You mean like the cells with rusty chains, rats, and human bones in them from cheesy old movies?
Still point taken, how about 2 essence a minute up to the victim's essence rating or equivalent in minutes? Keeping objective time since it encourages monologues but makes the charm useless once you start counting time in combat turns.
All of the hells were originally made with the purpose of redeeming sinners and although they have gone far from their origins the signs are still clear in this hell. The hell of the 3rd act breakdown was made for the redemption of the completely unrepentant. Those who did evil knowing that it was evil for selfish motivations confident that they would never pay any consequences for their actions.
Between just you and me (•)
The infernal has learned the great therapeutics methods from the darkest of villains
System: Once per Scene the infernal may gain a mote of essence by
- Explaining details of their abilities to someone who doesn't know them
- Explaining their true future plans (if this triggers the Infernal will lose a temp willpower if they change plans without telling them first)
- Putting a victim into a death trap
If the Infernal does all of these 3 things in a single scene and leaves the area before the victim dies then they gain 3 motes and restores a point of temporary willpower.
Evil Laughing method (•)
The Infernal finds true merriment in the completion of her schemes and freely shares it.
System: When the Infernal restores a point of temporary willpower by any method (ex filling an intimacy) they may laugh evilly in jubilation any minions who laugh with them share in their joy and also restore a temporary willpower.
We aren't so different you and I (•)
The Infernal knows what makes them tick and by extension what makes others tick. It takes one to know one.
Whenever the Infernal does a read intentions check if the target shares any intimacies with the Infernal the Infernal automatically learns of them. When targeting those shared intimacies in social combat the Infernal may pay one essence after rolling to double the number of successes.
Villainous dark matter (•)
Villains may lose, but schemes are forever
System: If the Infernal has bought any backgrounds then even if they lose them somehow - treasure stolen by the heroes, base destroyed, cult slaughtered- they do not lose them from their character sheet. Somehow the equivalents of equal value will come into the Infernals possession. Finding new treasure, finding a new base or a new cult. At the beginning of each arc the Infernal may refund all their backgrounds and use the XP to buy new ones. The XP used to buy this charm can also be used to buy more background.
Greater Evil Reveal (•)
The Infernal is never the lessor evil and her foes should recognize that fact.
System: Whenever anyone feels antagonism towards another target the Infernal can redirect that antagonism to herself as a reflective action. When used in combat the foe becomes incapable of attacking anyone, but the Infernal unless the Infernal is included in the attack.
This act will even change all relevant negative intimacies the foe may feel towards the other target to focus on the Infernal.
Scripted Encounter Defeat (•••)
Reading fate's script, the infernal tears out a few pages and substitutes their own.
System: On their first meeting with a character with no less than half their own essence rating (or equivalent) the infernal may choose to spend 2 essence to mirror any supernatural enhancements the target creature uses for the duration of the scene, save that they stack freely with the infernal's own abilities even if they otherwise wouldn't for the source. The infernal cannot use this ability to kill the targeted creature, and takes 4 unsoakable lethal damage if their actions indirectly lead to them dying within the same scene.
Using this in any scene where a previous target is present, even if they themselves are not selected a second time, gives them the benefits of any excellencies the infernal has running that scene when rolling against them.
Self Disposing villain (••••)
Most heroes are weak and cowardly, unwilling to kill the villain in the end. This charm allows the Infernal to take advantage of this tendency
System: Once per story arc if the Infernal would die they instead gain one last turn of action if the Infernal can find some means that would at least plausible kill them or lead to their body not being found within that turn and take it (Ex Jumping off; a tower, into the sea, a pit, a fire, etc) then their body will disappear only to reconstitute at the end of the arc with full health in a unknown safe place of the ST's choosing. This charm may also be triggered early before the Infernal would die.