Alright, I made some brainstorming and made a collection of Malfeas Charms I think Lelouch may find useful (which can, theoretically, allow him to become the Zero appearing in Nightmare of Nunnally. Kinda):
- Hardened Devil Body
- By Pain Reforged
- Pathetic Distraction Rebuke
- Invulnerable Wounding Futility
- Scar-Writ Saga Shield
- Viridian Legend Exoskeleton
With those possibilities of survival increase tremendously. Demon Emperor Shintai would be super cool...but we don't want to inflict super-cancer on everyone, do we? Only on those deserving it.
- Insignificant Embers Intuition
- Dim Irrelevancies Unveiled
- Tarnish Flash Technique
- Skyfire-Seizing Repast
- Sun-Heart Furnace Soul
- Green Sun Nimbus Fire
- Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul
- World Weathering Incandescence
- Kissed by Hellish Noon
- Cold Fire Desolation Brand
- Rebuking Impudent Arms
- Carapace Oven Trick
- Vitriolic Corona Endowment
- Star-Piercing Star of Glory
Blinding your opponents is always good. It even use War as ability, which Lelouch has in spades.
SHFS for another Pantheon Soul. And more motes.
Star-Piercing Star of Glory so we can hurl blasts of cosmic energy. I know everyone want them
I was considering to include Fealty-Acknowledging Audience, but then I realized it isn't really Lelouch's style. Not yet at least.
And this is all without considering the many, many fanmade Charms. Just click "Exalted Malfeas Charms", they're endless.
What do you think?