Herald of Disaster
So, can we not turn off the obsession part? I mean, doesn't that only happen when we're actively using Dual Gaze Paradox?
So, can we not turn off the obsession part? I mean, doesn't that only happen when we're actively using Dual Gaze Paradox?
I'm pretty sure we can make some excuse for needing sunglasses. Maybe a fake doctor's orders to wear sunglasses so as to avoid exposing our eyes to bright light?
Sounds that that would involves making deals with some of Kimbery's 2nd Circle souls.
Pretty cool, and just the right amount of squick and sympathy to make her a real Infernal.
Interesting, though I don't really see where the nightmare fuel comes into it. And I'll second Peanuckle's comment about her MA specialty.
Part of her Urge involves eating people. I believe that that's where the nightmare fuel is intended to be.Interesting, though I don't really see where the nightmare fuel comes into it.
Well, big sis being forced to kill and eat her little brother is rather ew-inducing.
One thing I'd suggest; her Martial Arts specialty should be something like "natural weapons" rather than the charm name, since that's what the charm gives her.
Interesting, though I don't really see where the nightmare fuel comes into it. And I'll second Peanuckle's comment about her MA specialty.
Part of her Urge involves eating people. I believe that that's where the nightmare fuel is intended to be.
Well, big sis being forced to kill and eat her little brother is rather ew-inducing.
Vagina dentata, what a terrible phrase.Teeth Without Numbers. It allows you to make any part of your body into a mouth. ANY part. Read her Urge and the last part again and think about it.
Part of her Urge involves eating people. I believe that that's where the nightmare fuel is intended to be.
Well, big sis being forced to kill and eat her little brother is rather ew-inducing.
Teeth Without Numbers. It allows you to make any part of your body into a mouth. ANY part. Read her Urge and the last part again and think about it.
Nope, no nightmare fuel. It's a bit creepy, sure, but no more so than (say) a horror film about a werewolf or zombies.
A Metagaosian Infernal can do this.Nope, no nightmare fuel. It's a bit creepy, sure, but no more so than (say) a horror film about a werewolf or zombies.
I did NOT need that mental image!
Whatever nightmare fuel there might have been is entirely negated by the mouth-man's companion's complete lack of reaction. Now, it might just be cut off from the picture, but it looks like he or she is just slightly confused, and has no change in their facial expression.
Weird and a bit creepy, still not nightmare fuel.
Niiiice. 5 Xp for you. Can be more if you also include scene of Exaltation and that Abyssal's sheet (the parts you want to be made known at least).Akio, Infernal Slayer
Murakami Akio whistled happily as he walked down the dark street, hands shoved firmly into his pockets as he made his way towards his latest target: a bar that Britannian soldiers were known to frequent. Something that was actually an unusual choice for him; normally he preferred to attack groups of armed soldiers to send a stronger message, but even he had the common sense not to try that right now. His rather brutal slaughters of soldiers and Britannian-sympathisers throughout the city meant that every patrol he'd seen in the past few days had had Knightmare support. And superpowers or no, he didn't think he was ready to fight one of them and win yet.
Not that he was actually thinking about any of this at the moment, of course; right now his focus was on a far more urgent and pressing topic.
"Bronze, or brass? Maybe iron? Granite?" Akio mused to himself, idly kicking a can that was lying on the street, the clattering providing the perfect complement to the screams emerging from the alley he'd just passed. "Glass would be funny, but it wouldn't last long."
'Wait.' Akio paused midstride, then swiveled on his foot to look back the way he'd came, frowning. Screams?
Before Akio could properly comprehend what he'd just heard, a sobbing Britannian soldier burst out of the alley, running flat out towards him with his head down- and caught completely off guard by the man's sudden appearance, Akio didn't manage to get out of the way before the soldier slammed into him. Most men would have been knocked sprawling by the impact, but Akio was not most men- tall and well muscled, he merely staggered back a step before steadying himself, instinctively reaching out to grab the soldier and keep him from falling as he did.
"An Eleven- what are you- no never mind- she's not human! We need to run, to get help, anything-" The soldier babbled, latching onto Akio's arm and tugging at him desperately as he tried to begin running again. Akio, however, simply dug his heels in and refused to budge, instead regarding the soldier with an expression of mixed confusion and contemplation. After a moment the soldier stopped trying to simply pull him along and turned back to Akio with his mouth open, probably to try and persuade him to start running, but by then Akio had come to a decision.
Unfortunately for the soldier.
"Like mother always said," Akio said cheerfully, completely ignoring the man's panic. Reaching up with one of his hands, he placed it carelessly on the soldier's head and continued, "Waste not, want not."
"Wha-arrrgh!" The soldier barely had time to scream before a sudden rush of pulsing pink light flowed into him, making him briefly glow from within before fading away. And as it dimmed it left not flesh behind, but metal; the entirety of the soldier's flesh had been transmuted into solid iron.
Bending over, Akio grabbed the former-soldier's ankle and hauled him into the air with a faint grunt of effort. Frowning, he gave the statue a few experimental swings, then nodded in satisfaction. "Yep, that'll do!" He said happily, hefting the man up and resting him on his shoulder before he stepped round the corner and into the alleyway.
Into a scene of absolute carnage.
The only survivors were three soldiers near the entrance to alley, and none of them looked in any fit state to be doing anything. One was clutching his severed legs and mechanically trying to press them back onto the stumps they'd been sliced from, one was slumped against the wall, hugging his gun and shivering and sobbing, and the last was standing frozen with his weapon lying useless at his feet. And further down, past them?
The floor of the alley was littered with mutilated corpses and severed body parts, and the walls painted with elegant sprays of blood. One, two, four, six, ten, whatever that number after nineteen is… Akio quickly gave up trying to guess how many. Every one of them was a Britannian solder, slain by some sort of massive edged weapon- and Akio had more than a sneaking suspicion exactly what that weapon was and who had used it.
At the far end of the alley, past the carnage, a young woman wreathed in black flames was crouched over the body of a dying solider, her mouth near his neck- and resting on the ground next to her were a pair of massively oversized, almost cleaver-like swords. Apparently hearing Akio's footsteps despite the distance, she looked up from the neck of the soldier to reveal a bleeding black ring on her forehead, and a bloodstained mouth filled… with… fangs…?
Akio blinked at the sight, then immediately blinked again to convince himself he wasn't seeing things. A woman, drinking blood, with fangs? That could only mean one thing. "Vampire!" He yelled, his club slipping from his hand and hitting the ground with a loud clang as he pointed an accusing finger at the woman.
The woman, in response, merely blinked in a rather nonplussed manner, before shaking her head. "Stupid boy," She began, a mocking smirk touching her lips as she rose from the corpse and retrieved her swords in a single gracefully smooth movement. "Can't you even recognise a fellow Exalt when you see o-?"
"Don't try and confuse me with your words, woman! I know how to deal with vampires!" Akio yelled, cutting her off mid-sentence. Inwardly, however, he was feeling slightly worried; he'd never fought a vampire before, and he didn't have any weapons that would work.
'Unless...' Akio's gaze slid over to the surviving soldiers, a truly ingenious plan beginning to blossom in his brain. Would it work? He wasn't certain, but he decided it was worth trying. And so without any further consideration he quickly stepped over to still standing soldier, grabbed him by the neck, and before the man even had a chance to beg for mercy engulfed him in sulfurous yellow flames.
The sound of screaming once again filled the alley as fire consumed the soldier's flesh, before he abruptly and ominously fell silent. A moment later the flames began to die down and flicker out, leaving behind them a wooden statue in the shape of a Britannian solider, his face locked in an expression of hideous agony. Not finished, however, Akio frowned pensively at it before pulsating blades of warped space lashed out and sent woodchips flying. Then, his work complete, Akio turned back to the confused-looking Abyssal and brandished his new weapon: a wooden statue of a human, with the top of its head and the ends of its arms sharped into pointed stakes.
For several seconds there was silence as the Abyssal simply stared at him incredulously, before stating in a flat tone, "'re serious. You're actually serious." Sighing, she shook her head again, before burying her face in her hand and muttering. "Of all the Exalts I could run into, of course I get the complete moron..."
"Don't bother trying to confuse me, you undead monster thing!" Akio interrupted her again, scowling. Bringing his new weapon up and pointing it forward like a spear, he paused for a moment to try and think of a suitable battle-cry, before giving up and just defaulting to his usual fallback, "The talking ends here! DEATH TO BRITANNIA!"
And with that he charged the extremely confused Abyssal, muscles swelling, and screaming a wordless cry of rage at the top of his lungs.
Name: Murakami Akio
Titles: That One Lunatic Who Goes Around Beating Up Soldiers Using Other Soldiers
Motivation: To wipe out the Britannian empire
Urge: Unite the resistance groups of every Area into a single force (Pyrean)
Caste: Slayer
Patron Yozi: She Who Lives In Her Name
Anima Banner: A grossly muscled man draped in a cape of green flames - except when you look closer, you see that the man's body is made up of countless miniature obsidian demons moving in perfect unison
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4; Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance 4; Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Abilities: Athletics 4, Bureaucracy 2 (Management 1), Dodge 1, Lore 1, Martial Arts 5 (Wielding Humanoids 3), Performance 4, Presence 4, Socialise 1, Thrown 4 (Throwing Humanoids 1)
Backgrounds: Cult (Yozi) 1, Resources (2), Unwoven Coadjutor (N/A)
Essence: 3
Willpower: 10
Akio is, by and large, a rather good natured man. Jovial, rarely getting angry, and possessing an infectious attitude of cheer, he's the sort of person that people find themselves drawn to and getting along with whether want to or not. Helping this along is his general honest nature- he doesn't see the point in deception or misleading people, and thus never bothers to conceal his intentions or feelings. Combined with his drive and stubborn refusal to give up on his goals, and in many ways he seems almost a classic hero archetype. Or at least, so it appears at first glance.
For those able to look past these surface traits, a much darker side to him is revealed.
Despite all signs to the contrary, Akio doesn't care about other people at all; he doesn't dislike them or hate them, he's simply never had it explained to him or realised of his own accord why he should care about them. Perhaps more unnervingly, his general affability comes from the same source; he simply sees no reason not to be helpful and act in a pleasant manner, rather than genuinely being that way. If given a reason, however, he would think nothing of torturing his best 'friend' to death whilst maintaining his pleasant demeanour the whole time, and in fact would likely be confused if you tried to tell him what he was doing was wrong.First SwLiHN Excellency
Second SwLiHN Excellency
SwLiHN Mythos Exultant
SwLiHN Inevitability Technique
Factual Determination Analysis
Essence Dissecting Stare
Mind-Hand Manipulation
Principle-Invoking OnslaughtFirst Malfeas Excellency
Second Malfeas Excellency
Malfeas Mythos Exultant
Malfeas Inevitability Technique
By Pain Reforged
Scar-Writ Saga Shield (X2)
Nightmare Fugue Vigilance
By Agony Empowered
Countless Cities ClottingRetribution Will Follow
Raging Behemoth Charge
Infernal Monster Form
World Breaker Grip
I will give her to Kaguya then.She's torn between sending them away for real help, or keeping them nearby so she can protect them. She's also noticed that having people who believe in her make her stronger, so she's disinclined to throw away an advantage. She's subtly redefining herself as their protector, (both regular human psychology and influence from Mardukth charms) because it's proof that she was able to overcome her own confinement. She uses that as a way to fight the niggling fact that she broke under captivity, which she is deeply ashamed of and will never, ever tell anyone. Mahakas does his best to keep her from ruminating on it, reminding her of what she's accomplished, to keep her focus on what she's done instead of whats been done to her. She's got a good relationship with her Coadjutor.
She would be very interested in learning how to help her people by herself, or acquiring the resources to do so.
She's very much a fit for Mardukth, because he rules his subjects, but he is also defined by them. She is going to be the leader, but she'll change to be the leader her people need.
Think of Britannia as the equivalent of the Realm: the Yozi knows who and what need to go down.Something I've noticed is that most of our GSPs have anti-Britannia Urges. Is that because they're just the largest target at the moment, or does the "Holy" Brittanian Empire actually have Heavenly support? Could be why the Yozis want it gone.
Me think the General isn't going to remain honest for very long. But I like the concept. Nothing wrong in the sheet.I am working in an Spanish politician now.
I will write a snippet later, please tell if there is something amiss with the sheet.Concept: Honest Politician.
Age: 64
Motivation: Recover his fortune and prestige.
Urge: Gain political control of Spain.
Caste: Fiend
Patron Yozi: Ebbie the friendly dragon.
Favored Yozi: Isidoros.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3.
Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4. Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2.
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Abilities: Bureaucracy 2 (Double accounting +2) War 1 Larceny 2 (embezzlement +3) Firearms 3. Martial Arts 2. Investigation 1. Awareness 2. Socialize 4 Presence 3 Drive 1 Lore 2 Integrity 1(Loyal only to himself +3) Performance 2 (Patriotic speeches +3)
Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Military officers). Resources 3. (Hidden accounts)
Essence: 3
Willpower: 7/7
First Ebon Dragon Excellency. Shadow spite curse.
Loom snarling deception. Eldritch Secrets Mastery. Witness to Darkness. Selfinshness is power. Cracked Cell Circumvention. Bloodless murk evasion.Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack.
First Isidoros Excellency, Second Isidoros Excellency
Indomitable Hedonism Drive, Arousing Indelicate Passions, Cavorting Pig-Idol.
Uhm, one moment...I do hope you will try to avoid Area 10. A lot of people there has Intimacy "Hatred (Spain)".
Can we get an summary of territories that China controls? I have plans on Southeast Asia so info would be wonderful. I could of course write more stuff on Creation's History again and expand on more stuff, like the butterflies caused by Britannia and now defunct Dutch Empire, but I would like to have your go ahead first.
I do not feel sorry for Feng. Though going from 28 years old to 18? Gotta love ExaltationsI've decided that the current crop of new Infernals lacks sufficient nightmare fuel. Meet Lian, whose name means lotus flower in Chinese, chosen of Metagaos.
Murder Lotus Gaiden
Lian wept as she ate. She loathed herself for her weakness. But she was so hungry. The hunger was all consuming.
Once upon a time she was quite happy with her life. Yes, she had her share of struggles, just as almost everyone did in the Chinese Federation. Her mother had died giving birth to her baby brother Xin, leaving Lian to raise him. Having no education she had little choice but to enter into her mother's occupation, selling her body to men to get by. Unlike many who joined the world's oldest profession she did not hate it. She was never truly beautiful, but she was pretty, so getting clients had never been an issue. She and her brother were fed, and She came to enjoy the work, both because she made her clients happy and that it just felt good, at least when the man in question was nice. The last one who had not been so nice was the cause of her current situation.
She had approached a member of the local Triad one night, offering her services. He had accepted. The night had been anything but pleasant. He had wanted far more than he had offered to pay her, and when he was done with her he had taken out a knife and horribly scarred her face for daring to resist him.
Everything had gone downhill from there. Scarred and hideous as she was, nobody would lay with her. Eventually being evicted from her home, she took her ten year old brother with her to live in an abandoned building in the ghettos. Survival had been a constant battle. One that she had lost. Unable to procure food, starvation began to claim them both. Xin had succumbed first. With nothing else to eat, her instincts took over. Her brother's body was food. By the time she was aware enough to realize what it was she was doing, it had been too late. She was a monster. A cannibal. She had failed her brother once more.
A strange voice "Why do you weep, child? There is no shame in sating your hunger."
Looking up, Lian saw them. Two beings that could only be described as giant spiders, though strangely their abdomens appeared to be giant lotus blossoms.
Clearly her hunger had finally driver her to madness, making her see things that weren't there. She laughed.
"Do you think us an illusion, child? No, we are very real, and we were sent to give you an offer." Lian simply stared silently. She was still certain she was crazy. "Our masters know your pain, child. The Yozis made this world, and yet they are imprisoned, betrayed by the very gods they created to serve them. Without its True Masters, the world is broken."
Yes... the world was broken, Liam thought. What kind of world would let her innocent brother starve to death? Those in power cared nothing for the hungry. She had seen the fat eunuchs on television, many times, holding grand feasts while so many of their own people wondered where their next meal would come from.
"All you need to do is agree to help them, and we will give you great power. Power to punish those who have wronged you. Power to bring rightness to the world."
Lian thought that quite appealing. Sure, she was crazy and this was all just in her head, but she made her decision regardless. "Alright, let's do it then."
"An excellent choice." Then, without warning the spider who had been talking leapt at her, and all was darkness.
Lian was surrounded by nothingness. No, there was wind. Wind, silence, and a pervading sense of insanity. She had thought herself crazy before, but this feeling of madness was something else. She knew that she was absolutely sane in comparison to this. And yet the wind fled, but the silence did not flee. No, the silence had brought solace and a mad serenity with it. Those left... no, they were consumed.
She had only blinked for the barest fraction of a second, now finding herself standing in a swamp unlike any she'd ever seen or heard of. But that was nothing compared to the sight before her. A giant flower was before her, strange and beautiful. Without warning, it moved, and faced her. Mouths appeared everywhere upon it, and she felt so terribly small, knowing it could devour her with but the barest effort.
She was frightened. Would it eat her if she answered wrongly? Would it devour everything that she was regardless? "I... you are a Yozi. One of this world's makers."
She knew it was true. She could feel this great being's hunger. It was endless. It understood what she and her brother had suffered, for it's hunger made theirs pale in comparison.
She bowed low, for there was only one answer to give. "Yes, my master."
Feng was enjoying a night out with the boys at the local nightclub. The boss had promoted him for dealing with a string of problems that came up, and he was in a damn good mood. He was nice and buzzed, his boys were happy that they were going up in the world, and only one thing could make the night better. He needed to find himself a good woman to have his way with.
Scanning the room he was stunned for a brief moment when the most intoxicating scent filled his nostrils and a feminine pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders. Turning his head he saw her. The most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. He knew he wanted her.
"Hi there, handsome." She greeted him in a sultry voice. She then licked her lips. "Don't you look tasty?"
This night was going to be perfect.
Nobody ever found Feng. The last anyone had ever seen of him was him going into a hotel room with an incredibly beautiful woman, likely a prostitute given his habits. The only evidence that either of them were ever there were the bloody sheets. Nobody had heard anything that happened though. Not Feng's screams of agony, nor Lian's screams of ecstasy.
Name: Lian
Gender: Female
Age: 28, Appears 18
Caste: Scourge
Patron Yozi: Metagaos
Concept: Cannibal seductress
Motivation: To create a world where the innocent don't starve.
Urge: To seduce and devour corrupt men whose greed causes others to starve. (Metagaoiyn)
Anima Banner: A lotus flower with frightening teeth in the middle.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: -Awareness 2, -Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, -Larceny 3 (Bribery 2) , Linguistics 3 (Native: Chinese, Japanese, English, Old Realm) -Martial Arts 3 (Teeth Without Number 3), Medicine 1, -Performance 3, - Resistance 2, -Stealth 3, -Socialize 3 (Seduction 3), -Survival 2 (Cities 2)
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 2
Essence: 3
Willpower: 6
Backing (Yozi) 1, Cult (Yozi) 1, Influence (Yozi) 1, Unwoven Coadjutor 3 (Necillia, Lotus Anuhle), Demon Familiar 3 (Fellia, Lotus Anuhle), Artifact 1 (Neomah Perfume Bottle)*
Traits from Unwoven Coadjutor: A lotus flower grows from the left side of her head, appearing to be ornamentation until one inspects it closer. She can hide this further with additional ornamentation around the roots. (-0 Points)
*Neomah Perfume Bottle (one dot): A bottle made from the Essence of many Neomah. Any liquid placed in this small bottle will become a perfume that gives off the arousing scent of a Neomah after one hour. Once the perfume leaves the bottle, it will remain as such for 24 hours before regaining its original properties.
A/N - 7 bonus points were spent to make her Essence 3 from the start.First Metagaos Excellency, Second Metagaos Excellency, Metagaos Inevitability Technique, Metagaos World-Shaping Cosmogony
Cost: 1m/die; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker; Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Metagaos is a voracious hunter who lurks in plain sight within the jungle of his body, stalking his prey until they are ready to be devoured. He is cunning in his predation, easily tempting his quarry into the deceptive labyrinth of his bayous and glades, ensnaring them in traps from which there can be no escape. The ravening nature of the All-Hunger Blossom is concealed beneath false familiarity and fertile decadence until it is too late, allowing him to entice fresh fools into his waiting maw. These bloody sacrifices cannot quell his self-indulgent demands, for he is never satisfied. The Trackless Quag consumes everything within his insidious influence, and is himself consumed by countless diseases and parasites which infect and degrade body and mind alike, assimilating victims as surely as if Metagaos had eaten them whole.
This Excellency aids actions that provide the Infernal with something he wants at someone else's expense, helping him to seize or seduce appropriate offerings from others, be they wealth, information, or flesh. Attempts to acquire or improve sustenance always qualify. Such ruthless acquisitions are broken down and merged with their new owner, cannibalized for their juiciest parts. This Charm cannot benefit any act that emphasizes prudent planning over immediate indulgence, as Metagaos cannot abstain from what he desires, even for later gain.
Metagaos Mythos Exultant
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Metagaos Excellency
The hunger of the Infested One gnaws even at his own souls, allowing the Infernal to reduce his anima flare by a number of levels equal to his stunt rating, in addition to any other rewards. Future peripheral mote expenditure is tracked from the beginning of his new level.
Palate Without Limit
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
Putrefying offal and fine steak each have their merits, contemplated alongside all other flavours by the petal-tongues of the All-Hunger Blossom. While this Charm is active, the Exalt gains all the benefits of Keen Taste Technique and Unsurpassed Taste Discipline (Exalted, pp. 225-226). He may also receive the benefits of Keen Scent Technique by "tasting the air", tongue flickering out to sample the all-spice of the breeze. These benefits apply to rolls using Abilities other than Awareness.
Additionally, the Infernal's palate is refined beyond mortal comprehension, allowing him to ignore deleterious effects stemming from flavour or smell. Actual taste-based sensory rolls may even reveal basic details normally restricted to other avenues of perception, allowing the Infernal to determine someone's height and eye colour by licking up an errant drop of their sweat.
Desire Without Escape
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Palate Without Limit
What Metagaos desires becomes his, without fail. There is no escape from his appetite. This Charm supplements a roll to track or otherwise locate any character or object that the Infernal has tasted (or used this Charm to track) in the past day. Their flavour fills his mouth, and he is guaranteed to succeed with at least one threshold success. If another Charm contests this effect, the Infernal benefits from (Essence) automatic successes in the roll-off. Every scene spent tracking something with the aid of this Charm is a scene spent building an intimacy of hunger toward the target.
Teeth Without Number
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Palate Without Limit
The world is nothing less than a grand buffet for the All-Hunger Blossom. He can match its infinite variety with as many mouths and more. While this Charm's prerequisite is active, the Infernal's bites inflict lethal damage, and he may spend a single mote in Step 8 of such an attack to count 10s twice for the purposes of determining damage. Additionally, the warlock may reflexively alter any part of his body he wishes into a fully functional mouth - he can shift his fingertips into feeder tendrils, widen his pores into lamprey mouths, open baleen filter-slits in his feet, and so on. These Obvious transformations do not impede normal uses of that body part, though reversing them requires a miscellaneous action.
Normally only crushing clinch attacks can be made as bites, but this Charm's transformations let the warlock use stunts to punch with canine-tipped knuckles or kick with a leg that splits open into a crocodile-mouth. Though his mouths usually leave no trace when not manifested, others can detect traces of shifting could-be craws if the warlock suffers any degree of hunger penalties with Palate Without Limit active, using a (Perception + Awareness or Medicine) roll at difficulty (6 – hunger penalty), minimum 1.
Consumption Without Joy
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Teeth Without Number
There is nothing Metagaos will not use to fill his belly. Even his siblings are not exempt from this hunger - pale vines creep through cracks in the basalt of the Demon City and strangle the outer saplings of the Quicksilver Forest. While Palate Without Limit is active, the Infernal's teeth are rendered as durable as one of the magical materials, granting his bite attacks Overwhelming 2 and allowing them to ignore Hardness. Further, he can digest inorganic materials without any trouble, swallowing bricks and mortar along with bone and muscle. Such fare offers him no more nutrition than it normally would, but presents no problems to his digestive system. Indestructible objects cannot be digested in this way, but are passed or regurgitated without causing any harm. Finally, the Infernal is rendered immune to any Poison he ingests.First Adjoran Excellency, Second Adjoran Excellency, Adjoran Inevitability Technique, Adjoran World-Shaping Cosmogony
The Silent Wind is restless, always in motion and never satisfied. She expresses the inevitability that bad things happen regardless of who you are or how many backup plans you have. She is catastrophe and calamity, the unconsidered variable that shreds the best-laid plans of Yozi and Exalt alike. She kills because it is her nature to hurt everything she touches, not because she revels in suffering. More than any of her siblings, Adorjan is insane and encompasses contradictions. Adorjan scours her enemies, breaking them to enlighten them, even if the lesson proves fatal. Her actions Her actions display vicious whimsy, especially toward the complacent and comfortable. She loves purposeful chaos that exposes the flaws in systems and lays low the proud, but she abhors chaos for the sake of chaos as much as she abhors stasis. She is a balancing force of wickedness against the excesses of the righteous. Her depredations inspire heroes to reach their full potential through the crucible of tragedy, invariably ruining their lives in the process. Greatness is the worst curse her touch imparts. She inflicts more pain on those she loves than those she hates. No one expects her. She refuses to be understood and torments those who try.
This Charm can enhance any action that causes unexpected or sudden harm, such as surprise attacks or attacks that are part of flurries. Actions that create ongoing discomfort or take away sources of comfort also fall under the purview of the Silent Wind. Socially, her attacks tear away Intimacies rather than building them, teaching people to let go of attachments and worries rather than continue meaningless cycles of love or vengeance. The behaviors she compels are mad and invariably disturbing, but she does not care how the minds of others break. Adorjan's power may be applied to any actions that help tear down structured society or spread anarchy, regardless of the reasons or methods for doing so. The Charm can't assist actions that are planned in great detail in advance, though it is permissible to do something whose consequences will not manifest until a later time. Actions motivated by insanity may only benefit from Adorjan's touch when there is some greater and immediate purpose behind them (even if the meaning isn't communicated to other characters). The Silent Wind embodies the madness of the freed mind, not an idiot's babbling.
Adjoran Mythos Exultant
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Adjoran Excellency
The Silent Wind defines her path as a field of opposition over which she must scour her legend. Her passage is death. One perceived target within (Essence) yards suffers dice of unsoakable lethal damage equal to the stunt rating from flensing breezes that swirl around him. Magical beings may reduce the raw damage by one die per three motes spent, sheltering their souls within an ablative layer of Essence.
Wind-Born Stride (x2)
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Where Adorjan blows, few can run fast or far enough to escape her touch. This Charm permanently enhances an Infernal's Dash actions. First, dashing carries a DV penalty of -0. Second, the character automatically succeeds in crossing treacherous terrain without needing a roll. Finally, the Exalt adds his Essence rating to his Dexterity for the purposes of calculating his base dashing speed and does not subtract wound penalties from this calculation.
These benefits apply equally to running and other means of locomotion encompassed by a dash action, such as climbing or swimming. Other effects that increase the Exalt's speed use the Wind-Born Stride-enhanced value as the Infernal's natural base speed before applying their modifiers. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the Exalt's Essence rating, with each purchase stacking to cumulatively increase dashing speed. The other benefits of the Charm do not improve with repurchase.
Who Strikes The Wind?
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Born Stride
The Silent Wind blows around and through all opposition and adversity, untouched though the sky blackens with arrows meant for her. This Charm is a perfect dodge against any physical attack that is not unexpected, even if that attack can't be dodged. The Charm remains vulnerable to the Imperfection of the Silent Wind.
Unimpeded Perfection Of Exertion
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Born Stride
Does the wind stumble? While the Infernal dashes, she automatically maintains balance and exerts no weight on solid objects, allowing her to skip from one blade of grass to another or waltz across the snow without leaving footprints. This weightless grace adds the lower of the Infernal's (Dexterity and Athletics) to the difficulty of all efforts to track her and ensures quiet passage, providing a temporary +3 Stealth specialty in "Moving Silently" that does not stack with other specialties.
Foam-Dancing Haste
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Unimpeded Perfection of Exertion
Adorjan darts over rivers of blood without sinking into them. She is above wallowing in gore, so this Charm further enhances the functional weightlessness afforded by its prerequisite to cover liquid surfaces. If the Infernal begins a dash while swimming on the surface, she may continue to swim or nimbly climb atop the liquid and run on it. If she continues to swim, she dashes at the same speed as if running. Additionally, the Exalt suffers no environmental harm
associated with any dangerous conditions she traverses. This immunity does not defend against environmental hazards that aren't associated with the surface she dashes on or through. With Essence 4+, she is immune to all environmental hazards and penalties while dashing, even those unrelated to the medium of her journey.
I do not feel sorry for Feng. Though going from 28 years old to 18? Gotta love Exaltations.
Let's see:
Slayer: Akio
Malefactor: Yelena
Defiler: Nathan
Scourge: Lian
We are missing a Fiend.
I had no plan of lining things up like that, I just picked at random. I'm actually amazed that we put together a circle independently.Let's see:
Slayer: Akio
Malefactor: Yelena
Defiler: Nathan
Scourge: Lian
I think they'll get along just fine.