Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

[X] Yes

while having birtinya distracted would be useful, the neverborn are the wrong kind of distraction. They would draw too much of the wrong kind of attention, the kind that leaves dragonblooded and sidereals thick on the ground. Not to mention anywhere they get established is going to be our problem once we take over.
By the way, if we are going to face more undead again in the future personally, we should probably learn Wickedness Beyond Life. Mainly because our current main damage-enhancer, Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack, affects only things that are, well, living.
Ok, so I had a wonderful idea: Hildebrand Manderville, Agent of Inquiry and Green Sun Prince accompanied by his faithful Solar Twilight Assistant of Inquiry Nashu Mhakaracca! For Hildebrand, I figure that once an Infernal winds up dying, either because they were killed in battle or because they were...disposed of by an Unquestionable for some reason, Hildebrand could be the next member of the Althing Infernal.

For the backstory, somewhere in either Australia or Africa, there exits a city called Ul'dah. It's a very mercantile place, where the local Dragonblooded are...not accepting, per say, but rather more tolerant of the Lunar Anathema than their Brittanian counterparts. Alternatively, there aren't any non-local Dragonblooded within a thousand miles of the places because the Lunars that actually run the city kill any Britannians that find out about the place. Moving on, the city is a great deal more supernatural compared to most Britannian cities, and the Lunars can walk about somewhat openly. There's a decent population of local Beastmen, and...well, let's just say it isn't just Lunars that can have really weird fetishes, it isn't exactly unheard of for Beastmen to be born into human families, and change the subject. However people are still people, and crime occurs. One member of the upper class decides that he wants to help by solving cases and becomes the Gentleman Detective, Hildebrand Manderville!

As for how he joins, let's say that one day Hildebrand's "investigation" efforts wind swallowing to let a rather nasty criminal get away. Devastated by the fact that he has allowed this villain to escape, even if unwittingly, he winds up getting an offer from a demon. He accepts, and the people of the city soon notice that the Gentleman Detective's competence has suddenly increased. Of course, he takes a "sabbatical" a few weeks later to a Britannian Area, Area 11 to be specific.

As for Nashu, she's a young feline-Beastwoman who decides she want to help Hildebrand by acting as his assistant. She may or may not have a crush on him, but I personally am of the opinion that she admires him and considers him a friend. Anyway, after Hildebrand accepts the deal, she manages to develop a bomb that sprays sticky foam that hardens and prevents people covered in it from moving, and Exalts as a Twilight. Basically Worm-verse containment foam bombs. She decides to help out her boss, and joins him on his "sabbatical".

What do you think?

On an unrelated note, I have an important question. @Alexander89, just to be clear, when a Yozi loses a servant, such as if Lelouch, Nathan, or Charlie were to die, would the Yozis in question be able to choose servants of a different Caste to replace them, or are they stuck with what they've currently got in terms of Caste? Like Malfeas, is he always going to have 4 Slayer, 1 Malefactor, and 1 Fiend Exaltations? Or could he theoretically swap ungifted Exaltations with another Yozi? Or is it just that the Yozis choose who gets a given Infernal when the Infernal Exalts, based on who wants the Infernal more and who still has unchosen...well, choices?
I like the character idea, but I don't like the idea of people reserving future character slots. We could end up with so many future slots taken that people who join the quest and have new ideas, or people who didn't have ideas early enough, will never get to add their Infernals.
I'm just putting out an idea for when one of the current Internals finally "retires". If someone else comes up with any ideas, or posts their idea before I post mine, then I'll just wait for another opening.
[X] Yes

Just made an account but I have caught up with the quest, though I haven't played Exalted in several years. Regarding this "expedition" to the Shinjuku Shadowland, what is the scope and scale of the mission? Will it involve only supernatural forces (Exalts and demons), or a mixed force? Some of the Black Knights may know the lay of the land better than the Exalts and demons. While this is not much of an advantage, and we'd have to initiate them into the occult, it is an option. Additionally, the Britannian perimeter around Shinjuku has been mentioned to be short of manpower, but does that mean they are spread thin to the point of being isolated (and can be picked off quietly), or are there instead gaps in the perimeter where the expedition can sneak in? Are there frames (and their factspheres) we would have to evade? Perhaps making use of the ubiquitous underground tunnels might be a viable option.

Also, from an operational and mundane perspective, a nocturnal infiltration would make the most sense. However, how will the spiritual mechanics of shadowlands affect the planning? Would the expedition have to infiltrate during the day and hide out until night, then hide again and exfiltrate after dawn? Another question: while "hunting vampires" is right up Akio's alley, would we be able to keep control of him (i.e., have him not noisily murder the shit out of Britannian patrols; prevent him from Leeroy Jenkins-ing any Abyssals we find, etc.)? Out of curiosity, if Akito has been as free with flaring his Anima as freely as Yelena and Nadir stated, how the hell haven't the rest of W-0 found out about the supernatural?
[x] Yes. I think the expadition is a good idea. We have multiple IInfernals (which means we should be able all but the nastiest surprises), and even if we run into a full Abyssal team with nephwrack backup, we should till be able to escape with, oh, not more than 2 or 3 losses even in the absolute worst case scenario.

In addition, this give us a good way to get a feel for how each Infernal "works", and how they prefer to operate, and how their respective dysfunctions interact and alter their dynamics and techniques, etc.
Omake - Organized Stalking (Canon)
A silly omake idea I've had brewing for a while...


Somewhere, a dark cabal meets...

Gold: "I now call this meeting to order. First on the agenda is the continued investigation into the destruction of our server. This travestly against our great Lord cannot be allowed to stand! Oh, and as always, please remember to use your code names, we cannot allow our secruity to be breached again. Miss Silver, do we have anything new?"

Silver: "President Gold, comrades, we still do not know who the culprits are. Whoever they are, they are professionals. Miss Purple, please let them know what you have found."

Purple: "Ah, yes. The Science Club reported their findings - apparently someone was able to crack the password on the server after gaining direct access. All files were destroyed in such a way they could not be recovered. From there, the locations of our backups were found and destroyed remotely. Furthermore, after attaining the security camera footage it appears that it was tampered with."

Gold: "Tampered with?"

Purple: "Apparently the footage shows a loop for the time period in which we believe the sabotage occured. Unfortunately we seem to be at a dead end."

Silver: "Thank you, Miss Purple. Now... hmm, yes, Miss Black?"

Black: "Do we have any suspects, at least? Are we sure it wasn't that bitch Shirley?"

Silver: "Yes, Miss Black, we're certain that Miss Fenette was not involved. While her interest in Lord Lelouch is well known, she not only lacks any apparent skill in such matters, she has an iron clad alibi of being at swim practice during that time. We did consider that she might have colluded with Miss Einstein, but she was also spotted elsewhere at the time."

Gold: "Thank you, Miss Silver. And Miss Black, I must remind you to be civil. Miss Fenette loves our Lord Lelouch, just as we all do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lord Lelouch belongs to everyone, after all."

Black: "I... yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

Gold: "Very good. Now, in spite of our progress we have managed to recover thirty seven percent of the lost material from copies that our members had saved on their local devices. Praise be to Lord Lelouch for our good fortune."

Everyone: "Praise be!"

Gold: "Now, moving on to the next order of business. Miss Crimson, have you had any luck convincing Miss Glass to open up more space in her club?"

Crimson: "No, President Gold. President Glass refuses to budge. She will not let anyone into the Survival Games Club unless they're serious about Survival Games, rather than just trying to be closer to our Lord. I don't believe she'll change her mind. She doesn't want Lord Lelouch being distracted while she is 'waking his potential as a gunman'. I don't think she's lying."

Gold: "Unfortunate, but perhaps she's right. See if you can get her to give us some footage of our Lord in action. Next subject, then. Miss White, have we managed to install the cameras in our Lord's home?"

White: "No. I did manage to get past campus security, but Lord Lelouch's and Lady Nunnally's maid found me and every camera I placed. While she seemed to be fine with us placing the shrine in our Lord's absence, she seems to draw the line at spying on him in his home."

Black: "Well of course, she's a good servant! I told you she wouldn't allow Lord Lelouch's privacy to be violated in such a manner. More importantly, did you find out anything about that green haired whore who has the gall to stay in Lord Lelouch's home?"

Gold: "Language, Miss Black. Miss White, please continue."

White: "Thank you, President Gold. In fact, Miss Black, I did. Apparently she is the daughter of a friend of Lord Lelouch's deceased mother, god rest her soul, and she is staying with Lord Lelouch as she currently has nowhere else to go. They are not involved with one another beyond that, as I understand it."

Sighs of relief come from the gathered girls. This had been a touch subject.

Pink: "Our lord is so magnanimous! Let us put it to a motion."

Black: "Seconded!"

Purple: "Thirded! He even was so nice to befriend Mister Kururugi. Truly, our Lord's benevolence knows no bounds!"

Gold: "The motion is sustained. Let us vote. All in favor of recognizing our Lord's magnanimity?" *everyone raises their hands* "All opposed?" *everyone lowers them* "The motion is passed unanimously. Our Lord is officially magnanimous beyond all others." *everyone claps* "Well then, I believe that concludes all official business. All Hail Lelouch!"

Everyone: "All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Lelouch!"

*ELSEWHERE (no, not that Elsewhere, just somewhere else)*

Lelouch: "ACHOO!" *snifles* "Pardon me."

Milly: "Oh, someone must be talking about you, Lelouch."

Lelouch: "Don't be silly, that's just an old superstition."
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A silly omake idea I've had brewing for a while...


Somewhere, a dark cabal meets...

Gold: "I now call this meeting to order. First on the agenda is the continued investigation into the destruction of our server. This travestly against our great Lord cannot be allowed to stand! Oh, and as always, please remember to use your code names, we cannot allow our secruity to be breached again. Miss Silver, do we have anything new?"

Silver: "President Gold, comrades, we still do not know who the culprits are. Whoever they are, they are professionals. Miss Purple, please let them know what you have found."

Purple: "Ah, yes. The Science Club reported their findings - apparently someone was able to crack the password on the server after gaining direct access. All files were destroyed in such a way they could not be recovered. From there, the locations of our backups were found and destroyed remotely. Furthermore, after attaining the security camera footage it appears that it was tampered with."

Gold: "Tampered with?"

Purple: "Apparently the footage shows a loop for the time period in which we believe the sabotage occured. Unfortunately we seem to be at a dead end."

Silver: "Thank you, Miss Purple. Now... hmm, yes, Miss Black?"

Black: "Do we have any suspects, at least? Are we sure it wasn't that bitch Shirley?"

Silver: "Yes, Miss Black, we're certain that Miss Fenette was not involved. While her interest in Lord Lelouch is well known, she not only lacks any apparent skill in such matters, she has an iron clad alibi of being at swim practice during that time. We did consider that she might have colluded with Miss Einstein, but she was also spotted elsewhere at the time."

Gold: "Thank you, Miss Silver. And Miss Black, I must remind you to be civil. Miss Fenette loves our Lord Lelouch, just as we all do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lord Lelouch belongs to everyone, after all."

Black: "I... yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

Gold: "Very good. Now, in spite of our progress we have managed to recover thirty seven percent of the lost material from copies that our members had saved on their local devices. Praise be to Lord Lelouch for our good fortune."

Everyone: "Praise be!"

Gold: "Now, moving on to the next order of business. Miss Crimson, have you had any luck convincing Miss Glass to open up more space in her club?"

Crimson: "No, President Gold. President Glass refuses to budge. She will not let anyone into the Survival Games Club unless they're serious about Survival Games, rather than just trying to be closer to our Lord. I don't believe she'll change her mind. She doesn't want Lord Lelouch being distracted while she is 'waking his potential as a gunman'. I don't think she's lying."

Gold: "Unfortunate, but perhaps she's right. See if you can get her to give us some footage of our Lord in action. Next subject, then. Miss White, have we managed to install the cameras in our Lord's home?"

White: "No. I did manage to get past campus security, but Lord Lelouch's and Lady Nunnally's maid found me and every camera I placed. While she seemed to be fine with us placing the shrine in our Lord's absence, she seems to draw the line at spying on him in his home."

Black: "Well of course, she's a good servant! I told you she wouldn't allow Lord Lelouch's privacy to be violated in such a manner. More importantly, did you find out anything about that green haired whore who has the gall to stay in Lord Lelouch's home?"

Gold: "Language, Miss Black. Miss White, please continue."

White: "Thank you, President Gold. In fact, Miss Black, I did. Apparently she is the daughter of a friend of Lord Lelouch's deceased mother, god rest her soul, and she is staying with Lord Lelouch as she currently has nowhere else to go. They are not involved with one another beyond that, as I understand it."

Sighs of relief come from the gathered girls. This had been a touch subject.

Pink: "Our lord is so magnanimous! Let us put it to a motion."

Black: "Seconded!"

Purple: "Thirded! He even was so nice to befriend Mister Kururugi. Truly, our Lord's benevolence knows no bounds!"

Gold: "The motion is sustained. Let us vote. All in favor of recognizing our Lord's magnanimity?" *everyone raises their hands* "All opposed?" *everyone lowers them* "The motion is passed unanimously. Our Lord is officially magnanimous beyond all others." *everyone claps* "Well then, I believe that concludes all official business. All Hail Lelouch!"

Everyone: "All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Lelouch!"

*ELSEWHERE (no, not that Elsewhere, just somewhere else)*

Lelouch: "ACHOO!" *snifles* "Pardon me."

Milly: "Oh, someone must be talking about you, Lelouch."

Lelouch: "Don't be silly, that's just an old superstition."
Doesn't he get motes from this or something? That could be an interesting Chehkov's gun, if he ever runs out.
Kind of wondering when my favorite cannibal lotus infernal will be showing up.

Lian wheeeeen?
She should arrive during the timeskip.

On an unrelated note, I have an important question. @Alexander89, just to be clear, when a Yozi loses a servant, such as if Lelouch, Nathan, or Charlie were to die, would the Yozis in question be able to choose servants of a different Caste to replace them, or are they stuck with what they've currently got in terms of Caste? Like Malfeas, is he always going to have 4 Slayer, 1 Malefactor, and 1 Fiend Exaltations? Or could he theoretically swap ungifted Exaltations with another Yozi? Or is it just that the Yozis choose who gets a given Infernal when the Infernal Exalts, based on who wants the Infernal more and who still has unchosen...well, choices?
They're stuck with what they have, since each Solar Exaltation is tied to a specific Caste, unlike Lunars. But, it is possible for Yozi to swap Exaltations, yes.

Just made an account but I have caught up with the quest, though I haven't played Exalted in several years. Regarding this "expedition" to the Shinjuku Shadowland, what is the scope and scale of the mission? Will it involve only supernatural forces (Exalts and demons), or a mixed force? Some of the Black Knights may know the lay of the land better than the Exalts and demons. While this is not much of an advantage, and we'd have to initiate them into the occult, it is an option. Additionally, the Britannian perimeter around Shinjuku has been mentioned to be short of manpower, but does that mean they are spread thin to the point of being isolated (and can be picked off quietly), or are there instead gaps in the perimeter where the expedition can sneak in? Are there frames (and their factspheres) we would have to evade? Perhaps making use of the ubiquitous underground tunnels might be a viable option.

Also, from an operational and mundane perspective, a nocturnal infiltration would make the most sense. However, how will the spiritual mechanics of shadowlands affect the planning? Would the expedition have to infiltrate during the day and hide out until night, then hide again and exfiltrate after dawn? Another question: while "hunting vampires" is right up Akio's alley, would we be able to keep control of him (i.e., have him not noisily murder the shit out of Britannian patrols; prevent him from Leeroy Jenkins-ing any Abyssals we find, etc.)? Out of curiosity, if Akito has been as free with flaring his Anima as freely as Yelena and Nadir stated, how the hell haven't the rest of W-0 found out about the supernatural?
1) It will be a force of Exalts, demons and cultists. It is not yet time for the BK to be introduced to the occult.
2) Lelouch and co. will sneak in.
3) Essence using characters can choose between Creation and Underworld when crossing a Shadowland's borders by spending one mote.
4) Akio, controlled? Doubtful.
5) That time he flared it was only him and Leila.

A silly omake idea I've had brewing for a while...


Somewhere, a dark cabal meets...

Gold: "I now call this meeting to order. First on the agenda is the continued investigation into the destruction of our server. This travestly against our great Lord cannot be allowed to stand! Oh, and as always, please remember to use your code names, we cannot allow our secruity to be breached again. Miss Silver, do we have anything new?"

Silver: "President Gold, comrades, we still do not know who the culprits are. Whoever they are, they are professionals. Miss Purple, please let them know what you have found."

Purple: "Ah, yes. The Science Club reported their findings - apparently someone was able to crack the password on the server after gaining direct access. All files were destroyed in such a way they could not be recovered. From there, the locations of our backups were found and destroyed remotely. Furthermore, after attaining the security camera footage it appears that it was tampered with."

Gold: "Tampered with?"

Purple: "Apparently the footage shows a loop for the time period in which we believe the sabotage occured. Unfortunately we seem to be at a dead end."

Silver: "Thank you, Miss Purple. Now... hmm, yes, Miss Black?"

Black: "Do we have any suspects, at least? Are we sure it wasn't that bitch Shirley?"

Silver: "Yes, Miss Black, we're certain that Miss Fenette was not involved. While her interest in Lord Lelouch is well known, she not only lacks any apparent skill in such matters, she has an iron clad alibi of being at swim practice during that time. We did consider that she might have colluded with Miss Einstein, but she was also spotted elsewhere at the time."

Gold: "Thank you, Miss Silver. And Miss Black, I must remind you to be civil. Miss Fenette loves our Lord Lelouch, just as we all do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lord Lelouch belongs to everyone, after all."

Black: "I... yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

Gold: "Very good. Now, in spite of our progress we have managed to recover thirty seven percent of the lost material from copies that our members had saved on their local devices. Praise be to Lord Lelouch for our good fortune."

Everyone: "Praise be!"

Gold: "Now, moving on to the next order of business. Miss Crimson, have you had any luck convincing Miss Glass to open up more space in her club?"

Crimson: "No, President Gold. President Glass refuses to budge. She will not let anyone into the Survival Games Club unless they're serious about Survival Games, rather than just trying to be closer to our Lord. I don't believe she'll change her mind. She doesn't want Lord Lelouch being distracted while she is 'waking his potential as a gunman'. I don't think she's lying."

Gold: "Unfortunate, but perhaps she's right. See if you can get her to give us some footage of our Lord in action. Next subject, then. Miss White, have we managed to install the cameras in our Lord's home?"

White: "No. I did manage to get past campus security, but Lord Lelouch's and Lady Nunnally's maid found me and every camera I placed. While she seemed to be fine with us placing the shrine in our Lord's absence, she seems to draw the line at spying on him in his home."

Black: "Well of course, she's a good servant! I told you she wouldn't allow Lord Lelouch's privacy to be violated in such a manner. More importantly, did you find out anything about that green haired whore who has the gall to stay in Lord Lelouch's home?"

Gold: "Language, Miss Black. Miss White, please continue."

White: "Thank you, President Gold. In fact, Miss Black, I did. Apparently she is the daughter of a friend of Lord Lelouch's deceased mother, god rest her soul, and she is staying with Lord Lelouch as she currently has nowhere else to go. They are not involved with one another beyond that, as I understand it."

Sighs of relief come from the gathered girls. This had been a touch subject.

Pink: "Our lord is so magnanimous! Let us put it to a motion."

Black: "Seconded!"

Purple: "Thirded! He even was so nice to befriend Mister Kururugi. Truly, our Lord's benevolence knows no bounds!"

Gold: "The motion is sustained. Let us vote. All in favor of recognizing our Lord's magnanimity?" *everyone raises their hands* "All opposed?" *everyone lowers them* "The motion is passed unanimously. Our Lord is officially magnanimous beyond all others." *everyone claps* "Well then, I believe that concludes all official business. All Hail Lelouch!"

Everyone: "All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Lelouch!"

*ELSEWHERE (no, not that Elsewhere, just somewhere else)*

Lelouch: "ACHOO!" *snifles* "Pardon me."

Milly: "Oh, someone must be talking about you, Lelouch."

Lelouch: "Don't be silly, that's just an old superstition."
Oh God. I am so, so tempted to make Canon, just to increase the shenanigans. What should I do?

Also, not very good news: because reality is unfair, until the eight of February my free time will be non-existent. Please endure until then.
Oh God. I am so, so tempted to make Canon, just to increase the shenanigans. What should I do?

Shenanigans are always good! Plus it's more in the realm of minor background shenanigans, so it's not like it interferes with anything. Probably...

Also, not very good news: because reality is unfair, until the eight of February my free time will be non-existent. Please endure until then.

Pantheon-Anchored Charms Ideas (Enjou)
So, I was bored, and I thought of a few ideas for Pantheon-Anchored Charms we might make so we can have something to discuss until the GM isn't plagued by reality and the woes that come with it.

Text for these might need some work, but I had some fun writing them.

Anesidora Charms

In Madness, Victory
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Pantheon-Anchored (Anesidora)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Muse of Unearthly Delights

Anesidora's mad genius on the battlefield is not limited to herself, for she is a muse that inspires her subordinates to greatness. This Charm expands the scope of it's prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to grant bonus successes to a War roll in exchange for granting a Derangement. The bonus successes are granted to the inspired commanding officer the first time a specific strategy or tactic is employed in a war.

Seven Pledge Playing Field
Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Sorcerous, Shaping, Pantheon-Anchored (Anesidora)
Duration: Seven Days
Prerequisite Charms: Muse of Unearthly Delights

Anesidora is a thinker, not a fighter. As such, many would think it easy to assault her by force. This is not the case.

By using this Charm a field with a radius of (Essence x 100) yards is created around the user in which a set of rules is enforced. Anyone who attempts to enter the field becomes immediately aware of seven pledges they must abide by while within or suffer dire consequences.

1. All conflicts must be resolved through games. Murder, war, violence, and robbery is forbidden within the field unless allowed by the rules of a game.
2. For the game, each player will bet something they agree is of equal value.
3. As long as it does not violate the second pledge, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.
4. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.
5. Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.
6. Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.
7. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

Violations of the pledges cause the culprits to suffer a number of automatic botches equal to the Infernal's Essence as if they broke an Eclipse Caste oath. The field enforces bets as a Shaping effect when necessary, transferring even concepts such as Intimacies or knowledge. Should someone attempt to resist the Shaping effect with a Charm or other ability, they will be considered to be in violation of the fifth pledge and will suffer accordingly. Once accepted, the Shaping cannot be dispelled by any means other than the field's own mechanics, and will even continue to act outside of the field if needed.

The field may be dispelled by casting the appropriate countermagic in the exact center of the effect, based on the Infernal's Essence rating rather than the Charm's Essence requirement of 4.

An Essence 6 Repurchase of this Charm causes the field to generate necessary items, structures, or effects to enable games whose requirements are not present to be able to be played. Even temporary Elsewhere pockets may be generated as necessary. At Essence 8, the Charm's effects extends to (Essence x 100) miles.

Sinnihtáre Charms

Tranquility Induction Melody
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Darkling Grace Complete

The music of Sinnihtáre is meant to calm and relax those who listen, so that they may temporarily forget their troubles. Whether this is for their good or Sinnihtáre's gain is never certain, for enemies who drop their guard in her presence may regret it. Activating this Charm enhances any Performance based action to create music using Darkling Grace Complete. Those who hear this music are subjected to an Emotion effect of the Infernal's choosing that is intended to calm or relax the listener or reduce hostility towards the Infernal. The effect may be resisted for one Willpower.

Pleasant Dreams Berceuse
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Compulsion, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Tranquility Induction Melody

Not much is more relaxing than sleeping without a care in the world. The music of Sinnihtáre is perfect for ensuring that one can reach a state where sleep is restful. When listeners are successfully made relaxed by Tranquility Induction Melody, the Infernal may activate this Charm to target up to a magnitude of (Essence) members of his audience to inflict a Compulsion to fall asleep. Resisting this effect costs two Willpower.

Those who slumber due to this Charm experience a state of sleep so deep they cannot be awoken by mundane means until (Essence) hours have passed. They will experience pleasant dreams during their rest and will be guaranteed to regain at least one point of Willpower when they wake, unless they would experience nightmares due to Charms such as Nightmare Fugue Vigilance in which case they will not dream at all and will roll normally to regain Willpower rather than experiencing a penalty. The effects of this Charm may be dispelled with Emerald Countermagic or appropriate Charms.

At Essence 6, the duration of the sleep may be made to last until the victim dies.
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Probably should modify the betting pledge to account for someone refusing to play or refusing to bet. Doing either counts as having lost the game and allowing any price to be extracted pending on story teller approval.
Also, what happens if the player can't agree on bets of equal value? There are a couple of things to nitpick, but I love the concept.
What about card games on motorcycles?

now thats just silly. :p

Probably should modify the betting pledge to account for someone refusing to play or refusing to bet. Doing either counts as having lost the game and allowing any price to be extracted pending on story teller approval.

I think the lack of a way to compel somone to play is intentional, somone can just chose not to play. Its up to you to find a way to apply pressure to force them to agree to play for something. For example start conducting rituals that are not technically "attacks" but still to bad things to the surrounding countryside, or point a giant death ray at something important and start charging it up or merely social fu them into thinking you're bad at something you're actually really good at.
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Probably should modify the betting pledge to account for someone refusing to play or refusing to bet. Doing either counts as having lost the game and allowing any price to be extracted pending on story teller approval.
Either that, or they're just put into an observer mode of some sort, where they can't fight or use essence at all without counting as breaking a rule.
not thats just silly. :p

I think the lack of a way to compel somone to play is intentional, somone can just chose not to play. Its up to you to find a way to apply pressure to force them to agree to play for something. For example start conducting rituals that are not technically "attacks" but still to bad things to the surrounding countryside, or point a giant death ray at something important and start charging it up or merely social fu them into thinking you're bad at something you're actually really good at.
Edit: nevermind, this is a great point. It'll be just like a child's anime show. :D

the might of there knightmare frames is no match for our mastery of childrens card games!
The look on everybody's face when we use this charm for the first time will be hilarious!

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