Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Shoot Peabody with an electrolaser set to stun

[X] Re-Kill the talking corpses while they were busy trying to tempt the kid to the Dark Side
Adhoc vote count started by Anaja on Sep 26, 2024 at 1:01 AM, finished with 35 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Shoot Peabody with an electrolaser set to stun
    [X] Re-Kill the talking corpses while they were busy trying to tempt the kid to the Dark Side
    [X] Answer a call from a ringtone of 'Beep Beep I'm a Sheep' then Re-Kill the talking corpses while they were busy trying to tempt the kid to the Dark Side.
Binding an exaltation isn't modifying one, so the monstrances are tangentially relevant at best. Even then the primordials clearly did a lot to expand on the original concept in multiple ways. I'm also skeptical of the idea that the Abyssals were a purely Deathlord design.

For one thing, they operate very similarly to how the deathlords themselves are built, and the Neverborn designed that on their own. For another, the solar ghosts that cut those deals could not modify their exaltations prior to making them and I don't see a source about how precisely the design process worked for the spells actually used to perform the ceremony.

It looks to me like the deathlords are reproducing what the Neverborn did to them and getting away with it for the same reasons Autobot's Alchemical pit crews do - they're leaning hard on the backing of a primordial's essence and involvement to make things work.

More relevant to the actual point we were discussing; a mortal wizard living in the post-post-post-post apocalypse isn't the ghost of a first age Solar with equipment re-engineered by primordials to facilitate a ritual their patrons will actively back.
They are very specifically not doing that. The fetid corpses of the neverborn have no consent to give has no ability to deny them only really have the ability to do anything to them if they end up in oblivion itself. The game line goes out of its way to say that the neverborn are incapable of doing anything, the whispers that come from oblivion are nonsense incoherence. The only thing that is coherent is they want to be completely dead. There is no patron for the death lords or the Abyssals Only a yawning pitt, screaming with the Dying echoes.

The idea they had anything to do with the designs of any of the death lords or the death lords chosen, essentially is complete fanon. They are fetid essence batteries for all they matter. To the Deathlords and Abyssals.
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Hello everyone. I dropped this quest a few weeks after it started, but I'm giving it another try. I have currently reached Arc 12 post 49.

One question: Does Molly ever actually engage with Daedalus ? I'd be very interested in seeing more of that, but we keep avoiding them.

To avoid spoilers, I will only read answers that quote or ping me. Please be kind !

Edit: lmao, they show up two chapters later :D
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One question: Does Molly ever actually engage with Daedalus ? I'd be very interested in seeing more of that, but we keep avoiding them.
Short answer No, Long answer At the moment, we have not engaged them. They get completely left behind the staggering ignorance/ incompetence they showed paired with more pressing Matters revealing themselves means they essentially got relegated.
Hello everyone. I dropped this quest a few weeks after it started, but I'm giving it another try. I have currently reached Arc 12 post 49.

One question: Does Molly ever actually engage with Daedalus ? I'd be very interested in seeing more of that, but we keep avoiding them.

To avoid spoilers, I will only read answers that quote or ping me. Please be kind !

Edit: lmao, they show up two chapters later :D
Short answer No, Long answer At the moment, we have not engaged them. They get completely left behind the staggering ignorance/ incompetence they showed paired with more pressing Matters revealing themselves means they essentially got relegated.
They do make other appearances, however, and there seems to be a very good chance they have either been co-opted by a hostile force or some of the leadership have decided to work with them willingly in exchange for knowledge and resources beyond their normal ability to acquire as little muggles swimming in a big magical pond.
Hello everyone. I dropped this quest a few weeks after it started, but I'm giving it another try. I have currently reached Arc 12 post 49.

One question: Does Molly ever actually engage with Daedalus ? I'd be very interested in seeing more of that, but we keep avoiding them.

To avoid spoilers, I will only read answers that quote or ping me. Please be kind !

Edit: lmao, they show up two chapters later :D
Yes, but also no. They show up again a few more times, but all I can say without spoilers is that we do engage with mortal government through their more competent counterparts and will probably get more involved as things progress as a result of… let's call it "classically solaroid decision making".
Hello everyone. I dropped this quest a few weeks after it started, but I'm giving it another try. I have currently reached Arc 12 post 49.

One question: Does Molly ever actually engage with Daedalus ? I'd be very interested in seeing more of that, but we keep avoiding them.

To avoid spoilers, I will only read answers that quote or ping me. Please be kind !

Edit: lmao, they show up two chapters later :D
Not yet and probably never, outside of possibly destroying them because in addition to their bad first impression, their subsequent bad decisions and blatant incompetence have ended any desire to work with them.

Besides, there may be evidence that they are either co-opted by a hostile supernatural power or are working with organizations that would be our enemies in exchange for more knowledge or innovations (we have no firm proof of this but there are suggestions of it).

In addition, we have greatly deepened our relationship with the Library of Congress, Dedalus' older, more knowledgeable and much more competent sister organization, which in addition to having shown great competence in their on-screen moments (if you keep reading you will see the contrast between their operations), treating us with the respect that our power deserves and having done nothing to diminish our respect for them, also thinks that Dedalus are a bunch of useless incompetents.

So the possibility of working with them has fallen completely off the table? No, more realistically we won't mess with them.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 26, 2024 at 1:27 PM, finished with 45 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Shoot Peabody with an electrolaser set to stun
    [X] Re-Kill the talking corpses while they were busy trying to tempt the kid to the Dark Side
    [X] Answer a call from a ringtone of 'Beep Beep I'm a Sheep' then Re-Kill the talking corpses while they were busy trying to tempt the kid to the Dark Side.

@DragonParadox just checking - Harry does have an electrolaser on him and it does have a stun setting, right?

Yeah he does have one
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Sophia has Break The Bonds and Exorcism.
Either of those should break the geas that Peabody has running on LaFortier.
And Howl of Healing should counter the AoE health drain of Nihilistics 7.

Not sure if she can free LaFortier by touching Peabody; she does have Secret of Gaia, which should translate to a sensory range of several miles.

My question is "Where's the Merlin? Werent he and LaFortier together?"
Sophia has Break The Bonds and Exorcism.
Either of those should break the geas that Peabody has running on LaFortier.
And Howl of Healing should counter the AoE health drain of Nihilistics 7.

Not sure if she can free LaFortier by touching Peabody; she does have Secret of Gaia, which should translate to a sensory range of several miles.

My question is "Where's the Merlin? Werent he and LaFortier together?"
That's a very good point. I'd assume that Peabody would mention it if he had Arthur because he makes for a good hostage and a demoralizing loss if they'd killed him. It's entirely possible he just hasn't said anything because it's not useful to him to share it - yet or at all - but I'm tempted to think he somehow got away unnoticed.

Not sure how though, unless they also split up to cover more ground and the warlocks only got one of them. That'd be a dumb move for a variety of reasons though.
That's a very good point. I'd assume that Peabody would mention it if he had Arthur because he makes for a good hostage and a demoralizing loss if they'd killed him. It's entirely possible he just hasn't said anything because it's not useful to him to share it - yet or at all - but I'm tempted to think he somehow got away unnoticed.

Not sure how though, unless they also split up to cover more ground and the warlocks only got one of them. That'd be a dumb move for a variety of reasons though.
Or he just got time trapped, like they tried to do to McCoy?
Maybe both Langtry and LaFortier got time trapped.
Im still trying to figure out how Peabody got his hooks into LaFortier; that is a significant bump in his feats/power level.

Certainly justifies my caution, when the supposed secretary has the mojo to geas a Senior Council wizard.

Also worth noting:
If I had a nickel for every time that someone has specifically tried to kill Aleron LaFortier in this quest, I'd have two nickels. Which isnt a lot, but its weird that its happened twice.

The first time it was Jon van Cleve the Marauder archmage over in Boston, the one Odin had killed. Who was disgusted by what his co-conspirators wanted him to do with the body..
Maybe they wanted to use the body to give these not-vampire vampires a body?

The bad guys repeatedly trying to kill him suggests that someone really should put some effort into keeping him alive.
Or he just got time trapped, like they tried to do to McCoy?
Maybe both Langtry and LaFortier got time trapped.
Im still trying to figure out how Peabody got his hooks into LaFortier; that is a significant bump in his feats/power level.

Certainly justifies my caution, when the supposed secretary has the mojo to geas a Senior Council wizard.

Also worth noting:
If I had a nickel for every time that someone has specifically tried to kill Aleron LaFortier in this quest, I'd have two nickels. Which isnt a lot, but its weird that its happened twice.

The first time it was Jon van Cleve the Marauder archmage over in Boston, the one Odin had killed. Who was disgusted by what his co-conspirators wanted him to do with the body..
Maybe they wanted to use the body to give these not-vampire vampires a body?

The bad guys repeatedly trying to kill him suggests that someone really should put some effort into keeping him alive.
My point was that if he had them both then he'd have more leverage to work with. Why wouldn't he use the fact that he killed or trapped the Merlin to his advantage?

It's entirely possible he just hasn't mentioned it for one reason or another, but it's at least an indication that Arthur may still be free.

Also, I don't think that the life link is a geas, it's a bond between their life forces.
Aleron LaFortier died in canon of DF and was never seen alive on screen. It just makes sense for Quest masters to target him first. It might save having to make a new character and in story he is likely being targeted for the same reasons as DF.
Arc 14 Interlude 6: Liars Alight New
Liars Alight

18th of February 2007 A.D.

Donald Morgan caught the exact moment Dresden overshot, bracing the back of the gun against a recoil that wasn't there he shot right over the son of a bitch's shoulder, though Ol' Samuel didn't seem to notice, too caught up in grand declarations: "Of your own will descended into into the grave, now know death."

Zadock stumbled, spit in anger, no wizard worth his salt would curse for pain when there were spells hurled in deadly earnest, but his eyes were still on the enemy. Marguerite tittered, actually bloody tittered, as another of the warlocks tried to say something only for the word to get stuck in her throat and come out as a mouthful of blood between trembling lips.

One of the arcane automata tried to blast the the third bastard... Seamus, his traitor memory provided, Donald had gone to his wedding, he'd hated it but he'd gone, just barely managing to wing him before he pulled a piece of stone like a blanket around himself for protection. Pinned himself in place, but it's a hell of a good grounding.

Warlock Three (Seamus) takes 3 Damage -> Now at 4/7

The song of electromagnetism disrupted played against his skin and Donald knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond the smell of rust that was starting to emanate from his Warden's sword that whatever the girl and the dead things were saying to each other—it had stopped being English a few words back— it wasn't going to last much longer.

"Catenis aquae!" he shouted and shaped to his will magic as familiar as his own right hand.

Even if Samuel couldn't be killed as other men yet he could definitely be bound just the same. Water rushed at him at the Warden's command, drained from the tunnels above by the same passages he had used to break into the tombs. It bound him as he had dozens of others, spinning, twisting. A spiral became a sphere, a dark figure struggling like a worm in its midst.

"Did you really think it would be so easy?" The dead voice spoke in his own mind he he felt his own aura inverting, memories like knives turning on his own psyche. He tried to grasp for the discipline of a warden, for the power of a wizard to command magic, but all he gripped in that moment was pain.

In his mind's eye Donald Morgan could see it, Headquarters shattering, sinkholes opening into the city above, swallowing cars and buildings and lives, demands of investigation turning into scapegoating. Dozens of wizards found by the authorities, deals made in secret failing, leaving only the threat of violence with violence met. Dozens of warlocks made in desperation, dozens of man men as he could only watch on an impotent ghost. He was already dead. There was nothing he could do.

Morgan takes 4 Damage -> Now at 3/7 (Dementation 7: Personal Scourge)

Except... that wasn't true, he knew that ghosts could touch things and move them, that they could speak to the living, he knew the names of spirit speakers half the word over. He should be able to do... to... He opened his eyes and was still in the battle. Why on the floor though? Why looking up at a soaking wet Peabody, still sputtering from his just-failed prison spell. A corpse thing was looking at him too and even though he could not read the long dead face he knew that was the one that had flailed him with his own will.

"Why do you resist? There is nothing to fear... Nothing."

"Cease unauthorized use of trans-mental powers!"

The air in the back of the tomb where the corpse thing had been lurking became arcane plasma as the last of the War Weavers unleashed a honest-to-God green flame thrower on it.

In its wake not even ash remained to fall to earth.

Revenant Two ('Demented One') Takes 11 Damage -> Killed

But the wizards of the White Council were not alone that night in the depths of the defiled catacombs. Stranger Sorcerers had lent their aid alongside the Sutras of the the City of Law. What powers did they call from the farthest shore?

[] Write in (Path of Sorcery excluding Summoning and Binding; Being experts specially selected for the mission the Sorcerers will use it at level 5)

OOC: I hope this isn't dragging. It's just there are a lot of moving pieces and eve though the system isn't as complex as others when you get more than a dozen people in a room casting at each other it adds up. Also for anyone who does not know, Personal Scourge is a very good wizard killer since it inflicts damage pproportional to the victim's Permanent Willpower, in Morgan's case 9, that has to be soaked with Humanity... which in his case is 7, he has seen some shit. Fortunetly as bad as the Council's protections against mind magic are he did get one willpower roll at DC 9 with his Code of Honor Merit to resist and he did, snapping out of it before any of the warlocks got to his thrashing body.
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The unfortunate thing with wizards is that they're all like Batman: they scale with preparation.

Morgan could singlehandedly carve his way through an army of Red Vampires and come within an inch of killing the Red King, because he was no doubt prepared properly, wielding effective weaponry and protections and probably some rituals as well.

But put him up against wizard-level warlocks with attacks that specialize in his weaknesses and he's in the position of the Red King.

Good thing no one could prepare for Molly's troops.
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