Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Janus 2 - Blood and Buff
Blood and Bluff
Bumprickle Town, Hong Xuan Kingdom, Year 218

"Hey, Janus!" I looked over at the trio of burly, dusky-skinned men, grinning at me from the entrance to the manor compound. "We're headed to the Farting Goat for drinks. You coming?"

"Nah, Xing," I said, shaking my head. "I lost a dice game to Ugly Chen for his extra shift. I'm stuck on watch."

Xing and two of the Three Chungs laughed at my misfortune, Xing scratching at the scraggly beard he'd been working on for the last two months. "You dumb egg," he grinned. "Everybody knows Ugly Chen cheats at dice! Why do you think we never play him?"

I froze, staring at him as an angry frown set in. "He what?"

Chung He waved a hand at me, patting Chung Yu on the shoulder. "Have fun on watch, you big dummy. Hey, maybe I'll find that matron you're always making eyes at and see if she's interested in a bit of carousing, eh?"

I waved angrily at them, earning another round of laughter as they set off, resisting the urge to smile as Xing started to belt out an unholy wail of a drinking song, excited at finally getting an opportunity to indulge in a few vices. He'd earned it by now; they all had. Working for Master Wei Shi Han was hard and gruelling, with pay to match. The man's exacting standards and wandering-eyed daughters made for a stressful environment that washed out most of the new blood or, for the ones stupid enough to get taken in by Ling or Li, beaten out.

I was just barely outside the category of 'new blood' myself. At three and a half months, I'd been in the Master's service just long enough to go from "intruding nuisance" to "lowly underling," which gave me the lofty privilege of guarding the manor's inner courtyard instead of standing out in the sweltering outer lands all day.

I reached up, adjusting the leather strap across my chest and the sword hanging on my back.

I'd missed this, funnily enough. I hadn't thought about it until I'd gotten away from the Legions, but...these were my people. The brashness, the crassness, the dice and cards, the profligate adulterers and thieves. I didn't have to think about how to interact with any of it, and it put me at ease.

I finished my walk around the manor within a few minutes, thumping on the barracks door as I walked past. There was an indistinct yell from inside and I gave one in return, before walking off towards the kitchens. I had a handful of moments to get something in my stomach before I needed to get to the other side of the manor, and-

"Janus," a woman's voice purred.

I glanced at the bread counter as I stepped inside, where Ling was very intently kneading dough, covered in flour up to her elbow and all across her torso.

"Young Mistress," I tilt my head to her respectfully.

"Not yet," she pouts, working the dough with individual fingers in a slow pattern. "You keep refusing me."

"I don't think I know what you're talking about," I say, looking past her to the terrified and shivering scullery maids behind her, trapped between the woman and the cooking spit. Dinner would be late because of her antics, but they knew better than to try and point that out to the ever-mercurial Wei Ling. One of them caught my eye, almost pleading for me to do something. "Is there any food?" I asked.

"Yes...yes, sir," she says, nodding frantically. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun, leaving her wide-eyed and frantic. "On the table in the corner."

"Don't gesture," Ling snapped. "Serve him, or I'll have you whipped, girl."

"Yes, mistress, my apologies, mistress," the maid says, bowing repeatedly as she does her best to get past Ling without touching her. I didn't need the help was a good excuse to get her out of the situation. Wouldn't even cost me anything coming up with one.

"Tata, Janus," Ling sang. "I do hope you'll...come around."

"Mm," I said, wondering how long I could get away with refusing her before she did something...drastic. She was entirely mortal, but she was impulsive and not one to take being denied what she wants. The rest of the muscle liked me so I'd probably have warning before she convinced anybody to do anything, but...well. It wouldn't exactly be a fun way for this to go.

"Sorry you have to deal with her," I said, as we rounded the corner to the pantry and the long staging table for dinner.

"Sir," she said quietly, chiding me.

"No, just…" I shrug. "A bit much, right? You alright though?"

"Sir," she says, glancing at me out the corner of her eye. "'s not appropriate for a maid and someone in your position to engage-"

"Oh, relax," I said, reaching out and patting her hair gently. She flushed. "I'm gonna eat, then get back to it. See you when I see you."

She nods, reaching up to adjust her bun, then disappears back around the corner. I fix myself a sandwich as she leaves, tearing open a half-loaf of bread and slathering it with a generous handful of eggs, roasted meat, and some unknown fermented meat sauce then put the whole thing in my face as quickly as possible. I risk a glance around the corner, finding Ling still...making bread for whatever reason, and take the chance to swig a jug of water before returning to my rounds.

I settled back into a route as I walked through the rear grounds of the manor, looking out over the crossed stone pathways and cultured desert shrubs that served as the house's garden. I ran my hand over my bald head, enjoying the cool rush in its wake.

The manor was sizable, and kind of a stupid display of wealth, I thought. It brought back a lot of bad memories of Singing Beast Town, and the Romanallis' family compound with its overly ornate gate and decorative trees just beyond that. Of course, I'd learned there was a bit more to it than reminding everyone around "I am very wealthy, do what I want and I may give you some."

That was a pretty big part of it, though.

But from what I picked up serving Master Wei - a wholly legitimate businessman who offered local miners, shopkeeps, and travellers their choice of premium vice at premium prices - was that you weren't untouchable just because you had money. Like that Ludus game people kept jerking off over in the Legions, just because you were a big dog didn't mean there weren't other big dogs. Or even that enough small dogs couldn't come eat your supper.

The wealth served as your first weapon, a constant reminder that you're the top dog for a reason and that you could turn around at any point to crush them with your wallet. Basically, you needed to show them the knife or they wouldn't be afraid of getting cut.

I'd also learned that the flow of coins wasn't quite as nice as I'd thought. It was mostly from Ling and Li complaining about how the Master had become increasingly stingy but, when you hear his complaints of the Moye clan squeezing him out of the brothels and the cost of protection going up, you start to understand. It's not "bottomless wealth", just a very deep well. It was...a little disappointing, honestly, for my long term survival prospects. I didn't want to bail out the Legions and set myself up as master of some city just to spend every day counting coins and worrying if we were spending too much on...flour or something equally stupid.

I tried to take the lesson as it stood, though. I hadn't expected to fall into the Master's service like this, much less learn something that might be useful to me, so I'd take what I could get.

Really, I had just been finishing my fifth round of drinks in the least seedy dive in town - quick life lesson, seedy dives usually have the best prices and the least people willing to bother you - when I spotted two groups of angry patrons built like brick shithouses with about 4 working brains between them. My favourite kind of people, in other words.

I was going to just finish my drink and watch the show go down, when one of the groups started acting up: making noise, spilling drinks, harassing the barmaids. Second life lesson about seedy dives? People in them like not being bothered, and disturbing the peace is a good way to get a fist up your colon.

Long story short, I threw two of them out of a window and probably broke some ribs (at a guess, based on how my damn shoulder lit up like a bad rash from the deal). The other group figured I was the right sort and wanted to take me on as new muscle, since I'd just busted up some of their rival Moye goons, but I told them I wasn't too interested so we just got smashed in a different bar and had a good time.

One month and four ambushes from the damn Moye later, I caved and I'd been working/living out Master Wei's manor ever since. Not that I had any real problems with that. Like I said, these were my people and I was more than enjoying being around them again. I just wasn't sure how long I'd really be staying.


I took a bite of my food as I looked around at the wild display of bright colours, bare flesh, and energetic dancing. It was pretty good - the food, that is. Some kind of regional delicacy called a patty, it was a flaky crust stuffed with spiced meat. It was tasty, a nice mix of textures, with just enough heat to make me feel awake. The carnival...I had mixed feelings about.

Not that I was against seeing a bunch of healthy half-naked women wearing fabric feathers and handcrafted costumes with about the total material of a sock. I tried to avoid being overly uh...frisky because of how often it gets in the way of jobs. I'd seen more than a handful of guys go down because they started thinking with the wrong bits, while some girl with enough cunning and few enough scruples - or just as often, a teenage boy in a decent wig - made off with everything they could carry.

Sometimes, that included their life.

So, understandably I'd built up a certain degree of caution and defensiveness around women, and I erected - bad choice of words - higher walls when they were even remotely attractive. Unfortunately, I'd spent the last few years in the Legions and...surprisingly...hadn't hated it. I'd even say it was pretty nice, and I'd come to appreciate my squad a lot more than I'd expected to. 'Of course, it's their damn fault I have to hide out in the ass end of the Hong Xuan,' I thought, squeezing my patty and sending a surge of meat spilling out the top. Great.

The events leading to my present situation aside, they were mostly good people. But, as a scouting squad who spend extended periods in the middle of nowhere investigating rumours and leads, you end up with a certain level of physical comfort around each other just out of necessity. You don't get to be too choosy about bathing conditions or bathroom facilities in the middle of nowhere. I also had three attractive women in my squad.

You'd be right in assuming my defenses in that area had gotten worn down a bit.

No but really, my issue with the carnival had nothing to do with the bodies or festivities on display and a lot more to do with the crowd and noise. This was the kind of place that was always full of marks, and the kind of place I'd spent more than a few turns in myself, guarding some bighead who was too self-absorbed to sit it out but too important to go unnoticed.

Unfortunately, I was now one of those bigheads. Working for Master Wei Shi Han, or really being a member of the Wei Azure Dragons, meant I was a local bigshot and beat-on-sight status with the Moye Black Fins. I wasn't concerned about that exactly, since I'd beaten enough of them that I could mostly scare them off with a mean look and some rolled sleeves, but I'd basically been exiled for the last few days.

As best as I could tell, I and no one else had been given a couple days off from doing anything and a decent room in one of the Master's properties here in town. I didn't know what to make of it. I hadn't done anything to upset him, as far as I knew. Did he...find out I was a Devil?

I frowned, rubbing my bald head again. Not unexpected exactly, but it would be ahead of schedule. I'd be doubly upset if I was still shaving my head for no real reason. Still, until he summoned me back, there was nothing for me to do but wait. So wait I did.

The good news being I wasn't waiting much longer.

I stepped out of the bath, towelling myself dry with a deep appreciation. After enough field showers, you learn to never take a proper wash for granted again. Funny, given I didn't take any baths more than every few weeks, growing up. The price at the baths was just too damn high.

I looked up at the detailed openings at the top of the wall, where lazy starlight trailed in and broke up the gloom of the bedroom. I could still hear the last of the carnival festivities drifting in from the distance, as the last dance continued on well past midnight. Apparently, it had been known to last until sunrise in good years though the increased tensions between the Dragons and the Black Fins made that...unlikely.

I turned towards the bed, pulling the towel off my head- and froze at the sight of bodies atop the sheet.

See, the problem with being given a nice room free of charge is the brothel owner starts to get it in their head that you're some kind of bigshot to impress with the finest of wines, the sweetest of grapes, and the most beautiful of women. I'd turned away half a dozen the first day before they tried sending men, at which point I had to politely clarify I just wasn't interested in company.

So, this probably wasn't that. But if it wasn't, then-

"He's out, sister," Li said, her voice soft and growly.

"Ooh, very out," Ling replied, the two of them pushing themselves up on my bed.

-it was probably the Master's daughters. Ugh. Ugh.

I'd at least found out their game. It didn't have anything to do with me per se, but as attractive young women who got basically anything and everything they wanted, they'd taken to competing with each other over acquiring things: jewelry, clothes, horses, men. I was just the latest in a long string of trophies they were contesting each other over, and my general refusal meant they'd stayed interested in me longer than was normal for them.

"Is that for me?" Li asked, draping herself on the bed- I shifted my gaze, appreciating they couldn't tell where I was looking in the darkened room.

"You didn't have to get double cheeked up just for our sake," Ling giggled.

"Why are you two here?" I asked bluntly.

"Two women in a brothel bed with a naked man?" Ling said, and I could hear the pout in her voice. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Why Janus," Li gasped. "Aren't you happy to see us?"

"As ever, Young Mistress," I replied, keeping my tone level. "But I'd like to avoid any misunderstandings about the situation. They still haven't found Gong Du, have they?"

They laughed, pushing themselves off the bed and reaching for clothes they'd discarded beside it. "You're such a devil for doing that to poor little Gong," Li teased her sister.

"Well, he deserved it," Ling replied. "He made me wait, and then had the gall to disappoint me. And I even brought his wife to cheer him on."

"Oh sister, you're so naive," Li tutted. "Men prefer to be away from their wives."

Fucking evil witches.

The two of them traded spurs back and forth, growing more pointed until they'd gotten dressed and suddenly remembered I was there. Yes, this was my room first, thanks. "Janus," Ling said. "Father has called for you. There were intruders at the manor, and they managed to incapacitate-"

I was already moving, throwing the towel down and dragging my clothes on. Why the hell did they leave that for last?

"-a number of guards. Father is really quite cross about the whole thing."

I pulled my robes on, tying it with a quick half-knot at the waist then started fiddling with my shoes.

"Idiots, the lot of them. I'm sure there'd have been no issues if you were there, hm?" Li asked, tittering.

They drifted towards the door as I grabbed my sword belt, trailing behind them. Li paused on the other side of the threshold, smirking at me beside her sister in the dim light of the hall. "Oh, Janus," she said. "Leaving in such a state of disarray with the daughters of the house?"

"Whatever will they say about us?" Ling giggled.

The two of them joined hands and drifted down the hallway at an amused trot, while I watched them go with a mix of annoyance and impressed disbelief. Leave right away and risk Master Wei's ire with rumours, or delay to be safe and risk looking negligent. I hadn't expected this trick, at least.


I'd decided to just go ahead and meet Master Wei Shi Han without delaying, taking the chance on arguing the...relative innocence of his daughters instead of hiding out to make it look like I'd done nothing. Since I actually hadn't done anything, it felt reasonable.

Of course, Master Wei was already upset for other unrelated reasons. Wasn't that fantastic?

"Executor Janus," he says, arms hidden as he held his oversized robe sleeves together. He was turned at an angle at the far end of the main hall, gazing out at the back garden between the pillars that made up the left wall. "It seems my little territory has become a place of interest to the Golden Devils."

My heart jumped into my throat, blood freezing-

"Two of them were caught attempting to sneak in over the back wall." He turned to look at me, as my heart rate went from still to thundering, calm slowly returning. "I find it odd, since I have taken such care to do nothing that would draw the attention of our nearest and most dangerous neighbor. Would you like to explain?"

"I don't think I can, Master Wei," I said, injecting extra confusion in my tone. It was an important thing to note: actual emotion was less real than intentional emotion. People don't buy it if you're genuine. If you want to convince someone you're feeling something, even if you actually are, lean into it.

"Really?" he said, turning to face me. He looked...older than usual, which was saying something. The Master wasn't exactly an old man; rather, he was a man who got gut-checked by life so many times youth had abandoned him at an early age. You could see it in his features. Yeah, his hairline was a little pushed up, his hair was a little grayed, and his face a little weary at times - but his eyes, his expressions, the way he moved and held himself. Probably not even twice my age.

In a lot of ways, I could see how I'd have ended up as him.

"You see, there's been an interesting rumour among the servants," he said, removing one hand from his sleeves to gesture at the open pillars, snapping his fingers. "Of dulled shaving razors, and strangely metallic hair. As if someone had taken to giving statues shaggy haircuts."

The three Chungs ambled into view, a short girl between them, looking around nervously. She was vaguely familiar, with her round face, wide eyes, snub nose, and severe bun of thick hair in contrast to her pale skin- ah.

She gave me an apologetic look, then quickly looked down, dropping to kneel towards Master Wei with her forehead pressed to the ground. She was almost trembling. "Master Wei, you summoned me?"

"Yes," he said, folding his arms in his sleeves again with slow care. "Matron Liang tells me you were the one who found the items in the garden?"

"Yes, Master Wei," she said, somehow bowing without moving off the ground. "I- Matron Liang had scolded me for not properly sweeping the dirt around the Four-Virtue Cactus Flowers before, so after sweeping the walkways and wiping the walls, I had come back to check beneath the-"

"I do not care," Master Wei said. "Do not presume to answer questions I have not asked."

She shook, pressing her forehead to the ground in apology.

He nodded and I sighed explosively, closing my eyes as I rubbed my bald head. Fuck, I really could have stopped shaving already. I missed my hair. "Yeah, okay, you got me," I said. "It's mine. I was trying not to get found out as a Devil."

The Chungs made sounds of disbelief, and Master Wei simply looked at me without emotion. "Obviously. If you had saved me the time and effort in forcing your admission of this farce, you would have had my thanks. Now, you are close to my enmity." He spread his arms slightly without separating his sleeves, a questioning motion. "Why are you Devils haranguing me?"

"Sorry," I said, holding my hand up. "Master Wei, I might be one of them, but I'm of them." He frowned at me, and I added to explain. "I washed out. I got conscripted, and took the first chance I saw to bail out."

"And why would I believe that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I raised my hand, then stopped, glancing at the three Chungs as I remembered my sword belt around my chest. "Master Wei, would it be alright if I remove my shirt? I'll place my sword on the ground first."

He looked at me, then gestured towards the pillars again. He snapped three times, and a figure stepped out from behind the furthest pillar, tall and muscular in blue robes down to his swarthy ankles. A cultivator, I realized, even as his twin stepped from behind another pillar, identical but for the gray robes. I'd never gotten that great at sensing other people's cultivation base, but they were close enough to mine that I could sense the gap: Second Heavenstage.

Looks like he'd called in insurance before doing this. Made sense, I wouldn't piss off a potentially hostile cultivator without a bigger cultivator nearby to pull me out of the fire. I imagined it cost him a pretty penny, rogue cultivators didn't come cheap.

"Go on," he said.

I nodded, pulling off my sword belt slowly and lowering it to the ground, before turning around to drop my tunic halfway down my back.

"What devilry is this?" one of the cultivators gasped.

"It's the Golden Penance Array," I explained, feeling the burning sensation of the seal activating and knowing my back was lighting up like a knotwork pattern of light. "I was a penal conscript, and this is how they kept me in line. Threatening their interests or failing to obey their orders doesn't go well for me. Just telling you about it is making it act up."

"I can feel the qi leaking out of it from here," a cultivator rumbled. "I see the Devils live up to their name. Such a monstrous thing should not exist. Can you even cultivate?"

"It takes all I have right now to stay at the first Heavenstage," I said.

"Master Wei," the first cultivator said. "It seems to be as he says, but I am no Array Master. If you desire, my eldest brother could be summoned to consult on this as he has spent-"

"Enough," Master Wei interrupted. "Executor Janus, dress yourself."

I pulled the tunic up, turning around with a grateful bow.

He watched me, then closed his eyes, waving a hand towards the pillars. The Chungs took that as their dismissal, reaching down to lift the quivering scullery maid from the ground and haul her away, her head still bowed and looking pointedly away from me.

"Do you know why you are an 'Executor', Janus?" Master Wei asked, his tone philosophical. I shook my head, guessing he was in the mood to elaborate. "The tale is antediluvian but the Azure Dragon wasn't always some…" He huffed. "Lowly gang of street thugs and poorly managed criminal enterprise. In a time before my grandfather's grandfather was a gleam in his own grandfather's eye, the Azure Dragon Clan was strong. We ruled, and the damn Moye-"

He cut himself off, visibly clenching his jaw shut. "I am inheritor to a long legacy, Executor. A legacy long since sealed to us, as the Azure Dragon's will finds us unworthy of opening its vault. So I must say, I find it conspicuous in the extreme that - shortly after I decide to trade this inaccessible wealth for real power - that the Golden Devils would choose to darken my doorstep." He waved a hand, dismissively. "Speak with them. Find what you can. I trust your familiarity with them will grant you some advantage, in this."

I had my doubts about that. "Master Wei, I-"

He gave me a fierce look, hand dropping to his side. Damn.

I bowed. "I will not fail you."


Strictly speaking, as a fresh member of the Azure Dragons, I wasn't allowed to know where the prison in the compound was. There were really only like...three places it could be? I hadn't been actively thinking about it (in fact, I'd been trying to avoid thinking about it) but based on how often the senior members were out of sight, the layout of buildings with known underground sections like the kitchen or bathrooms, and how the plants were laid out meant I had it restricted to below three buildings.

Aelia had taught me that trick. The merits of being in a scouting squad was that having eyes and a brain was all you needed to succeed. She'd been looking at Remus when she'd said that.

Once we stepped underground, it was immediately obvious we'd gone into the earth. know, aside from having to go down some stairs.

The air was immediately cooler and more moist, the ground less harshly abused by the desert sun. We took a number of turns, probably more for the sake of being confusing than because we needed to cross a giant prison - I knew how big the manor was - but eventually came to a halt.

"Pris'ners," Ugly Chen said, pulling the rough sack off my head. "We got questions for ya. If'n we're lucky, y'all can be outta here soon."

I blinked the sudden torchlight out of my eyes, gazing into the adjacent cells, letting out a slow breath as I took in the inhabitants.

"Why the hell would we answer your questions, you shitty excuse for a jailor?" Junius yelled, arms locked behind his back in thick steel bands around his forearms, a fat chain running up to a mount in the ceiling. His back was turned to the front of the cell, the blank stone wall of his cell the only thing to look at. "How about this, for every answer, I get to punch you and your shit-ass master in the mouth! Sound good?!"

"Such a brute," Hua complained, in a similar manner of binding in the other cell.

"And you're defending him?" Junius growled, tossing his head towards her cell. "That's it, price just went up! Two punches, 'cause you gotta take hers too!"

"This what we been dealing with," Chen muttered to me. "Horseshit to even keep 'em alive, but...s'a probl'm any way you take it."

I nodded, stepping forward and banging my fist on the bars to Junius' cell. "Long time no see."

"What? Who the-" he craned his neck around, looking back at me. "Fuuuuhahahaha! Oh shit, you dirty goat-loving bastard. You're still alive." He spat over his shoulder, managing to hit my sword belt. "Little welcome back gift."

"Nice," I said, looking down at the belt with disgust. "And I don't have anything for you."

"You can leave your head," he said, angrily. "Can't believe it. I always hoped those bastards gutted you, and choked on your intestines."

"They tried, but Jieyue-"

"Don't you say her name," Hua interrupted me. "Don't."

Her back was turned to me, but implied threat behind it littered the air with the beginnings of Intent. I tilted my head towards her. "Alright. For you, Hua." I exhaled. "Look, we don't have to get along-"

"I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck," Junius growled.

I frowned, grip tightening reflexively on the bars. "-but I just want to know what you're here for. I think we'd both be happier if we never saw each other again, and maybe I can make this go faster."

"Choke on your own tongue," Junius said.

"Is it the Azure Dragon's Will? The technique library?"

"It's your mother's fat ass. It's kind of lonely in this-"

"Let me help you, goddamn it!" The bar rattled and I forced myself to let go, turning my head in frustration. "Fuckin' stupid, head-ass, ignorant-"

"Yeah, well you're a mouth-breathing, shit-eating-"

"-ugly, no-neck-having, donkey-fondling-"

"-pit-licking, honourless, malding-"



I punched the bars, the hall filling with the ringing sound of vibrating metal, and gave it another one for good measure.

The sound rang out down the corridor, echoing in distant corners until the prison fell into a gaping silence. Until, "You can't get rid of your guilt by helping us." Hua's voice was quiet, but cutting. "You'll live with it until you die. And I hope it hurts."

I stared at the back of her head, then turned to Chen, grabbing the sack and pulling it onto my head myself. "Let's get the fuck out of here."


"What have you learned, Executor? Why are the Devils here?" Master Wei didn't look at me, his focus instead on delicate calligraphy work.

"They're on guard against me, Master Wei," I said, bowing respectfully. It wouldn't do to upset him now, not after all this. You had to know when you could get away with pushing, and this wasn't the time for it. "I...know these two. Personally."

"Oh? An uncanny coincidence," he said, almost...amused.

"If I was never this lucky again, I'd be okay," I said.

"You have four days to work on them, Executor," he said, after a moment. "Then, I must be rid of them."

"Master?" I asked, unsure where he was going with this.

"Devils or no, I cannot abide having them on my grounds with secret purposes. We must merely be more...discreet in their disposal." He paused, ending a stroke with an intentional blot, using the moment to look at me. "You may, of course, advise them of this. Such leverage can be...useful. Even Devils must fear death, no?"

I met his gaze, hearing the unspoken threat: don't screw him, because the Blood of Bronze wouldn't save any of us. "I understand."

He looked back down at his work, giving me a quick dismissive wave as he returned to his work, and I took the opportunity to step out. The master claimed an entire building in the manor to himself and the walk outside was enough for me to reflect on the task he'd given me. It felt like a bad job, like I was being set up to fail. It had happened to me often enough before, when some jackass with more years than sense decided a fifteen year old muscling in on their protection racket was a problem.

My solution to that was "beat the shit out of them publicly" but...well, I didn't think that'd work here. And last time I checked, Junius and Hua were both higher cultivation than me anyway.

But what would be the point? Looking for an excuse to get rid of me? Seemed drastic, unless the old man had developed an affinity for his daughters no other man had stirred up in him. Wasn't like I had any interest in them, and I was far from the first they'd set their eyes on. Seemed unlikely.

Maybe he just wanted to clear the extra Devil, with an excuse that'd let him avoid any noise with the rest of the barracks? Not that we were blood brothers or anything, but if you drink and gamble with a group enough times, you inevitably become friends. They wouldn't fight for me, but I can see how vanishing would cause a stir. A little likely.

Sharpest knife in the drawer seemed like he really was just trying to get me out of the way. Even if he bought my story about being a lapsed Devil, simple good thinking would keep me far away from whatever the hell he was planning so I couldn't muck it up - intentionally, or otherwise. If I got him some real meat from Junius and Hua, well, so much the better. "Four days, huh," I muttered. "Right."

I caught a glimpse of a familiar bun of hair disappearing around the corner of the building, a brief glimpse of a basket full of cloths giving away her intentions. The only thing in that direction though was- ah.

I followed her around the corner, watching the scullery maid pulling open the wooden door to the man-sized hut as she balanced her basket of cleaning supplies on one hip. She had already started dusting the top of the room from atop an upturned bucket, when I leaned my back against the wall, staring out at the rest of the manor. "Latrine cleaning, huh?" I asked. "Guess you pissed somebody off."

I heard the cleaning sounds briefly stop, then resume before she said anything. "Sir, I...I feel I need to remind you it is-"

"It's not appropriate for blah blah blah," I waved a hand in front of my face, even if she couldn't see it. Damn patrol latrine smelled like- well, it smelled like a pit latrine. "There's nobody around right now. Just checking in with you real quick."

"Sir," she said, quieter but more firmly. "If anyone were to find us-"

"Then I'm just a guy willing to wait on a clean latrine, to ruin your hard work," I drawled. I closed my eyes, leaning back against the wall. She didn't say anything in response to that and I was content to let her work for another minute. Until, "Ran into some old...friends of mine."

"Sir?" she asked, curious.

"Just a bow bitch and a shine-head bastard." I scratched my head, wondering how long it'd take hair to grow back. "Can't believe he called me mald. He's the damn mald one..." I blew out a sigh. "Anyway, Wei gave me a couple days where I'm basically ordered to talk to them. I figure he's trying to get me out of the way, so...guess I can probably give him a reason."

"Sir..." she said, this time nervously.

"Ah, don't get your knickers in a knot. We're out of here soon."

"Sir!" she said, whispering in alarm. "We can't-!"

"Again. Alone." I spun a finger in a lazy circle. "Anyway, just wanted to see a friendly face before I go stare into Hua's blues for a while."

She didn't respond to that and I leaned against the wall in silence, eyes closed until she finished cleaning and walked away without a look at me. Just as well: I really did need to use the place.


I spent the next day almost entirely underground, to the point where I had Chen bring me a chair so I could at least get nothing from Junius and Hua in some comfort. Unfortunately, the chair was hard and awkwardly shaped, so I just went from standing and annoyed to sitting and annoyed.

As you'd expect, neither of them said anything to me aside from the occasional insulting tirade from Junius or cutting remark from Hua. The job got tired enough that Chen offered me a game of dice - I refused, wasn't falling on that sword twice - and eventually wandered away to do something more interesting. Probably scratching himself in a corner, at a...sanitized guess.

Eventually, Chen got tired of having to sit around and watch me fail to interrogate the two of them and clocked out so his replacement - Dugong, I think his name was - could take over. We passed the time talking loudly about how stupid looking our bald prisoner was, before I eventually called it a day and went back to my room to sleep.

I'm not sure how much later, but a sound in my room was unusually loud and woke me up-

I rolled to the left, grabbing the top sheet with my right hand and hurling it into the air even as I grabbed my sword with my left.

"Get him, quick!" someone yelled.

"Careful, he's got a Heavenstage!" another voice added.

I squinted at the darkness, whipping the blade loose as the sheet started to settle on heads, arms clawing to pull it aside. I stepped onto the bed and vaulted to the other side, swinging my sword at-

Chung He?

I turned my blade at the last second, clocking the man on the temple with the flat side and sending him sprawling. A voice yelled, warning me of the slash behind it, and I twisted to parry it. Edge caught edge and I grimaced, remembering vague swordsmanship lessons about parrying with the flat-face to avoid chipping the blade. "What are you doing?!" I roared, kicking the man in the stomach and pushing him back.

"Easy, Janus, easy!" someone yelled, a voice I quickly recognized as Chung Yu. "We...well." He seemed unsure. "Master Wei uh...he ordered you into the prisons. Just for the next day, he said."

"Master Wei ordered that?" I asked, squinting at them despite my eyes already having gotten used to the low-light of the hour.

"He did, aye," Chung Ge agreed. "It's not personal, but...well. You already laid out He, and I'd rather we not have to do this the hard way. You're a right tough bastard."

I took a deep breath and blew it up my face, throwing my sword to the ground. "Fine. Let's go."

They seemed surprised by my surrender but took it in stride, tying my hands behind my back with rope and bagging my head, then led me down into the prisons. "Where do we stick this one?" someone asked.

"New one?" Dugong replied. "Mmph. Stick him near the other two. I don't want to have to walk far to check on the bastard."

"Watch your mouth," Chung Ge growled. "He-"

"Let it go," I said. "Let's just go."

There was a dull agreement to that and a general wave of hostility, I'm guessing directed towards Dugong, before I was delivered into my cell. They clasped the steel manacles onto my arms before they left, encasing my wrists in the thick metal bands that kept me chained to the ceiling. "You alright, mate?" Chung Yu asked, double checking the lock to make sure it was closed.

"Gonna keep me company if I'm not?" I grinned.

"Not bloody likely," he laughed, giving me a pat on the face before walking out. "Hang tight, we'll get you out of here soon. Master Wei's just cleaning house for the bigshot 'guest' we have coming."

I nodded, watching the group amble away with waves and gestures of solidarity. They were good folk - well, mostly good folk if you ignored Jianhe and the feet thing - and I found myself genuinely sad.

Because it was almost guaranteed I'd never see any of them ever again.


"You dared," Master Wei growled, staring down at me from the entrance to my cell.

I opened my eyes with a blink and a yawn, rolling my shoulders as I twisted around, looked up at him through the cell bars. "Master Wei, I-"

"Do not speak to me, you dog!" he spat. He was dressed in large and flowy robes of blue and white, splattered with black like bloodstains. "You dared - you truly dared - to lie to me, the great Wei Shi Han, the greatest heir to the Azure Dragon Clan in thirteen generations?"

I raised my eyebrows at him.

He scoffed. "You thought I would not check? That I would take your claims at face value? A Devil who gave it up, abandoned your dog-brothers and dog-sisters to ape at life like a true man?"

"That feels a little personal," I said, leaning my weight against the chain.

"I would cut out your tongue for disrespect, if you were worth a modicum of my time," he said, gesturing at me with a fan suddenly in hand.

My face burned, and I tilted my head as a line of heat trickled down my cheek. "Ouchies, Masta Wei," I said, pouting. "You huwt me weal bad."

"Insolent fool," he scoffed. "Your bravado is as meaningless as your plans. We have already found your supplies. The armor of your legions, swords and spears, communication arrays." He laughed once, humorlessly. "That titanic barwench you were so fond of is no secret to us either. We've already chased her out into the cactus farms. She will not escape us."

I straightened. "Aelia- Don't you dare," I yelled. "She has nothing to do with this!"

"Don't touch her!" Junius yelled from beside my cell, joining in.

"Ah, at last, you admit your perfidy," he said, smugly. "In my magnanimity, I will permit you this: spend the next few hours considering your no doubt many failures. You will all die like the dogs you are, once my more pressing matters are dealt with."

I yelled at him to come back, to leave Aelia alone, but he simply walked away without slowing. His footsteps vanished into silence before I gave up, judging when he'd finally walked out of hearing range.

"Now what?" Junius asked after a while.

"Now? We wait."

And so I settled in.


"New mission, boys and girls," Remus said, tossing a jade slip to Chun Bo. The man snatched it out of the air and pressed it to his head briefly, passing it along even as the captain began to speak. "Short version: we've got rumours of someone selling a Blood Path inheritance, so we're heading out to confirm and bust up the party."

"Selling a- is that even possible?" Aelia frowned, crossing her arms and- don't look, Janus, be strong. "I didn't even know Blood Path could be passed on like...regular arts."

"Neither did I," Remus shrugged. "But we aren't waiting around to confirm it."

The jade slip made its way around to me, and I held it to my head-

Location: Hong Xuan Kingdom, Fertile Cactus Valley, Bumprickle Town
Party of Interest:
Azure Dragons Gang (prev. Azure Dragons Clan, legacy)
Wei Shi Han (Leader, Azure Dragons Gang)

Long service agents in Hong Xuan Kingdom's border towns have heard rumours of an art for sale, promising power for even the most powerless. Descriptions of the art were confirmed to use words and language prone to Blood Path adherents, and has been noted for investigation and confirmation by the nearest available scout squad.

Little to no resistance is expected, but it is suggested activity in Hong Xuan be conducted furtively to avoid undue impact to vassal relations.

-before passing it on, tuning back in to the conversation.

"We'll need to go in quietly, which meaaaaaaans…?" Remus drew it out, turning his head to face each of us.

"Aelia's not going?" Junius asked.

"I'm not going?" Aelia sighed.

"Aelia's going!" Remus chirped, grinning.

"Shit, the one fuckin' time I bet against it," Junius grumbled.

"She had to get it eventually," Remus patted him on the shoulder.

"Not that I'm not happy for the variety, but-" she held her arms out, gesturing down her body to her sandals then back up, cocking her hips to the side. "-y'know?"

"Ah, but Aelia, this particular town once played home to some refugees from a particular clan in the Verdant South! They're all mortals now, but all the women in the family grew up considerably taller than average. You're actually more undercover than the rest of us!"

"Yes!" she cheered. "What am I doing? Guard? Merchant? Ooh, can I be a seductress? I've always wanted to have feminine wiles!"

"You! Are going to be a bar owner," Remus grinned.

"I- what?" she looked uncertain.

"Yep. Staying in one building, dealing with bad patrons, handling tabs. It'll be great!"

"No, wait, I don't think-" she protested, but Remus had already moved on.

"Now, we need a plan for how we're doing this!" he said.

"If we don't have a plan, why do I have to-?" Aelia asked.

"Shh, shush, shush, shush," he said. "I know you're happy, but everybody else needs a role too, Aelia."

She huffed, pouting dramatically.

"Ideas?" Remus asked.

"We could just drop in as guards," Chun Bo said. "Work in his team, ask around, see what's going on."

"Oh wow," I said, eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Yeah, maybe we can just replace one," Junius nodded, holding out a finger. "See if maybe there's a leader or something we can swap out."

"In and out in a week or two," Lucius agreed.

"Oh, they're getting better," I muttered, putting a hand to my forehead.

"You disapprove," Hua said, turning to stare at me.

"Yeah, obviously," I said, turning to look at my squadmates. "These plans suck. How are you guys a successful scouting squad?"

"Like to see you come up with something better," Junius said petulantly.

I huffed, folding my arms. "Look, you can't replace somebody important, alright? Everybody knows somebody, and the higher up they are, the more people that know them. Standing in for them means you need to learn their social circles, personality, and friends real fast to be convincing.

"And you can't just walk in and expect them to trust you. That takes time and work to build up. No, if you want to infiltrate, you're in for the long haul. A couple months minimum, and that's just to get in the door."

"Sounds reasonable. Thank you for volunteering," Remus nodded.

"Wait, I didn't-!" I said, but he clapped.

"Now, how can we back him up?"


My legs creaked as I forced myself through a routine set of exercise, trying to ignore the hunger starting to gnaw at my stomach. It was uncomfortable, but it was discomfort I was well used to. I'd need my arms and legs awake and thrumming with life if I was going to distract myself from that, though, and being chained to the ceiling restricted my options to wake myself up.

So, I squatted.

"I'm huuuuuungryyyyyyyyyyyy," Junius complained, loudly.

"Be quiet," Hua said.

"But I'm huuuuuuuungry!"

She sighed, loudly.

"Huaaaaaaa," he groaned. "Huaaaaa, please. For once-"

"Don't," she warned.

"For once in your life-"

"Do not," she warned.

"Can you be nice, and just feed me?"

The only sound in response was the quiet creak from my knees as I powered through another set.

"You had to say it, didn't you," Hua said.

"Well, if you weren't such an unlikable bitch-" Junius said.

"This is exactly why you don't have any friends," she cut him off.

Junius gasped, dramatically. "I- You- Why, I- I have plenty of friends! Like Janus! Hey, Janus! Tell Hua we're friends!"

I ignored him, focusing on my reps.

"J-Janus? Buddy? Friend who lights up my life?"

"He's ignoring you," Hua said.

"He'd never do that! He'd sooner cut off his own arm!" Junius yelled.

I ignored them both, counting a new set. The chain strained as I pulled against it, dropping low before pushing smoothly back up. I didn't really like exercise before joining the Legions. I wasn't in love with it now, not to the extent I saw some people throwing themselves into it, but...the pain was easy to ignore. The clean, fresh burn afterwards? The energy rush like you could lift up the mountains and swat the sun out the sky? That was pretty nice.

"Janus, please, you're scaring me," Junius said.

Distantly, I heard the faint sounds of talking. I couldn't make out the words but it was two voices, the difference in timber and volume carrying through the prison. I stopped my movements, the creaking going silent.

"Oh shit, I think he actually died," Junius said, slightly alarmed.

"No, I'm just stitching my arm back on," I said.

There was silence to that, the distant conversation going quiet. I clicked my teeth in annoyance. Didn't hear any of it. But hopefully that was-

"...nice," Hua said, amused.

"That was pretty good," Junius admitted.

Footsteps approached us, quiet and light, as a small figure came into sight carrying bamboo steamers stacked almost as tall as her. She walked in front of our cells, eyes downcast, coming to a halt as she placed the stack on the ground. The scullery maid looked around, eyes gleaming with intelligence, as she pulled the top off the highest basket - and withdrew a lengthy blade.


"That seal on your back," Lucius said. "I think I can do something a It's beyond my skill to tamper with at that size, but an extension array to bleed off some qi for a lightshow should be easy enough."

"Why would I want that?" I frowned.

"For drama, dear Janus!" he cradled his chin, framing his face as he stared into the distance.

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Okay, whatever."

"Actually," Jieyue said, pulling the jade slip from her forehead. "There is one set of people who usually go unnoticed." We turned to look at her. "Serving girls."

"Whoa," Junius and I said, leaning back.

"She means house servants, you animals," Hua said.

Jieyue didn't react, her second-hand embarrassment slowly worn down by our efforts. "Scullery maids are the lowest rung. They're effectively maids for the maids, and get stuck doing everything."

"Okay," Junius nodded. "But how is that useful?"

"If they do everything," Aelia said, thinking about it. "Then they can go anywhere, no?"

Jieyue nodded. "Most household gossip gets overheard by scullery maids, they find all the secret entrances, the amended inheritance documents tucked away behind shelves. No one but the other maids would even notice, and maybe not even then."

I looked at Jieyue, the girl matching me with a firm expression, and gave her a broad grin. She faltered at that, suddenly looking uncertain.

"Perfect!" Remus spread his arms. "Then we have our three cover agents. Now, let's figure out what the rest of us are doing, hm?"


"Stand back," Jieyue said, flicking her dao clean. She slashed twice and swiped her arm, pulling back an armful of split bars and laying them quietly on the ground.

"Ah, thank you," Junius said, as she stepped into the cell. I could hear the quiet clink of his manacles unlocking, the two of them walking out a second later.

I closed my eyes, focusing my qi and slowly beginning to move it through my body as I prepared the only technique I knew. I tried to ignore the sounds of Jieyue freeing Hua and Junius searching for his weapon, as my perception turned inwards.

Reflected Purities was a complicated technique, one that used qi to stimulate the Blood of Bronze flowing through your body to a higher effective level of activation. As you raised your cultivation base, the level of qi naturally flowing through your body would be so high that it would naturally be stimulated and you would manifest the visible signs of its power. Metal skin, hair...even your insides turned to metal, they told me. Instead of that natural gain, I sought to intentionally put my qi towards the Blood and activate it here at my current level. It would let me punch up temporarily, but it would cost too much qi and focus to do any other techniques at the same time.

Of course, for a man like me who only knew one technique, that just meant I got stronger with no downsides.

Did I mention I also like to cheat at dice games?

"Need a hand?" Jieyue asked.

I inhaled, feeling my chest expand, and power surging out through my body, through my veins, across my skin as I began to metalize.

They said Reflected Purities was complicated, but for me? It was simple.

Back when I was young, I'd joined a crew of thief kids to raid the Romanallis for some petty items and I'd gotten entranced in their bathing room. Not because of any arcane defenses, but because they had a mirror. Two mirrors, facing each other. It had created a bewitching image, of myself and my back, repeated forever until it faded into a dark green fog.

I didn't find out why until I'd mentioned it to Jieyue, and she'd said the colour was due to impurities in the mirror's construction, ones no good mirror would have. They worsened the image slightly each time they showed it to you, until you had more impurity than image, and the whole thing lost any value for the sight of it.

The pursuit of cultivation began with the removal of impurities from the body. Impurities that clogged the meridians, the acupoints, the dantian, the soul sleep - just about every spiritual vessel I'd ever heard of (and that last one I'd made up) was clogged with gunk you built up from living a material life, and you needed to cleanse it to become stronger.

I was a mirror. My Blood was pure. I needed to reflect it within myself to see true strength. And my impurities were blocking me. It was simple.

I exhaled, feeling the heat of my own breath as my face conducted it far better than regular flesh could. My legs flexed and threw me into the air, twisting around as I coiled the chain up behind me. The metal links bundled up as I shot through the air, until my legs were pressed against the ceiling with the chain's mount a half-step away with the knot of metal between us.. My shirt exploded off me as I broadened my shoulders, flexed my arms, and heaved.

The steel chain creaked and popped, stretching violently as the bundle of metal fought to preserve its integrity. Steel was strong, and restraints this thick and heavy would probably keep any normal cultivator without a technique to destroy them.

But I was a Golden fucking Devil, and steel didn't mean shit to my Bronze.

The chain snapped and I fell from the ceiling, flipping to land on my feet. "Nah," I said, pulling the broken manacles off my arms. "I'm good."

She nodded, turning to look at Hua, who'd pulled out a simple wooden greatbow she was bending to string, and Junius, who was idly spinning the end of a rope dart. "Let's move. Master Wei's guest is in the main hall, and they should already be in closed door negotiations."

"Any guards?" Junius asked, as we turned and booked it down the prison hallway.

"About a dozen, but I didn't detect any cultivators," she said. "Although they might have been using something to hide their cultivation like I was."

"Hey, what-!" Chen yelled.

I kicked off the ground, my empowered legs throwing me across the room, and slammed my forearm into his shoulders. He grunted as he hit the wall behind him, something in his chest cracking as he slumped to the ground unconscious.

Poor guy.

"Would be a surprise for this backwater town," Junius said. "But hell, we're already busting up a Blood Path technique being sold so I guess it's not impossible."

"Only weak cultivation can be hidden by an artifact," Hua said. "How bad could it be?"

"Ugh," Junius and I groaned together.

"Superstition is stupid," she added a second later.

"Oh my god, we're all going to die," Junius muttered.


"What can I get-? Oh, it's you," Aelia said crossing her arms. She stood in front of a tall bar-counter, one that looked standard sized beside her, with a rack of hogshead barrels piled behind her. She wagged a finger at me disapprovingly. "I told your little friends you weren't allowed back if you were just going to harass me again. I've got enough work to do without your trouble."

"Ah, beautiful lady," I said, climbing onto the lower near-side of the counter, snatching her head out of the air. "I could never intrude on one as sublime as you. But for the chance to see your face, I am left breathless until you fill my chest to bursting yet again."

"Yeah, okay, Loverboy," Xing said, clapping me on the back. "We'll turn you loose, but I wanted a couple bottles of your finest wine for me and my friends."

Aelia looked down at him flatly. "Really," she asked.

Xing hesitated, and held up three fingers. "Your third finest. Open bottles are fine, if they're cheaper."

She huffed and I rubbed the back of her palm soothingly- she snatched her hand away, face reddening. "Your wines will be over shortly," she said, turning to point at me. "You, off the damn counter. I have to clean the damn thing every time you come in here, and I'm more than sick of it."

"Anything for you, my lovely," I said, clambering over the counter.

"Not over the- gods damn it," she muttered, putting her hand to her face. "Why am I cursed to suffer like this? I'm a filial daughter, aren't I?"

I trailed after her as she muttered complaints, following her into the store room, closing the door behind us.

"Why did you follow me?!" she yelled, turning to look at me with a wink.

I grabbed the dirty carpet rolled up in the corner, sliding it up against the bottom of the door. I gave it a tap with my feet for surety, then gave her a thumbs up.
"Update?" she asked quietly, reaching for bottles stored in nooks built into the wall.

"Plan worked," I said. "Refusing the invitation paid off. Master Wei seems to think I'm just another clueless idiot who pissed off the Moye. They're already talking about moving me to patrolling the inner courtyard, instead of standing out in the desert."

"Good plan," she grinned, nodding. "Working real hard to impress, aren't you?"

"Please don't say that to Remus," I said. "I really do not want another...surprise party." She started to respond and I held up a hand. "Still more. I found a guy who likes to gamble, bets patrol duty on it. Watched him play a game against one of the new guys, Gong something or other. Cheats, and confident about it. I can probably take some extra from him to scout the inside some more."

She paused, waiting for me to continue.

"Report finished," I said.

She nodded, holding up a hand, counting down from four. "Good work." Three. "Watch out for Jieyue." One. "Also, try not to inhale this."

I raised an eyebrow- and caught a face full of sweet-smelling wine. I spluttered, catching a shove back out the door, tripping over the carpet to land on my ass to a chorus of laughing bar patrons.

"Touch me again, and you're getting the bottle instead of the wine," Aelia groused, stomping past me.

Infiltration sucks.


We burst out of the underground onto a dirt path between the manor wall and a building, confirming my suspicions - we were behind the barracks, so we had a short straight line to the main hall. We rounded the corner at a run, not slowing down as we broke out into the fading sunlight. The sun gleamed across me, my chest a metallic-flesh colour compared to the much more complete brass on my arms.

We raced towards the main hall, the two hired cultivators spotting us as we charged at them. "Jieyue, Janus, we're leaving them to you," Hua said.

"I won't fail," Jieyue said.

"Handled. I'll take ugly?" I leaned towards Jieyue.

"Which one is that?" she frowned, looking at the two identical men.

I grinned, flaring my toes for grip on the stone, and kicked off with a crack. The man in the silver robes yelled as my leg came for his head, pulling out a three-section staff to catch the blow before it crushed his skull. I could see his arms straining to slow it down, pushing my foot aside with only a graze across his chin.

I landed, half-turned from his parry, and leaped forward.

"Hah, you fool, your opening stri- what?!" he yelled.

Posturing. So many of these bastards did it, and I had no idea why. You know how many speeches I heard in street brawls? Zero. Opening your mouth was a good way to lose your damn teeth.

I tucked my limbs in as I flew towards him, throwing a punch as I straightened my entire body out like a Bronze arrow. He sidestepped, just quick enough to avoid the strike - but my second hand lashed out, grabbing at his chest.

He hissed as I scraped his skin, but I did little more than gouge his skin and rip the front of his robes off. "Wretched dog, you dare attack me when-!"

"Talk, talk, talk!" I roared, landing on one leg and pivoting. I swung my other foot up and dropped it on his head. I needed to keep the momentum, before he could react, because his better speed and higher cultivation meant-

He struck out with his staff, wrapping it around my leg and sending a chill through my body.

-he could overpower me in the long fight. Shit.

I bent my leg in his coiled staff, dragging myself closer, and threw a hard punch into his stomach. He grunted, releasing my leg and throwing a return punch into my kidneys. My side ached faintly and my torso rang like a bell, as he quickly drew his hand back.

Hello, yes, I am made of metal, nice to meet you.

"Where the fuck you think you're going?!" I yelled, grabbing his shoulders before he could retreat.

"Lunar Mirror, Second Reflection!" he roared in my face, the coating of ice on his weapon growing thicker. He snapped it together, the staff jabbing into my stomach-

I slammed my head forward, crushing his nose into bloody mulch.

-and quickly draining my energy, as I felt my body rapidly bleed heat away.

"Filzy gur!" he yelled, holding his face and reeling back. "You fight like a peasant!"

"And you fight like a dumbass," I replied, touching my stomach faintly and feeling the much more skin-like flesh. Was he- damn, he was draining my qi. I needed to finish this fast. "Who the fuck uses a Lunar technique when the sun is still up?"

"Sunset is waning Yang, waxing Yin, you imbecile," he replied, reaching for his staff with shaky hands. "Of course a Devil would lack such rudimentary-" He took a half step back, adjusting his stance.

I kicked off the ground, taking advantage of his moment of reduced focus, throwing my knee at his chest. He brought his staff up to parry, separating it into segments to catch my knee strike. I grinned, kicking with my other foot and forcing him to stagger backwards as I powered through his guard.

If he actually retreated, I'd never catch up. The downside to being made of metal was I weighed as much as a small family home, and I was about as fast in a sprint. Depending on headwinds. But if there was something I'd learned, it was that most of these guys got so upset over losing a real dirty knuckle-up that instead of retreating, they-

"YOU DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!" he screamed, whipping his staff around, the sections snapping together into a ice-coated rod.

"EAT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" I roared back, throwing my body forward to grab his shoulders and throw him off balance, sending him toppling backwards to the ground. He grunted as his back hit the ground, weapon tumbling out of his hands in the fall.

I tucked my legs against his chest, pinning him in place below me, and-

The mansion hall behind us exploded, pelting me with small rocks and shards of wood. I almost glanced back, but you don't take your eyes off a guy while you're on top of him., maybe I could've phrased that one differently.

-I beat the absolute shit out of him.

"Guess that's happening," I said, pushing myself to my feet and looking up at the shadowy Hoplite trading blows with a human-sized figure, hurling red lights that splattered against the formation's shield like dropped eggs. I looked over at Jieyue, getting ready to help her finish her fight, but she seemed like she had it in hand.

She had her dao in one hand and her Lattice-Shell Lute in the other, somehow managing with the pair of two-handed weapons as she wore down her opponent. Based on some mysterious family Demonic Tunes art, she'd decided to go all in and become a dual cultivator with both her dao and Demonic Tunes. It'd been a struggle for her for a while, but she'd been really working at integrating it.

'Oh, she already won,' I thought, walking towards her. I was still going to suggest using one-handers, though. This was just a weird style to watch. I raised a hand, watching her climb out from the broken ruins of the kitchen's northern wall. "Nice work," I nodded. "That place needed a repaint."

She looked at me, then looked down at the pile of broken stones and wood, then back up at me with a pout. "You're mean," she huffed, standing straight.

"What? How was that mean? I was literally paying you a compliment."

She studiously ignored me, checking over her lute for damage, giving the strings a few gentle tugs-

Ugh, krk, echt. Wow, that felt weird.

-then nodded approvingly. She glanced over. "Can you pass me my dao?"

I looked down, following her eyes, and hefted the blade up with my feet. I snatched it out the air, and tossed it. "How's your qi?"

She caught it out of the air, hanging the lute on her back and the dao behind her waist. "Low, but we can't leave the seniors on their own."

I rolled my eyes as she set off running, my longer strides letting me catch up as we made way towards the hoplite, it's shadow spear thundering through the air. "That wasn't why I asked," I said. "But it might be more useful to try and block this guy in, rather than joining up."

"You mean flanking?" she said, looking over at me thoughtfully. "I didn't know you read tactics."

"Isn't that the side of an ox?" I frowned.

"Nevermind," she sighed. "Fine, but I'm not-"

"You're steering," I said, already flooding my qi towards her despite her protests. Her words turned into a strangled sound but she was already accepting it, manifesting the formation around us.

It was always...weird.

I've heard people describing the feeling in different ways. Jieyue describes it as reaching out to many hands at once, holding them all at the same time, and being comforted and strengthened by the contact. Aelia said it was like being pressed in on all sides, like being dogpiled by people you like until your chest burst with warmth.

Lucius said it was like the gaze of his ancestors was on him, lighting his skin on fire with their stares. That one...that one was probably weirder than mine.

To me, though? It was, the oldest memory I had was of a rough night. Longest night of the year, it was colder than normal, and I was in one of those stubborn periods where I'd rather be outside suffering than go back to the orphanage. But no one was out on the streets because of the cold, the wind, and the early darkness. No one was spending money, so the merchants packed it up early. And because there were no merchants, there weren't even any pickpockets around.

It was just me, wandering the streets, shivering and staring in through open windows at burning hearths and tables littered with food. Seeing families talk and laugh, relaxed and unguarded, purses left discarded in corners of the room.

A woman had called out to me. I didn't hear what she said over the wind, but I had looked back to see her standing in the door, gesturing to come closer. I'd looked around but the street was empty, not even a rat in sight, and she nodded to confirm yes, me. And I walked away. But sometimes I wonder...what if I hadn't?

Hoplite Formation felt like wondering that.

Our steps fell into sync as the Hoplite grew around us, our different strides pounding the ground at the same time as we closed in on the idiot who'd decided to face down Remus' Rejects instead of running away. I couldn't tell what he was doing from this far, red flashes lighting up the darkening sky as they hit Junius/Hua's shield, but he was fast enough we couldn't just expect to run up and catch him. I wondered if maybe-

"Do you think we should throw?" Jieyue asked.

Yeah, that was weird too. I'd realized people couldn't actually hear my thoughts - Jieyue did not have anywhere near the poker face to withstand the shit I'd thought to test that - but sometimes, we just...thought the same thing.

"Let's," I said.

We transitioned from a walk into a leap, turning sideways to bleed off our speed as we slid forward. The Hoplite mimicked us, all three of our arms pulling back as we lined up the throw, extra qi pumping in to the javelin. It would need the boost to survive being separated from the formation like this, but it could travel far faster than we could just by running.

We twisted and threw, the javelin cutting through the air with a screech like a hunting hawk. Our formation wavered as my qi threatened to bottom out. Probably for the best, anyway. Jieyue, Junius, and Hua probably could manage-

The formation broke.

-without me. And there it went.

The figure alighted on one of the manor buildings and I hoped for a moment- but no, they waved a hand, hurling a bolt of red that cut the javelin apart down the middle and shot out past the manor walls into the distance.

"Huh," I said, starting to run forward again. "You think that's enough for an assist?"

Junius/Hua's Hoplite crashed down beside the distracted figure, swiping the building's roof off with their shield, their spear stabbing downward as the figure fell to the ground.

"Really? You're thinking about mission credits at a time like this?" Jieyue said reproachfully.

"I have a bet with Remus," I shrugged.

"Captain Remus," she corrected.

"Yeah, same guy."

"Why me," she groaned.

The spear had stabbed down three more times during our exchange, but the figure had been slammed inside the roofless building and I couldn't see the outcome. Still, having been on the receiving end of that Hoplite, that was probably enough to do some damage. We all added different attributes to the formation, and personal cultivation didn't seem to mean- what did Jieyue call it? Proportional strength.

Jieyue made the formation more responsive, Hua added a serious edge to the javelin, Junius put more force behind our blows, and I added...muscle definition. We can skip talking about that last one, but the Junius and Hua combination wasn't one to scoff at. But whoever this was, they were strong enough to stand up to them while we dealt with our opponents so-


What was that sound? And what was that smell- blood?

"If I keep getting interrupted," a voice whispered from behind me.

Shit- move! I spun mid-step, swinging my fist behind me- there, at his face, no, mask! I could see Jieyue twisting out the corner of my eye, her leg coming around in a kick at his chest.

"How can I be expected to work?"

He held out a gloved hand, his entire arm hidden beneath a deep violet robe, tied off at the wrist. A metal artifact glowed bright red in his hand, filled with some thick flowing bile that menaced with an intent I couldn't mistake.

Shit, that smell wasn't blood. That was blood qi!

The artifact exploded into a gush of fluid, expanding to swallow the three of us in its crimson flow.

"Goddamn it, Hua!" I yelled.

I heard Jieyue scream, the sound cutting off into a drowning gurgle. Was she-? No, I could feel her qi reaching for me, searching for a partner, but I didn't have enough left for a Hoplite. My eyes scanned through the wall of red surging towards us, and I thrust my arm into it, reaching for the artifact. I screamed, as my arm suddenly burned like I'd shoved it into a forge, but I couldn't stop! I was already submerged to my neck and ankles, the liquid climbing over me, but I needed to-

"Hang on, you two!" I heard someone yell, before something crashed through the liquid and stopped the red tide from overtaking us. Aelia hit the ground hard enough to crack the stones, punching into the flow to grab Jieyue and throw her to the side. I barely had time to process that before I went flying too, slamming into something and dropping onto my gasping squadmate.

I fought to push myself up, staring at the spot-

A massive splatter of faintly glowing blood stained the ground around Aelia's landing spot. I could see her looking around, searching, but the figure was already gone.

Well, shit.


"Hm," Remus said, holding our jade slips in one hand. "Good work, squad."

"'Good work?' Seriously?" I grunted, lying on the ground with my head resting on my hands. He, Chun Bo, and Lucius had been searching the area around the town for signs of the seller in case they could find them before the deal happened. It had barely taken them any time at all to meet up with us in time, and we made our way back towards the Golden Heartlands at solid speed, only stopping to recover a few supply caches and tend to our injuries.

We'd stopped a reasonably safe distance inside recognized Devil lands to make camp and reapply medicines and, for whatever reason, it had also turned into our post-deployment session. In the middle of nowhere.

My right arm was bandaged from finger to shoulder, the outer layer being stripped off on contact. The liquid was some sort of...qi enriched blood, though enriched for what wasn't something I could tell you, and the blood qi in it was aggressive enough that it was trying to pull our blood out with step 1 being 'remove all their skin'.

I glanced over at the quietly exhausted Jieyue, heavily wrapped in protective bandages over barely two day old skin, and closed my eyes to rest them.

"You disagree?" Remus asked, voice ringing with amusement.

"Well," I said, holding up my bandage hand and gesturing thoughtfully. "I don't know. We didn't kill the Pather. We can't get any information out of Wei, since the Pather drained all his blood. Jieyue and I got beaten like an ugly baby-"

"Ugly babies," Jieyue muttered. "The way you said it would make us one single baby."

I paused, opening my eyes to look at her, then shrugged. "I'm just saying, it doesn't feel like a good run."

"The mission was to investigate and, if possible, stop a trade for a Blood Path inheritance," Remus said. "I'd say you all accomplished that in spades." I grunted, earning a chuckle from him and Aelia. "You're spoiled, Janus. You're so used to these good times of being a Golden Devil, you expect our excellence as just the standard."

"Spoiled?" I frowned, sitting up to look at him.

He held up a hand, gesturing for me to relax. I didn't. "Not like that," he said, turning to look- to face the sky. I still wasn't sure why he did things like that, honestly. I suspected he wasn't exactly as blind as he said, but his story never changed. "It's good. It's great. I want all future Devils to feel like you do, that we should succeed to perfection at all times." He smiled, turning to face me again. "But, there's a reason our tasks are so lightly specified. It's not intended for us to go and solve everything ourselves. Sometimes, things are bigger problems than just the eight of us could solve. Our squad serves the century, the century serves the Legion, and the Legion serves the Clan."

"So, what, we should've just confirmed the meeting and backed out?"

"Oh, no," Remus shook his head. "In fact, I saw a Legion try to order something like that due to high troop losses. Stick to the mission outlay, play it safe, come home. But everyone disobeyed." He exhaled loudly in amusement. "You can't stop people from stepping into problems, especially when it comes to protecting the weak or those they care about. That's the other reason missions are so general. To give us freedom to act." He tossed the jade slips up and caught them. "Sometimes, you need to get help. Sometimes you need to get back, because whatever you found is critical to the clan's survival. And sometimes you need to crush some maneaters into paste and erase their lineage from history right now, with no mercy.

"Okay?" he grinned at me.

I exhaled, lying down on my hands again. "Yeah, sure."

"Great! Then while we're out here, it's time to talk about our next mission."

The air filled with groans.


I wrote way more than I planned to for turn 1, since I wanted to establish some more of Janus' personality before his first turn ended and time skipped forward. But this is the last thing I had prepared, at any rate. @Alectai @TehChron Threadmark, please?
Last edited:
Janus 3 - Bandits and Bandit Accessories
Bandits and Bandit Accessories
Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms, Year 218

"Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up," I said, holding my arm out. The muscles of my arm gleamed brightly under the harsh sunlight. "This is Reflected Purities."

I flexed with a slight creaking sound, and stabbed my fingers into a nearby boulder, then hauled it overhead. The crowd of men and women sat on the sandy soil in front of me, staring with rapt attention as I hefted a rock the size of my body over my head. I tensed my arms and shoulders, the muscles jumping and earning a few admiring glances, and twisted my fingers in opposite directions to secure my grip.

"To a Jingshen, this is probably the heights of bodily perfection," I said, trying to recall Remus' lecture on the technique. "Stronger. Tougher. Heavier. That makes you slower, and a lot of people think you have less stamina, but that's just because it takes you longer to get places. But despite what people think, being slower is a trick."

I bent my arms, balancing the rock on my head, so I could point at the crowd with one hand. "See, you know what makes you move fast?" I asked. I gave them a half second to think about it, then pointed at my own legs. "Your leg strength. And you know what this technique increases?"

I grabbed the boulder again with both arms, crouching and flinging it straight into the air. The crowd screamed, our would-be bandits scattering as the massive rock reached the peak and started to plummet.

"That's right," I said, crouching. "Your leg strength."

I crouched and kicked off the ground with moderate force, crunching the soil noisily as I surged upwards. I reared my arm back behind me, swinging my knee up, and hammered the rock with my elbow against the anvil of my knee. It shattered down the middle, pulverized to dust under the force, and rocketed the larger pieces off to the sides.

I landed calmly on the ground, resting my hands on my hips as I watched the still panicking bandits mill about in terror. A few rock fragments landed noisily around us, drawing their attention back to me and the now clear sky above us, my face the perfect portrait of peace.

Yes, I practiced that. I got offered the chance to gather a group of assorted ruffians, thugs, and other scruffy street roamers, and try to turn them into something functional. It was fantastic. It was one of the things I'd wanted ever since I was old enough to command respect and, if it wasn't for my induction into the Legions, probably what I'd be doing with the rest of my life. There was literally no way I was going to let myself make a bad impression, and if it meant owing Aelia a few casual favours, two hogsheads of beer, three Brightback Boars, and a massage at some point in the future then damn it, I was just in debt.

"There are no downsides to this technique. Not at your level. Not until you're well and truly beyond the point of needing to rely on it, and we're a long way from that."

The braver of the prospects regrouped in front of me, glancing at each other nervously, as I finished extolling the virtues of the technique and the peerless - or so they tell me - stature of the Blood of Bronze. "Any questions?"

One of the bandits, a scar-faced woman with an eyepatch she'd flipped up to reveal a functional eye of a different colour. "Yeah, I got one for you," she said. "What's that got to do with us?"

I opened my mouth - and closed it.

I frowned, thinking about it.

I put my hand on my chin, serious as a naked knife.

'...shit, they don't have the Blood,' I groaned mentally. 'How the hell am I supposed to teach these bastards?'

I could see Remus' smug grin, his honeyed words of how simple a mission this would be and how good a fit I was for it.

Foundation Building or not, I was gonna punch that guy in the goddamn mouth when I saw him, swear on Old Gold.


A short scribble for the mission, because it's a fun idea for Janus. A tournament arc was too, but not at QC1 with no time to build up to it.
Bai Yuzhen had seen a lot of shit in his time. A guy who could make you explode from hitting pressure points on your body, a girl who could use her hair as an assassination tool, a woman with three cheeks - and he damn sure wasn't looking at her face at the time.

Suffice to say, he had enough experience to detect the immediate dismissal in the look the Praefectus gave him.

"Say again, ma'am?" he asked.

The prefect in charge of the administrative century gave a world-weary sigh, her finger tracing artistic curlicues and decorative serifs on the massive sheet of paper she was writing on. A brief glance at the text had given Yuzhen a swirling headache, as whatever technique she worked with her writing overpowered his - admittedly meagre - defenses.

With deliberate slowness, she flicked her finger into a cloth to clear it of ink, then wiped the nail to a reflective crimson sheen before meeting his gaze.

"I'll be a bit more blunt this time," she said, red eyes flickering like coals in a fire. "Bai Yuzhen. I have no use for you. This Legion has no use for you. You are, in the scale of things, useless. You are weak." She blinked slowly, interlacing her fingers and resting her chin on them. "You are too old to have any hope of being a cultivation prodigy worth devoting our precious treasures to. You are too young to be kept simply for your wisdom, especially when so much of your life was spent languishing in mortality. I admire your ability to successfully attain any cultivation at your stage of life but it is, unfortunately, wasted effort."

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, the cushion-lined throne of dark wood shining in the lamplight. The tent was lavishly decorated. Amidst the necessities of her role, the maps, the personnel rosters, the unending pile of mission reports and supply requests that needed final decisions, the room was filled with racks of wines, painted scrolls, and stone busts of unknown cultivators.

No, Yuzhen recognized that one. One of his favourites since childhood, Minervina Barda, the poison mistress whose indomitable rise and willingness to be the knife in the dark - or drop in the well, as it were - had...inspired him to do things he probably shouldn't share in polite company.

"Am I being kicked from the Legion?" Yuzhen asked. He carefully kept his emotions off his face, staying as neutral as he could.

"By the Elders, no," the Prefect grimaced, as if she were the aggrieved one. She reached over to take a smaller sheet of paper, unrolling it with care. She gave him a glance, then sighed. "Administrative headache that would cause notwithstanding, that slow expression of yours reminds me of my damnable grandson, bless the fool. I had half a mind to assign you to the support cohorts, goodness knows we can never dig latrines quickly enough…" She trailed off, dipping her fingernail down into the inkwell again.

Yuzhen smiled a little dopily, unashamedly taking advantage of the family link to avoid that fate. He'd always had a sleepy expression, his heavy-lids and narrow eyes earning him the name "Sleeping Cat", and he'd made damn good use of what did it to people's expectations. Would he stop now that he was dealing with the fabled cultivators, who used to race through his town and calamitously fight near his property?

...probably, if somebody threatened him strongly enough.

"Here, Legionnaire," the prefect said, holding the paper between two fingers and wiggling it once, sharply. The ink flashed for a brief moment as it dried under an expression of qi, and she threw the paper at him, the leafy sheet flying through the air like a rock.

"Thank you, ma'am," he said, catching the paper. He read over it quickly, pausing to give her a questioning look. "What is this, ma'am?"

"You are now a Wandering Cultivator," she said, interlacing her fingers again with a sigh. "Sponsored by the Legion, may the Legate forgive me."

Obviously. That was in the title across the sheet she'd handed him. How stupid was her grandson, he wondered, that a passing resemblance made her think he couldn't read?

"Officially, your Legion-appointed role is to travel. Train. Cultivate. And return stronger than when you left." She laughed, the sound like wind chimes in a spring breeze. "A hard task to fail, at least."

'What a bitch,' Yuzhen groused mentally, rolling up the paper.

The prefect gave him a withering look that made him freeze, his spine tingling as memories of being ambushed in bed came rushing back, the feeling of cold steel on his flesh and faintly terrified gooseflesh on his arms.

"Make no mistake, Bai Yuzhen," the prefect said, after a moment. "This is a mission. Your success is expected as with any other role, and as a member of this Legion, I expect nothing short of excellence."

Yuzhen gave her a brief bow, remembering halfway that a lot of the Legion seemed to prefer a hand-swingy salute motion. It seemed to pass muster from the prefect, at least. "I won't disappoint, ma'am."

"Hm," she said, by way of response.

Yuzhen held the bow, wondering if he was safe to look annoyed now that he was facing the ground, and decided against it. You never knew, with cultivators. How long was she going to leave him like this, anyway?

"Your proficiency with the Hoplite Formation leads much to be desired," she said. "Your thrusts are weak and lack precision, your shield lacks coherence, and the entire thing wavers with the weakness of your conviction." The prefect paused. "Except, of course, when you form Hoplite with people you've formed some prior meaningful connection with.

"The Prefect who handled your training records noted the difference, along with some...unusual abilities you've displayed. A shield resilient against qi-based attacks. The ability to form a stable, if pitifully weak, Hoplite on your own." She paused. "Can you really switch weapon hands after creating the formation?"

"Yes, Prefect," Yuzhen said, frowning now.

"Fascinating," the prefect said. The sound of rapid scribbling filled the air. "That is all, Legionnaire. You may go."

Yuzhen straightened, seeing the Prefect already back at work, finger rapidly filling out inches of paper with characters as he watched. He looked away before it could trap his gaze again, backing out of the prefect's tent before turning around.

He unrolled the page again, glossing over the writ of acquisition for basic resources and gear, to glance at the short note on where he could go for direction. A small region to the south plagued by strange beasts over the last fifteen years or so, with the occasional missing villager - likely for the same reason. The work had finally caught up with the reports, tracked the occurrences, and predicted the next danger zone in a place called Dry Gulch Village.

The map was...a little more questionable.

"Good grief..." he sighed.


Title goes at the end. :wink2: The return of Boss Bai, who'll undoubtedly get up to his own shenanigans. A nice little way to show some stuff happening elsewhere that may or may not end up being related to the main Janus' story thread. Also, the return of cultivator trading cards. Since she's Bai's idol, I figured it made sense for Minervina to get the card. She also is of a higher rarity, so shinies! I compressed it to the point where any more artifacts would give me a stroke, but it's still around 14MB. @Katana1515

Janus 5 - Bites and Baubles
Bites and Baubles
Grandiloquent Staff Province, Year 222

It's amazing how fast five years goes by.

For all that I've been through with the rest of Remus' Rejects, it feels like it's only been a few weeks. Pretty insane weeks - filled with murderous spirit beast hunts, sneak-runs into Jingshen territory, and a secret realm or two to tie it all together - but still. I guess time flies, when you're having a good time.

Which is kind of a surprise, honestly. Not just because good times exist without alcohol or taking them from other people (and isn't that a headturner), but also, well...people can be alright.

The first time I had that realization I was more than a little drunk, thanks to some potent Five-Colour Lily Spirit Wine, and my own damn squad mocked me for it for the next three weeks. Bastards. See if I ever show them any damn emotional weakness again.

What was I talking about? Right, people.

Despite my prior and fairly comprehensive study of people, it turns out they aren't all treacherous, greedy, violent idiots. Some of them are just two out of the four and damn, that is a way better outlook on life than I thought was possible. The best part? Sometimes they have good traits, too.

I mean, good for people who aren't them. Ain't that some shit?

I track my debts. When you've seen people get their legs broken for not repaying things, you pick it up as a survival skill. So when my squadmates kept offering me things, I made damn sure to keep track of it. Drinks, meals, pointers on techniques, getting to pick first from a set of treasures. I'd logged every damn thing in a little book with sketches of their faces and tally marks, doubly so when I actually asked for it, but they never called any of it in. The tally just kept growing higher and higher until...well, I just fuckin' asked them.

Aelia laughed at me, and Junius put me in a headlock for "not giving my daddy enough respect." He's lucky he's a Devil, or he wouldn't be anybody's daddy after the dickpunch I gave him. Can keep his damn kink away from me.

What was- debt, yeah. Hua was the one who explained it, in her...normal not-wholly-bitchy way.

"If you'd die for each other, you can live with each other too. Friends don't keep score. Idiot."

Every time I remembered, I heard it in her stupid voice too. Ugh. It was a hell of a statement, too. I mean, die? Like hell. But it's not like I wasn't risking it regularly enough and, unlike the first few years in the Legion, I didn't really feel like I was being forced into it by weird magical tattoos somebody stuck on my body.

My shoulder itched, as the seal siphoned some qi away in admonishment.

Really, the true sign of how I felt about it was how often I heard her stupid voice. As the years went on, I kept remembering what she said as I came across things. Minor treasures, insights from passing-by cultivators, valuable rumours...I started collecting them, so I could pass them on to my squad. (Even nabbed a nice-ass bone flute that Jieyue kept eyeing but...well, it was too useful to give up.) They were my crew, at the end of the day. A weird mix of former rich kids, haughty toughs, and us meatheads - a far cry from the group I figured I'd have ended up running with - but still.

When I was starting out doing some thug work, a one-eyed bastard named Ma Shazi took me aside and showed me how to throw a decent punch. A lot of people grip wrong, and have their thumb tucked in or one of their fingers sticking out, and they shatter the bones when they hit somebody. You had to line them up nice and even, with the thumb curled underneath, to really get work done.

I was starting to feel less like the finger that stood out, and I was looking forward to being part of the fist.

I spent a lot of my time away from my squad. Part of being a Legionnaire meant taking care of your personal cultivation needs, and it was basically getting ordered to clear the fuck out. "Don't have to go home but you can't stay here", and all that. Wasn't really strenuous but knowing I had my squad waiting for me was...nice. The closer I got to the end of my Legion Mandated Vagrancy, the more I kinda wanted to see them again.

It grew in the back of my head like an itch, until I was looking forward to getting back to those misfits. I'd already found some spirit silk traders who were making a mad run up the Scorpion Road, and I'd even managed to get 'em to pay for me to travel with them as a bodyguard.

Just needed to wrap up this last milk run, put my sword in whatever was lurking around here, and I'd be on my way home.


Snakeblood Town was a poor small farming village in the middle of nowhere, with about a dozen families and one pot to shit in between all of them. Apparently, the place used to be bigger and on the rise thanks to a nearby spirit stone mine until some Big Ugly reared its fanged head.

The Legion deployed here decided the best way to stop it was to blow up the entire mine.

If you're wondering if that worked, I'll say it again: this place is called Snakeblood Town.

Anyway, the place got saturated with ambient Qi thanks to the explosion, which you'd think would make it a pretty good place for cultivators and turn this sleepy backwater into a boom town. But the 'blood' in 'Snakeblood' is pretty literal. See, the beastie boy shed a lot of profane blood all over the area, blood that was also laden with Qi, and which literally poisoned the soil.

Don't get me wrong: the place was green, the most plants I'd ever seen in one place outside my adventure to the Yuan Array, but they were also all poisonous. Snakeblood Town's main crop was poison apples.

"And there haven't been any attacks? No trouble with this thing?" I asked.

The old man looked up at me, back bowed as he rested his weight on a cane, his arms and legs still burly with muscle. Thick knuckle scars, a weird dialect for the area, and eyes that watched me watching him, I wagered he was a bandit who settled down here. Still, I wasn't here to make trouble for him.

"None t'all, young sir," he said, shaking his head. He rubbed his thick moustache for a moment. "Thinkin' the Fa girl said she saw it peepin' in on her bathin'. Stole some meat we were smokin' a few years back." He raised his eyebrows. "Wang He left some quality cast iron pots as offerin', 'fore he bit it. Iffin you slay the thing, I'm thinkin' I could trouble you for the favour of bringing it back."

I put my hands on my hips, the scales of my squamata jingling. "We'll see, gramps. You said this was a Fa girl? Was it the older one or-"

"No, no, the ugly one," he cut me off, pointing a finger at a girl carrying a basket of apples from the fields. "S'her."

I followed his gaze, waving as the girl in question looked over to us. Wait, what was I supposed to do next? 'Gratitude and reassurance,' I heard Jieyue say in my head. 'The smallfolk must understand our appreciation for them, or they won't see a need to help us.'

"Thank you, citizen," I said, giving the farmer a reassuring pat on the shoulder. His cane cracked loudly and I stared at it, slowly withdrawing my hand as the old man wobbled in place. "I'm...gone now."

I leapt from the front of the home, making my way towards the girl currently picking bad apples out of her haul, and piling the good ones on the front of her dress.

"Sister Fa?" I called.

She looked up startled, rushing to stand and bow, sending the apples she'd been balancing on her lap all over the place. "Sis-sister? You are too polite, honoured cultivator."

I wrinkled my nose, and tried to put the expression away before she noticed. You know how long it takes to get tired of mortals doing this to you, once you become a cultivator? The course of one meal.

"Nah. Here, hold out your hands," I said, scooping up apples and tossing them to her as I spoke. She panicked, but was still catching them. "Old man Zhang over there says you saw the beast that's been lurking around here?"

"Oh, yes," she said, looking down embarrassedly. "I have been prey to it's shameful perversions."

I raised an eyebrow.

" took to watching me in the bath," she said. "I wasn't sure at first, but I was sure when this harvest started. I could see it's eyes in the shadows!"

"When did this start?"

"S-start?" She flushed. "Er...perhaps...two years ago?"

I actually didn't react to that one. Although the 'shameful perversions' might be a bit of a projection on her part.

"It also stole my- my undergarments."

Huh. Okay, maybe I was too quick to judge. They might both be into it.

"That's strange. When was this?"

"Ah...this morning?" I frowned, and she immediately dropped to the ground, spilling all the apples again. "I'm sorry, honoured cultivator, I didn't mean to keep it secret from you! Please forgive me!"

I sighed, and just reached for the apples again.


I carefully made my way through the prickly thicket, taking care to use the metal parts of my armour to push the spiky branches away. The metal on my bracers and greaves weren't too happy about it, the qi-infused wood just hard enough to scratch the hell out of the surface, but better it than me.

The locals were pretty clear on why they never tried to clear this section of the forest, and this copse of debilitating, vomit-and-diarrhea inducing, spiky fruitless hell trees were apparently the safest route deeper into the uncleared area.

I wonder if I could get these listed as 'Spiky Fruitless Hell Tree' on the Board.

But, yeah, I could deal with some scuffed gear. For all my cultivation, I wasn't exactly poison-immune.

I ducked a sturdier branch from a larger tree as I emerged in...well, not a clearing. It was kinda menacing, actually. Like the plants had all taken a look at something and decided to back the fuck up, leaving an ominous dark space ringed by spiky bent trees.

Not an exaggeration either, the things actually bent in huge curves over the space, growing into a dome canopy.

Silently, I drew my sword.

I couldn't see any traces: no broken branches, no fur sheddings or molts anywhere, which meant I'd have to start tracking with elbow grease. All while watching out for whatever this stupid ominous forest glen had in store. Fun.

Of course, after a few hours digging around, it turned out the only thing the glen had was a test of my patience. Nothing jumped out at me, and there weren't any traps or spirits waiting to get the drop. No, as the sun tracked across the sky towards nightfall, it eventually hit the right angle to light the place up, revealing the glimmering horde in the branches above me.

Scales. Thousands of them, from the size of my fingernail to my palm, glittering in shades of silver and black.

"Of course it's snakes," I muttered, shading my eyes against the fading sunlight as I stared up. "Couldn't be something simple like a guy who swallowed a damn...Monkey talisman by accident, no. I gotta track down a damn snake beast in a poisonous forest. At night."

I looked up, seeing glimmers of the orange sky above through the branches, and huffed out a breath. Less than an hour of sunlight left. No use complaining about it. I turned around to go-

A pair of glowing orange eyes stared out at me from the gloom, narrow vertical slits dividing them down the middle.

-and continued turning, facing away from the eyes at an angle as I casually strolled forward. I adjusted my heading as I went, moving gradually closer but just to the left of where they were, keeping my grip on my sword relaxed. I was almost in the striking range, and I saw the eyes shift warily, tracking me-

I stepped forcefully forward, slicing upward through the growth in front of its face.

The beast's eyes widened and it darted to the side, weaving between the branches like a- like a snake. Yeah.

I watched it, walking slowly across the space towards it again, pulling my scutum off my back with my free hand. I was already circulating my Qi aggressively, a single thought away from activating Purities, as the beast and I stared at each other in the silent gloom.

You know, one of the most fun things I'd gotten into since joining the Legions was talking about fighting. I mean, the actual fights have been great. The constant test of ability against someone else, doing their level best to beat the shit out of you before you could do the same to them, made me feel alive like not much else does.

Talking about fighting, though? That was a close second, honestly. It was amazing how differently we could all see the same situation, how we focused on different things, and how that changed the way we used our bodies, our weapons, and our techniques.

See, after talking to enough random Legionnaires about it, I'd gotten something like a working idea of how it went. I'd taken some of it from conversations I'd heard Remus and Jieyue having over cultivation, and the nature of the self and whatever other weird bullshit they got into their heads that week. From where I stood, there were three types of people. Or really, I guess there were three ways people looked at fighting. With your Body, with your Soul, or with your Heart and...Dao, I guess.

Fighting with your Body isn't as...obvious as it sounds. Take someone like Hua. Just using her overwhelming physical advantages to beat you to everything, and crush you. Techniques that boosted her eyesight, reflexes like a tiger, and a bow that could put arrows through a house a few hundred meters up a mountain, in a storm. Had a good idea to feint her out? She could fall for it, and still retarget before you could take advantage. Make some cover for yourself? She had the power to blow through it, and the senses to find you the instant you stepped. The traits of her Body defined her style.

Fighting with your Soul was nothing like that. See, the soul is the part of you that...knows. That remembers. The part of you that can learn how to fight, can etch every blow, every strike, every guard and dodge into itself, and throw them out at you in a flash, letting you walk through the steps of a fight like a road you already knew. Aelia was like that, and so was Junius. Just monsters, with so much experience that they were already planning for your next move, all of your next moves, with a counter ready for all of them. All you had to do was make a move, and they'd show you why it was the wrong one.

I used to think I was like that. But nah. Me and Remus were the same, in this. We fought with our hearts. Remus liked to add 'and Dao' whenever I said that, so I guess that too.

It's hard to explain what that means, exactly. Shit, I'm still trying to get an explanation on what the hell a Dao is but people keep getting into weird "you must stare into the empty bowl and visualize the ripples of your soul's water" bullshit, and I check out roughly 9 words in everytime.

The best thing I could say...imagine you had to walk across a river, and the only way was some river stones sticking out of the flow. And that the other guy was doing the same thing, from the other side. If you fought with your Body, you'd just look where they were going to step and go there first. If you fought with your Soul, you'd know the best ways to cross and move first, standing somewhere where you can push them off-balance and so control where they step. When you use your Dao and your heart-

That's a goddamn mouthful. I'm just gonna call it a Dao Heart.

When you use your Dao Heart, it's more...natural. Automatic. You can see where they'll step, but it's not just a matter of experience. You just...know. It's...if you're trying to cross a river by walking on stones, your opponent is a stone skipping across the surface past you. Fast, slippery, hard to grab - but once you see the first bounce, you can see where they'll land.

I hurled my shield at the beast, it's eyes widening as the flying chunk of metal and wood scythed through the branches. It darted to the side to escape - but the creaking bronze sound of my technique was already filling the clearing, and the soft soil exploded in a cloud as I leapt ahead of it.

Too slow. The soil was too soft to support my legs, and most of my strength got wasted throwing a bunch of dirt into the air behind me.

The beast darted by below me even as I crashed into the spiny branches, but it couldn't escape fast enough. I grabbed the branch it had scampered up onto and dragged it down with me as I fell, pulling us both to the ground, but I was the only one ready for it.

I hit the ground and rolled, coming up with my sword ready-

The beast was ready too, in a low feral stance, a raggedy flower patterned sheet wrapped around its body.

That was weird.

It tilted its head back under the flap of the sheet, mouth yawning open, and hissed menacingly.

The sound made my spine shiver, the urge to flee overtaking me as primal fear made my knees weak and my palms sweat.

I took a step forward. "Been pissing myself since I was 6," I said, cracking my neck. "Running from fear lets it knife you in the back."

The beast's mouth shut and it scampered back as I took my second step, it's weak soul attack still making my heart pound but working against its goal.

Aelia told me something useful, once. You can judge a spirit beast's nature by its tools. Predators always have debilitating or wounding natural techniques, to trap their meals. But prey? They hid, they ran, they made themselves tough.

They tried to scare you off.

I angled my foot into the ground with the next step, powering through and kicking the soil out at the beast in a dusty cloud. I heard it hissing but I was already moving, ducking left and forward, gripping my sword in two hands for a power stroke.

I glanced over, finding the ground empty as the dirt settled, a quick look up finding the beast lurking in the branches above. Its chest inflated suddenly, like a frog about to croak, but it was too late.

I rose with a yell, swinging my sword up and through the trunk of the tree, sending the free top half careening to the ground. There was a strangled shriek as it fell, but I barely had time to note it before vile crimson sap exploded from the trunk, coating me. I got my glove up in time to protect my eyes, but my nose and jaw were coated, and the stench immediately made me waver.

"Fuckin'," I muttered, turning around to stare at the beast staggering to its feet. "Hell trees." Damn things smelled like vinegar and piss. Ugh, I was gonna reek for a week. "Alright. I'm upset. Let's finish up."

It looked up at me, leaning away, but I had already vaulted towards it. It tried to scamper back but the branches of the fallen tree clogged it's escape routes, and it spun back around, throwing an arm out towards me.

A pair of snakes exploded from inside the sheet wrapped around its arm, stretching impossibly far into the air, their jaws wide to bite down. I angled my sword, jamming the handle and tip into their mouths, but it seemed like that was the wrong move.

The beast flicked it's wrist, trying to disarm me but my grip was too strong and I went careening towards it instead.

It leaped into the air as I plowed into the ground, using one hand to turn myself into a violent tumble, before a sturdy tree brought me to a halt.

"Tanks, forest," I said. "Yer always my fav'rite part o' nature."

Was I slurring? The world swam unsteadily for a moment, and I used the sword to push myself to my feet.

"Clev'r," I chuckled. "Try'na drunk me, and take advan'age." I frowned, pointing my sword at the beast. "Won't work! I'm the drunk best Legion...the Legion's best drunk…" The ground suddenly tipped to the left, and I staggered right to stay standing. "Hang on, I'ma start over."

The beast didn't wait, its chest swelling before it spat a bubbling purple slime towards me.

I released Purities with a giggle, dipping as far to the side as my suddenly more flexible spine would allow, before popping back up. "Gotta be quicker 'n that."

I was already moving, the beast surprised by my sudden dodge, my goal already in sight. Quick side note, I...might be the best Reflected Purities user in the Legions. Not the strongest, but the best. Most people seemed to only use it as a starter technique, until they bought something else with contribution points or learned their family arts or...whatever. Me? I've been in it from the start. And I've learned some tricks to go with. For instance, most people activated the technique by circulating their qi and flooding their entire body to equally trigger the Blood of Bronze.

I didn't need to.

My legs churned with the sudden influx of qi, suddenly strengthened by the infusion of Bronze attributes to my bones and my muscles, until the leftover qi started metallizing the skin. I kicked off the ground mid-step, going from a fast run to a human arrow in-between blinks.

The beast reared back, throwing both arms out, snakes already lancing out to meet me. I held the sword out, catching one, two, three snakes on its length - and snagged the fourth's head in my fist, crushing it to pulp. The other three bulged and bent with surging muscle, dragging the sword and me with it - so I let go.

The beast's eyes widened as it whipped my sword away, the weapon careening into the air, and me into it. It yelped as I hit it in the torso, the two of us rolling violently, clawing and punching until we came to a halt.

The beast spat and panted under me, my knee pressing into its back, my arms trapping its wrists on the ground. Nobody was getting one over Ol' J-boy in a ground scrap. The growth around us rustled and I glanced up-

And a dozen pairs of orange eyes stared at me out of the gloom, tiny faces peering out between the branches. Kids? Out here in the forest? Why would-?

I looked down at the beast again, reaching over to pull the sheet off it's head. An...almost human-head looked back at me, black hair streaming off the back between pronounced scaly head ridges, with patches of scaled skin around the eyes, the nose, the neck.

"Bend me o'er a barrel," I said, blinking. "This's some heavy shit."

I looked around at the nervous looking...children climbing out from between the branches, some of them wrapped in old clothes, others mostly naked, but all of them watching me for my next move. But the eyes...the vertical lines that split them, staring at me unblinkingly.

Snake eyes.

I sighed. "Alright," I muttered, pushing myself up, a firm grip on the beast's- the snakeman's hands. "My Legion's closest. Let's go report this." I could already feel the headache building.


Squad Captain Remus Horatius was a happy man. He had, in fact, many things to be happy about - both personally, and indirectly. Regarding the latter, his squad was back to full strength and - arguably - approaching heights of ability unseen since he was just a member, and not the captain.

The last trials had been delightfully light on the clan, but had claimed two of his, rendering one crippled and the other more fatally incapable. A somber time, especially given how close they had all grown. It had been almost six decades without a change to the roster, the fledglings in Junius, Hua, and Lucius coming to them to replace promotions and loans to other Legions in the wake of more tumultuous times.

And then, just like that, they had two more. Darling Xie Jieyue, a cousin of some degree to the very same family of Elder Xie, though the girl seemed desperate to avoid...really any mention of family whatsoever. He'd tried numerous approaches over the years but, at best, she'd softened from "immediate silence" to "awkwardly non-verbal" which...well, he'd learned to take improvements where they came.

The other was the fireball of trouble, Janus Foundling, an orphan of no reknown from a small city with nothing of particular importance to it. Or, well, not entirely true. Remus had found another cultivator, a Foundation Building expert nearly his equal at almost half his age, and recently promoted to Centurion.

Impressive, something Remus could think without the slightest bit of jealousy. He'd long come to terms with his peak as a squad captain (the Legate was a one-eyed battleaxe, who said life was hard enough with half his sight so he could never trust lives to the sightless), and suspected he was better suited for it anyway.

Indeed, the results could be seen in his two newest charges. Neither of them were weak or unmotivated to begin with - the timing of Janus' birth led Remus to suspect he was the children of Golden Devils who fell in the last trials, and Jieyue's guileless face belied determination like a cliff face - but he'd been having a wonderful time teaching and guiding them, helping them discover their own paths.

It was related to his personal success: he'd managed to firmly settle his first Dao Pillar and, at an incredible pace, had already placed his second. He'd been a little misguided with his first pillar, thinking of it as Leading until his struggling little birds forced him to grow and adapt. That was what altered his perspective, and let the idea truly settle properly: Guidance.

Finding the second pillar - Nurture - had been a much faster experience, the fatherly joy he felt when his squad did well as a result of his tending an obvious sign. He suspected the truth of himself, the person who he was underneath it all and the idea gave him comfort in his role in the world, but just the thought tickled against Core Formation. He could almost feel Heaven's displeasure, and he shelved the idea twice as often as he flirted with it.

He could never survive the tribulation at this point, not by any stretch.

The fact that a greater understanding of his personal Dao granted him greater mastery of his Art was another nice benefit. Artful Mind/Formal Mastery was certainly esoteric in nature, and any improvement was one to cherish. He might even try to formalize his observations someday, and pass the art down.

But at the moment, he was simply toying with his own hearing, listening to snippets of conversation from across the city, even as he sword-fought Aelia's chopsticks for the next serving of grilled beef.

"Lay off, captain, I'm a growing girl," she groused.

"Outwards doesn't count," he replied, splitting his chopsticks across four fingers, fending her off with one stick while he speared the meat with the other one. His voice echoed from the earrings he'd convinced her to get, turning the battle at a decisive moment.

Aelia squawked, both in shock and indignation, but he'd already made off with the goods. "That's a dirty trick," she glowered.

"Dirty tricks are how I made Squad Captain," he grinned. He flicked a few more cuts of meat onto the grill, pacifying the woman who'd grown into his right-hand, and pondered the future.

He wouldn't have her forever. In fact, he'd be surprised if any of his squad was still with him after the next century. Every decade, Aelia proved herself more than capable of running her own squad and she was certainly making good time towards the 9th Heavenstage. He'd be surprised if she wasn't considered for her own century, by the time she made it to Foundation Building. All eyes could see how the Clan hungered for competent officers and leaders, even as the ranks began to grow with legendary talents.

Chun Bo was similar, if a few decades younger with all that entailed, and would likely be on the same trajectory. Hua, Junius, and Lucius were experts worth their salt with nothing to stand between them and advancement to whatever course they wished, and Jieyue's dogged pursuit of her Demonic Tunes/Sword dual cultivation style would likely see her joining them once she made more improvements on integrating them. He'd even seen an art that would likely assist her, a lost and degraded formation turned to a 'Last Stand' type technique that could turn a lone archer into a battalion that could hold the line. Indefinitely.


Remus chewed on a piece of beef, shifting his focus across the city.

Swords clashed as two young Legionnaires sparred against each other. Jieyue's blade met her opponent's with a musical chime that made them flinch, an opening she was quick to step in for. Next.

The consistent rhythmic hammering of a smithery, as Lucius banged out billets of Jade Steel. He'd been set on making some upgrades, though Remus suspected he was simply feeling the heat from his junior's rapid growth.

Hm. He was defaulting. Perhaps a simple tuning…

The jangling sound of coins, quickly suffused, as a purse was cut in the market. Next.

Old Agrippa berating his daughters for approaching him again, and ruining his attempts to marry her off. Remus supposed flitting with the man's entire immediate family might have led to his rabid dislike of him but in his defence, it had been...hilarious. Next.

A kettle beginning to whistle, as a pair of children played around it. Nex- No, he made the pot across the room croak, drawing their attention before the burst of steam could injure them. Next.

And- there. The North-Eastern gate of the city, where a merchant caravan was rolling to a halt. A familiar voice belted out from inside the wagons, the tinny overtones from the transmission not enough to mask his subordinate's identity.

The young man had a tendency to attract...unusual problems.

To be a cultivator was to be a magnet for the strange and the problematic, to risk curious heart devils, to dance with mysterious curses, and to trust your own ability to keep you alive in the face of unknowable foreign arts. And even then, Janus just ended up in weird situations - with proportionally weird resolutions. Remus had, as something of a prank cum learning opportunity, obtained a Yuan entry ticket that had paid off so absurdly well, he'd already decided to never gamble again.

Rising from the 1st Heavenstage to the 9th then, simply because no one had explained that 9th was the natural limit beforehand, catapulting into the 10th...arguably, one could claim Janus was a prodigy if he wasn't so...obstinately ignorant of the inner nature of cultivation. Largely, the young man seemed to succeed purely on the mechanical aspects of qi cultivation and manipulation, glossing over the reflective truth of it.

A problem to work on, Remus decided.

"New mission when Janus gets back, I'm guessing?" Aelia asked.

Remus nodded. It was fortunate that being a great realm above her made his thoughts so much faster, even with his attention split, or she'd likely have noticed the lapse. His internal dialogue now was such that it would take a long time to describe, despite really happening in an instant. "Mhm," he nodded. "Easy one for us. Suspected Blood Path cell a few days away. We'll be heading there."

"And after that?" Her voice was prodding, as she turned towards him, the fullness of it conveying amusement at his attempts to conceal the truth from her. He hadn't anticipated it but, with his advanced art and the earrings, he could hear emotional nuance like never before. The Hymn of the Heart. Yes, he liked that name.

Remus smiled, to himself and at her. "What makes you think there's something else?"

"Because a Blood Path cell big enough to be a problem to our squad would probably need to be handled by a century," she said, voice dripping with condescension. "And you usually have something more fun planned, to help everybody test themselves after coming back."

"Do you know me so well, Aelia?" He pouted dramatically, raising his rice bowl to his heart.

"A second ago, you were thinking about how proud you are of us," she said, pointing her finger at him. "Then you started thinking of the random people you've bedded lately. Wanshu?" She squinted. "No, a woman. Diana?"

Remus didn't respond, inwardly marvelling at how damn perceptive she'd gotten.

"Damn it, Remus, leave the married ones alone," she groaned, rubbing her forehead. "Aggy's never gonna let us order from him again."

Remus grinned. "Speaking of coming back," He turned his head to face the street, grinning wider as the double entendre landed, to where Janus was staggering towards them with a second person bound at the wrists. "Ho, Janus," he waved.

"You-" Janus paused, wavering slightly in place. "How'd you know it was me?"

"I see with my Heart," Remus replied honestly.

He pinged the metal around them with an inaudible tone, feeling the world as described by the sound and seeing Janus' face contort into a suspicious squint. Remus gave him a thumbs-up in response, pulling his blindfold up to wink at him. The young man grumbled something annoyed, then pulled on the rope, scratching his head. "I, uh, I found some snakes. Snake people. Snakemen? Snakes."

"Snakes?" Aelia asked, her voice muffled as she covered her mouth, stuffed with beef cuts.

Remus raised his eyebrows. "Is that why you've taken this snakewoman as a sex slave?"

Janus nodded, turning his head towards the prisoner. "Yeah, I- Woman?" His head froze, but his body wavered beneath it.

"She is wearing women's underwear under that sheet you've got on her," Aelia said.

"She?" Janus asked, woodenly.

Remus frowned, as the young man's heart suddenly thundered noisily, then skipped a beat. "Janus. You have an internal injury."

"No, s'probably just the," Janus paused, waving a hand. "Thing. Poison?"

"Poison?" Aelia exclaimed. She rose, throwing her bowl down. "You've been poisoned the whole way back?"

"M'fine," he said. "S'like being drunk!"

Remus sighed, putting his chopsticks together as Aelia hurried over. To think so lightly of injury...of poison, no less. A sign of the times, he supposed. For these younger Devils, they lacked...context. They had only ever seen the good times. They didn't have sufficient experience with depravity, not yet, to truly understand the dangers of the world. The way existence itself fought to erase them to the last man.

He had that context. At 163 years young, Remus was old enough to have seen...terrible things. Horrible expenses, writ in the lives of mortals and cultivators alike, and he was the son of a wealthy family - more than insulated from the worst of it. He remembered the Golden Bee War and strongholds horribly smashed by their foes. He was there for the 'Miracle' at Pleuron, where losing only most of the defenders and having standing walls was a triumph worthy of celebration. That he also remembered the construction of the technique palace, the Cannibal War and it's spoils, and the addition of new allies in the Storks was how he knew the fortunes of the clan were on the rise - but the younger set had only known such status, and lacked the temperance of older Bronze.

He didn't begrudge them it. To live such a blessed life was what their seniors - theirs and his - had bled for, had died for. But it would be undue of him to let them remain so blind to the dangers of the world. Shielding them now would only endanger them later. And now that Janus was threatening to touch Foundation Building and begin to truly seek the Dao, self-reflection would be necessary. He could kill two birds with one stone.

"Janus," he said, turning to face the young man. "Before the poison wears off, we can make use of it. There's a technique I suspect you'll be well-suited for."

"Sure," Janus replied, leaning away as Aelia inspected him for treatment. "But you can't use anything else with Reflected Purities, so…"

"This is an exception," Remus said, smiling. "Now, let's talk about the Ecstasy of Bronze."
I'd like a Tribulation Treasure and to head to Qiguai this turn, please. What We Have, We Hold for the mission.

Hm, real life stuff happened so I never actually finished the omake I had planned for this turn, or the collab. This one's been sitting here for a while though, so might as well post it. :p Guess I'll drop the rest when I get a chance to sit down and write again.
Janus 6 - When Snakes Cry
When Snakes Cry
Blue Steel Town, Grandiloquent Staff Province, Year 222

"This shit isn't working," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Fucking brilliant insight," Junius said. He had his chin resting on his arms, and his arms resting on the table we'd stolen- borrowed from some local card sharks. Don't get me wrong, we won a completely fair (they cheated, I cheated: fair) game of cards, then took it anyway when they refused. "Mind telling me what colour the sky is, while you're at it?"

"I mean we need a new plan." I flipped him off, earning a snort. "I don't know if she's just stonewalling us, or just hard committed to saying nothing but…"

"I think it should be fairly obvious why the snakewoman you stole away from her children to keep as a bedwarmer isn't willing to speak with you," Chun Bo intoned. He took a sip of his tea, his dumb smug stork eyes closed.

I waited until he put the cup down, then pounded the table. The cup flipped over, spilling tea everywhere, and I grinned at him. "First of all, suck my dick," I said. "Second, we've already tried telling her we're trying to help her."

"Really?" Chun Bo asked, raising both of his eyebrows and tilting the table to run the tea towards me. "Help her? Obviously, no wonder she's been tied up in a corner of the room for the last day and a half." He swept his hand towards the now-obviously-a-girl snakewoman crouched in the corner of the room. Her legs and arms were locked behind her back in the best spiritsteel manacles you could buy, assuming you weren't willing to spend more than the cost of a used piss bucket.

She glared back at me, making some spitting sound around the gag in her mouth.

"Well, she's dangerous," Junius pointed out.

"Is she?" Chun Bo shrugged. "Janus defeated her without much effort, while poisoned. She's hardly even in the second heavenstage."

"So you think we should let her do whatever she wants," Junius rolled his eyes. "Just let the poison-spitting snake hermit wander around the town, maybe start her own pottery shop."

"Why would she have an interest in pottery?" Chun Bo frowned.

"Junius, shut up for a second," I said, looking over at the snakewoman. Chun Bo had a point. I've been picked up by city guards, toll collectors, and general authority figures on much more agreeable terms and I was still more of a problem than this. As a cultivator? Hell, I've slapped a few faces.

"Don't tell me to shut up, you shut up," Junius groused.

I pushed my chair back from the table, and walked around the edge of it, dropping to meet eyes with the snakewoman. Her pupils narrowed into slits, and she went completely still as she watched me.

"Yeah, you better," Junius added.

"Hey," I said. "I'm gonna let you out a bit, alright?" She didn't respond. "Don't bite my head off. Seriously, I'm trying to help you."

"Squad, I found a new spirit chef grill that opened up in town," Remus said cheerily, as he wandered into the building we'd been operating out of. "They- oh no, Janus, you said she wasn't-"

"I seriously am going to murder you in your sleep one day," I said, reaching out to the gag and gently wiggling it side to side. It was…stuck on something, like my ass between the bars of a gate, and it took some serious effort before it finally-

She hissed, and I barely ducked under a thick wad of gunk she spat out. I could hear the floor behind me popping like chalk and vinegar, and I raised an eyebrow at her, dropping the loose gag by her feet.

"See? That's exactly why this is a bad idea," Junius complained.

"I never said it wasn't," Chun Bo replied.

"That's not important," Remus cut them off. I set to work unlocking the chains at her feet, while she watched me with very obvious mistrust. "These guys are doing some serious high-tier food. Seems like they're on some kind of ascetic adventure to master their stuff, so they're selling the food basically at cost."

"Oh yeah? They got any bison?" Junius asked.

"I wouldn't be opposed to some good soup," Chun Bo added. "Do they have tofu?"

"You bet your sweet bippy, they do," Remus said. "They've even got menus. Look, they've got paper and jade fragments."

"Jade fragments?" I whistled. "That's fancy." Where were they from? Jade fragments were like jade slips that only let you see what was inside of them, and not much of it. Jieyue had told me how they were made once, but the only part that stuck was taking a jade slip and breaking it just right.

"Yeah, it's- Janus, what are you doing with the captive?"

"Our guest here hasn't really been enjoying the place. Keeping to herself, not really up for conversation, hasn't even thanked Junius for his hospitality. Seemed like maybe we should let her out a bit, see if that helps."

"Has she eaten?" Remus asked, raising one eyebrow over his blindfold.

"Well, I haven't fed her," I said. I quickly unlocked her wrist chains, and she rubbed them with her gaze still locked on mine.

"Here, catch," Remus said, and I heard something whip through the air. I stood up, and snatched it out the air with a glance- "Remus, this this a menu?"

"Yes," he said, nodding.

"I can't read. You know this."

He looked at me, matching my gaze somehow, then shrugged. "Ask your friend."

"Right," I grumbled. "Excuse me, snakewoman who grew up in a poisoned wilderness, do you think you can read this menu?" I held it out in front of her-

She perked up, and stabbed her finger at something on it.

"'re fucking kidding me," I muttered.

"Wait, she can read?" Junius said. I could hear the chairs scraping across the floor as the rest of the squad made their way over.

"I cannot believe this," I said. I glanced at the sheet of paper, and the clusterfuck of squiggles written in ink, then turned it back to her.

She vigorously jabbed the same point, narrowing her eyes at me.

"You think maybe she just doesn't speak the language?" Junius asked.

"A simple test." Chun Bo pulled a delicate feather from his braid, and dipped it into a shallow inkpot that appeared from and quickly dipped back into his waist sash. He scribbled some other mysterious shit on the back of the menu and held the feather out for the snakewoman.

She looked at it, then at him, and took it cautiously. She looked around at us uncertainly, then started filling out the empty space with a solid block of squiggles.

"Wow, she's really going," Remus said.

"Bronze my balls," I muttered. "So, the only ones that can't talk to her are me and Remus."

"Why wouldn't I be able to talk to her?" he asked.

"Because it's written-" I looked up at him, and he gave me a slight smile. I sighed. "Forget it. At least now we're getting somewhere."


The wagon creaked and shook as a pack - a herd? a swarm? - of short snakechildren bounced around in the shade of the covered back. The older set watched them nervously, watching as the snakewoman I'd dragged back here first got the closest thing to a check from a Medico we could think of. Older was…relative, with even the oldest of them looking like they'd barely seen 10 summers. The youngest looked like they weren't even old enough to piss in their own pots, and by Old Gold, I was not cleaning up snakepiss. Kid piss? Snake…kid…piss? I wasn't cleaning it up.

Although, they weren't nearly as snake-looking as the one I'd dragged back. They hardly had any scales, they didn't have the head ridges, and aside from the yellow eyes and fucky thing they did with their jaws when they ate, you wouldn't think they were different from any other random wagonload of orphans. Which…I guess might explain the concerned looks from people walking by. Hm.

"Again," the legionnaire said, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Not a Medico. You understand that, right? That I tend to spirit beasts?"

Somewhere on the other side of the Golden Heartlands, there's a prince of something with enough snakes to poison half the desert. Normally, cultivators - especially beast cultivators - manage all of their spirit beasts on their own but the Prince is…well, he's something of an icon. That meant he had more important things to do than dumb work, he had a ton of people copying him, and it meant there were a lot of people who learned how to take care of snake spirit beasts.

The snakewoman - shit, snakegirl. Seeing her in sunlight and uncovered made her age obvious too, and she was fourteen years at best. The snakegirl squirmed in place as the man held her under the chin with one hand, and used the other to poke around at the shiny wet fang pouches in her mouth.

"Yeah, you know snakes, she's kinda snake-like," I shrugged. "It'll be fine."

He frowned and looked over at me. "That's fucked up. You can't just call a snakeman a snake," he said. "I think people get their ass kicked saying something like that."

"That- shit, stop running around," I said, turning and snatching a pair of the kids who'd scampered off the wagon to made a break for it. I looked over at where they headed at the pair of street dogs fighting in the street, the two kids making quiet hissing sounds as they literally drooled over the prospect of fresh meat. "Calm down, you goddamn brats. You just ate." I stood up, tucking them under my arms like amphora.

"Hey," I said, to the snakegirl. Not that I needed to get her attention; her eyes were glued on me the moment the two kids moved near me, and they'd narrowed to slits once I'd grabbed them. "I'm gonna stick these two back in the wagon. Mind telling them to stay put when you get a chance?"

She blinked at me blankly, and I sighed.

"Yeah, because you can read and write but fuck me, you can't talk," I muttered.

"Well, the good news is," the legionnaire said, as I reached up into the wagon and rolled the kids on their back like balls. They screamed like excited hell-wraiths, and I turned back to look at the man. "She's not dying, or anything. But she has been severely fucked up several times in her life.

"Some bones that didn't set properly, her jaw isn't unhinging smoothly, doesn't seem like she's producing poison properly…" He paused. "That said, I'd have pegged her at probably like…six or seven if she were a snake, and she's got two heavenstages under her belt. For all I know, she's just in the middle of maturing." He shrugged. "The other kids seem fine, I guess. They're…mostly human, so if they start growing poison sacs or fangs in the next few years, I guess we'll know it's an age thing." He brightened. "Hey, if I file a report about this, I might get some contribution points from Elder Duca in a few years."

"Great," I shrugged. "My contribution points'll be in the mail."

"That's not how it works." Shit, he got me. "Anyway, I said mostly human. I don't know how you did it, but you picked the right guy for the job. Probably not that many people who've had to treat spirit snakes' internal injuries." He rose to his feet and dusted his knees off. "These kids? This girl especially? They're snakes."

I frowned. "Yeah, I know."

"No, no," he shook his head. "Not snakepeople. Snakes." He sketched a wavy shape in the air. "See, snakepeople would have chakras and meridians that are largely in line with a regular cultivators'. Maybe a few divergence points like an extra chakra, or an unusual meridian connection to facilitate whatever they can do. Right?"

I nodded, and wheeled my hand for him to speed it up.

"She's not like that. She has snake meridians. It's the wildest shit I've ever seen," he shook his head. "Just…from head to tailbone, snake meridians, and then her limbs are basically like somebody grafted regular meridians on top."

"Oh, really?" I nodded, rubbing my chin in thought. "I understand perfectly."

"Whole thing's a mess. Extra fucked if she's as young as those meridians are, forgive my language."

"What do you mean?"

"They're adolescent," he looked at me. "I doubt she's even 10."

"Oh," I said, glancing over. Originally, I'd assumed she was the kid's mother but 14 was already pretty damn young for that. I mean, I've seen some shit but I didn't really want to think about the implications there. But if she's even younger than that…

"Best advice?" He pat me on the shoulder. "Scour wherever these guys came from for eggs, just in case. And maybe pick up a book or two on caring for reptiles."


"That's robbery," I said. I crossed out the number on the page and wrote another, substantially lower one.

Si, the snakegirl, looked at it and recoiled, hissing acidly at me. I think, at least. Snake sounds are all kind of the same.

She grabbed the quill from me, and quickly rewrote my figure with two extra digits.

"You're out of your mind!" I yelled, and slapped the table.

Si rose to her feet, jabbing at the figure before underscoring it.

"Are you two still arguing?" Aelia asked, using a…garden spade to eat pork fried rice from the wok in her hand. She laughed, covering her mouth with one hand. "I've never seen anyone haggle over numbers like you two."

The snakegirl watched Aelia warily as my largest squadmate wandered over and took two seats at the table.

"We'd be done already if she wasn't trying to rob me blind at every opportunity."

"I can't believe you're even going through with this insane plan." She paused, leaning closer to peer at my face. "You know it's insane, right? To go with a Remus plan?"

I grumbled under my breath, and focused my attention back on the sheet we were quickly filling up.

Finding out how young the snakes were was a surprise. My gob got smacked. I just went out there to put down some weird forest monster, and instead came back with a medium-sized flock - a pride? an infestation? - of snakechildren and their acerbic sister-guardian.

I was happy to hand the whole thing off to Remus and the Legion, but.


Animalpeople were…kinda spicy, as a topic. Outside of the clan, they were often kept as slaves or used as fodder in war, but our concerns were a little more practical. Generally, we were more open to people like them in our lands. Heck, there was a pretty sizable cut of land that was dedicated to some goats to the South. But for whatever reason, the Golden Heartlands would occasionally play host to violent animalpeople outbreaks in empty patches of desert.

This should be obvious, but the Organ Meat Desert is fucking big. By the time they stumbled onto a village and word got back to us, we were way behind catching them. And unlike stupid, flesh-hungry blood path bastards, they weren't driven by a need for flesh or anything like that and would keep making stupid decisions.

Sometimes, a village just got flattened by some ornery dromedary-men then they vanished into the sands to…I dunno, chew on shrubs for the next two hundred years.

That meant contact with animalpeople swung hugely based on the first meeting, and since I had one of them spit poison at me and nearly take my head off…

Basically I didn't feel right consigning a bunch of wide-eyed kids to death, scales or not. Which led to my current situation: arguing over hourly stavraton for my first underling. It was a first for me, since I was used to being on the other side of the table trying to swindle a beter rate, but it made her trying to rob me blind warm my heart even as it pissed me right the fuck off.

Her goddamn name didn't help. After a couple of days, Aelia had shown up from clearing out a bunch of Plague-Spitting Rat-Bats in a nearby town, heard our story and went "So, what's her name?" So we asked her.

And she wrote some shit down, that made Remus and Junius double over laughing, while Aelia and Chun Bo smirked. Then they explained it to me. Her name was Sī. Her name was Hiss.

"Hiss!" she spat at me.

"No, you don't understand!" I slapped the table twice. "I could just go get like nineteen random punks from a shitty bar at that price! Why would I even need you anymore?!"

She hissed something back at me.

"Y'know, she still doesn't understand you," Aelia said around a mouthful of rice.

"It's the fuckin' principle," I said, slapping the paper twice with my most recent offer.

Aelia rolled her eyes and took the paper from me, writing something down in probably the nicest-looking set of weird lines I've seen so far. The snakegirl narrowed her eyes and snatched the brush, and the two of them broke into some kind of silent line contest.

Until, "Alright, she agrees." Aelia smiled and, amazingly, the snakegirl smiled back at her.

"What, just like that?" I asked.

"I talked her around," the giant redhead shrugged, returning to shovelling food into her mouth. "Also, now you owe me two massages."

I snorted, and gave her a thumbs up.

"How the hells is this plan supposed to work, anyway?" she asked. "She can't join the Legions, and even getting her into the auxiliaries is gonna be a huge pain in the ass."


"Alright, we're headed to the Stork lands. We're reinforcing the forward lines ahead of some bigger action, but we'll be making a stop-off along the way." Remus tossed a map to Aelia, who unrolled it for us to see the route. "We'll be headed to Downcrest City. There's rumblings of blood path activity, and the Storks are already being tapped." He pointed at Junius, but I missed whatever he said next as Jieyue tugged at my sleeve.

"Janus," she whispered. "Janus."

I glanced down at her, then back at Remus. "Sup?"

"I don't think anybody else has noticed," she said, glancing behind me. "But there's some kind…of snake woman haunting you."

"Oh, yeah, no," I said. "She's with me."

"What? What do you mean? Who is she?" she looked up at me in confusion.

I shrugged. "She's my spirit beast."


I'd like a Life-Saving Treasure for this turn, please. Took forever to get back to writing Janus. I had 2.5 omake that I never posted, but coming back to them, I didn't really like them so they got blown up for parts.
Janus 7 - Dusty Foot Legionnaires
Dusty Foot Legionnaires
Shen Kingdom, Year 222

I focused on my breathing.

Everything hurt. I was used to pain. Cultivating was pain. This? This was not regular pain. For one, it was...kinda self-inflicted? I came by it honestly trying to learn the Ecstasy of Bronze technique, but usually I was trying to stop other people from hurting me. Cutting out the middleman here was twist.

Second, it wasn' body...exactly.

I focused on my breathing.

My meridians were overtaxed (meridians aren't really in your body, they're kind of beside it and outside. It's complicated). Sort of. They were...bridge tolled? Fuck, they just weren't doing the thing they normally do. In a mortal, what they normally do is nothing. They barely even exist. Major meridians are locked tight, minor meridians are sealed, and tributa- trido- the smallest meridians literally don't exist yet. Once you start cultivating, you open the major ones and slowly start opening the others. Apparently, as you progress, you literally create the smallest ones because your shitty once-mortal body just doesn't have enough space to move all that qi.

Part of that is because of your Dao Pillars.

So, quick point, what's a Dao Pillar? Not "the thing that holds up the Dao Bridge", by the way. I tried that one.

I focused on my breathing.

Honestly, I didn't have a good explanation. Remus went over it a few times, and I sort of understood it, but "the thing that supports your Dao" didn't feel...useful. They matter because Dao Pillars are a requirement to get to the next stage of cultivation: Foundation Building. You create most of them once you get there-

Shit, is the Foundation you're Building supported by Dao Pillars? Does your Dao go on the Foundation? Damn, I might be onto something.

I winced and rubbed my chest, my broken focus sending waves of pain throughout my body as qi whiplashed around. Now I get to start over. Yay.

"Saw something?" Aelia whispered from beside me.

The two of us were lying flat with our heads under a scratchy desert shrub, an illusion of a hump in the terrain covering the rest of our bodies. For safety, we'd actually tossed a sheet and some sand onto ourselves under the illusion, after I blew it into place with some scratchy notes on my Illusion Gudi. We were on watch duty along a relatively quiet stretch of border territory, and I was glad for the company. Wit and an appreciation for dumb and dirty jokes, plus a casual ease about her? Aelia was my favourite, especially for long haul missions like these. No contest.

"Just broke concentration," I muttered.

"At least it wasn't your sword again," she laughed.

"Don't remind me. I'm so far over my requisitions, I've been burning contribution points for the last four missions just to get replacements."

"I don't know how you keep losing all your shit," she laughed.

"It's just," I said, then shrugged. "I don't know. Sometimes I see an opening, and it means I need to lose my sword to get to it."

"You are absolutely the worst swordsman I've ever met," she said, shaking her head.

"Well see the thing is, I'm not a swordsman."

She raised her eyebrows, and held up her hand to start counting off fingers. "Well, you're also the worst spearman, axeman, saber-wielder, and staff-user," she said.

I grunted. "At least you aren't shitting on my archery."

"I don't consider what you do with a bow to be archery." I gave her the stinkeye, and she laughed it up.

"You're lucky you don't use a weapon for me to shittalk," I said.

"That's not luck, it's intentional," she said, holding out an arm for a second to make a fist. "Only way for someone to disarm me is to disarm me. And that's easier said than done."

"Mm," I said, giving her arm a glance, the memory of her tattoos overlaid on the surface. Maybe she had a point. I only stuck with the sword because Remus kept forcing weapons on me, and this was the least annoying. But...did I really need to?

"Are you still practicing?" she asked, bumping me out of my thoughts with her shoulder.

"Yeah, I still haven't mastered it," I frowned, rubbing my chest at the fading pain.

"Janus," she said, pausing. "It's been three weeks. On a technique above your cultivation."

"Didn't take me this long with Reflected Purities or Silent Steps," I said, trying not to wince at how whiny I sounded.

She shook her head. "I swear, you kids jump 9 small realms in a couple years and start thinking you can take on the world." She gave me a grin that was equally emotion and teeth, and I laughed quietly. "Don't worry about it. It's supposed to help prepare you for Foundation Building, you're not really supposed to get it before then. It's-"

"Dao stuff."

"Dao stuff," she said at the same time, nodding. "You're just copying the motions, but you won't get it until you're there."

"Like a kid in a brothel," I said.

She paused, then laughed. "Or you in a brothel."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frowned.

She reached up, patting me on the shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, Janus," she said, with exaggerated sympathy. "I know you're intimidated by the womanly form but-"

"Like hell," I said.

"One day you'll mature and-" she stifled a giggle.

"No, hold up," I said, gesturing to her.

"Come on, we both know you lean away when I get close," she said, shuffling over slightly.

"That's because you're usually doing it while standing and nearly take my head off, you titty monster," I groused.

"Uh huh. And after showers, you're pretty particular about where you're looking. Or not looking."

"Are you seriously trying to hold me not staring at you naked against me?" I said, looking over at her.

She rested her cheek on one-hand, half turning on the ground and sending her massive trail of hair scarily close to the edge of the illusion. "Well, it's not like you look at Hua or Jieyue either," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's- hold on, do you guys talk about this?"

"I'm just saying, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin," she said. "Most people are shy at first, and you'll grow out of it some day."

"Hey," I said, pointing my thumb at myself. "This guy? This guy right here? This guy fucks."

"Mhm," she said, turning back around to stare into the distance.

"I'm serious!" I said.

"Okay, sweetie," she said, extra nicely.

I stared at her, somewhere between entertained, confused, and annoyed. I huffed and turned back around with a shake of my head, breathing in deeply. "Goddamn it, you win this round."

I focused on my breathing.


The Ecstasy of Bronze was a Foundation Building level-technique. I wasn't, of course, so my training was mostly on the first level of moving bronze qi through my body at the right pace. It also required keeping a certain level of focus or, for no real reason, all the qi would just give up and wander into places it really shouldn't be.

Apparently, this was me preparing my body for holding my Dao Pillars and the breakthrough to Foundation Building. My dantian - that's the thing that holds qi - needed to expand substantially to fit a Pillar in, and apparently you shove like seven in there at some point. That sounded about as appealing to me as 'comfort duty' to a bunch of rowdy drunks, with probably about as many things trying to find a place to stick into.

I focused on my breathing.

"But isn't moving qi through your body to prepare for the next stage just regular cultivation?" you probably ask.

Yes but no, voice in my head. Normal cultivation meant moving your qi through your body in a constant stream, stretching out your meridians to let more flow at once, without pause or gaps. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but at a constant and steady pace. The Ecstasy of Bronze basically wanted the exact opposite from me. Because I couldn't keep up with the actual qi demand of the technique, even at the reduced first step, I had to fake it by using huge amounts of qi to try and maintain the right flow. That was stretching my meridians way more than normal cultivation, and it required serious focus to stop them from tearing or any other injury Jieyue always warned me about.

Basically, you know how you piss in a steady stream? Imagine if you knew you were going to a huge party in a week and were going to drink a few barrels of rum, so you started practicing how to piss all of it out in one burst. Then at the party, you could just piss more at a faster speed to keep up the drinking.

That was basically what I was doing. Pissing Qi. Just so I could piss more qi down my meridians later.

It hurt like a son of a bitch, and I was mostly taking it on faith that the technique would be worth it. It sounded decent enough, at least. See, the Ecstasy of Bronze-

Something damp and warm hit me in the face, breaking my concentration and nearly sending qi rampaging through my legs. I grit my teeth as I broke the qi up into smaller flows, the ball of energy diffusing down countless smaller meridians instead of pulverizing my muscles. Again.

"It's your turn to go first," Aelia said.

I reached up, pulling the washcloth from my face, giving the bathing artifact a look of disgust. There were...a lot of ways to get and stay clean, and I'd even heard of some real silkpants higher-ups who had artifact tubs they lugged around in the field. Hell, some of those tubs flew and lugged them around. But us? We were a scout squad, usually sent way out into the middle of nowhere where actual water or real soap put as at risk of being detected - by spirit beasts, by blood path, by Jingshen rats, you name it.

So we got this, the 99th Yin Spring Washcloth. An artifact older than dirt, and that seemed to be mostly dirt after how many years of its service it's seen. It was created to clean the user's body as if they'd been dipped in the spring it was named after and would absorb soaps, fragrances, and water to alter how it worked.

If you're paying attention, you'll realize that means it's impossible to wash the washcloth.

"I fucking hate bath days," I muttered, pulling my armour off.

"Everybody hates bath days," Aelia called back. I glanced up at her, catching sight of her with her tunic dropped to her waist, mid-stretch.

"Uh." ...did my heart just stop?

"Did you say something?" she asked, half-turning to look back at me.

"...I'll be behind that rock," I muttered.
Janus 8 - The Good, The Bad, and The Bronze
The Good, The Bad, and The Bronze
Shen Kingdom, Year 222

"Janus, coming your way!"

Aelia's voice boomed up the valley, trailing behind the one-armed lunatic careening my way through the air. "Yeah, I-" I switched my grip, swinging my sword up underhand to catch the Blood Path cultivator's palm on the blade. "I noticed!"

The blade barely bit into the surface of the skin, his hide almost as tough as weathered leather, but hot blood gushed out like a fresh spring. It sprayed at my eyes and I jerked to the side to avoid it.

I fucking headbutt the bastard out of the air.

"Dirty skenk!" he yelled, suddenly falling as I pulled my sword back. His one-arm swung down and sank knuckle deep into the stone. I kicked at his wrist but he was already hurling himself back up, using his arm like a catapult to sail over my head.

I was moving once I saw him begin to vault upwards but my sword was gripped the wrong way, and there was no way I could switch my hold again fast enough to stop him. This set of Blood Pathers were all body cultivators, in their own fucked up and twisted ways. We'd managed to put down the first five of them by virtue of surprise and superior cultivation, but the last two were dangerously strong on their own, strong enough that it took me and Aelia just to put the first one down.

By that time, the second one had already doubled back and eaten all the others. Now he was brushing up against Foundation Building and if we let him slip away, there was no telling how strong he'd get now that he'd made it past a Great Realm bottleneck and had time to settle his foundation.

I jumped and used my sword as a balance. The blade hit the stone with a loud crack, my legs tucking into my chest as I shifted my entire weight to the one-arm holding me up on the handle. The idiot was just sailing over me when I got into position, looking down to meet my eyes.

"Eat shit," I said, and kicked him full force with both legs into the other side of the gorge.

"Incoming!" Aelia yelled.

The lunatic hauled himself out the body-sized imprint in the stone wall, sneering at me. "Foolish Devil," he chortled. "I am already beyond your meagre attempts-"

The wall exploded into dust as the spirit-steel door to their hideout crashed into him. I coughed at the billowing dust cloud, fanning it away from my face.

"Did I get him?" Aelia yelled again.

Furious red qi burst out of the stone, blowing the dust cloud away with its fervor. "Foolish Devil!" he crowed, hauling himself out the stone. "I am already beyond your meagre attempts to subdue!"

I tossed my sword up and caught it in a orthodox grip. "Nope," I yelled down.

"Shit. Hang on, there's gotta be another door."

I adjusted my stance on the outcropping of rock I'd repositioned to, overlooking the valley a mile below and the entrance to their filthy cannibal den in the valley wall. It was four li wide at its widest point, but they'd used the narrowing - only a single li across - to sneak their hideout into the shadow of the opposite side of the gorge. Outside of a few hours of the day, the place was completely invisible until you were right on top of it.

It was actually kind of clever, for maneaters.

The lunatic dug his fingers into the door that had bent around his body and peeled it away, hurling it down into the bottom of the valley. Red light shone from inside his chest and his stomach, surging energy out to his limbs. I frowned.

"Admiring my physique, Devil?" he straightened, cracking the stone around him into shape as he just stood inside the valley wall. "Not many are as talented as I at cultivating the Second Heart Inculcation. I stand before you now at the pinnacle of my art, on the verge of manifesting a third heart." He licked his lips. "I shall sate myself on yours to complete my breakthrough."

"Don't make this weird, man," I said, raising my sword. "You try to kill me, I try to kill you, and we leave it at that." My breathing was steady and unhurried, the skin across my body uniformly bronze as Reflected Purities and the Blood of Bronze worked its magic. I could hit harder, jump higher, and probably get run over by a herd of spirit oxen without noticing it but...

It wasn't enough.

The lunatic launched himself across the gorge at me, and I swung hard at his torso. The blade cut through his shoulder with a sound like eggs shattering, then stuck fast in his chest. I didn't have time for anything else before he crashed into me, hand coming up to claw at my eyes while I desperately fought to keep him from tripping me with his legs.

"Do you see now, Devil?" he laughed. "The perfection of my form? With but one hand, I can drive a paltry warrior like you to the brink. With two, I could grasp the entire world."

I blocked his slashes and swipes with one hand, keeping the other firmly on the sword in his chest. His eyes glowed red at me, but he kept his head moving constantly, too hard a target to hit when I got the opportunity to strike back. We were locked together, but I wanted the sword more than I was afraid of him, and he hadn't shown anything that could really pose a threat-

The ground exploded around me as I found myself sliding sideways, ankle deep in the stone several feet from where I was standing. The lunatic was already sailing towards me again, tongue hanging out in glee with my sword still buried in his chest. How the fuck-? No, no time.

I couldn't drop Purities to use an escape technique, so I threw my hands up across my face to block-

A spirit-steel door collided with the bastard and pinned him to the wall, Aelia hurtling into sight on the edge of the outcrop a few seconds later. "Told you there was another one."

"Took you long enough," I said, dragging my feet out of the stone to stand on solid ground.

"Sorry," she said, actually apologetic. "I saw this guy's trick and went back to pulp the other ones; make sure they stay down."

"Good thinking," I said, looking over at the lunatic as he threw the second door into the valley and began pulsing with veins of crimson light centred on his stomach. "Also, got any ideas? I don't think I can put this guy down fast, and he just pulled some shit on me that I didn't even notice."

"Kickball special?" Aelia suggested, putting her guard up as the lunatic eyed us warily. "If you can cover me, it might be enough."

"What, you can hit up three small realms now?" I asked, cracking my knuckles.

"Can't you hit down one?" I could hear the laughter in her voice, and the tension underneath it. Aelia was a lot of things, but suicidal was not one of them. Going up against a Blood Path cultivator in the Ninth Heavenstage, and a few foul meals from crossing into another great realm? This is the exact kind of scenario Aelia would slip out of, and track the target instead, if she was on her own.

Unfortunately, I didn't have her skill with escaping, stealth, or tracking but I severely outpaced her when it came to fighting. And with my superior cultivation, it meant her only viable option was to stick around and fight by my side.

"Aelia," I said, taking a step forward. "I'll-"

"If you finish that sentence, junior, by Old Gold, I swear I'll give you a taste of my shoe," she said angrily.

I stopped, eyes trained on the pather, but I turned my head slightly. "You know, I think in legends, this is where you'd swoon over how heroic I'm being."

She snorted. "Yeah, maybe if I was Jieyue," she said. "You'll need to put on your big boy pants if you want to charm me."

I chuckled, watching the pather watch us, the damned lunatic slowly standing straighter as he rebuilt his body from the damage we'd managed to make stick. We weren't just standing here shooting the shit so he could regenerate out of the goodness of our hearts; but our plan required some prep time on Aelia's part.

The speed falloff from the Blood of Bronze is overblown, exaggerrated, and also completely fuckin' true. The raw strength increase most Golden Devils get means that in the right situations, the speed difference compared to a non-clan cultivator doesn't exist. But as your cultivation improves and your Blood refines itself, you get heavier faster than other cultivators speed up and you start running real risks of getting strung out like a kite in every fight.

In effect, it meant there were a couple fake-bottlenecks for Devils to cross whenever those differences got the most extreme, points in your cultivation where you needed to solve the speed problem or you'd probably get stabbed in the gut by some guy yelling about honour or something. At that point, you needed something...special to make up the difference. A trick, a technique, or raw talent. For me, I liked to use Silent Steps Resounding - a utility technique originally invented to quiet heavy metal footsteps by flooding the ground with bronze qi and softening footsteps - in ways that it wasn't really made for.

For Aelia, well, she was a little

The ground shook as Aelia stomped past me, skin flushed red and swirling with patterns across her body. I could see them thickening from her feet upwards, the soles already blackened from how concentrated her art was.

I took off after her, hardly two steps behind.

"Foolish Devils!" the lunatic suddenly cackled, grabbing my sword in his chest. "Absolute buffons! You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders! You've given me time to recover, and gather my strength!" He wiggled the sword forward, loosing a few drops of blood from the massive wound before giving up on the job. "Come then, I'll rend you both limb from limb and sup on you before you succumb."

I ignored him, my eyes trained on Aelia for the signal. For as often as she complained about the rest of us coming up with insane plans, this one required close timing from both of us, and if I missed it-

"Reach!" she said, hopping into the air, bringing her legs up like a horse about to kick me.

I kicked off the ground, my metal toes digging trenches in the stone as I leapt, and dropkicked the shit out of her feet.

She shot forward like an arrow from a bow, the skin up to her thighs shifting colour to black as she absorbed the hit, the colour changing back to a fleshy whiteness as the markings rapidly climbed up her body and onto her fist. By the time I hit the ground, she'd already reached the lunatic, and her fist punched through him to crack the ground like thunder through the Heavens.

The kick threw me back near a dozen feet towards the edge of the overhang. I twisted in the air, throwing my shoulder into the ground to change my flight into a violent flip. I didn't even let it register, the mild sting from the impact not even damaging my outer bronze, and charged towards the two of them. After finally getting past her bottleneck to the Sixth Heavenstage, Aelia had advanced in her art and she could power-up any attack she could survive taking. Coming from me in the Tenth, that meant she had a decent shot at putting down the lunatic but-

I slowed to a jog, as I saw the massive woman standing with her fist through the left half of the pather's torso. A splatter of dark blood stained the wall of the valley behind him, a scattered mess of bone and flesh across it. The stench of…blood qi burned my nose, and the pile of flesh throbbed at a slow pace.

"Aaah, you bitch!" he screamed. "Fuck your mother! Fuck you! My heart! You punched out my heart!"

"No, think I missed," Aelia said, straining. I could see her trying to pull her arm back out. "Best two out of three?"

I approached slowly, circling around the pair as the lunatic struggled.

…oh, there's my sword. Aelia broke it with her punch, that's…that's great.

"Stupid cow," the lunatic spat. "You think I'll give you a second chance? You will never defeat-"

In the middle of his sentence, I saw the technique. The skin of his arm...flaying off to reveal the limb inside, hiding in the shadow of its skin-puppet like a cicada and its shell. Dense blood-qi pulsed inside it, as it angled for a blow.

Shit, from there, Aelia wouldn't be able to see it. That was a full-strike attack from someone that far outweighed her, and he even rang my bell with it. My legs were tensing, bronze qi surging down to my toes, but it wouldn't be enough. They were over a dozen steps away, the stone was too soft for me to run at full speed, and I couldn't drop Purities fast enough to use Silent Steps and make up the difference. But I had to save Aelia. So I did the only thing I could do.

I focused on my breathing.

Qi surged into the ground to reinforce my steps and power surged into my limbs, as I raced across the battle in the blink of an eye.


"Janus?! How did you get here? Whoa!"

"What Devilry-?! Ugh!"

My right hand intercepted his strike as I stood between them, catching his hidden blow even as my left landed three in his stomach that bent him at the waist. My fourth strike blazed with qi and menace as I struck, throwing the blow I knew would end the fight, and the crimson light in his stomach blew out to join the mess on the wall.

My qi ran rampant as I lost control, and I dropped to my knee, the bronze on my skin peeling and flaking away in painful patches as my techniques all broke at once. "Nngh, fuck," I groaned.

"Janus," Aelia panted, after a second. "What was that?"

"Ecstasy of Bronze," I said, chuckling after a moment. "What a ride. I don't even know what I just did. Or…I know, but…how the hell did I do it?"

I pushed myself back to my feet and shoved the Blood Path cultivator's corpse off me, taking a moment to stomp his head into paste.

"Good job taking out his heart," I said, turning to look back at Aelia. She gave me a grin and winced, one hand held against a bloody spot on the side of her tunic. I swore.

"Any chance that offer of swooning's still open?" she asked.

I started to respond, but her eyes drifted shut as she pitched forward, and I had to ignore the metallic grinding and surge of pain from inside my arms as I caught her and hoisted her into my arms.

I tilted my head back, looking at the several hundred foot climb up the valley to our supply camp, and ignored the sudden churn in the pit of my stomach. "'I should stay with the Legions'," I complained to myself. "'The people are great, and the job isn't even that hard!' Fucking dumb-ass scout postings."

From the lack of a twinge from my shoulder, even the seal knew my heart wasn't in it.


"You're fortunate, young cultivator," the Medico said, with a shake of her head. "Reaching beyond your grasp is a road fraught with perils and dangers. I've seen other men crippled for the rigours you've put your body through."

"I am pretty incredible," I said, flexing and stretching my hands. I could feel the remnants of the technique burnt into my arms, the bronzed muscles beneath mostly mortal skin. My elbow burned with every twitch of my fingers. "So, how long until I recover?"

"You-you haven't listened to a word I've said, have you?" the Medico frowned.

"Of course I did," I scoffed. "Why, was it important?"

The woman rubbed her forehead, stretching and flattening the wrinkles. She was surprisingly old-looking for a cultivator, like some of the oldest mortals I'd ever seen. Wrinkled, lined, and saggy dark skin, but with a constant metallic shine to it that betrayed her as one of us. "Look," she said, then started over. "You're not hurt. You will never recover."

"What?" I sat up straight on the stool.

"The techniques you're using," she said, pausing. "The Reflected Purities and Ecstasy of Bronze techniques are part of an antediluvian legacy. The tale goes that an old immortal found a child within a golden apple, and brought them home to their husband. They-" She looked at my face, and huffed. "In short, they infused the child with their blood but it was insufficient for them to truly utilize clan techniques. The immortals crafted a line of techniques to refine and concentrate the essence of the Blood, until it stripped away the mortal and non-Bronze impurities. Do you understand?"

"Sure, but what's that got to do with me?"

She placed her hands on her knees and leaned forward, gritting her teeth. "It refines. Thin. Blood. You? Your affinity for the Blood of Bronze was already significant." She reached up and brushed her hand on the front of my - admittedly shiny - hair. I swiped at her, grimacing as my entire arm lit up with pain. "You've taken a method for polishing a stone and applied it to gold."

I leaned back. "Look, I don't have anything against older women but-"

She reached over and grabbed my nose, twisting it.

"Ow, fuck, ow, okay, not flirting."

"Youngster. I will say this as simply as I can. You will not heal because your body is not injured. Bronze flesh is the next stage of your natural growth, to be achieved once your cultivation had progressed enough to sustain it. You have leapt beyond your station, forcing your body too far beyond its limits, and now you suffer from the strain." She let go of my nose, and I rubbed it gently to get the blood flowing again. "Your only solution is to become strong. Cultivate until you match the level your body has begun to brush up against, and reaffirm your foundation."

"Oh," I said, looking at my hands and flexing my fingers again. "Well, why didn't you just say that?" The Medico gave me a final look, before rising from her own stool to cross the cramped tent.

It had taken us 4 days to cross the desert to civilization, or something like it. On the second day, I'd gotten close enough to the rest of the squad for Remus' voice to ring through my earrings. With directions from the rest of the squad, we made good time from the outer edge of the scouting perimeter back towards the roaming tent town of…whatever legion this was.

Or, I made good time. Aelia was unconscious the whole way, pulsing red light and infrequent gushes of blood from the hole in her stomach. Fortunately, the war effort meant that a good number of Legions had moved up into vassal lands to assail the Jingshen so medical help wasn't long in coming.

I've never...seen someone get treated before. I've been shipped off to all manner of back-alley quacks, qi specialists, crook-eyed alchemists, and even a handful of genuine Legion medicos - but generally, it was me getting patched up. Watching Aelia's face as they cut out the fucked up blood poison that was turning her into meat soup from the inside out, before it took something too important for her to recover from?

I'd rather be the one on the table.

And now on top of that, I'd managed to push myself so hard I'd almost wrecked myself taking down a single Blood Path cultivator of a lower cultivation level. Sure, I'd finally managed the damn Ecstasy, and in a real fight, but I didn't even save my one giant friend. How long would it take either of us to recover? Was it even worth it?

"Nngh, what the hell hit me," Aelia groaned.

I was up and across the tent before I realized, getting an annoyed look and forceful elbow from the Medico as she rubbed an incredibly foul blue ointment around the edges of the wound.

I took a half-step back. "Aelia? Still alive?"

"Think so," she groaned, lifting her head off the bed. "Why do you sound like someone killed your puppy?"

"Been drinking," I lied. "You had the medicos worried, for a second there."

"Yeah?" she asked, lying back down.

"They weren't sure they had a bed your size."

She lay there with her eyes closed for a second, then laughed once. "Yeah."

I started to say something and swallowed it. I dropped down into a squat, silent for a few moments, unsure of what to say. I didn't want to have to bury her. It made me real happy she was still alive. I wanted to spend more time with her.

But what came out was, "Aelia, marry me?"

I ignored the sudden urge to strangle myself, watching Aelia frown. "Uh huh. Yeah, okay." My heart jumped. Then, "Remus is coming. Has new orders. Did you say something?"

"Uh, no," I said quickly, glaring at the Medico as she covered up a laugh.

"Oh," Aelia shifted in place, wincing and holding her stomach. The Medico gently pushed her hand away and unrolled a wad of bandages. "Thought you- nevermind."

I looked at her lying in place, figuring out what I was even trying to say.

"Hiss," a voice said from behind me, a hand tapping me on the cheek.

I flinched, pain spreading up my arm, as I reflexively grabbed Si's wrist and gently let it go.

"Hiss," she said, annoyed.

"Yeah, well don't sneak up on me," I said, looking at her. "You've gotten better. Almost good enough to not get us killed by a Jingshen dog or some bloodhungry Blood Pather."

Si smiled-.

"Almost," I said, pointing over my shoulder at her. "Keep practicing. You still haven't mastered the Walk Without Rhythm, and you can't cross the deep desert like that."

Si snarled at me, crossing her arms, and sending the maroon peplos she'd found somewhere fluttering.

"Do you like the clothes, Janus?" Remus asked, walking into the tent on light, bouncing steps. "You should. You paid for it."

"I did what-?" I spat.

"Aelia," Remus looked down at her. "Officially, you're suspended from active duty until you recover. Get some rest." One hand rose and gave a thumbs-up, before Remus continued. "Unofficially? The war is starting, and we're moving fast. We can't spare you two from the effort, so you'll be on logistics."

"What does that mean? I don't know shit about cooking," I frowned.

"Quite," Remus said, pausing. "Lost your sword again, I see."

"Hey, this time it wasn't my fault. Aelia broke it."

"Mhm," he said, flicking his wrist and tossing a sword at me. I spun around on my heels, catching the bronze-gilded handle with one hand, feeling the heavier weight of the blade in my grip. A full Spatha instead of my typical Gladius, weightier and better suited for cleaving and hacking than simple slashes or cuts. A scroll dangled from the end by a thin red rope.

"What's this?" I asked, pulling it loose.

"Your new orders," Remus replied.

I unrolled it as I stared at him, turning it around to face him. "Yes, and?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, smiling at me. I gave him a flat look, the two of us staring at each other as time dragged on. Si hissed something and I opened my mouth to speak, when he cut me off. "You'll be guarding our supply lines into and out of Jingshen territories. I imagine you'll need some time to reflect and recover from your injuries."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you know I'm injured?"

"I expected you to be," Remus said, walking over and patting my shoulder as he went by. "You are, not to withhold praise, quite talented at manipulating Bronze qi and applying mortal modes of thought to battle."

"But?" I asked, frowning.

Remus paused, raising an eyebrow while keeping his gaze- his eyes- his…blindfold pointed at Aelia's wound. "There is no exception, Janus. Talent does not always lead one to solid ground. Sometimes, it drags you out to the most treacherous of shifting sands and you must fight to survive."

I rolled the scroll back up in my hand, tucking it into a pocket on my trousers and hanging the sword from my belt. I wasn't certain, but it...sounded like Remus was...saying he expected me to over-refine my Blood? He suggested the damn techniques to me, did he set me up to-?

"Don't overthink it, junior," Remus said quietly. My earrings rang quietly like chimes, his voice emanating from them. "And good work in returning Aelia to us. Thank you."

I huffed, running a hand through my hair. I turned to leave-

The Medico cleared her throat, looking at me, then at Aelia expectantly.

I paused, looking at her, then looked back at my squadmate. "Hey, Aelia," I said. "This is me charming you."

There was a moment of silence in the tent, before Aelia gave another silent thumbs-up and the Medico laughed at the look of confusion on my squad leader's face.


The quest to catch up to Current Turn continues. I think I'm about done with the stuff that was supposed to drop turn 12, which means the next stuff I had planned and effectively the first...arc? for Janus.
Janus 9 -Jade Slip Recordings, Pt. 2
Jade Slip Recordings, Pt. 2

Will detected. Calibrating for user's cultivation base. For Nascent Soul users, you may skip this step by inserting a sliver of your Will now.

No conscious Will detected. Please wait…

User detected as Qi Condensation: TENTH Heavenstage. Reproducing sensory illusion detail at full plus one twentieth accuracy. Please wait…

Recordings found.

To skip to the next recording, the user may circulate qi in a half cycle beginning from their lower dantian. To return to the prior recording, the user may circulate qi in a half cycle ending in their lower dantian. Due to the user's low cultivation base, further navigation options are restricted. If this is unsatisfactory, you may interrupt this process at any time by inserting a sliver of your Will.

Due to the user's low cultivation base, accurate environmental data cannot be gathered for reconstruction. Illusory environments will be synthesized to best fit associated recordings.

User has selected FIRST recording, label:
ECSTASY OF BRONZE W/ REMUS. If this is incorrect, you may select the desired recording by inserting a sliver of your Will now.

Recording selected.

Identity context found. Dao emanations found. Due to the user's low cultivation base, accurate Dao emanations cannot be replicated in this recording. Approximate sensory influences will be synthesized to best-fit the recording.

Beginning playback.


You hold this artifact in your palm as you sit on a rock on the fringes of Blue Steel Town, gazing at the blindfolded man. He paces gently across the desert in the early evening light, explaining the intricacies of a technique, but the remnants of a debilitating intoxicant and a paucity of interest mean most of it flies over your head.

"Now, then," Remus says, spreading his arms wide. "How about a demonstration?"

"Please," you say. "I'm so bored. So very, very bored."

His arms spread a little wider and your not-smell sense of qi detects the sweet-yet-acrid scent of Bronze qi. You wait for something to happen, and Remus lowers his hands. "What do you think?" he asks.

"Wait, did you already do it?" you say, voicing confusion. "Nothing happened."

Remus smiles, and taps his forehead. "Incorrect, Janus," he says. "You continue to rely too much on your sense of the external. The relative newness of your senses is no excuse not to rely on them. Come. Feel."

For a moment, you aren't sure what he means, then Remus ceases to hold back his cultivation. You are momentarily left stunned as the full weight of a Foundation Establishment cultivator appears in your senses, the tension-tactile feeling of qi in the air as it all seems to be pulled taut towards him.

You feel the qi reaching for you, a hand in the dark, and you reach out to it with your own qi. The Hoplite Formation forms around the two of you and you stand to match his stance without thinking about it. You look at your hand as Remus holds his own before his blindfold.

"This is," you say, "Different."

"Yes," Remus says. "From the outside, there is little to be noticed for it is not an external technique. In truth, it is closer to self-hypnosis than something like Reflected Purities."

"What does that mean?" you ask, looking up at him.

"Reflected Purities does not preclude other techniques because of its...complexity," he says, voice falling into a gentle lecturing tone. "Indeed, it is rather simple. Its limitation is one of the Blood." He holds his hand up, cupping it into a loose fist. "Imagine a cultivator as a well. The water that can be drawn from it at once is limited by the buckets attached to it, or the Blood of Bronze in this case." He sticks one finger into his cupped hand. "Reflected Purities uses it all. There is no more room for water to be drawn."

You cover your mouth with one hand, and raise an eyebrow.

"However, this is a false problem. It is not limited by the size of the well, but by our own failures. Were you to move the bucket to the side of the well," he shifted his finger over to slide a second in up the knuckle. "You would find that a second could fit without issue. In a cultivator, this is akin to reducing unnecessary qi usage in the body. Lesser tasks, born from impurities or particular physiques, are starved of qi that the Blood may drink deeply from the well. Without those as distractions, you become more capable of executing complex and layered manipulations of Bronze qi, utilizing multiple techniques in sequence to great effect."

You fail to hold back a laugh, and Remus lets his hand fall. "Alright, I get it," you say. "But did you have to start fingering your own hand for that explanation?"

Remus shrugs and releases the technique then the formation, a slow smile spreading across his face. "The Ecstasy of Bronze causes a slightly altered mentality, below Core Formation. Your emotions are...muted, to allow you to make more rapid decisions without qi fluctuations. Generally, you fixate on whatever your goal was when you activated it."

"And what the hell were you thinking about that led you to that?"

Remus grins at you. "Explaining it in a way you'd remember."

You open your mouth to respond, then just grin ruefully. "Alright, you got me there."

Recording complete.

Seeking to next recording. Please wait…

Recording selected.

Beginning playback.

You focus on your breathing.

The stone beneath your toes begins to crack, but bronze qi pulses out a moment later, a tight circle the size of a dinner plate suddenly affirming the ground beneath your feet. You push off and the qi responds with a springy pulse that propels you forward, your stride morphing into a bounding run. Your eyes begin to dry from the air whipping past them, so you begin to blink now. Soon, there will be no time.

Your first step completes and your second leg touches the ground, qi pulsing out again to aid your sprint and hurl your forward. The world darkens between closing lids as you watch the red arm begin to whip around, punching towards Aelia's stomach. You will be too slow to reach in time.

You look inside yourself, feeling the potential in your own body. The empty gaps where weak flesh lay but mighty bronze could fill. Your meridians are broad and healthy, stretched broad in preparation for a technique yet beyond your ken, and a deep well of qi pulses within your lower dantian. You drink deeply from the well, sending the qi beneath your skin and into your muscles.


Your third step does not occur. You no longer need it.

You kick off the ground and cross the space in a single stroke, like a desert storm. You landed between the two and let the ground simply shatter from the force. Light returns to the world as you finish blinking, and instead focus qi into your arms. The right lances out, catching his bloody limb before it could complete its strike.

"Janus?! How did-" Aelia begins to ask.

"What Devilry-?!" The Blood Path cultivator is confused, a moment of hesitation for your strike.

Your left hand curls into a fist, and you can hear the creak as newly bronzed muscles flex. Your punch thunders out, hitting the Blood Path cultivator in the stomach. He curls like a shrimp, but he still lives. You strike again, then a third time.

"-you get-"


It is too shallow. His skin is too thick from Blood Path techniques. Your arm strains as the flesh threatens to collapse. There are no mortal impurities left in my body, but your qi is unpolished bronze. You reached beyond your grasp, knowingly, for this brief moment of power. It would be wise of you to let go, release yourself from the Ecstasy and step away.

But you have to save Aelia.

You focus on your breathing.

You reached for the well of qi and drank deeply, calling it all to command and molding it in a way you have never practiced before, not in this fashion. Before you had employed Silent Steps to firm the ground beneath my feet, you now instead use it to grasp the air around your fist. Your fourth strike was on the way, even as you attempt to complete the technique, your qi racing to keep up before all of your techniques abandoned you at once.

The air around my knuckles you hold fast, a weapon to firm my blow. The air before your fist, you make gentle like a night breeze, parting like a whisper. The air to the sides ran along with it, like paired horses, pushing the load of my blow ever faster.

Your punch blows through the glowing light in the Blood Path cultivator's stomach with an explosion of red steam, the lunatic's body posing as much of an obstacle as silken tofu.

He hangs limply against you, the life already gone, held in place more by Aelia and your fists than any structure left to his destroyed torso.

"-here? Whoa!"

"Nngh, fuck," you groan, as your qi suddenly runs rampant through your body, ravaging it and loosing all your techniques at once.

Recording complete.

No further recordings detected in this storage artifact.

End sequence command detected.

Shutting down.
Janus 10 - A Tale of Two Realms
A Tale of Two Realms​

Imagine someone with more wealth than sense invited you, all your friends, the punks down the road you've been scuffling with for the last year, and then everybody else with two legs and half a titty to come inside their hidden vault and raid it for everything they can carry. No takebacks, no tricks, just gotta watch out for the occasional deadly guard and (of course) the other guys looking to make it rich.

That's pretty much what the Yuan Array is.

It was just a guess, but I was pretty sure the bastards who run the place were just letting us in to avoid anybody just breaking in and taking the whole thing all at once. The Legions, or I guess the Golden Devil Clan, got some number of tickets every time the place opened up so the best and brightest could run in, risk getting knifed in the back by some shitty cultivator from the other side of the mountains, and maybe get out wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

And of course, I got in too. Not from anything I did, honestly, I didn't even know the place fuckin' existed. I was too busy chasing down bloody maneaters, fighting wacky self-cultivating beasts, and getting my ass beat in spars by my squadmates. Then one day, Remus - the captain - wanders up and hands me a weird-ass token and a map, then just waves goodbye whenever I try to ask him what it's for.

Anyway, after talking to Chun Bo (the Stork guy) and Aelia (the giant woman), I finally found out which way was up and made my way over. But, uh, I'm not gonna risk getting stabbed for some dusty three-generations old scallions. No, that was for the punks too dumb to figure out where they were on the food chain.

See, I've got a pretty solid idea about how money moves from street-level punks like I was to upper-level punks. Like fences, information brokers, and smugglers, all the way up to the guy at the top who basically owned both the thieves and the warehouse they were stealing from. I'm not gonna get into it now, but I wasn't here to be a thief. No, I was aiming to buy a warehouse. And step one was cold-cocking some punk-ass JIngshen crowing to himself about the fourteen-era capsicum or whatever the fuck he'd gotten for himself.

Yoink'd. Also, they tasted like shit.

Of course, turns out they were also full of qi and I started leaking it everywhere. Ended up with some scary-ass beast busting its way through the tree line, and I came face to face with a superpowered...little rat thing just eating all the fucking shrubbery. Almost fucking shit myself raw when it ran over and climbed my leg, but it just got onto my shoulder, smelled me and...sat there. Hopefully without a taste for fresh Legionnaire meat. I was still on the verge of pissing myself, but I'm not one to let a good opportunity go to waste.

After a few stolen outfits, some put together face paint, and very carefully managed lighting, I managed to trick some other idiots into thinking I was a big deal by hiding behind the Senior Rat Thing's cultivation, and got them to leave their treasure behind. They were just some lotus petals but the Senior Rat Thing seemed pretty excited about them for a while. I guess they weren't up to its standards since it sniffed them and stopped caring, but hey, if other people think it's valuable.

They tasted like shit too.

Then I started getting bored, so I cornered some kid walking around with a huge iron hammer with the ol' "your money or your life" routine. Girl looked like she was about to faint and, uh, that can really lead to some bad shit happening to your reputation so I just took a random piece of carved bone she had and beat it the fuck out of there before somebody started accusing me of threatening her virtue.

But hey, it turned out that was some kind of...weird...flute kinda thing which could make fake images of things. Thanks to those dusty-ass plants inflating the hell out of my cultivation, I'd gotten to the point where almost nobody was willing to look at me twice. I spent the rest of the time messing with everybody I ran into until they started catching on to what I'd done. Then I led them into each other with some...choice misdirection (and my new illusion flute), and had a pretty fun time. Even snagged some kind of weird party favour from the Jingshen guy again in the mess (a firework that runs on spirit stones? wasteful, but okay) but a pretty fun time. I was looking forward to doing this again.


Fuck secret realms. Absolutely the worst fucking thing I've ever gotten myself into, and I've been through some shit as my screaming partly metal arms would attest to. Shit, you beat up a half-dozen punk bitches with your superior cultivation and suddenly you have three bigger fish showing up at your door, asking why your shoes look so much like their favourite junior's.

"That's right, worm," the blue robed woman sneered, walking in front of me just to look down over her massive nose. "Crawl. Crawl on the ground, beg for your life. Beg for my forgiveness."

What, like I was going to just roll over and wait for them to kill me? Did she think she was insulting my honor? Shit, I had no problem begging either if I thought it'd work. These people, I swear.

"Mei Weng," the one man in the group said, in a way that I hoped meant he was stopping her.

"You know how she gets, Dahui," the other woman sighed. "This Devil troubled her junior martial brother, and you know she's had her eye on him since they were children. He just troubled her bottom line."

"That- that is a falsehood!" Mei Weng shrieked, flushing red and pointing at the woman. "What Wang Jing and I have is a normal childhood friendship, not your- your...lascivious imaginings!"

Quietly, I continued making my escape.

"Mhm," the other woman replied. "And whose face is embroidered on your small clothes? Perhaps I should ask him?"

Mei Weng froze, and stuttered a response, when Dahui interrupted them both. "I just think this is unnecessary," he sighed. "Either we deal with him or get on with our day. We already wasted valuable minutes hunting this dog down, and this tiresome posturing is time better spent exploring the realm. Look, the devil's even getting away."

Fucking goddamn observant-

"Worm!" Mei Weng said, with sweetness and violence in her tone. Like treats she'd sharpened to stab children. "How could you?" She stomped on the back of my head, driving my face into the soil. "We weren't finished discussing your behaviour."

"Mmf mm mmrf mngh," I said.

"What?" she asked, shifting her foot to the side.

I twisted my face out of the dirt, spitting mud and grass to the side. I met her gaze, not bothering to hide my annoyance, but she just looked...unimpressed. "Look at your nose," I said.

"W-what?!" she said, trying and failing to cover it with one hand.

"Your nose long like snakeman clothes," I said.

"I'm killing him," she said, sword leaping to her hand.

The other woman choked back giggles behind one hand while the tired looking man rubbed his forehead. "Mei Weng," he said. "I don't want to be a party to this. I don't need a stupid squabble between Qi Condensation juniors to have real repercussions because you pushed hard in return. Cripple the boy, and let's move on."

"But- but he insulted me!" she said, pressing the jian against my neck.

"Mei Weng, we can all see your nose," Dahui replied tiredly.

She pointed a second sword at him, the edge gleaming with pale qi. "And what, pray tell, does that mean?"

"Aaah," he said. "Simply that his insults should not carry any weight, Eldest Shijie. It is always the nature of vermin to spit at their betters."

"Nice save," I croaked out. But while they were distracted, I crept my hand towards my waist, inching it forward painfully slow so they wouldn't notice the artifact I'd stashed.

"Silence," she said, stomping on my head again.

My head rang from the force of two kicks from a Foundation Establishment expert. So obviously, I said, "Harder, please."

"W-what?!" The tip of the sword pressed into my neck like it wasn't made of bronze.

"Mei Weng, please," Dahui groaned.

"Fine," she said.

But I'd stalled long enough to finally, finally sneak the ink-coloured boiled egg out of my sword belt and into my mouth. I swallowed the thing whole and the sudden qi fluctuation of my impending escape made all three of them look towards me, even as the life-saving treasure dyed me black and built up a massive eggshell around me.

"Ladies," I said. "Gentleman. You will always remember this as the day- ughk."

Mei Weng smiled smugly at me, and whipped both of her swords back out of my stomach, my hands suddenly the only thing keeping my sides in.

"Well," I said, blinking back the pain as the shell sealed. "You're a bitch."

Now I just needed to wait the four months for the chickens back at the Legion to brood on the giant egg I was paired with. With my stomach healing painfully slowly from the herbal medicine in the shell. In absolute darkness. With nothing to do.

...good thing I still had that gudi.
Janus 11 - Dripless Blood
Dripless Blood

It had been a banner century, Old Cannibal reflected.

At first, it had been a little close; after a good few decades pushing the Righteous Sects in along their southern borders and exploiting their inability to quash his considerably more mobile forces, the Righteous Powers managed to pull their pants up long enough to bait him into a trap and had almost killed him permanently.

Luckily for him, that cagey Devil bastard was much more capable at setting up an ambush and while they'd fancied themselves the mantis, he was both the cicada and the oriole. Sure, he'd had to wait for the Noble Devil Alliance in the North to draw more attention from Strength Purity - it wouldn't do to have the Wei Princess show up and ruin his carefully laid counter-trap with the power of extreme violence, after all. And sure, it had cost him quite a few life-saving treasures he'd been keeping in reserve to account for their more surprising tricks. And preparing an appropriate counter to their original plan had been expensive (taking almost a decade of concerted personal effort crafting an array capable of channelling the grotesque volumes of qi needed to restrain so many Nascents, even for a moment) but the reward was more than worth it.

Devouring a single Mid-Nascent Soul had been enough to push him to the Late stage, a level of power few in the entire region could stand against. Another five? His breakthrough to Spirit Severing had been euphoric.

After that, taking over the Verdant South had been as easy as turning over his hand. Even the Great Battlefield had been hardly a challenge, its name an unfortunate disappointment. He'd even gotten bored after trimming the top-level Nascents down in number, leaving it to his students to finish sorting out, and set his sights to the East.

Towards his final opponent.

The Devils had been…unusually silent ever since his ascension, with what troops they'd sent to support the Righteous Powers slowly disappearing over the years. He wasn't sure if they'd simply died off in the fighting or if they'd retreated, but they certainly hadn't been replaced. It was the kind of thing that would make him wary, if he felt there were still things to be wary of.

Not that it would do to be reckless at this stage. Even if that ripe bastard Konstantinos would have a warm time creating a plan he couldn't simply rush through like a bull thanks to his sheer power, well-aged survival instincts told him the intelligent thing was to offer up an arm before his head.

However, after he destroyed the third Devil waystation to try and draw out a response, and found it devoid of defenses, people, and wealth…well, now that was just confusing.

Old Cannibal flew to the heart of the Devil Lands, batting away the glass spears as he approached. He paused for a brief moment to spit on the towers that housed the arrays, and smiled as they collapsed in on themselves, leaving their precious 'Dawn Fortress' defenseless.

And still, no Konstantinos appeared.

He frowned and descended to ground level, looking around and finding the place as deserted as the rest of the Devil lands. The place looked fresh and clean, as if they'd vanished mere seconds before he arrived and left absolutely no trace behind. No footsteps, no traces of qi, no clothes, nothing at all. Just a massive expanse of empty land, countless li across, silent in the moonlight.

He wouldn't be upset, exactly, if the Devils had all somehow vanished - left the Region through some unknown means, perhaps. He certainly wouldn't be polite in taking everything they'd left behind, even if it was just the empty cities and fertile lands they'd built up over the years. But…it did sort of stink to be denied that one last confrontation, his moment of triumph over his old nemesis.

Old Cannibal looked over at a strange sculpture of testicles, hidden beneath a Nascent-level illusion of some nameless figure, and shattered it with a flick of his fingers. It made him feel a bit better, at least.

A grateful chuckle like creaking pipes drifted to him over his shoulder, and he spun around, staring into a darkened building. "Konstantinos," he called. There was no response. He waved a hand, destroying a quarter of the Fortress with a nameless technique. "Stop hiding, you old goat."

Again, that laugh, drifting towards him from behind.

He turned around, rendering another section of the Fortress into rubble but finding no one in the wreckage. "Come out! Face me!"

"I'm right here," Konstantinos said, whispering in his ear.

Old Cannibal turned with a yell, flying into the air and flattening the entire damnable place until it was nothing more than a gigantic dust cloud. "I hope you enjoyed that," he said, looking around for some sign of the man, for any hint of his presence. "Your little game of hide-and-seek has cost you your precious home."

"I'm not hiding," Konstantinos said, from right in front of him. "Mt. Tai is right here."

Old Cannibal snarled, clawing the sky, leaving a violent explosion of air as it surged in the wake of his blow. "I'll take this as you conceding defeat," he said, looking around at the empty air. "As the new strongest man in the Region, if you're content to avoid me forever, then this will be the final tally in our game. I win."

"Win? Strongest?" Konstantinos said, sounding amused. A…presence appeared in his senses, a density of qi shimmering into view directly ahead- but, no. That was impossible.

"Konstantinos, you bastard," Old Cannibal said, squinting into empty air at the thing he knew couldn't be there. How could the man have gotten this strong? It had taken uncanny fortune and true cunning to achieve a breakthrough to Spirit Severing, and he was outmatched? "How did you do this? What have you done?" There was no answer. "Why can't I ever beat you?"

"How could you beat me," Konstantinos asked, his voice echoing at Old Cannibal from every side. The Supreme being continued to reveal itself to him, blotting out his ability to sense anything else. "When you have no…


The final whisper echoed inside his head, and he spun around- to behold him.

Old Cannibal awoke in a cold sweat, his limbs still numb in panic and terror. He swallowed, forcing himself to climb out of the bed he'd taken for himself, staring at the bowl of Righteous gallbladders he'd taken with him for a snack before hurling them out a window. "One nap in two centuries, and it's a bad dream. Never again."


This is a shitpost I thought of while writing Janus stuff. Crackfic, ahoy.
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