Seven Heavens. Yet here he was, a cultivator sure, but still doing the scut work.

"Damn Fu, telling on me. I'll get that bastard real good soon. He'll see. You don't mess with me and get away with it." He grumbled to himself when a crackle in the darkness snapped his head to the right. Now Shen was no fool so he didn't just call out into the dark but he also wasn't going to raise the rest of the camp without being sure there actually was something out there. Being mistaken about that might actually get Gan to eat him like she'd threatened. Picking up the spear that had been at his side as he sat on a convenient rock, he held it in both hands and advanced forward. His sight was better than ever now as a cultivator so he peered this way and that trying to identify the source of the sound.

Seeing nothing he called out to the other two sentries set out in a broad arc that covered the approach to the cave that was the raider's hideout. "Oy, Wu Lan, Gu Ten. You lazy bastards notice anything?"


"You bastards, stop lazing about and talk. Anything to see?" Shen Du called out again only to receive the same absence of reply. Now the hair on the back of his neck prickled. Something was wrong and it was probably a good idea to rouse the rest immediately. Turning back towards the camp and the cave beyond, he'd just opened his mouth to holler fit to raise the dead when he choked, silenced.

Like a spectral apparition from the beyond, a shadowy figure met his stunned gaze as he completed his motion. Any cry of alarm was silenced as someone put a chokehold on him from behind. Spluttering he flailed at the arm choking the life out of him, dropping his spear in his panic. This was about as successful as beating on a ring of iron. All the while, the shadow watched. Slowly fitfully his struggles ceased over long moments. His last blurred sight was of the figure somewhat coming into focus, likely dropping whatever cloaking technique it - no he - had used to get so close without notice. The bronze skin was a dead giveaway of the identity of his killers.


Gingerly, Thekia placed the corpse on the ground in front of Simon, while the others debated last-minute tactics with hand signals. Blood Path heretics were very good at smelling blood, so hunting a Blood Path group, you had to avoid creating open wounds or you'd spook them. The two other sentries had been similarly disposed of. The next stage of the operation was unlikely to go as smoothly as this had. The three deceased meant they had nineteen bloodthirsty raiders remaining, five of whom were within the same great realm, versus five Bronze. He thought back to Lipita's question about righteousness. It was time to introduce these cannibals to the Golden Devils answer.


Gan Fuxian woke up to smoke choking her. Staggering up from her bed roll towards the entrance, she felt the world spin around her. The cave her raiders had claimed for themselves was fairly large. After Tu Long had worked on it, it was wide enough to contain all twenty two of them, along with their stuff, easily. But now it was a confusing obstacle course as she stumbled over and through hurdles. What was going on? Were they under attack? Why wasn't anyone else up?

When she got closer to the entrance she got her answer. A solitary intruder was standing at the cave mouth, behind him several heaps of firewood lit ablaze, the source of the smoke filling the cavern. Like a wraith he danced in the smoky air wielding a smoking incense burner, easily evading the clumsy strikes from Apion Zhou's fists, Leng's sword and the sluggish earth spears Tu Long struggled to create. Something was very wrong. Her lieutenants were Foundation Establishment like herself, if only in the Fortified 1-Pillar stage. They should not have been in so much trouble with one person, especially when she could tell that he was in the same realm, weaker than her own 6-Pillar cultivation. Coughing spasmodically, she looked down and saw a prone body curled up in the rigor of death. The smoke had concealed the floor around the cave mouth littered with the bodies of her raiders.

The smoke, it had to be. It wasn't just smoke, there was something in there that had killed the Qi Condensation dregs and was crippling her weaker subordinates. Even as she watched, the intruder wielded the burner like a flail and brought the lit container down on Feng's head to the sizzle of heated flesh and wet crack like a crushed melon. Apion Zhou tried to dodge past the cave entrance to flank him, but was blocked by a wicked kick. The intruder pressured Tu Long with his distractions reduced. Now Gan could make out his features, bronze skin and blonde hair- strong Bronze blood, likely a centurion. He felt like a 4-Pillar Foundation expert. Hunting them alone?

Tu Long knelt, eyes bloodshot and slapped her hand against the ground. The cave floor in front of her rippled and turned into a sucking morass of mud in an attempt to slow the silent killer. Caught in the trap, the Devil smoothly reached down to his side, pulled out a jade slip and tossed it at Tu Long. Weakened as she was by the poisoned fumes, Tu Long managed to roll and evade the slip but didn't move far enough. A bright blast picked her up and hurled her backwards toward where Gan was standing. Apion Zhou used the opportunity to maneuver behind him.

Gan felt her cultivation base gain a handle over the invading poison as she scoured her body with qi. She'd recovered enough to no longer be gasping in enough time to see Apion fleeing out the exit.

Glaring at the Devil still stuck in the mud trap, she barked out. "You're going to regret coming here, goldie. This honored Gan Fuxian will rip out your tongue and eat it. Your flesh will be my stepping stone to greater power, fool."

"The name is Simon Euaerizo, come for me." Cold and unperturbed, the exterminator flared his cultivation base climbing out of the mud pit.

"When I feel like it." The technique she'd been building finally activated, qi woven into the pattern that the Mask had imprinted in her. Blood burst from her mouth and wrists in a spray of tendrils. Dodging adeptly, the Devil backed away towards the entrance only to find he wasn't the target. The hunting appendages created by the Grasping Essence LifeStealer plunged into the bodies of Feng, Tu Long and other raiders lying on the floor. A sweet rush of power filled her veins as she drank deep of them. Tu Long was the greater bounty, still living as she was exsanguinated and souldrained but the other corpses provided their bounties. She felt her strength swell, to the point she had to force herself not to break through to core formation. Now the smoke was naught but an insignificant irritant. Now the rest of this encounter would be simple. She could use his corpse to rebuild her gang while she tempered her soul for tribulation.

WIth an exultant roar she rushed forward cracking the ground beneath her from her strength. With an effort of concentration as she charged, she formed the Hungering Demon's Axe from her blood empowered to never before seen heights. Surprisingly the Golden Devil didn't seem panicked at her empowerment. His shield met her charge and he was launched backwards, thrown clear from the cave. Laughing uproariously through the fires, she rushed after him. She couldn't let him escape.

There he was on the open hillslope away from the entrance, alone and exposed, not even running. He was set to meet her charge again. Gan was more than eager to provide it. When his defenses inevitably failed, the rending edge of her willed weapon would taste bronze flesh.

Suddenly, Qi swelled from within him and a glowing armored figure wielding bronze spear and shield enclosed him. A formation? But where were the others? No matter, this had to be an illusion. She roared as she charged forward and the glowing illusion leveled its spear.


The hole torn in Gan's chest smoked furiously, flesh bubbling and regenerating as her earring glowed and she screeched in rage, her axe clanging furiously against the Hoplite's shield. The Hoplite stepped forward and stabbed her again and again, then more after she could no longer stand. The Hoplite dissipated as the Bronze cultivators finally fell out of formation. Simon's mind reemerged, savoring every recent memory of when they had been one.

"Hoo! That would have been bad if she had broken through!" shouted Sophia Choniates, a 1-Pillar Foundation builder. "Too much of a gamble, Simon."

"She wouldn't have," countered Valens, also a 1-Pillar Foundation builder. "She would have failed the tribulation. If she was ready she would have eaten the gang already, like you told me Simon?"

"That's right, that's just how these cannibal scum operate," said Simon. "I've seen it time and again. And now we have a peak foundation-building corpse to sell."

"Even so," said Manuel Raoulina, a 2-Pillar Foundation builder," you should increase our shares. Entering Hoplite formation before dropping concealment was tough. And I'm the one who got the runner," he gestured to the body of the bare-fisted blood heretic.

"It's okay. You can divide half my share between you if you spend another week helping me develop my Rushing Psiloi Formation." Seeing grumbles and nods of consideration, it was enough for Simon. "Don't all agree at once now. Let's clean up the mess first."

The looting wouldn't take but an hour, return with the dead civilians and dead guilty a few more. When they finally got back to Waycastle Thrake he'd have a chance to write back to Lipita.


Lipita Delphi gained a renewed appreciation of penpals during her convalescence. Most people couldn't come to her, but they could write. Her recovery had accelerated when her family brought a core expert to treat her; her meridians no longer felt like salt channels carved into open flesh and she could actually cycle from the spiritual qi in the Dawn Fortress without seizing like a fish pulled onto land. All the same, the quiet got to her in her room. She hadn't had many visitors apart from Victor Wulf, Kokkinos Laoshi and senior Gaius. She spotted an interesting name in her pile of correspondence. Simon Euaerizo had helped polish her combat ability in the lead up to her departure for the Yuan clan. That desperate maneuver she'd used against Kai Meng was a tactic born out of those sessions. Never give up indeed.

The way Kai Meng had attacked her and senior Gaius was infuriating. She'd written Simon and others

That encounter had been infuriating in the way she and senior Gaius had been attacked and she'd wondered about what it meant that virtue was seen in such acts. Having nothing else to do, writing inquiries to seniors was as good a use of her time as any and look, she'd received a response.

To Lipita Delphi,

…your mothers for me.

What can I instruct you about righteousness that you don't already know in your heart? Many claim it, but their actions prove their self-seeking vainglory. The sects of the Plains and the Mountains trumpet their principles, calling themselves the Righteous Path, yet they stand aside when innocents cry out. I won't tell you righteousness is naturalness and nonaction. I certainly won't tell you that righteousness is compassion, moderation and humility! I won't insist that it is arete* either.

I believe righteousness is whatever brings harmony among the people. It is not necessarily always clean, or done in the light of day. Sometimes, you lend your strength to the betterment of others. It may require you sacrifice of yourself because the greater good demands it. It may require you sacrifice others. Perhaps I too am deluded, fooling myself to excuse my own deeds. But this is the difference between the lives I've lived. One as a slave in a world where fear and violence reigned for the sake of unlimited ambition. The other as a member of a family and a clan, where each work for the sake of each other, and courage and order abide as a result.

We are not perfect, as the ideal forms do not exist in this Realm. But disregard the opinion of hypocrites. Evaluate your own righteousness and know that it is worthy, regardless of what they say.


Centurion Simon Euaerizo

*Arete - Wikipedia

4046 words in the story count.
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Simon Euaerizo 6/Lipita Delphi 34 Collab – The Measure of a Legionnaire
Lipita Delphi 34, Simon Euaerizo 6: Simon Euaerizo & Lipita Delphi – The Measure of a Legionnaire​

To Centurion Simon Euaerizo,

Thank you for being so willing to reply to my letters. I am well aware that my mothers, being the interfering busybodies that they are, have undoubtedly been writing to you a lot about me. Kokkinos Laoshi had been positively inundated with correspondence from them asking anything and everything. Were they always this inquisitive when you served with them? Sometimes I wish that they would have another child and spare me the smothering that comes with being their youngest. The way Eustacia tells it, that was how it was when they had others after her.

Forgive me for rambling on about my family. To get to the main reason why I am writing this letter, I am deploying as part of the 95th Legion's contribution to the war effort. I know that those of us of the Compass Rose, particularly the core members from the Delphi family do not exactly have the best reputation for martial excellence, but Legate Calliope wishes to change that impression and I agree with her. The 95th are craftspeople sure and we take pride in our ability to produce some of the best items available on the market but we are also sworn soldiers in the Legions of the Golden Devil Clan. To fight for the Clan, serving as its shield and spear are just as much central to our identity as any other force within the Clan like the 353rd or the 576th. I will admit that my Legion has less experience in offensive operations than many others but I am confident that we will prove up to the demands of war.

Command is drilling all of us relentlessly, harder than I remember Aspirant training ever being, to hone us into a razor's edge. The councilors of the family are addressing the issue of the Delphi bloodline curse being a known malus to combat. I have heard those senior to me talk of the Archegetes holding a special lecture on the eve of the last Hundred-Year Trial, supposedly gated behind a trial of willpower and self mastery. It would appear that the leadership of my family have been inspired by his example and are doing their very best to winnow out any they deem unfitting. I have screamed more under their sadistic ministrations that I could ever have been distressed as an infant. I cannot honestly fault their methods though even if I wish to impale them all on rusty spikes in recompense because the gains I have seen in my ability to handle the Harrowing have been nothing short of miraculous. As I am now, I have no doubt that I could have easily managed the breakthrough to the 9th Heavenstage without the injury I suffered in the Yuan Clan. I understand why the family prefers to have this tempering performed over several decades because so many have proven unable to cope and withdrawn from the secondment, some of the worst I know will require a long recovery in their cultivation despite the best efforts of our trainers.

All this is to say that I am assured of my ability to face the physical challenges of participating in the war, particularly considering the artifacts I will be equipped with. What I am concerned with are the immaterial demands of combat. I know that the Jingshen Clan has opposed our Clan for as long as we have been together in the Organ Meat Desert. With the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect defeated there is no longer a detente in the fragile peace so the Clan must act in self-preservation. One can point to the justification in the attack by Jingshen Jiao against Lady Zhihao when our ally stood as Dao Guardian for Legate Aretaphila Myia during her Heavenly Tribulation but what I know and what my heart feels are not wholly congruent. I do not doubt my ability to follow orders in invading the Jingshen Clan, to go into their territories and attack their homes, killing their defenders and pillaging their lands. I love my Clan and willingly put myself forward to stain my hands with the blood of its foes. What I am uncertain about is if in the aftermath I will be able to accept who I become. Whatever ill well the people of the Jingshen bear the Clan, their humanity is undeniable to me and I know that many will suffer whether in our victory or defeat for the designs of those superior to them. The question I ponder now as I make ready to set out to join the war is whether necessity justifies all acts. The Clan needs security and strength to survive and the Jingshen are a threat to that purpose. But is it just that in our pursuit of these goals we act as we intend? Your previous reply on the question of righteousness helped me resolve my questions on the matter so forgive me if I once again turn to you for assistance.

I pray that your response will be swift in coming and that whatever else may be, you and your command are safe and victorious. Perhaps we shall meet on the battlefield under the flag of victory.

Yours sincerely,
Legionnaire Lipita Delphi
XCV Legion

Simon Euaerizo read over the letter from Lipita Delphi for the second time that day. It had come just the week before, after his squad deployed with the rest of his Legion to the northern offensive. The bureaucracy of the Golden Devil Clan's Legions was second to none, but that didn't prevent things from falling through the cracks. Particularly when the Legions were on the move. By now, he expected his junior was somewhere in the their shared thrust making its way down the Scorpion Road into Jingshen territory. He was in no hurry to write back if Lipita had already spent so long waiting. Her request had been very provocative and heartfelt. His reply to her deserved his best consideration.

Putting aside the missive, he left his squad tent, putting him in the midst of a bustling camp of various Legions rallying for the upcoming assault. Everywhere in sight, soldiers were completing their last preparations. Simon found his squad doing the same close by. Sophia Choniates, Manuel Raoulina, Valens, Thekia and Simon were one of the squads assigned to the more daring and demanding aspects of the planned raid so they were all cycling qi from Spirit Stones to make sure they were in perfect condition.

"How's the preparation?" Simon asked the team, all seated on woven mats of glittering thread.

Manuel, the next strongest Expert on the team after Simon, opened his eyes and replied, "We are in tip top shape, boss. These cultivation mats you got for us are really something. The embedded arrays make drawing from Spirit Stones seem like stealing candy from a baby. Ain't that right folks?"

A chorus of affirmative responses came from the three other cultivators. Simon was glad for that result. It had cost him a pretty penny to outfit the entire squad with Harmonious Spirit Prayer Mats. The artifacts were woven from threads of Gravebronze, mixed with the pelt of certain Spirit Beasts usually unaspected to specific qi alignments and furthermore had qi gathering and guiding arrays embedded in them. They sped up qi regeneration and boosted refinement cycles for users. Useful artifacts certainly but not really cost effective unless one had an abundance of Spirit Stones on hand to justify the extra advantage.

Sophia asked Simon as the Spirit Stone in her hands sank in on itself, "Aren't you going to join us? We are almost done here and the mission kicks off soon. The plan for this raid is crazy enough to reach around to genius but everyone participating is going to need a full tank of qi."

Simon nodded at her. "I was reading my letters. I didn't want to miss anything."

"Ah, so our great leader is still feeling philosophical," Valens spoke up, "That junior of yours has you thinking too much. We are Legionnaires. The Elders and strategists say we do something, we obey. That's the life we swore to."

Thekia replied to Valens, her eyes still closed in half-trance, "And that, my dear friend, is why you've formed only one Dao-Pillar in all this time despite being my senior by what, several decades, now? We aren't naive juniors who only have to focus on stuffing themselves as full of qi as possible. We are Experts, seeking the Dao and trying to find the Truth of a Greater Self. We master the strictures of the second great realm by endless questioning, carving out our identity from the answers we find for ourselves. Between you and the boss, I think I'll follow the example of the man with four Dao-Pillars."

Simon interrupted the conversation as he sat down on his own prayer mat. "That's enough from all of you," he firmly commanded. "We can discuss spiritual advancement after we return from this raid. For now, please be quiet and cycle."

The conversation quickly died down as they each returned to their tasks. In any case, the reminder to focus was needed because they were not just filling up their dantians but pushing them to bursting. With no need for stealth in the upcoming raid, they were even employing the little used technique of dumping excess qi into their auras and holding it tight close to their bodies as a makeshift reserve. This was a rarely used practice because it made the cultivator under its effect blindingly obvious to even the faintest qi-sense and the reserve quickly dissipated, lasting barely a couple of hours. That was all right for today's mission. Shock and awe were to be the order of the day and every advantage to that end would prove crucial.


Guanxi Fort was a sizable defensive emplacement along the approach to Cloudy Jade City from Haoshen Fort. It lacked the strength of any of the three major hardpoints along the Scorpion Road that formed the main Jingshen defensive lines, but that simply meant that instead of obscene provisioning, it was only well stocked, with banks of Spirit Cannons, thick walls and a large troop complement. Legate Thanatos, serving as overall command for Expert forces in complement to Legate Agathangelou for juniors under the Protostrator, was not dissuaded by the threat potential of Guanxi. He considered it a useful opportunity to demonstrate the Legions' might in a show of force that would keep Jingshen heads down along the northern front. To that end he had dipped into the ranks of the junior Legionnaires to put up a truly incredible number of Formations centred around the Experts under his command against Guanxi. Anyone ignorant of the true nature of the Golden Devil Legions would have thought that Guanxi was being assailed by giants. The umbral forms of Hoplites armed with bronze weaponry and the brazen figures of charging Kataphraktoi came against the defenses of Guanxi, withstanding blows from Spirit Cannons and Artillery Arrays on the walls.

The battle had begun in the late afternoon with the first probing attacks against the walls, and now had advanced into a full on assault by massed formations. Sorely pressed, the defenders of Guanxi were hanging on grimly, fighting with a desperate intensity that was a credit to their spirit and tenacity against their well disciplined opponents. The Jinshen commanders hoped that beating back the Legions from the walls would make the Legions withdraw to look for softer targets.

In the midst of this furor, every eye upon the walls was fixed to the clash at the base of the walls. No gaze was heavensward when the first winged form streaked above from the western horizon. By the time any notice was made and sentries squinted against the setting sun to identify what approached, it was too late. With deafening screeches, an entire flight of Two-Headed Eagles dove down from where they had hidden themselves in the glare of the sun and delivered their cargo into the very heart of Guanxi Fort. Even as the alert rang out in the fortress from the first sightings, heated Spirit Cannons could not be raised quickly enough from their depressed firing positions to target the skies.

They were preceded by the alchemical bombs, choking and suffocating the unprepared Jingshen troops gathered in the courtyard. The first living thing to land was Simon, leading his squad. Quick-acting and fast dissipating, the poison gas let Simon clear out a safe landing spot for the rest of the squad to follow him into the fray. As the vanguard, their role was to strike deep into the lines of the Jingshen, going for the heart of the fort's command. Success was irrelevant so long as they pulled attention from the walls which were still under assault by the Legions outside and doubly receiving a second wave of air-dropped Experts. In synced formation with Simon in control, their Hoplite rampaged through the desperate reinforcements sent out from the interior of Guanxi. They never reached the senior command of the fort but that only slowed the inevitable. Behind them, breaches opened along the walls of Guanxi, caught between the pincer strategy of Legate Thanatos. Within the hour, the walls were the Legions' and Guanxi proper followed shortly afterwards.


A victorious squad returned back to base, exhausted from the strain of flight and then following that up with a fierce assault. The vanguard were drunk on victory and left the final conquest of Guanxi to the other troops. Simon nodded to Manuel to lead the rest off to relax while he attended to personal matters. Finding a quiet place in the camp in the wake of the victory was easier than normal and Simon began penning his reply to Lipita.

Dear Lipita,
One hundred and ten years ago, one of my cousins was enamoured of a young man named Yannis Anagnostopoulos. It was unfortunate for him that his dao was justice. He was a bright, questioning fellow, utterly incapable of the self-deception or cynicism or disinterest that shields most people, with his heart lens-focused on being perfectly good. Every harm he caused, even indirectly, tore at him. He understood the tragedy of this world, and it consumed him. Eventually, he immolated himself.

I don't know what clever thing I could have said, or great philosophy I could have invented, that could have saved him. I did try, I did fail. Each one's dao is their own.

I say this now with more experience, though I'm not sure it would have saved him. The way out is through. Now becomes the past in an instant, and everything shall eventually die. To look the world straight in the face, to understand the madness of it all without flinching, and without becoming a monster, that is a great strength.

Trust becomes necessary at this point. Allow me to explain. If you value everyone equally, then become a wandering mendicant in the green lands. Otherwise, you favor some over others, and you must trust. Trust that your group is worth saving, trust that your people are worthy of the value you place in them, trust that what people tell you is true, trust that they are true to their stations. Trust that your king is not using you badly. We don't have ideal knowledge, so this trust, this belief, must substitute. If we were all cynics or skeptics or monsters, we would perish. And then we could do nothing, right or wrong.

Therefore, I must believe in the Imperial Optimatoi, though I do not take leave of my senses or my own sense of right. I trust in Old Gold, and keep my sight to what I can reach.

Though maybe I should have just told Yannis he was being arrogant. Was he a god that made the world evil? No, he was one of the worms like the rest of us. If I'd knocked his head out of the clouds, maybe he could have walked along the ground to be with us today.

That's enough memory of Yannis. Accept what you become or change. You know what is to come, desert if it's unacceptable to you. Of course orders and necessity do not justify all acts, do not contemplate your toes, use your reason! Accept reality in its whole, and move through.


Simon Euaerizo

Blowing on the drying ink, Simon waited before calling for a messenger. He could have used a jade slip to record the message but he had found the exercise of calligraphy soothing and entrancing. It was one of his favored ways of unwinding after the stress and excitement of battle. Perhaps it was the memories he had of his adoptive family teaching him the Clan script or maybe it was the motions themselves, the smooth outpouring of thought into reality fixed into permanence upon paper. When it was done, he made his way to the couriers and dispatched his reply, payment for express delivery made.


Raid after raid followed after the taking of Guanxi Fort. Not all were as spectacular as that skyborne assault, none in fact. But there were other daring deeds racked up by Simon and those he led. If Legate Thanatos had any more rankles serving under Sheng Yu as Protostrator per the rumors about the relationship between the two, he did not seem to let it affect the discharge of his orders from his superior. The Elder of War had relayed the Archegetes instructions and he obeyed. The legate sent in the Foundation Establishment cultivators under his control deep into the Jingshen land relying on their prowess as Experts to conduct wide ranging raids to distract and destroy the Jingshen effort.

The Clan had about one hundred thousand troops committed to this war which was outweighed by the almost eight hundred thousand men and women the Jingshen could muster if given the opportunity. That could not be allowed to happen, Thanatos decreed. The legate of the Darksouth Legion was familiar with the means of sowing terror opposition, of creating the illusion of overwhelming strength in all directions to crush morale and confuse strategy. He demanded that the Experts he sent forth become the living manifestations of the Bronze Demons the Jingshen decried the Clan as, making them fear to come out of the holes and compelling the strategic reserve of the enemy Nascent Souls to take to the field in engagements as the Clan desired. As he asked, so did the Experts deliver.

Death came at the tip of bronze spearheads crushing fortresses and redoubts in the noontime sun. The night was not spared either for stealthy rogues slipped by sentries and watchtowers to reap a bloody-handed harvest of lives where the Jingshen thought they were safe. Teams of Experts spread discord and division throughout the four servant families making them balk at the cost of going up in open battle against the Clan's Legions. The Jingshen had never been a united polity and none were willing to make the first sacrifices for the others. Beyond the price in blood they were unwilling to pay, the swarming locusts of Legate Agathangelou were utilizing the cover provided by their seniors to steal a wealth of Spirit Stones from convoys and storehouses. Doubly threatened by loss of riches and life, the sub-families of the Jingshen hunkered down in their fortresses and the Legates were all too happy to keep them out of the fight.

Everything seemed to be going the way of the Clan, then a reminder came that there were teeth behind those mercantile masks. How or where they had abstained the materials and the means by which the defenses of the Clan were penetrated were of secondary concern to the sheer good fortune that had visited the Clan. The All-Blinding Array had struck at Haoshen Fort, a blow aimed at the Archegetes who shielded the entire offensive with his presence and the north was saved only by the triumph of a pitiful few, if very select ones at that. Simon's squad was part of the general recall back to Haoshen Fort and he witnessed the living evidence of how close they had all come to disaster. Simon Euaerizo, once named Qirong, loved his Clan and the brothers and sisters he shared blood with in the Legions. The unceasing pain from their wounds tugged at his heart strings and the count of those who were unable to continue any longer was one too many for him.

When word came down that the nodes of the All-Blinding Array were being captured, he cheered with his squad and other troops that the weapon that had wounded their corps was now theirs to wield. In the follow-up call for volunteers to penetrate the heart of the array below Wangshen Fort and cease final control, his conviction that he was needed grew with every lost soul. Sixty had fallen before him, he would sacrifice himself before he let there be sixty-one

"Are you sure about this boss?" Manuel asked Simon as the senior Expert prepared himself for the perilous undertaking. Every other member of the squad had made known their reactions to his volunteering, fear, acceptance, worry and ultimately pride in his decision.

"I've been asking around and there were some serious cultivators who went in before you. Secundus Athanotis was one hell of a tough bastard, we both well know that and that place ate her up as surely as the others. Brutus Zapadas, that old devil, walked in and never came out. Chang Jin, Abelllone Axia, Tianji Maximus, these were not weak Legionnaires and none of them made it. Even Old Gold himself couldn't suppress it try as he might so I am not really enthused about you marching out there to join the other five dozen brave Experts who thought just like you," Manuel said visibly worried, "I won't lie and say that part of it is that I don't want the headache of having to take over the squad if you're gone but there's more to it than that. You're a good leader who looks after us and you're a good friend beyond all that. I won't ask again if you're sure but I need to know if really you want to do this."

Simon looked at his squad mate and friend and smiled grimly. "Truthfully, I am scared to shit myself at the thought of going into that damned array. But the Clan needs this. There are only so many people qualified to try, and the Elders would trip the safeties. It's my turn to try, I cannot suffer watching another death standing on the sidelines. For the Clan."

Manuel sighed at Simon's words and held up his hands in surrender. "I hear you and like I said earlier, I ain't gonna ask you again. So what's your plan exactly? Do you have some shielding technique or movement art you've been keeping secret or do you have some miracle artifact like your Poison-Nullifying Incense Burner to carry through you?"

Simon shrugged. "I have none of those. The plan is to walk in and make my way to the targeting core using my perception and my agility."

Manuel stared at him and groaned. "You're absolutely bat shit crazy, aren't you? You know what I'm going to keep my questions to myself now. I don't even want to know what a fanatic like you has planned."

"You do that, but I have to unburden myself before I make the attempt." Seeing the look of confusion on Manuel's face, Simon continued, "Please, don't worry about receiving any antemortem confessions like me being the son of a Blood Path Elder. I'm going to use the latrines. I actually do need to take a shit and I'd like to have my corpse to have some dignity if I fail."

As Simon left Manuel, he thought to himself that it would be a shame if he never got to meet Lipita again. He'd never had children himself but his adopted siblings had given him nieces and nephews. The junior from the Delphi family had become something of the sort and he hoped that whatever might happen to him she came to no serious harm. Promising talents were a rare thing and needed nurturing.


He succeeded like the hand of fate itself guided him.

Meeting the Archegetes had been strange. The Grand Elder was known to uncover all secrets in his presence. Simon had been prepared for the revelation of his subterfuge, to be exposed as Qirong but nothing of that sort had happened. Oh, he had no doubt that the old monster knew but it didn't seem to matter. He thought this might be the case, but an invisible weight still lifted from his shoulders. Whatever else he had been before, whether Qirong son of Berserk Slayer, Lao alleged slave of the Battle Blood Cannibals or Simon adopted ward of the Euaerizo family, he was Bronze. By deed he earned his place in the Golden Devil Clan that took him by blood.

The Nascent Soul had met him in his field quarters, floating in mid air as though standing on flat ground. Much of the conversation was blurred to his memory and even now details curiously slipped from his recollection. The rewards and wealth that were given to him for his miraculous feat were far more tangible markers of that encounter. There was at least the singular imprint in his mind of the Archegetes thanking him..

He'd retreated from his squad afterwards, burning with the need to capitalize on his gains. Pill after pill had been commissioned from his Contribution Points Balance and his cultivation had soared until he was jittery with rushing spiritual energy ready to make the ascent into another small realm. By will and self-understanding he'd joined a fifth Dao-Pillar to the complex weave of truths that he was building around his identity. Some visualized totems or pillars in establishing their foundations but he had oddly taken to the representation of an infinity knot, growing ever complex with each epiphany about the cord of himself he added to it.

Rising to 5-Pillar had been a peak of good fortune soon drowned in bad. The Blood Mists left the squad injured. None of his teammates had been overcome by the madness of the corruption but for some it had been a near thing. Valens and Sophia asked to enter closed cultivation to deal with heart demons formed in the wake of the experience. It spoke to how much it had affected them both that Formations with the squad had been unusually fragile. Seeing the effect the matter had on their Dao-Hearts he'd supported their requests. That was two members down. Thekia suffered a minor qi deviation in the midst of that calamity and was sidelined for at least a couple of years as her meridians healed. Simon and Manuel remained, no suitable replacements available, and the demands of the occupation had run them ragged.

The Experts previously assigned to prevent local civilian sabotage during the war now had a greater responsibility in victory. The defeat of the Jingshen Nascent Souls marked the official capitulation of the Jingshen as a polity, but that did not prevent the threat of insurrection from within the remaining cultivators. Being able to walk unharmed among poison of your own making came in handy when you needed to suppress fools thinking of rebellion without handing them martyrs. The only thing he could say was that it was useful work, if tiring, and he was looking forward to when it was someone else's problem. He had considered making the trip to either of the secret realms the Clan had access to, but the spate of Blood Path rebellions in the Mountain clans had soured him on that idea. Better to look homeward and work there.


Lipita Delphi and Simon Euaerizo reunited in person in Wangshen Fort after the occupation settled down into routine.

Simon looked Lipita up and down, taking in the changes in her and on her person. "So I finally get to see the famed Orienting Compass. It must have served you well for you to make the 10th Heavenstage so fast."

Lipita flashed him a grin, confidence radiating off her. "It saved my life too many times to count and won me quite a bit of wealth so I might have spent a little too much time talking about it. Kokkinos Laoshi helped me construct it so when I introduce you to her please save some of your kind regard for her. I'm sure that compliments from the Glorious 61st will count for something."

Simon facepalmed in embarrassment. "I should have threatened Manuel better when he made up that ridiculous nickname. Now it's everywhere and I absolutely hate it."

Lipita's smile faded into a more somber look. "Hey you pulled off a miracle after sixty good Experts died trying what you did. Let the Legions celebrate you a bit. You deserve it."

"Sixty good men and women died before me. I succeeded where they paved a way for my victory," Simon replied, "I wasn't just lucky, I used what they showed me. They should be honoring them rather than me."

"I do. I remember every name. Their path was forward and through." Lipita said.

Simon nodded in surprise. He was thankful someone would remember them. And that she recalled the letter.

"On a lighter note, my mothers gave me something for you when I visited with my friend," Lipita said, "Apparently, you are looking for certain rare Spirit Herbs that grew in former Cannibal territory, specifically from the fief of that Blood Path Elder you told me about, Laughing Dog."

"Ah, they found those. That's great." Simon said, cheering up.

"Oh there's that and a whole lot more. Mama Augusta has apparently taken up knitting and she's given you some of her lovely products," Lipita said sarcastically.

"I'm sure that they are lovely," Simon said. He and Lipita shared a look before bursting into laughter.

"I think it would be lovely to meet Centurion Lihua Kokkinos with you. I've volunteered for the delving expedition into the depths of the Underworld Spirit Palace and I believe so has she. It would be nice to get to know someone I'll likely be working with before we have to risk our lives together." Simon said to Lipita after the hilarity died down.

"You know what?" Lipita said, "Why don't we make it a foursome? I'll get my friend Victor Wulf to join us and that should make for a fine party."

Simon had no disagreement and the two cultivators conversed lightly. There were harder conversations to be had later about experiences during the war but for now, it was enough to see each other again.

5160 words.
@Alectai @occipitallobe please index. Reward requested is LST. I already indicated on discord that I'm bravely aiding the clan in the secrets of the underworld.
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Simon Euaerizo 7 – Standing on the Brink of Perilous Glory
Turn 14, Omake 1, Simon Euaerizo

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

TURN 14, OMAKE 5 [Lipita] Lipita Delphi 39: Simon Euaerizo & Lipita Delphi – Standing on the Brink of Perilous Glory Sitting cross-legged on his Harmonious Spirit Prayer Mat, Simon Euaerizo looked out blank-eyed towards the bare walls of his quarters in the Underworld Devil Palace. While the...

3450/2=1725 words. Please threadmark @no. @Alectai

I would like to attempt the Qiguai secret realm, and want a LST as reward.
Good Seed Background - Sisyphus Constantinus
Name: Sisyphus Constantinus



Cultivation:1st Heavenstage

Year Equivalent:21



Age:16 at turn 16 start


"One cannot grow without drawing upon something else". This truth underlies the world of cultivation, and is fundamentally unjust. This something else is always a source of Qi
It is said, "One cannot Live without Qi"
It is known "Qi is a limited resource"
It is said "Qi is the energy of the heavens"
And yet we defy heaven.
Another source must be found.
This is the law that must be overturned.
Acceptance of this is surrender.

Sisyphus awakened their cultivation through the methods of The Builder. Their father and mother were Devils of good standing and good blood, though only in late Qi condensation, pursuing the later heavenstages knowing that breakthrough was not feasible, for in their time they were cut off due to a lack of resources for foundation establishment.

Then, they were kidnapped by a blood path elder, who was to consume them as an example to disciples, after lecturing on a fragment of Soup Chef's inheritance. His parents came and rescued him, with Experts in tow, just in time. He sought out the methods of the Builder so that he could be strong now, without waiting. He then joined the clan, and now seeks to provide it the ability to create qi for less qi than it costs to sustain that making. He hates the Dao of Consumption, and wishes to demonstrate it utterly contradictory by producing a counterexample. He will fail at this. Fate decrees it.

Cool thing

Insight into the nature of Qi (That this his goal is impossible under heaven)

Journal Extract #1
Board Post #1
Omake #3

Word Count: 3183

For the first turn, will go to the fighting in Yuan.
Pursuing Orthodoxy
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In the Journal of Sisyphus Constantius, Year 304
In the Journal of Sisyphus Constantius, Year 304

It is said that for sects, clans, and nations, access to Qi is the limiter of strength. That if one has more Qi, they raise more cultivators. These cultivators make them stronger. This allows them to hold onto those resources, and thus the strong remain strong, and the weak remain weak. But looking at our status, This is a facile view. Strength within realms matters, and different groups also accumulate this. See our bloodline, and how it makes us strong. See our formations, and thus our ability to fight together. See arrays and fortifications and weapons and all of the discipline of cultivation. See the Technique Palace, and why it matters that we gained it.
This exists for a reason. Qi is not converted directly to combat power. It allows us to cultivate, to become strong, to pursue Dao. If we must become stronger than the limits of our resources, we must also accumulate those things. If we could grow strength without reference to them at all, then we would be triumphant in all things.
Except we are not actually there right now. We have fewer cultivators than we can sustain. We are about as many as we were in the height of our power when we held only the core territories, but with much more resources, including what we have seized. So we are not actually limited. In 100 years, then we may have hit that limit. But now, we are not in the state in which we cannot support more. Each individual gathers much more marginal resources than they consume. Why is recruitment still limited then? Because tradition and trust are hard to gain, and it is not worth compromising them to gain this saturation faster. Instead we must simply grow as we can. So why are we in Yuan? We do not need the resources we claim here now. But we fight now for 100 years from now. Then this will matter. We fight now because the alternative is giving up. We fight now because if we did not, Yuan would fall into the sphere of Ma, and they would do terrible things, and would consume all they could. We fight now to deny resources to our enemies, so that they become weak and fail. This is terrible, but is required by the logic of this world. I abide now, but I dislike this logic. It, like all of the logic of the great sects, would enforce the scarcity that impels it. But letting the blood path gain is worse, and so I will go. It may be unwise, but I will go. That is the nature of cultivation. To some extent, I would rather not have to fight. But some things just cannot be borne.

[This page has been ripped out of a journal, and was partially burned. This was the only recovered extract]

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