Beyond Temptation
18th of February 2007 A.D.
You snatch up the phone pouch and break the camera in the same motion, taking a moment to rifle through the pockets of the unconscious before making way to Tiffany. "Booby traps are hardly sporting though, Namshiel,"you reply, deliberately pitching your voice in the same urbane cadences that the monster on the line has adopted. "Cool trick with the phone, by the way. "
"So it is with all small workings," one can practically hear the airy dismissal in his words, but behind them and between them a hiss like a gas escaping through a pinprick.
What's he breaking into?
As Tiffany finishes, motioning to your other companions to follow, then continue talking as you pick up the pace."Though you'd think a twenty hundred year old wizard with your advantages would have passed the need to use...trinkets for divination."
"Ah my dear that is where you are wrong, age breeds thrift in word and deed. Ah but I do not need to offer this lesson when you have near as the beat of your heart a companion more ancient and seeped in power than mine own. "Hail
Lillake, spirit of the waters, ever changing in form, hail Lilû who wanders the plains like wind, hail
Kilili, Queen of the Windows, hail Weaver of Flesh and Midwife of the tyrant two thirds god and one third mortal. You have come again then? This time with fire, this time with sword, this time by the stealth of your Father Who Was Murder?"
"I am not he, I am not they, and yet the words... the words are familiar to me oh Queen Who Knows not rival, like a story I one had told to me in upon a dream most dire. I would listen, listen close."
No power reaches into your mind grasping or twisting, no flame to douse in the endless ocean. Indeed the fire of your essence burns brighter, a secret revealed and you know in that moment that it's not the only one the Fallen had whispered into the ears of its host. The wizards can't hear, the phone's not on speaker. It would cost you nothing but some old bones made into a prophetic alarm clock, not even that reliable to slow down and to listen.
Regained 2 Essence -> Now at 14/18 (Urge of the Forbidden)
Then you would know things about Usum, about your deepest self, that you did not know before.
I could lay them down on paper and set my brown to them, pull on the threads of ancient secrets until they reveal what you'd been seeking since that day in summer in the coldest realm. After all hadn't you dealt with the Fallen before and come out ahead? A kind of fallen at least... Like absinthe laced with strychnine.
He speaks not of you, not of Usum for he had been long bound, but of one
Ahead a glass door looms, not artful like the ones in Ancient Mai's chambers, this one looks like it belongs in an airport or a bank secured with all the technology of the twentieth century to add to wards far more ancient, yet past that there is a figure of robed in grey weaving his hands though the air like the limbs of some alien spider, casting from each a tangling line of green.
His back is to you and incogrously a phone is floating next to his head.
"Molly step out of the way," Tiffany says urgently. "On my mark put as much fire as you can conjure down, he can't tap the ley lines here!"
And be the Fallen ever so skilled he would be limited to the ability of his host to channel magic, you finish inwardly. Maybe Harry's been rubbing off on her as well, but depending on the nature of the wards behind him it might cause some
property damage.
What do you do?
[] Plan 'Fire in the Hole' sounds good
[] Go in first
-[] Write in plan
[] Write in
OOC: How do you slow down an Exalt? Play to their Urge.