Arc 11 Post 69: In the Flash of a Demon's Eye
In the Flash of a Demon's Eye
13th of January 2007 A.D.
"I do have some preparations to make, but yes, that would be helpful, thank you. On campus, say, at 12 noon?" "Not immediately?" comes the reply "I could be at UNLV in forty minutes." Your lips purse involuntarily as you momentarily debate how much to share. "There was an older member of the Black Court in Las Vegas earlier tonight." There's a part of you that's itching to take advantage of the hours of the night, but alas it's hard to ignore one's side being more meat soup than ribs and sending Harry on his own... no, that just feels like too much of a risk with Tommy's gunmen wandering around like homing missiles.
"Yes, I shall have the elixir of memory prepared," Harrowmont answers shaken, but not as horrified as you thought he would be. Black Court vampires are rare these days, you remind yourself, and their elders rarer.
"There is no need, we have our own ways..." It is only at this point, the insights of Essence having just faded from your mind that you realize he might tale it ill. "It would be best if you are rested on the morrow, that you might make use of all your skills to aid in the investigation."
"Understood," there's an edge of frustration to the word, but not aimed squarely at you. "See you then. I'll have her schedule and I'll phone around to some of my colleagues to see if I can find out more about the odd reactions in other students."
After bidding Harrowmont farewell, though not good night, he's certainly not going back to bed, you focus your mind on the conversation that had just passed and pull from the strands of fate, such as they might be the names of Sandra's social group. Eight of them, on their own they mean nothing, but as she had done many times before Clippy starts to cross-reference
A while later just as you are finishing off your part of the 'Deluxe Buffet': Beef Tenderloin with supposedly wild mushroom sauce the report comes in, coldly succinct despite the troubling subject matter:
Jacob Cole, Jaida Porter, Kate House, analyses inconclusive.
Conclusion: 35.55% estimated probability theory: social camouflage.
Frankie Lewis, Ollie Black, Harriet Lane, Brooke Turner, all showing signs of anomalous online activity, sleep deprivation evident in images posted over the last three to five months, sudden dietary shifts, presence of occult of mixed and disordered type, breaking/fraying of existing social bonds, refusal to take apart in recreational/social events. Hobbies in common: photography 3 of 4, Animation 2 of 4, Music 4 of 4 (Note, distinction in music genre in relation to human social aggregation outside of present skill parameters). Fields of study in common philosophy 3 of 4, biology 2 of 4, chemistry 4 of 4.
Conclusion: 64.66% estimated probability that they have been instrumentalized as part of a cult/cabal,
Lost 1 Essence (Crown Question) -> Now at 6/15
Regained 6 Essence (CSR) -> Now at 12/15
Healed 2 Wound -> Now at 9/15
Still too earely to call, 03:45, too earely by far. Silk should be in, but you agree with Tiffany that it would be unwise to speak to her over the phone when she is a Red Court asset. "They are very close to the core of the onion... bomb... the exploding onion," you explain to Lydia waving around your fork. Maybe I am still a bit hungry, you admit, wondering if there is anymore of that Crème Brulee. It's not really something one can notice living at home with three square meals a day, but hunger doesn't quite feel like it used to. It comes all at once like a freight train pulling into the station whenever you have downtime between doing stuff.
"Well Mr Adkin's asleep and so's Warden Dresden after laying down some wards," your friend explains. "I think—" a yawn foreshadows her next words. "I'll turn in too."
The night passes uneventfully, until at last around seven you start to see the sun lightening though the high bathroom windows
You Regain All Essence -> Now at 15/15 (CSR and Dawn)
Healed 3 Wound -> Now at 12/15 -> Wound Penalty Removed
Lash Regains Faith -> Now at 3/3
Which group of Sandra's friends do you call?
[] The inconclusive group
-[] Write in stunt (optional)
[] The potential asset/cult group
-[] Write in stunt (optional)
[] Write in
OOC: Well you did not get attacked overnight, good for you.