A Rally Made in Haste
18th of February 2007 A.D.
You think of dead pigeons flocking, a necromancer's trick, you think of deals made and spells yet to be cast and you consider again the voice of the demon. "I might have a longer term answer for that, most of the Council is probably not going to like it, I do have a shorter term one..."
almost in reach. "They are definitely going to hate it."
"An answer to..." he looks at you wide-eyed.
"Lawbreaking, yeah," you confirm.
"If it's some kind of free pass yeah I can see why they wouldn't. Jesus
Christ!" he shakes his head as you resist the reflexive urge to tell him off for taking the Lord's name in vain. Given the tone that's more like a prayer.
Before you can say anything more Harry and McCoy walk in. The old man looks outwardly unchanged, but the laugh lines are entirely gone from around his eyes, leaving only the dark hollows of exhaustion under them.
"I just got ambushed by two people I could have sworn were on the level and given that one of them was using thrice-be-damned Hellfire." As greetings go its a grim one. Seeing Morgan and the others he adds: "Helga Larson and Francisco."
"Three Fingers?" Zadock practically falls out of his seat.
Another nod. "Hellfire only came out when I noticed the time bubble trap they'd made for me."
"Huh... you don't really hear about many warlocks breaking the Sixth Law," Carlos pipes up putting on a no-nonsense facade, well worn by the looks of it.
"That's because you need real skill to break it," Morgan explains.
"Was this in the Nevernever?" you cut in before he can say more. As it turns out it was. Someone had gotten word to at least some of the wizards who had been there, or some of the ones who were alerted had gone after McCoy. "How prepared did they seem?"
"Oh... I've no doubt that trap's been there for a while, but if it was waiting for today in particular I'll eat my hat, the good one."
"You have a
good hat?" Harry can't keep himself from quipping. That's how he shows relief and stress... and anger too now that you think about it. Harry quips a lot.
"It's my
lucky hat," the old man counters with what someone who doesn't know him might mistake for real heat before he instantly settles down. "Pity we don't have it so we'll have to make our own luck. We need to get to Scotland,
fast. I've sent messages to the rest of the Senior Council, but they aren't the kind of channels that take return calls."
"I can get you there in about ten minutes assuming you don't mind a detour through Sanctuary," you feel a lot more confident making that offer now with a dozen motes of power than with eight.
A pittance of what you once had, a certainty older than words comes upon you, but you shake off the cobwebs of ages past. Here and now is what matters.
Regained 4 Essence -> Now at 12/18 (Dragon Nest Regeneration)
"I can call a Hunt of Ankou's Hounds," Lydia intentionally uses the more modern name for her father. "They are more than they were under my hand."
"I'm very good with a rifle and I can make myself lucky when it counts," Olivia makes an offer as McCoy looks at her, at you and then does a rare double take.
"Normally I'd say you shouldn't bring too many strange guests to this party, but the pigeon's long since flown the coop and it's rolling down the hill on fire right now."
"The coop not the pigeon?" you ask. Maybe Harry's contagious.
"The coop. Setting the pigeon on fire's
our job." For all your power, a chill runs down your spine at the tone. He takes a deep breath and in a more normal tone of voice adds: "They are going to try to ambush you as soon as you set foot in the city..."
"They can try." Sure it sounds a bit cocky and your mask may have fallen when you fought the vampire but....
"This is too big," McCoy says in return. "They'll have someone on watch with the
"On the whole
"There's ways to look farther, anchors, scale models. It's risky, but this is big, as big as it gets," he repeats.
"There's a limit, I don't care what kind of bloody horror they sold their souls to," Morgan says, spite and anger heavy on his tongue. "I'd buy a model of the Old Town, with how many of them there are maybe the whole city, but there isn't anyone keeping the Sight on bloody
What does Molly think of the plan that's starting to form?
[] Seems like the best you're going to get, show up fifteen, twenty miles from the Old Town and then make your way to one of the entrances
[] You will take your chances with a closer emergence, time could mean lives
[] Write in
OOC: No rolls for this one. Ebenezer made his when you called him, in short he ended up in an even more dangerous situation than Morgan, but then he got himself out of it by being both that paranoid and that good.