Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

To give a scale when the Ravnos Antediluvian, that is the founder of the bloodline whose main strength is illusion woke up as a ravening beast, so very much not at his best . It took three of the eldest of the Wuan Kuei to weaken him and then a technocracy sun focusing superweapon to finally kill him. All this was happening in broad daylight by the way, the Wuan Kuei having summoned a storm to fight under before the technocracy bombed them into oblivion
So we should put a tungsten rod in space and before firing it we should set up When the tigers broke free and use GSNF on it.
To give a scale when the Ravnos Antediluvian, that is the founder of the bloodline whose main strength is illusion woke up as a ravening beast, so very much not at his best . It took three of the eldest of the Wuan Kuei to weaken him and then a technocracy sun focusing superweapon to finally kill him. All this was happening in broad daylight by the way, the Wuan Kuei having summoned a storm to fight under before the technocracy bombed them into oblivion

Well, three bodhisattva, the second most enlightened grade of the Wan Kuei. Bodhisattva start as the equivalents of Kindred Methuseleah (4th generations), it's the Arhats who are the peers of the Antediluvians (3rd generations).

Edit: according to KotE, bodhisattva are at least as powerful as Kindred Methuseleah, some reach the same ? stats stage as Antediluvians even before/without becoming arhats.
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He has been paying property taxes since 1969 and the person before him was not a Matthews.
So not inherited family property, but a rural bolthole away from the usual suspects of places like Montana, but within easy access to a major city.

WW2 ended 1945.The White Council confirmed the Kemmler kill in 1961, coincidentally the same year the Tsar Bomba was tested.
8 years between that and Mathews setting up shop here.
1969 - 2006 is 37 years, almost a full generation.

Gorfel claims to have been active in WW2; if this dude was as well, he's a pretty well preserved eighty plus years or older.
At a minimum he's in his sixties, just from being able to afford this property in 1969.

He is old enough for a 20s-40s year old who was involved in occult shenanigans in the WW2/postWW2 era to lose faith after Kemmler got killed in '61 and drop out of sight somewhere with a small population and not very many travellers moving through. The continuity of property records means he's been here ever since, something we can probably confirm with casual talk in town.

All the fetishes lining the walls suggest that he hasnt stopped spirit binding.
Question of course is whether he is just doing the occult version of prepping and stockpiling guns, or if he is supplying those fetishes to other people for their uses.

Because while not illegal, especially if he can claim ignorance, it does suggest that Gorfels might have gotten spirits of rage from him for making minions. And that whoever made the FBI hexenwulfen, and the Streetwolves from Fool Moon, might move in the same circles. It would make him a node of the grey/black market.

And thus a target for assassination if people think he's talking to wardens.
Good thing that we drove the less distinctive Beige Wagon here instead of Dresden's VW Beetle.

I get the prepper feel though.
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also another note considering how long hes lived here this guys definitely a full wizard talent though obviously has his specialty. Even some senior council members aren't as good in direct combat as dresden for example even if their far better wizards due to their age.
All the fetishes lining the walls suggest that he hasnt stopped spirit binding.
Question of course is whether he is just doing the occult version of prepping and stockpiling guns, or if he is supplying those fetishes to other people for their uses.

Because while not illegal, especially if he can claim ignorance, it does suggest that Gorfels might have gotten spirits of rage from him for making minions. And that whoever made the FBI hexenwulfen, and the Streetwolves from Fool Moon, might move in the same circles. It would make him a node of the grey/black market.

And thus a target for assassination if people think he's talking to wardens.
Good thing that we drove the less distinctive Beige Wagon here instead of Dresden's VW Beetle.

I get the prepper feel though.
I would sooner bet on Gorfel having bound his own spirits, though he might have learned his tricks either from or together with Matthews here.

After all Gorfel had a spell that allowed him to cast instant-madness and he had his own rage-spirit so well under control that he got the full benefits at no drawback. Edit: And he was also the one that bound a spirit into the goon we interogated.
That sounds like someone intimatly familiar with the area of magic, not someone buying his spirits from the local farmer's market.
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I have seen people in their 70s that look better then some 30s year old people. It more a matter of how well you have been living. I doubt he is more then an average minor talent. Certainly nothing stopping a spirit caller from letting some spirits out into the world in exchange for things like luck, or good health.
also another note considering how long hes lived here this guys definitely a full wizard talent though obviously has his specialty. Even some senior council members aren't as good in direct combat as dresden for example even if their far better wizards due to their age.
No he isnt.
Dresden would have pegged a White Council level talent straight up.
The whole talk of misspent youth suggests he hasnt even lived his first century.

I would sooner bet on Gorfel having bound his own spirits, though he might have learned his tricks either from or together with Matthews here.

After all Gorfel had a spell that allowed him to cast instant-madness and he had his own rage-spirit so well under control that he got the full benefits at no drawback. Edit: And he was also the one that bound a spirit into the goon we interogated.
That sounds like someone intimatly familiar with the area of magic, not someone buying his spirits from the local farmer's market.
Or it might just be a matter of convenience to take someone else's spirits, rebind them, and use them.
Instead of having to summon your own from scratch.

Depends on how the GM wants to go with the mechanics.
I have seen people in their 70s that look better then some 30s year old people. It more a matter of how well you have been living. I doubt he is more then an average minor talent. Certainly nothing stopping a spirit caller from letting some spirits out into the world in exchange for things like luck, or good health.
I guess honestly these guys don't seem like the type to associate much with minor talents? Kemmler that is then again this guys probably only vaguely associated with kemmler not exactly colleagues or direct minions. more minions minion or minions collegue
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I guess honestly these guys don't seem like the type to associate much with minor talents? Kemmler that is then again this guys probably only vaguely associated with kemmler not exactly colleagues or direct minions. more minions minion or minions collegue
Thing is is minor talents make up the vast majority of magical people. Actual people with the potential to become full wizards 1% of an already very small pool of people. And major magical organization needs minor talent to handle the grunt work, do research, automate stuff etc. Hell Dresden has been mentor to well over a dozen minor talents in Chicago alone.
Thing is is minor talents make up the vast majority of magical people. Actual people with the potential to become full wizards 1% of an already very small pool of people. And major magical organization needs minor talent to handle the grunt work, do research, automate stuff etc. Hell Dresden has been mentor to well over a dozen minor talents in Chicago alone.
note the white council didn't actually have many minor talents working with or for them until very very recently and its still only tangential with the paranet.
Hey Dragonparadox is a wiki article about a mythical weapon enough to find said mythical weapon, or armor, book, magic item, etc etc?
1)Dresden is not perfect, but he's knowledgeable, and calls out the wards as worth noticing. That means one of three things
-Very good magical education to set them up
-Serious aid making them, which loops back to 1.

2)Worth noting that we dont know anything about his dead wife.
She might have been the bigger magical heavyweight, and the person who actually set this up.

3)Note that Mathews immediately notices Molly's demonphone. Dresden didnt notice until we showed him Clippy.
That suggests his home wards are either optimized for this sort of detection, or he is personally sensitive.
Since the evidence on the walls is that he's a spirit binder, could be personal sensitivity.

4)He invited us into his house, with spirit bound items on the wall.
Either he thinks we wouldnt notice, which is unlikely, or he genuinely doesnt think he has anything in his house that breaks the Laws.
Which is more likely.

That said, note Mouse and Mouse's positioning. Mouse doesnt trust him.

5)Calling this out:
"I bet he wished he didn't know his buddies when the sniper bullets started flying, but knowing goes both ways and spite makes for long memories," Molly cuts in, her words like a sword in the dark.
Not entirely sure the implication, but it strikes me as significant.
Especially when it did make him let us in.

5)The whole "dont know anyone named Gorfel" shimmy suggests an attempt to avoid lying while technically correct.
Human magicworkers have no prohibition against lying, so I wonder why.

It does provide supporting evidence that he doesnt know Gorfel has been captured.
If he knew Gorfel had been captured and he was personally culpable in his operation, he would have fled rather than risk Warden swords.

6)Going to note that he might well have some idea what Gorfel wanted the bones for.

[X] Let Harry Continue

The more he talks the more data we can crosscheck.
There's a reason why advice to people in custody is to stop talking.

1)Dresden is not perfect, but he's knowledgeable, and calls out the wards as worth noticing. That means one of three things
-Very good magical education to set them up
-Serious aid making them, which loops back to 1.

2)Worth noting that we dont know anything about his dead wife.
She might have been the bigger magical heavyweight, and the person who actually set this up.

3)Note that Mathews immediately notices Molly's demonphone. Dresden didnt notice until we showed him Clippy.
That suggests his home wards are either optimized for this sort of detection, or he is personally sensitive.
Since the evidence on the walls is that he's a spirit binder, could be personal sensitivity.

4)He invited us into his house, with spirit bound items on the wall.
Either he thinks we wouldnt notice, which is unlikely, or he genuinely doesnt think he has anything in his house that breaks the Laws.
Which is more likely.

That said, note Mouse and Mouse's positioning. Mouse doesnt trust him.

5)Calling this out:

Not entirely sure the implication, but it strikes me as significant.
Especially when it did make him let us in.

5)The whole "dont know anyone named Gorfel" shimmy suggests an attempt to avoid lying while technically correct.
Human magicworkers have no prohibition against lying, so I wonder why.

It does provide supporting evidence that he doesnt know Gorfel has been captured.
If he knew Gorfel had been captured and he was personally culpable in his operation, he would have fled rather than risk Warden swords.

6)Going to note that he might well have some idea what Gorfel wanted the bones for.

[X] Let Harry Continue

The more he talks the more data we can crosscheck.
There's a reason why advice to people in custody is to stop talking.
note there kinda is a malus for it dresdens noted swearing an oath on something and breaking it can have disastrous affects for a wizard I know thats not technically just lying which wizards can do just being noted or swearing on your magic your telling the truth is something a wizard can do.
note there kinda is a malus for it dresdens noted swearing an oath on something and breaking it can have disastrous affects for a wizard I know thats not technically just lying which wizards can do just being noted or swearing on your magic your telling the truth is something a wizard can do.
For swearing an oath and breaking it? Yes. Giving your solemn word is magically significant.
Not for just casually lying though.
Humans are not fae, nor are wizards; they can lie quite easily.

Mathews has sworn no oaths of truthfulness. He can lie quite flagrantly if he so chooses.
His trying to thread the needle suggests other considerations.
For swearing an oath and breaking it? Yes. Giving your solemn word is magically significant.
Not for just casually lying though.
Humans are not fae, nor are wizards; they can lie quite easily.

Mathews has sworn no oaths of truthfulness. He can lie quite flagrantly if he so chooses.
His trying to thread the needle suggests other considerations.
Oh Yeah I know its just worth mentioning that basically saying that your telling the truth can have far more meaning when a wizard says it than when a normie does.
There may be some supernatural creatures that lying to gives them power over you, or permission to act in ways they otherwise couldn't?
So, we have four potential purchases of Rage Recast.

One has been spoken for for flight.

One, I'd like for multiple limbs, to use for telekinesis

That leaves two.

One, I'd suggest use for the speed increase, especially if it stacks with the charm that does the same thing.

Probably the armor one?

So, we have four potential purchases of Rage Recast.

One has been spoken for for flight.

One, I'd like for multiple limbs, to use for telekinesis

That leaves two.

One, I'd suggest use for the speed increase, especially if it stacks with the charm that does the same thing.

Probably the armor one?

it sounds like a lot of exp not saying no just literally have no idea how much exp that is.
So, we have four potential purchases of Rage Recast.

One has been spoken for for flight.

One, I'd like for multiple limbs, to use for telekinesis

That leaves two.

One, I'd suggest use for the speed increase, especially if it stacks with the charm that does the same thing.

Probably the armor one?

Venom. +3 to damage dice per attack for the entire scene is REALLY good. Especially since we also poisin the enemy making them eat further penalties.