Doesn't he get motes from this or something? That could be an interesting Chehkov's gun, if he ever runs out.A silly omake idea I've had brewing for a while...
Somewhere, a dark cabal meets...
Gold: "I now call this meeting to order. First on the agenda is the continued investigation into the destruction of our server. This travestly against our great Lord cannot be allowed to stand! Oh, and as always, please remember to use your code names, we cannot allow our secruity to be breached again. Miss Silver, do we have anything new?"
Silver: "President Gold, comrades, we still do not know who the culprits are. Whoever they are, they are professionals. Miss Purple, please let them know what you have found."
Purple: "Ah, yes. The Science Club reported their findings - apparently someone was able to crack the password on the server after gaining direct access. All files were destroyed in such a way they could not be recovered. From there, the locations of our backups were found and destroyed remotely. Furthermore, after attaining the security camera footage it appears that it was tampered with."
Gold: "Tampered with?"
Purple: "Apparently the footage shows a loop for the time period in which we believe the sabotage occured. Unfortunately we seem to be at a dead end."
Silver: "Thank you, Miss Purple. Now... hmm, yes, Miss Black?"
Black: "Do we have any suspects, at least? Are we sure it wasn't that bitch Shirley?"
Silver: "Yes, Miss Black, we're certain that Miss Fenette was not involved. While her interest in Lord Lelouch is well known, she not only lacks any apparent skill in such matters, she has an iron clad alibi of being at swim practice during that time. We did consider that she might have colluded with Miss Einstein, but she was also spotted elsewhere at the time."
Gold: "Thank you, Miss Silver. And Miss Black, I must remind you to be civil. Miss Fenette loves our Lord Lelouch, just as we all do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lord Lelouch belongs to everyone, after all."
Black: "I... yes, you're right. I'm sorry."
Gold: "Very good. Now, in spite of our progress we have managed to recover thirty seven percent of the lost material from copies that our members had saved on their local devices. Praise be to Lord Lelouch for our good fortune."
Everyone: "Praise be!"
Gold: "Now, moving on to the next order of business. Miss Crimson, have you had any luck convincing Miss Glass to open up more space in her club?"
Crimson: "No, President Gold. President Glass refuses to budge. She will not let anyone into the Survival Games Club unless they're serious about Survival Games, rather than just trying to be closer to our Lord. I don't believe she'll change her mind. She doesn't want Lord Lelouch being distracted while she is 'waking his potential as a gunman'. I don't think she's lying."
Gold: "Unfortunate, but perhaps she's right. See if you can get her to give us some footage of our Lord in action. Next subject, then. Miss White, have we managed to install the cameras in our Lord's home?"
White: "No. I did manage to get past campus security, but Lord Lelouch's and Lady Nunnally's maid found me and every camera I placed. While she seemed to be fine with us placing the shrine in our Lord's absence, she seems to draw the line at spying on him in his home."
Black: "Well of course, she's a good servant! I told you she wouldn't allow Lord Lelouch's privacy to be violated in such a manner. More importantly, did you find out anything about that green haired whore who has the gall to stay in Lord Lelouch's home?"
Gold: "Language, Miss Black. Miss White, please continue."
White: "Thank you, President Gold. In fact, Miss Black, I did. Apparently she is the daughter of a friend of Lord Lelouch's deceased mother, god rest her soul, and she is staying with Lord Lelouch as she currently has nowhere else to go. They are not involved with one another beyond that, as I understand it."
Sighs of relief come from the gathered girls. This had been a touch subject.
Pink: "Our lord is so magnanimous! Let us put it to a motion."
Black: "Seconded!"
Purple: "Thirded! He even was so nice to befriend Mister Kururugi. Truly, our Lord's benevolence knows no bounds!"
Gold: "The motion is sustained. Let us vote. All in favor of recognizing our Lord's magnanimity?" *everyone raises their hands* "All opposed?" *everyone lowers them* "The motion is passed unanimously. Our Lord is officially magnanimous beyond all others." *everyone claps* "Well then, I believe that concludes all official business. All Hail Lelouch!"
Everyone: "All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Lelouch!"
*ELSEWHERE (no, not that Elsewhere, just somewhere else)*
Lelouch: "ACHOO!" *snifles* "Pardon me."
Milly: "Oh, someone must be talking about you, Lelouch."
Lelouch: "Don't be silly, that's just an old superstition."
Doesn't he get motes from this or something? That could be an interesting Chehkov's gun, if he ever runs out.
She should arrive during the timeskip.Kind of wondering when my favorite cannibal lotus infernal will be showing up.
Lian wheeeeen?
They're stuck with what they have, since each Solar Exaltation is tied to a specific Caste, unlike Lunars. But, it is possible for Yozi to swap Exaltations, yes.On an unrelated note, I have an important question. @Alexander89, just to be clear, when a Yozi loses a servant, such as if Lelouch, Nathan, or Charlie were to die, would the Yozis in question be able to choose servants of a different Caste to replace them, or are they stuck with what they've currently got in terms of Caste? Like Malfeas, is he always going to have 4 Slayer, 1 Malefactor, and 1 Fiend Exaltations? Or could he theoretically swap ungifted Exaltations with another Yozi? Or is it just that the Yozis choose who gets a given Infernal when the Infernal Exalts, based on who wants the Infernal more and who still has unchosen...well, choices?
1) It will be a force of Exalts, demons and cultists. It is not yet time for the BK to be introduced to the occult.Just made an account but I have caught up with the quest, though I haven't played Exalted in several years. Regarding this "expedition" to the Shinjuku Shadowland, what is the scope and scale of the mission? Will it involve only supernatural forces (Exalts and demons), or a mixed force? Some of the Black Knights may know the lay of the land better than the Exalts and demons. While this is not much of an advantage, and we'd have to initiate them into the occult, it is an option. Additionally, the Britannian perimeter around Shinjuku has been mentioned to be short of manpower, but does that mean they are spread thin to the point of being isolated (and can be picked off quietly), or are there instead gaps in the perimeter where the expedition can sneak in? Are there frames (and their factspheres) we would have to evade? Perhaps making use of the ubiquitous underground tunnels might be a viable option.
Also, from an operational and mundane perspective, a nocturnal infiltration would make the most sense. However, how will the spiritual mechanics of shadowlands affect the planning? Would the expedition have to infiltrate during the day and hide out until night, then hide again and exfiltrate after dawn? Another question: while "hunting vampires" is right up Akio's alley, would we be able to keep control of him (i.e., have him not noisily murder the shit out of Britannian patrols; prevent him from Leeroy Jenkins-ing any Abyssals we find, etc.)? Out of curiosity, if Akito has been as free with flaring his Anima as freely as Yelena and Nadir stated, how the hell haven't the rest of W-0 found out about the supernatural?
Oh God. I am so, so tempted to make Canon, just to increase the shenanigans. What should I do?A silly omake idea I've had brewing for a while...
Somewhere, a dark cabal meets...
Gold: "I now call this meeting to order. First on the agenda is the continued investigation into the destruction of our server. This travestly against our great Lord cannot be allowed to stand! Oh, and as always, please remember to use your code names, we cannot allow our secruity to be breached again. Miss Silver, do we have anything new?"
Silver: "President Gold, comrades, we still do not know who the culprits are. Whoever they are, they are professionals. Miss Purple, please let them know what you have found."
Purple: "Ah, yes. The Science Club reported their findings - apparently someone was able to crack the password on the server after gaining direct access. All files were destroyed in such a way they could not be recovered. From there, the locations of our backups were found and destroyed remotely. Furthermore, after attaining the security camera footage it appears that it was tampered with."
Gold: "Tampered with?"
Purple: "Apparently the footage shows a loop for the time period in which we believe the sabotage occured. Unfortunately we seem to be at a dead end."
Silver: "Thank you, Miss Purple. Now... hmm, yes, Miss Black?"
Black: "Do we have any suspects, at least? Are we sure it wasn't that bitch Shirley?"
Silver: "Yes, Miss Black, we're certain that Miss Fenette was not involved. While her interest in Lord Lelouch is well known, she not only lacks any apparent skill in such matters, she has an iron clad alibi of being at swim practice during that time. We did consider that she might have colluded with Miss Einstein, but she was also spotted elsewhere at the time."
Gold: "Thank you, Miss Silver. And Miss Black, I must remind you to be civil. Miss Fenette loves our Lord Lelouch, just as we all do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lord Lelouch belongs to everyone, after all."
Black: "I... yes, you're right. I'm sorry."
Gold: "Very good. Now, in spite of our progress we have managed to recover thirty seven percent of the lost material from copies that our members had saved on their local devices. Praise be to Lord Lelouch for our good fortune."
Everyone: "Praise be!"
Gold: "Now, moving on to the next order of business. Miss Crimson, have you had any luck convincing Miss Glass to open up more space in her club?"
Crimson: "No, President Gold. President Glass refuses to budge. She will not let anyone into the Survival Games Club unless they're serious about Survival Games, rather than just trying to be closer to our Lord. I don't believe she'll change her mind. She doesn't want Lord Lelouch being distracted while she is 'waking his potential as a gunman'. I don't think she's lying."
Gold: "Unfortunate, but perhaps she's right. See if you can get her to give us some footage of our Lord in action. Next subject, then. Miss White, have we managed to install the cameras in our Lord's home?"
White: "No. I did manage to get past campus security, but Lord Lelouch's and Lady Nunnally's maid found me and every camera I placed. While she seemed to be fine with us placing the shrine in our Lord's absence, she seems to draw the line at spying on him in his home."
Black: "Well of course, she's a good servant! I told you she wouldn't allow Lord Lelouch's privacy to be violated in such a manner. More importantly, did you find out anything about that green haired whore who has the gall to stay in Lord Lelouch's home?"
Gold: "Language, Miss Black. Miss White, please continue."
White: "Thank you, President Gold. In fact, Miss Black, I did. Apparently she is the daughter of a friend of Lord Lelouch's deceased mother, god rest her soul, and she is staying with Lord Lelouch as she currently has nowhere else to go. They are not involved with one another beyond that, as I understand it."
Sighs of relief come from the gathered girls. This had been a touch subject.
Pink: "Our lord is so magnanimous! Let us put it to a motion."
Black: "Seconded!"
Purple: "Thirded! He even was so nice to befriend Mister Kururugi. Truly, our Lord's benevolence knows no bounds!"
Gold: "The motion is sustained. Let us vote. All in favor of recognizing our Lord's magnanimity?" *everyone raises their hands* "All opposed?" *everyone lowers them* "The motion is passed unanimously. Our Lord is officially magnanimous beyond all others." *everyone claps* "Well then, I believe that concludes all official business. All Hail Lelouch!"
Everyone: "All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Lelouch!"
*ELSEWHERE (no, not that Elsewhere, just somewhere else)*
Lelouch: "ACHOO!" *snifles* "Pardon me."
Milly: "Oh, someone must be talking about you, Lelouch."
Lelouch: "Don't be silly, that's just an old superstition."
Oh God. I am so, so tempted to make Canon, just to increase the shenanigans. What should I do?
Also, not very good news: because reality is unfair, until the eight of February my free time will be non-existent. Please endure until then.
Probably should modify the betting pledge to account for someone refusing to play or refusing to bet. Doing either counts as having lost the game and allowing any price to be extracted pending on story teller approval.
Probably should modify the betting pledge to account for someone refusing to play or refusing to bet. Doing either counts as having lost the game and allowing any price to be extracted pending on story teller approval.
Edit: nevermind, this is a great point. It'll be just like a child's anime show.not thats just silly.
I think the lack of a way to compel somone to play is intentional, somone can just chose not to play. Its up to you to find a way to apply pressure to force them to agree to play for something. For example start conducting rituals that are not technically "attacks" but still to bad things to the surrounding countryside, or point a giant death ray at something important and start charging it up or merely social fu them into thinking you're bad at something you're actually really good at.
The look on everybody's face when we use this charm for the first time will be hilarious!the might of there knightmare frames is no match for our mastery of childrens card games!