1)Dresden is not perfect, but he's knowledgeable, and calls out the wards as worth noticing. That means one of three things
-Very good magical education to set them up
-Serious aid making them, which loops back to 1.
2)Worth noting that we dont know anything about his dead wife.
She might have been the bigger magical heavyweight, and the person who actually set this up.
3)Note that Mathews immediately notices Molly's demonphone. Dresden didnt notice until we showed him Clippy.
That suggests his home wards are either optimized for this sort of detection, or he is personally sensitive.
Since the evidence on the walls is that he's a spirit binder, could be personal sensitivity.
4)He invited us into his house, with spirit bound items on the wall.
Either he thinks we wouldnt notice, which is unlikely, or he genuinely doesnt think he has anything in his house that breaks the Laws.
Which is more likely.
That said, note Mouse and Mouse's positioning. Mouse doesnt trust him.
5)Calling this out:
"I bet he wished he didn't know his buddies when the sniper bullets started flying, but knowing goes both ways and spite makes for long memories," Molly cuts in, her words like a sword in the dark.
Not entirely sure the implication, but it strikes me as significant.
Especially when it did make him let us in.
5)The whole "dont know anyone named Gorfel" shimmy suggests an attempt to avoid lying while technically correct.
Human magicworkers have no prohibition against lying, so I wonder why.
It does provide supporting evidence that he doesnt know Gorfel has been captured.
If he knew Gorfel had been captured and he was personally culpable in his operation, he would have fled rather than risk Warden swords.
6)Going to note that he might well have some idea what Gorfel wanted the bones for.
[X] Let Harry Continue
The more he talks the more data we can crosscheck.
There's a reason why advice to people in custody is to stop talking.