Merciless Radiative Therapy
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Cold Fire Desolation Brand, Blight Internalisation Transcendence
The hateful Essence of Malfeas will stand for no rivals. A lesser disease will not be permitted to slay one's foe before the sickness of the green sun has made its way through their body. This Charm permanently expands the capacities of the Infernal Exalt. Any time she would infect a single character with Green Sun Wasting or Final Viridescence, she may choose to spend 2 motes and instead convey the variant inflicted by Blight Internalisation Transcendence. This infection cures all other Sickness effects the character is suffering from, up to and including the Great Contagion, but renders the character infertile as a Crippling effect for the next season, inducing immediate delivery of viable infants and miscarriage of non-viable ones. It does not convey the lasting immunity to Sickness that Blight Internalisation Transcendence provides. Any character cured of a Sickness by this Charm gains an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal, which may not be weakened until they have gone at least a day without seeing their benefactor. If the character knows Fealty Acknowledging Audience, then the brand counts as a vector, and so they may be infected at any time that the Infernal can see them.
At Essence 4, the capacity of this Charm expands; if a Charm would infect multiple people with Green Sun Wasting with a single activation, then the Infernal may instead chose to spend 5m and 1wp, and infect all those exposed with the modified variant. For charms such as Gifts of Invisible Flame, which affect an area, everyone exposed to the disease are infected by this modified variant. Such an expenditure also permits every Fealty Acknowledging Audience branded individual currently suffering from a Sickness effect to be infected, for Malfeas does not tolerate indolence in his servants.
With a repurchase at Essence 5, the infection does provide the immunity to other Sickness effects normally provided by Blight Internalisation Transcendence, for the same period of time as that Charm.
Corpus-Building Fever Dreams
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Merciless Radiative Therapy
One cannot help but be changed by exposure to Malfeas. Some waste away when exposed to his majesty. Others, though, take a new strength from it, bearing new growths and toughening up. When a character's fever breaks after being infected by its prerequisite, they may gain one dot in any of the following traits as a Training effect, up to a maximum of 4 dots; Strength, Stamina, Charisma, Resistance, Athletics, Performance, Conviction, or Valour. Should they wish, a character can convert their Appearance back into XP to pay for this, to represent twisting and scarring left by the disease.
Alternatively, as a Desecration effect, the character can gain any single mutation, chosen by the Infernal, as their flesh warps from exposure to Malfean Essence. Hardened Devil Body can be given to non-Exalts as an Abomination once, to represent flesh inured to pain by the terrible agonies of Green Sun Wasting.
A second purchase of this Charm permanently enhances Blight Internalization Transcendence, allowing the Infernal to treat the breaking of the fever of Final Viridescence inflicted by that Charm as a Training effect conveying instant knowledge of any Malfeas Charm he could learn, or any Heretical Charm with at least one Malfeas Charm as a prerequisite. This benefit also applies to any character the Infernal applies the effects of Blight Internalization Transcendence to (such as through Merciless Radiative Therapy). From a chrysalis of sickness and wasted crippled flesh shall one burst free as a beautiful butterfly, he promises himself and his followers.
Weakness Purging Scar Tissue
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Corpus-Building Fever Dreams
When two layers of Malfeas collide, craters of basalt and brass the size of Creation can be torn. Sometimes these scars flood with Kimbery, and the agony of this tickles gently against Malfeas' awareness, and the poisons within her tainted waters can sicken even him. But from the pain and sickness, new districts grow, stronger for the pain that went into them. This Charm enhances its prerequisite. Firstly, use of Blight Internalisation Transcendence and Merciless Radiative Therapy also removes Poison effects from the target, the tainted body fluids seeping out through the open sores. This grants the same immunity to Poison as it does to Sickness.
Secondly, the Desecration effect of Corpus-Building Fever Dreams can be used to heal Crippling effects, by conveying an appropriate mutation. A Lidless Demon Eye might rest in a formerly-empty socket when the scabs of Green Sun Wasting fall off, for example, or a severed arm grow back with Talons. The Malfean source of the healing is clear; gnarled new limbs hardened with brassy scar tissue and faintly glowing organs that pulse with unnatural vitality show that their benefactor is not of Creation. Perhaps this is the source of the loyalty they convey their benefactor; if a mutation is used to heal in this manner, the target gains an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal which may not be eroded or weakened or removed in any way until the mutation is removed. If the mutation is removed by any means, the Crippling effect reasserts itself.
Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows
Cost: 9m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Purity of Madness Defense
The Holy Tyrant was the burning will that drove the Primordials in their construction of Creation. It was his desire that brought it into being, a product of his mind, and without the lord it requires, Malfeas knows it cannot be real in any meaningful way. That which he does not acknowledge cannot exist, and that which cannot see cannot harm him. This Charm can be activated in response to any attack, social or physical, providing a perfect dodge against it. This charm functions against unexpected attacks. When used against social attacks, the Infernal dismisses all words without a single thought or any visible reaction. When used against physical attacks, the Charm is Obvious, as the world stretches and warps rather than permit a blow against the Infernal's crystallised ego as a Shaping effect. Blades and arrows would rather flee than defy the Infernal's assertions of what is and is not real, existing partially in Elsewhere for the duration of the attack.
The Charm bears the Imperfection of the Demon City, and cannot be activated while the Infernal is undergoing Torment. The Infernal is afflicted by an irresistible Compulsion as a result of using this Charm, which removes the memory of the attack from them. If the Infernal is attacked from surprise, and uses this Charm to defend against the attack, he does not automatically notice his attacker, although other characters are free to do so. In the First Age, it was not uncommon for Deliberative experimental weapons tests to occur within the Demon City, and although Malfeas would roar and yell at the indignities inflicted upon him, at other times he would ignore the Exalted presence, and even the most powerful bombardment would be as unreal as the morning's mist. This typically annoyed the sorcerer-scientists involved, who found the Demon City to be inconsiderate in not providing a proper test-dummy.
Impossibility of Base Treachery
Cost: — (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows
Despite his crippling defeat, Malfeas still finds it difficult to contemplate the idea that any would dare to strike at him. On the balance of probabilities, it seems more likely that any such happening is nothing more than the fleeting hallucination of a pain-wracked Primordial mind. As a generous king, Malfeas suppresses his uncertainty, and conveys this conviction to others. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite; the Infernal may spend 1 willpower to obscure any evidence that a blow was ever struck (or unkind words ever spoken). The inconvenient truths of reality obscured by his crystallized belief in his own unassailability. This is an Illusion effect that automatically targets all onlookers (including the attacker and Infernal), convincing them that the attacker froze up or hesitated rather than dare to strike at their true king, and a Shaping effect which repairs any damage to surrounding terrain done by the attack within (Essence) yards of the Infernal. The unnatural mental influence can be ignored by non-Extras at a cost of one point of Willpower, despite the fact that it should be true, by all rights.
In addition, the Infernal may activate Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows in Step 7 of a physical attack. Used in this manner, it Obviously perfectly soaks all damage from the attack, reducing it to zero after any modifiers. However, this version of the Charm cannot defend against unexpected attacks; only those blows that Malfeas acknowledges, however fleetingly, can actually strike him. In any case, this surcharge cannot be applied to the action-long version of that Charm.
At Essence 5+, Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows also imposes a Compulsion on onlookers, driving them to publicly deny any evidence that the attack took place, even if it is directly presented to them or they resisted the initial Illusion effect. This unnatural mental influence can be thrown off by the expenditure of a further point of Willpower.
A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the self-evident truth of the world to be made... more clear. The Infernal may a spend a further two motes in Step 9 of any attack he used Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows to defend against, imposing a Knockback effect on his attacker (this functions equally against ranged attackers). This effect moves them ([Strength x 2] + [Charisma x 2]) yards, and must move them as far out of the Infernal's line of sight as possible ("over a cliff" is a perfectly valid example of being out of the Infernal's line of sight). Whether or not the effect actually manages to remove them from his line of sight, they automatically re-establish surprise over the Infernal, who suffers an irresistible Illusion that removes all memory of the attacker's presence in their last action.
Rejection of Rebellious Fools
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Counterattack, Social, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Unbroken By Unacknowledged Blows
That which Malfeas does not acknowledge does not exist. The world may disagree, but Creation is mad, and will surely see reason eventually. The Infernal may activate this Charm in response to successfully dodging a social attack, inflicting a Sorcerous effect on the attacker that forces others to follow their king's lead in ignoring him. For the rest of the scene, any character (including the Infernal) that the target attempts to interact with in any fashion is immediately placed under a Compulsion to ignore him; they react as though they could not sense him at all (making them immune to his social attacks), leaning around or pushing by him if necessary.
This unnatural mental influence cannot be resisted by Extras or characters branded by the Infernal's Magnanimous Warning Glyph. Mortals can resist it for one action by paying one point of temporary Willpower, or for an entire scene at a cost of three points. Essence-users can resist it for a scene by paying one point of temporary Willpower. The Infernal can ignore it entirely at a cost of gaining one point of Limit. Individual Compulsions automatically break if the target physically attacks the affected character, and all of them are lifted if the Infernal interacts with the target in any significant manner (the Empyreal Chaos' version of this Charm lacked this "weakness", for he recognised no wounds). Whenever the Infernal undergoes Torment, this Charm cannot be activated, and its Compulsion is temporarily lifted for the duration.
At Essence 4+, this Charm may be purchased again, increasing its duration to "Until the next Calibration". At this level, the Infernal may increase the Charm's cost by five motes to add the Shaping keyword, adding an internal penalty of (Infernal's Essence) to any of the target's attempts to physically interact with the world while they are under this Sorcerous effect; the world itself seems to reject their touch, working against their strength and slipping against their grip.
At Essence 6+, this Charm may be purchased a third time, increasing its duration to "Indefinite"; the Compulsion is no longer lifted by time. At this level, the penalty inflicted by the Shaping version of this Charm becomes external, and the target of that effect becomes a Blasphemy during Calibration; the oldest protocols of the Loom of Fate recognise them as being an intrusion into the natural state of the universe, and report them as such.
Gnostic Immanence Shintai
Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Blasphemy, Emotion, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Demon Emperor Shintai, Fealty-Acknowledging Audience, Beauty Without Malice
This Charm does not exist yet. But it will.
Some day in the future, a Green Sun Princess will assume the mantle of the Demon Emperor, and her form will expand into pure Essence, and expand to fill the universe, as the Holy Tyrant once did. She too shall collapse, crushed by the terrible humiliation that Malfeas knows all too well, but she shall not accept it, and she will not fight it. Instead, she shall do what Malfeas himself could never conceive of doing; she shall shrug, and she shall dance, losing herself in the beauty. And the collapse will (terrifyingly, awe-inspiringly) cease, and Heaven will shudder as the least Shintai of the Primordial King is reborn, lessened but still divine. The Ebon Dragon never intended something like this when he told the other Yozis of the horrific ingenuity that the Green Sun Princes could bring to their panoplies.
The Gnostic Immanence bears some resemblance to its prerequisite, but only in the abstract; the warlock's form burns up into a vast column of dancing emerald flame, which coalesces into the shape of the anima-behemoth seen in the early stages of Demon Emperor Shintai. In addition, if the Infernal is Essence 10, everywhere in the same realm of existence is lit by a dawning emerald light, as the radiant majesty of the King of Creation fills his domain.
• The Infernal's material form evaporates; for duration of this Charm, he is immaterial, his form spread across the entirety of his anima banner, which not only flares to totemic but swells to encompass an area with a radius of (Essence x 50) yards.
• Worn or carried possessions are temporarily subsumed into his glorious light-self, but do not truly vanish into Elsewhere; the Infernal can still use them to enhance his traits and actions.
• The warlock is rendered immune to Poison, Crippling, and non-magical Sickness effects. He requires no food, water or air; starvation and suffocation are indignities that cannot be permitted. He does not need to sleep, but can still do so.
• The warlock has complete and perfect awareness of everything within his form, as though he were watching it with Eye of the Unconquered Sun (Exalted, page 226). He gains the benefits of that Charm when looking outside his burning body, and his gaze can felt by those upon whom it falls, as though it were a physical weight; it is the terrifying awareness of their place in the world, relative to that of their King.
• Despite being immaterial, the warlock can still interact with material things; the world contorts to his whim. He may take actions and make attacks as normal within and immediately around his body, though each non-reflexive action costs three motes if it interacts with the material; this is a Shaping effect on the world itself.
• For the purposes of any actions taken while using this Charm, the warlock replaces his Strength rating with (Appearance x 2), and his Dexterity with his Charisma. With each such action taken, sudden flares of green light erupt within the already-bright radius of the warlock's body, painting images of blades and clenched fists on the retinas of those who gaze upon him. Often, the Infernal's anima totem will appear to be the one interacting with the world, a Primordial coat of arms working its burning commands into the fabric of existence.
• As a being beyond mortal measure, the warlock's immense size makes attacks by smaller beings undodgeable, provided they can actually strike his immaterial form. However, he cannot suffer more than one damage level per attack in step 10, unless the attack is large enough to encompass at least a tenth of her size. Creatures that exist on a similarly gargantuan scale to the warlock are treated as having large enough attacks, though the Infernal may dodge such blows as normal.
• Suffering even one level of damage (of any kind) causes the Infernal to immediately gain a single point of Limit, as the hated injury evokes memories of a previous, inconceivable defeat.
• In mass combat, the warlock always enjoys the full +3 Magnitude bonus regardless of the Magnitude of the army she faces. There was a time when the Holy Tyrant was unmatched; alas, this is only a lessened remembrance of his glory, and similarly scaled adversaries (such as another Infernal using the Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert, or Juggernaut) ignore this bonus.
• All who gaze upon the Gnostic Immanence love it, and despair. Any character with an MDV lower than the warlock's (Strength + Appearance + Essence) who can perceive him immediately gains two intimacies toward him; one of "Devoted Love" and the other of "Terrified Awe". Both of these are considered positive intimacies, and cannot be naturally eroded for this Charm's duration. This is an unnatural Emotion effect that is applied whenever a given character looks upon the warlock, but can be resisted for one scene by paying two points of temporary Willpower.
• Gods and demons (and elementals in the Celestial Bureaucracy) who acquire these intimacies are immediately reminded of the rightful way of things – a way that was lost the moment the Primordial King was forced to kneel. They are treated as though they had been successfully affected by a social attack augmented with Sublimation of Ordained Purpose (Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, page 120). Many who acquire these intimacies cry out in exultation and fear, as the warlock's authority over them (and all the world) becomes utterly clear.
• For the duration of this Charm the warlock waives the cost of Fealty-Acknowledging Audience, and may use it as an innate power rather than a Charm activation.
The power of this form is unmatched, but it is earned only through focused disregard of Malfeas' maimed state. Every action, the warlock must roll (Charisma + Performance) as a miscellaneous action (this will likely require a flurry), as he dances to deliberate distraction. Should he fail this roll, or simply not make it for whatever reason, the warlock must gain a single point of Limit, or reflexively and costlessly transition to Demon Emperor Shintai. If he enters Torment while this Charm is active, he automatically transitions to Demon Emperor Shintai. Whenever this Charm ends (due to the end of the scene, transitioning to Demon Emperor Shintai or some other effect), the warlock immediately gains (Essence) points of Limit; if he is already in Torment, these Limit points are delayed until immediately after his Torment ends.
No-Shadow Sun
Cost: — (+3m); Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kissed By Hellish Noon, World Weathering Incandescence
The light of Ligier casts no shadows, and the rage of Malfeas knows no obstacles. Those who believe that they can hide from their rightful King will be sadly mistaken. Whenever an Infernal with this Charm activates Green Sun Nimbus Flare, they may pay an extra three motes to ignore all cover penalties granted by things that World Weathering Incandescence can destroy. Any cover is permanently destroyed as with that Charm, leaving the naked cowardice of the foe revealed for all to see. The attack also ignores any defence bonus to PDV granted by shields that are made of materials not proof against World-Weathering Incandescence; such fallible shields are destroyed by the attack if the defender attempts to parry the attack despite the penalty. When within a place of habitation, the Infernal also nullifies all penalties to that attack, apart from wound and multiple action penalties, for Malfeas knows all cities as lesser mimicries of himself, and so no lesser darknesses or fogs can stop his wrath.
By Tyranny Crowned
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Overdrive, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crowned By Fury, First Malfeas Excellency
To the King of the Yozis, all that matters is the majesty and the force. To crush the will of a foe so he becomes yours is the same as killing him. All shall serve Malfeas or die. This Charm permanently alters the Infernal's capacity to spend Overdrive motes. She may now spend offensive motes on offensive social Charms as long as the aim of the social attack is to dominate, command or subjugate another sapient being. The action must be able to be enhanced with the First Malfeas Excellency, and so, as per the restriction of that Charm, any show of subtlety or restraint in the social attack renders this option inapplicable, along with all other restrictions imposed by the Excellency. When using this Charm, a burning green crown forms upon her forehead, as with Crowned By Fury.
Such dominion comes at a cost when it is rejected, however. Should an opponent spend willpower to resist an offensive-mote enhanced social attack, the Infernal loses an additional offensive mote, as memory of unthinkable loss of authority flickers within. The version of this Charm known by the Holy Tyrant did not have such a weakness, for he had never known defeat.
Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crowned By Fury
In times gone by, every beast knew the authority and dominion of the Primordial King. The Exalted may have forced oaths from his lips and slain Ruvelia, but those memories are still burned into Creation, and the fauna know at heart that they must submit to their master or die. This Charm projects an unnatural compulsion with a radius of (Essence x 2) yards, forcing all natural animals to submit to the Infernal. Camels kneel, flies land and cower, wings buzzing in harmony, birds freeze in place, singing songs to her glory; mechanically, they are rendered Inactive by their submission. Resistance is not possible, but a ridden animal may be spurred to ignore its reverence for a scene if the rider spends 2wp, and succeeds on a reflexive (Charisma + Ride) roll at a difficulty of the Infernal's Essence. Mounts marked by marked with Fealty Acknowledging Audience or who have an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal, or whose rider has been marked or has the Intimacy, may be spared these effects at her discretion so long as they are not hostile. Any natural animal ridden by the Infernal has its Control Rating set to 0. Lord-Over-Beasts Dominion has no effect on animals which are magically compelled by other effects or supernaturally loyal, such as familiars, this is but one of the many hazards with trade with Malfeas, and there exist thaumaturgical rituals to immunise mounts. Animals behaving in this way to the presence of the Infernal is not optional. The Holy Tyrant had a similar charm, but it could be controlled; Malfeas, who harbours secret fears, must shout his dominance least any doubt him.
At Essence 5, this Charm increases in efficacy, allowing the Infernal to reflexively spend 5m to extend the range to (Essence x 100) yards for a scene. If the Infernal has Demon Emperor Shintai active, this benefit is granted for free.
By Madness Darkened
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Solipsistic Rejection of Impossibilities, Sorcerous Enlightenment of Malfeas
There are fractures in the mind of the King of the Yozis, terrible wounds that scar his psyche. For him was not given the freedom of Adorjan, whose rebirth from Adrián was total; no, he labours under memories and pain that he was not once as he was, that he is defined by one where once was two. He avoids such things, only able to think of them in the agony of his Torment. It would take human sadism to tear such wounds open, render the agonies of a fractured mind worse. And in that, Malfeas should not feel safe, for the Black Nadir Concordat did exactly that to the Neverborn to gain access to Necromancy. The Green Sun Princes may well do the same to him.
This Charm permanently enhances the Infernal's capacities. While in Limit Break, she is a Creature of Death, and receives temporary initiation into the Shadowlands Circle of Necromancy, which lasts until the end of the Limit Break. Necromancy accessed via this method receives the bonuses and penalties of sorcery cast through Sorcerous Initiation of Malfeas, and shows aesthetic warping combining his themes with those of death. Although she may not cast necromantic spells when not in Limit Break, she may still learn them. Moreover, this internalisation of the psychic fracture has a perverse effect on the character's Limit Break; she is not subject to the behavioural modifications of her Limit Break when she takes a Cast Necromancy action, but each spell cast count as a scene towards building a positive Intimacy towards death, a specific creature of death, or some other appropriately morbid concept or individual. If the character has repurchased Sorcerous Initiation of Malfeas at Essence 4, she also gains access to the Labyrinth Circle of Necromancy, under the same constraints. Sadly, it appears that even the madness and agony of the King is not enough to reach the depths of the Void Circle.
If the Infernal knows Malfeas Pantheon Unfurling (or, as a yet-unknown Heretical effect, Path of a Thousand Whispers), the mad knowledge of death propagates through her soul hierarchy for the duration of the Limit Break. All Third Circle Souls temporarily receive initiation into the Labyrinth and Shadowlands Circles of Necromancy, receiving the bonuses and limitations of the Malfean sorcerous initiation for necromancy, and may cast any necromantic spell of those circles that the Infernal knows. All Second Circle Souls temporarily receive initiation into the Shadowlands Circle of Necromancy, and may cast any necromantic spell of that circle that the Infernal knows. The souls are warped aesthetically towards death as a Shaping effect while this applies; for Malfeas, the Street of Golden Lanterns will burn with pale witchfires, and Ligier will illuminate the world in morbid crimson.
With the invention of this Charm, the Heretical Charm 'To Sup With Dead Titans' becomes an acceptable target for development as a native Malfeas Charm, with this Charm replacing Ultimate Darkness Internalisation in its prerequisites, and the Heresy keyword removed from it. It applies whenever the Infernal is a Creature of Death due to Limit Break, rather than due to Ultimate Darkness Internalisation.
Chartreuse Coronary Ignition
Cost: - (1m/hour); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Malfeas Excellency, Sun-Heart Furnace Soul
The terrible burning power of Unquestionable Ligier is far greater than mindless sleepfulness can support. Feeding the immature soul within them with wrathful glory, the Infernal grows a second, mightier heart which sits in their chest; the corpus of a newborn coronary prince. Upon learning this Charm, the Infernal's quiescent fifth soul becomes a deva in its own right, with Essence equal to (Infernal's Essence). The Infernal's player and the Storyteller should design the newborn deva around the personal themes of the warlock and their personality as interpreted through the Malfeas Excellency, and it may learn spirit Charms appropriate to those themes. No matter its precise appearance, green fire and stellar themes will be a dominant motif. It has an unbreakable positive Intimacy towards the Infernal - though the precise context of the Intimacy may change.
By default, the deva-princeling slumbers dormant within the Infernal's chest. It only naturally respires motes when inactive, and during such times is an invalid target for any effects. It costs the warlock one mote per hour to allow it activity, and this cost must be paid from the Peripheral pool granted by this Charm's prerequisite. While it is active, the deva-princeling co-locates between its throne in the Infernal's chest, and whatever its spiritual-form is doing.
For any Charms and sorceries which distinguish, the deva-princeling despite its relative weakness counts as a deva of the Third Circle. It is not party to the Surrender Oaths of the Yozis nor the law of Cecelyne, and thus may not be summoned, bound or banished. If the deva-princeling is killed, it automatically regenerates after five days. If it is killed with a spirit-killing Charm, a new deva-princeling forms after a year and a day, although it is a separate being with no shared memories and a different personality to the previous one, and the Infernal loses access to the mote pool granted by this Charm's prerequisite while it regrows.