Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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New Good Seed and Omake Rule Updates
Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Helel Ben Shar 2 – The Qliphoth forms the base of the Sitra Ahra
Helel Ben Shahar 2 – The Qliphoth forms the base of the Sitra Ahra

The 'Sitra Ahra' can be considered as a manifestation formed of the 'Qliphoth'. But what is the 'Qliphoth'. It is a Dao with many meanings. The literal translation of the Dao would be 'husks', 'peels', or 'shells', something that concealed, contained, and protected, but which were inevitably left behind. In that regard perhaps 'Remnants' is a better way of thinking about the term. The 'Qliphoth' were what was left behind.

In one sense, the Qliphoth is meant to be an inversion of sorts, the shadows left by something when they are imbalanced. Not the absence of them, per se, but perhaps more the singularity or corruption of them, Justice, when untampered by kindness or restraint, becomes too destructive, and burns that which should not be burned. They are what is untampered, wasteful, incomplete and impure.

The Qliphoth, then is created from what is. And there were natural examples of this as well throughout the realms. Things that go out of control, knowledge that was hidden, lies and deceptions, these are all forms of the Qliphoth. A parent that lost their temper and screamed at their child, a man took a bribe or lied, people hurt and killed one another, division where there should be unity, mistakes.

At its base Qliphoth are the remainders, the errors that took shape in the system and needed to be accounted for; the reason why, even if you made two people exactly the same the results would still differ wildly. In the end, people are separated by their differences and imperfections, their souls distinct no matter what Heaven commands. The Qliphoth are something even less 'physical' than anything else and yet undeniably there.

The Qliphoth is the mistakes, flaws, and imperfections in our view of the world. Things that seemed to occur independent of what we know. If our grasp of the world, of an idea by itself would be perfect, the Qliphoth are why it is not, it is the errors that occur, the imperfections, the impurity of the ideal.

Beings have the ability to make choices. To decide how they want to act and live, and that carries with it the potential to make mistakes and do the wrong thing, to fall instead of rise, to darken instead of shine, to fail, the Qliphoth is that potential. In the truth of who you are and who you can be the Qliphoth is simply imperfections and limited views of the truth.

In truth every cultivator encounters the Qliphoth, for to do so is to become a cultivator. The Qliphoth is the impurities that are expelled, the black muck that is removed.

The Heavens have authority over all things in their worlds but not the Qliphoth. For the Heavens strength is in purity and the Qliphoth is that which is impure.

@occipitallobe, @Alectai, @TehChron

A Tribulation Boost in the form of a greater understanding of the Dao please

Edit: A lifesaving treasure please
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If I'm reading this correctly, Xiao Yingzi met an organism as old and powerful as the Turtle Emperor itself and had a conversation with it??? That's absolutely wild. Also loving that Note of Despair, very interesting implications and potential with that.

I'm disappointed in my own turn, but at least I reached the Twelfth Heavenstage and didn't get hurt, so it could have been worse. I shudder to imagine my results if I hadn't written a fuckton. Ah well, I've got a decent chance of hitting the Thirteenth in the Yuan realm and ascending at the end of turn 11.
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By Old Gold's saggy-
And another phrase added to the collective. Manuel being an individual of such renown but also mystery that his name has fallen into use as an expletive or exclamation by mortals is an idea that tickles me pink.

I love this entire thing. If I stayed to highlight everything I'd just be highlighting the entire post. Excellent stuff, 10/10.
The character cards are going to be popular, I can tell.
"You're a real smart guy, huh," I drawled. "What were you, a lookout? Numbers guy? Boss' kid?"
I am really enjoying the perspective you show us in this. Most Good Seeds know at least a little about cultivation when they join, but this particular Legionnaire slowly letting go from his mortal thug perspective to form his legionnaire mindset is really funny and interesting.

"Okay, another favour. By Old Gold's saggy-"
Few can boast to be known across the Virtuos Flipper Region. Fewer still in Old Golds league can allow such backtalk and still know that the Clan is secure. It´s also really funny. :D

"The- wait, Old Gold's a person? The one in charge?" I hmm'd thoughtfully. "I never knew that guy had a name." I looked at Jieyue. "Hey, you think he's really as saggy as they say? I hear he's supposed to be like...older than mountains, but then he'd be dragging through the dust-"
Our daily reminder that Archegetes Manuel Konstantinos is over 1000 years old and mortals created myth cycles out of less longlived people. For a mortals perspective Manuel might as well be God, because they sure wouldn't notice the difference.
and "how do I keep that Pighead Romanallis from shitting in my soup pot?"
Also forgot to say YOOOOOOOO. Looks like old Meathead Romanallis had a few meat adjacent descendants.

Does that mean the orphanages are the ones Korina talked about a few omakes ago?
Damn good to see little things echoing out into the future.

Omake hitting soon.
Paulus 14 Interlude - A wish for your health
Paulus 14 Interlude - A wish for your health

Cloudy Jade City was not truly a city. It began its life as a simple spirit stone mine, a bold venture by a handful of prospectors trying to strike it rich. The early days were rife with conflict. Spirit beasts and bandits plagued the miners, collapses in the mines stole lives, and many times the city teemed on the brink of destruction. However in the end it not only survived but thrived. Wealth unimaginable poured out of the mines and miners flush with their new bounty found themselves in need of places to spend it. Thus, came the merchants.

At first only a caravan or two detoured off set routes with much begging and pleading, but once the wealth of the city had been seen two caravans became four, four became ten, and ten became a flourishing market for goods and services. Charm makers, weapon smiths, transport experts, brothels, drug dens, casinos… all businesses a wealthy miner would wish to spend his hard earned stones at.

The settlement continued to grow and expand until it had become a bustling town where spirit stones flowed more easily than water and legends and tragedies were made every day. Multiple new powers rose up in this environment to become dragons among their kind. The greatest of these was Lucky Bird Casino, owned by the greatest of men, Jingshen Lidao.

Currently Jingshen Lidao stood in his office, gazing out the window at the expanse of Cloudy Jade City laid out before him. This view was one of his favourites and was only possible because he had the thirty story casino built in the first place, the largest of its kind in the city. Oh there were other casinos, other towering buildings, but none came close to the height of his Lucky Bird Casino.

None dared.

He was the overseer of this territory, king in all but name, and absolutely none of that had to do with his family name. It had taken decades of hard work to make his fortune and many liters of spilled blood to keep it in his hands. By the time he was ready to take his place at the top? Why a quiet word was all that was needed for the previous overseer to pack up and hand the place over to him.

A wise man, though his wisdom did not let him escape his fate.The records had to show that Lidao was and always had been the overseer if he wanted to secure his position, and it wouldn't do to have someone around who could contradict the new paperwork.

Jingshen Lidao was in a good mood. The recent territory expansion had opened up several opportunities to expand his claim and a few choice bribes was all it had taken to get himself assigned some new territory to bring up from scratch. Cloudy Jade City was nice, but he was beginning to want to stretch his legs again. The other powers in the city were too cowed by now to provide him any real entertainment.

Which was good, they wouldn't give any trouble when he handed over the city to little Kai.

He rang a small silver bell that was kept on the windowsill for such purposes and no more than a second later a rough faced retainer cracked open the door to his office and waited obediently out of sight for his request.

"Summon my son, I wish to share some good news with him." He commanded, jovially.

"My Lord, Young Master Kai left the city several hours ago in the company of Ma Jeitei." The retainer shared hesitantly.

Lidao frowned. "Is that so? Blasted boy, always traipsing about with that hooligan friend of his. If he wasn't an overseer I would just -" Lidao cut himself off, with a sigh, "Fine. My son at least brought his bodyguards?"

"Yes, my Lord." The retainer answered crisply.

"Very well, I will retire to the paper room for the evening. No one is to disturb me."

The door clicked shut once the command was given and Jingshen Lidao turned and strode to another door on the opposite side of his office. The door was unadorned and crudely formed and stood out among the otherwise ostentatious office. It was the kind of thing that only the most desperate of people would have purchased, or perhaps looted off a landfill if it wasn't hacked to splinters by the embarrassed craftsman, but Lidao had a soft spot for his first solo creation.

The door had been reinforced and perfectly maintained over the years and so it made not a sound as Lidao swung it open and stepped through to the room within. A small, cramped room with half of its interior taken up by a simple desk and chair. The rest of the space was taken up by shelves and shelves of crafting materials. Wood blocks and gemstones and hunks of metal and clumps of wax and more adorned every bit of wall space, just waiting to be used.

Lidao slipped into the chair, absently picking an ingredient from a shelf above and placing it on the table before him. It was a black and grey log threaded through with seams of tarnished red spirit stone. Flecks of sparkling blue and white minerals were scattered across the log like stars seen through the fog of a half-remembered dream, appearing to move slowly across the surface over time even though they were completely stationary. Forgotten Emberwood, a good ingredient. He began his work.

Qi, heat, and pressure squashed the log flat while retaining its beauty over the course of a few minutes and a glimsteel blade cut a head sized square from the paper thin material.

Then he began to fold.

The old way, slow and without qi.

First came the north fold and then the south fold, then the spring fold and the summer fold. The beak took shape with the enlightenment fold, then the body took its form through the kite fold. The wings through the aptly named wing fold and the wind fold to give it breath, and just like that a paper crane was born. The qi focused in this room was enough for it to spring to life immediately and begin circling his head and he whispered a message to it before taking it back to the office window and letting it fly free.

It carried the love of a father in its breast and urgent desire spurred its wings. A promise of a gift to lure its target back and a small treasure stone clutched in its claws.

A gift for his boy.


The crane came back the next day, still clutching the stone in hand. It was one thing for the crane to return and another thing altogether for his child to willingly send back a treasure. Lidao might have done something drastic if the crane had not been accompanied by one of lesser make that had flown straight to his Head Retainer.

"My Lord, Young Master Kai has entered the Qiguai secret realm with Ma Jeitei." The retainer reported.

"Why? I suppose it was about time for him to go and stretch his legs, but to do so without informing me?" Lidao wondered out loud with a frown. To others it may seem he was thinking to himself, but the retainer knew better than to stay quiet.

"It seems that Ma Jeitei's younger brother was recently killed and the Devil who did it was recently spotted fleeing Cloudy Jade City."

A Devil? In his city? Lidao chuckled.

"Well, if he seeks to claim good fortune that fell in his lap I can understand. A wayward Devil away from their massed formations isn't much."

Escaping to Qiguai was a shrewd move. Tracking someone in that twisted realm was all but impossible without a fortunate encounter, and no one would be allowed to block the entrance until they returned. A simple measure enforced by the Qiguai Clan to ensure...harmonious dealings.

However, with Little Kai's treasure rings and such potent Karma between Jeitei and the Devil, finding him would be simplicity itself. It seemed like Little Kai was about to acquire some heavenly favor, and just before he handed over the city!

Lidao retired to the Paper Room and formed another crane, this one from a bit of Stonespirit Carapace he had been reserving for some years now. The crane cast in earthy brown tones was a treasure in itself that would help his boy grow to the second pillar, and it carried in its claws a bottle of pills that would increase the efficacy of the crane itself.

He smiled at his cleverness as he sent the crane off with strict instructions to wait until Little Kai came back.

A surprise for his boy.


"My Lord, the Devil was spotted leaving the secret realm heavily wounded. Our observation team failed to stop him before he leapt on some manner of conjured metal bird and flew away."

Ah, so the fish escaped early? But it seems Little Kai and his hooligan friend worked him over quite well.

"When will my son be returning?" He had left instructions for the boy to return after his adventure, after all.

"Young Master Kai has not yet left the secret realm, my Lord."

A thread of worry burrowed through his chest but he dashed it away with a force of will. Little Kai was likely just making the most of his trip to the secret realm. If he left early just to chase some devil it would be many many years before he could return to the secret realm, after all.

And the Devil could be found again if they still wanted to go after him.

Lidao dismissed his retainers and found himself in the Paper Room already on his sixth crane made from Life Preserving Palm Leaf. It was a waste of a treasure, truly, but there would be no point to unfolding them now. He breathed life into the tiny flock of cranes and sent them off with salves and tinctures in little bottles strung between their claws.

Just in case Little Kai got scratched by that Devil.

Relief for his boy.


The secret realm was due to close soon and Little Kai had not yet returned. Nor his hoodlum friend.

"Send in the guards to find him. If they don't find him then tell them not to bother coming out." Lidao commanded.

The retainer hesitated. Being trapped in the secret realm was a death sentence for those without the lifespan left to endure, and while Jingshen Kai was a young Foundation Building Expert with the majority of his life ahead of him, his guards were all senior cultivators. No one without a century of experience at the minimum was allowed to guard the young Scion. Not to mention the exorbitant fee necessary to bribe their way ahead of other entrants.

At Lidao's thunderous look, the retainer bowed and left to do his bidding.

Lidao retired to the Paper Room.

Life Preserving Palm Leaf would not be enough if Little Kai was trapped inside. He selected deliberately and carefully from his treasures for this craft. Miraculous ingredients he had accumulated over his long career were spent like water. Imperial Gold Coin, Sea Princess' Pearl, Void Demon Bat's Wing Membrane, and more went into making high quality treasure cranes to carry his more important goods.

They would need to be Foundation Level treasures at least if he wanted to send them into the realm to find Little Kai and to do so he held nothing back. Even the Heavenly Rose Steel he was saving for Little Kai's eventual wedding was used up. He would simply have to acquire replacements after all this was done.

Only the best for his boy.


The secret realm was closed. All the cranes had returned immediately after entering and the guards escaped just in the nick of time.

Jingshen Lidao stood over their corpses, just outside the Qigai Clan lands, as he accepted what he already knew.

His son was dead.

The Devil who had killed him had long since disappeared into Golden Devil lands and had not been seen since. The Jingshen Clan refused to help him get revenge, and truthfully he had expected nothing. The son of a son of a minor branch house's line was not worth mobilizing the entire clan and even if it had been the Lady herself Old Jingshen would not have moved with the Golden Devil Clan's culling trials so close.

All of it was reasonable and expected. None of it mattered because his son was dead.

He cut ties with the family and returned to his city. The new overseer would be arriving within the year but Lidao would not be around to see it and could spare no thought for it in any case.

He retired to the Paper Room and began to fold. In three days he converted all of his hobby materials into cranes, but it was not enough.

He opened the treasury.

Spirit stones became cranes, communication jades became beetles, treasure weapons became flitting sparrows, defensive charms became albatrosses. The flock grew by the thousands until the treasury was dry, but it was not enough.

He sold his businesses, traded land for resources, called in favors, made threats, borrowed and stole. All of it joined the flock by the end of the year.

He stood in the wilderness with only the clothes on his back, and even that would have been converted or sold if it had any value. Several hundred thousand creations hovered in the sky around him, awaiting his message and targets of choice. The work of decades spent in a single year.

None of it mattered. All of it could be reacquired after. Everything he could get was turned to one purpose.

Revenge for his son.

As the sun set on the first day of the culling, Lidao of no Clan closed his eyes and sank into meditation.

Now all he could do, was wait.

Word Count: 2344

First Omake of turn 11 and the beginning of a new arc in Paulus' story. Now with adversaries!
Tribulations come in many ways.

Requesting LST.
Paulus will be heading to the Yuan Secret Realm this turn.

@no. @TehChron
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Konstantinos Papadopoulos 8 - Pints, Printing Presses and Prevarications
So @fictionfan asked if I wanted to do a collab, so I thought we would continue the collab trend of "Two Good Seeds get drunk in a bar", with Konstantinos hunting for more stories and Abel doing isekai things.

Pints, Printing Presses and Prevarications
Word count = 2901

The Dawn fortress had many, many bars, and Konstantinos knew almost all of them, from the cheap dives of newly minted Aspirants to the veterans establishments, where legionnaires approaching their second century in Qi Condensation met and commiserated their many losses. For this current meeting he'd picked out the Shattered Spear - independent, mid-range, mostly visited by cultivators of the support legions after shifts.

It was a nice bar. Backing music was some restrained strumming on a harp, so you could focus on your company. Perfect for deepening a contact, which is why Konstantinos had arranged to meet Abel Angelos there. He'd arrived early and already had a bottle of spirit wine on the table, when Abel arrived and plopped himself down opposite Konstantinos.

"I really like your newspaper, but I don't think that you realize just how big a thing you have. The potential is huge."

Konstantinos chuckled, " I'd forgotten about your boldness. But yes, it's been a big hit. When the Centurion offered me the chance to redeploy down to Bucephalus I knew it was an opportunity, but it's picked up. The Clan was willing to pay big for propaganda and I came calling at the right time."

"What is your bottleneck for production? What is the thing that stops you from being able to make as many sheets as you want?"

"Got another clever idea? But production is not the issue for me - feed the Spirit Press a template and it'll spit out as many copies as you want. If anything is the issue, it's distribution - that and the simple tempo of the news cycle, I guess. Cultivators take ages to get anything done, and that includes anything newsworthy"

Abel thinks for a moment "I think your problem might be centralization. The spirit press is amazing, but it can only be in one place and all the sheets have to be delivered from it. Also that means that you tend to be kind of far away from the news of people who are interested. I have noticed your last few sheets are mostly focused on the Dawn Fortress. Which works to an extent. We have a lot of widely known celebrities here, but most people are more interested in what is happening to them closer to home."

"Telling me how to run my business, are we?" Konstantinos said with a wry smirk "I get your point about centralization - it was a bane out in the Stork Lands and it's a bane here. When we were focusing only on the Stork Lands, I had the Legate subsidize couriers and some simpler Spirit Presses - was how I could get issues to all three Clans in a timely and unified fashion. But even then it only meant I had to distribute them from the three Clan Capitals - for reaching the smaller settlements I just subcontracted it out on a commission basis, easier to pay someone else a fraction and let them do all the work."

"Although you bring up another interesting point, in what should I write to begin with? Why do you think I should be focusing on what is closer to people's homes to begin with?"

Abel responses "Mostly because people are just more interested in what is happening closer to them. But also it's a great way to build up trust in the news. If people see stories and can verify some of them for themselves then they are much more inclined to believe the rest."

"If people wanted to hear the gossip about what men their Centurion is sleeping with this month, they'd go to the Mess Hall. I do not sell what people could find out alone - I see the exotic. The image that the world is more interesting elsewhere. That, just over the horizon, someone else is slaying monsters for the Glory of the Clan. I sell a vision of a bigger world, not the local washerwomans gossip. For one, that's disprovable."

Abel smiles a bit at a bigger world. This world seems plenty big enough. Most of it doesn't even seem to be used. "Wasn't talking about quite that local. But say you had a branch in the Hua kingdom that mostly focused on the news in the Hua kingdom. That also allows you to sell papers to people twice as much as they buy both the news about the Dawn Fortress and the Hua kingdom."

"Angling for a job, are we? I can certainly use more writing staff, but from what I hear from other array masters you're spending too much time arguing with them to cultivate, let alone take up more responsibilities."

"But there's your answer. Writing takes labour, and more importantly, cultivator labour, to run around and gather the stories, talk to other cultivator contacts, to build up the narratives. That's most of the work that goes into every edition, gathering the news. If I want to expand how many and what editions I carry, I need Hua cultivators with the networks and attitude to write it - and other Hua cultivators who'd want to read it"

"I'd hire mortals! Compared to us they are really cheap - and there is way more of them, with plenty of mortal level news that they are interested in"

"Let me answer that with a story. When I started writing as an aspirant, my articles - or musings really, I wasn't very good back then - sold for a contribution point each. I had a few turmae of readers, from my training century and a few others we had links with. That made me more Contribution points for a few hours work than most of my fellows earned in a whole week. I ended up getting a dressing down and limitations from the centurion from causing other Aspirants to overuse the contribution boards!

As a good son, I wanted to use some of this windfall to buy my parents a larger farm. Land in the Tall Wheat Fields is expensive, but all I needed was a few acres they could farm mortal wheat on. Do you know how much 20 acres of land that yields 200 bushels of wheat a year costs me?

30 Contribution points. What I'd make in a week with writing for a few dozen aspirants that was utter trash."

"So you ask why I'd not write for mortals? Because I'd not make any money. Why would you do it?"

"Mostly means I wouldn't have to spend much time on it. It becomes a self-sustaining resource. Also you might be surprised just how much bleed over there is from mortal opinions to cultivator ones. Of course a spirit press, even a lesser one would be way too expensive to justify."

"Sounds like you're talking yourself into starting a newspaper there, not me. I know you've been fiddling with low-qi arrays and other such contraptions to excess, I expect you've got a similar idea when it comes to printing? Some way of making block printing faster?"

"I guess you're right. I guess I am more interested in making a Qi-free printing press than running a newspaper".

Abel holds out a diagram. "Movable type. Don't need to crave a block for each new news sheet, just put the letters in the right places. Don't do pictures, but the words tend to be the important bit anyway"

Abel throws the diagram onto the table and shrugs. "Use it or don't. You are right. I have way too many ideas weighing on my time."

Konstantinos examines the diagram for a few moments then turns back to Abel. "Interesting. Limited, but interesting. Similar to how a spirit press works, really, if much simpler in approach - for a Spirit Press all you have to do is infuse the vision of how each page looks to a Jade Slip, and it'll use Qi to imprint the article onto however many pages you run through it. I'd fund a prototype out of novelty, but you've already decided to move on I see."

"So now I get to interrogate you, Abel." Konstantinos leans back in the booth and takes a sip of his Spirit Wine. "Why are you so… non-hierarchical?"

"Most people see your interest in mortals and their lot as simply part of your duty as a cultivator. Protect them by making their lives better, as is our duty as the Clan. A noble but doomed effort. But it's not that. You don't think yourself better than them at all, for all we manifestly are. And you don't think of anyone else as better at all. What other 2nd Heavenstage Junior could meet with their Senior, seven Heavenstages above them, and immediately start questioning their business acumen without even the barest of kowtowing? It's not your family, for sure. So where did you pick up such… assurance?"

Abel points to his head. "This is the thing I measure people by not" pats a forearm "muscles and when it comes to mental stuff a Qi condenser doesn't really have any advantages over a mortal. Or are least not enough to be easy to measure. Upper stages it's different, but whenever I see a job that just needs smarts I tend to hire mortals. Much cheaper and since they aren't cultivating they can actually put more time into it."

"As for assurance" Abel seems a little taken aback "Uh, you invited me and I figured that you did because you wanted some insights. Figured it would save time if I just gave them. People pay way too much attention to cultivation level. I realize that seems like a self-serving attitude given my level, but I think I would still hold it in foundation. Maybe not as much so once I figure out some better mental enhancements."

Konstantinos chuckles "My, aren't we bold. Still assuming you'll reach it at your pace. But, if you want to know, I invited you to ask about your experiences in Qigaui. It's not that often a 2nd Heavenstage enters unaccompanied and comes out without some major wounds to show for their hubris. And instead, you try to sell me on writing for mortals with a new Qi-Free press design - something that would have taken considerable time and effort, as well. Still, an interesting idea to entertain for an evening."

"But on your point about cultivators and our minds, I'm inclined to agree to an extent. One Foundation Building wants to try a new way of writing and distributing stories as part of their Dao of The Story, and people fete it as some great accomplishment, a 5th heavenstage having a regular column from a Foundation Building. Still, never turn down free publicity, if that's what it takes for people to trust my paper that I will milk that assumption for all it's worth"

"Well no harm in telling you. I went because I figured I had found a cheat. Found some obsolete qi gathering arrays in the archive. They are obsolete because the amount of ambient qi they need to function is too high to work anywhere on the flipper. Also I found a way to make it recursive -uh array jargon nevermind. I mean once I made it the array would make extra rings of itself and just keep expanding gathering more and more qi from a greater area and even more suction. The only constant about Qigaui is that it has super high qi density. I was hoping to make a few hundred years worth of cultivation progress even if I did leave behind a large wasteland."

Abel smiles, "However, I found something even better." He holds up a caterpillar.

Konstantinos played into the drama accompanying the reveal of the larvae "A shame that plan didn't work. This 2nd Heavenstage cultivator found One Weird Trick to Survive Qigaui! would have made a good article headline. Still, we can probably work something up. Found yourself a spirit Beast companion, have you?"

"Not just one. I have a whole breeding colony. The obvious advantage of Calculator Caterpillar is that they help with array work, but that is only scratching the surface. Once I learn an array with them they all remember it and later I can draw out that same array absentmindedly without having to focus on it! Meaning they don't just store the array pattern, but the will and intention behind it. If I let other people use them they can draw an array the Calculator Caterpillar have in their memory without having any understanding of it. I can actually just make arrays with an assembly line of unskilled workers."

Konstantinos leaned forward and tried to understand Abel's excitement "I take it that it is a big deal to the array world? Still, it's not great column material. Any dramatic adventures or dangerous escapes I can throw into an article, and we offer your new services at the end with a sales blurb? I can always make something up, but the best stories are build on with some timbers of Truth"

Abel almost exploded from excitement "I don't think you quite get what I am getting to. Your spirit press can make as many copies of something you visualize as you want. However, I am betting that you can't just print out arrays because it can't copy the intent and understanding behind them. These can."

"Not just the lack of intent in the presses, I think. I was very sternly warned to not try printing any arrays, or I would be dealing with a lost investment, so I think the reaction is a bit more violent. Still, printing working arrays sounds like an adventure in itself. There might be potential there, if you want to focus on it. I'd be willing to buy you some presses for testing, if you wish"

"Actually nevermind. Untrained mortals are way way cheaper then spirit presses. Might as well just hire a bunch. Only problem is I can't actually think of any single array that has that sort of demand".

"Sounds like a problem to ponder in the morning" Konstantinos turned out of the booth and gestured at the waitress "Two more drinks over here, on my tab!"

"So going back to this future article on your exploits - any interesting adventures? Dangerous moments? Stories you want yourself to feature in? While your upcoming attempts to reshape the array business are interesting, It doesn't sound like you want much publicity on them yet."

"I spent most of my time there in a hole I had dug. Wasn't really interested in looking for extra danger, just wanted to take advantage of the high qi environment. Got the chance to practice and test a bunch of arrays that would be ruinously expensive to try here. Also used most of the qi gathered to breed more caterpillars."

"Hmmm, that might be of some interest to some array-crafters and beast-tamers at least. Didn't even use that fire stick of yours? I'll have to shorten the planned article, then."

Abel pats his hand cannon "Yes, but that doesn't really feel worth mentioning. Just fried a few spirit tigers and bears that got too close." He sighs "There wasn't even anything useful left. Just charred meat"

"I can work with that a bit, play up their strength and the destructive nature of the Fire Qi. Not like many disciples can release enough to do that before Meridian Opening, especially with a self-forged weapon"

"Technically, I passed Meridian Opening. I spent some effort to open my Meridians before I left remember I was hoping to go a whole huge cultivation advance so I spent a bit of effort to smooth my path before I got there"

"Yes, but my readers don't have to know that, do they? All they have to know is that at 2nd Heavenstage you forged a weapon of such strength that it can produce enough Fire Qi to incinerate a pack of Triple-Stripped Spirit Tigers as they tried to seize your caterpillar farm from you. I can see the article writing itself already"

"The flame thrower function only made any sense to use in Qigaui with it's high qi and the fact I couldn't carry much ammo. Anywhere else I would have just shot them. Would likely have been able to get something for my trouble then as well."

"You want some advice from your Senior? Stop underselling yourself. No one else will do it for you. Reputation is everything, for that is the only information others will have on you you don't disclose yourself. The best way to stop a fight is making sure that the other side doesn't think of starting it."

Abel puffs up and says with a dramatic voice "AND SO drawing on the power of the sun. I incinerated everything in view. Until there was nothing but ash all the way to the horizon"

"There we go, that's more like it. Boasting may be somewhat gauche, but it will stop more fights than a secret technique ever will. Now, let us drink!"

Happens during Turn 10 chronologically, but count it for Turn 11 for both our Fates. (Since, they are you know, done)
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I am really enjoying the perspective you show us in this. Most Good Seeds know at least a little about cultivation when they join, but this particular Legionnaire slowly letting go from his mortal thug perspective to form his legionnaire mindset is really funny and interesting.
Our daily reminder that Archegetes Manuel Konstantinos is over 1000 years old and mortals created myth cycles out of less longlived people. For a mortals perspective Manuel might as well be God, because they sure wouldn't notice the difference.

Yeah, showing the difference in perspective between multi-century super geniuses overturning millenia of struggle and a random guy on the street is fun. The between regular people, Talented Youngsters, and Old People will probably continue to be a thing.

Does that mean the orphanages are the ones Korina talked about a few omakes ago?
Check his background for the name, if you really want to know. *wink*

A Devil? In his city?
It's more likely than you think. Also, damn, what a good antagonist. I almost feel bad for him.
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Janus 1 - Jade Slip Recordings
Jade Slip Recordings

Will detected. Calibrating for user's cultivation base. For Nascent Soul users, you may skip this step by inserting a sliver of your Will now.

No conscious Will detected. Please wait…

User detected as Qi Condensation: FIRST Heavenstage. Reducing sensory illusion's detail. Please wait…

Recordings found.

Due to the user's low cultivation base, advanced navigation options are restricted. If this is unsatisfactory, you may interrupt this process at any time by inserting a sliver of your Will.

Due to the user's low cultivation base, accurate environmental data cannot be gathered for reconstruction. Illusory environments will be synthesized to best fit associated recordings.

Determining best-fit recording from circumstantial information. Please wait…

Recording selected.

No identity context associated with recording. All entities will be anonymized until context is provided. If you would like to do so manually, you may insert a sliver of your Will now.

Beginning playback.

You hold this artifact in your palm, staring at the blindfolded man with a frown on your face. The sun shines down with malicious heat, but you are long accustomed to both aspects. Your discomfort is mild, as your heavy metal armour traps the heat against you where your loose clothing would have let you breathe, but that is minor compared to the brew of emotions inside you.

"...the hell do you mean it's a trash recording? You said just put it to my head and think at it!" you say.

"Well, that's how I've always done it," the man replies. "I don't know what to tell you."

You sit atop a Bloody Lattice-Shell Tortoise, its back the height of a table, all four limbs and neck splayed out in death. Half an aurochs hangs from its mouth, the creature interrupted from devouring its stolen prey. A giant redheaded woman works to dislodge its jagged fangs, aided by a blonde archer with a good degree of distaste for the process.

"Why do I have to do it anyway?" you mutter, annoyed.

"It's your first mission," the man smiles, walking towards you. "It's tradition to do the mission report yourself, so you know how much it sucks and never want to be a squad captain."

"That-" You step to the side, avoiding his arm reaching out for your shoulders, but he is too swift. His arm lands on your shoulder, the movement invisible as if he simply manifested the limb in place. "That's not true. My first mission was the last one."

"Yeah, but you didn't do anything that time," the redhead says. "Me and Jieyue found the area and investigated it, so she did that report."

"Still, I didn't think you'd be this bad at it," the blindfolded man frowns, giving you a gentle shake. "Don't worry, you just need some practice."

You clench your teeth, annoyed by the affectionate gesture but even more so at the unfortunately accurate assessment of your skills at using this artifact.

A black-haired man with a thick braid of hair pokes his head up from the other side of the creature's shell, splatters of turtle gore on his face. "Captain," he says wearily. "You're on a permanent report sanction because your jade slips give everybody a headache."

"That's the other reason you need to do it," the blindfolded man says, leaning closer and whispering loud enough for all to hear. "I'm not allowed to, so everybody takes turns."

"I'll keep trying," you respond, glaring at this artifact.

"Shame we can't just get you a bunch more of them so you could practice," he continues with a shake of his head.

"Actually-" a short girl says, popping up suddenly beside the head of the creature. She flinches when all turn to look at her, in unison. "Actually, um, you could?"

"What, do you think these things grow on trees? They cost contribution points," the blindfolded man frowns. "If they weren't less work than writing physical reports, I wouldn't do this either."

"Please at least try to hide how much you hate working, captain," the redhead says, disapprovingly.

"I like work, I don't like reporting work," he pouts in response. "Wait, Jieyue, what were you saying?"

"Ah, well, there are actually a number of varieties of Jade based on the base material - nephrite or jadeite - and the quality of the jade, especially if it has impurities. Some impurities can even be more receptive to qi, which can influence the types of sealing methods it can support, and because of the different areas you find different types of Jade, there are a few dozen different arrays to produce jade slips. I mean, really, there's a few hundred but only a few dozen are meaningfully different, and if you wanted to count each generation as its own slip, then we're talking about-"

"What?" you ask, interrupting her.

"Oh," she says, stopping and looking at you then the other equally blank faces of the group. She flushes, face going full red and drawing laughter. "Sorry, I read it in a book when I was younger."

"Yeah, rub it in," you reply, dryly. She inhales, but your hand is already up, cutting off whatever she was about to respond with. "The...slips?"

"Right. The...ones that should be expensive are the ones that can be used many times, and will hold whatever you store in them the longest. There should be common ones for cheap, that can be used a handful of times and degrade much sooner."

"Oh, like wine," you say, sitting up straighter with a snap of your fingers. "There's a million types, but even if the top dogs only drink the best wine, there's still all the other wines for everybody else to get trashed on."

"...I feel like that metaphor indicates we should watch you when we go for drinks," the braided man says, earning nods of agreement.

"An idea worth thinking about, at least. Maybe we can get some for Janus," the redhead says, turning her head. "Captain?"

The blindfolded man just hmm's in thought.

You raise your hand up, staring at this artifact, then put it to your forehead again. "Might as well try this stupid-"

Recording signature detected. Recording interrupted: self-recursive avoidance arrays activated. Please wait…

No further recoverable recording detected. Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Identity context determined from prior recording. Contextualizing recording. Please wait...

Beginning playback.

Remus grins, as he drops a wooden crate the size of a bar stool on the table. The plates of tortoise steak, eggs, and bread all jump and the mealhouse owner casts a dirty look in your direction.

You hiss your teeth at the crate, pushing at the edge to lift it off your steak, then go back to pulling strips of the rubbery meat off with your teeth.

"Uh, captain?" Junius starts. "You're kind of ruining breakfast."

"Breakfast, shmekfast." Remus waves his hand. "Look what I got for cheap."

The rest of the squad rises with interested expressions, glancing at you as you keep eating. "What? It's not going anywhere. I'm hungry."

"Jade...slips?" Chun Bo squints at a finger-long piece of milky jade, pulling it from the crate, the glyphs on its surface miscoloured and splotchy.

"Yep!" Remus says, grinning. "For practice!"

"Oh, great," Aelia looks at you. "Now you can-"

"For everybody!" Remus adds, grinning wider.

"Oh great," Aelia's shoulders slump.

You shrug, reaching for another hunk of tortoise steak from the platter.

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"You sure you want me to be your first?" Aelia grins, stance broad and hands on her hips. She is loose and relaxed, but not unaware, her eyes watching you sharply despite how unguarded she first seems.

"You're the one that suggested sparring," you say, shrugging. "Don't tell me you're scared now."

"Well, it's just," Aelia pauses, putting one hand to her mouth as she closes her eyes. "I don't want to demoralize you at the start, or anything."

"Generous," you say dryly. "I hope you keep talking that hot, after I beat you in five moves. Are we ready or what?"

Aelia looks to the side, where Junius stands with folded arms, his armour doffed in respect to the heat. "Whenever you two wish to begin." The rest of the squad sits behind him, watching with varying amounts of interest and excitement.

You tense, expecting Aelia to move first, but her grin just grows as she watches you. You give it a moment, then two but she stays in place. Fortunately, you aren't one to shy away from a free opportunity to get solid punches.

You take a single step forward, then explode into a dash-

"The direct approach? Pretty fast, at least," Chun Bo mused loudly.

"Yeah, but against Aelia?" Hua replied.

-tuning out your squadmates as you close to 10 yards, 5 yards then 3 arm lengths. Aelia's stance remains unchanged.

You push it for the last stretch, dropping low as the distance shrinks, turning your run into a sudden crouch. You kick off the ground like an arrow from a bow, launching forward with intent to make her regret giving you this opportunity. You draw your arm back, watching Aelia's grin falter-

"Jieyue," Remus said. "Have you ever heard the fable of the iron board?"

-as you slam your fist forward.

Her arms come up at the last second, catching your fist on her crossed guard, dark spots blooming along her forearms from the force. You draw back your other fist as your jump becomes a fall, throwing a second punch into her guard, then touched down on the ground with a quick glance up-

Aelia grins down at you from behind her guard, dark bruises spreading up her arms.

"Isn't...that about doing something rash, and having it go really badly for you?" Jieyue asked.

Hah, this woman. You chuckle once to yourself, deciding to get serious. You were roughly shoulder height to her, giving you few good opportunities to get shots at her head, but you recall fighting enough people shorter than you that you had an idea of where to attack.

You spread your stance and throw a punch at her liver, her elbow quickly dropping down to block it. Your other arm darts forward to her solar plexus, but her other forearm swipes down to brush it aside. You pull back with a half-step, throwing a quick jab at her stomach, but her arms clamp together to catch it on her forearms. Your fist unfolds into a palm, grabbing one forearm and yanking hard to the side, throwing her off-balance as a right hook comes around at her stomach-!

Her knee shoots up, catching the fist on her shin with a brief wince.

You grin. "Fifth move."

"Yep," Remus said. "Now...we have two good candidates here. The real question is…"

Your leg snaps forward behind her standing one, catching the back of her knee and dragging it forward. She buckles, barely getting her other leg back to the ground in time to stop her fall, turning it into a surprised kneel - but your arms are already raised, hips twisted and back tensed for a full power blow.

"Which board do you think is tougher?"

You start punching.

Straight, hook, hook, straight, sidestep straight, hook, sidestep, hook, sidestep, hook, straight, sway back, step in straight. You pour it on, forcing Aelia to turn on her knee just to keep you in front of her, throwing full power punch one after the other until her arms were just a bruised mess of red flesh with blotchy patterns all over them.

You had to give her credit: her ability to just block this long was better than you expected, especially hobbled on one knee like this, but she wasn't a Legionnaire for nothing. You had only just cracked open her shell, but the nut inside was no tender delicacy. You'd need to get really serious to make any progress. You affirm your decision, and-

You take a step back, as Aelia smoothly pushes herself back to standing, her one bent knee just straightening until she was back to full height and could extend her other leg to the ground. That was...concerning. "Sorry, Janus," she said, looking genuinely apologetic. Her face is red and flushed, dark markings just peeking out the edge of her tunic and threatening to climb onto her neck. Strange, as your fists never hit that high. "I wanted to make a show out of it, and impress you. But…" She chuckles. "You went a bit harder than I expected."

You tense, and force your limbs to loosen up. Her limbs are longer than yours; there is no way to escape her reach in time for whatever is coming. You need flexibility and agility to avoid it, and tensing up would only run counter to that.

Aelia takes a basic striking stance, pulling one arm back like she was preparing a javelin toss. "Don't black out, okay?"

...that sounds ominous-

A surge of pressure and force overwhelms you, rattling your thoughts and throwing the world into a chaotic mix of light and dark, sky and earth, up and down.

You blink in surprise, staring at the sheepish looking woman who'd for some reason chosen to back up about 40 feet and somehow invert the world around you. You aren't sure how she was standing upside down like that, You quickly realize your mistake.

"Sorry," she yells, jogging towards you as feeling returns, bringing a wave of full body pain. You hiss reflexively. "Sorry, sorry, I really did mess up."

Your body uncurls from the upside-down C-shape you were bent into, pressing your arms and shoulders against the dirt heaped around your shoulders until you pop out of the shallow trench Aelia's blow had dug with your body. "What the hell was that?" you groan, holding your head.

Aelia gives you a rueful grin, kneeling down and poking at you in ways you are a little too dazed to be annoyed about. "My technique," she says, briefly holding up her forearm to reveal what you had thought were bruises. The dark marks have shifted into complex overlapping lines and shapes, layered up against each other, over boiled-red skin that was very quickly returning to its normal olive colour. "I store up force when I get attacked, and can reuse it make my attacks stronger. Any hit that doesn't kill me is one I get to give back, but I didn't think you'…"

"Get to land more than one hit?" you ask, closing your eyes against the painful light in the sky.

"Hehe," she laughs, her fingers pressing lightly against your chest for support as you push to your feet. Your knees wobble slightly and you reject the idea of admitting it, but the support is appreciated., how do you beat her next time? Maybe-

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"You fight to win," Chun Bo says, staring at you from 30 paces away. He stands beside a lengthy weapon, a long spear-like pole with a curved, weighty blade at the end. He nods. "It's a good habit. Too many people posture and lose to weaker opponents because of it."

"Mm," you say noncommittally.

"I don't mean to imply that you're weak," he adds, "Simply that there are instances where it is enough to be the difference between winning and losing. Life and death."

"Yeah," you say, resting your hands on your hips with a sigh. "Hey, are we fighting or what? It's been like two minutes and you haven't done anything but stare at me. Is this just...a thing with you guys?"

"Ah, my apologies," he says, shaking his head. "Your spar with Aelia left an impression on me. I did not wish to disrespect you by not being appropriately serious."

You feel a moment of disbelief at the comment, as you face down the man with a giant knife attached to an equally giant stick, with only your fists and attitude.

He inhales, then leaps into the air, illusory black-tipped wings sprouting into the air behind him. Someone gasps, and you realize it came from you. No, dimly you recognize Jiyue's as well; comforting, you can blame her. "Janus," Chun Bo says, spinning his weapon in a brief flourish. "I'm starting."

His wings flare, and then he falls like a star from the heavens.

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"Hey kiddo," Remus grins. "Rough day, huh?" He stands apart from you, bereft his armour in exchange for simple silky white robes, and a weapon that looks like...a flat rectangle of brass attached attached to a sword handle.

You don't respond but your jaw clenches reflexively, still feeling the full-bodied soreness from Aelia's punch and the myriad nicks from Chun Bo's rapid swooping strikes.

Your squadmates are strong, you admit to yourself.

You already know Remus is strong, ever since his display in that first meeting, but the rest had escaped your consideration. An oversight, especially since you'd seen half of them in a fight of some description by now, but they didn't seem...remarkable at the time.

Maybe they were just so much stronger than their opponents that there was no need to do anything special.

"I'll do you a favour," he says. "I'll go fast, and only leave you a little beat up."

You frown. "Try it," Your hands raise, as you rapidly plan your approach.

"Well, I was going to let you get closer first but," Remus raises an eyebrow over the edge of the cloth, raising his weapon. "If you insist?"

"Start," Junius nods.

What? No, if he's ready from there, that means his range advantage- you spin on your heel, turning to break away before he can swing. A sound like a distant bell rings out at the bottom of your hearing, and you immediately know something is wrong. The ground seems to turn to liquid under your feet, swimming and wavering as your stomach threatens to empty itself all over the desert. He already struck you. How?

And...what was...that-

Recording interrupted: break in consciousness detected in memories. Please wait…

No further recoverable recording detected. Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

You sit on the sidelines, one arm resting on a raised knee as you watch Jieyue in full banded Legionnaire armour stare down Junius. After getting physically blown off your feet by Aelia and a number of cuts from Chun Bo and his guandao, whatever Remus did to you was apparently serious enough that he saved you from further sparring.

As he'd put it, "Your turn as the training post is over now!"

Instead, Jieyue stands with a determined expression, wielding a strange blade that is narrowest at the hilt and widens out into a square-shape with no tip to it. It looks heavy, with only one straight edge and a curve on the backside, like an axe that had some confusion about its heritage.

Across from her, Junius smiles, his head gleaming in the sun as he cheerily spins a white rope in his right hand. A flying dagger whirls on the end, slicing the air with a quiet whoop, the knife on the other end hanging from the rope coiled in his opposite hand.

"Ready," he calls.

"Ready, senior!" Jieyue yells as well, earning a nod from Chun Bo, as he adjudicates the match.

"Then, begin!"

Jieyue takes a step forward- and immediately takes a step back, bringing her sword up to parry the dart flying directly at her neck.

"Oh ho, not bad!" Junius laughs. "That was just a reflex test, but you're very sharp!"

Jieyue doesn't respond, forced to parry another dart, then another, then another until her arms are a constant blur of motion just dealing with the onslaught of attacks. You glance at Junius, the man looking for all the world like he was out for a stroll, while his blurring rope dart keeps Jiyue on the defensive without considering the second blade.

"You seem learned, Little Yue," Junius calls. "You know about magnets, I'm sure."

"Yes," she grunts, parrying a dart - then lashes out at the rope, narrowly missing as Junius whisks it out of reach. "Yes, senior!"

"Then I'm sure you'll understand this very quickly," he pauses his assault, twirling the rope in a big circle. "My darts can be Yin-magnetic. With enough control, I can make other metals Yin-magnetic as well."

He tosses the dart, the point flying at Jieyue quickly- too quickly, much faster than before, and she barely gets her weapon up in time to block it. Her eyes widen as the dart and blade suddenly veer apart, her arms bouncing back like she'd struck a stone wall and been rebuffed.

The second dart comes in like a sparrow through her open guard, flying gently over her shoulder to land in the dirt. "You're dead, Little Yue!" Junius laughs. "Unfortunate!"

Jieyue looks at him, panting, arms shaking from the strain. She looks tired and frustrated, but schools her expression into something neutral. She bows. "Thank you, Senior."

"Ah, Little Yue," he said, walking closer. "Be upset! Losing is terrible! Every time you're upset after losing in sparring is a time you might survive by winning in a fight."

Junius says something else more quietly, but you've already tuned them out, digesting the fight and wondering how you would handle such a weapon yourself. You cast a glance at the attentive Jieyue, listening seriously to Junius. For whatever reason, her upset expression is hard to get out of your mind.

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"Jieyue," Hue says, holding a smaller bow than her usual.

"Yes, Senior Hua," Jieyue replies, holding her sword in a relaxed guard - it's called a dao, according to Junius, and he was the one who'd helped her select a weapon.

Hua pauses. "Just Hua," she says. "No Senior."

"Oh, yes, Seni...yes, Hua."

Hua wrinkles her nose a little, visibly in thought. "Junius' technique," she says. "Yin-magnetism. You understand the concept?"

"I do," Jieyue nods, eyes narrowing.

"Then...I'll let you know," Hua said, pulling out an arrow and rapidly pulling the bow back to full draw. "I have Yang-magnetism."

You don't see the arrow leave the bow, but the sound it makes is unmistakable. Like a whip hitting a metal sheet, a loud and sudden crack followed by a reverberating ting. You look across at Jieyue-

Her eyes are wide and watery, in a broken stance as she clutches an absent weapon. You can't even see the dao anywhere nearby, the mysterious attack disappearing into the void with it.

"You let go," Hua nods, unstringing her bow. "Quick thinking. I broke Chun Bo's fingers the first time we sparred."

"Th-thank you," Jieyue says, shakily.

Hua gives her a blank look, then wrinkles her nose again for a moment, before walking away.

"Alriiiight," Remus calls, already striding over from out in the desert. The dao hangs between two fingers, swinging like a child's toy. "Now, let's talk about those spars and what we can all do to improve, okay?"

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"Hmm," Remus makes a thoughtful sound, biting off a chunk of grilled meat. For whatever reason, he had ordered a torques sandwich and decided to unpack it, pulling out the onions, then the tomato, then the meat. From the looks of it, you assume he's saving the bread for last. "You have a point. Maybe we should get you some kind of weapon."

You pull a face, taking a bite of your food. You had merely been noting the difference in styles aloud, rather than making any sort of request, but Remus hadn't let the issue go. You had outright asked him to but, in his words, "my job as your captain is to make you a better cultivator, especially when you don't want me to."

"-figure out what kind of cultivator he is, before we think about a weapon," Aelia says, polishing off the last of a leg of lamb and a few pounds of roasted potatoes. "What're you thinking, Janus? Sword? Beast? Somethin' weird, like Soul Attacks?"

You rub your temples, closing your eyes in frustration. "No. Like I told Remus, I'm alright just hitting things," you say.

"You can hit things, and their soul," Aelia points out.

"You're thinking of that guy with the mandolin made out of ribs, aren't you?" Junius asks.

"I was actually thinking about the Reminiscent Nine-Colour Ibex," she replies. "Remember? The horns-"

"Right, the horns that made you relieve childhood trauma," Junius mutters, darkly. "If I never see one of those things again, it's still one time too many."

You open your eyes and stare at them, trying to figure out if they're serious.

"What's your technique right now?" Chun Bo asks. "Some sort of weakpoint-seeking fist technique?"

"Felt like it," Aelia adds, rubbing her forearm absently. "I haven't been pressured like that by someone with a lower cultivation base, before. Might've actually hurt me...eventually." She gives you a smug grin.

You scoff and roll your eyes at Aelia, turning to Chun Bo. "I don't have one. I told you, I'm fine just punching."

Junius looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "You don't? Then how do you fight so effectively? You are remarkably proficient, aside from your flaw of standing apart to observe."

"As opposed to what, running in and getting decked by something I don't know about?" You look at him, as if he'd said something patently stupid. "If I can't win in one hit, I might as well give the other guy the opportunity to be stupid first."

"You can't win fights by just watching," Hua says tonelessly.

You give her a brief annoyed glance. "Obviously. If I can win by beating the shit out of somebody immediately, I'll do that. If I can't, then I need a new plan and a second to think."

"As somebody who got beat on, it's not actually a bad plan," Aelia interjects. "Although I think Bo and I showed why you might want a new one anyway."

You inhale-

"Okay, bully Janus later," Remus says, drawing looks towards him. "We're helping right now." He turns his head towards me. "So, you don't have any techniques right now? And nothing in mind for the future?"

You nod. "That's right."

"Purities, you think?" Aelia looks at him.

"Purities," Remus nods. "And you can grab a scutum and gladius from the stores, for now. Either you'll like them or hate them, but you can always change from there."

"Mm," I grunt.

"Now now," Remus chides me, as Jieyue returns to her seat, looking around the table.

"What did I miss?"

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

"You're no fairy," the man in front of you says with a doubtful tone, one hand on his chin as he inspects you from head to toe.

You cross your arms, armour clinking quietly in the silence of the desert night. "Wouldn't say so," you growl. "You're not exactly in my strike zone either."

You assess him without leaving the building you're leaning against, taking in his calloused hands, burly and defined arms, and delicately sculpted features. An unusual combination, one particular to certain types of artisans and indoor labourers. The man looks up at you, a mocking smirk plastered on his face. "Ah, the captain's already gotten to you, has he?" He shakes his head. "Damned height advantage."

The man stares you in the face. His hair is a styled brown coif, trimmed at the sides, and completely absent on his chin to reveal a broad, chiseled jaw. His eyes are quick and flighty, not staying on any point for more than a few seconds, and his voice a throaty rumble. He also stands a bit more than a foot shorter than you, the same height as Jieyue, craning his neck back to meet your gaze.

You narrow your eyes at him. "Lucius?"

"The very same," the man says, dipping his head dramatically. "You must be Janus, then."

"Uh huh. If you're looking for Jieyue, she's over there," you say, gesturing over your shoulder with a thumb, where Aelia helps the smaller girl work on her footwork with the dao.

"No, no, that's- oh, she is rather pretty," he says thoughtfully, staring into the distance. "But no, I came to see you first. Captain Remus said you were in need of a sword, yes? Forged this one myself, tailor made for you."

You start to refuse, but he's already swept open his travelling cloak to extend an arm bearing a sheathed gladius. You take it cautiously, unlatching the sheath and revealing- "This is a normal sword."

"It is, isn't it?" he grins. "Apologies for the bit of theatre, I can't help myself." He strode past, patting you on the arm. "Come, my newest friend. I must make amends for my lateness, so we may start our mission."

Recording complete.

No further recordings detected in this storage device.

End sequence command detected.

Shutting down.


Second omake done. Threadmark, please? @Alectai @TehChron
You could take a poke at the Cloud Demon Cave then, you're pretty beefy foe FE and you might grab another Plot Coupon.

Or we can save it for Prince to help him get to Ninth Pillar.
I did consider that, but that means i'm going in with 2 LSTs. By the time i build up enough LSTs i probably hit Core at 7 so i might as well aim for Core and let the FE's get the loot from there since most GS are FE's at this point.

After refilling your LST, just culitvate boost every round, all you can do at this point
Yeah, that's an option, but it still means to hit 8 pillar core, i need the next 5 turns to be Culti boost. Which means no LSTs for Cave since i don't think i can wait longer then 5 turns before becoming impatient. I want to do Cloud before the end of this year.
Second omake done. Threadmark, please? @Alectai @TehChron
Considering the total amount of words you did so far... Might want to consider Yuan for Turn 11 even though you only have 1 LST. Because based on the WC and from past GS, you likely hit FE before the next Yuan so getting in and getting some QI Loot is better then missing a turn.
So is Abel's complete failure at cultivating a stroke of luck? He is now one of the very few good seeds that gets to benefit from the ascension blood. I guess that means I get to make an Omake about it's exact effects.
Gaius Antonius 53 - Earthly Ties, Part 3
Gaius Antonius Omake # 53: Earthly Ties, Part 3

From there, the situation was wrapped up rather quickly. Within two days, the official responsible for stealing a large clutch of dragon eggs was tried and crucified by the furious Legates; the man knew how to weasel out oftrouble, but there was no escaping judgement for nearly getting a huge city burned down.

The 245th Legion would return to the Dawn Fortress, but apparently half of the 323rd were staying along with Legate Icarus, where they would absorb the city's existing guard and form the 1077th Legion. According to Gaius, the Elders had decided it was a mistake to leave a major food provider so unguarded, and protection would be getting a lot heavier from now on.

In theory, this was Gaius' cue to leave, him being a free agent and all.("What's the difference between a free agent and a loose cultivator?" Mei had asked, leading to yet another explanation that had her looking at him like he was crazy.) Still, it wouldn't hurt to spend another day in town. This might be his last chance to see his old friend, after all.


Mei's family seemed happy and warm. Her son, Qiu Bao, was understandably nervous around a Cultivator, especially considering how friendly and familiar Mei was being with him. Qiu Bao's family was also there, consisting of a wife and two sons who seemed pleasant enough. Gaius wanted to get to know them, he really did. But it was odd; the memory of those mortals just seemed to slide off his brain. It took serious effort to remember their faces and names, and nothing they said particularly interested him. He kept these feelings to himself, of course - no need to be rude.

Dinner went well enough; the food was good, and they talked about all sorts of things. Eventually, the subject turned to the investigation, and the cache of eggs that Gaius had found.

"A dragon can't really come from any kind of carp; that's an old wives tale." Gaius chuckled, before losing himself in thought. "It's a specific kind of spirit beast called a Sacred Carp. Though I can't help but wonder, perhaps dragons themselves spread that rumor, so that hunters wouldn't recognize their young?"

"Well, you seem to know just about everything, now don't you Gaius?" Mei snarked with a level of familiarity that made the rest of her family blanch. "You always were a nerd; what else can you tell us?"

"I'm hardly an expert, but I suppose I've read a bit." Gaius smiled warmly at the old woman's ribbing, remembering all those wonderful afternoons spent together. "As all other fish do, Sacred Carp are first born from clutches of eggs in spawning pools..."

From there, The Seeker explained everything he knew of the development of dragons, or rather, of Sacred Carp:

Sacred Carp is the name of the first stage of their life cycle, equivalent to Qi Condensation in animals. Like other carp, their base lifespan is only one fifth as long as a human's(which is then doubled due to being in Qi Condensation) but they cultivate five times faster. In addition, they have a high aptitude for the Dao, making them more likely to achieve Foundation Building than a human - some one in fifty accomplish the feat.

In Foundation Building their bodies change metamorphizing into the larger Rainbow Carp. In this form they are capable of brief periods of flight, and can survive outside of water for about an hour. While they are powerful for Foundation Building beasts, Rainbow Carp are ultimately still dependent on freshwater to live, and their bodies are poorly suited for physical combat.

The strongest Rainbow Carp manage to cultivate to Core Formation and become Dragonfish, like the beast which had nearly burned down Flumenus. As the name suggests, these creatures look halfway between a dragon and a fish. They can fly quickly and efficiently, though it is not the effortless and unlimited flight of a Nascent Soul. They are also fully amphibious, and only need to submerge themselves once per day to avoid drying out. While Dragonfish can breathe fire and summon wind like a dragon, they cannot control lightning. They live mostly solitary lives, communing with each other for very special occasions or to mate. On the very rare occasion that a Dragonfish rises to Nascent Soul, it becomes an Azure Dragon, one of the legendary Four Sacred Beasts.

"And what about actual dragons?" Asked Qiu Bao, too enraptured to remain meek as he had been.

"That's where accounts get a bit more vague." Gaius shrugged. "I could tell you about their powers or some of the regents you can make from their bodies, but there are next to no records of dragons being kept in captivity. They're damn good at hiding themselves, and they're so prideful that ones who get caught and can't escape will usually blow themselves up to spite their captors."

The faces of his listeners fell a bit in disappointment, as the lecture came to a sudden and anticlimactic end. Nothing else worth thinking about conspired at that dinner, as much as Gaius tried to stay invested.

Well, almost nothing. There were certain looks, certain sorrowful tones when discussion the next year, an amount of wistful looks in Mei's eyes that was excessive even for a mortal as old as her.

The topic was danced around, but the implications were clear enough that Gaius got the picture: Mei didn't have much time left. She was an eighty-three year old woman, so such things were to be expected. Gaius had already suspected as such from little things he'd picked up; the excessively labored breathing, the strange rumbling in her entrails, the strained heartbeat.

Malignant tumors, most likely. Starting in the intestines and spreading up into the heart and lungs. A common way to die for mortals who lived a long time or spent too much time around poison. She clearly had no desire to talk about it, and didn't seem unhappy. Gaius resolved to talk to her about it tomorrow morning, a few hours before he left.


But then, the following day, Gaius' departure was once again delayed, as an order directly from Legate Icarus was relayed to him: someone wished to speak to him in private thirty miles downstream of the city. Naturally, he obeyed; the orders of a Legate are absolute.

The Seeker wasn't sure what he expected, but it probably wasn't to find himself telekinetically yanked down to the bottom of the river and into a large air bubble at the bottom.

All of it happened so fast that by the time Gaius reacted it was over and he was on his hands and knees, barely even wet due to how fast he'd moved.

"Good. Now we may converse privately." Gaius looked up to behold the majestic sight of the Dragonfish herself, gazing imperiously down at him and projecting a feminine voice directly into his mind. "My name is private, but you may call be White Gazing. That Devil thief committed a grave sin, but you have righted that wrong. I wish to repay you for resolving the dispute before my hand was forced."

"Wuh... Buh... I..." Gaius shook his head as he processed all of this at once. "Forgive me, great one, that was... very impressive. Thank you so much for granting me this audience." He stammered, attempting to recover the situation before he made a complete ass of himself in front of a mythical creature.

"I do not possess much in the way of worldly possessions, and that which I do possess, I would never give to a human. What I can do is show you something amazing." The fish offered cryptically. "But you may only look, not touch, and you shall speak of it to no one for the rest of your days, on pain of death."

Gaius, with all of his willpower, resisted the urge to make a joke about how 'generous' of an offer that was. This was a Core Formation spirit beast, and a famously prideful species at that - his words would have to be chosen with the utmost care. "For one as great as you to call something amazing, it must be fit to inspire enlightenment in all who see it." He began, being mostly-sincere. "I see no reason not to accept."

White Gazing's lips curled upwards in some odd approximation of a smile. "That is good. We do not consort with Devils overmuch, so I am glad that this bit of peacemaking could occur. It is no personal grudge; we are heavenly beasts, so your smell offends our senses."

"I'm glad to be of service to you, great Tyrant Beast. Um... but may I negotiate, a little bit?" Gaius' eyebrows quirked up as he did his best to project innocence.

The dragonfish was unamused, but thankfully not overly annoyed either. "State your terms."

Gaius sighed wistfully. "I would like to bring a mortal woman with me. She doesn't have much time left; she won't live long enough to tell anyone what she saw."

"Is that so?" White Gazing mused quietly. "If, as you say, her life is already at its end, then it should be no trouble. But she is not to leave my sight until her soul passes on, so that I may be sure there is no treachery."

The time was set: tomorrow at dawn.


Gaius opened the door to Mei's house without bothering to knock. "Surprise, Mei. I'll be staying for one day longer!"

"Oh, is that so? That's wonderful to hear." The old woman said warmly, hobbling out from the kitchen to give him a hug. "What changed?"

"That Dragonfish - her name is White Gazing by the way - wants to repay me tomorrow morning." Gaius explained, still somewhat in shock himself. "For a species that lays so many eggs in every mating season, she's surprisingly attached to them."

"A reward? From a Sacred Beast?" Mei gaped. "It must be some kind of heavenly treasure, yes? Some kind of legendary artefact?"

Gaius laughed. "Hardly! Draconic beings never part with their treasure, most of them would fight to the death to defend it." He smirked. "I never expected her to reward me with anything material in the first place. She did say that she would show me 'something amazing' though."

"For a dragon- er, Dragonfish to call something amazing, it must be truly spectacular." Mei said, awed.

Gaius gently placed his hands on Mei's shoulders and smiled. "And the best part is: she says she's happy to let you come!"

"Oh my! White Gazing really said that?"

"Eh... more or less. She was a little more mean about it but that goes without saying." He chuckled. "Dragons are pretty intense..."

"I see. It... really would be amazing, to come see something like that, but..." Mei trailed off, lost in thought as she hemmed and hawwed in hesitation.

"You have less than a year, right?" Gaius asked on a whim.

The old woman sputtered in surprise, then froze up. Then, surprisingly, she laughed. She laughed and laughed, until tears sprang to her eyes and she nearly collapsed. "You always had good eyes, Gaius. I really can't keep any secrets from you!"


Six thousand miles; that was the distance they would be travelling to see this miracle. Could Mei make the journey? Obviously not - even being carried, the exertion would eat away at her frail constitution, consuming what could have been months of life. She didn't mind though; she didn't have anything left to do in the mundane world, so she might as well visit the spiritual one.

Just one problem though. Mei had a family. A family who no doubt wished to be there for her final moments, and she wouldn't dare hurt them by disappearing. They needed a plan - the kinds of plans they used to make back at the orphanage.

It was actually pretty simple - they would plant a dummy, as if Mei had died in her sleep. This couldn't be any simple thing, though; it had to stand up to scrutiny, potentially by Cultivators since so many were around. Gaius was not very good at illusions, and certainly had no skill in making long-lasting ones. In the end, there was only one person they could go to.

White Gazing scoffed at the foolishness she was asked to partake in, but allowed this indulgence. Breathing life into a lump of clay, she created an artificial human, fashioned to look like Mei. Then, with an inhalation, she sucked the life back out, leaving it dead, but still a perfect replica of the old woman.

This was not ethical, obviously. Perhaps it wasn't even logical, but it was real. It was an action born from the heart in the purest possible sense, and for now, that feeling overrode any sense of guilt.

Mei could not make the journey on foot, obviously. Even riding steeds, such an enormous distance, with such hard hours, would would kill her before they even got there. Gaius considered asking White Gazing to let the two ride on her back, but he could tell instinctually that that would be out of the question; the beast was far too proud to be even a temporary steed for someone below her level.

And so, after placing the body double in her bed, the two old friends worked through the night, weaving a large bamboo basket, tough enough to take lots of abuse yet also soft to the touch. Just before the sun rose, Mei climbed into the basket and Gaius strapped it to his back, and the Legionnaire ran off into the distance, following in the wake of the dragonfish.


Something about this chapter feels a little odd. The pacing is a little faster than usual for me; I could have stretched it out quite a while longer with more dialogue, more stuff with Mei's family and so on, but ultimately I wanted to maintain a quick and breezy pace. The arc isn't that complicated a story, and the emotions are more important than the convolutions of the plot, so I decided to get on with it.
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So is Abel's complete failure at cultivating a stroke of luck? He is now one of the very few good seeds that gets to benefit from the ascension blood. I guess that means I get to make an Omake about it's exact effects.
Maybe if you get more impact from the Yuan Realm, you could take one or two points of impact out of the thing you got and fluff it as being from the ascension blood instead?
Maybe if you get more impact from the Yuan Realm, you could take one or two points of impact out of the thing you got and fluff it as being from the ascension blood instead?
Not sure if Abel should go. He is lightly wounded and I only have one LST stocked. I can get another this turn, but I don't know the effects of going into a SR wounded.
Not sure if Abel should go. He is lightly wounded and I only have one LST stocked. I can get another this turn, but I don't know the effects of going into a SR wounded.
Nothing particularly different I think. You might get *more* wounded, but that's cleared up with a turn bonus. As long as you have a life-saving treasure, you'll leave when it's used unless you explicitly ask otherwise.
Considering the total amount of words you did so far... Might want to consider Yuan for Turn 11 even though you only have 1 LST. Because based on the WC and from past GS, you likely hit FE before the next Yuan so getting in and getting some QI Loot is better then missing a turn.
I wasn't going to originally, because I thought I wouldn't have the LST for the Secret Realm, but planning to hit it now. Should lead to some fun fodder for next turn.

...ooooh, I *like* this guy! We may need to collab soon, I want to see what happens when he meets Maria.
That sounds fun! I wrote...quite a bit more than I originally planned because I wanted to show his personality a bit before he started growing and getting used to things, so I'm glad it's liked.
The Builder 7 - The Village mission- part 4- The Phantom Menace of the manager, and the (future) revenge of the si-*cough cough* hunter.
The Village mission- part 4- The Phantom Menace of the manager, and the (future) revenge of the si-*cough cough* hunter.

Alternative title- the brotherhood definition of protection from threats is a vast one.

Turn 11​
Day 2

The first brother moved and shook his head a little and re-focused on the task his was doing. Moving another (giant) piece of stone, this one was from the previous guard horse that was lying around in the ruins. Now it will become part of the inner wall of the village.

Still is better to him to continue to focus on his breath, on the flow of QI and trust and believe that his brothers will do their parts well. Because delegation, management and teamwork are among the many things that make impossible tasks into possible ones.

Plus, brother bull seems happy trying to copy his breathing so doing his technique well is essential to avoid it/him to learn bad habits. And it/him probably needs the extra flow of energy to help it/his digestion after getting so many of those tasty herbs around the 'ruins' that had some QI on it. Of course, it was its share of it, his brothers and the villages got their own. But sadly, only my brother had eaten their part, because many among the village are refusing to take theirs. Well that still is not a problem, since one of his brothers is good enough at farming to make those herbs last. Plus, we will now ask first if anyone else want those before taking more from the ground so those (really weak) 'spirit herbs' that had grown from that terrible battle can cultivate themselves a bit more.

Where was him again? Right focus on himself, on the rock and teaching mister bull.


Day two night.

So much to do and so much to learn. Yes, many hands make giant tasks smaller.

In a different note he was glad that he was a cultivator, because otherwise having 4 (small) kids climbing his back, pulling his hair and, in one case, trying to pull the skin from his face with his small hands could a bit annoying instead of a good experience to the little ones to see how strong a cultivator is. Which makes one glad that even his weak blood makes him tough and another thing to be thankful is immensely number of 'trash arts' (according to foreigner cultivators) that make one hair not cut skin, one muscles controlled enough that even reflex like blinking can be suppressed. All that combine allow him to avoid harming these kids with some involuntary movement, which is good, children are the true treasure/future of the village after all.

Well, I hope that the brotherhood arrival also allows them to form many memories that the little ones can re-visit in their (hopefully) long lives and take more lessons. Like remembering this discussion that my brothers and I are having with all the adult population of the village allowing the little ones to get some new information or a new 'insight' by looking with new eyes the memories when they become older, like noticing how tough is my already mentioned resistant skin or remembering the 'boring' arrays that master Zhao Duyi is showing, or the maps being draws or looking at some information that even he still not getting. Ha! He should continue to practice it too! Getting the normal kind of insight!

Also, If the little ones learn nothing that is also fine, all learn on their own speed. A dark piece of his mind say that this will make their see the blood of bronze in a favorable way. But that was true generations ago from the works of those many times his betters.

While keeping a piece of his mind to be sure they would not harm themselves and ignoring the three teenagers pulling his arm with a rope made of his own (relative week) bronze hair. He looks around to get his own 'insights' form this situation, looking at the still enraged Elder, he hides it well, but I can see the anger and the indignation behind his mask (of a leader). Continue on I am getting some 'insights' from the village culture, the unspoken permission that some of little ones can act their age even with them acting this way while also allowing the older kids to waste energy around show how insightful and craft the older man can be. Another reason to like him!

Because all this energy, all these happy little (and not so little) ones easy the village worries which is good. Because the number of problems is significant, and these are small (and not so small) problems that can add themselves to a pile and be the death of this village. Thankful many can be fixed quick, and with time, energy and WILL. One can future proof many others

Yes, many hands make giant tasks smaller.

For example, the laws that were abused to make possible to continue the taxes flow and how some other laws were used here, like the tax reductions that are commonly used and only the city version of the village papers shows that they are in use, which no one in this village to be seems aware of and/or know that there are some tax reductions laws.

All these legal matters would be a giant task to him. Had become far smaller thanks for Hou, the 7th brother, which already found these and other problems.

Also, this village should have, at very last, a legionary to guard it full time until they got their feet again. And for some reason the patrols that this and other villages should have seemed to take a longer time. Which again the money for that seems to being used and that is not the true here. Anyway, his brother is on the case.

All these giants' tasks are explained to the first brother and the village in small and easy to understand terms. Which allow us to understand the problems true size and significance.

With this information the elder decide to continue to make a legal case to crush whatever messed this badly, then they will do a full look at their own finances. From the records on the village and the copies that we got. All while he learns (with some others in the village too) more about the laws and administrations that he should be aware of.

Depending on the size of the mess, it is possible then that second brother will be sent here at some point. But it would be easier to delegated just using letters. We will see if there something else that truly require my overworked brother (or his overworked subordinates) full attention here.

Shifting the topics for a better one, Jingguo, the 6th​ Brother, begin to speak about his results and his observations. With a single day of teaching the little ones he discovered they are not so far behind the curriculum used in the city. From what he is telling they are better than the first brother was in their age. Their even know how to (slowly) read and (less slowly) basic math while, at their age, he was learning how to break rocks to make streets and learning how to survive in the sewer while working there. Speaking of that, they too are ahead at 'survival course' for their age which is a necessary thing after a disaster, but very shameful thing requires of us all in this world to exist in any form. The world should be safe place for the young.

The 6th​ brother had also notice one thing that can be a problem in the future. The village has not kept a good track of the families' trees. So, he summoned our (mortal) brothers to make some inquires while he was busy with the kids. And the reports, especially the ones from women of this village had shown a better grasp of the situation than the one we got from the elder.

In plain language the warriors/hunters of the former village had more opportunities of make blood bonds (having children) in other villages or the city. The 'common folk' did not have many of those chances. Which seems a reasonable thing that the poor elder hunter would not notice. I would not too, which is why we must always have more people to see a situation and give their own thoughts.

So, they just need more caravans, more festivals and more opportunities to make their younger population go to other villages with an equal number of young men and women going to this one. That will be reasonable easy with all the brothers present to move them from place to place in a safer way. So long as the reports of spirit beasts and bandit's strength (the lack of) is true. Which, in this case, seems to correct according to the village leader.

But, like I was 'saying', this is a problem that is a future one at this point. Thankfully. But death of the young with things like heart conditions and many others from inbreeding can be a serious matter. Or just additional weakness of the flesh that will not hold as well in a plague. Since this matter touch a bit closer to his heart with possible death of the young. Just like his firstborn died by a (mortal) disease and his wife (and unborn child) by a heart attack. Could had being avoid if he were smart or had more resources at that time. Or if all of them had the blood of the clan.

He was too ignorant to say if the bronze blood had these problems. But he was sure that its legendary constitution and regeneration helped even the 'not awake' mortals in the clan. To say nothing of the records and actions that the elders that lived for centuries did to help fix problems before they happened, things like how mortal humans can do some select breeding with the chicken could be done to by the elder with us all for example. He was sure that the legendary bloodline was 'tune down' on purpose to allow the clan to survive the 'heavens trials' while still retaining as much power as possible. But with all of this, show the importance of, when possible, use strong blood to booster the new generations.

Anything he was also glad fifth brother continue to find so many problems ahead of time and find ways to help. Like the two brothers with stronger blood that we thought would be just a good way show off, getting future recruits and, maybe, getting some grandchildren, and now they will be of great help in this village and in some other villages of the region. The two work and the work of the young adults of this village will now have a clear recording to allow these villages to not face this possible problem again. Even without the further help that the brotherhood will do by rotating brothers and sister form the city to here and vice versa. Which is a thing we would do anyway from self-interest adding new blood and new talents. Plus, while this entire thing is a bit dark in his eyes and his next consideration even darker. One need to considering that cultivators challenge the heavens in all things. Meaning mortals that endure something way better than they should become better 'candidates' to become cultivators. And this village has three generations of greater number of survivors by (normal) trials and catastrophes. Certainly, the other villages will have more. If the horrible lack of management was this gross here, then all combine population of this region could very well had average seeds, maybe even a good one. Plus, this is a quick way of regaining contribution points and share success with not only the brotherhood here. But also, the village by using their own connections, blood and history with the other villages. Geopolitics is a powerful tool. One that can add protections. And the brotherhood fully intends to use all that they could, that would not touch the clan bottom line, to make this 'protect the village' mission a successful one.

word count: 2109 (counting all words).
@ReaderOfFate, @Kaboomatic, @no. another one to help us get to 2kk words^^. I not sure if we already counting these for the next turn, but if so I wish for a LST. and if one counts I will edit and put a 'turn 11' in a sub-title.
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