Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Hektor Sarantapechos 4 - Celebrations and contemplation's
Hektor Sarantapechos
Celebrations and contemplation's
"You are now ninety, Hektor. Were you a mortal you would already be a wise old man well past his prime but look at you! Already in the Foundation Building stage and having formed your second pillar, ready for your first command." Kleisthenes was visibly proud of her son, masculine features bearing a proud demeanour that she did not often allow to be seen. She schooled her face into the neutral mask of a diplomat as she prepared to greet their guests.

"Ah, the woes of being the son of one elder and the nephew of another are truly awful. Large parties full of food, drink, friends, and family shall truly be the end of me." Hektor said as he gave a short laugh before heading out. What was occupying his mind in the short few moments before having to greet his many guests though, was Kleisthenes comment on his age.

Hektor was now ninety, truly ancient from a mortal's frame of reference, but to him it felt like he had barely begun life. He still felt like a small child at times, especially now when his mother fussed over his ceremonial robe. Yes, mortal and immortal maturity developed very differently. It also might explain why some of the people he had met outside the clan acted so petty and childlike despite being centuries old. That, or it was just the culture to be spoiled brats in this Heaven forsaken third sea.

Stepping out into the hall set up for the party, Hektor was greeted with the sight of many bronze skinned men and women wearing various traditional robes of the Clan, called Himation's and Chitons. These gathered elites of the clan included other elders such as Euphrosyne, Hektor's aunt, as well as other young talents such as the Myia girl or the one called "The Ninth Prince". Hektor wasn't quite sure what was going on with that man, but despite his unnerving appearance and attitude he was a benefit to the clan, so he welcomed his presence.

To Hektor, gatherings such as these were old hat by now and he could perform the necessary responses automatically without conscious thought. He spent much of the party like this until his mother pulled him aside saying "We have a rather special visitor Hektor" while apologising to the hundred and somethingth cousin that Hektor had spoken to that night.

Kleisthenes opened the doors to the hall and Hektor's eyebrows rose in surprise alongside his mothers. Especially when the visitor drew out a severed leg from somewhere after making quite a dreadful pun. Hektor's eyebrows rose further when the Grand Elder, no, Archgetes made yet another body related pun and withdrew a severed head. Still, Hektor had seen far gorier sights in battle, so despite the shock he was over it quickly and able to school his features when the Archgetes turned his attention to him.

"Here you are, young Hektor. Simply wave this, and you will find yourself one hundred li closer to the Spirit Palm in the centre of the clan that gave the leaf - or under its boughs, if you should be less than one hundred li away. A useful treasure for one of the Clan's great talents, we would hate to see you fall."

"Many thanks Grand Elder, I too would-" Hektor's reply was cut off by both his mother and the Grand Elder disappearing to presumably do Elder things. Hektor simply shrugged his shoulders, well used to disappearing acts such as these, and returned to the celebrations in the hall.

@occipitallobe another Omake for you to peruse! I also have another one in the works that I should get done in a day or two. Reward for this is another lifesaving treasure please.
Hektor Sarantapechos 5 - Experiences of command: Failure
Hektor Sarantapechos
Experiences of command: Failure

Hektor was finally in charge of his own Century. He had 100 Qi Condensation clan members of various Heavenstages under his command, and a mission to scour the Burning Crags of any remaining Cannibal forces. They had arrived in short order, the clans mighty Two-Headed Eagle formation allowing them to cover the vast distances in days where a mortal might have taken years. The Century quickly established a Castra and the scouts were sent out to find traces of nearby cannibals.

Hektor was quietly waiting in the centre of the camp and gazing at the mountain in the distance that had been sheared in half during the Archgetes' most recent fight. "Centurion Sarantapechos, Ilias Barallis reporting!" A tall man, large in every way with both bronze skin and the looks of a turtle world native had evidently found something while scouting.

"Speak, Legionnaire Barallis. Let me know what you have found." Hektor said as he drew his gaze from the mountain to the giant.

The mountain of a man took a few moments to collect his thoughts before speaking "I found the trail of a large group of cannibals, at least thirty of them headed towards Blood Cannibal lands. According to my map there is a small village along their path which they will reach shortly after dawn tomorrow."

"Thank you Legionnaire. Get some rest for you will need it soon, no need to worry about any other duties tonight." Hektor waved him to the rest tents and drew forth his own map, tracing the path reported to him on the map. There was indeed a small village of mortals along the path. If the cannibals were allowed to reach it, they would be fresh and ready for any fight shortly after so the Century needed to stop them from reaching the village at all costs.

Hektor raised his voice to address the entire camp. "Legionnaires! A raiding party of cannibals has been found to be on a path to a mortal village. They are predicted to reach it shortly after dawn, so we shall strike at dawn. Be prepared and ready to fly before first light!"

The camp quickly settled in for the night and the scouts were recalled. As Hektor himself was about to retire and rest, the last scout returned, carrying a mortal woman, tears caked into her face. She threw herself down at his feet in what was one of Turtle Worlds most servile positions and spoke. "Lord Golden Devil, my children were kidnapped by a cannibal last night and my husband died! Please save them, I know I don't have mu-"

"I understand, miss. These lands belong to the Golden Devils now and we shall protect them. There is a large raiding party of cannibals that we shall be destroying soon, which way did the one who attacked your family come from?"

The teary eyed woman informed him of all she could, before collapsing from exhaustion. Hektor called his Decatus together to discuss the new information. Among them was Acis Drivas, only of the fourth Heavenstage but someone Hektor hoped would shine after gaining some leadership experience. The cannibal that attacked the mortal woman had come from the complete opposite direction of the raiding party they were to assault.

"It seems we are dealing with at least two separate groups of cannibals here. I would have your opinions on what you believe to be the best course of action." Hektor listened to his subordinate's ideas and though Acis Drivas' proposal of splitting the Century held some merit, Hektor decided that they would hold to the original plan and annihilate the group of cannibals whose position they knew for a fact before finding and destroying the second group.

Before the sun rose, the Century had taken position in the hills near the small mortal village preparing to ambush the group of cannibals as they were distracted by the tantalising treasures of mortal flesh. Shortly before the cannibals were due to arrive Hektor received a whispered report.

"Decatus Drivas and his Contubernium have disappeared in the direction of the other group of cannibals, Centurion Sarantapechos."

"Dammit, why did they have to disobey orders now of all times! No matter, they shall be reprimanded when we are done here. We shall use the formation as planned but adjust for the lack of nine members." Having dispersed his orders, Hektor readied his energies for the assault.

The surprised cannibals were met with death at the tip of the Kataphraktoi formations spear, reinforced by the power of 91 Golden Devils and Hektor's Heaven Piercing Spear. The Kataphraktoi formation quickly dissipated, the ghostly bronze horse and rider fading from existence as the energy was spent in an all out alpha strike that killed most of the cannibals instantly.

The last few cannibals were easily mopped up with no damage to the mortal village, save a few small craters along the road. The Century spent a few minutes to recuperate, swallowing various restorative items before forming the Two-Headed Eagle and tracking down Acis Drivas' Contubernium.

There was smoke on the horizon and the Two-Headed Eagle spotted a collapsed form in the sands wearing Legionnaire armour. Hektor left the formation to circle above and landed next to the body. Acis Drivas lay in the sand, missing his left arm and right hand with more wounds besides. "Decatum Drivas. You abandoned your position in the Century and appear to have achieved nothing for it. I will accept responsibility for failing to instil proper discipline in you and your Contubernium, who I suspect your foolishness and my failures have gotten killed." Hektor spoke sternly but not harshly, the young man was delirious from his injuries and there was not point punishing someone who was not cognisant enough to accept it and reflect on their failures.

Hektor picked up the wounded man and returned to the Eagle formation, before continuing to the smoke on the horizon. There was a small ruined camp with perhaps five tents, all aflame, and the bodies of both Drivas' Contubernium and the same number of dead cannibals. One remained alive however, and was consuming pieces of the corpses, laughing all the while.

The great Two-Headed Eagle dove and Hektor leapt forth with all the power of the Foundation Building stage. His spear easily pierced the remaining cannibal, gaining some small vengeance for his dead clansmen. Among the bodies on the ground were the corpses of the mortal woman's children. "We are done here. Collect the bodies of our clan and those children for proper burial, leave the rest for the flies and carrion eaters."

The rest of the Centuries deployment was spent hunting down the small pockets of cannibal resistance that remained before returning to clan lands with no further losses. There, Hektor faced a Legion tribunal for his failures in command leading to an entire Contubernium deserting. Fortunately for Hektor, a combination of his status and later examples of exemplary leadership during the mission allowed him to avoid censure.

@occipitallobe another Omake to be added to the collection, also another Life-Saving-Treasure for Hektor's growing armoury! (Will add this to the turn 5 spreadsheet when it's ready) I intend to write a part two following the idea of Hektor failing in turn three then succeeding massively in turn four, although my muse is a fickle beast apparently...

@Anders and @Molyneux I hope you guys don't mind me using your good seeds here :D
Hector Vatatzes - Good Seed Background

Hector Vatatzes - Good Seed Background

Starting turn: 16

Cool Thing: Companion Bond - Jin, the Coatl.
Hector was born with the Spirit Whale Constitution, the lost bloodline of an ancient clan of beast tamers. It seemed simple at first and a great boon - it let his body cycle ambient qi in its sleep, cultivating even as he dreamed. The peculiar ability caught the Clan's eye when it let him reach the 1st Heavenstage in what appeared a mere thirteen months since he started - an ideal legacy to incorporate into the Blood, at a glance.

And yet, the ability would quickly show itself no blessing at all. Truthfully, Hector's talent for qi cultivation is ordinary for a Seed and his physique would only carry him beyond that at grave cost - it is ultimately a self-destructive thing, growing less and less efficient with age and rapidly becoming a giant energy hog. Inevitably, Hector would find himself needing far more Qi to sustain himself than others of his realm - a resource at quite the premium in a Dead Sea. Worse still, the drain would grow ever greater as he ages - a small realm's worth per decade lived may barely matter at first, yet even at the absurd pace of a Good Seed of the Optimatoi, he would already require the resources of a Core Elder by Mid Foundation - and far more beyond.

And yet this is a future that will not come to pass. While adventuring through the mountain woods of the Yuan, Hector stumbled upon a Blood Path party fighting a terrible Coatl. The beast was Foundation, as was one of the cultivators, the other two in the Ninth Heavenstage - and as the two sides fought, they exhausted their strength. The beast was ultimately slain but the expert had also died - and as the other two quarreled over who would devour the corpses, the argument quickly turned bloody. In the end, only one Devil Bee cultivator had stood, victorious but crippled - and that is when Hector striked, finishing them off before they could consume the rest. In the aftermatch, he found a baby Coatl, heaving little breaths as it bled to its death and - driven by bloodline instincts - he bled himself dry to save it, Blood of Bronze and Spirit Whale soaking into the beast, binding the two in a Companion Bond, allowing each to channel the other's Qi freely and yet also linking their very essence together. Both will die should one ever perish - and neither can advance a great realm beyond the other. Forging such a bond was the purpose of the bloodline, the reason behind its inefficiencies growing with age - it was never meant to aid the human, just their bonded beast.

Current Status (Turn 16)

Name: Hector Vatatzes
Age: 20 / 200

Great Realm: Qi Condensation
Small Realm: 1st Heavenstage (Impurity Expulsion)
Current Goal: 13th Heavenstage (Dao Purification)

Cultivation Years: 21
Health: Healthy
Impact: 0

Combat Style: Archery with some runes to boost it and a sword for close-quarters. Fights and advances alongside Jin, his bonded companion who is a Coatl - a white-scaled flying serpent attuned to wind and lightning qi, currently a baby the size of his arm.


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Hector Vatatzes 1
Hector (1) - 5110 Words

I leaned against the bark of the great oak, sluggish and conflicted.

Four years.

I wished I could hush my conscience sometimes. Tell it to quieten and let me be. Tell it I did all I could - but in my heart I knew I hadn't. Most days I had wasted, waiting as they passed, ever putting dreams of tomorrow for the year after, dancing to a choir of excuses ample as leaves on a tree. There was comfort in the familiar and when you put your life on pause, habit was all you knew. And yet habit was all it ever was, not peace.

Never peace.

Day or night, eventually my thoughts always floated back. It was stupid, I knew, to pine over someone you never even had. So very stupid.

Oh, I had tried. Over and over again, ages ago, back when I still could. Exhausted all my chances and then some. She didn't approve. Hurt me badly, too. And that was that. Had to be. Yet the feelings never left. Day after day, year after year, I wrestled them down in helpless impotence. The resentment, too. Sometimes, I wished I were a monster. Alas, grief was just love with nowhere to go - and it was hard to find a place, if you cared so rarely yet so much.

I should have been there - I thought as I watched the pyre burn, knowing full well it would have been for naught. What could I, a mortal man, possibly have done?

A mass grave was all that remained of Xiongnu. The Devil Bees had raided the settlement, consuming everyone inside and leaving nothing behind. Nothing but empty houses and dried husks - and even those were now being washed away as the fires spread.

I found it oddly freeing. So long as there was a how, so long as there was a way… I would have stayed trapped here, in this small town. I was too stubborn to ever leave, to ever give, and some things could never be forced. Not in clear conscience, anyway. Now, though?

Life had robbed me of the choice. She was gone and no one under this blue sky could ever change that. Not anymore. And with nothing - no one, really - tying me up here any longer, I would leave. See the world. Do what I always wanted to do but never could.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep, long sigh.

It was high time I focused on myself for once.

I stared at my own reflection in disbelief - yet no matter how long I looked, the sight never changed. I stood taller than before, features sculpted in ways they had never been, vision that had already begun to addle now sharper than ever. I could feel my arms surge with newfound strength, see my skin shining with a bronze sheen.

One year.

That was.. it? That was all it had taken me?

It was but a year ago that I had shown up to the training halls of the Hong Xuan, begging to be admitted, only to be summarily rejected and told to shoo away. I was far too old, they said. Most began as children, teenagers at most.

I did not blame them, in truth. It no doubt cost resources to raise a cultivator and the Clan was starved for those. There were millions of mortals to choose from, so why would anyone pick one such as myself? I mean, what was I thinking? Twenty? I might as well have been fifty.

The Devils took me in readily.

I wondered how different it all would have gone had I not resolved to try my best? Not shown up? Not put my foot up the door?

Oh sure, they had given me a tirade. How awful my life would be if I joined. How Heaven would curse me and seek my demise. How I would be shit out of luck. How it would take two decades of daily pain, sweat and tears to see any gains. How in a hundred years psychopaths would descend from the skies, seeking to kill me and mine as fodder to their own advancement.

I had scoffed at that spiel back then. Luck? I hardly cared to seek what I never had. Surely it could not get any worse. Decades? I had nothing else to do anyway and needed a distraction. And a century, really? That was longer than I ever expected to live.

They had Bronzed me a week later. Me and a thousand others. And so it began.

I have been told that I was advancing faster than most, but I never expected… this.

One year and I have already hit the first Heavenstage. I was a proper cultivator now, strong as an ox, my lifespan doubled in an instant. It was all too much to wrap my head around.

It was also real. I glanced at the runic carvings on my table, toys I had played with over the past few months. I always had a knack for puzzles and they made for a fun way to pass the time. Against all odds, it seemed they would soon make for something more.

But first… I had heard much about the Contribution Board and it was time to pay it a visit. I had to go buy some nice clothes first, though! My rags just wouldn't do for the occasion. I briefly winced at the cost. Good tailors were beyond expensive..

Oh right, cultivator. Money… shit, it didn't matter anymore, did it? I could just… quit my job?


I stood along a dozen others, fresh novices of the 1st Heavenstage one and all, even as an elderly man in lamellar armor walked among us and inspected our cultivation.

The old cultivator went at it slowly, the process clearly little more than rote and routine. Yet even so, I could feel the Qi that shrouded him, dense and oppressive. So this was an Expert, huh. I had seen one visit my old town over the years, but it had felt nothing like this...

"Eight… wait, you..?!" - abruptly, the man's eyes snapped to me. Bore into my soul.

"..Me?" - I repeated dumbly, trying to keep calm even as frozen panic washed over me. Had I done something wrong?

"How.. no. When did you begin cultivating, boy?"

"Uh.. thirteen months and change?"

"A year!" - The man's eyes widened as he exclaimed - "That.. but.. just what kind of pill did you eat for such a rush job to work? There are barely any impurities in your meridians."

"Pill?" - I asked, surprised - "I didn't take any?"

The elder sighed - "A Beast Core then? You know you cannot rely on those in the desert."

"No, you misunderstood, I.. just cultivated. No special aids, not that I know of."

The expert looked me in the eye, disbelieving - "You expect me to believe you reached Qi Condensation at... what, nineteen times the pace? Without shortcuts?"

"Is it that rare?" - Was it? Probably. I really had no idea, though.

"I would say impossible but.. with the amount of bullshit we have been pulling out of thin air.. say, you know what the consequences of lying on a checkup are, right?"

"I can guess." - I nodded. It seemed my circumstances were extraordinary - but at this point the cat was out of the bag anyway. I would just have to brace myself for the consequences, whatever they may be.

"Fine. Stay behind if you would, we will talk after I finish the examination."

The rest of the inspection had quickly come and gone, passing without a hiccup. Soon it was just me and the expert that remained, alone in the room.

"So.. what now?" - I asked.

"Oh.. first, we will put you through a test, see if you spoke true. It would not do to present a dud before the Chartoularios, after all." - the man smirked under his breath, before continuing.

"And then.. well, then you will be out of my skin, off to see Destasia Duca - and let me tell you, that woman loves finding out exactly what makes people tick. In detail."

"Sounds ominous." - I supplied.

The expert gave me a side eye - "Why, but it is. She is certainly a character. I heard she gave the Archegetes himself enough of a headache that he skipped the last Council meeting."

I shuddered, hoping that was mere gossip. Weren't things moving a little too fast? Meeting a councilor of the Golden Devils was an extremely daunting prospect by itself, she surely had to be a Core Elder in the Great Circle or very nearly so. But being put in one room with someone who gave even the legendary Manuel Konstantinos the chills…

"Relax. You will be fine." - the older cultivator patted me on the shoulder. - "She is crazy, not insane. Big difference. Of course that is only so long as you told me the truth. If you haven't…"

The man shrugged - "Well, if you haven't, I can make it painless."

I rolled my eyes, inwardly letting out a sigh. First week as a cultivator and already I got myself into deep shit. I was starting to think this whole lifespan thing was a scam. Two centuries? I would be lucky to make it a year.

"You are not from around here, are you? Or just mortal parents?" - the expert asked.

"Both. I was born in Hong Xuan. My hometown was near the border but its gone now."

"Blood Path?" - he quirked an eyebrow.

"So I was told." - I shrugged - "Can't say for sure, I was out hunting at the time.. and I certainly would not be here now otherwise."

"Believe me, I can relate." - the man sighed - "Did you take on a clan name, by the way?" - he put up a hand defensively - "Not that you have to, you can keep your old just fine, just that most adoptees who make it change theirs, clean break from the past and all."

"I haven't gotten around to it yet." - I admitted - "I was thinking Hector or Theo. Kyros, maybe. Probably Hector. Why? What's yours?"

"You may call me Mephisto and-" - the graying man cut off mid sentence, his eyes briefly clouding, regaining clarity a moment later - "Apologies, I appear to be rather short on time."

He gestured and a moment later two disciples walked into a room, Ninth Heavenstage both, carrying between them a treasure that pulsed with waves of Qi. - "Time for you to get tested." - the elder pointed towards the device, a large, oval sphere of gravebronze cast. It looked ancient but I had no real way to tell. - "Here, touch this."

And so I did. The machine shone at the touch, letting out a screeching sound as it spun before coming to an abrupt stop, three glyphs flashing on its surface.

"Hm. That is most peculiar." - Mephisto whistled out a sigh - "It says here you are twenty, began cultivating around three years ago and indeed, no supplements."

"Three?" - I muttered - "It has barely been one."

"That is what it says." - he stroked his beard, greener than bronze from the patina - "See, I believe you - three makes an absurd pace in and of itself, you would hardly have reason to lie… so you probably have some special constitution that warps the evaluation, if I had to guess."

I sagged out a breath of relief. - "So.. is that it?"

"For now? Just about. I will matriculate you into the Contribution Board and file a request up above. Approval may take a day or a year, no way to know. In the meantime, you are free to go."

One week later, I stood outside the walls of the inner keep of the Clan's local branch and stared at the terminal, jade slip in hand. It was time. I put my hand out to touch the glass screen, its white surface smooth and cool to the touch.

[Welcome, Aspirant.]
The current date is [300] of [Era Konstantinos].

This is a Public Terminal of the Contribution Points Board. You may exchange for items, browse recommended tasks for clan members with your skills, or record fulfilled tasks here. Please infuse a silver of your will or insert a token to access any function.

Processing… Jade Slip accepted.
Authorized by Praefectus Castrorum, Mephisto Vatatzes. Credentials confirmed.
Temporary Access granted, pending full inductment.

Name: Hector Vatatzes
Great Realm: Qi Condensation
Small Realm: 1st Heavenstage
Contribution Points: 11

[Your audience with the Master of Disciples, Destasia Deca is scheduled to begin in [10] Minutes. You have been cleared for room 1-A access. Please proceed inside at your earliest convenience.]

The entrance frame of the keep flashed radiant green, beckoning. I gulped and walked in. Tried to, rather. The massive brass door didn't budge an inch.


It was clearly meant to keep mortals outside the gates. I strained, pushing harder, and this time it gave after a split moment of resistance and I saw the place for what it were.

A grand hall with a floor of white marble. Rows of portraits inlaid in gems and jewels hung by each side of the wall, guards in bright armor standing at every corner like statues. Foundation. Each and every one was an expert that could lord over a mortal city and yet here they were dime a dozen, keeping the peace in an empty room.

It was vain beyond belief and that reminded me where I was.

Oh well, the quicker I get this over with, the better.

My eyes scouted the place even as my heart beat entirely too loud in my chest. There were half a dozen rooms and - oh, there it were! I half-dove for the first of them all, and I thought one of the guards shot me an amused glance as I entered. Could they hear? Did it mat-

The light. The. Light. It was blinding, so much so that I had to cover my eyes. As it faded and my sight adjusted, I stood there, summoned before the Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou. I understood little of how I'd arrived. Had no recollection of crossing the doorway. But that didn't matter, no.

Just a glance, and it was almost as if someone had taken me by the neck, thrust towards the floor. Before I knew it, my head emptied of all thought, and I was on my knees. Down bowed, until my head touched the ground, sweating. Just a mere glance at the woman upon the throne. I could feel nothing from her, no Qi at all, her channels still as stone, like a mortal's.

I knew she was Core Formation, with half a millennia to her name. And yet knowledge was not the same as experience. She appeared nothing like the venerable, old woman I'd envisioned. No, she looked twenty, thirty at most. I took a moment to collect myself and then-

The pressure winked out just as quickly as it appeared and I caught myself out of freefall, forearms bracing against the floor as I shot to my feet.

"Elder-" - I began.

"Pff!" - snorted Destasia Deca - "Look at you, you whelps always react the same. Elder this, elder that! You are no fun! Its a lovely little morning ain't it? Act the part."

"Uh.." - I stammered, trying to find something, anything, to say.

She sighed - "So, tell me.. Hector, was it? What are you here for, young man?"

"The Praefectus sen-"

She wagged her finger and the words died in my throat. - "I know, I know. Didn't read any of it, though. The spicy details only, please."

Great. - "I started cultivating a year ago, without pills or such." - she did a double take, and then her eyes sparkled with fascination - "Apparently the pace is unusual, so here I am. Oh, and whatever treasure they tested me with showed I've been at it for thrice that long."

"Hmm.." - she tapped the back of her chair with her finger - "Alvertos, whatcha think?" - she whispered to her right side, exchanging a glance with… a cat? That was a cat, right?


"Splendid. Seems like we are in agreement, then." - the elder turned back towards me - "Catch!" - she called out, grabbing a spirit stone from the shelf and throwing it my way.

I did and stared at her, puzzled. Did she want me to cultivate?

"Well? Cycle it, if you would. I will grab your hand, I gotta check something. It may prickle a bit."

I sat cross-legged and closed my eyes, soon settling into the familiar routine. [Breath of Bronze] was the foundational technique of the Clan, wholly focused on refining the Blood to its limits. The prescribed norm was nine daily cycles, and at Qi Condensation each full cycle meant twenty minutes of breathing exercises followed by one hour of excruciating physical exertion.

A few seconds into it, I felt her put a hand on my arm.

Then a pinprick, a coldness spreading across.

Then, the world went black.




I woke to a wave of cold and wet, blinking as I took in the frigid roughness of the floor. A memory surged in a flash, and with it awareness. My mind ran sluggish as I breathed out and wiped the water off my face, looking around.

Three things stood out immediately.

One - I was not in the keep, rather some wooden shack with a leaky roof up above my face.
Two - Destasia was nowhere to be found and virgin woods extended all around.
Three - A note sat nestled in my hand.

I grimaced, sat up and got to reading.

From : Destasia Deca
To : Ehh, what was his name again?

Kidding. Hector, you cultivate in your sleep. Mystery solved. No idea why or how and clan policy dictates I can't just vivisect you to find out. I doubt I would even if I did. No worries though!

Things should clear up once you reach Foundation or so.. so off to the Yuan Trials with you! Yay! You can treat them as a real mission because guess what? It is one! I logged it into the Board and had you dropped off nearby. Don't worry, you will find the rewards more than worth it.

Note : I left you a Life-Saving Treasure. Treat it as a bribe! And try not to fucking die, ok?


I closed my eyes and frowned, exasperated.

Just what did I get myself into?

The worst part? I was barely frustrated at the blatant violation of agency. A daily dose of twelve hours of cultivation and eight hours of sleep on top of basic necessities left little in the way of social life - and I always found other people the only thing that ever bound me to a place.

It sounded fun, actually. The Man-as-Mountain contest of the Yuan was an unrivaled Secret Realm and it seemed like I had just gotten a spot. For free. Where hundreds of thousands of Golden Devils had to bid just about that many contribution points to secure one for themselves.

Still, couldn't she at least have asked?

Oh, right, the treasure. I looked around. Hmm.. nothing in the letter, nothing on the floor… ah, there it is! A pendant with six crystalline prayer beads attached, already hung over my neck. I pushed my qi inside and the treasure bound itself, conveying an idea about its function.

The beads would shatter one at a time to produce bursts of pure qi, repelling any attack that sliced too deep into my flesh - and then settling into the wound to heal it. I lacked the skill to marvel at the craftsmanship, but the effects were straightforward and potent.

What else… I rummaged through the pockets of my robe and everything remained as it were. My bow hung over my shoulder still, a quiver full of bodkin arrows lay strapped to my belt, each inscribed with basic runes for speed and potency. I had the sword, too…

"Xing, you there?" - A raspy voice and a knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. - "I know its late but you can't just sleep in, we have work to do!"

I had a split second to come to a decision before the door opened and I was caught red handed in someone's house. I made the only call I could have done. Talking to people? Ha, not for me!

I scooped my belongings up from the floor and dived for the window, jumping over the frame and rustling leaves as I hit the ground and broke into a run. Frantic shouting rang out behind me but I paid it no heed. The place seemed barely large enough to count as a town.

Soon, I have gone with the wind, my escape from a few mortals with neither intention nor ability to give chase wholly successful. Now it was just me and the trees, alone with only the moon hanging high above to keep us company - and as I trudged through the woods I quickly realized I had never quite learned just how scary they could be at night. All the noise and clatter, the silhouettes you thought you saw stalk you by in pitch black darkness. The weird shapes you'd only notice a foot ahead.

Five minutes in, and I was a wreck. Still, I safely made it out of the forest a short while later. There was just one small issue. Tiny, really. I didn't at all know where to go.

I spent the better part of the night leaning against the trunk of a tree I had climbed onto, feeling really stupid and cycling what little I could as I waited for the sun to rise so that I could see more than a few meters out. At least my new glorious cultivator bod meant I did not freeze.

It was in the early morning that I stirred from my practice, startled at a sudden sound. My heart beat fast but everything seemed normal and after a while of making sure I shrugged and took a waterskin out my pouch to quench the thirst. It was high time I got moving anyway.

My hand trembled as I drank, spilling freezing liquid all over. I cursed then shuddered, but not from the cold. The air felt charged with current, like on the eve of lightning in a storm.

And then, there was a screech.

Terribly loud, it filled the air.

I instinctively cowed back, covering my ears and gluing myself to the trunk. The sound didn't stop, only grew, enough to all but drown out distant explosions and humans yelling.

I peered through the leaves, detached from my stiffened coil as if encased in ice. My eyes saw a distant blur pass by and my body felt the ground quake. Something hit the tree I was on - and hit it hard. Dark, scarlet liquid splashed onto cracked wood, sluggishly seeping down its soft texture. The all-permeating shriek was gone.

I could think. I could move. And fighting sounds ran through the air.

Fires, over the town I'd left overnight.

Memories came in a flash. Of a pyre burning. Of corpses lying out in the open, discarded by the streetside. I did not care for them, not really. But just like that, all I could think about was her.

I should have been there.

I ran through the trees, towards the sound, wading through the tumult of voices as I passed people by. Everywhere, silhouettes ran and screamed, blurred one and all. The closer I got, the more my legs hurt, the more my bare soles screamed, the more bodies littered the streets.

And then I reached the center of it all, skulking around a corner at what I'd seen.

A giant, flying serpent the size of a building coiled around a house, squeezing and biting and ripping into a group of cultivators sheltering inside.


"I told you it was a terrible idea, but did you listen? No! Fuck, Xun, I swear, if we die here I'll haunt your sorry ass!" - one of them shouted, Ninth Heavenstage to my senses, but I paid no heed to his realm nor the words, all I saw was the attire. Devil Bees.

I drew my bow, readied an arrow. It was insanity itself. I breathed in.. and watched as a part of the building crumbled, as another shouted back - "There was nowhere else to lead it, jackass!"

The huge serpent recoiled and I saw a fresh gash mar its side, scarlet blood running down its white scales. It leaned back and opened its mouth, lightning crackling between its teeth.

"Shit! Its trying to boil us again! Feng, do something!"

"Easy job, eh? Fuck!"

A deep rumbling sound emerged as the image of a giant bell manifested in the beast's path a split second before the serpent screeched and breathed destruction upon them all. Its lightning struck the bell, the air vibrating with the same shrill sound I'd heard a scant few minutes ago.

A long crack ran down the surface of what I now recognized to be a treasure before I watched it shatter in its owner's hands, having successfully absorbed… no, rebound the attack. The beast shook, stunned by its own storm.

"Sky-Shatter Lance!" - I heard someone call from inside the building before I saw them burst through a wall, outstretched spear in hand, blazing with azure light. An expert, the same Realm as the creature, though with qi dimmer than its own.

The man struck the beast, his spear penetrating all the way and emerging from the other side before exploding and blowing out a giant hole in the serpent's chest. He laughed - "Told you it would be eas-"

He did not get to finish as the creature's maw engulfed him whole. The expert struggled, briefly, between its teeth, holding them in place with his bare hands as they slowly, oh so slowly, closed.

He would not hold. - "Help me! Its already dead!" - he shouted atop his lungs, face blanched in fear.

His two companions just stood there, exchanging a look, greed shining in their eyes.

The serpent chomped down, hard, and swerved its head. Left, right. Chunks of the expert fell to the ground before the creature let out a choking sound, following suit and crushing a nearby building as it hit the street, twitched, and died.

"Knew the prick would bite the dust, eventually." - Feng shook his head as the two Devil Bees stood side by side on the rooftop of a ruined house. - "Too arrogant for his own good. I will eat the Coatl, you can devour him."

"Pftui!" - Xun spat - "As if. You know he ain't worth shit in comparison, especially in pieces."

Feng looked at him sadly - "You really want to do this?"

Xun sighed - "We are Blood Path, are we not?"

"We had a good run, didn't we?"

"Aye, we did. I will leave your corpse intact."

"Ha, I'll do you one better, I'll bury yours."

"...On three?"


I just watched as they counted, feeling surreal. So this was how cultivators lived and died?

Amazingly enough - they did both only move on three.

I looked as the two exchanged blow after blow, technique after technique, biding my time from behind the wall and gripping my bow tightly. There would only be one moment to strike, if that. I could run away still, but I owed myself this.


"Gah!" - Xun gasped, his right arm falling to the ground, severed along his saber as the man dropped to his knees and propped himself up on the other, defiantly staring Feng up in the eye.

His compatriot wasn't taking any chances. He threw his two chakrams, qi strings guiding them into a decapitating blow. A head flew. A man stumbled forward, his body broken, his meridians all but empty…


I shoot out an arrow, pouring almost all my Qi into it. It wasn't much. It was terribly wasteful and barely made it any greater. It was First Heavenstage, against the Ninth.

It pierced Feng straight through his chest.

His head had whirled towards me even as the arrow flew and he had staggered as it hit, only to stumble into a run. I stared, tense, exhausted and wide eyed as the man sprinted towards me, silently greeting my maker.

And then he fell, headfirst into the soil, even as something sharp passed me by from behind, nicking my shoulder. The chakram hit the ground with a thud. I had not even seen him throw it.

I collapsed onto my back, heaving breaths long and hard and holding back the nausea. I had just killed someone. I had hunted many wild animals down in the past and today's prey may have been little better than one, a devourer that ate people for snacks. Still - they were a human being - and somehow that mattered to me, even though I never thought it would.

I had done it. I had saved the town. Some buildings still burned and corpses littered the streets here and there, but the people by and large would survive - a fate far kinder than being eaten alive. And yet, somehow, it all rang hollow. It was not, I supposed, the town I wanted to save.

I sighed, taking a moment to collect myself before approaching the corpse of the Coatl.

At first, it was sheer practicality that guided my hand - an intact carcass of a Foundation-tier Beast, especially one as huge as the serpent, was worth a fortune and the Yuan were vassals of the Clan in all but name so claiming it as spoils of war should not be a problem.

But then.. it was something more. Something other. I felt my blood churn and my steps falter as I saw a baby serpent lie by its parent's side, heaving little breaths as it bled to its death.

Everything else came in a haze.

I remembered the creature's cute little eyes staring up at me, shining with alien intellect, pleading.
I remembered feeding it what little Qi I had - and when that had proven insufficient, my Blood.
I remembered the feeling as our link formed, a hole in my chest I never knew I had, suddenly filled.

I did not remember passing out by the streetside.

Spirits knew how long I slept, but it was the seventh dawn now that I stared at Little Jin and the sky overhead, nursing my wounds. The roof was leaking, droplets of rain falling down my face.

Somehow, everything felt right in the world.
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Helel ben Sahar - Good Seed background
Good Seed Submission.
Name: Helel ben Shahar
Age: 20 (1st Heavenstage)
Background: Born with his bloodline weak and with a crippling mutation greatly delaying how much Qi could be absorbed, it was expected that with this Helel would find cultivation much harder then normal and thus was fated to not climb to the upper levels of the Heavenstage never mind formation building. Helel however would reject this fate the Heavens set out for him and though determination forged himself into a heaven defying genius in the skill of arrays. His masterpiece would be an array that he would insert into himself which would absorb Qi directly into the profound veins of his Meridians allowing him to cultivate as if he were not crippled.

His goal is if he can not have a bloodline of bronze to forge a new bloodline. His plan to do this is to reforge his body in image of his Dao granting himself a bloodline of night/darkness based on his Dao. His Dao is that of the Sitra Ahra, a truth that comes not from the Heavens or the world but from himself. In order to purify his Dao such that it can be made into a bloodline the 13th Heavenstage is required.

Overall concept: Ambitious youngster, great determination, focused on arrays, terrible fate with his bloodline results in him not having the usual bloodline benefits

Cultivation Aims: 13th Heavenstage then Emperor's Pillar (9th Pillar)

Good Seed Bonus: Heaven defying genius skill with arrays


@Alectai and @TehChron

Helel Ben Shar 1- The Cabbage Merchant 370 words, Turn 10- One LST (used)
Helel Ben Shar 2 – The Qliphoth forms the base of the Sitra Ahra 479 words, Turn 11- One LST (used)
Helel Ben Shar 3 – The Hidden Mirage Array 306 words, Turn 12 - One Tribulation Boost
Helel Ben Sahar 4 – Purifying Light 250 words, Turn 13 - Healing Treasure (used)
Turn 14 - nothing

Current Status: Lightly Wounded

Age: 120
Additional Impact: 3
-Fire Monkey Blade +3 Impact
10th Heavenstage: +9 Impact locked till FC
11th Heavenstage: +4 Impact locked till FC
Cultivation: 11th Heavenstage
Cultivation Year-Equivalent: 191
Health: Healthy
Life-Saving Treasures: 0
Lifespan Enhancement: 0
Tribulation Boost: 1
- Greater understanding of the Dao Sitra Ahra
Starting Perk: Heaven defying genius skill with arrays

Cultivation Aims: 13th Heavenstage then Emperor's Pillar (9th Pillar)

Turn Notes: Turn 12- Going to Qiguai and crafting his Hidden Mirage Arrays for the Underworld Spirit Palace mission.

Turn Notes: Turn 13- Taking The Secrets of the Underworld mission, healing himself and working on an array project.

Turn Notes: Turn 14 - No mission,
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Helel Ben Shar 1- The Cabbage Merchant
Helel Ben Shahar 1- The Cabbage Merchant

Helel Ben Shahar enjoyed the feeling of the sunshine upon his skin as he walked though the city. He had been spending his so much of his time inside focused upon creating arrays for the clan that the feeling of the radiant sun was rare for him indeed. Focusing upon his task he looked upon the stalls the mortal followers of his most glorious clan ran. With his keen eye his observed the produce that was on display searching for that which would be worthy for him to take back to fulfill his needs. Sudden he sensed the use of Qi, gazing upon what he sensed he saw a young cultivator bald with blue tattoos run pass a cart the wind pushing it aside as he sped past. "My cabbages!" the merchant cried out in despair as the cart began to fall dooming the cabbages to be spoiled. With righteous anger Helel drew upon his might, the arrays he had carved into his Meridians fulling his body with the power of his spirit. The wind bushed past his cheek as his leaped forward grabbing hold of the falling cart and righting it so that the cabbages would be saved. "You honor me greatly most gracious lord." Praised the mortal cabbage merchant tears in their eyes as they thanking him for his salvation of their efforts. Glancing over the cabbages Helel found that they were most high quality indeed. While paying for the lot he noticed a feather which was bright orange the color of flame. "From where did you receive that beautiful feather?" he questioned the mortal. "Oh I found it in my cabbage patch one day with three missing cabbages. I would be honored if the most gracious lord would accept it as a gift for such blessed patronage.". Nodding his head Helel accepted the gift granting the cabbage merchant much face. It was only later when he held the feather in his hands that he felt the Qi within it. This was a phoenix father truly his deeds had been well rewarded. Swiftly he used it to for a talisman to take advantage of the restoration properties of the heavenly treasure. Soon he held in his hands the Life Restoring Phoenix Flame Treasure.

@occipitallobe, @Alectai, @TehChron

A Lifesaving Treasure please
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Helel Ben Shar 2 – The Qliphoth forms the base of the Sitra Ahra
Helel Ben Shahar 2 – The Qliphoth forms the base of the Sitra Ahra

The 'Sitra Ahra' can be considered as a manifestation formed of the 'Qliphoth'. But what is the 'Qliphoth'. It is a Dao with many meanings. The literal translation of the Dao would be 'husks', 'peels', or 'shells', something that concealed, contained, and protected, but which were inevitably left behind. In that regard perhaps 'Remnants' is a better way of thinking about the term. The 'Qliphoth' were what was left behind.

In one sense, the Qliphoth is meant to be an inversion of sorts, the shadows left by something when they are imbalanced. Not the absence of them, per se, but perhaps more the singularity or corruption of them, Justice, when untampered by kindness or restraint, becomes too destructive, and burns that which should not be burned. They are what is untampered, wasteful, incomplete and impure.

The Qliphoth, then is created from what is. And there were natural examples of this as well throughout the realms. Things that go out of control, knowledge that was hidden, lies and deceptions, these are all forms of the Qliphoth. A parent that lost their temper and screamed at their child, a man took a bribe or lied, people hurt and killed one another, division where there should be unity, mistakes.

At its base Qliphoth are the remainders, the errors that took shape in the system and needed to be accounted for; the reason why, even if you made two people exactly the same the results would still differ wildly. In the end, people are separated by their differences and imperfections, their souls distinct no matter what Heaven commands. The Qliphoth are something even less 'physical' than anything else and yet undeniably there.

The Qliphoth is the mistakes, flaws, and imperfections in our view of the world. Things that seemed to occur independent of what we know. If our grasp of the world, of an idea by itself would be perfect, the Qliphoth are why it is not, it is the errors that occur, the imperfections, the impurity of the ideal.

Beings have the ability to make choices. To decide how they want to act and live, and that carries with it the potential to make mistakes and do the wrong thing, to fall instead of rise, to darken instead of shine, to fail, the Qliphoth is that potential. In the truth of who you are and who you can be the Qliphoth is simply imperfections and limited views of the truth.

In truth every cultivator encounters the Qliphoth, for to do so is to become a cultivator. The Qliphoth is the impurities that are expelled, the black muck that is removed.

The Heavens have authority over all things in their worlds but not the Qliphoth. For the Heavens strength is in purity and the Qliphoth is that which is impure.

@occipitallobe, @Alectai, @TehChron

A Tribulation Boost in the form of a greater understanding of the Dao please

Edit: A lifesaving treasure please
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Helel Ben Shar 3 – The Hidden Mirage Array
Helel Ben Shahar 3 – The Hidden Mirage Array

It had been the work of decades. Late nights of experiments, of failure after failure.

The idea behind the array was simple. You can't hit what you can't see. If you are hidden behind illusions and mirages, nobody truly knows where you are. If your enemy could find you, they could overwhelm you, but if they couldn't find you then you fought your battles on your terms. Terms that included you having lots of friends working with you to beat them up. Truly the power of friendship was a force to be reckoned with.

In hindsight his focus on designing and creating his Hidden Mirage Array was wise indeed. The ability to allow fellow clan members to carry the arrays and use them to form and hide safehouses is strategically significant. Even at this very moment while he stood here crafting more Hidden Mirage Arrays for the clan brave clan members used his arrays to hide fallback points for their effort to sneak into the foul Jingshen Underworld Spirit Palace. The arrays wouldn't hide them from a nascent cultivator of course, not without him doing some truly expensive custom work but the Jingshen's nascent soul cultivators wouldn't dare searching the desert near their Underworld Spirit Palace. Too much of a risk given the Archegetes fondness for ambushes.

A smile came to Helel's lips as his thoughts turned to the results of his creation and hard work carving arrays. So many contribution points, enough to fund his research for quite some time. So great was his rewards that he was planning on spending some contribution points on a trip to Qiguai, the price was very reasonable given how many of those who would have bid for the spots were currently of taking part in the war against the Jingshen.

@occipitallobe, @Alectai, @TehChron

A Tribulation Boost in the form of a greater understanding of the Dao, to head to Qiguai this turn please, and Underworld Spirit Palace for the mission.
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Helel Ben Sahar 4 – Purifying Light
Helel Ben Sahar 4 – Purifying Light

The Light burned his eyes, causing spots on his vision as he worked.

It had been relatively cheap to buy the corpses of the fallen legionaries. The curse built into the trap that had slain them caused the Light Qi to seek out the bronze blood of the clan for destruction. To make the typical gravebronze tools out of them would be much harder then normal. Arrays would have to be used to cleanse the curse, a considerable expense. Thankfully what he would be doing would be costly in time not Spirit Stones. Sure he had a lot of contribution points from his efforts but extra expenses are best avoided.

'Strength is found in Purity.' He mused as the he finished the tripled binding layer of the array. That was the way of the Heavens, the law that they set into the world. It was the way of the world that the Heavens are the purest and thus have the most strength. Still, just because it was the hated Heavens that set this law did not mean he could not take advantage of it.

The arrays he had created out of sliver and his bronzed flesh and blood would reflect the Light Qi in the gravebronze back on itself while the impurity was drawn to his Impurity Storage Arrays. Based upon his experiments of impurity the Light Qi would Purify itself, the Light turning back upon itself to scour away the imperfections within itself.

@Alectai, @TehChron

I'll take a Healing Treasure

Mission wise put me down for 'The Secrets of the Underworld'.
Good Seed Background - Heptifili Pyresmelt

Heptifili Pyresmelt

High Concept: He's not much of a standard warrior protagonist. He's a dwarf that enjoys learning and is very good at math. If he has to fight, let it be in a prepared position in a formation. I want to explore the administration side of the clan; it's non-standard and has mohawks!

He is one of the Svartálfar, a truly short but stout people whose normal height is 4'6" and half as broad. They have dark gray to coal black colored skin, jewel tone colored eyes, and red, orange, and yellow hair,the color of flames. They are known for arrays, crafting, engineering, and mining. They are the descendants of a people from the 1st sea who were converted and served the Sea Conquering Army and then the Golden Devils.

They were a vassal clan of crafters for the Golden Devils who lived in the mountains now occupied by the Sorrowful Blacksmiths. The vassal clan was lost to the Golden Devils because the vassals prefer to live deep in the earth and the Righteous Path was successful in denying them escape as the Golden Devils were driven from the mountains. Since then the Sorrowful Blacksmiths have treated them like slaves because of their "demonic" ways. They're useful and skilled slaves but still always reminded of their place and kept beneath their masters. The few cultivators that are allowed to grow from their people are permanent apprentices to "true crafts people". Their ancient and much diluted Blood of Bronze has been used to try to unlock some Golden Devil treasures, to no success. The Sorrowful Blacksmiths are hampered in that strategy because they won't protect Bronze Blood cultivators they do grow from the Trials.

An entire sub-clan of the Svartálfar, the Pyresmelt Clan, have recently tried to defect to the Golden Devils because of recent portentous and horrible events. All of the Bronze Blooded cultivators could sense Silver Blooded Tisamenos crossing the mountain path from the Great Plains. Then an entire sub-clan was wiped out because of Bloodpath rebels when the Sorrowful Blacksmiths decided the vassals were expendable. And finally the Nascent Soul of the Golden Devils (They don't know there's two so it must have been Old Gold!) has been coming into the mountains again. This has caused unrest within the entire Svartálfar vassal clan and the Pyresmelts attempted defection was a Disaster. All cultivators and most mortals were caught and those that weren't suffered attacks from desert beasts and Devil Bee Raiders before being rescued by Golden Devil Scorpion Scouts; Heptifili and his younger siblings were one of the lucky few.

Heptifili was 12 when he escaped from the Sorrow-making Blacksmiths with his siblings. After cultivation he's grown to 4'10" and has coal rubbed bronze colored skin and flame colored hair and beard. He's never had a feel for cutting stone or liquid metal, but he excels at math and was pointed towards arrays or engineering. He's not a great fighter and he does much better as part of a formation, but he still meets the Clan's minimum standards for individual combat. When forced to fight he prefers to use knowledge, planning, and traps to overcome his mediocre personal fighting skills.

Age: 12 years old (In turn 14. He's not yet a cultivator until Turn 15, before the trails.)
Cultivation Years: 0
Lifespan: 100
Cultivator Level: None
Impact: 0

Health - Healthy

Cultivation Goal: 1st Heavenstage
Current Status as of Turn 14: Mortal.
Additional Impact: +0
Life-Saving Treasures: None
Lifespan Enhancement: +0 Years
Tribulation Enhancements: 0
Starting Perk: Undecided.
Special Treasures: None
Plot Coupons: None

Fate Turns
Turn 14 Fate: Made it to Clan territory alive with his siblings. Still Mortal.
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