Arc 11 Post 86: Brass Falling, Blood Flowing
Brass Falling, Blood Flowing
13th of January 2007 A.D.
The problem with taking twenty six people underground to hunt vampires is that the corridors are at most wide enough for four to walk abreast, or four if they are very good friends as Tiffany jokingly puts it... er snuggling up Hand of Gently Falling Ash to the vague confusion of the agent, at least until he figures out she's the designated healer checking him over to see where all the important bits are rather than checking him out. You keep silent on the fact that she's probably teasing Harry as well.
"Vanguard, Rearguard, VIP protect, no scouting, assume prepared and entrenched foe Red One and Red Two Template," the commands ring out in whisper-tongue sending the other agents moving as the gears of a well oiled machine. Cybernetic eyes glare burnt orange and nacreous green, drawing a sigh of fear wonder or both from Harrowmont.
For his part Mr. Adkin does not speak at once, instead seeming to consider his new comrades before drawing the empowered talisman, a little closer... and demonstrating how to trigger it. "Should I die show them the Eye of Ra."
"Understood," something of the confusion regarding what this old man was doing on the mission faded from the face of the agent nearest to him, a tall dusky skinned woman, her elongated features and lack of any hair hinting at spirit blood, perhaps even of an ophidian sort. Such an odd company we make, you think as you pass by the first intersaction, a quick peek around the corner confirming there is no one waiting to ambush you there. So it goes, the second intersection, the third you find colapsed, a mess of broken concrete and rusted rebar.
No one has anything else to say, the only sound passing down the tunnels the sloshing of your own footsteps on bare concrete and broken glass, twisted plastic and other refuse that on closer inspection reveal the remains of lives twice-broken. There is no mistaking the dark streaks on the walls even after all this time and so are the spent casings glinting in the light of gun-mounted lanterns.
On the floor among the tatters that might have once been a shopping bag something moved, ripples in the water drawing every eye. What...?
Every eye bar one.
"Up! Vampires!" Harry's shout comes with a gout of fire aimed at the ceiling where a hidden penned had been silently removed only for four bat-like faces to look on in horror as the fifth of their number is engulfed in flames.
"Contact! Hostile Reds" Electro-Lasers flash poisoned green behind you and the bark of semiautomatic weapons shatters the silence into a million pieces.
You see armored agents moving with inhuman speed, not fast enough to doege bullets true, but enough to turn what would have been a hail of bullets into center mass into grazes and glancing shots, the alchemically tempered armour proving its worth... except for the woman who had been speaking to Mr Adkin, who takes a bullet to the jaw shettering it.
It only seems to piss her off more as she raises her weapon again, eldertich flame in the depths.
One Agent of the Amethyst Hand Takes 3 Damage -> Reflexactivated Adrenal Gland Enhancement Active: 1 Rage Spent: Wound Penalty Negated for the Round
They are trying to pin us in place, the thought flashes through your mind a second before you notice another teltale ripple in the water ahead. Grenades.
Of course they are going to blow up their own people, it's not like they would survive to see sunrise if Sandra has her way.
What do you do?
[] Use Mind Hand Manipulation to grab all the grenades and throw them back at the enemy before they can explode
[] Let Harry handle the Grenades and deal with the four vampires dropping on top of you
[] Call out to the people with guns coming up behind you that they are being lied to and used, maybe your presence will be enough to shock them into listening.
[] Write in
- Four Vampires in their true form above
- Five humanoid (Vampires or Infected) figures behind you straffing the rearguard with automatic fire
- Several Grenades rolled through the water from up ahead
OOC: Everyone but Harry failed their Perception+Alertness rolls, even with the advantages the Amethyst hand agents have they botched so things are pretty touch and go.
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