Resources (R): 9,690
Sith Support (SS): 47
Exposure (E): 5
Free Dice: 0
Current Capabilities
Facilities: Significant Surplus (+10)
Production: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Logistics: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Trainers: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 20,000 (+2)
Original Goals (Q1 31 BBY to Q4 29 BBY)
Clones: 198 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Blasters: 200 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Armour: 200 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 50 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Starfighters: 50 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Training: 26 Points Remaining (+2 SS)
[-] Expand into Tipoca City (Stage 1)
Tipoca City is the capital city of Kamino and where your initial cloning operations are located. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Tipoca City to be used for your purposes.
(114/100 15 Resources per Die) (14/200) (+++ Facilities)
With the capital of Kamino having plenty of room, the current issue isn't building new space for you, but expanding into currently unused locations. That and paying the longnecks to use the rooms, but you can't hold that against them. Not when you would do the same in their place. Kriff, you would ask for more credits in their place, but that might just be you having greater skill at driving a hard bargain.
Still, you cannot complain about the results. You have cleared up several unused sections of the city and good thing too since it is clear that you are going to need them.
[-] Expand into Timira City (Stage 1)
Timira City is a secondary major settlement located in the northern regions of the planet. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Timira City to be used for your purposes.
(100/100 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)
Moving into a second city on Kamino is something of a big operation and a different affair to settling into the operations that dirtbag Dooku already had going when you arrived oneworld. Fortunately, the longnecks have been helpful enough and things haven't proven to be too difficult. That said, you barely get the first part of expanding into Timira City done in a timely manner and you doubt that you would have been that successful if it wasn't for your prior experience in similar matters..
[-] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase I)
Rather than buy blasters from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(142/100 15 Resources per Die) (42/200) (--Facilities, ++ Production)
While you will still need to develop some blaster designs locally or purchase some foreign designs, you have gotten started on some local blaster factories. It won't be much in the grand scheme of things, but it is a start from which you can expand upon and as soon as you have some blaster designs, you can start pumping out some guns.
[-] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase I)
Rather than buy combat armour from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all local on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(26/100 15 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)
At your order, work begins on some armour factories, but it is hardly enough to get things done without additional credits and time. Work begins and the workers do their best, but without more resources being devoted to the project, the factory just won't be completed any time soon if it completes at all.
[-] Initial Clone Production (Phase I)
At the end of the day, you do need to produce the clones and the sooner you get started, the better as it will take most of a decade for them to reach a fighting age.
(204/50, 10 Resources per Die) (154/75) (79/100) (- Facilities, - Trainers, + Clones)
With how long it takes for the clones to grow to maturity, even with the accelerated ageing, you decided to get started on it as soon as possible. Throwing what resources you can into the matter, you get the first batch of clones going. Twenty thousand little baby versions of you are now growing in pods and it will be up to you to ensure that they are ready to go to war in eight years.
Kind of creepy when you think about it.
[-] Construct Training Facilities (Phase I)
You will need somewhere to train your clones to fight and use their equipment. Set up some locations on Kamino for the clones to receive training.
(147/100, 15 Resources per Die) (47/200) (--Facilities, -Logistics, ++ Trainers)
While it seems like it is far in the future right now, someday you will need to teach all of those clones how to fight a battle and wage war. That means having some proper training sites for teaching them how to shoot a blaster and engage in mock battles to get a taste for the real thing.
The facilities you had built won't see usage for some time, but they will eventually come in handy.
[-] Construct Learning Facilities (Phase I)
Even with the accelerated ageing, the clones will spend a few years as children so you will need to teach them some basic stuff. And even if they weren't kids, you would still need to teach them the basics.
(149/100, 15 Resources per Die) (49/200) (--Facilities ++ Trainers)
The clones might be growing up to be soldiers, but they will spend some time as kids and that means having places to teach them basic stuff like maths or galactic history. After all, the clones need to know what two and two is and just what they are fighting off.
And perhaps what they are fighting against, but you doubt your bosses would approve of you teaching the clones just how bad the Sith have historically been.
[-] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Phase I)
You might be the last of the True Mandalorians, but you aren't without contacts with your people. Send out some feelers to see if any of your fellow Mandalorians are willing to sign on as trainers for the clones.
(73/150, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Trainers)
You once called yourself Mand'alore and even if it has been over a decade since that claim had real weight to it and over a decade since the True Mandalorians were wiped out by Dooku, your word still has some meaning to it in the Mandalorian community. You still have some sway amongst those that were too young to join the True Mandalorians before their destruction and now, it is primarily those that you call upon.
Right now, you are only sending out teasers, seeing how people respond to you and just who is interested and potentially suitable to be recruited as a trainer for the clones. It will take time to sort through those responses and figure out how you will convince any potential recruits into signing up for the long haul.
[-] Mental Enhancements (Phase I)
Look into improving the mental capabilities of the clones that you will be producing. Primary focuses will be intelligence, will power, and quick thinking.
(160/300, 20 Resources per Die)
Genetic engineering isn't your area at all, but the longneck eggheads are pretty good at summarising their work so you have a decent idea of what is going on. Especially since you don't think any of them are bluffing as they are all too isolated and inexperienced to trick you.
In this case, they are looking into improving mental resilience so it is harder for the clones to get traumatised. Which is pretty good thinking because they are going to see a lot of warfare with a lot of death and suffering. You have gotten through your life pretty well all things considered, but there is no guarantee that your clones will be the same so PTSD-resistant soldiers are smart move.
Unfortunately, genetic research isn't done overnight and the longnecks are going to need more time and credits.
[-] Hiring Outside Expertise
You are good at what you do and the Kaminoans know their business, but you don't have all of the expertise that you need to do a good job getting things done inhouse. Hire some outside experts so things can be done more easily in the future.
(DC 70) (-3 SS, +5 E)
The Sith might not like the attention it brings, but you are going to need the extra help and kriff them anyway. You know a few capable individuals that could contribute to this project greatly.
Vote for all options you want to recruit. The two with the highest number of votes will be selected. No plan voting.
Zam Wesell
A fellow bounty hunter, Zam Wesell has proven to be something of a reliable ally and the Clawdite might prove useful. You could certainly use her help in training the clones and you can trust her to help you keep things discrete.
- +5 to Training Dice
- +1 Training Die
- -1 Exposure per Quarter
Doctor Tanasi Desnos
A prodigy from Arkania, Doctor Tanasi Desnos is an upcoming rising star in the galactic medical community. Disdaining the conservative ways of her homeworld, Doctor Desnos is just as radical as the rest of her people when it comes to science though she has enough sanity that you wouldn't call her a mad scientist. Or at least she does a good enough job of acting like a sane, civilised person when the situation calls for it.
- +20 to Research Dice on Genetic-based research.
- +1 Research Die
- Unlocks new research options.
Frovar Shen
A well-off human from a nice little Mid-Rim world, Frovar Shen once owned his own shipbuilding company, complete with an R&D division for producing its own starship designs. Unfortunately, he didn't have the right connections and enough deep pockets so he found himself being sabotaged and then brought out by the Trade Federation. Without any other prospects, he should be amenable to moving to Kamino.
- +10 to Industry Dice
- +2 Industry Dice
Yalla Rensa
Yalla Rensa is a newcomer to the bounty hunter scene, but the woman claims to be a witch. In your opinion, it is more likely that she is just a Force Sensitive from some primitive world in the Outer Rim or Wild Space judging from what this Dathomir sounds like. Still, Yalla has proven herself to be talented and potentially very useful to this project.
Here we go. Not the greatest of first turns, but you got a bunch of things done and have some changes to get some boosts. I look forward to seeing which of the options you will choose.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.