Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Also, i wanted to ask if this charm works in Knightmares:

Cost: — (+1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Cities rise. Cities fall. Only Malfeas endures.
Once an Infernal learns this Charm, she may pay an
additional mote when activating Green Sun Nimbus
Flare to attack a non-magical inanimate object (Exalted,
p. 213). If the target suffers any damage from
the secondary burn, the wound continues to burn
from within, suffering one level of unsoakable lethal
damage each tick until destroyed. If the warlock has a
higher Essence rating than the Resources value of the
object, it burns more quickly and is utterly destroyed
on the tick following the Infernal's attack. During
this period of disintegration, cracks spread throughout
the object's surface, from which glittering green rays
and wisps of acrid smoke emerge. Final destruction
occurs violently as the object simultaneously burns
and shatters. Witnesses may even hear the childlike
whimper of the object's least god as its immortal
existence loses all meaning.

Edit: Oh, Akito already has it. I guess that means it does work. Nice.

(Punch a Knightmare activating GNF and WWI, laugh maniacally while it burns to death)
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Well, this sure looks interesting.
Love the idea and the writing is good.

Now to address a few things I've noticed:

Kaguya has Szoreny Mythos Exultant:

Szoreny is a creature of patience, growing through failure until he reaches success. If the stunt fails, the Infernal still receives half the motes he would have gained from succeeding. The Infernal cannot choose to receive a point of Willpower instead.

which is kind of pointless since errata says you get stunt rewards anyway:
Errata: Stunt rewards are granted regardless of whether the stunted
action succeeds or fails.
maybe have it restore virtue channels or something?

Akito, as people have mentioned already, could use Revlids IMS charms
Infernal Monster Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Raging Behemoth Charge or two of the following (By Pain Reforged, Teeth Without Number, Wind-Born Stride, Weight Exaggerating Ego Density, Sea Within Veins Prana)
The Infernal's eyes close and his face assumes a curiously sad expression, as if he almost regrets the carnage about to follow. When they open, they burn vivid emerald and his muscles swell impossibly, increasing his overall size and mass by 10%. Style compatible armor resizes with him, but most clothes tear unless very loose-fitting. Use of this Charm is compatible with Lunar tattoos. The martial artist gains the benefits listed below.
• Every unarmed attack inflicts piercing damage and grants the monster a cumulative dot of Physique for the scene. This dot does increase the damage of the attack that provided it. No combination of Charms including Infernal Monster Form can provide more than (Essence) additional dots, and this bonus is treated as a dice bonus from Charms. This Physique gain occurs even if the attack misses but only occurs once per attack regardless of the number of targets.
• He can parry lethal and ranged attacks unarmed without a stunt.
• He decreases the Speed of all unarmed attacks by -1, to a minimum of Speed 3, provided he attacks once rather than as part of a flurry.
• His body expands metaphysically as well as physically, causing him to exist outside of fate and as a creature of darkness native to Malfeas for the duration of the Charm. These states carry all the usual advantages and disadvantages. In addition to basic removal from fate, the character's presence imposes automatic failure on all thaumaturgical divination methods (such as astrology) used within a mile, causing them to return a single disturbing result: "The monster is here."

The Infernal Exalted may reflexively enter Infernal Monster Form as an innate power rather than a Charm activation whenever they activate a Shintai Charm. This has the usual cost, but ignores the restrictions of the Form-type keyword. While Infernal Monster Form is active, all Shintais gain the Rage keyword, but that keyword's usual effects do not apply.

Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method
Cost: 3m (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Melee 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
So much destruction, and only two knuckled instruments to inflict it with. The Monsters frustration is all but palpable. This Charm can be activated when Infernal Monster Form is active, to enhance any attack that benefits from the Speed-reduction provided by that Charm. The Infernal's anima immediately flares to the 8+ level, if it was not already higher, and manifests within itself a set of fists. These clenched anima-fists cannot be used to manipulate anything; instead, they reduce any multiple action penalties afflicting the Infernals unarmed attacks by one, and increase the number of attacks he can make while still benefiting from the Speed-reduction of Infernal Monster Form by one. The Infernal may stack up to (Essence) activations of this Charm at once.

If the Infernal knows One Hand Fury, these anima-fists take on the same appearance as his demon-hand. Further, if he makes a mundane flurry of unarmed attacks after reaching his full complement of anima-fists, he may spend a single point of Willpower in Step 1 of his first attack, before spending any motes on Charms enhancing that flurry. All but (Essence) motes committed to this Charm are released (all motes are released if the Infernal is under a Rage effect), as the anima-fists solidify into real arms, attached to the Infernal at his spine, waist, elbows, wrists, or anywhere else they will fit. These fists provide the usual benefits, and disintegrate at the end of the scene.

At Essence 6+, an Infernal who knows Joyful Cessation of Restraint may increase the number of unarmed attacks in that magical flurry by spending two motes for each additional attack. He may add one such unarmed attack for every set of anima fists he has active past the first five.

Clenched-Fist Krodha Soul
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 3. Melee 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method

Every punch he has yet to throw lies dormant and bubbling in the Monsters soul, screaming of bruises uninflicted and bones unbroken. This Charm grants the Infernal an empty Overdrive pool with a capacity equal to the motes he currently has committed to its prerequisite. The Infernal gains one offensive mote whenever his DVs refresh while under a Rage effect. If he wishes, he may spend this mote immediately upon acquiring it; if he does so, then for the rest of the tick he gains two offensive motes whenever he makes an unarmed attack which benefits from the Speed-reduction of Infernal Monster Form. However, he then loses all offensive motes from his Overdrive pool at the start of his next action, before his DVs refresh.

If the Infernal solidifies his anima-fists, the capacity of the Overdrive pool this Charm provides becomes fixed at (Essence x3) motes for the rest of the scene, and he immediately gains that many offensive motes as his anima flares to totemic.
By Rage Recast and Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai might also be interesting for him.

More charms can be found here:
Exalted Charms.rar

Rakshata seems fine.

And finally, LSD has one little fact that's usually just random flavor that could be useful: Eddie gives all Akuma access to it. Under current Yozi charm acces rules, he might have extended that boon to all Infernals. Doesn't matter to Lulu but others might be interested.
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Also, i wanted to ask if this charm would work in Knightmares:

I think it should, by most definitions of inanimate - a Knightmare isn't alive, after all. Mind you, it won't work against the Lancelot or any other Knightmares using magical materials, but against your bog standard Sutherland it would work. Though given it doesn't actually take that much to take down a Sutherland with another Knightmare, it would probably be a waste of motes unless you're on foot or something.
I assume that they also have a Parry DV?
Yes. They're calculated the same as Dodge DV.
So, what is the manuverability of the average Knightmare? I guess pretty high, since mobility is their main selling point.
We'd need the value of multiple machines to know how relatively good they are, so knowing a Sutherland's value alone doesn't tell us all that much.
As of now I would say Maneuverability +1 or +2. Half of that, rounded up, goes to the Pilot's DV. Even the Five-Metal Shrike, the most broken Artifact N/A skyship in Exalted, has Maneuverability +5. I made a list of vehicles from Modern Age, so that we can discuss it. Do remember that, according to sources, Knightmare Frames began as modified Tanks. As such they have less armor but higher speed:
Motorcycles are often a staple of modern action and adventure storytelling. While less exciting and popular, mopeds and scooters can also feature in modern games, particularly comedic or lighthearted stories.
Repair: 2 for most, 3 for exceptional sports bikes or elaborate models
Speed: Most motorcycles can achieve top speeds of around 40/80mph; heavier cruisers are slower, with top speeds of 35/70mph; sport bikes built for racing can achieve speeds of up to 50/100mph, or even higher; faster mopeds and scooters can reach speeds of 20/40mph
Maneuverability: +1D for most, +0D or -1D for some cruisers (Drive 2)
Endurance: Motorcycles meant for travel are very fuel efficient, requiring refueling every two weeks under moderate use
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: Depending on the model, a motorcycle can as little as a backpack or as much as a mid-size trunk, and many motorcycles can accommodate at least one passenger
Armor: 6L/9B
Health Levels: Ux3/Mx2/Cx2/I/D
Weapons: Motorcycles are rarely equipped with
Other Notes: Most motorcycles provide less protection than other vehicles. Attackers may choose to target the rider or passengers without difficulty, though they face the better of the character's DV or the vehicle's Dodge DV.

Most cars on the road are sedans, though some are stations wagons, hatchbacks, or other extensions of the same basic design. In any case, they tend to function roughly the same. Despite their similarities, manufacturer and aesthetics play a large role in popularity and price.
Repair: 2
Speed: Most cars can achieve top speeds of up to 40/80mph; poorer models can have top speeds as low as 25/50mph, while exceptional sports cars can achieve Speeds upwards of 60/120mph
Maneuverability: +1D (Lore 1) for most cars, though fine and exceptional cars may have +2D, while poor and older models may have -1D
Endurance: Most cars require refueling every week after moderate use.
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: Small and mid-size cars can accommodate up to three passengers comfortably, and as many as seven in extreme discomfort. In addition to their normal passenger allowance, they can carry anywhere from 500-1,000 lbs. safely.
Armor: 8L/12B; vehicles armored for security or military service may have soak of 10L/14B
Health Levels: Ux3/Mx3/Cx2/Ix2/D
Weapons: Most cars are not equipped with weapons.

Large metal boxes rolling across the battlefield, filled with munitions and soldiers. Devastating innovations of modern warfare, tanks have destructive capabilities commensurate with the fear they can strike into their foes. This entry, like the others, covers a variety of different models, from bastion-breaking main guns to lightly armed personnel carriers.
Repair: 3 for lighter or older models, 4 for more advanced tanks
Speed: Most tanks have low top speeds of around 10/20mph, while some can achieve movement rates of up to 15/30mph
Maneuverability: More agile tanks, like APCs, have Maneuverability up to -1D (Drive 2); main battle tanks may have as low as -4D (Drive 2)
Endurance: Tanks consume prodigious amounts of fuel due to their size and weight. If moving under their own power, they may require refueling as much as once every day. Tanks require constant maintenance to remain in working order, at least one hour every day of use. For every week in arrears, its Maneuverability and the Accuracy of its weapons suffer a -1 penalty. On reaching -4 Maneuverability the tank is no longer mobile, and at -2 Accuracy its
weapons cease to function.
Crew: 2/1 for most tanks, but this does not take into account gunners and other crew that may be necessary for additional functions in the tank, such as ECM and ECCM.
Cargo: Main battle tanks have small cargo capacity for non-essential things. Removing the ammunition for its weapons or emergency equipment may free up space for up to a ton of extra cargo. Other tanks, particularly APCs, have large cargo capacity for supplies and personnel, larger models carrying up to 10 soldiers.
Armor: 15L/23B
Health Levels: Ux8/Mx4/Cx2/Ix2/D for lighter or smaller models, such as APCs; Ux8/Mx4/Cx5/Ix3/D for main battle tanks
Weapons: Nearly every tank is equipped with a heavy machine gun. APCs are sometimes equipped with one or two assault rifle emplacements. Main battle tanks typically possess a single artillery gun meant for obliterating opposing vehicles or fortifications.

Helicopters are an understated backbone of many an airborne infrastructure, thanks to their capability to take off and land vertically, good lift-to-weight ratios, and fuel efficiency.
Repair: 3 or 4
Speed: Specialized helicopters can achieve speeds of up to 80/160mph, but most have top speeds in the realm of of 40/80mph
Maneuverability: +1S (Lore 2, Sail 2) for most, +2S (Lore 3, Sail 3) for some advanced military models; it should be noted that helicopters' capacity to hover easily is well-suited to aerial stunts uncommon or impossible in other vehicles.
Endurance: Operational ranges before refueling for small domestic models can be as little as 200 miles, while specialized helicopters can achieve distances of 2,000 miles
Crew: 2/1
Cargo: Varies widely by type, from minimal storage for small domestic crafts, to many tons of cargo or soldiers for large commercial and military helicopters
Armor: 7L/9B for domestic models, and up to 9L/13B for military models
Health Levels: Ux4/Mx3/Cx1/Ix2/D for domestic models, and up to Ux6/Mx5/Cx2/Ix2/D for military models
Weapons: Commercial helicopters rarely possess weapons, while military models may be equipped with a few or many heavy machine guns, assault rifle emplacements, and even rocket launchers, depending on their size and mission.


The road lion is one of the most popular cruising motorcycles manufactured by Simhata Motors. Despite its eye-catching lion's head tank, roaring engine, streamer like white jade handlebars and foot rests, it never draws too much attention from its impressive riders. Best suited to Exalted owners, particularly Celestials, it remains incredibly popular amongst Dragon-Blooded.
Repair: 3
Speed: 60/120mph
Maneuverability: +2D (Lore 1)
Endurance: A road lion can be attuned for only a single mote, but to function the driver must commit 4m while mounted on the vehicle. This commitment cost is waived when the rider is a Celestial Exalt whose anima banner is flaring at the 8m+ level.
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: Road lions can accommodate one passenger comfortably, or two in a pinch if those aboard do not mind suffering a -1 external penalty to their physical actions. Tucked beneath the sweeping seatback is a sturdy chest about two feet to a side.
Armor: 6L/9B
Health Levels: Ux3/Mx2/Cx2/I/D
Weapons: Standard road lions are not equipped with weapons, but it is not very difficult to mount a rifle between the handlebars.
Other Notes: Attackers may choose to target the rider or passengers of a road lion without difficulty, though the target may choose to use the vehicle's Dodge DV in place of their own. The driver of a road lion and any passenger he invites to ride along gain +4L/4B armor soak, enmeshed as they are in the confident aura of the vehicle.
As with most other vehicles from Simhata Motors, an attuned owner who possesses a positive Intimacy for his road lion may pay 1m to roll (Wits + Awareness) as a miscellaneous action. This is against difficulty 1 normally, but if the bike has been actively concealed it is opposed by the relevant rolls of whoever has hidden it. Success informs the character of the condition of his vehicle and in what direction it lies. Road lions require regular maintenance like a mundane motorcycle.

Sleek and low to the ground, clearly a vehicle built
for speed and grace, the stalking tiger comet's starmetalaccented
black steel body conceals a rich but subdued
interior: Fine leather seats, burnished steel ornamentation,
and crystalline dials and knobs. Its hood tapers slowly to a
beveled point, the mark of its maker displayed prominently
there, like a knife ready to slice its way through any traffic.
Unlike many other sports cars, its engine does not growl or
purr, its stoic silence affording it just as much menace and
mystery as its tinted windows.
Repair: 4
Speed: 80/160mph
Maneuverability: +3D (Lore 3, Occult 1)
Endurance: A stalking tiger comet may be driven only
by someone who has attuned it for 10m, or by someone
the attuned owner has explicitly given permission to pilot
it. The robust engines of stalking tiger comets are actually
intricate shrines to the least god of the car, its pillars
adamant prayer strips covered by starmetal paeans. The car
runs for one day for each successful hour of prayer directed
to the invigoration of the least god (see Exalted, p. 132).
The spirit of the car can remember only seven days worth
of motivating prayer; any extra empowers it no further, lost
in the wash of the praise it has already received.
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: The stalking tiger comet can comfortably seat
three passengers, and has a small trunk with a cubic yard
of space.
Armor: 10L/14B
Health Levels: Ux4/Mx5/Cx2/Ix4/D
Weapons: A stalking tiger comet comes with two grand
shellcasters concealed beneath panels on either side of the
hood, which may be deployed reflexively and are fired by
the driver. It is impossible to find them through a mundane
search, and magical senses are made at difficulty 6. The car
is also equipped with two dragon's roar cannons, concealed
and deployed in the same way adjacent to each headlight.
Other Notes: Stalking tiger comets come with notoriety
interdiction fields, which impose an effect identical to
Arcane Fate on memories of the car (see The Manual of
Exalted Power—The Sidereals, pp. 119-121). This does
not apply to memories of the car when it is joined in battle,
or the memories of passengers. The attuned owner may turn
the field on and off as a reflexive action while in the car.
Stalking tiger comets may be equipped with additional
artifact subsystems, such as the following:
Musician Pattern Upholstery (Artifact •): The stalking
tiger comet is a vehicle of refinement; though meant
primarily for other conflicts, its beauty and grace can be
appreciated outside of combat. When the attuned owner
of the car incorporates the vehicle into a stunt to impress
or seduce someone, she may pay 3m to increase the bonus
dice from the stunt by one, and any resulting influence
becomes unnatural.
Pacification Dashboard (Artifact ••): With a simple
gesture and 1wp, the attuned owner of the car may draw
the attention of a passenger to the dials and lights on
the dashboard. They blur, and turn, and wheel about in
soothing patterns, ensuring that the ride is a peaceful one.
Using the owner's (Manipulation + Presence) in a reflexive
roll against the target's Dodge MDV, the car imposes an
unnatural Compulsion effect of compliance and lethargy.
The target cannot disturb the driver or other passengers,
nor take any non-reflexive actions that require a dice roll,
unless they are targeted by a physical attack or the driver
joins battle with the car. This effect may be ignored for a
day by spending 2wp.
If a target allows the Compulsion to affect them until
they get out of the car, their memories of the trip are
afflicted by the notoriety interdiction field as if they had
not been a passenger.
Benthic Emissary Undercarriage (Artifact •••): Moonsilver
struts, adamant hub caps and blue jade wheel wells
allow the car to reconfigure itself for deployment at sea.
The driver uses a miscellaneous action to spend 5m, 1wp
to start the transformation, the wheels retracting and their
hub caps turning to become fins that slice through the water,
propelled by high-pressure jets of air from the wheel wells.
This allows the car to travel on or beneath the water at
half its normal speed.

Also, i wanted to ask if this charm works in Knightmares:

Cost: — (+1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Cities rise. Cities fall. Only Malfeas endures.
Once an Infernal learns this Charm, she may pay an
additional mote when activating Green Sun Nimbus
Flare to attack a non-magical inanimate object (Exalted,
p. 213). If the target suffers any damage from
the secondary burn, the wound continues to burn
from within, suffering one level of unsoakable lethal
damage each tick until destroyed. If the warlock has a
higher Essence rating than the Resources value of the
object, it burns more quickly and is utterly destroyed
on the tick following the Infernal's attack. During
this period of disintegration, cracks spread throughout
the object's surface, from which glittering green rays
and wisps of acrid smoke emerge. Final destruction
occurs violently as the object simultaneously burns
and shatters. Witnesses may even hear the childlike
whimper of the object's least god as its immortal
existence loses all meaning.

Edit: Oh, Akito already has it. I guess that means it does work. Nice.

(Punch a Knightmare activating GNF and WWI, laugh maniacally while it burns to death)
It works. Oh if it works.
Well, this sure looks interesting.
Love the idea and the writing is good.

Now to address a few things I've noticed:

Kaguya has Szoreny Mythos Exultant:

Szoreny is a creature of patience, growing through failure until he reaches success. If the stunt fails, the Infernal still receives half the motes he would have gained from succeeding. The Infernal cannot choose to receive a point of Willpower instead.

which is kind of pointless since errata says you get stunt rewards anyway:

maybe have it restore virtue channels or something?
Changed: now failing restores a Temperance channel.

Akito, as people have mentioned already, could use Revlids IMS charms

By Rage Recast and Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai might also be interesting for him.

More charms can be found here:
Exalted Charms.rar
Infernal Monster Form is identical to the canon one. The others are interesting.

The next post is in the work. Will probably be posted tomorrow.
Infernal Monster Form is identical to the canon one.

Actually, there are two differences:
Prerequisite Charms: Raging Behemoth Charge or two of the following (By Pain Reforged, Teeth Without Number, Wind-Born Stride, Weight Exaggerating Ego Density, Sea Within Veins Prana)
A GSP can skip Retribution Will Follow and Raging Behemoth Charge, though this part was based on them having access to all Yozi charms and is not really important.
The Infernal Exalted may reflexively enter Infernal Monster Form as an innate power rather than a Charm activation whenever they activate a Shintai Charm. This has the usual cost, but ignores the restrictions of the Form-type keyword. While Infernal Monster Form is active, all Shintais gain the Rage keyword, but that keyword's usual effects do not apply.
This, on the other hand is. MA Form-type charms are kinda weak compared to Shintai Form-types and thus get sidelined. Granted, Akito doesn't have a Shintai yet, but he's like, two charms away from one.
Shintai are Form charms. Well, most of them. Those that aren't are kinda weird. Like creating mortal clones of yourself or setting your default state to immaterial.
Shintai are physical transformation charms and many of them also count as form charms(the exceptions often work different mechanically). It makes sense that Shintai charms are stronger than typical form charms because they are capstone charms for a solar-tier charmset rather than martial arts charms which are scaled to be more lunar/sidereal scale.
Since we're bringing in a lot of non-core Yozis, I'd like to make a suggestion: Reminiscent Oasis made a fantastic writeup for Mardukth, the Mountain and the Beast Upon it.

In canon Exalted, Mardukth was one of the Primordials who died and became Neverborn (presumably being He Who Holds in Thrall), but there's plenty of non-named Yozis and Neverborn, so swapping one out, especially when they offer almost no mechanical function, should be fine.

The charmset deals with being huge, spreading your legend, mastery over animals and the land, and being huge. It has low-hanging fruit for those who need to supplement combat powers, and the social tree is fantastic for spreading your name and becoming famous.

I also already put it into Anathema.
a question, for those who know exalted, would it be possible for a troop of skilled first circle demons working together to creating programmable illusions capable of having complex interactions with one another? for example creating an illusion of a car that will control like a car, and will react like a car if it hits an illusionary object? assume said illusions are semi translucent, and simply pass through mundane objects.
a question, for those who know exalted, would it be possible for a troop of skilled first circle demons working together to creating programmable illusions capable of having complex interactions with one another? for example creating an illusion of a car that will control like a car, and will react like a car if it hits an illusionary object? assume said illusions are semi translucent, and simply pass through mundane objects.

The right demons might be able to, though if you need an illusion I don't think you'd need a troop of demons for that. If you don't have Charms, you could do it with sorcery.
a question, for those who know exalted, would it be possible for a troop of skilled first circle demons working together to creating programmable illusions capable of having complex interactions with one another? for example creating an illusion of a car that will control like a car, and will react like a car if it hits an illusionary object? assume said illusions are semi translucent, and simply pass through mundane objects.

For this, you want some kind of cinema proyector demon, that may or may not exist. If it doesn't, we can always make our own with Titanic spawn incountable. It fits our Orasmus theme.
Omake - Premise (1 of 3) (Canon)
part 1 of 3

Rakshata frowned as she stared into the glowing screen of her computer comparing two numbers. One was the projected final cost of her Gekka Knightmare design, the other was the absolute maximum that the former could be before becoming too expensive for India to deploy in meaningful numbers. The first was still smaller, but by a noticeably smaller amount than it had been last month. This was especially troubling since she'd made several breakthroughs that had significantly reduced the projects projected cost. At this rate, even if she finalized her design tomorrow, by the time India was ready to produce it they wouldn't be able to afford to field more than a handful.

A year ago she would have simply shrugged and gone back to work, assuming the politics around her budget would clear up once her design proved itself successful. A year ago she would have been a fool. Remade as she was, Rakshata was able to realize that for once the maximum price had been set more by what could be afforded than any petty politicking, a clear sign of India's desperation. If it was going down that meant that something was reducing India's ability to maintain its army. Her frown deepened into a scowl as she realized what it was: Britannia. As more and more of the world fell under their rule their ability to strangle the economies of future targets grew. If something wasn't done to slow Britannia's expansion soon India would barely be able to feed itself, let alone field the kind of army necessary to oppose Britannia.

If a weed strangles you as you move to to prune it, would it not be possible to slow its growth while the pruning shears are sharpened?

You need to work on your metaphors Varas, that was awful.

If you say so Mistress. But the point stands, does it not? If Britannia continues to expand at its current rate India will not be able to build the wonders you would arm it with. So I ask you, what is it that has allowed Britannia to so quickly conquer all before them?

As Rakshata considered her Coadjutor's words her frown slowly evaporated, replaced by a predatory smile. The answer was simple, Britannia's cancerous growth was made possible by the massive superiority of their Knightmare Frames and, more importantly, the complete lack of an effective answer to them. Britannia had other advantages of course, such as their immensely effective ECM suites, massive industrial might and of course their Dragonblooded, but its military doctrine used those advantages almost entirely to leverage Knightmare Frames. Render their core advantage useless, or even merely less useful, and Britannia would find its future expansions costing them far more blood, treasure, and most importantly, time.

Ah, good. I see you have an answer to my question.

The current paradigm of warfare holds that the only truly effective counter to a Knightmare Frame is another Knightmare Frame. I think it's time to change that.

Indeed! Now all you must do is craft a weapon capable of such quickly enough to make a difference, and simple enough for the mortals Britannia is currently obliterating to build, while completely avoiding the notice of whatever exalted spies Britannia has infesting your country with.

If the task at hand was going to be easy Mother would not have chosen me.
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I'm guessing that's going to be the birth of geflon disturbers?

Also, you need to capitalize the words at the start of most of your sentences. Otherwise nice omake.

only one spelling mistake, and one chronic grammar error. I think thats a new record for me, thanks.

I'm guessing that's going to be the birth of geflon disturbers?
not quite yet, this is her coming up with something simple as a stalling tactic rather than her master stroke.
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For this, you want some kind of cinema proyector demon, that may or may not exist. If it doesn't, we can always make our own with Titanic spawn incountable. It fits our Orasmus theme.
It would probably be easier to do it as a hellforged wonder. Drop a demon, a Raksha and a movie projector with some historical importance in a vat of vitriol, stir carefully and use few charms to make sure it goes well.
It would probably be easier to do it as a hellforged wonder. Drop a demon, a Raksha and a movie projector with some historical importance in a vat of vitriol, stir carefully and use few charms to make sure it goes well.
...whilst singing a cheesy musical number?
part 1 of 3

Rakshata frowned as she stared into the glowing screen of her computer, comparing two numbers. One was the projected final cost of her Gekka knightmare design, the other was the absolute maximum that it could be before becoming too expensive for india to deploy in meaningful numbers. The first was still larger, but by a noticeably smaller amount than it had been last month. This was especially troubling since she'd made several breakthroughs that had significantly reduced her projects projected cost. At this rate, even if she finalized her design tomorrow, by the time india was ready to produce it they wouldn't be able to afford to field more than a handful.

A year ago she would have simply shrugged and gone back to work, assuming the politics around her budget would clear up once her design proved itself successful, A year ago she would have been a fool. Remade as she was, she was able to realize that for once the maximum price had been set more by what could be afforded than any petty politicking, a clear sign of India's desperation. If it was going down that meant that something was reducing india's ability to maintain its army. Her frown deepened into a scowl as she realized what it was,Britannia. As more and more of the world fell under their rule their ability to strangle the economies of their future targets grew. If something wasn't done to slow Britannias expansion soon inda would barely be able to feed itself, let alone field the kind of army necessary to oppose Britannia.

If a weed strangles you as you move to to prune it, would it not be possible to slow its growth while the pruning shears are sharpened?

You need to work on your metaphors Varas, that was awful.

If you say so mistress. but the point stands does it not? If Britannia continues to expand at its current rate india will not be able to build the wonders you would arm it with. So I ask you, what is it that has allowed Britannia to so quickly conquer all before them?

As Rakshata considered her Coadjutor's words, her frown slowly evaporated, replaced by a predatory smile. The answer was simple, Britannias cancerous growth was made possible by the massive superiority of their knightmare frames and more importantly, the complete lack of an effective answer to them. Britannia had other advantages of course, there immensely effective ECM suites, there massive industrial might and of course there dragonblooded, but there doctrine used those advantages almost entirely to leverage their knightmare frames. Render their core advantage useless, or even merely less useful and Britannia would find its future expansions costing them far more blood, treasure, and most importantly, time.

Ah, good. I see you have an answer to my question.

The current paradigm of warfare holds that the only truly effective counter a knightmare frame is another knightmare frame. I think it's time to change that.

Indeed! Now all you must do is craft a weapon capable of such quickly enough to make a difference, and simple enough for the mortals Britannia is currently obliterating to build, while completely avoiding the notice of whatever exalted spies Britannia has infesting your country.

If the task at hand was going to be easy Mother would not have chosen me.
And then Rakshata has invented power suits.
And then Rakshata has invented power suits.

Power Armor is already a thing in Exalted - the libraries in Hell should have designs for it. As mentioned earlier, for mortals to use those versions require you either implant some devices that double the speed at which you age or for some of the armors you can commit one point of Willpower and lose a week of life for every time you don the armor. However, those suits were designed during the Primordial War and the First Age, where they relied entirely on magic/Essence to power items. As such, I think it's very likely she could make a version that runs on Sakuradite for mortals instead of their life essence.