@DragonParadox which vote won? Sorry if this is an obvious question one has a simple majority of five while the other options are essentially the same thing with six votes spread across two votes that both have less votes than the simple majority so I just thought I'd ask.
I'm assuming you meant the just Hunter's bolt vote but just seeing that "The Hunter's Bolt one" when every plan includes the hunter's bolt is hilarious.
I'm assuming you meant the just Hunter's bolt vote but just seeing that "The Hunter's Bolt one" when every plan includes the hunter's bolt is hilarious.
Let's assume the Denarian does a good dodge and can soak some limited amount of aggravated damage, that should still start hurting him quickly, while Listens to Wind keeps him to busy to retaliate much.
I don't know if the Demon has a trick to suppress wound penalties outside of spending Willpower like it's going out of style, but I hope not.
Taking aim at the four-eyed serpentine hell Beast being mauled by a bear. Necrotic Black Lightning surged up Lydia's arm over her runed leather jacket sparking against the exposed metal of the train car as she threw forth the the bolt of solidified death just as an arm darted out from the melee, fingers hooked in a claw. Lydia watched in horror as the essence she had unleashed bent and writhed.
'The Qiao of the Stolen Serpent', the memory of her training, of the ways in which Chi could be bent flashed before her mind's eye as she prepared to fling herself back. But maybe it was the one ton of ice age muscle, fur claw and tooth, maybe it was the power of death not wishing to be tamed so near to the vortexes of darkness that dueled in the front of the train, maybe just human will failing where demonic will could not buttress it. The bolt rips itself free and hisses up the arm, exposing nerves and withering veins.
Akariel Takes 8 Wounds now at 3/11 (Crippled)
Spends Willpower to ignore penalties
It does it does not die, it does not shrink away, instead the beast seems to expand, a cauldron of monstrous flesh reshaping, bubbling over from a lupine and serpentine form to something far, far larger and more terrible, enough to push the bear off it with sheer bulk, an elephant, though not as Lydia had ever seen such a beast, rough skin like black ask that bleeds fire and the fire of hell in its eyes, wounds that would have been lethal on a merely human form reduced to deep but mending gashes.
Akariel now at 8/16 Wounds (Wounded) Listens to the Wind Takes 1 Wound -> Now at 10/11
Vaguely Lydia was aware of the train behind her, filled with shocked, but very much aware travelers. Someone's going to have to make up a take worth a bard's supper that's for sure.
"Mother says to stop stealing the skins of her children," the bear, the old wizard, said with uncanny calm as he looked up at the monster and Lydia knew enough of magic to be impressed that he could form words in that shape, but that was nothing beside the reaction the Denarian gave.
Stones shook, the ground cracked and the steel of the railway glowed a dull red from the nearness of the hellish beast and yet it did not charge but trumpeted in the air tusks longer than a man is tall now battered at the air as though to skewer some unseen foe... or one merely within its own mind.
"Do you know who you dare command!" the demons screeched in words that clawed at the edge of human hearing. "I made the beasts whose forms you ape. I crafted from clay the idols before which you propitiate yourself like a deluded child."
One should not grow too fond of the sound of one's voice on the field of battle, Lydia's father had advised her and she had found it fair. Gathering Her Essence once more Lydia hoped to take the moment to strike the creature while it was pontificating. Alas It had two pairs of eyes still and one was pointing backwards on the back of its sail-like ears.
Her fists connected with the beast but without the advantage of surprise she couldn't break though the stony hide enough to truly hurt it.
Lydia takes 1 Wound -> Now at 12/14
At the front of the train death spread its wings.
OOC: And with that we can return to Molly for our next update. Hope this isn't going too slow, but this is your first serious engagement with the Denarians and they are serious business.
Well, that was a good attack and even with his new health he's still hurt which is good. It remains to be seen how quickly Molly arrives but for now Lydia's situation is far from critical.
Well, that was a good attack and even with his new health he's still hurt which is good. It remains to be seen how quickly Molly arrives but for now Lydia's situation is far from critical.
Well, the gods of Dice are smiling at us then. However, what is, is. Let's hope that we can continue to win. And thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the update with Molly.
Because the daemon showed itself able to throw it back at her with sorcery. One guaranteed wound this turn is less of a problem than a full hunter's bolt swinging back at her if it gets better rolls.
Because the daemon showed itself able to throw it back at her with sorcery. One guaranteed wound this turn is less of a problem than a full hunter's bolt swinging back at her if it gets better rolls.
And since Lydia can soak Aggravated with her full soak, he'd have to roll pretty good to seriously hurt her.
Also he has to spend another action on defense rather than do something more proactive.
And lastly, her fists are obviously not up to the task of seriously hurting the Hellephant, as already seen in his last, weaker, form, so after voting to fight offensively, I expect her to try and do so, rather than waste attacks on a god-like soak.
OOC: And with that we can return to Molly for our next update. Hope this isn't going too slow, but this is your first serious engagement with the Denarians and they are serious business
On the flipside, this is the first time denarians are seriously engaging with us, and I dare say they arerather more unprepared. Especially because we are going to keep growing, we'll be getting new gear, etc, while they should already be near peak of their capability (before taking into account hell sending more help, of course)
The Denarian still has to aim the Bolt back, if I read correctly:
And since Lydia can soak Aggravated with her full soak, he'd have to roll pretty good to seriously hurt her.
Also he has to spend another action on defense rather than do something more proactive.
And lastly, her fists are obviously not up to the task of seriously hurting the Hellephant, as already seen in his last, weaker, form, so after voting to fight offensively, I expect her to try and do so, rather than waste attacks on a god-like soak.
She doesn't know what it's DEX Athletics pool looks like, but given that it has the power she assumes its quite good. Also she had been planning to sneak up on it and do a called shot for its eyes if it had failed its awareness, but the demon made that roll so she ended up striking it normally.
On the flipside, this is the first time denarians are seriously engaging with us, and I dare say they arerather more unprepared. Especially because we are going to keep growing, we'll be getting new gear, etc, while they should already be near peak of their capability (before taking into account hell sending more help, of course)
I mean, this is still not really anything new for them combat wise. We're engaging them in a way they're most comfortable countering and are still on a death trap full of baseline mortals.
There's probably still a sucker punch waiting for us.
Listens-to-Wind has decided he's ready to throw down with fallen angelic visitors of any culture. It takes real balls to, what, try to counter-spell a Denarian's transformation? Crazy shit dude.
He was willing to stand on a train with Azhi and fire off a curse to crash it when we tried to counterspell. Either he doesn't give a shit about that host or he's got an escape route that's work even under fire while a train derails.
I still think his best option is to derail the train. If he does then either we activate shintai or everyone other than maybe Molly dies.
A train is like an airplane in that it's nearly a perfect spot to murder a high power supernatural.
Listens-to-Wind has decided he's ready to throw down with fallen angelic visitors of any culture. It takes real balls to, what, try to counter-spell a Denarian's transformation? Crazy shit dude.
That is not quite what he did. Listens to the Wind called onto the part of Akariel's form that is as-Elephant reminding it of its nature and briefly distracting the demon.
That is not quite what he did. Listens to the Wind called onto the part of Akariel's form that is as-Elephant reminding it of its nature and briefly distracting the demon.